Metformin Drug Study
Metformin Drug Study
Metformin Drug Study
Generic Name: DRUG CLASS: Treatment This drug is contraindicated GI disturbances Lactic acidosis BEFORE:
PHARMACOTHERAPEUTIC: for gestational to patients with: such as diarrhea, Increase in
Metformin Biguanide antihyperglycemic diabetes mellitus. nausea, vomiting, blood lactate
CLINICAL: Hypersensitivity to abdominal bloating, levels Verify doctor’s
Brand Name: Antidiabetic agent metformin flatulence, and Decrease in order in regards
Severe renal anorexia blood pH to the medication.
Fortamet, disease/dysfunction; Unpleasant/metallic Electrolyte Observe the ten
Glucophage, DRUG ACTION: acute or chronic taste that resolves Disturbances (10) rights of
Glucophage XR, Decreases hepatic production metabolic acidosis Unexplained medication
Glumetza, Glycon of glucose. Decreases Hyperventilation administration
during therapy
intestinal absorption of Use cautiously in: Myalgia Obtain a general
Usual glucose, improves insulin Malaise medical history
Dosage/Frequency: sensitivity. Hepatic impairment Drowsiness from patient.
Therapeutic Effect: Excessive Cardiovascular Obtain and record
500 mg twice-daily Improves glycemic control, acute/chronic collapse vital signs
or 850 mg once stabilizes/decreases body alcohol intake, Acute HF Assess for any
daily. elderly Acute MI contraindications
weight, improves lipid profile.
Recommend Prerenal to the drug.
Usual Route: temporary azotemia Educate about
Slowly, incompletely
side effects
absorbed after PO discontinuation at
Oral of drug.
administration. Food delays, time of or before
decreases extent of iodinated contrast DURING:
absorption. Protein binding: imaging procedures Prepare a cup of
Drug Order:
Negligible. Primarily in pts with CrCl of water at bed side
distributed to intestinal 30-60 mL/min of the patient
Metformin 850 mg 1 mucosa, salivary glands. History of hepatic Instruct patient to
tab OD (12 PM) Primarily excreted unchanged disease and take full course
in urine. Removed by alcoholism prescribed and
hemodialysis. Half-life 9-17 offer water after.
hrs. Stay with patient
throughout whole
Onset: Unknown duration of
Peak: Up to 2 wk administration.
Duration: 2 wk after drug
discontinued AFTER:
Monitor the side
and adverse
Discontinue drug
if hypersensitivity
reactions occur.
Monitor fasting
serum glucose.
Document the
time, location,
dose, and
medication given
to the client.
Determine if
patient is taking
dose as
Observe and
report any side