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Viii. Medications: Generic Name: Actions: Assessment

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Generic Name, Trade Name, Actions, Indications, and Dosage Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Classification Contraindications
Generic Name: Actions: 1 amp IM  Xerostomia Assessment:
Hyoscine  Inhibits acetylcholine at 1 amp IV  Tachycardia  Monitor intake and output ratio;
receptor sites in  Urinary retention retention commonly causes
Trade Names (Philippines): autonomic nervous  When administered decreased urinary output
Ascopen, Buscopan, system, which controls IV, visual  Assess for urinary hesitancy,
Buscopan Plus, Drugmaker’s secretions, free acids in accommodation retention; palpate bladder if
Biotech Hyoscine-N- stomach disturbances, retention occurs
Butylbromide, Spasmosan,  Blocks central muscarinic dizziness,  Assess for constipation
Spastrine, Xspas receptors, which agranulocytosis,  Assess mental status
decreases involuntary pancytopenia, and
Classification(s): movements bronchospasm Interventions:
Cholinergic blocking drug,  Administer parenteral dose with
antiemetic Indications: patient recumbent to prevent
 Acute GI, biliary and postural hypotension
genitourinary spasm,  Administer 3-4x/daily
include biliary and renal  Give by direct IV after diluting with
colic, dysmenorrhea. sterile water; give slowly
 Parenterally also as an
aid in diagnostic and Teaching Points:
therapeutic procedures  Tell patient to avoid activities
e.g. gastroduodenal requiring alertness; dizziness may
endoscopy, radiology occur
 Inform the patient that the drug
Contraindications: passes into the breast milk and
 Myasthenia gravis decreases milk flow; avoid drug or
 Megacolon discontinue nursing until you finish
 Hypersensitivity medication
 Parenteral: glaucoma,  Advise patient to avoid use of
hyperthrophy of the alcohol or other CNS depressants
prostate with urinary while taking medication
retention, mechanical  Explain that rinsing mouth, good
stenosis of GIT, oral hygiene, and sugarless gum or
tachycardia candy will help to counteract
mouth dryness
Generic Name, Trade Name, Actions, Indications, and Dosage Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Classification Contraindications
Generic Name: Action: 50 mg TIV  Cardiac arrhythmias, Assessment:
Ranitidine  Inhibits histamine at bradycardia  Use caution in presence of renal or hepatic
H 2 receptor site in  Headache, somnolence, impairment
Trade Names (Philippines): the gastric parietal fatigue, dizziness,  Assess potential for interactions with other
Ceranid, Cygran, Drugmaker’s cells, which inhibits hallucinations, depression, pharmacological agents patient may be
Biotech Ranitidine, Entac, gastric acid secretion insomnia taking
Incid, Intac, Pharex  Alopecia, rash, erythema  Evaluate results of laboratory tests,
Ranitidine, Ulceral, Ulcin, Indications: multiforme therapeutic effectiveness, and adverse
Zantac, Zantac FR, Zantac 75,  Used in the  Nausea, vomiting, abdominal reactions
Zantac Ampule management of discomfort, diarrhea,  Assess knowledge/ teach patient
various GI disorders constipation, pancreatitis appropriate use, possible side effects/
Classification: such as dyspepsia,  Agranulocytosis, autoimmune appropriate interventions, and adverse
Histamine H 2 receptor gastro-esophageal haemolytic or aplastic anemia, symptoms to report
blocking drug reflux disease (GERD), thrombocytopenia,
peptic ulcer and granulocytopenia Interventions:
Zollinger-Ellison  Cholestatic or hepatocellular  Give by direct IV after diluting 50 mg/20 ml
syndrome effects of 0.9% D 5W, NaCl over 5 mins or more
 Prophylaxis of GI  Hypersensitivity reactions
hemorrhage from Teaching Points:
stress ulceration and  Do not take any new medication during
in patients at risk of therapy without consulting physician
developing acid  Take exactly as directed; do not increase
aspiration during dose
general anesthesia  Avoid alcohol
 Prophylaxis of  Follow diet as physician recommends
Mendelson syndrome  Report chest pain or irregular heartbeat;
skin rash; CNS changes (mental confusion,
Contraindications: hallucinations, somnolence); unusual
 Hypersensitivity persistent weakness or lethargy; yellowing
 History of acute of skin or eyes; or change in color of urine
porphyria or stool
 Long-term therapy

Generic Name, Trade Actions, Indications, and Contraindications Dosage Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Name, Classification
Generic Name: Actions: 10 mg TIV  Sedation Assessment:
Metoclopramide  Dopamine antagonist that acts by increasing  Restlessness  Assess patient’s GI
sensitivity to acetylcholine; results in increased  Lassitude complaints before and
Trade Names motility of the upper GI tract and relaxation of  Fatigue after administration
(Philippines): the pyloric sphincter and duodenal bulb  Diarrhea  Monitor for possible drug
Cardo Perten, Euro-Med  Gastric emptying time and GI transit time are  Insomnia induced adverse reactions
Metoclopramide, Plasil shortened  Headache  Assess mental status
 Facilitates intubation of the small bowel and  Dizziness during treatment
Classification: speeds transit of a barium meal  Nausea
Gastrointestinal stimulant  Produces sedation  Extrapyramidal effects Interventions:
 Induces release of prolactin  Tardive dyskinesia  Give IV undiluted(if dose
 Increases circulating aldosterone levels  Parkinsonism is ≤ 10 mg); give over 2
 Antiemetic  Drowsiness mins
 Bowel upsets  Dilute more than 10 mg in
Indications:  Increased pituitary 50 ml or more D 5W,
 GI motility disturbances prolactin release NaCl, Ringer’s, LR and give
 Nausea and vomiting of central and peripheral gynecomastia, over 15 mins or more
origin associated with surgery, metabolic galactorrhea, and  Give dipenhydramine IV
diseases, malignant disease, infectious diseases menstrual disorders for EPS
and drug induced  Discard open ampoules
 Radiological procedures of GIT
 Control of post-operative vomiting and to assist Teaching Points:
in intestinal intubation  Teach patient how to
recognize and to report
Contraindications: drug induced adverse
 Pheochromocytoma reactions
 Patients in whom increased GI motility might  Advise patient to avoid
be dangerous e.g. presence of GI hemorrhage, alcohol and other CNS
mechanical obstruction or perforation depressants that enhance
 Hypersensitivity or intolerance to the drug sedating properties of this
 Lactation drug
 Patients with breast cancer
 Epileptics or patients on drugs likely to cause
extra-pyramidal symptoms (EPS)

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