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Ae Installation Planning

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Installation Planning Instructions

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584

Auxpac generating sets: 2 x Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20

1 x Wärtsilä Auxpac 670W4L20

(Final Drawing)

Date: 20 January 2011

Version: a1

Made by: Wärtsilä Qiyao Diesel Company Ltd.

Installation Planning Instructions

Wärtsilä Qiyao Diesel Company Ltd. (Shanghai) as supplier and the yard as contractor need to
communicate installation specific information to build an installation that is both reliable and
economical in use. During the years this information has evolved into what we today are calling the
Installation Planning Instruction (IPI).
Instructions included in this file are i n s ta l l a t i o n specific and b a s e d on the b e s t of our
experience and knowledge. The instructions shall be used as a recommendation with general
guidelines. However, project specific deviations can be accepted based on special
consideration. Alternative solutions and design should be separately agreed with Wärtsilä.
The level of content maintained in the IPI is based on the assumption that the receiving contractor
maintains the workmanship required to design and build high quality ship installations.
The IPI is a living document that is updated according to the proceeding project and as far as
technically possible reflect the actual situation. Each updated issue o f the IPI is identified by its own
unique v e r s i o n number (e . g . "Project xx" - a1) which should be referred to in any correspondence
or discussion related to the specific projects.
Issuing the first or any new version of IPI is proceeded by our internal quality assurance and
approval by the Project Manager. To ensure further development in our common interest we
appreciate your comments forwarded to us via the Project Manager.

Wärtsilä Qiyao Diesel Company Ltd. (Shanghai)

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 ii

20 January 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
List of Changes

List of Changes
List of updated text in this version
See section Page

1.1 Information in section "1.1 Project administration" has been updated 1-1

Information in section “ 1.6 Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply for project Zhejiang
1.6 1-5
Ouhua 581 to 584” has been updated
Information in section "2.2.1 Technical specification” & “2.2.2 Technical data” has
2.2 2-3
been updated.
Information in section " DBAA064499a Factory acceptance test” has been
2.7 2-31

3.4 Information in section "3.4.3 Safety filter (HFO) (1F03) " has been updated 3-10

3.4 Information in section " 3.4.6 Fine Filter (1F05) " has been updated 3-11

6.4 Information in section "6.4.1 Preheating unit (4N01)" has been updated 6-5

10.2 Information in section " 10.2 Connections to external systems " has been updated 10-3

List of updated drawings in this version

Drawing number Updates Page
revised from DAAE100002- to
DBAA371098- - Recommended fuel oil system 3-13
DAAE100002 A
revised from DAAE400002- to
DBAA371113-- Recommended cooling water system 6-7
DAAE400002 A
307924- 4N01 - Preheating unit, dimensional drawing revised from 10020-05 to 307924- 6-9
408849 4N01 - Preheating unit, electrical drawing revised from 11472-035 to 408849 6-11

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
Table of contents

1. Project information ................................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Project administration ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Project technical data ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.1 Ambient conditions ......................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.2 Fuel oil specification ....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.3 Classification .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2.4 Electric power supply ..................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.5 Painting .......................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.6 Factory acceptance test ................................................................................................. 1-2
1.3 Documents in this project ................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.3.1 Comments to this document ........................................................................................... 1-2
1.3.2 Shipyard drawings .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Corrosion protection for the engines ................................................................................................ 1-2
1.4.1 Acceptance ..................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4.2 Intermediate inspection .................................................................................................. 1-2
1.4.3 Repeated inspection ....................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4.4 Long-term storing ........................................................................................................... 1-3
1.4.5 Subsequent work ............................................................................................................ 1-3
1.4.6 Recommended corrosion inhibitors ................................................................................ 1-3
1.5 Arrival inspection .............................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.5.1 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 1-4
1.5.2 Inspection .....................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.3 Instructions to be followed in case of loss or damages ................................................. 1-4
1.6 Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply for project Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584. ... …... ................. 1-5
1.7 Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 1-5

2. Auxpac generating set .............................................................................................................................. 2-1

2.1 About the auxpac generating set ...................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Recommendations for operation .................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Loading rate ................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 Maximum instant load step ............................................................................................. 2-2
2.2 Technical information ........................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.2.1 Technical specification .................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Technical data ................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.3 Auxpac automation system .............................................................................................................. 2-8
2.4 Design of the engine room ............................................................................................................... 2-8
2.4.1 Engine room arrangement .............................................................................................. 2-8
2.4.2 Noise levels .................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.4.3 Foundation ..................................................................................................................... 2-9
2.5 Installation of the generating set ...................................................................................................... 2-9
2.5.1 Lifting the generating set ................................................................................................ 2-9
2.5.2 Installation procedure ................................................................................................... 2-10
2.5.3 Installation of flexible pipe connections ........................................................................ 2-10

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
Table of contents

2.5.4 Connection of main cables ............................................................................................. 2-14

2.6 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply ............................................................................ 2-14
2.6.1 Flexible pipe connections (6H01) ................................................................................... 2-14
2.6.2 Packing and transportation ............................................................................................. 2-14
2.6.3 0Y02 - Tools (engine) ..................................................................................................... 2-15
2.6.4 0Y04 - Spare parts (engine) ........................................................................................... 2-15
2.6.5 Technical documentation ................................................................................................ 2-16
2.6.5 Start-up support ............…...............................................................................................2-16
2.7 Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 2-17

3. Fuel Oil System ......................................................................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 System overview .............................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Engine internal system ................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 System design data .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Fuel oil quality ................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2.2 Fuel oil heating ............................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3 Design considerations .................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.4 Calculation formulas ....................................................................................................... 3-5
3.3 Recommended functions .................................................................................................................. 3-5
3.3.1 HFO separator unit (1N02) ............................................................................................. 3-5
3.3.2 HFO day tank (1T03) ...................................................................................................... 3-7
3.3.3 Feeder/booster unit (1N01) ............................................................................................ 3-7
3.3.4 Collection leak fuel ......................................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.5 Supply of MDF ................................................................................................................ 3-9
3.3.6 Black out starting ............................................................................................................ 3-10
3.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply ........................................................................... 3-10
3.4.1 Pressure control valve (HFO) (1V04) ............................................................................. 3-10
3.4.2 Overflow valve (HFO/MDF) (1V05) ................................................................................ 3-10
3.4.3 Safety filter (HFO) (1F03) ............................................................................................... 3-10
3.4.4 Pressure control valve (HFO) (1V04) ............................................................................. 3-11
3.4.5 3-way HFO/MDF Changeover valve (manually) (1V08) ................................................. 3-11
3.5 Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 3-11

4. Lubricating Oil and Crankcase Ventilation Systems ............................................................................. 4-1

4.1 System overview .............................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Engine internal system ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 System design data .......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Lubricating oil quality ...................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Recommended functions .................................................................................................................. 4-3
4.3.1 Lubricating oil system ..................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3.2 Crankcase ventilation system ......................................................................................... 4-5
4.4 Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 4-5

5. Compressed Air System ........................................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 System overview .............................................................................................................................. 5-1
iv Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584
20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
Table of contents

5.1.1 Engine internal system ................................................................................................... 5-1

5.2 System design data .......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2.1 Starting air consumption ................................................................................................ 5-1
5.3 Recommended functions .................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.3.1 Starting air vessel (3T01) ............................................................................................... 5-1
5.3.2 Starting air compressor unit (3N02) ............................................................................... 5-2
5.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply ........................................................................... 5-2
5.3.1 Air filter (starting air inlet) (3F02) .................................................................................... 5-2
5.5 Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 5-2

6. Cooling Water System .............................................................................................................................. 6-1

6.1 System overview .............................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 Engine internal system ................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 System design data .......................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2.1 Raw water quality ........................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2.2 Cooling water treatment ................................................................................................. 6-2
6.3 Recommended functions .................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.3.1 Central cooler (4E08) ..................................................................................................... 6-3
6.3.2 Expansion tank (4T05) ................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3.3 Drain tank (4T04) ........................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3.4 Air venting (4S01) ........................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3.5 Orifices ........................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply ........................................................................... 6-5
6.4.1 Preheating unit (4N01) ................................................................................................... 6-5
6.5 Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 6-5

7. Combustion Air System ........................................................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 System overview .............................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 System design data .......................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.1 Combustion air quality .................................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Recommended functions .................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.3.1 Engine room ventilation .................................................................................................. 7-1
7.3.2 Combustion air for engines ............................................................................................. 7-2
7.3.3 Condensation of charge air coolers ................................................................................ 7-3

8. Exhaust Gas System ................................................................................................................................. 8-1

8.1 System overview .............................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.1 Engine internal system ................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Recommendations and design data ................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2.1 Exhaust gas piping ......................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2.2 Supporting ...................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2.3 Back pressure ................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.2.4 Exhaust gas bellows (5H01) ........................................................................................... 8-2
8.2.5 Selective Catalytic Reduction (11N03) ........................................................................... 8-2
8.2.6 Exhaust gas silencer (5R02) .......................................................................................... 8-2

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
Table of contents

8.2.7 Exhaust gas boiler .......................................................................................................... 8-2

8.3 Installation instructions ..................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply ........................................................................... 8-4
8.4.1 Turbocharger cleaning device (5Z03) ............................................................................. 8-4
8.4.2 Exhaust gas bellows (5H01) ........................................................................................... 8-4
8.5 Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 8-4

9. Piping Arrangements ................................................................................................................................ 9-1

9.1 Recommendations regarding piping design ..................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Pipe dimensions ............................................................................................................. 9-1
9.1.3 Trace heating .................................................................................................................. 9-2
9.1.4 Pressure class ................................................................................................................ 9-2
9.1.5 Pipe class ....................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.1.6 Insulation ........................................................................................................................ 9-3
9.1.7 Local gauges .................................................................................................................. 9-3
9.1.8 Cleaning procedures ...................................................................................................... 9-3
9.1.9 Flexible pipe connections ............................................................................................... 9-4
9.2 Installing flexible pipe connections ................................................................................................... 9-5
9.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 9-5
9.2.2 Pipe supporting .............................................................................................................. 9-5
9.2.3 Fuel pipes ....................................................................................................................... 9-6
9.2.4 Pipe support nearby the diesel engine ........................................................................... 9-6
9.3 Flushing instructions ........................................................................................................................ 9-7
9.3.1 Fuel oil pipes .................................................................................................................. 9-7
9.3.2 Lubricating oil pipes ....................................................................................................... 9-7

10. Automation System .................................................................................................................................10-1

10.1 System overview .............................................................................................................................. 10-1
10.1.1 Automation system scope .............................................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Connections to external systems ..................................................................................................... 10-2
10.2.1 Power supply .................................................................................................................. 10-3
10.2.2 Instrumentation for external systems ............................................................................. 10-3
10.2.3 Control signals ................................................................................................................ 10-3
10.3 Speed control system ....................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply ........................................................................... 10-6
10.4.1 Motor group starter for pre-lube pump (9N27) ............................................................... 10-6
10.5 Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 10-6

11. ANNEX .......................................................................................................................................................11-1

11.1 List of symbols .................................................................................................................................. 11-1

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Installation Planning Instructions
Table of contents

List of Drawings
DBAA042536a Damage report form ........................................................................................................... 1-6
DAAE028910c Auxpac generating set drawing .......................................................................................... 2-18
DAAE026295c Auxpac generating set drawing .......................................................................................... 2-19
DAAE028722c Engine room arrangement ................................................................................................. 2-20
DAAE031777a Service space requirement ................................................................................................ 2-21
DAAE021373c Location of sensors and el. components ........................................................................... 2-22
DBAA490035- spare parts list ................................................................................................................... 2-23
DBAA490037- tool list ................................................................................................................................ 2-24
4V35A0719c Flexible pipe connection for fuel pipe .......................................................................... ……2-25
4V60B0095q Flexible hose ............................................................................................................... ……2-26
4V60B0093l Flexible hose ............................................................................................................... ……2-27
3V60D0025l Flexible rubber bellows for water pipe ......................................................................... ……2-28
4V69L1585e Installation of the generating sets ................................................................................. ….2-29
DBAA064499a Factory acceptance test ..................................................................................................... 2-34
DAAE010153c Internal fuel oil system ....................................................................................................... 3-12
DBAA371098- Recommended fuel oil system ........................................................................................... 3-13
3V76F6626d Recommended transfer and separating system ................................................................ 3-14
4 V17L0364- 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), dimensional drawing .............................................. 3-15
SPV-E 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), installation instruction ............................................. 3-17
4 V17L0364- 1V05 - Overflow valve (HFO/MDF), dimensional drawing .................................................. 3-22
SPV-E 1V05 - Overflow valve (HFO/MDF), installation instruction ................................................ 3-24
Z102280 1F03 - Safety filter (HFO), dimensional drawing ................................................................ 3-29
DPI_4-36-2 1F03 - Safety filter (HFO), electrical drawing ..................................................................... 3-30
4 V17L0364- 1V02 - Pressure control valve (MDF), dimensional drawing .............................................. 3-31
SPV-E 1V02 - Pressure control valve (MDF), installation instruction ............................................. 3-33
DBAA175323- 1V08- HFO/MDO Changeover Valve (manually)................................................................ 3-38
DAAE010160a Internal lubricating oil system ............................................................................................ 4- 6
DBAA371103- Recommended lubricating oil system ................................................................................ 4- 7
4V76E2522a Recommended crankcase ventilation system .................................................................... 4- 8
DAAE010155- Internal starting air system ................................................................................................. 5- 3
DBAA371108- Recommended starting air system .................................................................................... 5- 4
DAAB726233 Air filter (starting air inlet) ................................................................................................... 5- 5
DAAE010159e Internal cooling water system ............................................................................................ 6- 6
DBAA371113- Recommended cooling water system ................................................................................ 6- 7
4V60D0343- Recommended cooling water circuit deaerator .................................................................. 6- 8
10020-05 4N01 - Preheating unit, dimensional drawing ....................................................................6- 9
11472-03 4N01 - Preheating unit, electrical drawing ......................................................................... 6-10
DAAE010154- Internal charge air and exhaust gas system ......................................................................8- 5
3V37L0587a 5Z03 - Turbocharger cleaning device, dimensional drawing .............................................. 8- 6
DAAE068096a 5H01 - Exhaust gas bellows, dimensional drawing ............................................................ 8- 7
DBAA836407 Generator wiring diagram .................................................................................................. 10-7
DAAE084825a Wiring diagram ................................................................................................................... 10-8
DAAE029005- Exhaust gas monitoring diagram ...................................................................................... 10-15
DBAA863734- Alarm list ............................................................................................................................ 10-16
DAAE022010b Pre-lubricating pump starter (recommended) .................................................................... 10-18

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Installation Planning Instructions
1. Project information

1 Project information
1.1 Project administration
Wärtsilä Qiyao internal order number: MWQ/0013 to MWQ/0016
Wärtsilä Qiyao project name: Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584
Wärtsilä Qiyao project organization:
Project Manager: Beyond Xi (Xi Xiaoming)
Tel: +86 021- 6828 4466
Mobile: +86 13816575807
Fax: +86 021-68284600
Email: beyond.xi@wqdc.com.cn

Project Manager: Peter Leng (Leng Peiyuan)

Tel: +86 021- 6828 4433
Mobile: +86 15900784289
Fax: +86 021-68284600
Email: peter.leng@wqdc.com.cn

1.2 Project technical data

1.2.1 Ambient conditions
The equipment is designed for the following conditions:
Maximum ambient air temperature 45℃
Maximum LT cooling water temperature before engine 38℃
Maximum sea water temperature 32℃
Relative humidity 60%
1.2.2 Fuel oil specification
This installation is designed for HFO operation according to ISO 8217:2005 (E) with the viscosity of max.700 cSt at

More detailed fuel oil requirements are specified in chapter "Fuel Oil System".

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
1. Project information
1.2.3 Classification
The equipment meets the requirements of GL for unrestricted service at the date of order.
1.2.4 Electric power supply
If not specially mentioned, all electrical equipment delivered with the engine is designed to operate with:
Main voltage 3x400 v
Frequency 50 Hz
Control voltage 24VDC
1.2.5 Painting
The generating set(s) will be painted with acrylic-based paint in colour RAL6019.
1.2.6 Factory acceptance test
A description of the procedure during factory acceptance test is enclosed in document "Factory
acceptance test".

1.3 Documents in this project

1.3.1 Comments to this document
Any comments to the material enclosed in this IPI-file have to be sent within one (1) month after receipt, if
not stated differently in contract.
1.3.2 Shipyard drawings
The following drawings are subject to review and should be forwarded as soon as available in 2 copies,
one of which will be returned with comments:
• Fuel oil piping diagram, including fuel treatment system and piping
• Lubricating oil piping diagram, including separating system
• Cooling water piping diagram, fresh and sea-water
• Starting air piping diagram
• Charge air and exhaust gas piping diagram showing the entire length of the pipes and details of the
pipe supports
• Auxiliary engine foundation
• Crankcase vent piping diagram

1.4 Corrosion protection for the engines

The engines are given corrosion protection at the factory according to our standard programme before
delivery. Since storage and climatic conditions vary considerably around the world this protection must be
checked regularly and, if necessary, be improved.
1.4.1 Acceptance
When the engine arrives at its destination, the packing must be checked for possible damage during
transport. If damage has occurred, please contact the insurance company concerned.

The engines must be stored indoors or tightly secured under a tarpaulin.

1.4.2 Intermediate inspection
Inspect the condition of the engines and their corrosion protection internally and externally no later than
three months after delivery. To inspect internally, open the crankcase covers of the first and last cylinder,
the corresponding covers of the camshaft and cylinder head, and the covers of the hot box. If the
protection is sufficient, close the covers. If corrosion has begun, take appropriate measures to improve the
Note! See also turbocharger manufacturer’s specification.
1.4.3 Repeated inspection
Repeat this inspection every month.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
1. Project information

1.4.4 Long‐term storing

If the engines have to be stored for several months before starting-up the following directions are to be

Pump Shell Argina T 40 or a corresponding lubricating oil into the crankcase in the following suggested
• Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20; Wärtsilä Auxpac 670W4L20 : 25 litre/cylinder
It is essential that oil reaches all parts of the engine, ensure this by opening the cylinder covers and
inspect that all of the valve mechanism gets oil during the procedure.

By aid of a pre-lubricating pump (manual or electrical) the oil should be circulated through the lubricating
system (for about 15 minutes) at the same time as the flywheel is turned a few times.

Repeat this procedure once a month in connection with the test mentioned in repeated control paragraph.
NOTE! Drain the crankcase of oil before starting up the engine and replace with fresh oil.

The indicator valves have to be kept shut except in case of turning. The cover of the
turbocharger air filter must not be removed before starting up the engine. The opening for the
crankcase ventilation has to be shut until starting up the engine.

For long time storing some turbocharger manufacturers require special arrangements e.g. sup-
porting of the rotor or change of the bearings. For details see turbocharger manufacturer’s
1.4.5 Subsequent work
Refer to section "Recommended corrosion inhibitors" for the list of protective oils.
• Use protective oil ’A’, when checking or adjusting the opening pressure of the injection valves.
• To protect the cylinder liners, spray about 3 cl of ‘B’ into the injection nozzle opening of each cylinder.
NOTE! To keep the protective film intact during transport, do not turn the crankshaft.
• The valve mechanism, camshaft, crankshaft, connecting rods, cylinder liners, main bearings and
gear wheels are sprayed with protective oil ‘B’.
• The other unpainted surfaces in the camshaft and crankshaft space are also protected with ‘B’.
• The injection pumps, control shaft, fuel pipes and other unpainted surfaces in the hot box are
sprayed with protective oil ‘C’.
• The indicating valves, screws and unpainted surfaces on the cylinder head are protected with ‘D’.
• The edges of the crankcase and camshaft space openings and the side screws are protected with ‘E’.
• The flywheel and the counter borings of its fastening bolts, the oil dipstick, governor levers and other
unpainted surfaces are also protected with ‘E’.
1.4.6 Recommended corrosion inhibitors

Tectyl 502 EH, can alternatively be used in case of long-time outdoor storage.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
1. Project information

1.5 Arrival inspection

The purpose of this section is to give instructions and requirements for arrival inspection and for reporting
the events of any abnormalities like losses and damages. The Wärtsilä Qiyao Customer / Buyer or their
representative (=receiver) at the shipyard shall inspect the goods/products/material shipped to the
shipyard. An early detection of possible abnormalities like damages helps preventing delays to the overall
project schedule.
1.5.1 Responsibilities
The receiver at the shipyard is responsible for the inspection of the shipment to ascertain that all items are
in good condition and that the shipment is complete without missing items.
The receiver is also responsible for immediate reporting of damages, as described later on, to Wärtsilä
Qiyao Project Manager and informing the transport company and the corresponding insurance company if
the transport is not arranged by Wärtsilä Qiyao.
1.5.2 Inspection
The inspection must be carried out at the earliest opportunity to ensure that damages or material
shortages can be specified to avoid delays during installation or commissioning phase of the project.
Before opening the packing cases, special attention shall be taken to ensure that the storage location
must be such that it gives protection against rain, dust, direct sunlight, theft, vandalism, etc. The
damages or losses due to these reasons are not covered by Wärtsilä Qiyao.
Material received shall be inspected for:
• transport damages
• water accumulation, moisture
• equivalence with specified types as stated in the packing lists
• quantity (comparison with the packing lists, ordered quantity and the actual contents delivered)
NOTE! When the packing case is opened, take care of adequate and tight closing, because most of
packages are protected by shelf acting volatile corrosion inhibitor VCI.
If the goods are stored over three months before usage, condition checking and required actions must be
performed according to the product specific instructions (especially engine, turbocharger).
1.5.3 Instructions to be followed in case of loss or damages
In the event of loss or damage the receiver must give immediate notice to their own insurance company if
the transport is not arranged by Wärtsilä Qiyao.
The receiver is requested to fill out the attached Wärtsilä Qiyao Damage Report form accurately and
sends it with enclosures to Wärtsilä Qiyao Project Manager as soon as the damages or defects are found.
Photographs taken of the damages will help in handling claims with the sub suppliers and / or the
insurance company.
If the loss or damage is apparent at the time of receiving the delivery, Wärtsilä Qiyao representative, ship
owners, other carriers, forwarding agents, customs and port authorities must be requested to attend a joint
survey, asked to certify the loss or damage and held liable in the form of written notice of loss by the
If the loss or damage was not apparent at the time of receiving the delivery, the receiver fills the Damage
Report form within stipulated time.

Sea transport at the latest 3 days

Road transport after receipt at the latest 7 days
Air transport after receipt at the latest 14 days
Rail transport after receipt at the latest 7 days

NOTE! The claims made after the time limits mentioned above are not taken into account; all
corrections made will be invoiced to the Buyer.

1-4 Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
1. Project information

1.6 Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply for project Zhejiang Ouhua 581 to 584
Below is the scope of supply listed for this installation. More details about the scope are found in each
system chapter.
Description QTY./set Type

WAuxpac20PhIII - Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20 2

WAuxpac20PhIII - Wärtsilä Auxpac 670W4L20 1
1V04 -Pressure control valve (HFO) 1 SPVF25C2F1A07
1V05 -Overflow valve (HFO) 1 SPVF25C2F1A07
1V02 -Pressure control valve (MDF) 1 SPVF25C2F1A07
1F03 - Safety filter (HFO) 2
1F05- Fine filter (MDF) 1 2.04.5
1V08 - 3-way HFO/MDO Changeover valve (manually) 6
4N01- Preheating unit 1 PHU-12-S
5Z03- Turbocharger cleaning device 1 Dosing unit
5H01- Exhaust gas bellows 3 Double
9N27 - Motor group starter for pre-lube pump 1
6H01- Flexible pipe connections spare set 1
6H01- Flexible pipe connections 3
9I17 - Potentiometer for remote voltage adjustment 3 Separately supplied
0Y02- Tools (engine) 1
0Y04 - Spare parts (engine) 1
0Z12- VCI-coating 3
0Z11- Tarpaulin 3
0J10- Engine manuals 3
0J17- Start-up support 20 man-days in 2 trips 1

1.7 Drawings
DBAA042536a Damage report form .........................................................................................1-6

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Installation Planning Instructions
1. Project information

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

2 Auxpac generating set

2.1 About the auxpac generating set
The generating set comprises the diesel engine and the generator which are rigidly mounted on a common
base frame. The common base frame is a welded steel structure. The generator shaft is rigid connected to
the flywheel of the engine. The complete generating set is installed on resilient mounts on the foundation in
the ship.
Figure 2.1 Auxpac overview

The main dimensions, locations of pipe connections, location of sensors, space required for maintenance,
weight and centre of gravity are shown in enclosed drawings.

2.1.1 Recommendations for operation

Starting and stopping
The engine can be started and stopped on HFO provided that:
• The engine and the fuel system are pre-heated to operating temperature. The HT-water temperature
must be min. 60°C and the lubricating oil temperature min. 40°C.
• The fuel feed system is in operation and heated fuel is circulated through the engine.
• The pre-lubricating oil pump is running.

Changeover to MDF for start and stop is not recommended.

Recommendations for idling and low load operation

Absolute idling (unloaded generator):

• Max. 5 minutes, if the engine is to be stopped after the idling. Recommended 1 minute.
Operations at loads lower than 20% on HFO or lower than 10% on MDF:
• Max. 100 hours continuous operation. At intervals of 100 operating hours the engine must be loaded to
min. 70% of the rated load for at least 1 hour.
Operation at loads higher than 20% on HFO or higher than 10% on MDF:

• No restrictions.

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

2.1.2 Loading rate

The loading rate of a highly turbocharged diesel engine must be controlled, because the turbocharger needs
time to accelerate before it can deliver the required amount of air. Class rules regarding load acceptance
capability stipulate what the generating set must be capable of in an unexpected situation, but in normal
operation the loading rate should be slower, about 60 seconds from zero to full load. It is recommended to
increase the load in small increments.

The generating set can be loaded immediately after start, provided that the engine is pre-heated to a HT-
water temperature of 60…70ºC, and the lubricating oil temperature is min. 40 ºC.

2.1.3 Maximum instant load step

The automation system and the operation of the plant must p r e v e n t load steps exceeding the maximum load
acceptance capability of the engine. The maximum permissible load step is 33% MCR. The resulting
speed drop is less than 10% and the recovery time to within 1% of the steady state speed at the new load
level is max. 5 seconds.

When electrical power is restored after a black-out, fastest possible load increase is usually desired. The
engine must be allowed to recover for at least 5 seconds before applying the following load step, if the load is
applied in maximum steps.

2.2 Technical information

2.2.1 Technical specification
The auxpac generating set Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20 comprises a 4-stroke, non-reversible, turbocharged,
intercooled diesel engine with direct injection of fuel and an air cooled generator with antifriction bearing.
Main particulars
Type designation Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20
Max. continuous rating 520 kWe
Engine cylinder configuration 4L
Generator Fenxi
Overload capacity 10 % for 1h every 12h
Nominal speed 1000 rpm
Direction of rotation Clockwise
Generator cable entry side Rear Side

The auxpac generating set Wärtsilä Auxpac 670W4L20 comprises a 4-stroke, non-reversible, turbocharged,
intercooled diesel engine with direct injection of fuel and an air cooled generator with antifriction bearing.
Main particulars
Type designation Wärtsilä Auxpac 670W4L20
Max. continuous rating 670 kWe
Engine cylinder configuration 4L
Generator Fenxi
Overload capacity 10 % for 1h every 12h
Nominal speed 1000 rpm
Direction of rotation Clockwise
Generator cable entry side Operating Side

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

2.2.2 Technical data

Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20, engine data
Auxpac generating set output 520 kWe
Cylinder configuration 4 L
Engine speed 1000 rpm
Engine output 520 kWm
Bore 200 mm
Stroke 280 mm
Mean effective pressure 1,86 MPa (bar)
Mean piston speed 9.3 m/s
Combustion air system
Flow of air at 100% load 1,16 kg/s
Ambient air temperature, max 45 °C
Air temperature after air cooler, min 50 °C
Air temperature after air cooler, max 70 °C
Air temperature after air cooler, alarm 70 °C
Exhaust gas system (Note 1)
Exhaust gas flow at 100% load 1,2 kg/s
Exhaust gas flow at 85% load 1,04 kg/s
Exhaust gas flow at 75% load 0,93 kg/s
Exhaust gas flow at 50% load 0,66 kg/s
Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharger at 100% load 338 °C
Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharger at 85% load 346 °C
Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharger at 75% load 353 °C
Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharger at 50% load 376 °C
Exhaust gas temperature after cylinder, alarm 450 °C
Exhaust gas backpressure, max 3 kPa
Exhaust gas pipe diameter, min 250 mm
Calculated exhaust diameter for 35 m/s 274 mm
Heat balance (Note 2)
Jacket water 133 kW
Charge air (LT-circuit) 138 kW
Lubrication oil 100 kW
Radiation etc. 33 kW
Fuel system (Note 3)
Pressure before injection pumps 700±50 (7±0.5) kPa (bar)
Pressure before injection pumps, unifuel system 1000±50 (10±0.5) kPa (bar)
Viscosity range before the engine (HFO) 16...24 cSt
Viscosity range before the engine (HFO), unifuel system 12...24 cSt
Viscosity before engine (MDF), min 1.8 cSt
Temperature before engine (HFO), max 140 °C
Temperature before engine (HFO), unifuel system, max 150 °C

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

Fuel consumption at 100% load 198 g/kWh

Fuel consumption at 85% load 201 g/kWh
Fuel consumption at 75% load 202 g/kWh
Fuel consumption 50% load 213 g/kWh
Leak fuel quantity (MDF), clean fuel at 100% load 2,3 kg/h
Leak fuel quantity (HFO), clean fuel at 100% load 0,5 kg/h
Lubricating oil system
Pressure before engine, nom 450 (4.5) kPa (bar)
Pressure before engine, alarm 300 (3.0) kPa (bar)
Pressure before engine, stop 200 (2.0) kPa (bar)
Priming pressure, nom 80 (0.8) kPa (bar)
Priming pressure, alarm 30 (0.3) kPa (bar)
Temperature before engine, nom 66 °C
Temperature before engine, alarm 75 °C
Temperature after engine, about 78 °C
Pump capacity (main), engine driven 28 m³/h
Suction height of engine driven pump, max 4 m
Priming pump capacity (50/60 Hz) 8,6/10,5 m³/h
Suction height of priming pump, max 3.5 m
Oil volume, nom 0.64 m3
Filter fineness 25 microns
Filter difference pressure alarm 150 (1.5) kPa (bar)
Oil consumption at 100% load, approx. 0.5 g/kWh
Crankcase ventilation backpressure, max. 0.2 kPa
High temperature cooling water system:
Pressure at engine, after pump, nom 250+static kPa
Pressure at engine, after pump, alarm 100+static kPa
Pressure at engine, after pump, max 500 kPa
Temperature before cylinders, approx. 83 °C
Temperature after cylinders, nom 91 °C
Temperature after engine, alarm 105 °C
Temperature after engine, stop 110 °C
Capacity of engine driven pump, nom 20 m³/h
Pressure drop over engine, total 90 kPa
Pressure drop in external system, max 120 kPa
Pressure from expansion tank, min 70 kPa
Pressure from expansion tank, max 150 kPa
Water volume in engine 0,08 m³
Low temperature cooling water system:
Pressure at engine, after pump, nom 250+static kPa
Pressure at engine, after pump, alarm 100+static kPa

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

Pressure at engine, after pump, max 500 kPa

Temperature before engine, min 25 °C
Temperature before engine, max 38 °C
Temperature before charge air cooler, nom 45 °C
Temperature after lube oil cooler, nom 49 °C
Capacity of engine driven pump, nom 24 m³/h
Pressure drop over charge air cooler 30 kPa
Pressure drop over oil cooler 30 kPa
Pressure drop in external system, max 120 kPa
Pressure from expansion tank, min 70 kPa
Pressure from expansion tank, max 150 kPa
Starting air system
Air pressure, nom 3000 (30) kPa (bar)
Air pressure, alarm 1800 (18) kPa (bar)
Air consumption per start at 20 °C 0.4 Nm3

Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20, generator data

Generator brand Fenxi
Frequency 50 Hz
Rated output 651 kVa
Voltage 400 V
Rated current 940 A
Power factor 0,8
Temperature rise F
Insulation class F

Xd (unsat) 322 %
Xd' (sat) 17,85 %
Xd'' (sat) 9,47 %
Xq (unsat) 244 %
Xq'' (sat) 8,7 %

Air cooled generator

Heat dissipation of air cooled generator (Note 1) 32,2 kW

Generator data notes:

Note 1 Acc. to IEC 34.

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

Wärtsilä Auxpac 670W4L20, engine data

Auxpac generating set output 670 kWe
Cylinder configuration 4 L
Engine speed 1000 rpm
Engine output 670 kWm
Bore 200 mm
Stroke 280 mm
Mean effective pressure 2,39 MPa (bar)
Mean piston speed 9,3 m/s
Combustion air system
Flow of air at 100% load 1,43 kg/s
Ambient air temperature, max 45 °C
Air temperature after air cooler, min 50 °C
Air temperature after air cooler, max 70 °C
Air temperature after air cooler, alarm 70 °C
Exhaust gas system (Note 1)
Exhaust gas flow at 100% load 1,48 kg/s
Exhaust gas flow at 85% load 1,29 kg/s
Exhaust gas flow at 75% load 1,16 kg/s
Exhaust gas flow at 50% load 0,82 kg/s
Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharger at 100% load 337 °C
Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharger at 85% load 335 °C
Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharger at 75% load 339 °C
Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharger at 50% load 363 °C
Exhaust gas temperature after cylinder, alarm 450 °C
Exhaust gas backpressure, max 3 kPa
Exhaust gas pipe diameter, min 300 mm
Calculated exhaust diameter for 35 m/s 304 mm
Heat balance (Note 2)
Jacket water 155 kW
Charge air (LT-circuit) 222 kW
Lubrication oil 114 kW
Radiation etc. 33 kW
Fuel system (Note 3)
Pressure before injection pumps 700±50 (7±0.5) kPa (bar)
Pressure before injection pumps, unifuel system 1000±50 (10±0.5) kPa (bar)
Viscosity range before the engine (HFO) 16...24 cSt
Viscosity range before the engine (HFO), unifuel system 12...24 cSt
Viscosity before engine (MDF), min 1.8 cSt
Temperature before engine (HFO), max 140 °C
Temperature before engine (HFO), unifuel system, max 150 °C

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

Fuel consumption at 100% load 197 g/kWh

Fuel consumption at 85% load 198 g/kWh
Fuel consumption at 75% load 199 g/kWh
Fuel consumption 50% load 208 g/kWh
Leak fuel quantity (MDF), clean fuel at 100% load 2,9 kg/h
Leak fuel quantity (HFO), clean fuel at 100% load 0,6 kg/h
Lubricating oil system
Pressure before engine, nom 450 (4.5) kPa (bar)
Pressure before engine, alarm 300 (3.0) kPa (bar)
Pressure before engine, stop 200 (2.0) kPa (bar)
Priming pressure, nom 80 (0.8) kPa (bar)
Priming pressure, alarm 30 (0.3) kPa (bar)
Temperature before engine, nom 66 °C
Temperature before engine, alarm 75 °C
Temperature after engine, about 78 °C
Pump capacity (main), engine driven 28 m³/h
Suction height of engine driven pump, max 4 m
Priming pump capacity (50/60 Hz) 8,6/10,5 m³/h
Suction height of priming pump, max 3.5 m
Oil volume, nom 0.64 m3
Filter fineness 25 microns
Filter difference pressure alarm 150 (1.5) kPa (bar)
Oil consumption at 100% load, approx. 0.5 g/kWh
Crankcase ventilation backpressure, max. 0.2 kPa
High temperature cooling water system:
Pressure at engine, after pump, nom 250+static kPa
Pressure at engine, after pump, alarm 100+static kPa
Pressure at engine, after pump, max 500 kPa
Temperature before cylinders, approx. 83 °C
Temperature after cylinders, nom 91 °C
Temperature after engine, alarm 105 °C
Temperature after engine, stop 110 °C
Capacity of engine driven pump, nom 20 m³/h
Pressure drop over engine, total 90 kPa
Pressure drop in external system, max 120 kPa
Pressure from expansion tank, min 70 kPa
Pressure from expansion tank, max 150 kPa

Water volume in engine

0,08 m³

Low temperature cooling water system:

Pressure at engine, after pump, nom 250+static kPa
Pressure at engine, after pump, alarm 100+static kPa
Pressure at engine, after pump, max 500 kPa

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set
Temperature before engine, min 25 °C
Temperature before engine, max 38 °C
Temperature before charge air cooler, nom 45 °C
Temperature after lube oil cooler, nom 49 °C
Capacity of engine driven pump, nom 24 m³/h
Pressure drop over charge air cooler 30 kPa
Pressure drop over oil cooler 30 kPa
Pressure drop in external system, max 120 kPa
Pressure from expansion tank, min 70 kPa
Pressure from expansion tank, max 150 kPa
Starting air system
Air pressure, nom 3000 (30) kPa (bar)
Air pressure, alarm 1800 (18) kPa (bar)
Air consumption per start at 20 °C 0.4 Nm3

Wärtsilä Auxpac 670W4L20, generator data

Generator brand Fenxi
Frequency 50 Hz
Rated output 838 kVa
Voltage 400 V
Rated current 1210 A
Power factor 0,8
Temperature rise F
Insulation class F

Xd (unsat) 415 %
Xd' (sat) 23,14 %
Xd'' (sat) 12,33 %
Xq (unsat) 314 %
Xq'' (sat) 11,1 %

Air cooled generator

Heat dissipation of air cooled generator (Note 1) 46.5 kW

Generator data notes:

Note 1 Acc. to IEC 34.

Engine data notes:

Note 1 At an ambient temperature of 25°C.
Note 2 ISO-optimized engine at ambient conditions according to ISO 3046/1. With engine driven pumps.
Fuel net caloric value: 42700 kJ/kg. Radiation includes generator cooling power.
Note 3 According to ISO 3046/1, lower calorofic value 42 700 kJ/kg at constant engine speed, with engine
driven pumps. Tolerance 5%.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

2.3 Auxpac automation system

The automation system of the auxpac generating sets is described in chapter "Automation System" on
page "10-1".

2.4 Design of the engine room

2.4.1 Engine room arrangement
Sufficient space for operation and maintenance has to be provided around the generating sets. For minimum
centreline distance between the generating sets refer to the engine room arrangement drawing. The required
service space around the generating set is stated in the service space drawing. No obstructive
structures should be located close to the engine driven nor pumps or crankcase or camshaft doors.

2.4.2 Noise levels

The airborne noise level of the engine is measured as a sound power level acc. to ISO 9614-2. The diagram is
based on measured noise levels. The lower figures represent the lowest levels found in the measurements,
while 90 % of the measured values are below the higher figures.

The airborne noise level of the engine is measured as a sound power level acc. to ISO 9614-2. The diagram is
based on measured noise levels. The lower figures represent the lowest levels found in the measurements,
while 90 % of the measured values are below the higher figures.
Figure 2.2 Sound power levels according to ISO 9614-2

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

2.4.3 Foundation

For more information about the foundation design refer to section "Installation of the generating set".

2.5 Installation of the generating set

2.5.1 Lifting the generating set
Figure 2.3 Lifting the generating set

2.5.2 Installation procedure

The following documents are enclosed to help you with the installation of the
Installation of the generating sets 4V69L1585

2.5.3 Installation of flexible pipe connections

In this section you will find installation instructions for the flexible pipe connections included in the scope of
supply. In chapter "Piping Arrangements" you will find additional instructions/recommendations about piping

Installation of flexible pipe connections (with flanges)

This instruction is valid for flexible pipe c o n n e c t i o n s according to drawings 4V60B0007, 4V60B0008 &
Figure 2.4 Flexible pipe connection

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

1. The generating set (or engine) should be installed in its final position before any external pipes are con-
2. Fasten the flexible pipe connection to the connection on the engine according to the following procedure:
• If there is a counter flange, remove it.
• Fasten the fixed flange of the flexible pipe connection to the engine side with a gasket between the
• Oil the threads of the screws and nuts, fit all screws and tighten until finger tight.
• Tighten screws in a crosswise sequence using a socket wrench. Increase the tightening torque
gradually until the final torque is achieved.
3. Connect the free end of the flexible pipe connections to the external piping.
• The flange of the external pipe should be in line with the flange of the engine. No twisting, compression or
elongation of the flexible pipe connection is allowed, i.e. it should fit between the flanges with the
correct installation length (L). Align the external pipe and weld the counter flange to the pipe.
• The flexible pipe connection can also be installed with a bending radius as stated in the flexible pipe
connection drawing.
• Bolt the swivel flange side of the flexible pipe connection to the flange of the external pipe as described
in step 2.
4. Anchor the external pipe to the steel structure of the ship close to the flange. Observe that the pipe
clamping must be very rigid in order to prevent vibration and movement of the flexible pipe connection.
Most problems with bursting of the flexible connection originate from poor clamping.
5. The flexible pipe connection must be protected from external mechanical damage. There must be
enough space around the flexible pipe connection for regular supervision and maintenance.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set
Installation of flexible pipe connections (with stud coupling)
This instruction is valid for flexible pipe c o n n e c t i o n s according to drawings 4V60B0009, 4V36G0055 &
Figure 2.5 Flexible pipe connection.

1. The generating set (or engine) should be installed in its final position before any external pipes are con-
2. Fasten the flexible pipe connection to the connection on the engine according to the following procedure.
All stud coupling parts should be lubricated with engine oil.
• Remove the nut from the stud coupling of the engine and put it on the pipe end of flexible connection.
• Remove the ring from the stud coupling of the engine and slip it over the pipe end of flexible connection
with the thinner end outwards against the bottom of the stud coupling.
• Screw the nut with flexible connection and ring manually to the stud coupling until finger tight.
• Push the pipe of the flexible connection against the bottom of the internal cone of the fitting body.
• Mark the position of the pipe as well as the nut with a marker pen.
• Tighten the nut 1 1/2 turn while the pipe is prevented from turning.
3. When the flexible pipe connection is fitted to the engine, connect the external pipe to the end of the
flexible pipe provided with the stud coupling. The stud coupling on the flexible pipe is similar to the stud
coupling on the engine, i.e. a seamless steel pipe according to DIN 2391/c will fit directly to the stud. The
tightening procedure is the same as outlined in step 2.
If seamless steel pipe isn’t available an adapter piece with a suitable outer diameter can be welded to
shipyards pipe in order to fit the stud coupling of the flexible pipe connection. Mild steel (St 35) is recom-
mended. The flexible pipe connection should be mounted in a straight position although some bending
radius is allowed.
The flexible pipe connection should be protected against external mechanical damage. The shipyards
pipe should be fixed with suitable pipe clamps close to the flexible connection in order to prevent vibration
and movements.

Installation of flexible rubber bellows connections

This instruction is valid for flexible pipe connections according to drawing 3V60D0025.

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

Figure 2.6 Flexible rubber bellow connection.

1. The generating set (or engine) should be installed in its final position before any external pipes are con-
2. Remove the counter flange from the engine connection. Fit the flexible pipe connection temporarily.
3. The flexible pipe connection should not be exposed to axial, lateral or angular deflection. Align the ex-
ternal pipe in order to achieve this.
• The counter flange should have a smooth sealing surface against the rubber collar and the inner dia-
meter of the flange should not be larger than the inner diameter of the rubber compensator.
• Fix the flange by small tack weldings at three points around the pipe. Take care not to heat the flange.
Protect the rubber against weld splash.
• Remove the flexible pipe connection.
4. Weld the flange to the pipe and let it cool down before proceeding.
5. Fasten the flexible pipe connection to the connection to the engine according to the following procedure:
• Both flanges of the flexible pipe connection are swivel flanges which means it can be installed with
either one of the flanges to the engine.
• Oil the threads of the bolts and nuts, fit all bolts to the head on the compensator side and the nut on the
pipe side and tighten until finger tight. No gaskets are needed between the flanges as the rubber
collar is squeezed in between the flanges.

• Tighten the nuts in a diagonal sequence with a wrench on the outside while the bolt head is held firmly
on the inside. Take care not to damage the rubber bellows with the tool. The tightening torque is
stated in drawing 3V60D0025.
6. Fasten the outer side of the flexible pipe connection in the same way as described in step 5.
7. Anchor the external pipe to the steel structure close to the flange. Observe that the pipe clamping must be
very rigid in order to prevent vibration and movement of the flexible pipe connection. Most problems with
bursting originate from poor clamping.
8. The flexible pipe connection must be protected from external mechanical damage. There must be
enough space around the flexible pipe connection for regular supervision and maintenance. The rubber
part must not be painted.

Installation of flexible fuel oil pipe connections

This instruction is valid for flexible pipe connections according to drawing 4V35A0719.
Figure 2.7 Flexible fuel oil pipe connection.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

1. The generating set (or engine) should be installed in its final position before any external pipes are con-
2. Fasten the flexible pipe connection to the engine according to the following procedure. All parts should
be lubricated with engine oil.
• Remove the nut from the stud coupling on the engine and put it on the pipe end of flexible pipe con-
• Remove the ring from the stud coupling of the engine and slip it over the pipe end of flexible pipe
connection with the thinner end outwards against the bottom of the stud coupling.
• Screw the nut with flexible connection and ring manually to the stud coupling until finger tight.
• Push the flexible connection against the bottom of the internal cone of the fitting body.
• Mark the position of the pipe as well as the nut with a marker pen.
• Tighten the nut 1 1/2 turn while the pipe is prevented from turning.
3. When the flexible pipe connection is fitted to the engine, connect the external pipe to the stud of the
flexible pipe provided with the straight bulkhead fitting.
• The flexible pipe connection must not be reshaped or welded. Enough space allowing maintenance
must be provided.
• The pipe clamp should have a diameter of 38 mm hole into which the bulkhead fitting is fixed. The pipe
clamp bracket should be very rigid and welded to the steel structure of the foundation. Max.
Thickness of the clamp is 16 mm.
• Tighten the bulkhead fitting to the flexible pipe as described in step 2.

• Align the external pipe to the bulkhead fitting. The external pipe should be seamless and have 2 8 mm.
If suitable pipe is not available an adapter piece with 28 ± 0.1 mm outer diameter can be welded to the
shipyards pipe in order to fit the bulkhead connection. Mild steel (St 35) is recommended.
• Tighten the external pipe to the bulkhead connection the same way as outlined in step 2.

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

2.5.4 Connection of main cables

The main power cables from the main switch gear to the generator are connected in the generator terminal
box. The terminal box has one copper bar for each phase. The copper bars are equipped with pre-drilled
holes for the connection of cables. There are 8 holes with a diameter of 17 mm for each phase.
Figure 2.8 Connection of main cables

2.6 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply

2.6.1 Flexible pipe connections (6H01)
Table 2.1 List of flexible pipe connections
Code Pipe connection Connection size Qty / genset Refer to drawing
101 Fuel inlet OD18 1 4V35A0719
102 Fuel outlet OD18 1 4V35A0719
103 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel OD18 1 4V60B0095-5
213 Lube oil from separator and filling DN32/PN40 1 4V60B0093-1
214 Lube oil to separator and drain DN32/PN40 1 4V60B0093-1
301 Starting air inlet OD28 1 4V60B0095-7
406 Water from preheater to HT-circuit OD28 1 4V60B0095-7
451 Cooling water inlet DN80/PN16 1 3V60D0025-3
452 Cooling water outlet DN80/PN16 1 3V60D0025-3
480 Cooling water vent OD12 1 4V60B0095-3
701 Crankcase air vent DN65/PN16 1 4V60B0093-4

Spare set of flexible pipe connections

The spare set includes one flexible pipe connection of each kind listed in the table above.

2.6.2 Packing and transportation

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Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

2.6.3 0Y02 ‐ Tools (engine)

Description Qty/inst. Part No.
Tools for main bearings
Turning tool for main bearing shell 1 851001
Tools for cylinder liner
Extracting and lifting device 1 836001
Dismounting tool for antipolishing ring 1 836002
Holder for cylinder liner 2 836003
Tools for piston
Lifting yoke 1 832002
Clamp device for piston rings 1 843002
Retainer ring pliers 1 843004
Piston ring pliers unistress 1 843003
Tools for connecting rod
Stud remover M30 1 803011
Distance piece M36/M30 2 861157
Distance sleeve 2 861153
Hydr.tight.tool for main bear.,con. Rod and cyl.head
Hydraulic tightening tool 1 861178
Tools for cylinder head
Lifting tool for cylinder head 1 832004
Dismantling device for valves 1 846010
Valve clearance feeler gauge 1 848004
T-wrench for indicator valve 1 808001
Tools for injection equipment
Crowfoot-wrench 27 for injection pipes 1 806009
Adapter A10x12,5 1 806010
Test pressure equipment for injection valve 1 864012
Cleaning tool for injection valve sealing surface 1 841020
Extractor for injection pump 1 846022
Tool for injection valve 1 846030
Extractor for injection valve 1 846024
Miscellaneous tools
Ratchet with torque arm ¾ in 1 808011
Pins for hydraulic tensioning tool 2 861025

2.6.4 0Y04 ‐ Spare parts (engine)

Description Qty/inst. Part No.
Main bearing shell,upper 1 100007
Main bearing shell,lower 1 100008
Side screw for main bearing, short 2 100014
Valve guide 4 120013
O-ring for seat ring 4 120017
O-ring for seat ring 4 120018
Seat ring, inlet 2 120021

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

Seat ring, outlet 2 120022

Conic piece pair 4 121002
Valve rotator 4 121003
Spring 4 121004
O-ring 4 121005
Exhaust valve 2 121006
Inlet valve 2 121012
Injection valve complete 2 167005
O-ring for injection valve 4 167011
Connecting rod screw 2 111004
Gudgeon pin 1 113010
Gudgeon pin bearing bush 1 111002
Big end bearing shell lower 1 111005
Big end bearing shell upper 1 111006
Piston ring l 1 113004
Piston ring ll 1 113005
Piston ring lll 1 113006
Fuel Injection pump 1 165001
Connection piece 1 167003
High pressure fuel pipe 1 167012
O-ring for cylinder liner 2 100023
Shimring 1 100132
O-ring for cylinder head 2 120026
Cylinder head gasket 1 120012
O-ring for cylinder head 1 120027
Gasket between cylinder head and multiduct 1 200018

Generator spare parts Qty. Part No.

Spare parts set for generator 1

2.6.5 Technical documentation

Publication Language Media Qty
Installation planning instructions English A4 binder 7
O&M Manual English A4 binder 3
Spare parts catalogue English A4 binder 3
1 orignal; 3
Classification certificates for equipment subject to class approval English Paper
copies / vessel

2.6.6 Start‐up support

Support for pre-commissioning and commissioning of the installation including travelling and
lodging costs. Commissioning support included for maximum:

• 20 man-days at yard during 2 visit(s)

Buyer shall notify Wärtsilä Qiyao at least two (2) weeks before mobilization of personnel is
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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
2. Auxpac generating set

2.7 Drawings

DAAE028910c Auxpac generating set drawing ............................................................................ 2-18

DAAE026295c Auxpac generating set drawing ............................................................................ 2-19
DAAE028722c Engine room arrangement ................................................................................... 2-20
DAAE031777a Service space requirement .................................................................................. 2-21
DAAE021373c Location of sensors and el. components ............................................................. 2-22
DBAA490035- Spare parts list ..................................................................................................... 2-23
DBAA490037- tool list .................................................................................................................. 2-24
4V35A0719c Flexible pipe connection for fuel pipe ................................................................... 2-25
4V60B0095q Flexible hose ........................................................................................................ 2-26
4V60B0093l Flexible hose ........................................................................................................ 2-27
3V60D0025l Flexible rubber bellows for water pipe .................................................................. 2-28
4V69L1585d Installation of the generating sets ........................................................................ 2-29

DBAA064499a Factory acceptance test ....................................................................................... 2-34

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DAAE028910c - Auxpac generating set drawing

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DAAE026295c - Auxpac generating set drawing

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DAAE028722c- Engine room arrangement

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DAAE031777a - Service space requirement

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DAAE021373c - Location of sensors and el. components

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DBAA490035-- Spare parts list

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DBAA490037- tool list

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4V35A0719c- Flexible pipe connection for fuel pipe

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4V60B0095q - Flexible hose

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4V60B0093l - Flexible hose

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3V60D0025l - Flexible rubber bellows for water pipe

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4V69L1585e- Installation of the generating set

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4V69L1585e- Installation of the generating set

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4V69L1585e- Installation of the generating set

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4V69L1585e- Installation of the generating set

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DBAA064499a- Factory acceptance test

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DBAA064499a- Factory acceptance test

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DBAA064499a- Factory acceptance test

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DBAA064499a- Factory acceptance test

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DBAA064499a- Factory acceptance test

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DBAA064499a- Factory acceptance test

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Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System

3. Fuel Oil System

3.1 System overview
The engine is designed for continuous operation on HFO. It is also possible to operate the engine on MDF
without making any alterations.
The engine can be started and stopped on HFO provided that the HT-cooling water system and the fuel
system are preheated to operating temperature. Changeover from HFO to MDF for start and stop i s not
The lay-out of the fuel oil system is shown in drawing “ recommended fuel oil system". If fuel oil system
components are included in our scope of supply they are listed in section "Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao
scope of supply".

3.1.1 Engine internal system

The following equipment is built on the engine (Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20 and 670W4L20):
• Fuel injection pumps
• Injection valves
• Reducing valve in the outlet pipe
Controlled leak fuel from the injection valves and the injection pumps is drained to atmospheric pressure
(Clean leak fuel system). The clean l e a k fuel can be reconducted to the system without treatment. The
quantity o f leak fuel is given in the section "Technical data". Possible uncontrolled leak fuel and spilled
water and oil is separately drained from the hot-box and shall be led to a sludge tank (“Dirty” leak fuel
The arrangement of the built-on system is shown in the drawing “internal fuel system".

3.2 System design data

3.2.1 Fuel oil quality
Table 3.1 MDF Specifications

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System

1) Use of ISO-F-DMC category fuel is allowed provided that the fuel treatment system is equipped with a fuel oil separator.

2) Additional properties specified by the engine manufacturer, which are not included in the ISO specification or differ from the ISO
3) A sulphur limit of 1,5 % m/m will apply in SOx emission controlled areas designated by International Maritime Organization.
There may be also other local variations.
4) A fuel shall be considered to be free of used lubricating oil (ULO), if one or more of the elements calcium, zinc and phosphorus
are below or at the specified limits. All three elements shall exceed the same limits before a fuel shall be deemed to contain ULO.

NOTE! This installation is designed for the fuel specified in section "Fuel oil specification". The
limits below are general for HFO operation.
The fuel specification “HFO 2” is based on the ISO 8217:2005(E) standard and covers the fuel categories
ISO-F-RMA 30 – RMK 700. Additionally, the engine manufacturer has specified the fuel specification “HFO 1”.
This tighter specification is an alternative and by using a fuel fulfilling this specification, longer overhaul intervals
of specific engine components are guaranteed.

Table 3.2 HFO Specifications

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System

1) Max. 1010 kg/m³ at 15 °C provided the fuel treatment system can remove water and solids.
2) Straight run residues show CCAI values in the 770 to 840 range and are very good ignitors. Cracked residues
delivered as bunkers may range from 840 to – in exceptional cases – above 900. Most bunkers remain in the
max. 850 to 870 range at the moment.
3) Sodium contributes to hot corrosion on exhaust valves when combined with high sulphur and vanadium
contents. Sodium also strongly contributes to fouling of the exhaust gas turbine blading at high loads. The
aggressiveness of the fuel depends on its proportions of sodium and vanadium, but also on the total amount
of ash. Hot corrosion and deposit formation are, however, also influenced by other ash constituents. It is
therefore difficult to set strict limits based only on the sodium and vanadium content of the fuel. Also a fuel with
lower sodium and vanadium contents than specified above can cause hot corrosion on engine components.
4) Additional properties specified by the engine manufacturer, which are not included in the ISO specification.
5) A sulphur limit of 1, 5 % m/m will apply in SOx emission controlled areas designated by International Maritime
There may be also other local variations.
6) A fuel shall be considered to be free of used lubricating oil (ULO), if one or more of the elements calcium, zinc
and phosphorus are below or at the specified limits. All three elements shall exceed the same limits before a
fuel shall be deemed to contain ULO.

3.2.2 Fuel oil heating

The fuel oil viscosity-temperature diagram is attached to determine the preheating temperature of the fuel

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System

Figure 3.1 fuel oil viscosity-temperature diagrams

Example 1: A fuel oil with a viscosity of 380 cSt (A) at 50°C (B) or 80 cSt at 80°C (C) must be preheated
to115-143°C (D-E) before the fuel injection pumps, to 98°C (F) at the centrifuge and to minimum 40°C (G) in
the storage tanks. The fuel oil may not be pumpable below 36°C (H).

To obtain temperatures for intermediate viscosities, draw a line from the known viscosity/temperature point in
parallel to the nearest viscosity/temperature line in the diagram.

Example 2: Known viscosity 60 cSt at 50°C (K). The following can be read along the dotted line: Viscosity at
80°C=20cSt, temperature at fuel injection pumps 74-87°C, centrifuging temperature 86°C, minimum storage
tank temperature 28°C.

3.2.3 Design considerations

When designing the fuel system the following matters shall be considered:
• The fuel feed system for HFO shall be of the pressurized type in order to prevent foaming in the return
lines and cavitation in the circulation pumps.

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Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System
• The HFO pipes shall be properly insulated and equipped with trace heating. It shall be possible to shut
off the trace heating when running on MDF. The tracing pipes shall be grouped together according to
their use.
• Any provision for changeover from HFO to MDF or vice versa during operation shall be designed to
obtain a smooth change in fuel temperature and viscosity. When changing from HFO to MDF, the
viscosity at the engine shall be above 2.8 cSt in continuous operation and must not drop below limit
before the engine not even during short transient conditions. In certain applications a cooler may be
• Main engine and generating sets are recommended to be connected to separate fuel feed systems.
• If anyhow a common fuel feed system is required for a main engine and generating sets, the fuel system
can be designed as an unifuel system. Unifuel means that the fuel to the generating sets and the
main engine is fed by a common fuel system. This requires that a higher pressure before the injection
pumps is accepted; see section "Technical data".

3.2.4 Calculation formulas

The total fuel oil consumption is calculated as follows. This formula shall be used when calculation the
consumption for selecting sizes of pumps, valves, separators etc. related to the fuel oil system before the

3.3 Recommended functions

The following functions are not included in Wärtsilä Q i y a o scope of supply. We recommend you to design
these functions as follows.

3.3.1 HFO separator unit (1N02)

General remarks
In ships intended for operation on heavy fuel, heating coils must be installed in the bunker tanks, so that it is
possible to maintain a temperature of 40...50°C when pumping the fuel to the settling tank.

The fuel treatment system should comprise a settling t a n k and separators to supply t h e engine(s) with
sufficiently clean fuel. When operating engines on heavy fuel the dimensioning of the separator is crucial.
Therefore the recommendations for the design of the separator should be closely followed.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System
Settling of heavy fuel
The settling tank (1T10) should normally be dimensioned to ensure fuel supply for min. 24 operating hours
when filled to maximum. The tank should be designed to provide the most efficient sludge and water rejecting
effect. The tank has to be provided with a heating coil and should be well insulated.
To ensure constant temperature in the separator, the settling tank temperature should be kept as constant
as possible. The temperature in the settling tank should be between 50...70°C.

The min. level in the settling t a n k should be kept as high as possible. In this way the temperature will not
decrease too much when filling up with cold bunker.
Separator system
Heavy fuel (residual a n d m i xt ur es of residuals and di stillate) must b e cleaned in an efficient centrifugal
separator before entering the day tank. The recommendations of separator manufacturers should be
closely followed.
Mode of operation
Two HFO separators, both of the same size, should be installed. The capacity of one separator is to be
sufficient for the total fuel consumption. The other ( stand-by) separator should also b e in operation all the
time. Separators with controlled discharge of sludge (without gravity disc) operating on a continuous basis
can handle fuels with densities exceeding 991 kg/m3 at 15°C. In this case the main and stand-by
separators should be run in parallel. It is recommended that conventional separators with gravity disc are
arranged for operation in series, the first as a purifier and the second as a clarifier. This arrangement can be
used for fuels with a density up to max. abt 991 kg/m3 at 15°C.

For MDF, a separate separator should be installed.

Separator feed pump (1P02)
The use of a high temperature resistant screw pump is recommended. The pump should be separate from
the separator and electrically driven.
The pump s h o u l d be dimensioned for the actual fuel quality and r e c om m en ded throughput through the

Suction filters should be fitted to protect the feed pumps. The filter should be equipped with heating jacket in case the
installation place is cold. The filter can be either a duplex filter with change over valves or two separate simplex
filters. Fineness is 0.5 mm.
Separator heater (1E01)
The pre-heater is normally dimensioned according to the pump capacity and a given settling tank temperature. The
heater surface temperature must not be too high in order to avoid cracking of the fuel.
The heating should be thermostatically controlled for maintaining the fuel temperature within ±2°C. The
recommended preheating temperature for heavy fuel is 98°C.

The required minimum capacity of the heater is:

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Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System
For heavy f u e l s t = 48°C can b e used, i.e. a settling t a n k temperature of 50°C. Fuels having a viscosity
higher than 6 cSt at 40°C may need preheating before the separator.
Separator (1S01)
The fuel oil separator should be sized according to the recommendations of the separator maker. The
required service throughput of the separator is:

Sludge tank (1T05)

The sludge tank shall be placed below the separators as close as possible. The sludge pipe shall be con-
tinuously falling without any horizontal parts.

The principal l a y-out o f the transfer and separating system is shown in drawing “ recommended transfer
and separating system".

3.3.2 HFO day tank (1T03)

Two heavy fuel day tanks should normally be dimensioned to ensure fuel supply for 8 operating hours each
when filled to maximum. The design of the tanks should be such that water and dirt particles do not collect
in the suction pipe. The tank has to be provided with a heating coil and should be well insulated.

As continuous separation is common practice the temperature in the day tank will be close to the separating
temperature, which normally is 98°C. The temperature in the day tank shall be kept at that level or at least
at 90°C. This because the feeder/booster unit (1N01) is designed, in most cases, with a fuel oil inlet
temperature of 90°C.

An overflow pipe should be installed from the day tank to the settling t a n k . The overflow pipe should be
connected to the lower part of the day tank to re-circulate water that may get into the fuel after the separators.

The tanks and fuel feed pumps should be placed so that a positive static pressure of 30...50 kPa (0.3...0.5
bar) is obtained on the suction side of the pumps.

3.3.3 Feeder/booster unit (1N01)

Fuel feed pump (1P04)
The feed pump maintains the pressure in the fuel feed system. It is recommended to use a high temperature
resistant screw pump as feed pump.
Capacity to cover the total consumption of the engines and the flush quantity of a possible automatic filter.

Suction strainers with a fineness of 0.5 mm should be installed for protecting the feed pumps. The strainer
should be equipped with heating jacket. The strainer may be either of duplex type with change-over valves or
two simplex strainers in parallel. The design should be such that air suction is prevented.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System
A pressure control v alv e maintains the pressure in the de-aeration tank directing the surplus flow to the
suction side of the feed pumps or to the HFO day tank.
Automatic filter (1F08)
The use of an automatically cleaned back-flushing filter is recommended, normally as a duplex filter with an
insert filter as the stand-by half. For back-flushing filters the circulating pump capacity should be sufficient to
prevent pressure drop during the flushing operation.

De-aeration tank (1T08)

The volume of the de-aeration tank should be about 50 l. It shall be equipped with vent valve and a low level
alarm. It shall also be insulated and equipped with a heating coil. The vent pipe should, if possible, be led
downwards, e.g. to the overflow tank.
Circulation pump (1P06)
The purpose of this pump i s to circulate the fuel in the system and maintain t h e correct pressure at the

Heater (1E02)
Two heaters of equal size shall be installed, one operating and the other as stand-by. The heaters shall be
dimensioned to maintain an injection viscosity of the correct operating range at the maximum fuel consump-
tion and a given day tank temperature.

To avoid cracking of the fuel the surface temperature in the heater must not be too high. The surface power
of electric heaters should not be higher than about 1.5 W/cm2. The output of the heater shall be controlled
by a viscosimeter. As a reserve a temperature control may be fitted.

The set point of the viscosimeter shall be somewhat lower than the required viscosity at the injection pumps
to compensate for heat losses in the pipes.

To compensate for heat losses duel to radiation a certain allowance should be added, e.g. 10% +5 kW.

NOTE! The heaters are to be provided with safety valves with escape pipes to a leakage tank (so that
the possible leakage can be seen).

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System
Viscosity meter (1I02)
For the control of the heater a viscosimeter has to be installed. A temperature control shall also be fitted, to
be used as safety when the viscosimeter is out of order. The viscosimeter should be of a design which
stands the pressure peaks caused by the injection pumps of the diesel engine.

Flow meter (1I01)

If a fuel consumption meter is required, it should be fitted between the automatically cleaned filter and the
de-aeration tank. If the meter i s provided with a prefilter, it is recommendable to install an alarm for high
pressure difference across the filter.

3.3.4 Collection leak fuel

Leak fuel tank, clean fuel (1T04)
Clean leak fuel draining from the injection equipment can, if desired, be re-used without repeated treatment.
The fuel should then be drained to a separate leak fuel tank, provided with heating and insulation, and from
there be pumped to the day tank. Alternatively, the clean leak fuel tank can be drained to another tank for
clean fuel, e.g. the bunker tank, the overflow tank etc. The pipes from the engine to the drain tank should
be arranged continuously sloping and shall be provided with heating and insulation.
Leak fuel tank, dirty fuel (1T06)
Any leakage of fuel oil or water at the engine t op is collected into the dirty leak fuel system. Normally no
leakage occurs during operation.

3.3.5 Supply of MDF

MDF Suction strainer (1F07)
A suction strainer with a fineness of 0.5 mm should be installed for protecting the feed pumps.
MDF circulation pump (1P03)
The purpose of this pump i s to circulate the fuel in the system and maintain t h e correct pressure at the
engine. It is recommended to use a screw pump as circulation pump.

The pump should be placed so that a positive static pressure of about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) is obtained on the
suction side of the pump.
MDF pressure control valve (1V02)
The pressure control v a l v e increases the pressure in the return l i n e so that t he required pressure at the
engine is achieved. Set point = 0.4 MPa (4 bar)
MDF day tank (1T06)
The diesel fuel day tank should normally be dimensioned to ensure fuel supply for 12...24 operating hours
when filled to maximum.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System

3.3.6 Black out starting

For stand-by generating sets sufficient fuel pressure for a safe start m u s t be ensured in case of a black-
This can be arranged by means of:
• a gravity tank located min. 15m above the engine centerline
• a pneumatic motor driven pump
• an electric motor driven pump fed from an emergency supply

3.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply

3.4.1 Pressure control valve (HFO) (1V04)
Quantity ................................................ 1
Type ...................................................... SPVF25C2F1A07
Flow (m³/h) ........................................... 5.4
Max. pressure (bar) .............................. 12.0
Connection …….................................... DN25
Max. temperature (°C) .......................... 150
Dimensional drawing ............................ 4V17L0364
Installation instruction .......................... SPV-E

3.4.2 Overflow valve (HFO/MDF) (1V05)

Quantity ................................................ 1
Type ...................................................... SPVF25C2F1A07
Flow (m³/h) ........................................... 5.4
Max. pressure (bar) .............................. 12.0
Connection …….................................... DN25
Max. temperature (°C) .......................... 150
Dimensional drawing ............................ 4V17L0364
Installation instruction .......................... SPV-E

3.4.3 Safety filter (HFO) (1F03)

Quantity ................................................ 2
Type ......................................................
Model ................................................... Duplex
Max. flow (m³/h) ................................... 2.0
Max. pressure (bar) .............................. 16
Max. temperature (°C) .......................... 150
Connection (DN) ................................... 32
Fineness, absolute (micron) ................. 37
Size ....................................................... 90.145
Heating media ...................................... Steam
Dimensional drawing ............................ Z102280
Electrical drawing ................................. DPI_4-36-2

3.4.4 Pressure control valve (MDF) (1V02)

Quantity ................................................ 1
Type ...................................................... SPVF25C2F1A07
Flow (m³/h) ........................................... 5.4
Max. pressure (bar) .............................. 12.0
Connection …….................................... DN25
Max. temperature (°C) .......................... 150
Dimensional drawing ............................ 4V17L0364
Installation instruction .......................... SPV-E

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Installation Planning Instructions
3. Fuel Oil System

3.4.5 3‐way HFO/MDF Changeover valve (manually) (1V08)

Quantity ................................................ 6

3.4.6 Fine Filter (1F05)

Quantity ................................................ 1
Type ...................................................... 2.04.5
Model ................................................... Duplex
Max. flow (m³/h) ................................... 5.7
Max. pressure (bar) .............................. 16
Max. temperature (°C) .......................... 150
Connection (DN) ................................... 32
Fineness, absolute (micron) ................. 37
Size ....................................................... 110.210
Dimensional drawing ............................ Z102272
Electrical drawing ................................. DPI_4-36-2

3.5 Drawings

DAAE010153c Internal fuel oil system...........................................................................................3-12

DBAA371098- Recommended fuel oil system ............................................................................. 3-13
3V76F6626d Recommended transfer and separating system .................................................. 3-14
4 V17L0364- 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), dimensional drawing ................................ 3-15
SPV-E 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), installation instruction .............................. 3-17
4 V17L0364- 1V05 - Overflow valve (HFO/MDF), dimensional drawing .................................... 3-22
SPV-E 1V05 - Overflow valve (HFO/MDF), installation instruction .................................. 3-24
Z102280 1F03 - Safety filter (HFO), dimensional drawing .................................................. 3-29
DPI_4-36-2 1F03 - Safety filter (HFO), electrical drawing ....................................................... 3-30
4V17L0364- 1V02 - Pressure control valve (MDF), dimensional drawing.................. ...............3-31
SPV-E 1V02 - Pressure control valve (MDF), installation instruction................ ...............3-33
DBAA175323- 1V08-3-way HFO/MDO Changeover valve (manually) ................ .........................3-38
Z102272 1F05 - Safety filter (HFO), dimensional drawing .................................................. 3-29
DPI_4-36-2 1F05 - Safety filter (HFO), electrical drawing ....................................................... 3-30

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE010153c - Internal fuel oil system

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Installation Planning Instructions
DBAA371098-- Recommended fuel oil system

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Installation Planning Instructions
3V76F6626d - Recommended transfer and separating system

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Installation Planning Instructions
4V17L0364--1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), dimensional drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4V17L0364--1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), dimensional drawing

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Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E - 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E - 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), installation instruction

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Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E - 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E - 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), installation instruction

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Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E - 1V04 - Pressure control valve (HFO), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4V17L0364--1V05 – Overflow valve (HFO), dimensional drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4V17L0364- -1V05 – Overflow valve (HFO), dimensional drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E-1V05–Overflow valve (HFO), installation instruction

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Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E-1V05–Overflow valve (HFO), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E-1V05–Overflow valve (HFO), installation instruction

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Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E-1V05–Overflow valve (HFO), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
SPV-E-1V05–Overflow valve (HFO), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
Z102280-1F03-Safety filter (HFO), dimensional drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
Z102280-1F03-Safety filter (HFO), electrical drawing

3-30 Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4V17L0364d-1V02 –Pressure control valve (MDF), dimensional drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4V17L0364d-1V02 –Pressure control valve (MDF), dimensional drawing

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Installation Planning Instructions
SPVE-1V02 –Pressure control valve (MDF), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
SPVE-1V02 –Pressure control valve (MDF), installation instruction

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Installation Planning Instructions
SPVE-1V02 –Pressure control valve (MDF), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
SPVE-1V02 –Pressure control valve (MDF), installation instruction

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Installation Planning Instructions
SPVE-1V02 –Pressure control valve (MDF), installation instruction

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
DBAA175323-1V08-3-way HFO/MDO Changeover valve (manually)

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
Z102272-1F05 - Fine filter (MDF), dimensional drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
Z102273-1F05 - Fine filter (MDF), electrical drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4. Lubricating Oil and Crankcase Ventilation Systems

4. Lubricating Oil and Crankcase Ventilation Systems

4.1 System overview
Each engine should have a lubricating oil system of its own. The lubricating oil must not be mixed between
different systems. Engines operating on heavy fuel should have continuous separation of the lubricating

The lay-out of the lubricating oil system is shown in drawing “recommended lubricating oil system". If lub-
ricating oil system components are included in our scope of supply they are listed in section "Component
data, Wärtsilä Q i y a o scope of supply".

Oil vapours formed in the crankcase of the engine have to be ventilated out of the engine room via the
crankcase ventilation system. The outlet is to be equipped with a condensate trap.

4.1.1 Engine internal system

The following equipment is built on the engine (Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20 and 670W4L20):
• engine driven lubricating oil pump
• electric motor driven pre-lubricating pump
• lubricating oil cooler
• thermostat valve
• automatic filter
• centrifugal filter
• pressure control valve
• wet sump
The pre-lubricating oil pump is used for:
• filling of the lubricating oil system before starting
• continuous pre-lubrication of a stopped engine in a multi-engine installation always when
one of the engines is running
The arrangement of the built-on system is shown in the drawing “internal lubricating oil system".

4.2 System design data

4.2.1 Lubricating oil quality
NOTE! Contact Wärtsilä before using a non approved lubricating oil. Lubricating oils that are not
approved have to be tested according to our procedures. Should unapproved lubricating oils
be used during the engine warranty period, and there exist no agreement with the engine manufac-
turer about testing, the engine guarantee does not hold.
Approved lubricating oils for the engine
The lubricating oil viscosity c l a s s is SAE 40 (ISO VG 150), minimum viscosity i n d e x is 95. The required
lubricating oil alkalinity is tied to the fuel specified for the engine, see table below.

Table 4.1 Fuel standards and lubricating oil requirements.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4. Lubricating Oil and Crankcase Ventilation Systems

Fuel categories A and B, recommended in gas oil or marine diesel oi l installations. If ISO-F-DMC is used as
fuel, the recommended lubricating oils are according to fuel category C.

Fuel category C, recommended in the first place when operating on HFO or a fuel with high sulphur content in
order to reach full service intervals. BN50...55 lubricating oils are preferred in the first place.
Table 4.2 Approved lubricating oils for fuel categories A and B.

Table 4.3 Approved lubricating oils for fuel category C

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4. Lubricating Oil and Crankcase Ventilation Systems

BN 30 lubricating oils should be used in HFO in installations with SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction), if
better total economy can be achieved despite shorter oil change intervals. Lower BN may have a positive
influence on the lifetime of the SCR catalyst.
Approved lubricating oil for engine turning device
It is recommended to use EP-gear oils, viscosity 400-500 cSt at 40°C (ISO VG 460) as lubricating oils for the
turning device.
Approved lubricating oils for governor
An oil of viscosity class SAE 30 or SAE 40 is suitable and usually the same oil can be used as in the engine.
Turbocharger oil can also be used in the governor. In low ambient conditions it may be necessary to use
a multi-grade oil (e.g. SAE 5W-40) to get a good control during start-up.

Table 4.4 Approved lubricating oils for starting motor.

4.3 Recommended functions

The following functions are not included in Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply. We recommend you to follow
these guidelines.

4.3.1 Lubricating oil system

For engines with wet sump, the lubricating oil may be filled into the engine u s i n g a hose or an oil can,
through the crankcase cover or through the separator pipe. The system should be arranged so that it is
possible to measure the filled oil volume.
Separator unit (2N01)
Auxiliary engines operating on a fuel having a viscosity of max. 35cSt/100°C (380 cSt/50°C) may have a
common separator for intermittent separation. In installations with four or more auxiliary engines two sep-
arators shall be installed. The separator shall be dimensioned for continuous operation.

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 4-3

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4. Lubricating Oil and Crankcase Ventilation Systems

Separator pump (2P03)

The separator pump may be directly driven by the separator or separately driven by an electric motor. The
flow shall be adapted to achieve the above mentioned optimal flow.
Separator heater (2E02)
The preheater may be a steam or an electric heat er . The surface temperature of the heater coils must not
exceed 150 °C in order to avoid coking of the oil.

For auxiliary engines with oil separation on a stopped engine, the heater shall be dimensioned large enough
to allow separation at the optimal rate without heat supply from the diesel engine.
Renovating oil tank (2T04)
For engines with wet sump the oil sump content can be drained to this tank prior to separation.
Renovated oil tank (2T05)
This tank contains renovated oil ready to be used as a replacement of the oil drained for separation.
New oil tank (2T03)
For engines with wet sump the lubricating oil may be filled into the engine using the separator pipe or the
filling connection on the engine. The system shall be arranged so that it is possible to measure the filled oil
Sludge/waste oil tank (2T06)
The sludge/waste oil tank can b e used for the storage of used lubricating oil, in addition to the sludge
coming from the LO separator unit.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4. Lubricating Oil and Crankcase Ventilation Systems

4.3.2 Crankcase ventilation system

Figure 4.1 Crankcase ventilation overview
A crankcase vent pipe shall be provided for each engine. Vent
pipes of several engines and vent pipes of engine crankcases and
tanks shall not be joined together.

The diameter of the pipe shall be large enough to avoid excessive

back pressure considering the length of the pipe and number of
bends. Flame arresters should not cause excessive flow
The connection between engine and pipe is to be made flexible. The
vent pipe should be led out of the engine room in such a way that the
risk of water condensation in the pipe is minimized.

A condensate trap shall be fitted on all vent pipes within 1...2 m

from the engine.

The design principle and connection sizes of the condensate trap is

shown in the drawing “recommended crankcase ventilation

4.4 Drawings
DAAE010160a Internal lubricating oil system ....................................... .................................... 4-6
DBAA371103- Recommended lubricating oil system ..................................................................4-7
4V76E2522a Recommended crankcase ventilation system ......................................................4-8

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE010160a - Internal lubricating oil system

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Installation Planning Instructions
DBAA371103-- Recommended lubricating oil system

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 4-7

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4V76E2522a- Recommended crankcase ventilation system

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
5. Compressed Air System

5. Compressed Air System

5.1 System overview
Compressed air is used to start engines and to provide ac t uat in g energy for safety and control devices.
Compressed air is used onboard also for other purposes with different pressures. The use of starting air
supply for these other purposes is limited in the classification regulations.
To ensure the functionality of the components in the compressed air system, the compressed air has t o be
free from solid particles and oil.
The design of the starting air system is partly determined by the rules of the classification societies. Most
classification societies require t h e total capacity to be divided over two roughly equally sized s t ar t ing air
receivers and starting air compressors. The rule requirements of some classification societies are not
precise for multiple engine installations.
The lay-out of the compressed air system is shown in the drawing “ recommended starting air system". If
compressed air system components are included in our scope of supply t h e y are listed in section "Com-
ponent data, Wärtsilä Q i y a o scope of supply".

5.1.1 Engine internal system

The engine is equipped with a pneumatic starting motor driving the engine through a gear rim on the flywheel.
The nominal starting air pressure of 3 MPa (30 bar) is reduced to 1 MPa (10 bar) with a pressure regulator
mounted on the engine. The compressed air system of the electro-pneumatic overspeed trip is
connected to the starting air system. For this reason, the air supply to the engine must not be closed during
The components built on the engine are shown in the drawing “internal starting air system".

5.2 System design data

5.2.1 Starting air consumption
The starting air consumption stated in technical data is for a successful start. During a remote start t h e
main starting valve is kept open until the engine s t a r t s , or until the max. time for the starting attempt has
elapsed. A failed remote start can consume 2...3 times the air volume stated in technical data. If the ship
has a class notation for unattended machinery spaces, then the starts may have to be demonstrated as
remote starts, usually so that only the last starting attempt is successful.

This must be checked, by the ship builder, with the classification society.

5.3 Recommended functions

The following functions are not included in Wärtsilä Q i y a o scope of supply. We recommend you to design
these functions as follows.

5.3.1 Starting air vessel (3T01)

The starting air receiver should be dimensioned for a nominal pressure of 3 MPa (30 bar).

The starting air receivers are to be equipped with at least a manual v a l v e for condensate drainage. If the
air receivers are mounted horizontally, there must be an inclination of 3...5° towards drain valve to ensure
efficient draining
The following formula shall be used to calculate the total air volume:

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
5. Compressed Air System

The number of starts is specified in the classification society’s rules

5.3.2 Starting air compressor unit (3N02)

The recommended size of the starting air compressor is calculated according to the following formula:

At least two starting air compressors must be installed. It is recommended that the compressors are
capable of filling the starting air receiver from minimum to maximum pressure in 15...30 minutes. For exact
determination of the minimum capacity, the rules of the classification societies must be followed.
Separator (3S01)
An oil and water separator should always be installed in the pipe between the compressor and the air vessel.
Depending on the operating conditions of the installation, an oil and water separator may be needed in the
pipe between the air vessel and engine. The starting air pipes should always be drawn with slope and be
arranged with manual or automatic draining at the lowest points.

5.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply

5.4.1 Air filter (starting air inlet) (3F02)
Quantity ................................................ 3
Type ...................................................... FIG34
Size (DN) ............................................... 25
Mesh ..................................................... 200
Pressure drop (bar) ............................... 0.1
Maximum air flow (Nm³) ....................... 0.4
Max.working pressure (bar) .................. 30
Dimensional drawing ............................ DAAB726233

5.5 Drawings
DAAE010155- Internal starting air system ..................................................................................5-3
DBAA371108- Recommended starting air system ......................................................................5-4
DAAB726233 Air filter (starting air inlet) ..................................................................................5-5

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE010155 - Internal starting air system

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 5-3

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
DBAA367425-- Recommended starting air system

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
DAAB726233-- Air filter (starting air inlet)

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
6. Cooling water system

6. Cooling Water System

6.1 System overview
Only treated fresh water may be used for cooling the engines.

To allow start on heavy fuel, the cooling water system has to be preheated to a temperature as near to the
operating temperature as possible.

The lay-out of the cooling water system is shown in the drawing “recommended cooling water system". If
cooling water components are included in our scope of supply they are listed in section "Component data,
Wärtsilä Q i y a o scope of supply".

6.1.1 Engine internal system

The cooling w a t e r s y s t e m consists of a high temperature (HT) and a low temperature (LT) circuit, both
cooled by treated fresh water. The HT-circuit is cooling the jackets and cylinder heads and the LT-circuit is
cooling the charge air and lubricating oil.
The following equipment is built on the engine (Wärtsilä Auxpac 520W4L20 and 670W4L20):
• engine driven HT circulating pump with non-return valve
• HT thermostatic valve of self actuating type for controlling the outlet temperature from the engine
• charge air cooler
• engine driven LT circulating pump with non-return valve
• LT thermostatic valve of direct acting type for controlling the water outlet temperature from the lube oil
The arrangement of the built-on system is shown in the drawing “internal system".

6.2 System design data

6.2.1 Raw water quality
Raw water quality to be used in the closed cooling wa t e r c i r c u i t s o f engines has t o meet t h e following
Table 6.1 Raw water specification

For raw water, evaporated water and a good quality tap water are normally recommended. If a reverse os-
mosis process results in water quality specified above, that can be used as well. Untreated sea water and
fresh water as well as rain water are unsuitable raw water qualities.

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 6-1

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
6. Cooling water system

6.2.2 Cooling water treatment

Table 6.2 Approved cooling water treatment products

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
6. Cooling water system

In order to prevent corrosion in the cooling water system, the instructions of right dosage and concentration
of active corrosion inhibitors should always be followed. The information can be found in the table below.

Table 6.3 Dosage instructions

6.3 Recommended functions

The following functions are not included in Wärtsilä Q i y a o scope of supply. We recommend you to design
these functions as follows.

6.3.1 Central cooler (4E08)

The fresh water cooler can be of either tube or plate type. Due to the smaller dimensions the plate cooler is
normally used. The fresh water cooler can be common for several engines, also one independent cooler per
engine is used.

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 6-3

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
6. Cooling water system

6.3.2 Expansion tank (4T05)

The expansion tank compensates for thermal e x p a n s i o n of the coolant, serves for venting of the circuits and
provides a sufficient static pressure for the circulating pumps.

Concerning the water volume in the engine, see Technical data.

The expansion tank should be equipped with an inspection hatch, a level gauge, a low level alarm and ne-
cessary means for dosing of cooling water additives.
The vent pipes should enter t h e tank below the water level. The vent pipes must be drawn s e p a r a t e l y to
the tank (see air venting) and the pipes should be provided with labels at the expansion tank.
The balance pipe down from the expansion tank must b e dimensioned for a flow velocity not exceeding
1.0...1.5 m/s i n order t o ensure the required pressure at the pump i n l e t with engines running. The flow
through the pipe depends on the number of vent pipes to the tank and the size of the orifices in the vent
pipes. The table below can be used for guidance
Table 6.4 Minimum diameter of balance pipe

6.3.3 Drain tank (4T04)

It is recommended to provide a drain tank to which the engines and coolers can be drained for maintenance
so that the water and cooling water treatment can be collected and reused. For the water volume in the
engine, see the section for Technical data (HT-circuit).

Most of the cooling water in the engine can be recovered from the HT-circuit, whereas the amount of water on
the LT side is small.

6.3.4 Air venting (4S01)

Air and gas may be entrained in the piping after overhaul, centrifugal pump seals may leak, or air or gas may
leak from any equipment connected the HT- or LT-circuit, such as diesel engine, water cooled starting air
compressor etc.

As presented in drawing “Recommended cooling water system", it is strongly recommended that air venting
equipment is installed for venting of any entrained air.

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
6. Cooling water system

6.3.5 Orifices
An orifice must be mounted in each cooling water circuit branch to be able to correctly balance the flow. An
orifice shall also be installed in each venting pipe directed to the expansion tank.

When a thermostatic valve is used to bypass a cooler, an orifice should be mounted in the bypass line so
that the valve "sees" equal back pressures in the cooler and the bypass line.

6.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply

6.4.1 Preheating unit (4N01)
Quantity ................................................ 1
Type ...................................................... PHU 3-12- S
Heater power (kW) ................................ 12.0
El. motor power (kW) ............................ 0.75
Frequency (Hz) ..................................... 50
Voltage (V) ............................................ 400
Heating media ...................................... Steam
Dimensional drawing ............................ 307924
P&I diagram .......................................... 307925
Electrical drawing................................... 408849

6.5 Drawings
DAAE010162a Internal cooling water system .............................................................................. 6-6
DBAA371113- Recommended cooling water system .................................................................. 6-7
4V60D0343- Recommended cooling water circuit deaerator .................................................... 6-8
307924 4N01 - Preheating unit, dimensional drawing ...................................................... 6-9
408849 4N01 - Preheating unit, electrical drawing............................................................ 6-10

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE010159e - Internal cooling water system

6-6 Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
DBAA257234—Recommended cooling water system

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 6-7

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
4V60D0343-- Recommended cooling water circuit deaerator

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
307924-4N01 Preheating unit, dimensional drawing

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 6-9

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
307925-03-4N01- Preheating unit, P&I drawing

6-10 Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
307924-4N01 Preheating unit, electrical drawing

Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584 6-11

20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
408849-4N01 Preheating unit, electrical drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
408849-4N01 Preheating unit, electrical drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
408849-4N01- Preheating unit, Electrical drawing

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Installation Planning Instructions
408849-4N01 Preheating unit, electrical drawing

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Installation Planning Instructions
408849-4N01 Preheating unit, electrical drawing

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Installation Planning Instructions
408849-4N01 Preheating unit, electrical drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
408849-4N01- Preheating unit, Electrical drawing

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
7.0Combustion Air System

7. Combustion Air System

7.1 System overview
The engine draws the combustion air from the engine room through the inlet filter fitted on the turbocharger.
The combustion air should be delivered through a dedicated duct c l o s e to the turbocharger(s), directed
towards the air intake(s). For the required amount of combustion air, see the section for "Technical data".

7.2 System design data

7.2.1 Combustion air quality
During normal operating conditions the air temperature at the turbocharger inlet should be kept between
15ºC and 35ºC. Max. 45ºC is allowed.

7.3 Recommended functions

7.3.1 Engine room ventilation
Figure 7.1 Engine room ventilation.

To maintain a c c e p t a b l e operating conditions for the engines and t o ensure trouble f r e e operation of all
equipment, attention shall be paid to the engine room ventilation and the supply of combustion air. The air
intakes to the engine room must be located in a way that water spray, rain water, dust and exhaust gases
cannot enter the ventilation ducts and the engine room. The dimensioning of blowers and extractors should
ensure that an over pressure of about 5 mmWC is maintained in the engine room in all running conditions.
For the minimum requirements concerning the engine r o o m ventilation and more details, see a p p l i c a b l e
standards, such as ISO 8861.
The amount of air required for ventilation is calculated from the total heat emission Φ to evacuate. To de-
termine Φ, all heat sources shall be considered, e.g.:

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20 January, 2011
Installation Planning Instructions
7.0Combustion Air System
• main and auxiliary diesel engines
• exhaust gas piping
• generators
• electric appliances and lighting
• boilers
• steam and condensate piping
• tanks
• other auxiliary equipment
It is recommended to consider an outside air temperature of not less than 35°C and a temperature rise of
11°C for the ventilation air.
The amount of air required for ventilation is then calculated from the formula:

The engine room ventilation has to be provided by separate ventilation fans. These fans should preferably
have two-speed electric motors (or variable speed). Thus flexible operation is possible, e.g. in port the ca-
pacity can be reduced during overhaul of the main engine w h e n it is not preheated (and therefore not heating
the room). The ventilation air is to be equally distributed in the engine r o o m considering air flows from points o f
delivery towards the exits. This is usually done so that the funnel serves as an exit for the majority of the air.
To avoid stagnant air, extractors can be used. It is good p r a c t i c e to provide ar e as with significant heat
sources, such as separator rooms with their own air supply and extractors.

For very cold conditions a preheater in the system should be considered. Suitable media could be thermal
oil or water/glycol to avoid the risk for freezing. If steam is specified as a heating system for the ship the
preheater should be in a secondary circuit.
7.3.2 Combustion air for engines
The combustion air shall be supplied by separate combustion air fans, with a capacity slightly higher than
the maximum air consumption. For the required amount of combustion air, see the section "Technical data".

The fans should preferably have a two-speed electric motors (or variable speed) for enhanced flexibility. In
multi-engine installations each main engine s h o u l d preferably have its own combustion air fan. Thus the air
flow can be adapted to the number of engines in operation.

The air required for combustion is taken f r o m the engine r o o m through a filter fitted on the turbocharger. This
reduces the risk for too low temperatures and contamination of the combustion air. It is imperative that the
combustion air is free from sea water, dust, fumes, etc.

With these arrangements the normally required minimum air temperature to the main engine, see s e c t i o n
"Recommendations for operation", can typically be maintained. For lower temperatures special provisions
are necessary.

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7.0Combustion Air System

7.3.3 Condensation of charge air coolers

Condensed water from the charge air coolers is normally drained to the bilge. The condensation can be
estimated according to the example below.
Example, according to the diagram:

At an ambient air temperature of 35°C and a relative humidity

of 80%, the content of water in the air is 0.029 kg water/ kg dry
air. If the air manifold pressure (receiver pressure) under these
conditions is 2.5 bar (= 3.5 bar absolute), the dew point will be
55°C. If the air temperature in the air manifold is only 45°C, the
air can only contain 0.018 kg/kg. The difference, 0.011 kg/kg
(0.029 - 0.018) will appear as condensed water.

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8.0Exhaust Gas System

8. Exhaust Gas System

8.1 System overview
Each engine should have its own exhaust pipe into open air.
8.1.1 Engine internal system
The equipment built on the engine is shown in the drawing “internal charge air & exhaust gas system".

8.2 Recommendations and design data

8.2.1 Exhaust gas piping
The piping should be as short and straight as possible. Pipe bends and expansions should be smooth to
minimize the backpressure. The diameter of the exhaust pipe should be increased directly after the bellows
on the turbocharger. Pipe bends should be made with the largest possible bending radius; t h e bending
radius should not be smaller than 1.5 x D.
The recommended flow velocity in the pipe is 35…40 m/s. If there are many resistance factors in the piping,
or the pipe is very long, then the flow velocity needs to be lower. The exhaust gas mass flow given in the
section for Technical data can be translated to velocity using the formula:

Each exhaust pipe should be provided with a connection for measurement of the backpressure. The con-
nection should be close to the engine, but not closer than 4...5 pipe diameters from the transition to larger
pipe diameter after the bellows on the turbocharger. Neither should the connection be closer than 3...4 pipe
diameters after a 90 degree pipe bend. The connection should be installed while the exhaust gas outlet on
the turbocharger is protected with a cover.

The exhaust gas pipe should be provided with water separating pockets and drainage.

The exhaust pipe must be insulated all the way from the turbocharger and the insulation is to be protected
by a covering plate or similar to keep the insulation intact. Closest to the turbocharger the insulation should
consist of a hook on padding to facilitate maintenance. It is especially important to prevent the airstream to
the turbocharger from detaching insulation, which will clog the filters.
8.2.2 Supporting
It is very important that the exhaust pipe is properly f i x e d to a support rigid in all directions directly after the
bellows on the turbocharger. The bellows on the turbocharger may not be used to absorb thermal ex-
pansion from the exhaust pipe. The first fixing point must direct the thermal expansion away from the engine
and be located max. 3 diameters (bellows) away from the bellows on the turbocharger. There should be a
fixing point on both sides of the pipe at the support. Absolutely rigid mounting between the pipe and the
support is recommended at the first fixing point after the turbocharger. Resilient mounts can be accepted
for resiliently mounted engines with long bellows, provided that the mounts are self-captive; maximum
deflection at total failure being less than 2 mm radial and 4 mm axial with regards to the bellows. The natural
frequencies of the mounting should be on a safe distance from the running speed, the firing frequency of the
engine and the blade passing frequency of the propeller. The resilient mounts can be rubber mounts of
conical type, or high damping stainless steel wire pads. Adequate thermal insulation must be provided to

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8.0Exhaust Gas System
protect rubber mounts from high temperatures. When using resilient mounting, the alignment of the exhaust
bellows must be checked on a regular basis and corrected when necessary.

After the first fixing point resilient mounts are recommended. The mounting supports should be positioned at
stiffened locations within the ship’s structure, e.g. decklevels, framewebs or specially constructed supports.
The supporting must allow thermal expansion and ship’s structural deflections.
8.2.3 Back pressure
The maximum permissible exhaust gas back pressure is 3 kPa at full load. The back pressure in the system
must be calculated by the shipyard based on the actual piping design and the resistance of the components
in the exhaust system. The exhaust gas mass flow and temperature given in the section for Technical data
may be used for the calculation.

If there is an exhaust gas boiler in the system, then the temperature of the exhaust gas will be reduced in
the exhaust gas boiler and the lower temperature will decrease the flow velocity after the boiler. The lower
temperature will on the other hand res ult in a higher density, but the net effect is a slightly lower pressure
loss than without temperature decrease.

The back pressure should also be measured on the sea trial.

8.2.4 Exhaust gas bellows (5H01)
Bellows must be used in the exhaust gas piping where thermal expansion or ship’s structural deflections
have to be segregated. The flexible exhaust gas bellows mounted directly on the turbocharger outlet serves
to minimize the external forces on the turbocharger and thus prevent vibrations and possible damage. All
exhaust gas bellows must be of an approved type.
8.2.5 Selective Catalytic Reduction (11N03)
If SCRs will be installed, the exhaust gas piping must be straight at least 3...5 meters in front of the SCR. If
both an exhaust gas boiler and a SCR unit will be installed, then the exhaust gas boiler shall be installed after
the SCR. Arrangements must be made so that when cleaning the exhaust gas boiler with water, the
cleaning water cannot spill down into the SCR.
8.2.6 Exhaust gas silencer (5R02)
Yard/designer should take into account that unfavorable layout of the exhaust system (length of straight
parts in the exhaust system) might cause amplification of the exhaust noise between engine outlet and the
silencer. Hence the attenuation of the silencer does not give any absolute guarantee for the noise level after
the silencer.
8.2.7 Exhaust gas boiler
If exhaust gas boilers will be installed, each engine should have a separate exhaust gas boiler. Alternatively,
a common boiler with separate gas sections for each engine is acceptable.

For dimensioning the boiler, the exhaust gas quantities and temperatures given in section "Technical data"
may be used.

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8.0Exhaust Gas System

8.3 Installation instructions

Figure 8.1 Overview of exhaust gas pipe installation.

Refer to section "Technical data" for the dimensions A and B in the figure above
Installation procedure:
1. The engine or generating set should be installed in its final position before any external pipes are con-
2. Remove the protection cover from the exhaust gas outlet on the turbocharger. Be very careful while
there is no cover. Dirt or foreign object may absolutely not drop into the turbocharger.
3. In order to achieve the correct installation length for the bellows a new cover with approximately the
same thickness as the gasket has to be prepared. This cover will be used between the turbocharger
and the bellows while welding and cutting is being performed on the exhaust pipe.
4. Check the flow direction of the bellows from the dimensional drawing and install it on the turbocharger
with the recently prepared protection cover between the flanges. Fasten the bellows temporarily with at
least four screws. Tighten the screws sufficiently to ensure that the flanges are pulled together properly.
NOTE! Do not remove the supports between the flanges of the bellows until all parts have been in-
stalled and the exhaust gas pipe is rigidly fixed.
5. Manufacture an adapter piece (expansion cone) that will fit both the flange on the flexible bellows and
the exhaust pipe diameter. The minimum recommended diameter of the exhaust pipe is always larger
than the diameter of the flexible bellows. The pipe expansion must be made as a cone with a diffuser
angle not larger than 30° (max.15° between centerline and wall).
6. Weld the flange that connects to the bellows to the expansion cone.
7. Trim or extend the exhaust pipe so that the expansion cone fits between the bellows and the exhaust
pipe (gap between parts should not be larger than suitable for welding).
8. Install the expansion cone on the bellow, using the correct gasket between the flanges. Connect the
flanges temporarily with a number of screws. Use a sufficient number of screws to ensure that the
flanges are pulled together properly. If the exhaust gas outlet of the turbocharger is in a tilted or hori-
zontal position, then temporary supporting of the expansion cone and the bellows is needed during the
9. Align the exhaust gas pipe to the expansion cone. Do not force the expansion cone in any direction.
NOTE! The exhaust gas outlet of a resiliently mounted engine wi l l usually be displaced due to the
torque reaction as the engine load increases. In some cases it is necessary to
compensate for the torque reaction by installing the exhaust gas pipe with an initial lateral

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8.0Exhaust Gas System
offset. Thus, if the engine is resiliently mounted, Wärtsilä Q i y a o should be contacted for
further instructions.

In the case of a flexibly mounted generating set, which has a common base frame, there is
no lateral displacement due to the torque reaction.
10. Anchor the exhaust gas pipe to the ship structure as close as possible to the flange of the expansion
cone. The supports must be made very rigid in order to prevent vibration and movement of the exhaust
gas pipe.
11. Weld the expansion cone to the exhaust gas pipe.
12. Remove the temporary supports between the flanges of the flexible bellow.
13. Remove the flexible bellows. Keep the protection cover over the turbocharger outlet all the time.
14. Clean the exhaust gas pipe from slag and particles developed during the welding. Again, remember to
keep the entry into the turbocharger covered.
15. Remove the protection cover and install the bellows with the appropriate gaskets.
16. Lubricate the threads of all screws with heat resistant grease and tighten in a diagonal sequence.
Refer to the drawing “exhaust gas bellows" drawing for dimensions and flow direction.

8.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply

8.4.1 Turbocharger cleaning device (5Z03)
Quantity ................................................ 1
Type ........................................................ Dosing unit
Dimensional drawing …................................3V37L0587
8.4.2 Exhaust gas bellows (5H01)
Quantity ................................................ 3
Type ...................................................... . Double
Length (mm) ........................................ ....... 420
Connection (DN) ......................................... 200
Counter flanges .................................... ......With
Dimensional drawing................................ ...DAAE068096 pos.1

8.5 Drawings
DAAE010154- Internal charge air and exhaust gas system ........................................................8-5
3V37L0587a 5Z03 - Turbocharger cleaning device, dimensional drawing ................... ............8-6
DAAE068096a 5H01 - Exhaust gas bellows, dimensional drawing ..............................................8-7

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DAAE010154- - Internal charge air and exhaust gas system

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3V37L0587a-5Z03- Turbocharger cleaning device, dimensional drawing

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DAAE068096a- Exhaust gas bellows, dimension drawing

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9.0Piping Arrangements

9. Piping Arrangements
9.1 Recommendations regarding piping design
9.1.1 General
Fuel, lubricating oil, fresh water and compressed air piping is usually made in seamless carbon steel (DIN
2448) and seamless precision tubes in carbon or stainless steel (DIN 2391), exhaust gas piping in welded
pipes of corten or carbon steel ( DIN 2458). Sea-water piping should be in Cunifer or hot dip galvanized
NOTE! The pipes in the freshwater side of the cooling water system must not be galvanized!
Attention must be paid to fire risk aspects. Fuel supply and return lines shall be designed so that they can be
fitted without tension. Flexible hoses must h a v e an approval from the classification society. If flexible hoses
are used in the compressed air system, a purge valve shall be fitted in front of the hose(s).

It is recommended to make a fitting order plan prior to construction.

The following aspects shall be taken into consideration:

• Pockets shall be avoided. When not possible, drain plugs and air vents shall be installed
• Leak fuel drain pipes shall have continuous slope
• Vent pipes shall be continuously rising
• Flanged connections shall be used, cutting ring joints for precision tubes
Maintenance access and dismounting space of valves, coolers and other devices shall be taken into con-
sideration. Flange connections and other joints shall be located so that dismounting of the equipment can be
made with reasonable effort.
9.1.2 Pipe dimensions
When selecting the pipe dimensions, take into account:
• The pipe material and its resistance to corrosion/erosion.
• Allowed pressure loss in the circuit vs delivery head of the pump.
• Required net positive suction head (NPSH) for pumps (suction lines).
• In small pipe sizes the max acceptable velocity is usually somewhat lower than in large pipes of equal
• The flow velocity should not be below 1 m/s in sea water piping due to increased risk of fouling and
• In open circuits the velocity in the suction pipe is typically about 2/3 of the velocity in the delivery

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9.0 Piping Arrangements

Table 9.1 Recommended maximum velocities on pump delivery side for guidance

NOTE! The diameter of gas fuel and compressed air piping depends only on the allowed pressure loss
in the piping, which has to be calculated project specifically.
9.1.3 Trace heating
The following pipes shall be equipped with trace heating (steam, thermal oil or electrical). It shall be possible
to shut off the trace heating.
• All heavy fuel pipes
• All leak fuel and filter flushing pipes carrying heavy fuel
9.1.4 Pressure class
The pressure class of the piping should be higher than or equal t o the design pressure, which should be
higher than or equal to the highest operating (working) pressure. The highest operating (working) pressure
is equal to the setting of the safety valve in a system.
The pressure in the system can:
• Originate from a positive displacement pump
• Be a combination of the static pressure and the pressure on the highest point of the pump curve for
a centrifugal pump
• Rise in an isolated system if the liquid is heated
Within this publication there are tables attached to drawings, which specify pressure classes of
connections. The pressure class of a connection can be higher than the pressure class required for the

Example 1:

The fuel pressure before the engine should be 0.7 MPa (7 bar). The safety filter in dirty condition may cause a
pressure loss of 0.1 MPa (1.0 bar). The viscosimeter, automatic filter, preheater and piping may cause a
pressure loss of 0.25 MPa (2.5 bar). Consequently the discharge pressure of the circulating pumps may
rise to 1.05 MPa (10.5 bar), and the safety v a l v e of the pump s h a l l thus be adjusted e.g. to 1.2 MPa (12 bar).
• A design pressure of not less than 1.2 MPa (12 bar) has to be selected.
• The nearest pipe class to be selected is PN16.
• Piping test pressure is normally 1.5 x the design pressure = 1.8 MPa (18 bar).
Example 2:

The pressure on the suction side of the cooling water pump i s 0.1 MPa (1 bar). The delivery head of the
pump is 0.3 MPa (3 bar), leading to a discharge pressure of 0.4 MPa (4 bar). The highest point of the pump
curve (at or near zero flow) is 0.1 MPa (1 bar) higher than the nominal point, and consequently the discharge
pressure may rise to 0.5 MPa (5 bar) (with closed or throttled valves).
• Consequently a design pressure of not less than 0.5 MPa (5 bar) shall be selected.
• The nearest pipe class to be selected is PN6.

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9.0Piping Arrangements

• Piping test pressure is normally 1.5 x the design pressure = 0.75 MPa (7.5 bar). Standard

pressure classes are PN4, PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40, etc.

9.1.5 Pipe class

Classification societies categorize piping systems in different classes (DNV) or groups (ABS) depending on
pressure, temperature and media. The pipe class can determine:
• Type of connections to be used
• Heat treatment
• Welding procedure
• Test method
Systems with high design pressures and temperatures and hazardous media belong to class I (or group I),
others to II or III as applicable. Quality requirements are highest on class I.

Examples of classes of piping systems as per DNV rules are presented in the table below.
Table 9.2 Classes of piping systems as per DNV rules

9.1.6 Insulation
The following pipes shall be insulated:
• All trace heated pipes
• Exhaust gas pipes
• Exposed parts of pipes with temperature > 60°C
Insulation is also recommended for:
• Pipes between engine or system oil tank and lubricating oil separator
• Pipes between engine and jacket water preheater
9.1.7 Local gauges
Local thermometers should be installed wherever a new temperature occurs, i.e. before and after heat ex-
changers, etc.

Pressure gauges should be installed on the suction and discharge side of each pump.
9.1.8 Cleaning procedures
Instructions shall be given to manufacturers and fitters of how different piping systems shall be treated,
cleaned and protected before delivery and installation. All piping must be checked and cleaned from debris
before installation. Before taking into service all piping must b e cleaned according to the methods listed

Table 9.3 Pipe cleaning

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9.0 Piping Arrangements

A = Washing with alkaline solution in hot water at 80°C for degreasing (only if pipes have been greased)
B = Removal of rust and scale with steel brush (not required for seamless precision tubes)
C = Purging with compressed air

D = Pickling

F = Flushing

Pipes are pickled in an acid solution of 10% hydrochloric acid and 10% formaline inhibitor for 4-5 hours, rinsed
with hot water and blown dry with compressed air.

After the acid treatment the pipes are treated with a neutralizing solution of 10% caustic soda and 50 grams
of trisodiumphosphate per litre of water for 20 minutes at 40...50°C, rinsed wi t h hot water and blown dry with
compressed air.
9.1.9 Flexible pipe connections
Pressurized flexible connections carrying flammable fluids or compressed air have to be type approved.
Great c a r e m u s t b e t ak en t o ensure proper installation of flexible pipe c o n n e c t i o n s between resiliently
mounted engines and ship’s piping.
• Flexible pipe connections must not be twisted
• Installation length of flexible pipe connections must be correct
• Minimum bending radius must respected
• Piping must be concentrically aligned
• When specified the flow direction must be observed
• Mating flanges shall be clean from rust, burrs and anticorrosion coatings
• Bolts are to be tightened crosswise in several stages
• Flexible elements must not be painted
• Rubber bellows must be kept clean from oil and fuel
• The piping must be rigidly supported close to the flexible piping connections.

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9.0Piping Arrangements

Figure 9.1 Flexible hoses

9.2 Installing flexible pipe connections

9.2.1 General
The generating set shall be installed in its final position before any external pipe is connected to the engine.
Different types of loads that should be observed when designing pipes and pipe supports are: pressure
inside pipe, own weight and fluid weight, thermal expansion, pressure shocks, vibrations, fluid flow rate and
external forces.
9.2.2 Pipe supporting
Never weld supports directly to the pipe. Supports shall be located so that different pipe loads do not cause
too high tension to equipment or flexible bellows.

Fixed supports
Fixed supports are used:
• Nearby equipment connections to protect equipment and flexible bellows from high tensions.

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9.0 Piping Arrangements
• To direct thermal expansion in directions where it can be received.
• To receive different forces acting on the pipeline.

Sliding supports
Sliding supports are used:
• Sliding supports should be located to protect the pipeline, equipment and flexible bellows from high
tensions coming from thermal expansion.
• To allow thermal expansion in directions where it can be received.
• To receive different forces acting on the pipeline.
9.2.3 Fuel pipes
Fuel pipes are exposed to fluctuating pressure disturbances from the injection p u m p s . These pressure
pulses must be taken into account when pipe supporting for fuel pipes are designed. Fuel pipes should be
rigidly supported not only nearby the engine, but also far away from the engine in the external fuel system.
The distance between supports should be positioned with the shortest value mentioned in the section
9.2.4 Pipe support nearby the diesel engine
The first three supports on the same pipeline next to the diesel engine are definitively exposed to vibration
that comes from the engine oscillation. Therefore it is very important that they are positioned and fastened
carefully and rigidly so that no resonant vibration can occur in any direction. Pipe supports should be made
of steel, s u p p o r t s made of plastic or similar materials are not allowed. Rigid supporting of pipes will also
prevent vibration and movement of the flexible pipe connection.

Figure 9.2 Typical supports after bellows.

The first support after flexible bellows should be positioned as close as possible to the bellows. If the first
support is to far away from the bellows then the bellows lifet ime will be shortened considerably, the pipe is
also exposed to increased forces that may injure the pipeline.

The second support should be positioned about 0.3...0.5 meter f r o m the first support, the reason why it
should be so close to the first support is that this will reduce the vibrations of the pipe end.

The third support can be positioned about 0.8...1.1 meter from the second support. Pipe supports further
in the pipeline can be placed with the same distance from each other.

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9.0Piping Arrangements

Figure 9.3 The supports after flexible bellows.

9.3 Flushing instructions

9.3.1 Fuel oil pipes
Before start up of the engines the external piping between the day tanks and the engines must be flushed
in order to remove any foreign particles such as welding slag.

The possibility to install a temporary flushing oil filter shall be considered in the piping design.

Disconnect the fuel pipes at the engine inlet and outlet (connections 101 and 102). Install a temporary pipe
or hose to connect the supply line to the return line, bypassing the engine.

The piping should be flushed through a flushing filter with mesh size 34 microns or finer.

The inserts of the filters should be removed. Heaters, automatic filters and the viscosimeter should be by-
passed to prevent damage caused by debris in the piping. The automatic fuel filter must not be used as
flushing filter.

The pump used should be protected by a suction strainer. The recommended flushing time is min. 6 hours.
During this time the welds in the fuel piping should be gently knocked at with a hammer to release slag and
the filter inspected and carefully cleaned at regular intervals.
9.3.2 Lubricating oil pipes
Flushing of the piping and equipment built on the engine is not required.

The system oil tanks with piping and equipment should anyhow be carefully cleaned and the oil separated
to remove dirt and welding slag.

If an electric m otor driven stand-by pump is installed this should be used for the flushing. In case only an
engine d r i v e n main pump i s installed, the ideal is to use for flushing a temporary pump o f equal capac it y as
the main pump.

The circuit is to be flushed drawing the oil from the sump tank pumping it through the off-engine lubricating oil
system and a flushing oil filter with a mesh size of 34 microns or finer and returning the oil through a hose
and a crankcase door to the engine sump.

The flushing pump s h o u l d be protected by a suction strainer. Automatic lubricating oil filters, if installed, must
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9.0 Piping Arrangements
be bypassed during the first hours of flushing.

The flushing is more effective if the lubricating oil is heated. Furthermore, lubricating oil separators should be
in operation prior to and during the flushing.

The minimum recommended flushing time is 24 hours. During this time the welds in the lubricating oil piping
should be gently knocked at with a hammer to release slag and the flushing filter inspected and cleaned at
regular intervals.

Either separate flushing oil or the approved engine oil can be used for flushing.
NOTE! If engine oil is used, it must not be re-used as lubricating oil!

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10 Automation System

10. Automation System

10.1 System overview
The Auxpac automation system consists of a built on control system for control of the running parameters,
monitoring of the safety sensors and automatic safety operations.
10.1.1 Automation system scope
The engine mounted equipment mainly consists of:
• Main Control Unit (MCM) for control of starting and stopping sequences and speed control of the
generating set.
• Engine Safety Module (ESM) for measuring of engine speed and turbocharger speed and for activation of
automatic safety shutdowns (over speed, low lube oil pressure and high HT cooling water temper-
ature). The ESM also performs wire break monitoring for the safety system signals.
• Electric actuator for control of fuel rack position
• Solenoids
• Sensors and switches for the ships alarm and monitoring system. The sensors are pre-wired to a
connection box on the generating set.
• Indicators for generating set rpm, turbocharger rpm and running hours.

Figure 10.1 Local control panel

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10 Automation System
• Local indications (bar graphs) of :
- Fuel oil pressure
- Lube oil pressure
- Starting air pressure
- Control air pressure
- HT cooling water pressure
- LT cooling water pressure
- Charge air pressure
- HT cooling water temperature
• Indication lamps for:
- Overspeed shutdown
- HT-water temperature high shutdown
- Lubricating oil pressure low shutdown
- Emergency stop
- External shutdown
• Control mode switch Blow / Blocked / Local / Remote
• Emergency stop button
• Local start button
• Local stop button
• Shutdown reset button
The details and wiring of this equipment is shown in drawing “Wiring diagram".

10.2 Connections to external systems

The following chapters describe how the external systems should be interfaced with the control system of
Auxpac generating sets.

Instrument cables to external systems to be 0.75 mm2 overall screened unless otherwise stated. Cables
with analog signals are recommended to be 0.75 mm2 screened pair.
Table 10.1 Cable glands for engine connection box (main cabinet)

Table 10.2 Cable glands for generator connection box (instrumentation cables)

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10 Automation System
Table 10.3 Cable glands for generator connection box (main cables)

Cable outer
Size Qty
40.8mm 6 or 8

10.2.1 Power supply

The power supply requirement for the Auxpac generating sets is 24 VDC, 5 A at steady state and peaks up to 12 A (500
ms). We recommend using a UPS backed power supply. The control system is designed so that a redundant power
supply system can be adopted.
The power supplies should be fused with 20 A fuses. Cable type to be determined by yard.
It is to be noted that the two inputs for power supply are not galvanically isolated. If galvanic isolation between the two
power supplies is requested, it has to be arranged externally.
10.2.2 Instrumentation for external systems
The Auxpac generating sets are equipped with sensors and signals for the external systems according to the wiring
diagram, exhaust gas monitoring diagram and alarm list. The documents can be found at the end of this chapter.
All 4-20mA outputs, except engine speed and turbocharger speed, are to be treated as passive transmitters, i.e. power
+24 VDC is to be supplied by Alarm & Monitoring system.
10.2.3 Control signals
The following chapter provides information of the signals from the generating set, to the ships control system and
signals from the ships control system to the generating set control system.

Signals from the generating set

NS881 Engine control system minor alarm
This signal is a potential free opto relay output signal. The output signal is active when there is an internal fault in the
generating set control system. At a healthy condition the contact is closed. The signal is activated by:
• Failure in Main Control Module
• Failure in Engine Safety Module
• Failure in actuator driver module
• Failure in local displays
• Loss of power supply
Contact rating 0.15 A – 30 VDC.

NS 886 Engine control system major failure

This is a potential free opto relay output signal. The signal is activated (open contact) when the there is serious fault in
the control system.
When the major failure signal is activated, the generating will be shut down by the engine safety module. Contact rating
24 VDC – 0.2A.

Local/remote control mode indication

This is a potential free change over contact from the local/remote operation mode selection switch. In local mode all
starting and stopping can only be done locally at the generating set. In remote mode all starting and stopping can only
be done from the remote control system. Contact rating 30 VDC – 3 A.

OS 441 Pre lubrication pump control / Pre heater control

This is a potential free contact from the local control panel on the engine. This should be wired to the prelubrication
pump starter panel or to the starter panel for the cooling water pre-heater. The contacts are closed when the pre
lubrication pump / pre heater is control is ON. Contact rating 30 VDC – 3.0 A. This output can ONLY be used for DC
control voltage.

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Installation Planning Instructions
10 Automation System
CV 223 Pre lubrication pump control / Pre heater control
This is a potential free contact from the local control panel on the engine. This should be wired to the prelubrication
pump starter panel or to the starter panel for the cooling water pre-heater. The contacts are closed when the pre
lubrication pump / pre heater is control is ON. The output contact is rated 255 VAC –0.6 A. This output can only be
used for AC control voltage.
For further details of wiring see drawing “pre-lubrication pump starter ".

IS 872 Ready for start

This signal is a potential free opto relay output signal. The signal is closed when the generating set is ready for start and
no internal or external start blockings are active. Contact rating 30 VDC – 3 A.

IS 7602 Stop / shutdown status 1

This is a potential free opto relay output signal. The signal is closed when the generating set is being stopped (locally or
remote) or shutdown by the safety system and remains on as long as the shutdown has been reset. The output is
typically used for tripping the generator main breaker in the MSB. Contact rating 24 VDC–0.2 A.

IS 875 Start failure

This signal is a potential free opto relay output signal. The signal is activated (open contact) if the engine has not
reached firing speed in 10 sec. after the start signal has been activated. Contact rating 24 VDC –0.2 A.

SI 518 TC speed
This is a galvanically isolated analogue output signal to the ships alarm and monitoring system. The signal type is 4-20
mA, range 0 – 75000 rpm and max external load is 750 Ω.

SI 173 Engine speed

This is a galvanically isolated analogue output signal to the ships alarm and monitoring system. The signal type is 4-20
mA , range 0 – 1200rpm and max external load is 750 Ω.

IS 1741/IS 1742 Over speed shutdown status

This is a potential free opto relay output signal. The contact will be opened when the engine safety system has
shutdown the engine due to over speed. Contact rating 30 VDC – 3 A.

IS 4011 HT temp shutdown status

This is a potential free opto relay output signal. The contact will be opened when the engine safety system has
shutdown the engine due to high HT cooling water temperature. Contact rating 30 VDC – 3 A.

IS 2011 Lube oil pressure low shutdown status

This is a potential free opto relay output signal. The contact will be opened when the engine safety system has
shutdown the engine due to low lube oil pressure. Contact rating 30 VDC - 3 A.

IS 7305 External shutdown status 4 (Emergency stop)

This is a potential free opto relay output signal. The contact will be opened when the emergency stop button on the
local control panel or any emergency stop button wired to the input for the external emergency
shutdown (OS 7305) has been activated. Contact rating 30 VDC – 3 A.

IS 181 Speed switch 1 (Engine running)

This is a potential free opto relay output signal. The contact will be closed when the engine is above 40%of rated
speed. Contact rating 110 VDC – 0.5 A.

IB 7324 Shutdown status

This is a potential free opto relay output signal. The signal will be opened when the engine has been shutdown by the
engine safety system. The signal can be used if the individual shutdown outputs are not wanted. Contact rating 30 VDC
- 3 A.

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10 Automation System
IS 780 Alarm blocking
This is an opto couple signal. The output will be closed when the alarms from the engine should be blocked. Such
alarms are: Low lube oil pressure, low HT and LT cooling water pressure. Contact rating 24VDC–0.2 A.

Signals from the ships control system to the generating set

OS 7309 External shutdown 1 (from ships switchboard)
This is a digital input to the generating set. Any signal that requires a fast shutdown of the generating set, should be
connected to this input. Such signals could be e.g. generator protection, ships shutdown systems,etc. The shutdown is
activated by a closed contact. The external contact should be equipped with a 22 kΩ resistor for wire break monitoring.

OS 7305 External shutdown 4 (Emergency stop)

This is a digital input to the generating set. This signal is typically used e.g. emergency stop buttons, ships shutdown
systems, etc. The external contact should be equipped with a 22kΩ resistor for wire breakmonitoring. The shutdown is
activated by a closed contact.

OS 7304 Remote stop

This is a digital input to the generating set. Activating this input (closed contact) will activate the generating set stop
sequence if the local/remote selector switch is in remote. The input should be activated for min.0.5s for the generating
set to stop. This input is normally connected to e.g. remote stop buttons, power management systems, etc.

OS 7302 Remote start

This is a digital input to the generating set. Activating this input (closed contact) will activate the generating set starting
sequence, if no start blockings are active and the local/remote switch is in remote mode. The input should be activated
for min. 0.5s. for the generating set to start. This input is normally connected to remote start buttons, power
management systems, etc.

OS 7312 External start blocking

This is a digital input to the generating set. Opening the contact to this input will block the starting of the generating
set. This input is typically connected to start blocking signals from the ships control system or switchboard.

OS 163 Speed increase

This is a digital input to the generating set. Activating this input (closed contact) will increase the rotating speed of the
generating set. The speed increase rate is 0.05 Hz/sec when the input is activated. This input is typically connected to
power management systems, load-sharing systems, switchboards or synchronisers.

OS 164 Speed decrease

This is a digital input to the generating set. Activating this input (closed contact) will decrease the rotating speed of the
generating set. The speed decrease rate is 0.05 Hz/sec when the input is activated. This input is typically connected to
power management systems, load-sharing systems, switchboards or synchronisers.

10.3 Speed control system

The engine i s equipped with an electronic speed governor, with an all electric a c t u a t o r . The system is
equipped with redundant speed sensors and redundant power supply.

The governor is adjusted to 4 % speed droop to obtain basic load sharing.

In systems with speed droop as the primary load sharing method it is necessary to actively transfer load to a
recently connected generator from parallel generators in order to achieve even load on all generators.

Before disconnecting a generator it must be correspondingly unloaded. Loading and unloading is normally
performed automatically by a power management system. The power management system commonly also
corrects the frequency to eliminate the speed droop offset, which is proportional to the system load. The
power management system performs load balancing and frequency correction by adjusting the speed ref-

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Installation Planning Instructions
10 Automation System
erences of the individual engines.

The controlling system (power management system) should not perform adjustments with shorter intervals than
the controlled system (generating sets) responds. In order to achieve smooth load sharing it is important to
implement suitable dead bands in the control.

If the power management system performs continuous load balancing and frequency correction, it should
include the following features:

• Pulse length and time between pulses shall be adjustable. If the same control system also handles
automatic synchronization, then pulse length, time between pulses and dead band shall be
separately adjustable for synchronisation.
• The time between pulses shall be sufficiently long. After a correction it can take up to 30 seconds before the
actual adjustment has reached 95% of the set point change. The control system should therefore wait at least
10 seconds before giving a new pulse.
• The control system should preferably determine the length of the pulse based on the size of the desired
correction and then wait for 30 seconds or more before performing a new correction.
• A control dead band should be implemented, allowing for an uneven load of min ±2% of nominal power and a
frequency drift of min ±1%.
• The corrections should not be based on instantly sampled values. The corrections should be based on the
average value over several seconds. 10 seconds is a suitable time span.

10.4 Component data, Wärtsilä Qiyao scope of supply

10.4.1 Motor group starter for pre-lube pump (9N27)
Quantity ................................................ 1

Drawing ................................................ DAAE022010

10.5 Drawings
DAAB836407- Generator wiring diagram ...................................................................... 10-7
DAAE084825a Wiring diagram ......................................................................................................... 10-8
DAAE029005- Exhaust gas monitoring diagram ........................................................................... 10-15
DBAA863734- Alarm list ................................................................................................................... 10-16
DAAE022010b Pre-lubricating pump starter (recommended) ........................................................ 10-18

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Installation Planning Instructions
DBAA836407 - Generator

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE084825a- Wiring Diagram

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE084825a- Wiring Diagram

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE084825a- Wiring Diagram

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE084825a- Wiring Diagram

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DAAE084825a- Wiring Diagram

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE084825a- Wiring Diagram

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE084825a- Wiring Diagram

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE029007-- Exhaust gas monitoring Diagram

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Installation Planning Instructions
DBAA863734- Alarm list

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Installation Planning Instructions
DBAA863734- Alarm list

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE022010b- Pre-lubricating pump starter (recommended)

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Installation Planning Instructions
DAAE022010b- Pre-lubricating pump starter (recommended)

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DAAE022010b- Pre-lubricating pump starter (recommended)

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DAAE022010b- Pre-lubricating pump starter (recommended)

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Installation Planning Instructions

11.1 List of symbols

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11-2 Zhejiang Ouhua 581/582/583/584

20 January, 2011
Wärtsilä Qiyao Diesel Company Ltd. Tel: +86 21 68284688
No.2988, Jiang Shan Road, Lingang, FAX: +86 21 68284600
Nanhui District, Shanghai 201306 P.R. China www.wartsila.com

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