REIMART - DLP (AutoRecovered)
REIMART - DLP (AutoRecovered)
REIMART - DLP (AutoRecovered)
(10 minutes)
C. Presenting examples/ PHILIPPINE MEDIA-BASED PHILIPPINE CHARACTERISTICS OF Philippine Media-Based Philippine Film-Makers
1. Who among you Direction: Direction: Direction: 1. Are you familiar to
enjoy or love The teacher will share The teacher will show Think of word (s) associated the filmmakers
taking photo and some pictures with the picture. Student will be to FILM. Write as many as mentioned? What is
collecting it as class. The students will asking the you can. the other film/movies
their memories? match each picture characteristics of the you have
2. In taking photos, with the photographer picture. remembered they
what are your or artist who took it. created?
favorite subjects Look at the pictures
or theme? carefully and connect 2. Who are the other
3. Define them to the right filmmakers that you
photography in person. know? What do you
your own words. (5 minutes) know about them?
4. What do you think Column A:
will be the basic 1. George Tapan (5 minutes)
elements to 2. John K. Chua
consider in 3. Manny Librodo
photography? Column B:
a. (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
D. Discussing new The teacher will discuss The teacher will The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss
concepts and through a PowerPoint discuss briefly the life briefly through a through a PowerPoint through a PowerPoint
practicing new skills presentation about and works of the PowerPoint presentation about the presentation about
#1 Photography. Philippine presentation about the “Elements of Basic Films” Philippine Filmmakers.
Photographers/artists Characteristics of
(10 minutes) through a PowerPoint Philippine Photography (15 mins) (10 mins)
(15 mins)
3. Which artist
captured your
interest? Why?
(5 mins)
F. Finding practical SHORT ESSAY! Recitation/ Sharing Recitation/ Sharing SHORT ESSAY! Recitation/ Sharing
applications of Direction: Question: Question: Direction: Question:
concepts and skills in Choose one part of the Choose one How important to know Choose one of the Choose one Film makers and
daily living camera and write on your photographer and the messages or
Elements of Basic Films and discuss their story and how
paper why is it important explain how do you meaning of a picture
and relate it to your daily inspired to their works and how can you relate write on your paper why is can you relate to them in
lives. and relate it to your it to your daily lives. it important and relate it to your daily lives.
(2 to 4 sentences). 10pts. daily lives. your daily lives.
(5 minutes) (5 minutes)
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
G. Making Ask them the following: Ask them the Self-Assessment! Ask them the following: Ask them the following:
generalizations and 1. What two Greek following: Let the students assess 1. What are the 1. Explain why the film
abstractions about words are the origins of 1. What special their own photos based elements that help director is considered an
the lesson the term “Photography”? talents and on the characteristics of determine the totality of artist.
what makes them fitting skills does a a good photography. the film?
for this media-based art photographer 2. Name at least three
form? have that (the teacher will present 2. Why filmmaking outstanding film directors.
2. Why is make him an the self-assessment considered a true modern (5 mins)
Photography truly a artist? tool) art form?
modern art form? • George Tapan
• John Chua (5 mins) (5 mins)
(5 minutes) • Manny Librodo
(5 mins)
H. Evaluating learning IDENTIFICATION: IDENTIFICATION: Photo-Exhibit! Quiz! Fill in the Blanks!
DIRECTION: DIRECTION: Direction: A. IDENTIFICATION: 1. The heartwarming drama
Identify the parts of the Identify the artist of Let each group 1. It is similar to the plot of film ___ won in 2003 FAMAS
camera. the photographs given. mount/arrange their the movie. (narrative) by ______.
1. Snake Island, saved/printed 2. It is the most important 2. ____ promoted the term
Palawan (Chua) photograph for exhibit skill in film making. (Editing) “freedom of expression” and
2. Innocence (Librodo) and assess them based 3. These are the verbal became the Philippine Artist
3. Taal Lake, Batangas on the following criteria: conversation of the for Films in ___.
(Chua) characters a movie. 3. Laurice Guillen’s recent
4. Into the Green Zone 1. Craftmanship/ Skill (dialogue) film won for Best Picture is
(Tapan) 2. Creativity/ Originality 4. It is basically ‘writing in _____ in the ____.
5. Gulf of Davao (Chua) 3. Effort/Cooperation movement. 4. Marilou Abaya 2 most
(5 minutes) 6. Katrina (Librodo) (Cinematography) powerful films are _____,
7. American War (10 mins) 5. It is practically the things _____.
Memorial / Fort that appear in the film’s 5. Brillante Mendoza film
Bonifacio, Taguig City frame. ____ won him the Best
(Chua) (mise-en-scene) Director at the _______ in
8. Stories of Her Life 2009.
(Librodo) B. Describe the
9. Generations (Tapan) characteristics of Film. (5 (5 mins)
10. Pride (Librodo) points)
(5 mins)
(5 mins)
I. Additional activities List down on notes the Remind students to Remediation: On your notebook, list Remind students to bring
for application or famous Philippine bring camera whether Take family picture down the 20th Century video camera or cellphone
remediation photographers. SLR, cellphone etc. applying the elements Philippine Filmmakers. for the activity/
of Photography. Have a performance task.
frame on it and display.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up in the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor
by:help me Checked by: Noted by:
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
Student Teacher Resource Teacher School Head
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?