Revealing The Lived Experiences of Senior High School Students in Balancing Athletic Activities and Academic Performance
Revealing The Lived Experiences of Senior High School Students in Balancing Athletic Activities and Academic Performance
Revealing The Lived Experiences of Senior High School Students in Balancing Athletic Activities and Academic Performance
A Research Study
Presented to
In Partial Fulfillment
Grade 11 – STEM
April 2023
among Canadian college students. But, balancing academic duties with the
additionally battle to manage their time efficaciously, that can cause strain,
exhaustion, and burnout. These negative outcomes can have an effect on the
in Canada. The cost of gadget, journey, and match costs can be prohibitively
Ontario university Athletics (OUA) has diagnosed this problem and has
establishments and coaches. Discrimination and lack of help can also affect
critical to making sure that scholar-athletes have the aid they need to succeed
competitions at some stage in college hours, that can result in ignored classes
student-athletes may struggle to find the money for the cost of training,
and limited opportunities. A few schools may also prioritize male pupil-athletes
within the sports activities and sports in their choice. Additionally, student-
athletes with disabilities may also face precise demanding situations in getting
compounded with the aid of the shortage of assets and aid for scholar-
study found that the primary challenge faced by student-athletes was the lack
of time to balance their academic and athletic responsibilities. Student-
can leave them with little time for rest and recreation. Additionally, the study
effectively. The study emphasized the need for schools and sports
and mentorship programs, to help them manage their academic workload and
athletes who are still in the process of shaping their identities and academic
paths. This study aims to fill this gap by using phenomenology to reveal the
Research Question
1. How do senior high school students experience and perceive the balance
1.1 Are there any factors that affect you to balance athletic activities
and academic performance, such as the type of sport they play or the
performance, and what are the potential consequences of prioritizing one over
the other?
2.2 Can schools and communities help address these factors, and if
so, how?
3. How do senior high school students navigate the tension between their
mutually supportive?
between athletic activities and academic goals, and how can you manage
Theoretical Lens
Theory, that structure and guide the researcher in understanding the lived
2008). Whilst those desires are met, individuals are much more likely to revel
students balancing academic and athletic hobbies can help to discover how
motivation, engagement, and reports in each domain. This could offer insights
achievement in those domain names, and how schools and educators can aid
constructs from each SDT and fulfillment goal concept (Standage, Duda, &
Ntoumanis, 2005). Through applying SDT to the context of senior high college
students balancing academic and athletic hobbies, this look at can construct
comparable contexts. By using SDT as a theoretical lens, this study can offer
insights into the factors that impact pupil engagement and achievement in
each educational and athletic domain names, and how schools and educators
can higher aid students in achieving their dreams (Deci & Ryan, 2008).
pupil athletes in their academic hobbies. Student athletes often face unique
with from look at time. Expertise those challenges and developing aid
structures can help ensure that scholar athletes are capable of perform nicely
Overall, the look at on the lived studies of senior high college students
senior excessive faculty students within the Philippines who are worried in
and does not take into account the angle in their father and mother, coaches,
or teachers. Subsequently, it's far a qualitative study and does now not goal to
individuals can also offer responses which can be deemed socially perfect in
conducted for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, which may also have
which the studies are conducted. Knowledge these restrictions can help to
contextualize the findings and can help manual destiny studies in this vicinity.
Definition of terms
Lived experiences. Refers to the unique and personal experiences of
Senior high school students. Refers to students in the final two years
indicators of success.
competence, and relatedness, and that these needs must be fulfilled in order
Athletic Performance
The authors discovered that ordinary bodily pastime become related to higher
academic fulfillment, especially in phrases of cognitive features which include
attention and reminiscence. This locating suggests that there may be a nice
tremendously stable over the past decade. This shows that athletic overall
U.S.A. The survey observed that the 3 maximum popular sports for boys had
been football, song and area, and basketball, even as the three maximum
famous sports for ladies had been tune and discipline, volleyball, and
emphasizes the importance of bodily activity for basic health and well-being.
Academic Performance
the factors that influence academic performance in high school students. One
who believed in their capacity to perform well academically were much more
involvement can offer college students with emotional help, motivation, and an
high faculty college students. The authors determined that scholars who
insufficient sleep may also impair cognitive functioning and negatively impact
college students. The authors discovered that students who employed deep
Eventually, a examine by Reyes and Brackett (2012) investigated the
sample of yank high college students. The authors observed that emotional
indicating that students who have been able to alter their emotions and
construct wonderful relationships with others have been much more likely to
be successful academically.
With the aid of knowledge those elements, educators and mother and father
can better guide students in their instructional pursuits and assist them gain
Time Management
time effectively to achieve their goals. According to Gokcen and Sahin (2018),
reduce stress, and achieve their academic and personal goals. However, poor
example, a study conducted by Gakhar, Singh, and Kaur (2014) found that
effective time management skills were positively correlated with academic
achievement. Another study by Yilmaz and Inan (2018) reported that students
who used effective time management strategies had higher GPAs compared
to students who did not. These findings suggest that time management is an
success but also for athletes' performance. A study by Christakou et al. (2019)
found that athletes who effectively managed their time reported less stress
to manage their time effectively. A study by Tariq and Naseer (2018) reported
stress among university students. This highlights the need for interventions to
academic and athletic performance. The literature suggests that effective time
skills and to develop interventions that can help students improve their time
management abilities.
activity is instigated and sustained" (p. 63). There are several theories that
study found that intrinsic motivation, which is driven by internal factors such
students who were highly motivated had better learning outcomes, including a
skills. The study also found that motivation was positively related to students'
motivation in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found
online learning activities and their satisfaction with the online learning
experience. The study also found that students who were more intrinsically
goal. It is an essential skill that can impact various aspects of life, including
Schmeichel, & Baddeley, 2012). Recent research has shed light on the
that students who were better at self-regulating their thoughts and behaviors
had higher GPAs and were more likely to graduate from college. Additionally,
shown that individuals with poor self-regulation skills are more likely to
contrast, individuals who are better at regulating their emotions are less likely
self-regulation skills, but the effects are often small. However, the authors
the study, its purpose, the research questions, theoretical lens, importance of
the study, limitation, delimitation, definition of terms, and the review of related
In the third chapter, the results and transcript were carefully presented
and analyzed with codes and pseudonyms to maintain the anonymity of the
study, and ethical consideration were all given important attention before
Research Design
The objective of this study is to delve into the encounters of high school
order to attain this feat, our team will employ a phenomenological method. As
patterns that emerge. Moreover, Strauss and Corbin (1998) state that
obtained from this study may profoundly impact schemes targeted toward
Research Participants
The research participants for this study will be senior high school
students from various schools in the Philippines who are actively participating
criteria will be students who are in their senior year, currently participating in a
and voluntary nature. They will also be asked to sign an informed consent
form before participating in the study. The participants will be assured that
their anonymity will be protected, and all data collected will be used for
privacy will be ensured by using pseudonyms for the participants and storing
all collected data in a secure location accessible only to the research team.
Data Sources
conducted with senior high school students who have experience in balancing
and athletic records will be used to supplement and triangulate the data
gathered from interviews and focus group discussions. The use of multiple
data sources will help ensure the credibility and dependability of the findings
of this study. All data will be collected with the necessary ethical
Data Collection
In order to gather and analyze data for this study, the researchers
goal, the researchers utilized the High School Athletics Participation Survey
Utilizing an innovative methodology, this study incorporated individual
interviews to glean qualitative insights into the demanding lives of high school
analysis efforts.
delved into procuring all-inclusive qualitative data regarding the difficulties that
along with athletic undertakings. From the numeric data collected through
Data Analysis
The data collected from the IDI and FGD were transcribed verbatim
used in qualitative research (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The analysis process
began with the research team reading through the transcripts to gain a
codes that represented important aspects of the data related to the research
questions. These codes were reviewed and refined to identify themes, which
were then organized into a coherent framework that reflected the participants'
experiences. The research team ensured that the themes were consistent
the data and asking them to provide feedback on the accuracy of the themes.
Second, peer debriefing was used, where the researchers presented their
findings to other researchers to obtain feedback and validation of the analysis.
Finally, an audit trail was maintained, which documented the analysis process
The use of thematic analysis in this study allowed for the identification
of key themes related to the lived experiences of senior high school students
insight into the challenges and strategies used by students in managing their
Credibility. The researcher took into account the viewpoints of the ten
key informants and seven focus group participants through their interviews,
phenomenon under investigation. The informants were also given the chance
to review the interview results to verify the data obtained. Moreover, the
research, which could guide readers in applying the findings in other contexts.
practice, theory, and future research. Future researchers can replicate this
related situations.
interpretations and results are objective and supported by the data. To ensure
their records secure and verifying their pseudonyms through their signatures.
An auditor then reviewed the audit trail with the original transcripts and
research. The use of an audit trail and an external auditor enhances the
with the aim of discovering and interpreting their lived experiences. The
researcher's role in this study was to ensure that the data collected was
and provide a rich description of their lived experiences. The researcher's role
was also to establish trust and rapport with the participants, provide an ethical
framework for the study, and ensure that the research process was rigorous
and systematic.
and trust with the participants. This was done by introducing themselves,
explaining the purpose of the study, and obtaining informed consent. The
researcher ensured that the participants understood the nature of the study
and their roles in it. The researcher also made efforts to establish a non-
depth of responses.
Furthermore, the researcher was responsible for ensuring that ethical
ethical clearance from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and ensured that
written consent from the participants before the study began. The researcher
provided the participants with the option to withdraw from the study at any
time if they felt uncomfortable or if they did not wish to continue. According to
because it promotes respect for participants and ensures that the research
Ethical Consideration
the UIC-REC for review and following their standardized protocol. Prior to the
study, I obtained complete consent from the participants and ensured that
informed consent after they were fully informed about the study's nature,
data collected would not be made public or disclosed to any third party,
participants and avoided using any personal identifiers that could reveal their
established trust and rapport with the participants, ensuring that they felt
Beneficence. The study aimed to benefit the participants and the wider
withdraw from the study at any time if they felt uncomfortable or distressed.
ethical clearance from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before the study
began. The IRB ensured that the study's ethical standards were met, and
participants' rights were protected. The IRB also monitored the study to