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QUANTUM Series TSG ESE Discrete Structures & Theory of Logics NTE . sion + Topic-wise coverage of entire syllabus — se in Question-Answer form. = “ga seme + Short Questions (2 Marks) Zs ah yy 1C(CS/T-Sem-3) QUANTUM SERIES For B.Tech Students of Second Year of All Engineering Colleges Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow (Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University) Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic By Dr. Anuj Bhardwaj Dr. Parul Tiwari M.Sc., Ph.D M.Sc., Ph.D ™ Quantum — Page — QUANTUM PAGE PVT. LTD. Ghaziabad m New Delhi 2C (CS/IT-Sem-3) PUBLISHED BY : Apram Singh Quantum Page Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 59/2/7, Site - 4, Industrial Area, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad-201 010 Phone : 0120-4160479 Email : pagequantum@gmail.com Website: www.quantumpage.co.in Delhi Office : 1/6590, East Rohtas Nagar, Sahadara, Delhi-110032 © Att Ricuts ReserveD No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission. Information contained in this work is derived from sources believed to be reliable. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, however neither the publisher nor the authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and neither the publisher nor the authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic (CS/AT : Sem-3) 1* Edition : 2009-10 12" Edition : 2020-21 2™' Edition : 2010-11 3" Edition : 2011-12 4" Edition : 2012-13 5\" Edition : 2013-14 6'" Edition : 2014-15 7 Edition : 2015-16 8" Edition : 2016-17 9" Edition : 2017-18 10 Edition : 2018-19 11" Edition : 2019-20 (Thoroughly Revised Edition) Pric 's. 80/- only Printed Version : e-Book. 3.C (CS/IT-Sem-3) UNIT - 1: SETS, FUNCTIONS & NATURAL NUMBERS (1-1 C to 1-30 C) Set Theory: Introduction, Combination of sets, Multisets, Ordered pairs. Proofs of some general identities on sets. Relations: Definition, Operations on relations, Properties of relations, Composite Relations, Equality of relations, Recursive definition of relation, Order of relations. Functions: Definition, Classification of functions, Operations on functions, Recursively defined functions. Growth of Functions. Natural Numbers: Introduction, Mathematical Induction, Variants of Induction, Induction with Nonzero Base cases. Proof Methods, Proof by counter ~ example, Proof by contradiction. UNIT - 2: ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES (2-1 Cto 2-24 C) Definition, Groups, Subgroups and order, Cyclic Groups, Cosets, Lagrange's theorem, Normal Subgroups, Permutation and Symmetric groups, Group Homomorphisms, Definition and elementary properties of Rings and Fields. UNIT - 3: LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA (3-1 C to 3-22 C) Lattices: Definition, Properties of lattices - Bounded, Complemented, Modular and Complete lattice. Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Axioms and Theorems of Boolean algebra, Algebraic manipulation of Boolean expressions. Simplification of Boolean Functions, Karnaugh maps, Logic gates, Digital circuits and Boolean algebra UNIT - 4: PROPOSITIONAL & PREDICATE LOGIC (4-1 C to 4-20 C) Propositional Logic: Proposition, well formed formula, Truth tables, Tautology, Satisfiability, Contradiction, Algebra of proposition, Theory of Inference. Predicate Logic: First order predicate, well formed formula of predicate, quantifiers, Inference theory of predicate logic. UNIT -5 : TREES, GRAPHS & COMBINATORICS —_—(5-1 C to 5-38 C) Trees: Definition, Binary tree, Binary tree traversal, Binary search tree. Graphs: Definition and terminology, Representation of graphs, Multigraphs, Bipartite graphs, Planar graphs, Isomorphism and Homeomorphism of graphs, Euler and Hamiltonian paths, Graph coloring, Recurrence Relation & Generating function: Recursive definition of functions, Recursive algorithms, Method of solving recurrences Combinatorics: Introduction, Counting Techniques, Pigeonhole Principle. SHORT QUESTIONS (SQ-1C to SQ-23 C) SOLVED PAPERS (2014-15 TO 2019-20) (SP-1 C to SP-24 C) QUANTUM Series ict TRUM URS Uy the big picture without spending (Peder ones For Semester - 3 Quantum Series is the complete one-stop ; solution for engineering student looking for (cs & IT) a simple yet effective guidance system for core engineering subject. Based on the needs of students. and catering to the it requirements of the syllabi, this series Engineering Science Course/ | trinehsadreses, the way. wien Mathematics - IV concepts are tested through university examinations. The easy 10. comprehend question answer form adhered to by the Books in this series is. suitable and « Technical Communication / recommended for student. The students are able to effortlessly grasp the concepts and Universal Human Values ideas discussed in their course books with the help ofthis series. The solved question Papers of previous years act as a additional Data Structure advantage for students to comprehend the paper pattem, and thus anticipate and prepare for examinations accordingly The coherent manne in which the books in Computer Organization & this series present new ideas and concepts Architecture to students makes this series play an essential role in the preparation for tuniversity examinations. The detailed and comprehensive discussions, easy to « Discrete Structures & understand examples, objective questions and ample exercises, al aid the students to Theory of Logic Understand evening in an’ altincusve ‘Topic wise coverage in Question-Answer frm. _« The perfect assistance for scoring good marks ‘Clears course fundamentals. ‘Good for brush up belor exams ‘includes solved University Question. ‘Ideal for setstudy Quantum Publications (A Unit of Quantum Page Pvt. Ltd.) Plot No. 59/27, Site-4, Industal Area, Sahibaba, Ghaziabad, 201010, (UP) Phone: 0120-4160479 Quantum E-mail: pagequantum@gmail.com Web: www.quantumpage.co.in Page | Find us on: facebook. com/quantumseriesotficial Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-1C (CS/T-Sem-3) UNIT Set Theory, Functions and Natural Numbers CONTENTS Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Part-5 Part-6 ws 1-2C to 1-5C Set Theory : Introduction, sc. Combination of Sets, Multisets Ordered Pair, Proof of Some .. General Identities on Sets .. 1-5C to 1-8C Relations : Definition, Operation .......... 1-8C to 1-16C on Relations, Properties of Relation, Composite Relation, Equality of Relation, Recursive Definition of Relation, Order of Relation Function : Definition, .... . 1-16C to 1-22C Classification of Functions, Operations on Functions, Recursively Defined Functions, Growth of Functions Natural Numbers : .. -. 1-22C€ to 1-26C Introductions, Mathematical Induction, Variants of Induction, Induction with Non-zero Base Cases Proof Methods, Proof by. Counter-Example, Proof by Contradiction . 1-26C to 1-29C 1-2 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers PART-1 Set Theory : Introduction, Combination of Sets, Multisets. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que 1.1. | What do you understand by set ? Explain different types of set. Answer 1. Aset isa collection of well defined objects, called elements or members of the set. 2. These elements may be anything like numbers, letters of alphabets, points etc. 3. Sets are denoted by capital letters and their elements by lower case letters. 4. Ifanobject.x isan element of set. A, we write it asx ¢ A and read it as ‘x belongs to A’ otherwise x ¢ A (x does not belong to A). Types of set : Finite set : A set with finite or countable number of elements is called finite set. Infinite set : A set with infinite number of elements is called infinite set. Null set : A set which contains no element at all is called a null set. It is denoted by @ or (}. It is also called empty or void set. Singleton set : A set which has only one element is called singleton set. Subset : Let A and B be two sets, if every elements of A also belongs to Bie., if every element of set A is also an element of set B, then A is called subset of B and it is denoted by A cB. Symbolically, A cB ifxe A=>x eB. 6. Superset : If A is subset of a set B, then B is called superset of A. 7. Proper subset : Any subset A is said to be proper subset of another set B, if there is at least one element of B which does not belong to A, ie. if| AcB but A+B. It is denoted by A cB. 8. Universal set : In many applications of sets, all the sets under consideration are considered as subsets of one particular set. This set is called universal set and is denoted by U. 9. Equal set : Two set A and B are said to be equal if every element of A belong to set B and every element of B belong to set A. It is written as A=B. Symbolically, A =Bifx ¢A andx eB. e ve » f Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-3C (CS/IT-Sem-3) 10. Disjoint set : Let A and B be two sets, if there is no common element between A and B, then they are said to be disjoint. Que 1.2. | Describe the different types of operation on sets. Answer 1. Union: Let A and B be two sets, then the union of sets A and Bis a set that contain those elements that are either in A or B or in both. It is denoted by A v B and is read as ‘A union B’. Symbolically, AUB = {x|x ¢ A orx < B} Forexample: A = (1, 2,3, 4) B= {3, 4, 5,6} AUB=(1,2,3, 4,5, 6} 2. Intersection : Let A and B be two sets, then intersection of A and Bis a set that contain those elements which are common to both A and B. It is denoted by A> B and is read as ‘A intersection B’. Symbolically, A OB = {x|x xeAandx¢B > xeBandxeA [-A=Bl = xeB-A . A-BcB-A (1.10.1) Conversely, if xeB-A = xeBandxgA > xeAandx¢B > xeA-B B-AcA-B (1.10.2) From eq. (1.10.1) and (1.10.2), we have If A=B=>A-B=B-A Now let A-B=B-A Let xe A-BasA-B=B-A . xeB-A Now xe A-B>xeAandxeB (1.10.3) and xeB-AsxeBandxeA (1.10.4) Eq. (1.10.3) and (1.10.4), can hold true when A = B b. Let A-B=A To show AnB=$6 Let AnB+# bandletx eABandxed > xeAandx ¢B > xe (A-B)andx eB [- A-B=Al > xe Aandx ¢BandxeB > xed which is a contradiction. AnB=$6 Now conversely, let An B= 6 ToshowA-B=A Let xeA-B > xeAandxeB => xeA fasA 4 B=] > A-BcA .(1.10.5) Conversely, let x € A > xe Aandx¢B fasA 4 B= 6) 1-8 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers > xeA-B “ AcA-B «-(1.10.6) From eq. (1.10.5) and (1.10.6), A=A-B PART-3 Relations : Definition, Operation on Relations, Properties of Relation, Composite Relation, Equality of Relation, Recursive Definition of Relation, Order of Relation. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que Describe the term relation along with its types. Let A and B be two non-empty sets, then R is relation from A to B if R is subset of A x B and is set of ordered pair (a, ) where a ¢ A andb ¢ B. It is denoted by aRb and read as “a is related to b by R”. Symbolically, R = {(a,b):a ¢A,b 5),a,b (b, a) ¢R. 6 Antisymmetric relation : A binary relation R defined ona set is said to antisymmetric relation if (a, b) ¢ R and (b,a) « R=>a=bie.,aRb and bRa>a=bfora,b €R. 7, Transitive relation : A binary relation R on a set A is transitive whenever (a, 6) ¢ R and (b,c) < R then (a,c) «R ie, aRb and bRe = aR. Que 1.14. | Write short notes on: a. Equivalence relation b. Composition of relation oR Write a short note on equality of relation. Answer a. Equivalence relation : 1. Arelation R on a set A is said to be equivalence relation if it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. 2. The two elements a and 6 related by an equivalence relation are called equivalent. 3. So, arelation R is called equivalence relation on set A ifit satisfies following three properties : i G@aeRyacd (Reflexive) (a,b) ¢R=>(b,a) eR (Symmetric) iii, (a,b) ¢ Rand (b,c) eR (a,c) eR (Transitive) b. Composition of relation : 1. Let R be arelation from a set A to B and S be arelation from set B to C then composition of R and S is a relation consisting or ordered pair (a, c) where a < Aandc « C provided that there exist b « B such that (a,b) ¢ RCA x Band (b,c) ¢ SB x C. It is denoted by RoS. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-11 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) 2. Symbolically, R oS = ((a, )|3 6 © B such that (a, b) ¢ R and (b,0) € 8} Que 1.15. | Describe recursive definition of relation. Answer 1. The characteristic function C,, ofa relation Rc" is defined as follows : ; if ¢S - CX, Oif <8 2. Arelation R is a recursive set iff its characteristic function C, is a recursive function. 3. Examples of recursive relations : <, >, <= cle, y) = sg x+y) (x,y) = 3g (x+y) xe (x, y) = Sg (y +x) 4. Consider relation R(x, y, z) defined as follows : - Rx, y, 2) iffy xz (a,c) € R where a, b,c < A (Transitive) A sot A together with a partial order relation R is called partial order set or poset. Que a. Closure of relations b. Total order c. Compatibility relation Write short notes on: 1-12 C (CSAT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers Answer a. Closure of relations : i. Reflexive closure : Let R be a relation defined on set A. The RU I, is called reflexive closure of R, where I, = (a, a)|a € A} is diagonal or identity relation. ii, Symmetric closure : Let R be a relation defined on set A. Then RUR is called symmetric closure of R, where R-1is inverse of R on A. b. Total order : A binary relation R ona set A is said to be total order iff it is i. Partial order i, (a,0)¢ Ror(ba)eR VabeA It is also called linear order. c. Compatibility relation : A binary relation R defined on set A is said to be compatible relation ifit is reflexive and symmetric. It is denoted by ¥. Que 1.18. | Show that R = ((a, b)|a = b (mod m)} is an equivalence relation on Z. Show that if x,=y, and x, =y, then (x, +x,) = (9, +9,)- AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05 Answer R= ((a,) | a= (mod m)} For an equivalence relation it has to be reflexive, symmetric and transitive. Reflexive : For reflexive V a ¢ Zwe have (a, a) ¢ Ri., a=a(mod m) => a-ais divisible by m i., 0 is divisible by m Therefore aRa, V a € Z, itis reflexive. Symmetric : Let (a, b) < Z and we have (a,b) < Rie.,a=b (mod m) a-b is divisible by m = km, kis an integer —k)m m,p is also an integer b - a isalso divisible by m =a(mod m)= (b,a) eR UUUUY It is symmetric Transitive : Let (a,b) ¢ Rand (b,c) < R then (a,b) €R=>a-b isdivisible by m > a—b=t™m,tisan integer «(1.18.1) (b,c) € R = b-cis divisible by m > b-c=sm,sisan integer (1.18.2) From eq. (1.18.1) and (1.18.2) =(t+s)m = Im, Lis also an integer Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-13 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) a—cis divisible by m a=c(mod m), yes it is transitive. Ris an equivalence relation. ie.,x,—y, divisible by m Xq—Jo divisible by m Adding above equation : (x, -y)) + (yg) is divisible by m > Gtx ie., (xy +, ~ (v1 +g) is divisible by m Oy +99) Que 1.19. | Let R be binary relation on the set of all strings of 0’s and 1’s such that R = {(a, b)|a and b are strings that have the same number of 0’s}. Is R is an equivalence relation and a partial ordering relation ? AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05 Answer For equivalence relation : Reflexive :aRa=(a,a)¢RVacR where a isa string of 0’s and I's. Always a is related to a because both a has same number of 0's. Itis reflexive. Symmetric : Let (a,b) © R then a and 6 both have same number of 0’s which indicates that again both 6 and a will also have same number of zeros. Hence (b, a) € R. It is symmetric. Transitive : Let (a,b) ¢ R, (b,c) ¢R (a,b) € R= a and b have same number of zeros. (b,c) € R= b and have same number of zeros. Therefore a and c also have same number of zeros, hence (a, ¢) € R. Itis transitive. Ris an equivalence relation. For partial order, it has to be reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive. Since, symmetricity and antisymmetricity cannot hold together. Therefore, it is not partial order relation. Que 1.20. | Let A (1, 2,3,. on A x A defined by (a, b) R (c, d) ifa +d =b +c. Find equivalence classes of (5, 8). AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05 Answer , 13}. Consider the equivalence relation {1, 2, 3, ...., 13} ((a, 6): (a, b) R 5, 8), (a,b) eA x A] (6, 8)] 1-14 C (CSAT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers = [(a,b):4+8=b+5) ( +3=0) (1,4), 2, 5), (3, 6), (4, 7) (5, 8), (6, 9), (7, 10), (8, 11) (9, 12), (10, 13)} (5, 8] = Que 1.21. | The following relation on A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Determine whether the following : a. R=((1,3), 3, 1), (, D, (1, 2), 3, 3), (4, 4)} b R=AxA Is an equivalence relation or not ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10 Answer a R=((1,3), (3, , 4, D, (1, 2), (3,3), (4, 4)) Reflexive :(a,a) a b afb Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-15 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) = dK a aRb and bRa holds only when a = b. Relation is antisymmetric. Transitive : Let a,b,c ¢ Aand aRb and bRe > bsa,esb > esa => aRe Hence, relation is transitive. Therefore, (x-y) is divisible by 3. = (x—y) = 8n, (n, being an integer) = (yx) =—3nz = 3ny, ny is also an integer So, y —x is divisible by 3 or R is symmetric. iii, Transitive : Let x,y,z ¢ Xand (x,y) ¢R,(y,2)eR Then x ~y = 3n;,y—Z=3ng, 1, ny being integers Sa-z2=3(n, +n), ny +Ng=N, be any integer So, (x —z) is also divisible by 3 or (x, z) ¢ R So, Ris transitive. Hence, R is an equivalence relation. Ag Fig. 1.24.1. Diagraph of R. PART-4 Function : Definition, Classification of Functions, Operations on Functions, Recursively Defined Functions, Growth of Functions. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que 1.25. | Define the term function. Also, give classification of it. Answer 1. Let X and Y be any two non-empty sets. A function from X to Yisarule that assigns to each element x < Xa unique element y € Y. 2. If fis.a function from X to ¥ we write f: X > Y. 3. Functions are denoted by f,g, h, i etc. 4. Itis also called mapping or transformation or correspondence. Domain and co-domain of a function : Let f be a function from X to Y. Then set Xis called domain of function fand Y is called co-domain of function f. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-17C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Range of function : The range of fis set of all images of elements of X. ie., Range () = ly :y € Yandy =f(x) vxeX} Also Range (f) < Y Classification of functions : 1. Algebraic functions : Algebraic functions are those functions which consist of a finite number of terms involving powers and roots of the independent variable x. Three particular cases of algebraic functions are : i. Polynomial functions : A function of the form a,x" + a,x""'+... +a, where n isa positive integer and q,,a,,....,a, are real constants and a, #0 is called a polynomial of x in degree n, for example f(x) = 2x° + Bx? + Tx —8 is a polynomial of degree 3 f(x) a(x) ii, Rational functions: A function of the form —— where f (x) and g(x) are polynomials. iii. Irrational functions : Functions involving radicals are called irrational functions. fix) = {x +5 is an example of irrational function. 2. Transcendental functions : A function which is not algebraic is called transcendental function. i. Trigonometric functions : Six functions sin x, cos x, tan x, sec x, cosec x, cot x where the angle x is measured in radian are called trigonometric functions. Inverse trigonometric functions : Six functions sin” x, co tan’ x, cot-'x, sec-! x, cosec"! x, are called inverse trigonometric functions. Exponential functions : A function f(x) = a* (a > 0) satisfying the law a’ =a and aa” = a’ is called the exponential function. iv. Logarithm functions : The inverse of the exponential function is called logarithm function. Que 1.26. | Give the types / operations on functions. Answer 1. One-to-one function (Injective function or injection) : Let f:X— Y then fis called one-to-one function if for distinct elements of X there are distinct image in Y i.e., f is one-to-one iff ii. foxy) = lx) implies x, = xy V xy xy, €X A f. Fig. 1.26.1. One-to-one. 1-18 C (CS/(IT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers 2. Onto function (Surjection or surjective function) : Let f: X > Y then f is called onto function iff for every element y € Y there is an element x e X with fx) = y or fis onto if Range (f) = Y. x Y Fig. 1.26.2. Onto. 3. One-to-one onto function (Bijective function or bijection) : A function which is both one-to-one and onto is called one-to-one onto function or bijective function. x Y 1 2 3 Fig. 1.26.3. One-to-one onto. 4. Many one function: A function which is not one-to-one is called many one function i.e., two or more elements in domain have same image in co-domain i.e., Iff: X > Y then flx,) = flxy) > x, #xp. Fig. 1.26.4. Many one. 5. Identity function : Let f: X > X then fis called identity function if| f(a)=a Va € Xie., every element of X is image of itself. It is denoted byl. 6. Inverse function (Invertible function) : Let fbe a bijective function from X to Y. The inverse function of f is the function that assigns an element y € Y, a unique element x € X such that fix) = y and inverse of f denoted by f-!. Therefore if fix) = y implies f* (y) = x. Que 1.27. | Determine whether each of these functions is a bijective from R to R. a. fl) =x +1 b. fx) =28 ce. f(x) = (x7 + 1x? + 2) AKTU 2015-16, Marks 15 Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-19C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Answer a fix) =x? +1 Let x,,, € R such that So, f is not one: Hence, fis not bijective. b. Letx,,x ¢ R such that flx,) = flx,) xp x1 =% f is one-to-one. Let y < R such that Bre fea! For vy ¢ R3auniquex ¢ R such that y = f(x) Ff isonto. Hence, f i . 41 x +2 4 If x, = 1, xy=-1 then flx,) = flx,) but x1 # Xp -. f isnot one-to-one. Hence, fis not bijective. Que 1.28. | Iff:A > B, g:B > C are invertible functions, then show that go f: A— Cis invertible and (go f= fog. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05 Answer Iff|A > Bandg : B > C be one-to-one onto functions, then g 0 fis also one- onto and (g of=fog4 Proof. Since f is one-to-one, f (x,) =f (x,) x, =x, forx,,x,¢R Again since g is one-to-one, g (y,)=§ Wy) > 9, =o foryy,y,eR Now g 0 fis one-to-one, since (g 0 f) (x) = (g 0 f) (xq) => g [fla] =a If (x,)1 > f (x) = Alxg) [g is one-to-one] > X= Xp If is one-to-one] Since g is onto, for z ¢ C, there exists y < B such that g (y) =z. Also f being onto there exists x ¢ A such that f (x) = y. Hence z = g (y) =elf@l=Gof 1-20 C (CSAT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers This shows that every element z ¢ C has pre-image under gof. So, g 0 fis onto. Thus, g 0 fis one-to-one onto function and hence (g 0 f)"! exists. By the definition of the composite functions, g 0 f : A > C. So, (goff!:CoA. Also g“!: C> Band f"!: B> A. Then by the definition of composite functions, f-! 0 g-!: C > A. Therefore, the domain of (g 0 f"! = the domain of f 0 g7. Now (eof @=x e(gof(x)=z og (fx)=z = (y) =z where y =f (x) yng (2) ef =A ele =flog)@ exa(fog (2) If) =a) Thus, (og) &). So, Plog. Que 1.29. | Explain the following : a. Composition of functions b. Recursive function c. Primitive recursion Answer a. Composition of functions : Iff:X > Y andg: YZ then the composition of f and g is a new function fog Fig. 1.29.1. Many one onto. 1. Iffandg are considered to be relations then composition of f andg was denoted by fog whereas the composition of function f and g is denoted by gof. 2. Composition of functions is not commutative i.e., fog + gof. 3. Composition of functions is associative i.e., fo(goh) = (fog)oh. where h:X>Y,g:Y—Z,andf:Z—> W. b. Recursive function (Recursively defined function) : Sometimes it becomes difficult to define a function explicitly then it may be easy to define this function in terms of itself. This technique is referred as recursion. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-21 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) This concept of recursion can be used to define sets, sequences and algorithms also. We will define three functions which are called Basis function or Initial functions that are used in defining other functions by induction. 1. Zero function : (Z : z(x) = 0) 2. Successor function : (S : s(x) =x + 1) 3. Projection function or generalized identity function : UP SUP (ety, Xq5.0-- X,) = %;) where superscripts n indicates a number of argument of the function and subscripts i indicates the value of the function is equal to it argument. ec. Primitive recursion: A function is called primitive recursion if and only if it can be constructed from the initial functions and other known primitive recursive functions by a finite number of operations and recursion only. For example : Consider the function fle, y)=xty Now fix,y+Daxty4) (w+y) 41 = flx,y)+1 Also flx,0)=x+0=x Now fe,O=x=UP@ ae (1.29.1) Also flx,y + 1) = flx,y) +1 Sifix, y)} where S is the successor function (U,3tx, y, flx, NI) (1.29.2) If we consider g(x) = U,\x) and A(x, y, z) = S-U,3 (x, y, 2) From eq. (1.29.1) and (1.29.2), we get f(x, 0) = g(x) and flx, y + 1) = Ate, y, Aix, 9} Thus, fis obtained from the initial functions U,1, U,3 and S by applying compositions once and recursion once. Hence, fis primitive recursive Que 1.30. | Write short note on growth of functions. Answer 1. We need to approximate the number of steps required to execute any algorithm because of the difficulty involved in expression or difficulty in evaluating an expression. We compare one function with another function to know their rate of growths. 2. Iffandg are two functions we can give the statements like has same growth rate as g’ or ‘f has higher growth rate than g’. 3. Growth rate of function can be defined through notation. a. 0-Notation (Same order) : This notation bounds a function to within constant factors. We say fin) = 0g(n) if there exist positive constants n,, c, and c, such that to the right of n, the value of fin) always lies between ¢,g(n) and c,g(n) inclusive. 1-22 C (CS/AIT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers cog(n) fin) cye(n) np fin) = © (gm) Fig. 1.30.1. b. O-Notation (Upper bound) : This notation gives an upper bound for a function to within a constant factor. We write fin) = O(g(n)) if| there are positive constants n, and c such that to the right of n,, the value of fin) always lies on or below ¢g(n). egin) fin) n 1, fin) = O(g(n)) Fig. 1.30.2. c. Q-Notation (Lower bound) : This notation gives a lower bound for a function to within a constant factor. We write fin) = Q.g(n)) if there are positive constants n, and c such that to the right of n,, the value of fin) always lies on or above cg(n). fin) egin) 1 1 1 1 n Mo f{n) = 2 (gin)) Fig. 1.30.3. PART-5 Natural Numbers : Introduction, Mathematical Induction, Variants of Induction, Induction with Non-zero Base Cases. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-23 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que 1.31. | Describe mathematical induction. Answer Mathematical induction is a technique of proving a proposition over the positive integers. It is the most basic method of proof used for proving statements having a general pattern. A formal statement of principle of mathematical induction can be stated as follows Let S(n) be statement that involve positive integer n = 1, 2, ... then Step 1 : Verify S(1) is true (Inductive base) Step 2 : Assume that S(/) is true for some arbitrary 2. (Inductive hypothesis) Step 8 : Verify S(z + 1) is true using basis of inductive hypothesis (Inductive step) Que 1.32. | Prove that n° + 2n is divisible by 3 using principle of mathematical induction, where n is natural number. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10 Answer Let Sin) : n3 + 2n is divisible by 3. Step I : Inductive base : For n = 1 (1) + 2.1 = 3 which is divisible by 3 Thus, S(1) is true. Step II: Inductive hypothesis : Let S(k) is true i.e., k® + 2k is divisible by holds true. or k3 + 2k = 3s forse N Step III : Inductive step : We have to show that S(k + 1) is true ie., (k-+ 1)? + Uh + 1) is divisible by 3 Consider (k + 1)? + 2k + 1) = W414 3h? + 3h 4+ 2h+2 = (R3 + 2k) + 3(R2 +k + 1) 3s +31 where 1=h? +k+1¢N = 3s +). Therefore, S(k + 1) is true Hence by principle of mathematical induction S(n) is true for all neN. 1-24 C (CSAT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers Que 1.33. | Prove by induction : oe 37°" n+) +l” AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10 Answer Let the given statement be denoted by S(n). 1. Inductive base : For n=1 1 — 12° 1+1— Hence S (1) is true. 2. Inductive hypothesis : Assume that S (4) is true ie., a 2 a ie a k + + os 12 RR+1) k+1 3. Inductive step : We wish to show that the statement is true for n=k+lie, 1,1 —1__ el 12°23 (k+Wk+2) ~ k+2 Now, 42 4...4—1_,_ 1 _ 1: 2. Rk+1) (k+ 1k +2) --*, 1 _ B+ 2ke1 “k+l (kt DR+2 (k+DR+2) _ k+l h+2 Thus, S(k + 1) is true whenever S(h) is true. By principle of mathematical induction, S(n) is true for all positive integer n Que 1.34. | Prove by the principle of mathematical induction, that the sum of finite number of terms of a geometric progression, a+ar+ar+..ar™=a(r'- Dir-D ifrel. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05 Answer Basis : True for n = 1ie., LHS=a RHS=- 2°-) _, r-1 Therefore, L.H.S. =R.HS. Induction : Let it be true for n=kie., Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-25 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) eo atartart+...¢aret= ae (1.34.1) = Now we will show that it is true for n = & + 1 using eq. (1.34.1) ie, atartar2+...+arl4 ark Using eq. (1.34.1), we get a(r* -1) r-1 ar —~a+ar™!—a tar? 5 which is R.HLS. for n =k + 1, hence it is true for n =k + 1. By mathematical induction, it is true for all n. Que 1.35. | Prove that if n is a positive integer, then 133 divides qa"tt 4 12-1, AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07 Answer We prove this by induction on n. Base case : For n = 1, 11+! + 122"-1 = 112 + 12! = 133 which is divisible by 133. Inductive step : Assume that the hypothesis holds for n = k, i.e., 11*+1 4 192-1 = 133A for some integer A. Then for n =k +1, Lym g 192-1 = yyhedHd y y920k41)-1 = 1p 4 yg? = 11 * 11s 144 * 192-1 11 * 1114 11 * 1271 + 133 * 1971 I1[11F+! + 127-1] + 133 * 192-1 = 11* 138A +133 * 122-1 = 133[11A + 12%] Thus if the hypothesis holds for n = it also holds for n =k + 1. Therefore, the statement given in the equation is true. Que 1.36. | Prove by mathematical induction n‘ — 4n? is divisible by 3 for all n > = 2. Answer Base case : If n = 0, then n4 - 4n? = 0, which is divisible by 3. Inductive hypothesis : For some n 2 0, n4 - 4n? is divisible by 3. Inductive step : Assume the inductive hypothesis is true for n. We need to show that (n+ 1)4—4(n + 1)” is divisible by 3. By the inductive hypothesis, we know that n4~ 4n? is divisible by 3. Hence (n + 1)4 — 4(n + 1)? is divisible by 3 if (n + 1)4 -4(n + 1)? - (n4 — 4n?) is divisible by 3. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07 1-26 C (CSAIT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers Now (n +1) - 4(n + 1)? - (nt - 4n?) = nt +4n3 + 6n? + 4n +1-4n?—8n—4—n! + dn? = 4n? + 6n? - 4n- 3, which is divisible by 3 if 4n3 — 4n is. Since 4n3 — 4n = 4n(n + 1) (n-1), we see that 4n* — 4n is always divisible by 3. Going backwards, we conclude that (n + 1)*— 4(n + 1)? is divisible by 3, and that the inductive hypothesis holds for n + 1. By the Principle of Mathematical Induction, n* — 4n? is divisible by 3, for all neN. Que 1.37. | Prove by mathematical induction 3+ 33 +333 +.. 3333 = (10"*1- 9n - 10)/27 AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07 Answer 3+33 + 333+.. wo. +3333 ... = (10"*+1—9n - 109/27 Let given statement be denoted by S(n) 1 wy Py Inductive base : For n = 1 (10* - 9(1) - 10) 35 ss 27 3 = 3. Hence S(1) is tree. Inductive hypothesis : Assume that S(#) is true i.e., 3 +33 +333 + .... + 3333 = (10* +1 - 9k - 10)/27 Inductive step: ‘e have to show that S(k + 1) is also true i.e., 3+ 33 + 333 + (10 +29 +D_ 109/27 Now, 3+ 33+. + Ee 7 =3+33 +333 +.. = (10k +1 98 - 10/27 + “saa 1_ yo = (10t +14 9k — 10 + 9.10% +! 9/27 = (10*+1+9.10' +! — 9% — 8 - 109/27 = (10" +? — 9(k + 1) - 10/27 Thus S(k + 1) is true whenever S(&) is true. By the principle of mathematical induction S(n) true for all positive integer n. PART-6 Proof Methods, Proof by Counter - Example, Proof by Contradiction. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que 1.3: What are the different proof methods ? Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 1-27C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Answer Different methods of proof are: 1. Direct proof : In this method, we will assume that hypothesis p is true from the implication p > g. We can proof that q is true by using rules of interference or some other theorem. This will show p — q is true. The combination of p is true and q is false will never occur. 2. Indirect methods : These are of five types as follows : Proof by contrapositive. Proof by contradiction (Reductio ad absurdum). Proof by exhaustive cases. Proof by cases. Proof by counter example. Que 1.39. | Explain proof by counter example. Answer In this method, we will give an example for which given statement is false. This example is called counter example. For example : Prove by counter that every positive integer can be written as sum of square of three integers. To look for a counter example we will first write successive positive integers as the sum of square of three integers. eporE 1=2+0?+0 2= P4042 B=P+P+P 424040 5= 084 12422 6= P+ P42 But there is no way to write 7 as a sum of three squares which gives counter example. Therefore, given statement is false. Que 1.40. | Explain proof by contradiction with example. Answer In this method, we assume that q is false i.e., ~ q is true. Then by using rules of inference and other theorems we will show the given statement is true as well as false i.e., we will reach at a contradiction. Therefore, q must be true. For example: Prove that J3 is irrational. Let J3 is arational number. Then 3 positive prime integer p and q such that 3 = = ae = p= (1.40.1) 1-28 C (CS/AIT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers > 3/p? (3 divides p?) > 3ip (: pisan integer) : p= 8x for some x €Z > p= 9x? (1.40.2) From eq. (1.40.1) and (1.40.2) we get, 9x? = 8g? Qa a > 3/q? (3 divides q?) > 3/q 3 divides p and g which is contradiction to our assumption that p and qare prime. Therefore, 3 is irrational. Que 1.41. | Write a short note on the following with example : i, Proof by contrapositive. ii. Proof by exhaustive cases. iii. Proof by cases. Answer i. Proof by contrapositive : In this we can prove p > q is true by showing ~ q— ~ pis true. It is also called proof by contraposition. Example : Using method of contraposition ifn is integer and 3n +2 is even then n is even. Let p : 3n + 2is even q: nis even Let ~ qistrue i.e., nis odd > n= 2k+1,wherek eZ Now, Bn +2= 82k+ 1) +2 23k +2) 41 = 2m + Lwhere m= 3k+2¢Z (8n+2)isodd = ~pistrue Hence ~ q > ~ pis true. By method of contraposition p > q is true. ii, Proof by exhaustive cases : Some proofs proceed by exhausting all the possibilities. We will examine a relatively small number of examples to prove the theorem. Such proofs are called exhaustive proofs. Example : Prove that n? + 1 > 2” where n is a positive integer and l2" for n= 1, 2, 3, 4. For 1; 1+ 1=2 which is true For 2; 4+ 1> 2? which is true For n= 3; 9+ 1> 23 whichis true For n= 4; 16 + 1 > 24 which is true In each of these four cases n? + 1 > 2” holds true. Therefore, by method of exhaustive cases n? + 1 > 2", where n is the positive integer and 1y, then max (x, y) + min (x, y)=x+y. VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Following questions are very important. These questions may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION. Qi. Ans. Q2. Ans. Qs. Ans. Q4 Ans. Q5. re ans: Q6. Prove for any two sets A and B that, (A U B)’ = A’ B'. Refer Q. 18. Show that R = {(a, b)|a@ = b (mod m)} is an equivalence relation on Z. Show that if x,=y, and then (x, +,) = (+92) Refer Q. 1.18. Let R be binary relation on the set of alll strings of 0’s and 1’s such that R = {(a, b)|a and 6 are strings that have the same number of 0's}. Is R is an equivalence relation and a partial ordering relation ? Refer Q. 1.19. Let A (1, 2, 8,....4..0) 13). Consider the equivalence relation on A x A defined by (a, b) R (c, @) ifa+d=b +c. Find equivalence classes of (5, 8). Refer Q. 1.20. The following relation on A = (1, 2, 3, 4). Determine whether the following : R={(1,3), (3, 1), (1, 1), A, 2), (8, 3), (4, 4)) R=AxA Is an equivalence relation or not ? Refer Q. 1.21. Let n be a positive integer and S a set of strings. Suppose that R,, is the relation on S such that sR,t if and only if s =t, or both s and ¢ have at least n characters and first n characters of s and ¢ are the same. That is, a string of fewer than n characters is related only to itself; a string s with at 1-30 C (CS/AIT-Sem-3) Set Theory, Functions & Natural Numbers least n characters is related to a string ¢ if and only if t has at least n characters and ¢ beings with the n characters at the start of s. ans: Refer Q. 1.23. Q.7. Let X=(1, 2,3...) 7} and R = {(x,9) | (@—y) is divisible by 3}. Is R equivalence relation. Draw the digraph of R. wns: Refer Q. 1.24. Q.8. Determine whether each of these functions is a bijective from R toR. Ans: Refer @. 1.27. Q.9. Iff: AB, g: B > C are invertible functions, then show that go f:A— Cis invertible and (g0 f= flog. ‘Ans: Refer Q. 1.28. Q.10. Prove that n* + 2n is divisible by 3 using principle of mathematical induction, where n is natural number. ans: Refer Q. 1.32. 1 1 1 n 12°23" *n@eD Gen" Q.11. Prove by induction : ans: Refer Q. 1.33. Q.12. Prove by the principle of mathematical induction, that the sum of finite number of terms of a geometric progression, atar+ar+..ar"=a(r"-D/i(r-D ifr4. ans: Refer Q. 1.34. Q.13. Prove that if n is a positive integer, then 133 divides Une tt 4 1220-3, ams: Refer Q. 1.35. Q.14. Prove by mathematical induction, n‘ - 4n? is divisible by 3 for all n > = 2. wns: Refer Q. 1.36. Q.15. Prove by mathematical induction 3438 + 338 + .ssccsreee 8333 = (10"*!- 9n - 10)/27 ans: Refer Q. 1.37. ©©O© Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-1 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) etal Algebraic Structures CONTENTS Part-1 Algebraic Structures : 2-2C to 2-10C Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Definition, Groups, Subgroups and Order ... 2-10C to 2-16C Cyclic Group, Cosets, .... Lagrange’s Theorem ww 2-17€ to 2-18C Normal Subgroups, .... Permutation and Symmetric of Groups Group Homomorphismg, -....::::::2-19C to 2-220 Definition and Elementary Properties of Rings and Fields. 2-2 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Algebraic Structures PART-1 Algebraic Structures : Definition, Groups, Subgroups and Order. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que 2.1. | What is algebraic structure ? List properties of algebraic system. Answer Algebraic structure : An algebraic structure is a non-empty set G equipped with one or more binary operations. Suppose * is a binary operation on G. Then (G, *) is an algebraic structure. Properties of algebraic system : Let (S, *, +] be an algebraic structure where * and + binary operation on S: Closure property : (a *b) < S va,b,eS Associative property : (a * 6) *c=a*(b*c) va,b,ceS Commutative property :(a*b)=(b*a) yabeS Identity element: 3 ¢ < S such that a *e =a (right identity) V aS, eis called identity element of S with respect to operation *. Inverse element : For every a ¢ S,3.a7! < S such that a*at=e=al*a here a~is called inverse of ‘a’ under operation *. Cancellation property : a*b=a*c>b=candb*a=c*a>b=c V a,b,c eSandaz0 Distributive property: V a,b,c ¢S a*(b+c)=(a*b) + (a *c) (right distributive) (b+0)*a=(b *a)+(c *a) (left distributive) Idempotent property : An clement a ¢ Sis called idempotent element with respect to operation * ifa * a =a. Que 2.2. | Write short notes on: i. Group iii, Finite and infinite group i v. Groupoid Answer i. Group : Let (G, *) be an algebraic structure where * is binary operation then (G, *) is called a group if following properties are satisfied : vy Fey - 7 ~ ii, Abelian group Order of group Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-3 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) 1. a*b eG v a,b RowHoala Since 2+, 2-6 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Algebraic Structures 44,5=3 From the table we get the following observations : Closure : Since alll the entries in the table belong to the given set Z,,. Therefore, Z, is closed with respect to addition modulo 6. Associativity : The composition +,’ is associative. If a, b, ¢ are any three elements of Z,, a4,(b +,c)=a+,(b +0) [+ b+,¢=b +c (mod 6)] = least non-negative remainder when a + (b +c) is divided by 6. least non-negative remainder when (a + 6) +c is divided by 6. (a +b) +,¢=(a4,b) +6. Identity : We have 0 < Z,. Ifa is any element of Z,, then from the composition table we see that 0+,a=a=a4,0 Therefore, 0 is the identity element. Inverse : From the table we see that the inverse of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are 0,5, 4, 3, 2, 1 respectively. For example 4 +,2 = 0 = 2 +,4 implies 4 is the inverse of 2. Commutative : The composition is commutative as the elements are symmetrically arranged about the main diagonal. The number of elements in the set Z, is 6. (Z,, +,) is a finite abelian group of order 6. Que 2.8. | Let G = (1, - 1, i, - i) with the binary operation multiplication be an algebraic structure, where i= /- 1. Determine whether G is an abelian or not. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07 Answer The composition table of Gis i i at tls 1 ae -i i -1 1 r Closure property : Since all the entries of the composition table are the elements of the given set, the set G is closed under multiplication. Associativity : The elements of G are complex numbers, and we know that multiplication of complex numbers is associative. Identity : Here, 1 is the identity element. Inverse : From the composition table, we see that the inverse elements of 1,-1,i,—i are 1,—1,~i, i respectively. ae ON Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-7 C (CSMIT-Sem-3) 5. Commutativity : The corresponding rows and columns of the table are identical. Therefore the binary operation is commutative. Hence, (G,*) is an abelian group. Que 2.9. | Write the properties of group. Show that the set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is not group under addition and multiplication modulo 6. AKTU 2017-18, Marks 07 Answer Properties of group : Refer Q. 2.2(i), Page 2-2C, Unit-2. Numerical : Addition modulo 6 (+4) : Composition table of S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} under operation +, is given as : +, 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 3 4 5 0 1 3 4 5 0 1 2 4 5 0 1 2 3 5 0 1 2 3 4 Since, 1 +45=Obut 0 ¢ Sie.,S isnot closed under addition modulo 6. So, Sis not a group. Multiplication modulo 6 (*,) : Composition table of S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} under operation *, is given as Reme Roewe wonn owoce ROMA HR woRa 5 5 4 3 2 Since, 2,3 =0 but 0 ¢ Si.e.,S is not closed under multiplication modulo 6. So, Sis not a group. Que 2.10. | Let G = (a, a, a°, a4, a°, a® = e}. Find the order of every element. Answer ola): a =e > ofa) =6 ola?) : (a2)? =a%=e +0 (a2)=3 o(a¥) : (a3)? = a5 =e > o(a3) =2 2-8 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Algebraic Structures ola) : (a4) = a2? = (a8)? o(a®) : (a5)8 = gio = (a5) o(a®) : (a8)! = aS =e > ofa) =1 erolat)=3 > o(a®) =6 Que 2.11. ] Let G be a group and let a, 6 ¢ G be any elements. ii, (a* 6b) =b7* a AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05 Answer i. Lete be the identity element for * in G. Then we have a *a~! =e, where a! ¢ G. Also (a~1)-1#a-1 =e Therefore, (@-1)-!*a-!=a*a~ Thus, by right cancellation law, we have (a~1)-!=a ii, Let a and b © Gand Gis a group for *, then a *6 € G (closure) Therefore, (a *6)-1* (a *b) =e. wu(ZLLD) Let a~1 and 6-1 be the inverses of a and 6 respectively, then a~}, b eG. Therefore, (b-!*a-})*(a*b)=b-1*(a-1*a)*b (associativity) =b-1*e*b=b-1*b=e «-(2.11.2) From (2.11.1) and (2.11.2) we have, (a*b)-1* (a*b)= ("1 * a~1)* (a*) (a*b)-1= 5-14 1 (by right cancellation law) Que 2.12. | Prove that the intersection of two subgroups of a group is also subgroup. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05 Answer Let H, and H, be any two subgroups of G. Since at least the identity element eis common to both H, and H,. H,AH,#6 In perder to prove that HOH, is a subgroup, it is sufficient to prove that a¢H,H,,beH, ‘AH, Jab eH, od, Nowa ¢H,oH, >a cH,anda cH, be H,H,>b cH, andb cH, But H,, H, are subgroups. Therefore, aeH,beH,=>ab' eH, acH,,beH,>ab" cH, Finally, ab"! ¢ H,, ab"! < H, > ab" ¢ H,AH, Thus, we have shown that aeH,oH,b ¢ H,\H,= ab" HH, Hence, H, > H, is a subgroup of G. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-9C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Que 2.13. | Let G be the set of all non-zero real number and let a*b = ab/2. Show that (G *) be an abelian group. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10 Answer i, Closure property : Let a, b < G. a*b= 2 eGasab#0 = *is closure in G. ii, Associativity : Let a,b,c ¢ G be) _albe) _abe Consider a*(b*c)=a* (® a*oyre= (22) tex abe = * is associative in G. iii. Existence of the identity : Let a « G and 3e such that ae 2 > 2a => e=2 2isthe identity element in G. iv. Existence of the inverse : Let a G and < G such thata *b =e =2 = ab 9 2 > ab=4 > o-4 a The inverse ofais 4.yaeG. a v. Commutative : Let a,b ¢ G a*p= 20 2 tae Of and bea > = *is commutative Thus, (G, *) is an abelian group. Que Prove that inverse of each element in a group is unique. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10 2-10 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Algebraic Structures Answer Let (if possible) b and c be two inverses of element a € G. Then by definition of group : b*a=a*b=e and a*c=c*taz=e where ¢ is the identity element of G Now b=e*b=(c*a)*b (a*b) c*e =e bee Therefore, inverse of an element is unique in (G, *). PART-2 Cyclic Group, Cosets, Lagrange’s Theorem. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que 2.15. | Define cyclic group with suitable example. Answer Cyclic group : A group Gis called a cyclic group if at least one element a in @ such that every element x € Gis of the form a”, where n is some integer. The element a € Gis called the generator of G. For example : Show that the multiplicative group G = (1, 1, i, —#) is cyclic. Also find its generators. We have, Hsi,f®@=-18=-1H4=1 and (-i'=-i, 0? =-1,- 13 =i, (-i4=1 Thus, every element in G be expressed as i” or (— i)" Gis cyclic group and its generators are i and -i. Que 2.16. | Prove that every group of prime order is cyclic. AKTU 2018-19, Marks 07 Answer 1. Let G be a group whose order is a prime p. 2. Since P > 1, there is an element a € G such that ae. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-11 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) 3. The group generated by ‘a’ is a subgroup of G. 4. By Lagrange’s theorem, the order of @’ divides |G]. 5. But the only divisors of |@|=p are 1 and p. Since ae we have ||> 1, so || 6. Hence, 2. Hence, m =p. 7. «. H=G, Since His cyclic therefore G is cyclic and a is a generator of G, Que 2.18. | Show that group (G, +,) is a cyclic group where G = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. What are its generators ? Answer Composition table of G under operation +, is shown in Table 2.18.1. Table 2.18.1. t5 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 0 2 2 3 4 0 1 3 3 4 0 1 2 4 4 0 1 2 3 is the identity element of G under +5. 1l=1s 1mod5 P=1+1s 2mod5 Bai+1+ 3 mod 5 a14+14+1+ 4mod5 = 1=1+1+14+1 = 0mod5 2-12 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Algebraic Structures where 1” means 1 is added n times Therefore, 1 is generator of G. Similarly, 2, 3, 4 are also generators of G. Therefore, G is a cyclic group with generator 1, 2, 3, 4. Que 2.19. | Show that G = [(1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8), Xp] is cyclic. How many generators are there ? What are they ? [AKTU 2015-16, Marks 7.5 Answer Composition table for Xy is X,| 1 2 lo te lor NOD Ro~t Halon pom oral Hs bo oF ~1 | 0 2 3 4 8 1 5 7 G Lis identity element of group gi 32=5 mod 9 26 = 64=1 mod 9 Therefore, 2 is generator of G. Hence G is cyclic. Similarly, 5 is also generator of G. Hence there are two generators 2 and 5. Que 2.20. | Define cosets. Write and prove properties of cosets. Answer Let H be a subgroup of group G@ and let a < G then the set Ha = (ha: h ¢ Hy is called right coset generated by H and a. Also the set aH = {ah : h ¢ H) is called left coset generated by a and H. Properties of cosets : Let H be a subgroup of G and let a and b belong to G. Then 1 acaH Proof:a=aecaH Since e is identity element of G. 2. aH=Hiffa eH. Proof : Let aH = H. Then a =ae eaH =H e is identity in G and so is in H) =acH 3. aH=bHoraH f bH=6 Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-13 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Proof : Let aH = bH or al 1 bH=6 and to prove that aH = bH. Let aH bH Then there exists /,, hy ¢ H such that x =ah, and x = bhy a=xhy1=bhy hy? Since H is a subgroup, we have hy hy! « H let hy hy 1 =h cH Now, aH = bhyh, 1 H = (bh) H = (hH) = bh (-; hH = H by property 2) aH =bHifaH M bH #6 Thus, either a H | bH = or aH’ = bH. 4. aH=bHiffa'b eH. Proof : Let aH = bH. a‘aH=a'bH bn (cis identity in) ab) H Therefore by property (2); a! b € H. Conversely, now ifaé! b e H. Then consider bH = e (bH) = (a a~) (6H) =a(l!b)H =aH Thus aH = bH iffa-'b eH. 5. aH isa subgroup of G iffa ¢ H. Proof : Let aH is a subgroup of G then it contains the identity e of G. Thus, aH eH # then by property (3) ; aH = eH = H aH=H=>acH Conversely, ifa ¢ H then by property (2); aH = H. Que 2.21. | State and prove Lagrange’s theorem for group. Is the converse true ? AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10 Answer Lagrange’s theorem : Statement : The order of each subgroup of a finite group is a divisor of the order of the group. Proof : Let G be a group of finite order n. Let H be a subgroup of G and let OW) = m. Suppose hy, hy... «hy, are the m members of H. Let a < G, then Ha is the right coset of H in G and we have Ha = {hy a, hyd,....h,, @} Ha has m distinct members, since = h,a = h,a > h,=h, Therefore, each right coset of H in G has m distinct members. Any two distinct right cosets of H in G are disjoint i.e., they have no element in 2-14 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Algebraic Structures common. Since Gis a finite group, the number of distinct right cosets of H in G will be finite, say, equal to k. The union of these k distinct right cosets of H in Gis equal to G. Thus, if Ha,, Ha,,...., Ha, are the k distinct right cosets of H in G. Then G = Ha, UHa,v Ha,u.... Ha, = the number of elements in G = the number of elements in Ha, +...... +the number of elements in Hay +.....-+ the number of elements in Ha, = O1G) = km 1 n=km = pe m = misadivisor ofn. = O(H)is a divisor of O(G). Proof of converse : If G be a finite group of order n and n € G, then a"=e Let 0 (a) = m which implies a” =e Now, the subset H of G consisting of all the integral power of a is a subgroup of G and the order of H is m. Then, by the Lagrange’s theorem, mis divisor of n. Let n = mk, then a®=am =(a"t=eh=e Yes, the converse is true. Que 2.22. | State and explain Lagrange’s theorem. Answer Lagrange’s theorem : If G is a finite group and H is a subgroup of G then o(H) divides 0(G). Moreover, the number of distinct left (right) cosets of H in G is o(G)/o(H). Proof : Let H be subgroup of order m of a finite group G of order n. Let H thy, hy,...,h,,) Let a € G. Then ai isa left coset of H in G and aH = {ah,, ahy, distinct elements as ah, = ah, => h; = h, by cancellation law in G. Thus, every left coset of H in G has m distinct elements. Since Gis a finite group, the number of distinct left cosets will also be finite. Let it be &. Then the union of these k-left cosets of H in G is equal to G. i.e. ifa,H, aH, ...,a,H are right cosets of H in G then G=a,HvaHy... vat. 0(G) = o(a,H) + o(agH) +... + 0(a,E) (Since two distinct left cosets are mutually disjoint.) ,ah,,) has m > n=m+m+...+m(k times) > n=mk > k=" m _ 0G) o(H)” Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-15 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Thus order of each subgroup of a finite group Gis a divisor of the order of the group. Cor 1 : If Hhas m different cosets in G then by Lagrange’s theorem : o(G) = m oH) 5 m= 2® o(H) (G) (G:H}= 22 oD) Cor 2: If |G| =n anda Gthena"=e Let |aJ=m > a™=e Now, the subset H of G consisting of all integral powers of a is a subgroup of G and the order of His m. Then by Lagrange’s theorem, m is divisor of n. Let n= mk, then a= am -(a%ackae Que 2.23. a. Prove that every cyclic group is an abelian group. b. Obtain all distinct left cosets of {(0), (3)} in the group (Zy +,) and find their union. c. Find the left cosets of {[0], [3]} in the group (Z, +,)- AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10 Answer a. Let Gbe acyclic group and let a be a generator of G so that G==(a":n eZ} Ifg, andg, are any two elements of G, there exist integers r and s such that g, =a” andg, =a. Then 818.=@ a =a" =a" =a a= 88, So, Gis abelian. (0] + H = (3) + H, [1] + [4] + H and [2] + H = [6] + Hare the three distinct left cosets of H in (Z,, +,)- We would have the following left cosets : &H= le, h,h eH} 2 SoH = ley hh © H g,H = |g, hh eH} The union of all these sets will include all the g' s, since for each set &,= eh he wehave -g, €8, = (@, he H} where e is the identity. Then if we make the union of all these sets we will have at least all the elements ofg. The other elements are merely g,, for some h. But since g,¢ G they would be repeated elements in the union. So, the union of all left cosets of Hin GisG, ie, Z;= (101, (11, (21, [3], (41, 151) 2-16 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Algebraic Structures c Let aes {{0], (2, [21, [3], [4], [5]} be a group. = {{0], [3]} be a subgroup of (Z,, +5). The left cosets we are, (Ol+H (+H (+H (3)+H [4] +H [5] +H= Que 2.24. | Write and prove the Lagrange’s theorem. If a group G = (145-3, 2,1, 0, 1, 2, 3,...«} having the addition as binary operation. If His a subgroup of group G where x* ¢ H such that x ¢ G. What is H and its left coset w.r.t 1? AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05 Answer Lagrange’s theorem : Refer Q. 2.22, Page 2-14C, Unit-2. Numerical : = (x2: x € G} = (0,1, 4,9, 16, 25...) Left coset of H will be 1+ H={1, 2,5, 10, 17, 26, a Que 2.25. | What do you mean by cosets of subgroup? Consider the group Z of integers under addition and the subgroup H={..,-10,-5, 0, 5, 10, ....) considering the multiple of 5. Find the cosets of H in Z. ii, What is index of H in Z? Answer Coset : Refer Q. 2.20, Page 2-12C, Unit-2. Numerical : i. We have Z = {-7, - ee 5,—4,—8,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .... and ,- 10, -5, 0, 5, 10, ....} Let 0 < Zand the aa cosets are given as H=H+0=(....,—10,—5, 0,5, 10, a} Now, its repetition starts. Now, we see that the right cosets, H,H+1,H+2,H+3,H +4 are all distinct and more over they are disjoint. Similarly the left cosets will be same as right cosets. ii, Index of Hin G is the number of distinct right/left cosets. Therefore, index is 5. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-17 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) PART-3 Normal Subgroups, Permutation and Symmetric of Groups. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que 2.26. | Write short notes on : a. Normal subgroup b. Permutation group Answer a. Normal subgroup : A subgroup H of G is said to be normal subgroup of G if Ha = aH ¥ ae Gie., the right coset and left coset of H is G generated by a are the same. i. Clearly, every subgroup H of an abelian group G is a normal subgroup of G. For a e Gand h € H, ah =ha. ii. Since a cyclic group is abelian, every subgroup of a cyclic group is normal. b. Permutation group : A set G of all permutation on a non-empty set A under the binary operation * is called permutation group. If A ={1,2,3,....., n}, the given permutation group formed by A is also called symmetric group of degree n denoted by S,. Number of elements of S,, will be n! Cyclic permutation : Let A = (x,, x, «.. x}. Then let t,, t,,.., t, be elements of set A and permutation P : A > defined by Plt,) = ty Plty) = ty Plt) =t is called a cyclic permutation of length k. . (a b ¢ d e) For example : Consider A=(a,b,¢,d,e).ThenletP=(" 9 44): Then P has a cycle of length 3 given by (a, ¢, d). Que 2.27. | Define the subgroup of a group. Let (G, 0) be a group. Let H = {a | ac Gand ao b =b 04 for all b c G). Show that His a normal subgroup. 2-18 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Algebraic Structures Answer Subgroup : If (G, *) is a group and HcG. Then (H, *)is said to subgroup of Gif (H, *) is also a group by itself. ie., 1. a*beHVa,b ¢ H (Closure property) 2. 3e¢Hsuchthata*e=a=e*a VaceH where e is called identity of G. 3. 3a+e¢Hsuchthata*a!=e=a!*avaecH Numerical : Let (G, x) be a group. A non-empty subset H of a group Gis said to be a subgroup of G if (H, *) itself is a group. Given that, H= {ala <¢Gandaob=boa; Vb eG} Let a,b¢H>aox=xoaandbox=xo0b, ¥xeG > (box)-1= (x 0b)-1 > x-lob-1=b-loxt > bleH. Now, (a0b-Yox=aolb-tox) ois associative] use 6-1 € H] I. aeH] => aob-leH Therefore, H is a subgroup of group G. Let h ¢ Hand g ¢ Gand any x inG. Consider (gohog-Yox=(g og oh)ox Ie heH eoh)ox=hox oh [- heH o(hogog-) =xo(gohog-)) Is heH = gohog-t¢Hforanyg ¢G His a normal subgroup of G. Que 2.28. | If N and M are normal subgroup of G then N (Misa normal subgroup of G. Answer As N and M are subgroups of G then N 1 Misa subgroup of G. Let g ¢ G andaeNM aeNandaeM. Since N is normal subgroup of G, gag"! « N Since M is normal subgroup of G, gag! « M gag ¢N 1 Misanormal subgroup of G. Hence N 1 Misa normal subgroup of G. Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic 2-19 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) PART-4 Group Homomorphism, Definition and Elementary Properties of Ring and Fields. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Que 2.29. | Discuss homomorphism and isomorphic group. Answer Homomorphism : Let (G,, *) and (G,, *) be two groups then a mapping f:G, > G, is called a homomorphism if fla * 6) = fla) * fib) for all a,b < G,. Thus fis homomorphism from G, to G, then fpreserves the composition in G, and G, i.e., image of composition is equal to composition of images. The group G, is said to be homomorphic image of group G, if there exist a homomorphism of G, onto G, Isomorphism : Let (G,, *) and (G,, *) be two groups then a mapping f: G, > G, is an isomorphism if i. fishomomorphism. ii, fis one to one ie., fix) = fly) > x=y vx,y €G). iii, fis onto Que 2.30. | Give the definitions of rings, integral domains and fields. Answer Ring: Aring is an algebraic system (R, +, *) where R is a non-empty set and +and © are two binary operations (which can be different from addition and multiplication) and if the following conditions are satisfied : 1. (R, +) is an abelian group. 2. (R, #)is semigroup ic., (a *b)*c=a* (bec) Va,b,ceR. 3. The operation ¢ is distributive over +. ie., for any a,b,c eR a*(b+c)=(a*b)+(a*c) or (b+c)#a=(bea)+(c#a) Integral domain : A ring is called an integral domain if: i. Itis commutative It has unit element It is without zero divisors

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