Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
Hazard category Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales
and hazard harmed and how? required? for further Responsible
actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Working at height All workers who 1. Using full body harness while 1- Tie workers to prevent them Safety
working at height working at height to keep the getting to unsecured edges which 2 Weeks. Manager and
(Fall of people from (contractor), Operators workers stable and avoid them can lead them to fall down. safety
heights while working and Maintenance from falling down. advisors also
on high place or engineers.
working on Also, the visitors such 2. Using all Personal protective
scaffoldings) as (vendors) to the site equipment needed (PPE) such 2- Provide and install adequate engineers
who can go at height as (Gloves, Helmets and safety net beneath the working 2 Months. responsible
or checking the safety shoes). surface to protect any person for actions
working at height like from falling. (1,3,4).
at scaffolding.
It can happen if the 3. Use signs to prevent workers 3- Train the workers how to tie Maintenance
workers slip or trip to getting approach to un themselves to be away from un 1 Week. manager and
from the height like secured edges. secured edges. maintenance
scaffold or due to engineers
collapse of scaffold 4. Cover all holes on the surface 4- Train all workers who working at responsible
which leads to fall of to prevent persons from falling height on how to use and
people from the height down. 2 Weeks for action (2).
maintain the safety net to prevent
or falling from in the objects to fall to the ground.
covered holes of the
surface which can lead
to serious accident or
Confined space. All workers including 1- Using ventilation tubes and 1- Provide Self-contained breathing Safety
the (contractor), portable exhaust fan to provide apparatus (SCBA) to all workers 3 Months. Manager and
(Increasing or Operators and fresh air inside the confined in confined space to provide safety advisors
decreasing of the Maintenance space. oxygen while working inside. also safety
Oxygen amount than engineers. engineers
the normal Also, the visitors to the 2- Using communication 2- Train workers how to use Self- responsible for
Moral, general legal and financial arguments ABC Crude Oil Refinery knows morally that it’s their duty and their responsibility to care about all the people
not only the employees in the organisation but all People that have contact with the refinery such as (visitors)
from any harm by providing safe work place to all workers which motivate the workers to care about each
other's during work and improve the moral side of the employees also the organization tend to Provide all
welfare needed to the employees and workers such as (accommodations and Food) as they know it’s the way
for absence of diseases and keep all workers Physical and mental well-being.
Legally beside it’s legal requirement for the organisation to manage health and safety, ABC Refinery giving
great interest to follow all the international such as (ILO-C155) and national legal requirements as they want
to avoid any Prosecutions or any fines and penalties, also to avoid imprisonment which can be happened and
to keep all Employees feeling secure during working.
As the organization tending to increase their capacity to 160,000 BBL/day by 2024 so they giving a great
interest to financial side by making Contract with high reputation insurance company so that workers feel
secure and to provide business competitive edge also to keep the productivity to be maximized this can be
happened by reducing accident and sickness of the employees also to prevent and reduce the costs of
accidents and violations which divided in to direct costs and indirect costs.
Direct costs that can the insurance cover and it arising directly from the accident it such as:
Sick leave payment.
Compensation payment to the injured person.
Medical expenses to the injured person such as (Hospitalization).
Indirect costs which the insurance doesn’t cover it and it arise indirectly as a result of the accident such as:
Legal expenses such as (fines, penalties and lawyer’s fees).
Loss of product and raw material.
Provide and install adequate safety net beneath the working surface to protect any person from
falling. Hazard category (Working at height).
Specific legal arguments Regarding to international labour Organisation (ILO) Regulation C167 and the recommendation
R175 in Part III shows that adequate safety nets or safety sheets should be erected, that’s mean it’s
Require to use adequate safety net while working at height used to protect the people in case of
falling also can be used for collecting any falling objects from height. The organisation needs to be
compliance with the law and Follow the ILO’s regulations to provide the highest degree of safety for
the workers who working at height, also regarding to Egyptian National labour laws and its
legalizations which shows the same points also it follows the ILO regulations too.
The likelihood of the injury from fall from height during working at height is very likely as at site
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
workers working to much at height and using scaffolding continuously in the site.
Provide Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to all workers who working in confined space to
provide oxygen while working inside. Hazard Category (Confined space).
Specific legal arguments Regarding to international labour Organisation (ILO) Regulation C155 article 16 and C167 article 28
which shows that all workers should use the adequate personal protective equipment also in the
Code of practice for working in confined space recommend using Respiratory protection like Self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) while dealing in confined space activities as in the refinery
also while there is lacking in oxygen beside other personal protective equipment (PPE).The
organisation needs to be compliance with the law and Follow the ILO’s regulations to provide the
highest degree of safety for the workers who working at height, also regarding to Egyptian National
labour laws and its legalizations which shows the same points also it follows the ILO regulations
and the Code of practice of the working too.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood that the workers facing lack of oxygen in the confined space is very likely as the
amount of oxygen can be (19.5% or less) as it happened due to rusting in the pipes or tanks or the
oxygen already displaced by another gas like nitrogen.
The severity of this risk is divided to divided in 2 Categories
Major: the injury require hospitalisation in case of nausea and vomiting also in case of
Catastrophic: leads to fatality (Death).
The severity of this risk will be considered between Major and catastrophic as it depends on the
reduction of the oxygen and the rescue team.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Using Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) will support people working in confined space
controlling the risk. This should include:
without fearing of lack of oxygen also protect their respiratory system and keep the percentage of
the intended impact of the action; oxygen stable.
justification for the timescale that you I put timescale for this action three months to select the suitable supplier for Self-contained
indicated in your risk assessment; breathing apparatus (SCBA) which compatible with the organisation specifications and to provide
Provide full dust face masks with 3M filters to all workers to secure them from catalyst dust. Hazard
category (hazardous substances).
Specific legal arguments Regarding to international labour Organisation (ILO) C170 and the recommendation R177 for
dealing with chemical and hazardous also Regulation C155 and the recommendation (R164) also
which shows that all workers should use the adequate personal protective equipment also in the
Code of practice for working in recommend using the face mask in the presence of dust also while
there is lacking in oxygen beside other personal protective equipment (PPE).The organisation
needs to be compliance with the law and Follow the ILO’s regulations to provide the highest degree
of safety for the workers who working at height, also regarding to Egyptian National labour laws and
its legalizations which shows the same points also it follows the ILO regulations and the Code of
practice of the working too.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of inhalation of dust or presence of dust is very likely to be happened as the workers
are subjected to dust during doing their activities as the worker don’t use the Dust face mask.
The severity of this risk divided into 2 categories
major: the injury need hospitalisation as presence of dust cause asthma, bronchitis or
Catastrophic: lead to fatality (death) in case of subject to high amount of catalyst dust
containing carcinogenic substance which can cause tumours and destroy the worker lungs.
The severity could be major and catastrophic depends on the time subjected to the catalyst dust
without full face mask.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Provide dust face masks to the workers will provide them the highest degree of safety against
controlling the risk. This should include:
inhalation of dust and protect them from any illness due to inhalation of dust.
the intended impact of the action; I put timescale for this action three months as it’s very important to choose the suitable full dust
justification for the timescale that you face masks and to find the suitable supplier for them which compatible with the organisation
indicated in your risk assessment; specifications beside the time to let the workers train on how to use and how to maintain such as
Planned review date/period with Regarding to the requirements needed, I will review the risk assessment after one year before 10 th
reasoning April,2022 to make sure all the requirements already done.
I select one year to review to follow the policy of the organisation and in case of changing in the
procedure of the Refinery or using new technologies also if there’s any change in the national legal
requirements that the organisation follow.
How the risk assessment findings will be I will make meetings whether actual meetings or online meetings with the maintenance manager to
communicated AND who you need to tell check all the requirements mentioned in the risk assessment that need to purchase is ongoing.
Also, I will arrange meetings with the safety manager to check all the safety regulations that
reviewed in the risk assessment is applied also arrange meetings with Contractors (Workers) to
make sure that are fully aware with all requirements mentioned in the risk assessment and how to
follow it.
Share the results of the risk assessment in all sections and to other sections managers to provide it
to all workers in other sections.
Share the results and brief of the risk assessment in the simultaneous operation meeting (SIMPOS
Meeting) to make the results available to all workers.
Conduct Meetings with the safety engineers who make walk-throughs in the site to ensure fully
aware with the results and they capable to illustrate that to Contractor workers also aware to
perform it.
How you will follow up on the risk I will email the maintenance manager and safety manager to check that they follow the risk
assessment to check that the actions assessment or not also by making phone calls to both managers to check the results and to check
have been carried out the progress done after following the risk assessment.
Contact with the markets and suppliers that are responsible for providing the organisation with all
the material needed to follow the results of risk assessments also