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$ ®

Vyrobnl clalo;

BM 529
3asojictoii Hj.iep
Production No.:


PffSlrOt I Ji.'i. "i:i.- iM.f.V .H "!i • •IC|nOSIIl&f IlpttdOp Oill'I BO3M0*HCKTb MSML'p*T>, OCKOBHMC [14- Tha Instrument enables the measurement ol the
ri(cl) a strldiivycb parjinetru iraiv/lsioru a iraruh- paMcipw TpaH^ncTopga aa litcTOHHHo^y n nepe>ieH- basic DC and AC parameters of transistors, includ-
lorft rin-nycli Ktijkinrkym uolem a cllod nfzKeho a ll'JMV' TOKV. J TilKWK TJMH3«CTDpOB, ynplBJWMhIX ing loose of field effect types, and the data or
sifecn;tio vykonu v strofcem plynuie nnsteviieHiiJin II0.11M, (I HIIJ30B KlClt'Oli II .'prUHtftf MOUIHOCTM low a;id mediun-power diodes, within a wide con*
rozsahu [u.uviiiji Dodu do lb v j Chi nA. a iuhpokjm n-iaBHd potyjiHpytMOM aiiaiuaofw pe- i-.i. ioislv controllable range ol working points up
xknob paooibi no 25 B/1U0 mA. 10 25 V 1W) mA.
PtiBiroi unio>nu|n /kousHt hir.kci ir**nzislor(l & llpHOjp aaei io3mo*ii<xti. npoBepiTb pa6jry rpait- rite Instrument enables in situ functional tesis an
irumisiorO ri*ttnych elnkirlckJin poind), /apojenych Jii:TOpOB H TjKIH3HCtOpoB, ynpJB.1*CMHX IJlCKrpM- transistors, including field effect types, and Is
v obvudVcii PriMrcjt'in Ixt ruvuei nrCll :*a«ladnt 4CCKHM IIO.H'M BKJIKWCHHNX H fXeMtf C ItOMOUIblO applicable also for me determination of tne basic
piromtirv tyrlsiurG. dlm;Q o uiocQ. npwtopi mqwho r .
..-. onpe;ie.i«™ ockubum« napa- parameters of tnyrisiors, dtacs end triacs.
Mt'Tptt TILi'H-IUpjB. 1H.1KOB H TpHdKUB.

Vf robot:
TESLA VRABLE k.p, Nddra4n$ 502, 952 1? Vrdble, fiS£R


5 I. Ha*KJirM«<-
npnoopa .... 5 l

Scope of application of the

Conunti or a complete cocaignmsni

Instrument 9
. • 2. iijcraexi* 7 .
3 Technics* odef 7 3 T>lHn<trCKHC UKKMC 7 3 Tec mica data
I 7
1 mnctp cinnosu pflsiroje 10 4. EIpHMiuin i-.ktwi npitcbpa 10 1 Principle or tha tnetnintnt operation 10
5 Pokyn* pro vybatani phpravu 5. yxjuxiR no pacniKotw. 5 iDStnicllooa for unpacking (fie instrument
pfiitro|« k pro<ro*u 12 4 aairoTotiK npuSops n jwiuyariuHii 12 and preparations for Its use 12
6 Navod k otsluzt a pouJIvanf pMsiroje 13 6. rlHcrpyKuHR no • m lyaTUiKM np*6opa 13 ft Infractions for manipulation
and usa of the instni.-ne.it . 13
7. Popis mechanic^ komtrukce pflstrolt 3* OnKcaHie xtxxAinectoi 7 Description of the nwcnaDkral

6 Podroon? popis zapoteal . - 39 8

KOHcipvuuiui DpeiGopa
FIoapoArtor onuctnir
34 B
design of (he inilnuntDi ...
Detailed description of tha circuitry
9 Pokyny pro fidrlbu pfistroje 42 9. VxasiHRfl no yeoay aa npwcopoN 42 B Instruction* roc maintenance
of n.c inttrvanent 12
10. Pokyny pro opravy 43 10. yrcintii! i no prHOHry 43 a Instruction* ror repair* ... 43
11 Pohyny pre dopretu • skledovani 35 11. yumu no TpaMiiwpiiipoCKc IX Irutiuuioos fur transport and storage U
12 Cdaje o *aruce M 12. >' .in . l pan; MS. .... 56 u Guarantee »
13 Rozpu eleklrickych jOLCastl 57 11 CiiciittdeiMLiHX a.icKTpaieciafx ,3<-i.i.icii 57 13 Lui or elacirical component* ... 57
J* rTllohy 14 QpHJIOXnU M Enclosure!

Vihledem k rrefaleaiu vyvo)l svetovt elektronlki Bauiy oypxoro peaaiiTaa Mupgeod -•-.;. oi • . Owing to the rapid development of ekeclronK* in
mini ae ebvody priatupu)! a zleptu|1 soucasn m k>mch*«>tc* CKCttHi no**Ji»<orc< mobmc h coecp- the world, the ctrcalts of our Instruments or* slter
nallch pflat rojfl. uxrwrsyiOTc* jurnuiaj hbubk Tip«6opoe ad and component! of new types or Improved da
sign are employed
Ntkdy vlTtou tisku a poladavko oipedlee v- nlir. MnocAa no mm iici4i4 a iprfoeamiA ot<ip*bjickm* Sometime*, due to printing term) or the require
nepodaft raaest tyio imany do tlttenfcb pflrucok h»h n* .: - iHhtic nswcwmt* a nciamwc OO- meat of speedy shipping, it u tmpoesible to in
c*i« elude a description of eucb alraeeuons In Ike
appropriate printed manual
7.m«iy *#proic v ppptde petfeb* avidaii na jvlait B Mom cayva.; Kit i" yKasu*s»rc« hi mi** Therefor*, if necessary, sucb alterations are glvea
nlm lisi* In a loose leaf
Pobled praam panel Sua nipetinet imHe*.*. Front panel

21 22 24

5 9 23 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 5® 19

ot>r. i Pnc i rig- l

I — Pftplaaf r-n-.iua l| 1 — nepnm-iT>» np«i«™ Ib 1 — 3»I»«nr ol tha la ranga

2 - HtpOaC ronuihfi lc 2 — i 1 - '" 'i"iTt-i» apcieao* (c 2 — Selector ol 'he lc rant*
3 - Na«a»tnl L'cf 3 —
yctunwu Oct J — Potentiometer '« -olra«B U'ci adjustatiM
4 - Naitaveni Uc i. 4 — yCTBMWlU It, UO 4 — pciatitiomci'-i (vr cuireat ! and voltage L'g
5 - Pr*pl»«f -,ir.-L-hfl hn>, Vila 5 — ntp*Mr««T«jn. np(M-H» but, 1j\i 5 - Selector ol the h*;» or yn, ;an*#
8 - K on train) doutna*Ka 6 — KoarpcMMcaii iuMna :<•:• i pajpu* Glow lamp
7 — SHOvf v pi ->.
.:' 7 — Ctrwofl manKwrrna 7 — Mi'm switch
1.0- - IT*

plaAM poUrlir NPN PNP S, 9 — 11i(xiu«h«h*c noyiapaownt n-p-n r p-n-p 9. 1 — MPN PMP chanaa-cver twitches

10 - Tla/ltko koniroli fla»iAV*n«hti k o let toro vena 10 - Kwwm towooxn IKHW1Wnrh ran «<m.»«tw« - 10 — Puthoutton (wlrhcut luck) tor checkine tae set
p rendu —Mz erttace arrant
11 — IlaciiKo KonicolT BHWtMM
koiektorovelia 11 — KwMira mmpi yctaia»*?iot<uD bj npi "en * a 11 — pushbutton (withcut lock) for checking *ha aai
Raptl — ba* retaCB Collw-nr voll*«n
\l — Mfrwnl XBrlBOvMo proudu It^o IpfOluflUIlai 12 MiMrpriBF m'«io*m>io rt*a \ ao lufi** nefmataiP- li — rutk-buum il«r*'4rtna«t

.j . kottb.nBloru ;i mtr.nl >c»Q. law. «t« I
-«» ai'fri *>U|ti<0f> 24 » im pn lr*o- lc*v m cur row icio
(cr ;ha
(al'w cfian|iBf ina
of ratiJml
pl>ip ia tr»
f**Mnioa fiaid I*, i tar*** lor tha HkMtarai

l" - Mtf*nt M^acHBtrtUw prwjflu un la, odrtfUnl 13 - Hampaut* lunmcra Saw mi l». tmaat •»>++ 1) -
n«nt ol W df ' itCI
PuaD-tKiiLM for [M n«itur«ntr.i ol DC a«tt
a'ajnv* marnafco pisu«<*var.» :.-*Loi4Ct»o CnliaU *«'•'• taMmi* UB IMIbU><'>| !->«> hj|| :u(.«ni !| and for raaginf ib« DC corrani jnpii
n r
14 - Marwl «M<l.y*n-j proudoiflha fMarattoo H - llw*rpr**» a*aftan««at* •<a.vm>a ao ™*p*-wi»oh» II — ?u»noutisn lor ih« Tiaavjr«aiar.i af *C nttMl
fay n;i«. nmp:if:ca(iQn tiefgr s- t
15 — M»N in n.. .*tt CIV (MiuraOnl napail a pfadni I'. tlaMtpaan* NM^antai *J- 1 S (amipaauHM bkmiki- l» —

ruM'lwiiua for mi rn«aiurim»a[ or *oin>;«i

nip* I Aim I L'ctg! Mia a niuapi nanpavaHMa *u U<|li Uav- nam) '" •"« Can (<aiar*noa v-»luj» an«j forward
>'*.l.H« of dloeMI wtirun lha rant* 9 to t V
15 - tttrtni Ztnonva Dip* I Uj 16 - lliMfptiat MaiipiawMi 3*mpa Uj II - •um ouiioo (or in* meawrimfm a: ^*ntr <ali
U _ Mtrcnl ilrnain FPTfl *)„ 17 - 11» M tp— a r\r/T*tHu Vf.'V ytlm 1* — Pu an button "or th* maaiuramant ^f iIqm yi-
1b — M*f«ii rupM! hr*d!a FCni Vo 18 - Hwarpaaaa uiquanii um f*T Uo U - raUi-BUCoa for m« OMaurttnool of fafo to.mib
L'C ol rETa
: — Mtrmi proudu Um
I* pfl m*Mel ir«Hinartl It - KkMrpvoa >•-» &a*u la apa h*p**bbi rpaMiafiapo*. 11 — Tuth button for Ik* mna.uramani j! oil* Ulllall
.-i;x.v,t)ct v obvodech •Kimiiui i.imv
JO — 0*1** ?iu uplnao! a»f*D>#h<i rant von moo
t JO - ilapaattla
mb rat
apnim u pwwro rpaauafrova w 20 —
la of traoHalor* cobnaciad IB Circuits
Holdor for iba aw«>urad 'rao»mor or ft!

Si — Dilia prouptnanl mB.'amacli Otod 31 — flapaana*. a>« . pa -ma n. •-.p..--. aanaea 31 — Hoii*i for um bmhiM diod*
?: - rVepm*nt polarity pftrtpatl Up u rtTi |ph m*f» 23 - (lapaiuuwawf naaJrjMQCTa kiqw"*''"* i-«m..i tjfl tt — Polirnv Cfuntoovoi of - *•• vaitay* '-'
nl tnniUiorQ rmtliKngtol FKT (npN ajiaapiwaa 'p*«KCTii-ma mom a onytwij 0( FETi Iwoon maamnDi irm^.itors not dtgrau-
.'1 — UlFlv pre p*ipo>«n' BaMtO pf; rn*fnM tranrltto
rl, ni>OT FKTfl zapniiofch v obvoJoeh. nolo pfl
3) — 3>«nMn «
ti—n aa &»—
T?an>nrroptN> ana FET, rcruoMrBMut

«*»* npa nup~.i
(i»u u.ia
3» -
SoCKvtt (or CAMMCiini IIokm for th* a*a»r<

mOr»m irdniisturO, dlot! nobo FBTft a powKlrnm

x pUaia, ol nil« uthiiii v titlAKu it} nabo 31
» inwaptniw rpamaacropo* .woaoa m*ii FET « a»j-
nycoM hi n.ittraacru. affropu* aaaoiHOMiH) ipanuik
nanl cf iranaiilora or fKTt connoctad ta circuit!.
or tfinfiitvft. diotlaa or FETa having pliiti<*
uamgi wnicn cnnnoi w
iatttXM into tt« lold-f*
a &?!«•« 30 bam 31 »•» U
24 — Kxm'nlior pro
pripojenl ifvoCC reason* toufnat.
< drlaMu 20 no nipa)Ki tdro'B t pro vivjfi"
2A - KoNNrratfflp
m muaanciuia aaiaaaoai auaaiiaaMuni
a*pMai«JH 3C arranaaa runaaaa a ajia
31 — ConbiBarmo
of tba muturnd
for ronnaci.ni tbe ivn.nut
*Bn.eont)uctor dav.ca ,o»ut«u i
nl podnlnoh rnirwal ibrtkovfch pioudO f.nn'nn . vna« aauapaajii ccTaroaxMi roaiDa Boicor 30 to ma iujpi oi. aod for niimK up ttie
foniii.uw tar rna at***v(aa>«nt <t rsaldual eur-

Q £3

25 28 27
OBr. 1 rn. 2

- V.U..O,,: nui T mariflla *

— ycruDMU »-!« npaCupi » — screwdrmr
tha nsi.r
control tor mhiihj eiact.ncai &i

»— H*»»« laatrCka i .' — Cmra raaaao IT — Maim coaaector

N- BHavf Mi M — n*fwm«D*ar*ak wpun 28 — Malm voiuja aalector


M liiro) umofAufo maranf iftaladnleh atajnoamar- npatSop jue-r bosmowhocti. aaMeparrv ocMoauoj* as- Th* TESLA BM 520 translator taatar anablaa ih*
fch a vi. h parametro IranitalorA. PETA a
sll.ilf paMeipu TpeKaacropoa no nni.Kim.i-y a aat* MMM fflaaturamani of tha baale DC and AC parameters
">'M nlxkeho • atftdniho vykoim v Jlrokam. plynu- MOMy Tony. TpoKiitcTopm ynpauKFMux no***, h o( transistors, of FETs (fluid affect translators).
moioa rttoxoft cpemieft kooimoctk a mapoxoM, and of low- and medium- power diodes, wlthla a

la n»*t*vtraln*m roxsahu prsrrovnlch bod ft * 25 V :*:.:• - flip) I ;. 'H •" i .! . i

Ml ;.-.;.-, >. rvifViru wida ranfla of eonllnuously centrollabla working
a 10 nA at 1U0 mA ot B so 25 B ot 10 hA as 100 -A. poiatt from V to 25 V and ID nA (o 100 mA.
V (edr.oilivych fvnkcfch pltstrote as nJOft nspetl B ;<hm<ji pedorM npsoofM H*Mepa«r-
o-rxr.ifctfcu Whan lha appropriaia mod* of oparatlon U sat,
proud naslavendho prscovniho bodu. ibytkov* C* Manp«.. . r H TOW y.riiiji.i-;iii->rj pCWKMa. the Instrument tnaa«ur«a in* voltaga and currant
prondy > 10 nA. ste|nosn>ern* stfldavt proudovy i OCTSTOetme TO«H OOAPP 10 tlA Kilsd^Au;! MeMT -<K- al iba iclectfld working point, it,* residual currant
rcsllovsci cinifel tran/istoro. uturacrii napeti Iko amtia rpaKiwrropas no n VTOiMHOMy iwpMMHo- > 10 nA. the DC at well a* AC currant amplifica-

lettoru traniistoru) pHpHMmverna 580411 to-

1 My r;ity. H.inp**rHie OMOMMll (Kfwi.sesrropa tjuh- tion factor of transUlorc. i:»c saiurailon vottaia
il -.:-ru a prachodu emitor-Mie. |sou-h "25 V. lacrapj). a mtve orJpaiHov HanpewcHHe itjAjea- |of transistor collectoml. tni also tha cut-off
Dale prist ro| tneH strmost FETfl • |t]ich prihove Tt-pa ii nepexoju *Mirrep-6a?3. ecjm ohm xeHoc voltage of the collector and of the tmltterbaia
rapeti a zbytkove proud .:
B. Iiir npirJ»p UMcpan pyrHjHy FET a ux junction, provided tney are lower than 25 V.
aoporoeoe Mnpwwif a orraTotmic tokm. Further, the tester measures lha slope of FETs.
their threshold votuge and residual current*.

U dk»d lie alM

liverti* a predni proud l napei; B caviar 21030s xosrso mnepsTk apuMjy ofipaT- The cut-oft current and itie forward current and
a Zenatovo repeil. :i:;i [». ii..ni»i;«fHH« m Kinpax^MHR 3mcpa voltage, as well as the Zeoer voltage of diodes
ore measurable also.
Pftstrol urnoJnu;e zkouset funkci traniistorfl a ypM6op ia«T ao3>40«TwcD. npoecpirTk padory Tpaw- The instrument enables the carrying out of func-
FETo «po|enyth * obvodecb. Overtt lie I funkci iHrropoa KET. n^-'iif.x • czrMf. Mohho npo-
it tional tests on iransaton and FETs connected in
tynstoru. dlocft a trlacO. Diky mlnlmalni vlastnf aepirrt. h paGoTy TMpucropOB. iuikob h TpuaKoa. circuits. The function of thyrtstors. dlacs aad
spoilt b* a stab line vestaveneho meMce lze » uve- BaaroAspa KiHHHaAuoKy eoociamHoMy norpcfi»- trlacscao be invest <kb ted also. Due to the very
dcnem rorsehu (ednoduse promerovat voltampero- HHO VCTOA<UIB001I BCrpocHHOro HSMCptlTtflbHorO
II low power constinption and nigh stability of the
v6 cliarakierletiv dvolpolu ctyrpolti. fflstroj ob-
I npHDopj a yuatiHHOM jHinasotw mow ho npocto DUiu-ifi meiar. me volt-ampere cftaractenstics of
sahu|e operacnl zusllovac. procu|(ci |ako menci MiMtpmw i).«biaMuepHu« nputltpacnilM a»y»- Ulpoles oi-i i|uadrlpoles ate eastiy ineesu table
zesilovic steinosmernycfi I strtdaeych napeti a n)A«cHM*j u 4-iHpci:vj.nx hr*j npMOOp cuiep- wlliiin the ranRes ot lite Instiuiaent An oparetl-
proud u dva reguloveieine tdioje a pteulneca toz- *1IT OOCpailHOHMUft yClMKTe.Tfc. ;\i->TjH»iuhi' K2- unal auiplifflar racior works as a measuring am-
ijl.u a [unkcl. M'fiin aifldovftho proudovehc nasi- snrtstr HiHrpmvauoro ycti.irtir^a oixtouhkuk m plifier ol DC as wall as AC voltages and current*.
lovatilra cuuu li- icsmistoru :i a airoiostl FETa
., ,.-. :i !•- • -.'..[.« »'. :.'.( M :_'." 2BJ jUTjr.lHJjy- Tin trenttistor loatcr has two built-in controllable
v ... v Obvodei h
I mniio Del SO provddl molv.n ilR CHMI ICTO-'lii- 1
M IWpCK.l«»^aT«JII :;/. :i,10» H pt- po»v*r iiippliet and la provided with range and
oAlvm & hti) hoc tfitn 50 Hi, ZkouKunl furikca tranzla • H.MOH patMTU. MsMtpBHM' RO^^" 111"1'*'' /Cll-K- operation mode selectors. The niaoso romont of the
loco upcjwnych v ohvodech |o zejifileno merenira u 1 : tlU u -| -'' -,.11 '( -u HCropOU ll.„. H »py-
-ii: "I AC current amplification h,,, of transistors and of
tf |;-^-«.:i.i" - rn-
.' tlofky proudi'i Oiie a kolektoru pri ruiBW FET y „ ;
f>ciu« u mm- nx ,« >.u-vi».i» ) the slope tm f^r* lelther conuectad In clr-
napaienl kolektoru • blJe mereneho iranristoru etc* -i.iu» nr»i.iu» m.-TrroH 50 Til. M^rmTaHU*' cutis, or not'i carried out by the application of

siMdavyni slgnftlera asl 2 VSO Hz. piGoT-. Tp3HlR<nopn« a uwKTrioHiiux fxcxnx ocy- a weak signal of 50 If?, frequency. Functional In
uK^TBoarrci nyu-t *3MeprH>M docto«hh3A '. situ tests on transistors (connected ir) circuiisi

MaDuwd roKoa 6jiu » aojiJieirropa npH nHTaMHM are earned out by measuring the DC components
Ko/uerropa h 6»ju B»Mepa*Moro TpaHawcropa chf- of the bast and collector currents whilst the base
HJAOM ][!"-:' :iin: TQU npliOA. 2 B/50 fu. ano tiio collector of the measured transistor are.
supplied with an AC signal of approximately 2 vv

PoinAmka: npKHefaKise:
Pro trimistor fitery elektrickym polem ;e poull- Jbia TpaHiHcropa. v:i:; i».v«Moro »aeKTi>KM0CKU<4
vlna ckritka FE1. MAtM, npuMciueTca conpajtonje KET.
DBSAH ca&EratAHHE co*.-Ti:rvrs


ZkOUMff iran/lSloru BM52U U.n.r.rc.: rpJtiJHcropo* BM 529 Transistor tester 3M 529

1 t% Sltova sftora I Oil. CeTCWHt IJHt'jl I pc. Mains cord
3 Its Dr zak tran/istoru 1AK 4*7 03 3uii. RtpxnvAh rpaHiHCTopo§ 1AK 497 03 3 pes. Transistor holder 1AK 497 03
lUks Kohk kontakinl 1AF 459 07 Ibim. KwrrarrHbip utimpi I AF 45907 16 pes. Contact plug 1AF459 07
Instrukcnl knitka HH'.'TpyKUHM tlO )KCIUiyiT3UMH instruction Mamal
una nit Packing Not*
Mrucnl hit rapiHTHliKOr . ih SrTMV : «• > Guarantee Certificate


3,1. Nuiinn a*acovnita« Soda (pfl (rmnovUira 3.1. yfinKBiu iwhmi padora 3.1. Work'ng point aaltlni (at rated roalea voltagAl
Korara napdtf| <npU MSMHItAJIkHOM apRMMHKU r«TM )

N'apelt ttl - 28 V 1
1 n .
wchS< U«: O » 23 B Voltage U [E Zfl V:
V -V pro f -
l i 10*4 - 10G« ze iafajei>«tio D- I B oum lc ' 10% - 100% mj JOHpaHHoru O lo 1 V ii |
c - 10H to 1O0H frora ihe cho»en
ro/Mlm l r — n lunkcl li AK UC6S
. auii-3-itij. I
c — w fynKuim U AK| \J CJS range, lc — in function U M . Vcu
0,a v - za v pro f l s 1 mA plynuie v jednom O.fl * 25 B npw :. I -i . lutamo ...•• juiaoa- 0.6 to in V at \r - 1 mA continuously in one range
roisahu MaR
0A V - 29 V pro c l s 20 mA plynuie v ;ednom 0.8 -25 ft upK lc S 20 mA lutaaua u ovum il'j lie to 25 v ai i
f i 20 mA continuously in one ranga
roisenu ni3UHC
03 V - 22 V pro I*. 1 100 mA plynuie v jednom 0.8 22 B npH l c * I'M M,\ IUI3BM> I O3K0M 1KJ- o.« to 22 V at i
c i IOC mA continuously in one
roisahu BlffflfB range
Proud l c: * iilOO nA plynuie v sesti roziazich r^K lc: * '.100 mA njiamo a uitcra noaanana- Current l
c; to ±100 :iA continuously In A ranges

Proud 1^0- -10 mA plynuie v petl roxsazich to* i. * :10 hA njiaaao aunt noxananawmx Current l
a : to ±10 mA, continuous!? In 5 ranges
Pro FETy napeti Uc : * ±25 V plynule v laonom 3.n FET nanp«wewie U<,: * r25 B hiibwo Voltage U r.
[or FETs: to -25 V, continuously in
roisahu B II3HOH n9S3HSIU30lie 1 range

144. Mtreni pracovntlio bodu 3.11 HiKepcHie peMHHai paOoTu 3.1.1. Wonting point measurement
aiarefll U f( :rozsah - ±30 V. feden rozsah. chyDa M i :• *-->•< U«: npe«i — "30 B oiiih n^iona- Measurtmant of Ucc Range : to ~30 V. In 1 range
.. 5*H> z pine vychylky uaaoH. rurptumocTb ±5% or uoutoro oriMOHe- Errcc r5*of tha f.s.d.
mefeol c: rozsah l
- 100 mA. v dllCtch roisazich Hi*epemie l c apew^ l> - 100 hA b noajwatuwo-
Mitasuremem of L^ Range to 100 mA. In partial
i *A. 10 mA, 100 -a. 1 mA. 10 mA. 100 mA cftyaa nax 1 xxA. 10 mkA, IO0 mkA. 1 mA. 10 mA. ranges: l ..a. :u ../.. : j> -a. i m.\ 10 mA.
*S%a z pin* vychylky iOO mA. Botprarhocn. -J% or oo.iKoro 100 nA. trror ±5*» of the f. s. d.

aiMtml I,: ro-sah 0-10 mA. v dlifilch ro/uzlch WiMr)K*4ne I„. npra^Ji * 10 mA no ojim. na»OH..« M«mirum»ni of |„ (Urge to 10 nA In p«rtut
1 -A. 1D0 -A.
Ill **A, 1 mA. JO mA. chyba -5% I mkA. 10 mhA. 100 mkA. 1mA. 10 mA :<irwi l nA, 10 M. 100 ^A. I oiA. 10 mA.
i pin* vychyiky nrtrpruaiiom. '.5% or noaMoro otk.-m>mphm)i Error • 5% of the r. t. d.

"...i.jiihho ripHXpHKHiir NOW

rro m«rrni vnxti druhO ibyucwycn pruutJQ | C#0 .
jj« JwrpTrm »fc» t»3oa ocrawma* tokob For iho mtwsuremvni current* a! all iht ravldual
r|l| aid plan anijmt rocaahr |aho pro I, Xapoieni i,^,. | r(0 h T a cnpoarnnau re w«* npci-.tM. Ka* *,*> 'ci<* ,,ccan«e* dr* available as
. '•>" mow
kumMnaioru pro |cdnotUvt prtpady mCfpiii |e h .i i | r . C.\t-<ia K.wcMmtna Ma oratMitioaK (jiy. tor r maaaurtroeni The connections of the combi

* k«pHo1e 6. tur» n.->fiiH i;n cjiu raaar o naiion field for earn individual caw ere given in
Section 0.

Ji MOreitf p«ramelry j.j, HiHtpeeKU* nip-nrrpu 32. Mearared pareaetere

121 St»|noiB*fM proudotf 121 Katjf nmf nt vcijckki 12 1- DC c.fftnl tnpllfleillon

jiillovirl <* i n if e I h,^ no hoctoxhokv roir h, factor it..,

otseh u - 10000 nprara: 10000 Range (l to luuui

a | prima odrrt«ni ni liyprrMitcke siupmci pri ne j} npNNoR otcmct no rnin-pfjojiH-je.Kpfl mica.w una a| Plrwi indication on a hyperbolic v.ik wuii
aiavpni KoirKioroveho proud u ycwua—B Mica KO-njirirropa iha i:ollermr <:urroni I, **t io 1 *A. 10 aA,
It - M. 1 10 ^A. 100 M. 1 mA. 10 mA. 1UU mA 1,-1 m*A, 10 *«A. 100 *kA. 1 xA. 10 mA. 100 mA. mA. 10 1 or 1U0 tnA mA
lUO mA
ni |ako pomar
-f~ pro itoovolne Ic
fl, , tuntamc oTHoaimiw -J£- <uia -iwcoro mu- b| As ifw rano -&- ( any I* value
otiybi: viz rhyba r a i I,, bod 3.1.1. mmta \ t

llorpriininrn. cm norpruiMocn. !.- u I. nywicT 31.1. Prrorr fjlvitri fty ihw nrrors of L and !
t ie** *»*m
1 11 )

322. Siridavy proudovf lesttovaci (22 Ku >H'uxen ycKnii. 3.21, AC cirranl a m plir ic a lion
Cinliel h w no (jf^cMcKMoMy iviy h.„ lacior h.

ro»ah: 5 - 30U) r dllclch roaMrfcn lull. 300. 1(X)0. rioeavjt 5 WOO noaa«jna30HaMii - . 100. Hal. Bar*o 1 to 3000 m partial rarutaa: 100. WO. 1000
^"0 IOC0. 3000 woo
chyba: ±10% I pint »ychylky norprw.ifK n. '
10% .n mumia otrmhmh* Error: - io*» af th« f » d
323. Sirnoai FCT0 y.„ 323 XpyTa.-aj FET v^ 3.23 S lope y.
w ot F ETs
roraah 0.1 - 30 mA'V v dllClrh roisarleh I, 3. 10, /Uruuww- 0.1 - 30 wA/B i^sfini ria noaamru**. Raiwi t\t (o 3U mAV tn parllal ranjw^ 1 1 m
30»A-V mil. 3. 10. 30*A/8 30 nA'V
chyba: ..10% i plna vychylky nnnvrnMocr^ -10% or nuroro ma ami—Ma fe'rror -iota of iha f « d

324. SiiuriCni naplil VCH 324. 1< an paaca H*e hicuuichhii Ucaa 3.21. Sa to ration vol taga U m
roruh: • 1 V. Ktten rofsah Omuieai! 0- I B, obiim nosaann»-K>« Banjta io I V, tn 1 range
chyba t$1l i pln« yychylky llorpetaMacn. *$% or no.noro ancaonr« H t Error: «% ot lha l.i 4
Fornlmka: npabtMauaW Nola:
Proud i» lr molno tndlvldullre nastavlt. Tox U m I, mow>to ycranoann, HHDH>uiy»Ri.m Tha currfnta I. and c ! ar»> ad|ti*i*h!e individually
2 -.
Zt ntrovo nspltl U, 325 Hiapivtme 3*H«pii U c 3.2.5. Zm 9,

lOiwr. " ~ -* v * |e4n*nn rozsahu aHaaisoH- - 25 B oaao* Jioioaatuxaie JUnge; 10 23 V, in 1 ranga

notpeunocTv - 5"\j or nojiHoro ancjiaFteHRi Error; -«» or tba f. a d.

•omaaka: npaiNe*tamie. Note

1, moino nsstavlt e rozsabu - 100 mA Ton I- x:>bho ycniiMBTk i apenejax - ICO nA The current I, .s adjustable wlta»D tbe range id

fmsi Wi (hibc. 2 Bt> 100 nA (mai. 2 W|

fa 2

Proudovy ziillovitl emitsi 3.26. Ku3(^uuneiiT ycmieHif* 3.2.0. Curraai i m pi icat lo n (actor
of iramttiort connected la
1 1

tranzlstoru v obvodecb ,
ao Tony- ipaintTopoi
icirmx circuit!
r u - 1000 vh if«-;ii dlttlcb razuzicti I
podia HIU133M — 1000 PiS»5*T IU Tpai nouHinaxnia Range: to 1000. to 3 partial ranges depending |

poloh pfeplnMe lf l (b aaucBMtcn or nosoaream oewiuiwTeaes on tbe position of tbi lc and I, selectors)
a |

Ic I.)

iybe |e ovltvnovftru souCaitkaml obvodu riorpeiiMOfrv onpeaeAaerc* ininiveh ne%#e»rroa Error: Dependant on that or tha circuit componenta
strmost fctd v obvodecb 3.2.7. KpyruHi FET ciCMax 3.2.7. Slope or FETs connected in
I 0.1 * 30 mA. V ve ctyfech dflCtcb rozsazlch 0.1 — 30 mA/B pa)6aT era
:Iiiii;.i'-:i vnpe Range: 1 to 30 mA/V. in 1 partial ranges
i: \t ovIivAovana soutastkaml v obvKlech norpenMocrv onpearaaeTca auumae* MHwiMjl Error: Dependant on that of the circuit
CXCMU components

U. VraeMBl podaaiBir 3.3. v fJo««

- MCEiylTUUni 3.3. Oparatlafj ooudltlon*

Xefenncni leplota: +23"C z2*C TennepaTYpa Map*a.Tw«« 4-23 'C ^2 *C - Reference lemperature: +23*C ±2*C
*o«eh leplol: +5"C - -r4Q"C JlmnasaH rmrwparypr +5 °C -- -f-40 "C Temperature range: +5 *C to440*C
lelattvnl vlhkosi- iO»» - »•* OmocirTeJMiM buwmoctv 10% — 8J% Relailv* humidity range: 10*4 to BOH
Tlek vzdu< hu M OOO Pa a* 106 000 Pa a^B.-^.c k..uv.,j asooc ru - 10&000 n* Atmospheric prewure range S3 000 Pa to 108 000 Pa
Nasa|ccl napttl (|«enovIte|: 220 V/120 V il0*i Hanpiuae>Mc nKTUtH* (MJMtniaabHocJ: Powering voltage (rated]: 220 V or 120 V, ±10<H
220 B/ 120 B ±10%
(Drub napajadlio proudu: stfldavp. stnusov?. Bun OHraDUiero torn: rrepetieemuR cHHycoHUJfc- Powering current: AC, sinusoidal waveform.
ikreslonl menil 5% hnA k n. h Mcnee 5% distortion less than 5%
KraitoCct nsoajeclbo napttl: JO Hz ±2% HaCTora niTaioaero ttaapsxfHR*. 50 fu '-2% frequency powering voiwgs: 50 Hz
ot =2°^
rftkoa: i\ VA [lorptrxiaTMaa xoiuhocts>: 24 BA Power consumption: 24 VA
vnejS! magnetic** pole: zanedbatelne
BHPumee NantRTKoe npese6p*w«MO njjo
rtoae Eiternal magnetic field: Negligible
Vneftl elekiiicke pole: tanedbatelne Bhcuihcc iieirpHvecicoe none: npenet5pe*nMo
Maao External electric tield: Negligible
Poloha pfiitrok*: vodorovna nebo niklonena 5" TloAoawM^r npMoopa ropaaOHTUhHor bjiw aairaoK- Operatlns position of the instrument: HorizontaL
Hge5° or tilted ibrough 5*
Be/paCnoitnl tfldn I podle CSN Kawi K*acc dcMucnorra. no M3K intrinsic safety: Class I.. according io tba
Czecnoslmnk Standard CSN 35B501 In
conformity with IEC recommendations
Ose*»nl lO - 1 ks. dlada -
20 Kb ho#<n«imnwa -mvfpa.it tk!- cscmu | or. Con planer t: 1 Integrated] circuit. 20 Modes
'-...-n.'ry pf.-
Ir-.fc,- yiku
155 I., ill. >,Ike 310 tun.
hloabka 21S aim, hmoino*t eel 2 kg
P*»Mtpw BfaOBM uicora 155 mm.
HijOMHa 215 mm. tec nattO*. 2 Kr
nm 318 mm Dimensions and welstats of the instrument
Height 155 am. Width 31(1 an. Depth 215 am
Rozrnety tatwleneho ettMroja: <y$Ka 370 mm.
Weight Appcoi. 2 kg
PasiMpu yuuuHJwcra npa&HM swoon 370 km racked: Heishf 370 tin. Width aoo
*'•' *U0 ram. aloubke 320 win, hsjotnosi a«t mm, Dapth
ilHfitlMa 400 MM. r.1 V tiliH4 320 MM,
eki kc ap«tf.l. 320 nun. Walfht B kg


Zjednoduiena blokove -.chOrtu ) na oDr 3.
Bare a koisktor morencho prvku )sou napajeny
ynpoui-«H.n 'o,K.\i>ii ma
n, pHc 3
Baa* l Kwm«TOp M3Mep«Moro tmmtm artmer.
A SlmpHriad block Kharaatlc diagram of Iht .n
i oddetaoych idro|0 U, a U H r»ju!Ovat#Jn?ch t atramani I* in Fig 1 Tha base and th« collector
C« OT OTUJlbHHX nCTOHHUKOB U| I U. peryftHpye- of the measured semiconductor device '• powar-
moifthO - '.25 V mwx a npcieaix
V serH a napafenln (ton 'apofeny pfeplnaca tos- - ±25 B. nocwamaTVJuo c ed by separata suppUes U, and U, which .-.. con
iirniMN mTajua axjDWHH BepnuiyuTr^M npeat-
saho (P2.1 a P3.1J mlfcni proadu trolleble within the ranRa to —25 V. In sartoa
c a § (h Ilr (, l l
MTU <P2.1 a P3.I>aweDemi« tow Ic > [, (h, u ), wltrt (he powering are the range selectors |P21
nclpory pro Plzanl sffldavdho proud u kolektoru
conpoiaa.iPHH« ajm R3»tepeHi« nepeMncKoro tom and P3.1J of tha curreots l r and I, la,,,], iha re-
(P3.4) ph mOrOnl h,„ a
y :i, m edrlove odpory, aojucKtopa (P3.4) npa M*MrprHKH hj). k
nutn* pPI nastavOvanl proudu otBvtBnyral pfachody
u- --.x— ii-iMN' conpoTaajirHHa. HcoCxoaHMkcy a M sistors |P3.41 for AC collector current control

IP2.2 a P3.M
io (he measurement of h,„ and y Jlr. and tha series
Napttl na elektrodach utfanaho ma* ycraaioaKH tom. aporatujuirro "arpfj oraeprue
prvku w
snlmi i del ice. zapolentho ni pfltlulne n?p*«tMM (P2.2 « P3.2). Han,>aa»niic aa ajeicrpo-
reaistora [P2.2 and P3ZJ wklcn serve for
ing ii..- opou-|nnction currents. The voltages
svorty. on
a»x uiMcpatHora mcmoiti caHHacrca c acahtcjix. tha aiKtrodei of the device under test are picked
up from a itivtder connected to the appropriate
Vi*chny meflcl odpory pfeplnaca P21 a P3.i jsou term troll.
volcny tan. thy no perl na oich na plnou
Bm MJMFpMTfjkiruf (onpoTinAntaH EwpcMxw^aT*- All themeasuring reautora ol tha aelaciors P2.1 and
»ychylku *ffl P2.1 M P3.1 awtSpiHu Tan. wrooai aaJipnaictuK P3 aro rated eo that tbe volugss acroea them.
pn imcr funtccich byte stejna. PPepfnacen funkd 1
hj KHit nan nojrnoM orKJOHrauM fiujro obmhmuo%uh which cause lull-scalo daflactton of tha malar are
•a pro iifdnothve dekndy pfipo|u)fi flBtfld zeslloval npM arex peaiKMax pa&rru npHfopa. rif|Wit.*TOirw. the some la all modus of oporilon. The measuring
» tn«ridivm (a uamtrnovacim mflstkeai| vo jpotn*
ntn pt«RM» pafloru noa«JiD*ieTca ajMepHrejift- amplifier with meter land rectirylng brldg«) in
KUA VCH.-U(T-*Jlk C UlMrpKTVihUUK BpaCopoM (c BW- Its feedback loop is connected to the individual
npaMMTCMHUM moctdm) a urn* otfparMoA caaaa decades with the mode telactor
njiaoTtCJkKux antu.
SlP Ida v*budlcl napAU (proudyl se zlakavajf ze
ncpeMTHtiuc Maapawemia BoaSyatamaa (tom) The AC driving voltages (currents) are produced
sianlllzovaneho zdroje - napatl U,. Rozsehy nd cHHMa»i\;M co cTiOaAiaapoaaHKoro iictot«mk» by a stabilized AC
renl aiHdavfch panmalro
- ' )
a h
mini pra m .-".>,.... ..,..;.- *.-r.l«
U). .'[H.ltlJJOnlj HiMtprMMt
voltage supply U,. The control
Pl.l serves for telecttng tbe renges for measuring.
p Pl.l nprHMHu. napaMrrpaai y, u u h :u ytrmifauaaa- the AC perimeters h.w
lOtca ntpcvAKwrnteXfn PI. I.
y_, M and

Obf. 3 Fik. 3 r«. J

1 — rtmptomC lunkcl
1 - I i
]>-i'.tij'i*-*.i. pMUMa p*>WIM
1 — MoU« Mlsctor


Pfi*tro| nevy(adu|p *adn*ch i5$*hfi pfe-d uvadanlm FIpiioop mp Hywsttc* ociDUX npn?Mix ntpea The instritmftni doos nol requ:ro any adjecdnoat
do chcdu a po vybalenl Jp okam/lti srhopen po- nyckUM a iki nay jfniiup nornr jafaillnxH nH
it hrrore s^Idng II In operation, t* It Is Immediately
V pfirtade ..isiflnl prist
.1 k v?robel Je me mfh>whm) r.*yroa .i.f« ucnojhiOBAHMfl B cryiae OT- maJy fop use af!»r being unpacked Should li ba-
ir>;ba. Bby byl zanalen do balenl. ve k'erem byl iip.iijteitwfl npn6opa 4a .wBM-niroroHHTe.il, woiS- coniH necessary to return the instrument ro torn
dodan. Ze|rncna & ireba. aby polyetylenove" sace* XJ3UM0 riiiKOanTb pro p xapy. a. KixopoH Ami no- makers for any reason, it la essential to employ
byl neprodysnS uxavfen. craanen npnoop O^ieiwo h*o6.xo2;imo. irco6hi no- the orlsinal parking in wMcfi It arrived. It is
AK.*71I.fCKOBliIH IMKC1HK OUJ ICpMlTUHC^KK .liKpWT "specially important to place It Id the original
polyethylene bag which must be Hermetically
Pred pfipo|enlm pfisiro|e na sit se pfesvedClme, ricpea nojiiciK»€HueM npu6op.i « wtk «c;)6.«>jihmo '
Before connecting the instrument to the mains, it

/.da |e pr-si prepo|cn na spravne suave napeu.

•..: i
ytienHThci d tom, mo
apnCop ncpeK-*noiPH na opa- is essential to ensure that it is switched to the AC
i'fppo,i hi s* provaai kciouCkem vciitce na ziidni Bit.ibHoe Haapti*:u«c corn IlepcK.TKMe>me ocyiue- voti3B8 available On the Back panel ol the instru-
siene pristroje vysroitbujeme srouo uprosired vo- OTBJlHtfrrH C OOMOIilbO HHCKS tlCpCiC.mO'llTC.lH H.1 ment is tne voltage selector which serves for
IKe mipCii. kctuuc vol iff povyiatmume o natod- aaMefl cieuKe upH'Topa. Bkbhiithti. shut b i«rrpe changing Hie vonage selling, if necessary, as
IHH uh. tjby Cislo ud.lva|ni .spritvne sUOVd* nupfitl nr:>:K.'!H>iai?jln HaiipHWYWUt, .:;;...- .}!-[>-.: n;i";:;n tollows. After removing the re Mtulng screw in lliu
bylo pod trojQhuInlkoi'oii znafkuu. Sroub opttt zo PMmtiHyib h non*TW«>T» tfro Tan. ""T.irtri <uic.io, centre ol the selector, the disc has to be pulled out
irout>u)c me, a l(m kotou^ek zajliitlme. Zarovefl )e oupcac.iflouicc npjiHaoHoc Tun->n«cii)ic i.ctu, iu- partially and then lurnud au that rhe marking of
nuino vymohll Silovou pojUtku IpHbhigita hodnoty x»au.it>£b npaiua Tpey«UU»Soi s-et«il Bihit ckuiu («) availiibiu main* voltage appears bolow the
" ". uvodeny v kapltole 31. SiiTsnyn., » pcfyanaTC vcro rmck ^tutwnpycTcti trtangolnr index Then, the ulse has to bo puih^d
lioma again and aorurod with tha retaining «creu>
("iraacHn i* ti*h 'vim npoHaxsrru aaMf«y eMt«o- Whenever the setting of the mains voltage selector
r.t nrrwiwn 1 rnr.i»."y»MHiie b*.ihihhm HiynnfTca is altered, the mains (use cartridge must he et-

Bf.11M 31. cnanged (the appropriate ratings are given in

Z vyronniho ravodu |e pMstroJ nastaven r.a napet Ha jaBaa.1 -B:irtrroBiire.it nptfSop yciaHOsnai Ha Ha- Hem 131. Each instrument is set by the makers
»u« 22fc V npaweBHe cn-n 220 B. for operation from 220 V mains.
Pred zdpnutfm pffstroie na sifove nap&tf zkontro- riepea noaiciioiiemieM npn6opd k cctm npoKOHrpo- Before switching on the Instrument, the mechani-
hijume, ptipadne doslavine mechanlckou oulu me .THpOBjrb H a c«y«(ae HeofixouMMOcra ycraHOBHTb cal zero position of the meter pointer rausl be
ridlj Propojiroe nislrikou silovf privod a ?apuu- MfxjHV.'iGKHii hj.» upvoopa riOJKJKHIITb iiinyp checked and readjusted, If necessary. Then, the
tim slioveho vyptnace uvedeme ptisiro] do provo- c BiuikKOM k cmM nyxeM as-iio'icHris cercBoro power has ;o be switched on after connecting the
zu, inaikovimo rozsvlcenim komrolKy. Po
co? |o TyNfiflepa bk^wihti. npi!6op. BK.-Dt«MHJte npafcpa inscmioeot to the mains with (he supplied mains
/.apnuil vyckaitte ml 10 s, ncz dojde k ustalenl cutipJBOwiacTci jaarHraimot Kcvifpujibitoft -tjmiu>. oord. Paweilng b> Indicated by a pilot lamp After
rlekirlche uuly prlalrcje (rucka infliidla ae ustfili riojiowi.iTb apad.i. 10 ecu. jji* vcuhobjichk h sai'«- the i-ii ;!-.- of approximately 10 seconds, whan the
na nuJc). Pok Jzc zcctt mfifsni. >*Ou II vJechno 1ln TpHiccKoiu ny.m upnfupa (ttpCJiKa iipnOopa ycTd- electrical zero position of the meter has begonia
£ltka stlaevna o nosouhlasl presto nula, lze |i
i iiopiitc* b iiy.idtaM" nrMO»cnirB). FIocic »Toro momc- sloblo (the pointor Indicates ceio), the Instrument
dotlavtt potenciomotrem - NULA (2S|. uyvedenpm iio ici'iaxt HJMOpcuun. E<jih t>co mioiran ornyuteiiu is ready for use. If all the p\ish button* are In the

na ?adniin [unwlti prittraje Dofiavuof provMlo-ne ii apufijp lie A4tT uyneioro >Tt.uniMHn crpt.iKU, Idle position [not depressed) and the pointer does
sTOuhovAkeni. to tKUNMCMMt Py""' vow mo ycTaitonMTi. cioti^iiiho- not indicate ;err>, then, lis petition can be cor.
MfTpOM Ky.lb (2S) 4a ;-!
aiHejiH npn6npa
:'. i "i :
t reeled by using a screwdriver to ad|jst the poten-
ycraHOBKy ccymecTBMTh c noMombio cr»epTKK. tiometer (2S) ZERO on the back panel.

HAVOO I OBStDZE A P0U2ftANt PUSTIOIE 6 HHCTPyKUHd no 3KCnJTVATAI(HH msnnrnoNS fob MAHirounnv awd die

giovsac tranrlstord j* kortstrunvin v I. bezpec< HcnwT»Tt«t Tpauejerropoa> dRMfm povui no l-»*y The trsnsHtor taster has been deelgnad 10 DMt
n«ini tftd* to snamena. le pfl zapofeni atfove 'T| "i-.>ll.'i(i\TJ. IT.l irtmmrt WTO un>-
ripst tbe stipulations for Claas Intrinsic safety: conae-

Udrv dofcle ke spotenf kostrr pffatro|a s ochran- qpHHif c?r*eor-> rtmypa ameer h*ctd rorimanr quentty. when its nalna coed is used for powering.
ym-OdtCatB. eopnyea npsfiopa c aamrmiM rrpoeoaoM. Its framework becomes connected to tbe meios
protective | earthed 1 conduct -jr.

• i .
Mere*! tranhter* 6.1 HuupuM Tpanarwpoa taf
Vftsooecnc Oeaaee CenertI

Pftstroj obsabuje tUcttlu s areiaci bez aretace.

npadop coaepxcHT EHomry c appencnKe a 6es ap- Tbe lastruaient baa locklngtype push buttons, as
TliCltka bez arelace 10 a 11 umoznujl ph rtecn prramai. Knars* fte* appmau 10 i 11 uxrr well aa each without lock. Tbe pushbuttons 10
funkclcfa mefeol po atttkauii ryeblou koatrols pra- b33H3)«bottv npa aces pearamai paooni nocae aa- and 11 {without lock) enable ihe speedy checking
covnlbo cod j lc a U c Tlacttka jt nutno podrtet
•MnnK ocynecraam DucTpuft voirrpoJb peaotKa of tbe set working point Uc U In all operation
a po utoib*m pratroi opet man parametr zvoien? paooru Ic a IV Knonui eo6iojri*Ko aepxa-ra a modes or tbe instrument During uis check. Iba
titci'ky 12 at is. kiert me]l pevuou ereucl. HixrrOH DOJioatOiHB m occjk crnvcxaaoM npv6op respecttve push-button must oe kept depressed;
onsTb aaHepaer napaHcrp ycramoeJieHHUH KHomta- afier releasing the instrument measures again

mi 12 19 c apperaiOKfi.
the paramater selected by moans of one of the
locking type puab-buttoea 12 to 19. >

•.1.1. Mtprtva mifenl 6.1.1. rioi ri>JOIII ItHf pCHBt 0.1. 1. Preparation for tbe
me asuremeot
ro xapnuii pf-tstror* tla&tkeni 7 Sft vyckdme e* noue tuocnenmt npsoopa khotkj* 7 CETb ne- After switching on the neirts power with the pusb-
10 a aa ustalenl reeky mef Idla. Prod vsunutlm tr»n flowaaTh nnsoj. 10 cmc ycraHOB-aniHa CTpeiKi
;.i~ -tmttou (7) MAINS, approilmately 10 seconds aero
ihttoru xkontrolujeme. sda tlacftko 22 POLARITA iipu&Tpj. lie pea "iiiiii'^i. ipaHaatiopa ydcASTa- to elapse for the pointer of the meter to become
l!, ;
nenl SttSknuto (pokud avian nerhcerca matt! en m row, wo rawnoa 22 KV1M PI .X'T:. 'J c t*t
: stable. Before connecting the translator to be test-


ptl tavfeaen pFechodtt Mrs enltorl a zda |* naxuTa (iv ->-. oanano, itc Tpc6yercR HXKepm. nps ed, It le essential to ensure tnet tbe push button
siUknuto sprtrn* tlacltko S nebo 9 podle toho..|e- sanc^TOM ncpciojic 6aaa -:-:;:r-. „ a >:r-_ uaacara
- i
|22) POLARITY U le not deprocsod (unless e mea-
-H me rem traazistor typu NPN nebo PNr\ Foten- opovajTVHia kno«uu S aunt 9 aamacaMocm or n- surement with closed function base-emitter le con-
ckeaeiry * a 4 vytoClBM doleva oa |e|icb nulovd
hodnoty. Nakonec propo|fine na korcblnatoru spriv-
ru B(Mppa«woro TpamNcropa n-p-n aa
p-a-p. rio- templated 1. and that ember push-button a or is
TeimMOUPTpu 3 4 ycKiMOBHTi -a abm» vpa&mee depressed, depending on the type NPN or PNP
nfl etekirody tranzteioni [kolektor ne C. bdzi na B.
nojoxwHe. coaraercTByioutee hs HyitesoMy nu^e- or the translator to be tested. The potentiometers
enitor oa E, stfnenl na E) a zasuneme tramtstor
hk». Kauneu coeiHBiiTb Ha aoMKyriTope iipa- 3 and 4 have to be turned rully countercloclnrUe
dodrzasu Rr.-i.HD3jesrpoaM TpaHjRCTopa (itaixeinop a C. to Finally, the electrodes of the transistor
'xiiy k B sMHrrep k E. axpaH a E> a sctaaaTb have be connected by means of the combtafiTJon
TpaMiHCTop a jiepaarejib. field (tbe collector to C. tee base to B, tbe emitter
to E, the screening io Ej and the transistor in-
serted into tbe bolder.

612 Uafenl zbytkovfch proudfl 6.1.2. Hs«*fpenne ocTjroHKHi ioitob 6.12. Measurement or the residual
iiv«rnfrh niptrf pPechodfl - H a i p n :*;
• i, ,1 P. laOKplHHI currants and the cut-off
t ra nxtst or u nepexoaoi rpanjiiciopoi voltages of the transistor
Mtrrai HjMCpCMBC lciO WumnrgiK-ul «i 'ciy
C( „
Pfiprovu merenl provedeme potile cdscavce 6.1.1. IlonroTosKy k toMepcHtno ocyuiecriBTb no aymcTy After carrying out tne preparations lor measure-

Pak smknerae tlicilko 12 !:

—Po stlsknuti lla-
i, ,. 6.1.1. 3areH Hasan. «a KHOimy 12 — Icen- riocae ment as aescrioeo in :iem fl.i.l.. toe push-button

chka je merer y translator zapojen podle obr 4. h.i KROIlXy i!l«i'pn.-i-j TpaH3HCTOp ixim-
;ri*iT;in |12| CEa lids to be depressed. Thus, toe transistor

Kileticrove napetl L'C( nastavu|eme potenciomei- *w no cxene, apHaeaeBHoM hb ohc. 4. HaapMre- la "J for measure went according to Fig. 4.

rem 3 pfl silafeoem tlatttku 11 —

u,- e Nasiavene . HHe K-imi-r,) ;j L ct ycT3H38JmaaeTc<i noreHUKo- The colleciar v< M.r.r has to be s«t witli the poten-
napfili odttfitame n» siupntd meridle u-30 V. To- wrpnH 3 np« Ha*aT>fl icitonKe 11 — Uce ycra* tiometer 3 whilst the push button (ill Or, la kept
;o ilaniko u je i>ci jreiaie. tafcZa kdyt tio pustl- - 'rt.ii HMUC H j.]_."*-)l '<r ' 'in ii.ri-.n-rCB rit> ItfKa.tC dopreiacd. The selected voltage can b« road on the
npM&jpa 3n KHOoxa hc kmcct appc- scale to 30 V of the meter. The push button 11
niB. MMiOlu ufcazuje bodnolu i,--.-.. kierou odeclte- •
30 B- 1 1

m« no slupnlcl 0-10. KozsatiT I^o n»*n'«** prepi- iiuim. a pcayjtbTaTC "scr© noetic « oTnycicaiui* has no loclc: when li It released, the meter Indic-
iuu^Dp.i ate* the l <eo value on the scale to 10 The !„„
naCfm 2. np, iip
i 3:l,i'ICl:il.. Vein XOTOpOO OTCMB
uhbac O- 10.
Ttreaetca no IlpeAeJiu I cto nepeiuiio- ranges are selectable with the selector 2.
uorci a*pemuo*iai«A0M 2.
npKMfp: Example:

TraallSIOt tLF'jQO
Tp«n >bct«p K F Wb
Transistor kfwo


CO 6 • O
BO • O O
o o o
Obr. 4
<fiO a
Pit 4

Haaurro injumcm)

Hjnepeeee l C no Meee—eeaaei «( cso

Mtreni I
The procedura Is the sama as for tha measure me nt
Pnstopujeme slejna Jako pfi mefent lc*o. pouia nocrynaicrr Taa *e. sen a apK aaHepettifK l
have to ce coa-
ulekirody irarulstoru procoliaie u kombtnatoni c tofl nwbKo paaHHuni, tro sgwsrrpoAM TpaKascTo- of l
Ctg however, Uia elecirodea

lit Ea *•» "vorky C • E ft* napojl pfechod CB pi iu »OHM/»aTOpe ,-.--, ih.'.
.> t. 4io K«*ray
i nectetf by tneana of the combination Held M (bat
QW. 5. Pfecfiod i oa l aD pravedwne
raefent 1^ sawvxjMM C - E Mi.iMwaeTrn ncpeioa CB. P:" 5. the Junction CB between the terminals C - E

preicnBlliB kollku h«M manlpulace se aamotnyni nppexoa oi H3Mrpnnia 1,^,-, x axucpeuuio I Cbo as shown In Fig 5. Thai rearrangement hat lo he

iriOii»ior»m carried out by altering the position of one plug

MlHinyjlllUKH C ONIN TpaMaVCTOpJM without handling the tr«o*l*tor under teat

Pflkltd: npHMeJ: Example

Tnaziuor KP506
Tr4R»i»«ir XF5Qa


Qbr. 5 Pat 5 1.5

Naraol i EH) HlHCpCMHC IfJ0 Meaeureaanl of I


PfMvnutlsi kollka na komblnatcru nastav'm* mC- TI/TrM nepecraaoeim urmfrra Ha KOMMvriTope y:u the Instrument ha* to be prepared for the nee
fenl CK) podlt obr. 8.
i i
INepeHHf I| ar 10 pHC fi
sunmeni of according to Fig. S by altering
trie position of ant plug in me cornDination Held.

Mklad ripMMCp: Ftample-

TranzlMor KF50A


Obf P* 6 Fig-

prnunuiUD dvou koilkd na kotaolnitoru nastavlue Op* DcptKOHCHn njrz uiTM^ra hi KOKMjmrope The instrument has lo hi prepared for the mea-
entrant i
CS3 potile obr. 7. ycTajfOMT* penn iSKepeamx lcU no pur 7. surement of1, ,, according to Fig. 7 by altering
the poaltlona of two plugs in the combination Meld.
Pfikled: npswep: Example:

Tr«C2Uloi KrW9


C( O •
10 o o o
E« • O O

Qtf. 7 rag.

Msfaai Iqi Mssarsesrs* Ir»

Zepo|imi; |ako pfl a*fenl cc( a meal idttky 23

E sapoflma odpor R dan4 vallkoatl. Obr. A

BnAxwurrk rpetiMciop tbk me. rai h
Icm> > xexjty umuiu
23 B
caapoiBMowc R hjubkmI Kju^amw.
r.pv roxepe-
E iiuimnk
P« 6.
The connection or the rraasmor la similar to that
lor Ico measurement; however, a resistor ol the
appropriate value tw» lo be connected between
(be sockets |23| BE. Tbe meeaurlDg circuit Is
PKklad: npMMtp: liven In Fig, S.
Tf Mil rt or IIW
Tpmaam* KFSOf
Trtatutor kfws

Obr I Fat S Plj. * 'CEO

VlMcprmw Iciv NatHnuBl of lav
Provademe pflprivn mfirenl podle odstatce 6.1.1. OcyaiecTiJiJWTCii nonrorosnia KSHepcufx no nymny Altar carrying out the preparations described In
Psk silskneme tlacltko IB |UC a tlacftko 22 [PO
| 6.1.1. 'i.ir'.v unn mb KHOfixy 18 (Uc) * xHOtuey i'cn i ;
: tbe pushbutton (IB) U„ and the push-

LARITA Uc). Petenclontetrem 4 nastavime dane za- 22 <nOJlHPHOCTb Uc ) nOT^sroawTpoei 4 button [22| POLARITY UG have to be depressed.
v.'--- oapttl U m
stupnlcl -30 V Pft silaceneai yrraHOiMrk juhhoc tun utxcHSK urmpajtH I DO Than, the given cut-on voltage U has to be set
tlaCltfcu 11 IUccI nastavime potenclometrtm 3 da- uiKaxe 0- 30 B lips na*aTofi wtanxe II (Uci) with the pottntionipter 4 and read on the seals
ns napetl UCI ne stupnlcl - 30 V. Uvolnlma tla- ycraHOBMifc norcKuaowcTpoH 3 usotce unpixemic to » v. with tbe pushbutton fill O c< depressed.
clikc 11 a po stlacenl UaClIka 10 (Id odeciUme Uct no UKUie - 30 B OraycriiTb mtonxy 1 1 tne potentiometer 3 nas to be used lor sorting tbe
1 i
stupnlcl 0-10 ibytkovy proud Id, t roz-
;f. nocxe hj .v.- hi KMoniry 10 Uc) oTCwraT*
... givan voltage u CE ou me scale OioJOV. Then, tbe
saau urcantm pcionou prepinaca 2. Poior na pre- no uituji * 10 ocrannHMB to* Ictu * npeaeaax. pushbutton 11 has to be released and. after de-
kroCeni covoienenc napetl emitoru (obvyhie 4 * ynaHot-ioiHHi axaoxteaute* oepeuimaTua 2. He pressing tbe push -button (10) 1^. tbe Taliia o( i.
- VJ. Zifrofeai pti inefenl :- Ll |v na obt. 8.
i ic.L. '.:.__,'.
l r
as npcjKA" aoayvoxHOtw Haapa-
.. can be read on Use scale to 10 within the range
"ii/i- ""."'I'] (oGmimo 4 r fl B). Cjmtm.i *»ne- let with the m lector 2. Tbe permissible emitter
roiuge (usually 4 to I V) must not be esce«dod.
Tha circuit for 1^,^ aseasureneei Is shown In Fig. 9.

Pfilciad- ripBMep: Exnmple-

TrnMlStor KPS04
Tp—Mctop KTS0S
TraDilsior KFSW


caamka: npiiMeqaMHi': Notes

H uvcdcnfch cbytkovfch proud fl

mflPonl mosno
npH rt .-i.-,- !'.. ylUUHIIUI vi.-.rj(ii!H TOMOa MOM- When the residual currents are raoatured as ea-
smeflt zlvftrnt r,»pBH UCI U , nebo U„ po attafc-
, uo MsHrpan. »<rp"«imi> samtpamfil U ir . U.. i
scrlbed. It is poaslbla to aseartala the cut-off volt-
nutl tlacitka 11 na rozsahu - 33 V uot» IS na •rati U rn noiae uxara* m
natmry lis npeaexas age Uc Vcm or U, B on the scale D to 30 V after
roisahu o -l V. -^30 B ajiK 15 a np*jtr<i>x * 1 B. Tlaawaa depressing the push-button 11 or on ihe scale
Cbyiek nepHtl na proptnactch ronahfl si«)nosm6r- t, us; '.< I.- .1*;- v -"-•'- \ '||.-.h-.^ih mCTO-
i J i lo 1 V with the push-button 15 depressed.
nfcli proud 1 |e na viech rozsatfch proudG 3*5 mV «Hnoro Toita tocta-Mser hi acei npeaeaai Toea He The voltage drop across the DC current range se-
nastmalae. 6o** 3.65 >*B. lectors is maximum 3.65 mV in all the ranges.

01.3 MaFant yasllenl trimliioru 6.1.3. Hin'p*«ii# Ka»$4>N a urn »• S.13. Measur ems n ! or •mpliricaiion
yeiJiam* rpiRif cropa factor of transistors

8 1.31 Mtfent .1... 6.1.31. H3xcpmK«h h | Measurameai of h,.,

h.-n «t»|no»mernf proudov? zettlovacf CInltoI hjn — >..> -:-if'inrii-.'-! ; .<:...<."} no nocToamioMy B iii — °C curront anpllflcatlan (actor
I, •(ICOSmCtnf vii'.iO \>k/e. 1- — norroiHHuA to*, daabi l
, — DC dam currant
L odpovideitci sieinosmerny proud koiektoru lc — C0OTB3TCT»yDimift :i - ro 1:1 i':;-: rOK SOJUeX- Ic — Cor ret ponding DC colltcior current

M§f*nl h a , m62em« prowfidfll dvo]Im zpasobem: HaMeppmt* h„» how ho ocyuifCT«*iTk no aey-M m?- This measurement can be carried out Id twe dif-
TftlfMi ferent ways:
a) Pflmym ndfCtenim h,« na curvsne hyperbollcks a) oyr**4 npf uoro mcwfTi hU| no Kpaoaai runep- ) By reading the t,„ value directly on the red
sfupnlct. )rE plBll toddy, nastavfmell koleklo- rnrw^v'.oi'i vr -'....!» mpaMMJTYtBa B TOM
'IKH.I. hyperbolic scale of the meter which a valid
rovy proud na I : -A, 10 *A. 100 M. 1 mA. r^piae. e<-«< ycraiowKw to* icajjirKTopa lc ™ wfaec the collector currant lr 1 **A. 10 *<A.

10 mA nebo 100 mA [oznateno fiervenou znaC- m1 mrA, 10 mkA. 100 mkA. I mA. 10 mA hjh 100 -a. 1 mA. 10 mA or 100 mA marked wlib |

kou]. 100 nA (nonaaano rpacHoft dkcko*). a red lodpx). The procedure is as follows:

PO»tupu|enie takio: npH "::! KUCTyiiam ,-.-•. y»'i:;.i>! »; MM Preparations tor tne measurement nave to be
Provedema pnpravu podle tu.l. Pak provedeine Bbmounm noaroroBKy k H3McpeKHiM no nynx- carried out according to tiem 01.1, and thun,
nasiavenl praco*nllio bodu tranzlsioru tak, ze tv 6.1. 1. 3rreM ytTaHOBHTt. pewaM padoru working point or the transistor set. With (he
pfl stladeniiu tlacilku 11 >'- -,\ aestavinia po- rpaHJHcropa. jmh iero npa Ha.KaroS kiuukc pushbutton (11) U^g depressed, the U^e col-
tenclomotrem 3 koleklorove napell U ct Jehoi , II <U<(> ycraMoaMTb norcnmicwcrpoM 3 hj- lector voltage has to be ad|usted with the po
vellKott odciitdroc no stupnicl - 30 V. Kolek-
apuwniKC KiwiAcKrupa Uce. HmUM *u-ropo- (or.ilcmotbT 3 end road onthe scale to JO V.
tir,..v proud 1,- nastavlmc zmdnou proudu U ro ati^mimmAerCM no iu*a.ic — 30 B. Ten koj- Tho eolloctor curronl c hai to bo boi by alter-

zo preplnncuni 1 a po<« nclomot rem 4 p*i Mia* icrropa It ycTatiORtfTt., HjMi-ioio tou 6a3M ne- ing the baae currant by means of the isleclor
c#nam llaeilku 10 |l c | Po uvoln«n( tlacf:ka 10 peKJU-waTiMeM 1 a nofMiiMOMerpOM 4 npH h»- 1 and Ihe potent lorn eter 4 whilst keeping the
i>o,v -n£Ndlo proud bAre e v rnzsehu da- l arofi mm** 10 <l c ) noes* ornyci-awwa wuoa- pushbutton f 101 I c depressed. After releasing
nam polohn i
pfepinace I Zesllovacf Clnilel h 31i M 10 (!<;) ii i
-';>• r- -i'it. it n|'.>^v> iHj'-'i-mcT the push-outton 110 1^ the 1 rnoter indlcaies
urClme z iida>o stupric- mefldla vvnssobenlm Tfw fitaw U • npeauajL «iaaHHH» <uwicix«nhcm the base current a within the
l range given by
pome rem kolektoroveho proudu 1^ i ufazene- the position of the selector 1. The sought am-
ho rozsahu 1. Tento peine r ]e 1. ID. 100. 1000 onpeacjueica d/ttm orcHera ix> Uttun npaGo- plification factor h Ilt can be computed by
aid, pa noc^r yMHOxCKHX Ha ornoiuemie tcwa koj- multiplying the meter indication by the ratio
4erTOpa l c u ytTSKOBJiPHHoro npeac^a la. 3io between the collector current c and the se- l

cnfimeuHe cocraatuieT 1. 10, 100, 1000 a t. *. lected I, tange which ratio Is 1 or 10 or 100.

1000. etc.).

PHklad: llpHMep: t'xample:

Mftcnt trandstoru KF5C6: Naatavono U a " 6 V; ItsMcpniuc TparuKcropa KF506: ycraiiowaeho lha translator to bo moasurod M KFSOB Th« values
lc" 10 mA. Stleknutioi I, —
mA nobo 5 na (or- 0.2 L'c — 6 B; Ic -»10mA. Hpu iiaNcaTHH I b = 0.2hA set ara! U„ - 8 V. c -10mA

vane hyperbolteka atupnlct Obr 10 5 no *pacMod mnppfiamrufcifow n.-. . Pup. With tha push-buiton 10 depressed. D - 0.2 mA. I

10 1. t. S on the red hyperbolic scale (Fig. 10|

1mA 10mA

Obr. 10 rat 10 ri|. 10

- Kattr UaRatM le«ilMM(

hn i — raiMH ajpflcaa)
( bi:i
I. at) • »
InA 73"

| k^, wcta* afpoCbm-| Poulfvtma takdy. fi) I.,, eopvjwxM'ic* nyrw pacxrra —:— . 3tot t>) By eonputatloa from ih« Forimil* h»,— a
My* P0
po<r«Hi)tn« m»r;i pn cnocoO acnojuavrica tom cayxac. ecaa >."/> Ttta aiatbod at used wMa Um
LMyl v bod* ). iDjUNo«ancpiiT> npa isynjM I,-. c*7-wma*me»i-
c« ot atniH-K«w. yiqtMmnro > nyaare a).
has (o ba carrlad out with an
thin thoaa Rivnn in itao a).
i, valao other

np«Mtp: Sum pit:

TraiuUtor KF9O0 uiAftiu* pfl kolafctoroTaia proudu Tpanancrop KF506 aaHcpaerca npn tow kmukx- Tb« iraaalator KT506 kaa to ba Ktaaanrad «ll c -
': ~ 3 dA ?o dmUvioI Ic —
3 at A covy hlf ra ipfl -
i»pa Ic 3 kA. Tlocac pckalWMal Ic — 3 mA aau- — S DA. This vatua baa to ba aat m kaa aaaal
nkw pHrtroj po uvoin4af tUdtka 10 «k4f« nap*. aonraniH o6p*»ot« opafop dock omycux«« Btnntr. Aftar ralaaalr.g lb* puih button 10. MM
1,-50 M- noon 10 nouMOMT, maapaMep, I» 50 mpA matar abowa a riaflacfion. • I I, — •*) -A
•U todnou Iqq unadMMlaa tOCI l e
* Kl urienl k m avatovat !•*. U )1
OdsCtvmt Od
Ecu iMi^map
umran i Ic,
n n
* «MMTai muium no omo-
ntoOxo&HMO yinrwiaTk npn
If tM *!•loo M Ml ntgllflDlv anal) in ccanpa-
rlaoa with 1«, than in lb* naaauramant of b,. t it
onpejujiauui hjic r. «. aty arjininiiy h«o6iojsiko nuat ba uk«o Inlo cooaUWratton, l it atuat bo
an tew* » DHauui Ic- > ««t cayxaa «»P«*wi- tubtractsd from cba lc valua. C on aaq atly. —

^ 1:

*™l«» nolnhi
i* kmnafU

vhpfiia** 1 oen*f n»
natiavant proudn Mm
1 M


Jlnoe apaJnae

aepea 1
«- fc-kao

1. o*V
ncpe*.* •>-<.*?<-.-. t
ia«r *o(m"«*>ti 6oxm
Bjjj- ^=
Tha aatraata eountaretoHnvtaa poalBon. aaaffeMl
I fat, of Iba Mlactor 1 anablM flna juiiininani of
c .

Iranitetorfl |l,-(l-n ,,A\. ktet* me]l veltd h M ri'im-.jycraxoBra tokob fiasu t*x ipaa— nqwi base currant 1,-0 to 9.1
tli- of aucb transla-
1 Ml
I pfl nlzkych koleatorov*ch proudech Rozsah m*- (I B = 0-«-Q.l
mkA>, noropue ofinaaaoT AojruuaM tora which base high b lia valuas even with low
fanl !„ 1 M
zflsteva zachevan. stetne |ako v iou- IH9>«»*HHfM h-, H npm iii'imn V>M*I nr.ii .leirosa collector currants The 1, measuring rang* of I jeft
sedrtf polozs pfeptnacs 1, led Je rovnH 1 «A. TTptaeJi M3Me^f«ai I, 1 =
mxA coxpa*«erca tsk la maintained slmllarl* ei m
the natt position of
xe. vik h b cocejutot ao/ioweHuu oepeuupuTeu (ha selector 1 wtilch is alto marked 1 -A
1. soropuft raicae cocraaumeT ! nkA.

fqilHtl 2: Ilpki M^j.i.ye 2: Note z:

Mefenf velXyth proudech kolektoru tc- iOOmA

pfl h*3Kepemie npM ni.ii.urai Tostax KcuMesrropa lc * Measurements with high collector currents Ie-
a malfca aapetfca jV, -0.2 V is xnesnsdneno - 100 h.\ a Maiifau naapsoKeBnnx Uci— 0.2 B aa- - 100 mA and low voltages V a - Q2 V are difficult
valttnlm odporem idrohs U- Obvykle e tfeba ne- ( TpyaHser.** pcjyjbTate «a.nMXH< BMyipeHnero co- due eo the Interna! resistance of the supply of
kollkrat stffdavfl nastavovat lc a U C( pdndvadz se , BponatMHv.H Hcrouniu U Kas- npasicao, bco5-
u Ci Usually It will be necessary to readjust save-

viajemnft ovIlvAu]!. xoakmo HecKoawco pas aepaouctccnt ycraHaBjiH- rs! times the lc and U a
settings alternately, as
Zapcjenl pfl rr.Gfen, a£
ti- |e na obr. ll MT* Lr s i. Tan van ohm b-«!h*»t apyr aa apy-
they have a certain mutual laflueace.
ra. CieMa uSkiepeiaM bJie aoxaaaua hi pax. 11. The circuit or the measurement of
in rig. I l
la given m

H25V 9*»V

Obr. 11 Pat. 11 Pig. II

S - pf•prsSef i. 1 — nr^.— .r-', 1 - U ««tlna-


13 2 fcUfenl hlla 61.3.2. RaHafaaBM h*. 0.13.2, Measurement of on .

h iir — stMdavf proodovf saellovecf clnitel nak.-ai h<it — «o>h^4u>eaT rcjucmu oo ocpcMttaaoKy ii,.,, — AC current anort'ClKult ampllflcaOon
fcoV ?npo;a nl epOlecoO editor. TOKy Ipil XOpOnOH HMUKnaH, MSMCpflC tacior in common emitter connection.
Piipravu toarenl provadem* podle bodu o.i.i. Pas nonroroBKa uiMepouta ocytoccrsJuieTcs no nyamy freparailuua tor lae meaiurament have to be car-
atiskueine tlacftko 14 l|
a nastavlma pracovof
>> 6.1.1. 3an."i ocyiuecTBAaima HaKaive jatoaaai 14 ried out as dncrlbad In Uam 011 Than, tha push-
bod ite]ne |ako pfl mtfent ti :it [To )e, naaUvune .
<b 7l,> h yciaiiaijiiiaaena praiN pafjara t»r aae, -buttoa (H| b lta bea lo be depressed end the
Uct poieDClometrom 3 pfl itlaCanem tUCltku a U uk ii npn HAMcpenaia li^n. (3to atiatari, jcran»- working point set in the same manner aa for the
Jcliohodnotu od eel time oa stupnlcl 30 V a proud -
aim I', noTCH BaaoHBI poM 3 npn amo-roA anne
neaaureinent of ilB (tha volutge Ucs haa to he

lc nastavlma potantloaMHran 4 pfl stla£«mte Ha* 11b j ij'i-i:ie luapaMcemu OTC<nmua«rca no mi sat with tha patantlnraatar 3 and its value read

on the to 30 V scale wltb toe push-button 11
Cltku 10 I'cl- p0 ""ok**"1 iiaciiKa J-0 pfistro) j*a-
tute tijir n8 niBflmicn
siupnicicn Q * iu nebo 0- HCipoM 4 npit Ma»a-K>fl khvium: 10 Uc>- nocnc or- kept depressed; the -current Ic has to be let with
roisahy n , WO, MO. 1000. 3000 *e preplnajl nyCKaiH* KHMifcM 10 npWk-p iKwaMwoaer no h^ tha pot on Hem" tor 4 wHilct keeping tha push
30. ?:

pFepinacem r> raerneiio signaiu |e 50 Hx.

KmnoCei XHBKfiKUM unuuiaH h-Om t 0-10
30. npcacaw button 1, depressed) After releasing the push'
1000, 3000 $smm*****»*r&* n*pe- -button (10) Ic. the meter indicate* ihe h., c value
firavaO laeniaiio slgn£lu Jc ptl vSccb rozsazich ne kai.. 100, *K).

lollkril menSi re* sts)r.osm*rn* proud I,. Zopojo KjttciaTC.ieM5 laCTo-ra >i3Mepiirejn>fora 'urwan* on the linear scalp to III or to 30. The "-,.
merenl hju Jo na ebr. 12. cocras-qocTSO Tu. yposnu nawepwrfjiuioro ciraa' ranees 1D3. 300. 1000. 3000. are iwltchable with
nl pf|
JU U.i BC9X nUilU'ii-""!! B HeCW>JH.*0 |,n MPIU>- the selector (5| RANGE. The leval of the mea-
mi* n«Ttmnw:vn toks. IV suring signal of SO Hz frequency is several times
lower than the DC current I, hi all the ranges.
Cwms BSMepeHss h», sans na pic 12. The circuit for h,, e measurement La given tn Fig


— pteplnSnf ;otHihO. tg Ipfaptnat 1| 1 — r- --r-o.-i.-iii. r Aiiuiiaow* (e i nrnc-i'i"'!- I) 1 — it rante twitching (wUcior l|

2 — pfaptnSnt ronafcfi t]» laPeptnac' 51 2 — ntpeuKXtHKt lunuoiM h;> C ropeaaaxawsi 5) 2 — taj-. range switching (selector 5)

Poznainka 1: Pipit Mft am.? I:

Note 1:

Pracovm oca zOst&vs zacttovan siejny pfi iue?enf Fe*«M patfuTbi coxpauaeic* iieHJMnufaiM xan u Tha select-id. working point remain* the same 'or

IlpH M3MC|XMB» la tW> CacaoaoT^AbVo or the maatura merit of h.,. as for tha measurement
ot I, |ti a)t ) Consequently. It Is possible to tnea-


b I' i. I1
i h Ilr UOfsma Mdy na mafani 'i... pfejtt lOKCpCHMII I. MO-fUHl ncpCHTH K B3M0pCH i: > bji, sure the h JW raluo Immediately after aieassufing
«J mtl-eitl l
B potihfm stt<ikniitrin ilatltka 14 (!»„,). nyrex np-x-ror*> kskkitkh u& kiioukj 14 :-i
.-, („ simply by depressing the push-button (U| h

'oznamka 2: [TpKMMUUiie 2: Nate 2:

lO.'enl pf l vfllkfctl proucecti

lr a maltcti nape- W 'MCJCTIHf npH OOJlblUWX jjm.' ( C M H3JWX H3- Measurements with high collector currents ^ and
icli U[E znesnndnftno vnllFnlm odpjrem zcroje
jo npuwewiiflx LVs aatpyiwk-Tcs b pesy-ibiaie Ha*H- low vojtages E ate difficult due tc (be Interna!

rE Jc iretto nikollkrol stfidove noalavovot l c a
tat BHyTpmticro conporHWieNHS Uct- He36xoajiM0 resistance of tne supply ot Uct Usually, tt will be .

CI orllrfiuji *e.
TaaJKf HCCKOJbMO paj ijiolhi-tk VCTaH98)ty lc M necessary iu readjust irje c and UCE settings alter- i

Ud. Koiopue BJiuimi upyr tu apyra. nately several- itroes, as they have a certain
UlUtUOl lll'lUBllCO.

ozniimka 3: NotO 3:

tftdevy zesilovacl Clnitel h,„ net?* pfesne nfillt K03<|"^MirUCHTydLKBHI DO IiepeK«H»OMy TOKY h?i» The AC amp 1 licet ion factor h, v cannot t>e me a

teve Krajni polo2e pr«pin*ace 1 a vtdy v prvnl MOXHO TOMHO HIMCpHTb B JICBOM K pa MUCH IIOBOXC' sured precisely when the selector l is set to its
esi'ttne dratiy potencioroetru 4, ponevafli zde hhm BepcKahMaTf:ji« I h sceraa > nepnofi aeanoH extreme counterclockwise position and the poten-
•cacra nyTK noTeHtiHOMeTpa 4,. ran us* a 3TOM cay. tiometer 4 is set to the llrst tenth of Its track, as
sae ib J IB .
U t I,.

.1.4. Me rent saturaCnlho n a pell 8.1.4. MiHejfH«e Haap^weiiBa 14. Measurement of the collector
kolehtoru U ,- ,
B 2C H : i - I ( :) A K I .
' k r o ; I
UcES saturation vo (age Up,,
roveCeme pripravu podle bodu 6.1.1. Pak stisttne- Orym*ctBjt«t-7*-n iwafrvronKa no nynKry 6.1.1. 3a- After preparing for the measurement acrordlng to
ie Haciiko 13 (Jul. pfepinacem 1 a potent lomei- It'MH3«MN.HTC(I KHOTIKI 13 (I,). IWTtfHllHOMerpOM the instructions given in item all. the puib-
?m 4 nestavlme deny proud haze l„ (ohvykle !»=- 4 II '::•'« :,i-::i ,-.:<:••• ] yCTaHaBJHBai-ica i.i;ikmi<
n -hutton (13) B hrs to b-e depressed and the glien

10 mA|. Potom stiskneme tlacitko 15 (U^) a iok 6a3ht 1 R lofihifHo I(= 10 mA). 3arew Hainan base current I„ set (usually 10 mA| with the U=



Oli. 13 Pac 13 Fig. II

— prsplndst rosiaba la (pf«plaa-! 1] 1 - mrpfHi-notHr iiaitiaxjnua lg ( orua^iinmarcOD 1) 1 — 1« i ni.«: « I* lid i. .

M'ii. II. 1|
— pteplnetl roeialia lc (nfcpln&t 2) ? — nrpet fitaettHr .imn»oi>M l<; ' ;-> >-i- •• >
j) 1 — !. ruiga -iwi'ihin, jtalactar '(
— —

pfi tflaf/eient Mafilku 10 C nastaviiiie pPepfna

|I | m< inonxy 15 ( Ur ( »). u npu H.twatoit niton ho 10 spltcior I he potentiometer 4 Then, tht push
and i

Cm 2 f dim? proud kolckloru

i«»:i-iu-inittfirRiii 3 ( 1, yrT>M»»rb n.'p»ti.n»'ijTi-.i' M 2 II norfHtiMO-
) , -Million (15) U^, has
10 txi fluprwssod and v/ilh
fotn-v)c!i* KKi mAi. Rozsah mefeni l c )e ddn po M!rj!JM 1 334HUM tOfc WtfllCKTOp.-l t 4of>KiMM) t tti€ push hulton (10J I, depressed, the givon col

lohou ortspinuiti 2. Vo u.'u.in'ni tlafftki 10 .)k'v>.' I0I> mAJ ripemMM HSH'pBHlM !i UaMeHmcnCil no- lector current ^ initially 100 mA| sot with the
nrftldlc na iuz»<iiiu 1 V saiureCni napeil U m me .iiwcHne.y
ncp\ n.i»«i3rejji 2 flOTJK oraycKJtcnn
selector 2 -.•.'< the potentiometer 3 The rang* of

f, in'.o ir. ". imi"'i pro naslavonf potnir 8= - kkorkh npkSop Ha npeaeJic
10 B n^KiauB.ier M- 1 t- measuremenl depends on the setting of the
njuKcnu mctmraMA U-m KiHtp*ctmni tp-imihc- selector 2 After r«t«a»iriK (he push but ion 10. the

T.'pl 1.1K i.-.; .ico; OTIOUJ9IIM* B = Ic

meter Indicates within ihr 1 V range the tatura-
t:on voliage U as of the measured transistor at

lie set ratio 'c

Zapo)enl pM melon! UCCi Je on obr. 13. Cucjia iij»h MiicpeKMii Ucm HUH Hd pat. 13. The circuit for UCI% measu rein rut is given in Fig.

•JJ. Zkouieni funkce trinzisiorfl 6.1.5. McBbitaH«f pi6oiy 6.1.5. Test in* of transistors
v o bv rdec h rpiHiticTopoi cxmai connected in circuits
Zkou<l«e tranzutora BW S20 umo*ftu>e merWif prou- I U ri.i (j-ti..m- TptuiaacTopOB BM 529 aacT bosmom- The BM520 transistor tester enables the In situ
dove!io?ofllovaclho£lnJtel* tramltiorfl i«po)en«ch moasur«moBt of the currant amplification factor
« ohvodach Ph tomto mefenf p transistor v za- TpaHiKCTopoa.KHuqemuir » c«mu flf-n ™»i B3- Of r;im '.t,ir. .- I n net tfl I
In ClFCUltS luring thl*
poNiai se spolrtny*m emltoreni napdlen Ion stflda MPpeHHM TpJHJMCTOp RO CXOM* C OOmHM 3HWTTPpOH fneflsiimmant. the transistor under tost is powered
vym ojpetirn SO Hi do bfize a koiskioru. Obr. 14 rUTae-rcs Tauio nepeMantuM HanpflvetoirM ">()
fu. on!* Oy AC voltage o( 50 Hz frequency In common
noaasaeMUM hi 6.uv KOJAtKrop. Phc 14. emitter connection (Fig. M|.

Obr. 14 pH . t« Vie It

1.12,1) — Inpadaoce pfipojen* k triBslstora RI.R2, K3 — iNHMfca <onpOTisacMi« noDimniaif ip««- R1.R2.X3 — bnpedaiiCM coanacred to (Be traniiltor m
* o&rodu aaetcpy act* tns nit in
4 - MaUa*«*l t,
4 — y e* — U
cca —
4 —
la saittsf

MPtldla Ml a M2 |aou atujnuJir-arno' mSridle a ne- JllNCpHTC/lbHMC njnt'.U|U Ml B M2

— OTO apu6o The nu't.Tv Ml and M3 ara OC Inatrumant*: conaa-
nKcai.. atrldaveho p'Ohdu, lekouclho
.«-'.iy .[(!.». j pu nocroaMHOro ruxa h c.l*XO»oTe.imi> omh tic i:o- i
: j
do not indlcato tha AC caraponanii
1 v ti"-'

pert odpor* PI. S2. R3. rjka/uj: pouze stt(no*oa#r Kaibrcim cocra»-i*«>U4%ta ncp*HftiMoro tona. npo- flowing through th» itnpeflanrei Rl. RZ. R3 Tha
1.6 ilolkr Ig" a It". JeJ vznlknou jSm«Vn*nim *.tri- f«rano*U*U <<epei c^»pOTM8.i«fiim Rl. fc2. R3 Out* meters respond oniv to the DC compomrnis I,"
djvalio napef mo/I Plaklrodami meff>n*ho Ira . : -.'-liiT T3.1bK) COCTrtB-TairmlHc nOCTaRHKOTt) Tt>- iind r * w:, .-[; are produced bv the racllftcauon

aLBtore. toktupufume tak. te potenclometrerr 4 na- *» U" a Ic*. Ki>rophif nrviytuioTvx B pejy^bTSTC of the AC voltdgi;s butween the elecrrodes of the
siavtnii- B ' ne I mA a pfepnutim ne l e * na rozsa-
l • t.in|MtMXCHHH UlTpCMeHHOrO H;lHp»*l'HHJI M -ih'.iv measured transistor. The measurlDg procedure li
Ini IQn mA ndi.Heme Up*. *<• = &fl m\. Pctom 3.n'>CTpaaa>iH uiMfpacwaro Tpamncropa. np« »3- as follows: The value of !.,' has to t>e set lo 1 mA
uco-jdov* /esiioveci (tnitel merenfr ia tfcchto pod- MVfifHiiH nan-Mtr.iOMerpoM 4 yiTJH3Bjr.irueic* with the paten tiotneier 4. and after switching
retnvk h-.," se icmer rovna h, mefenenni steino- !«*= 1 mA a nvTfM iiepeiLi»>^PH«a h. I," Ha BPC" over to I,", the value e g. c '"6* mA is read I

smerne. tedy l>.. ' * h vl Tedy pro uvedeny pfipad .

T ,

iMP 100 hA i)TmnTfc(*a?TJ«i. h.nipaMcp. Ir* = within the >0Q mA ranse Then, the current ampli-
. , Ic"

KM = 68 m\. B »n>M c.iytae KH^ktiitfeirr ycn.i««wn fication lactor h

" measured
under the set con
didons is almost -ij i.i to (tie i'-. value measured
no i\wy B3Mep«(eHiJii npH sthx ycidBMTtx h-n". L

* — approa. n-,,
BOMTM 1«B*H kjtt, HJMepHeMOMy Hfl HOCTOfMHOM TO- In llw DC manner. ». ri
?lE e Thus. I, .

*kimk- if m'
k. t *. h.,e* h-u Cjieaoeaw.ii.io ijih In th« case n;,r- - -U.
;. 1mA
Korociyiaii Ijii"

NaMavime II If,* na 1 mA |nobo 100 ,-M hodooia L-/>1 ycrajioBHTi. In* ^^ 1 M.\ (win 100 mkA>. tu If l
" U wt to 1 m4 lor 100 -a i
than th« value
I, * |c pMmo rovna h}|t* SHAWKHt Ic
" lip^M-J '.i.i.i li ..
* Is equal to n n ,"
ro carry out thla maasurampn'
H.ncficime p<B»»jcnAy*rfc»« otymwrMnri, itpn m«»c It l« ri- I'lini :

se duporucuje ptwvddit pH co no|»otSiiti

! .
proudcih kolt-ktoru. kd> se ncimfiti* uplotnl para OlMa.lbltuv r : i XOfl-ieKTOpa. »!.;.! >«PMl^IC •«»• hy using ih* highest possible collator current la
l«-lni Irnpcdanca k elekirodJm tranzistoru Vyslod- rj tKaib<»s?TcanapaAJfUUItM lUtlfMlJanMHUa »a«*- which (*• thf "(liiMii of the impedances con
nojaou tmftradatne prl morenl v cbvodach u> ipoao« tpjuanctopn Peay.ivTaTbi aa.i«»»rr« ^bim. nected in parallel to tha electrodes of the tran
.'»po)i:i. -,] ii"iiin k elukrrodim iranrlnlorii ne-
( <TB)iT*,ibHtJMn npit MJMPpeMaw CXBMBX c aaojui- sistor is niilraiim. The results otitained are not

l»> * pfil<K m.ilyn adpory - II) ft. 1

MM HK.1IOM.HHI1JM1I K *JH'ITtpoa»M TpjIHJHCTOpa HJH decisive when the measuring circuit contains dio-
v r#chto pripadrrh lndlku|i spravnou (unkrl tran- C«teMai CO CJtMUfKDM M,1.1WM» COlipOTHH^CHIItlMM des connected to the electrodes of ihe transistor
/isioru pkol -: it v8t--( rmeny proudu kotoktoru
- <n*r 1M Oh V itux <jiynanx . i.:/k>'i>:i npa- under test, or when the impedances amployed art
pM 7iri&nach proudu Oder. Toto hledlsko. ovllvno- of low value* |* 10OU1
v in kolekloroveiio ptoudu v ddslediu mien prou- ckoiuko pai {is.ibiiiiie njneHeHai tokj nutleriMfn In such cases, correct operation of itie transistor

iiu bi.e. je ro7hodu|ici pro posomeiii, 'da tronzls- npM HSHeHfHHJix T>Kt 6a*Hd. 3r.i Tiwua 3peH*m — is indicated ny the chanRes in trie collector cur

inr /apoji'riy v obvodech 1 kdy" 'eho

|e dobry. K3Mcnomie TOKa KQJueKTopa p prjy.ifciai* «3(*e«e- rent, whrn are several limes larger tnan me
|*f*-snf: |si zpiefcril |c l' 2 llPoneved2 pfl loin-
1 ' ,p iihb tokj ri.i3M - mJURCK p«u.i»»meii iji« ou«<- ctianges in ihe use current which canaed ihem
!•> inefeiu *i" f " |e volua praiovnttii podminck me H*.I HCnpOBOK 1M TpatrJBCTOp. BK.I10ieHHMU
TorO. This Ifllitiance on ihe collector current by uliangei
FciielH irarunlotu ome*.ena a merinte siejnosmer- b csCMy h 8 iom r."jyM.ie. Koraa HecAOsao apoMJ- Id the M»
current U dtcl»l«e for aueittag who
iw sMHkf ),* a I,
-• vintKie dMtkcl velkyin nfida- BCCiH Awiec TtWHoe HJMepCMBC. Tav *j» npa *iom Ihcr a rranaistor tonnecltd id a circuit M faultlsaa
vyi U :
'f Id 10. iitjvuMinv o zkcm&ci)) ira.i, -ntn K3Mi. pi-ilttH h;|fi' ihlOOp pC«HN8 pi<$OIK U3Nepa-
a van thouith its mora 0X401 testing is difficult. As
t^ioro TpaHJKCTopa orpa*i*>*tCHi t»» mrizpMKrKii no- In this meaau reman of
*•_.,(" tha iwlartton af (ha t

tirjMMMiiic cotf;t»ji»*"i(nc I«* h (i " n&ny-te>fHM«- rnnditlons for the transl'iror under iws>

a pcaf-^bTOTc acTCKTHpoaa>*a>* So.ii.iuxx nep*M«ii- Is limited, and only tha DC componanta Ig" and i^'

nui curnajoa. np«^«« pent nwr toavko o< aenu- produced ay the detection of strorul AC stsnals are
7i i
i.i ii TpaNaa^ropa. measurable, ihe dMcrlbed procedure be refer- cu
red to only it tha leitlnj of a trensistor

u 1 s MeasuieniKnl of tin* !. .,- value ol

tramlsiom rapoieneho H3MepeHM has* TpanaHcropa, bujikjich- '

HlS.1. M***" 1 hj«* transistors connected in circulti

* obvadecn itaro a cx*my
The preparations for this Bteasurement have to ba
tliunrowMife (tSMCptHMC no irymry 6,1.1. H-iKcp*-
pf»rtvlme Drtfenl poate oedu lid. nereny
carried out according to llem 6.1.1. The transistor
vodia do »»otek 23, stoknene CMMK TpaHJFCTOp CIOJMI.WI KTfc rrpOWlflUKKaMM It 3a-
8tor pfipojims to be measured has to be connected to the termi-

OBVODECH). Vlostnl «e|nQ*mir jwbmv 23, tuwaik hi morney 1<! ( U b uemx i]e-
tlaStfitO 19 (I* V

mcok cxwiw bm- nals 23. Then, push buiton {IS) l„ IN CIRCUfTS
Bi*f««eho °bvodu l« vypnuto. HI «tla- t unite hocto»>ikwh itsNtrpflkJMoii
n* napAfe" 1 has to be depressed. The DC supply of the mea-
WCM" l3 Oct naattvujeme iidtny proud KflhyieK» ri(iu l unni
ft mh KHomcy 10 (k) ycTa-
Ce«l suring circuit Is now disconnected. With the push-
prepinaee 2 va^-tnaierr* .naaHHufi tnii KQjue*ropa (» npeae-
KDiektoiu (v raisahu podia poiohv •button |ll)i - depressed, the- required collector
*jx a uiugioixti ©i ttxnaweHMH ncptKja«aTfJi«
proudcn I** 1* poMHielomolrem 4. Rozaahy
current Is set within the range chosen with the
poi«nclometru 4 tentokrat n*|SMi spfa* 2) tokom fiasw c ncwomwo noreamioMCTpa 4 Elpe- |

na£e 1 • selector 2) oy selecting the base current with the

tony. Proud ba>© m
odeclia po uiolnenf tlacftka aenbi aepeic.TO*iare.is 1 h nowHauoMerpa 4 b 3Tom
potentiometer 4. The ranges at the so lac tor l and
10 v f«uhu podle polohv prepinaee 1. Zp&sob oiyue hc cjiipjwcen&i. Tatt 6a?w 0Tr.*MTbi>aeTC»
hat at tbe potentiometer 4 arc In this vase mutu-
odacienf nsilovaclho clnHele h„. byl ]l£ uvaden. noc.te omyciuHMn khooke 10 b ctpeae.iax, coaTeer-
ally Independent Tlie base currant has to be read
Piatt pro M| lottt [afco pro ,«•- CTiywmax no.t>weBa» nepeKaio*i37c\jis I. Cnocod
yctfaeHWi hi>, y»e oati after die push button 10 has been released, ac-
mctera ico*Hiiiiia«rra
cording to the setting of the eeloctor 1.
orotcaH. B 9T0N atyuae cnpaBeaj«Bo to. *rro ofciso
method of reading the amplification factor
CKiaano jua K :!! .

h Mfl has been described already, aa the same ap-

plies to H as to the reading of h„ B

sysiemu 06H3pt*eK«r kopotkoto 6.1 ft. Detection o( short circuits in

Z|lftt*ni Jlirat* v 6.1.6

tr ant lstor i , m u
b cHCTeMe
k , Ji m i ra ast star
T paVH 3

Kjpurnic 3d>iiuKaHiie C E. a tpaHauc-rope npo«»>i»i- A C - >: short circuit naclfestt itself in a high
Zkrat C- E v iramistoru se proievi tak. 16 hodnota

ctci «M. i» aui-ie«ae Ir " npw kuhI ycraHO- value of r ( * *>M even at a low value of U (l
l 1M
lc lpro male nastevene CE (nopf. a t V) dosabu v; when the range selector (1) is L m
eji3HMu« auaemui* UCE (wanpitMrp. S Bl aa- (n. % i

J« velkfch bod not l r

• tOO niA, adyt preplnaC 1

the position 1 ^A end ihe poteotlorneter [4\ B *


cT»raeT Sontuiax 3Ha«eHai"t le > '00 mA H


roiaahu 1, le v poloaa IpAi potenciometr na«a»e- B vom

in Its extreme counterclockwise position. If the
nl l a v le«6 tcrejnl polozs. fe II pomocl U c, na«a- ciynae, urea nepetf.i»waTejib npeae-tm l» naao-
vene hodnote I, - 100 mA. nolze )1 roenlt ?menou atrrci n nfutontwro 1 mkA; a nffTCHU«OMeTp yen- currenl l- < ITO is set with the aid of u , it
mA a
cannot be altered ay controlling tne base current
proudu !„ do baze UCmm 1b HaXOOHTCfl B JCBOH KpnisCM DOJIOWeHBH.
Emm c noM3iat.» Urn yc7aHOB;iemoro aHateHHn U.

|f < 100 hA> ro MtBOIKOJBiHO HSMCHRTb BeaH^BHy

rosa Ir. H*M!:t«« rox 6aau.
A B -
E Stiort circuit In a translator manifest! It-
Zlcrai B
E v tran?istom «• prolevl tak. le v tran-
• KopoTK3e 3a»MKan«e B - E » TpanaiJCTope nporajia-
self in or setting the working
the impassibility
xlstoru nelze nastavlt prarovnl bod U r Ic a zmeflt ercn raK, tro b tpaH3MCTOpe hcboimowho ycraHo-
pjlnl tlc 1^ and nwaauilng the value of h r , Tho

aarb pewxM piQyru Uc. *c « K3Hep«tb hn«. Ha-

'>-,. Imflnju nelze menlt
n c. collector current c cunnoi be allorod by control-
i l

HBttaaU !r «' Bbi3l-BaeT H3M«ieKHI lc.


ling the fcaao current B 1 .

Fur a snort circuit In a diode, tho same applios as

Pro ik mt u died platt tc-ie? |ako pto ckrat C- E /Ui Kopemwro jaHUKaBHx a»>BOB copaBejuiBao
C E inert circuit in a translator.
CKaaaHHoe bjx KOporKoro 3aMbiKaH«B C - E.

62. Mtrcoi Iraailslora hHi^cb •UklrUk'ar. potea 6.2. HjM«pcHnr iptnuHiip? inpaa.ixcioa B.3. Hu.'.ir..-; lOQl of fU>l4 e(f«Cl Innhlcin —
If I 1 r i' ii .
• 11 X r. 1-1-., r I I I — FETt

62 1 P f I p rb \ u me t en I 6^2.1. I] oa r oto bk 1 BjMCoeHtiJi fi.21. Prepararioni for rti«

Po iopnuM pflfilfO|0 tlafilkum 7 vyfkamv »it 10 S n^M-.tc Mt.in>*it'HHA npnOopn KIWI BO* 7 nosowAnn Afmr 4uitfhing on thw m«(ns pnwnr vrttb the pmb
n4 ur-tJIOHl rtt^ky metldli- ZvoilD»o pnlanHj mftr»- irjuiMepMo i.m yctaHon.npmi* eTpe,ixu
10 enexnz bu'lMi 1 7) M.A'NS. apprnvimnrBl/
<c<ords h»v« ll»

116J10 prvkU tlafltk? t> e 9 (Pfv'P pfl ntc-r-enf FRTu niMiiVopa BuitpDTi. noniiiMivTi. n im'pnoMoro an*- 10 elipsa fur thp yoinier of tho dwitr to fwcom^
« p. ban* lorn. NPM pH ir*f«n! FETu « N-kannTpml Nruti KbOmraMH 4«^( p-n-p fljiw M.tMt?;*"«tiiM FET stfiOie. rh« ivpe -»f hi* FET 10 bn m**osuri*d lai

V.toitmi* polenrioniflry 3 a 4 ft* iitilu Propamine ( RBHUNm P. n-p-n :ipn ns^rr-^MHii VET * ITaHa- (o :w set with the pustvbutions 8 and 9 iP.MP H
Sprflvlrt FETb na kom hind torn (drain
r-lcktrody IDM NX. y»'T;iH »HT'. ninVHIllMNITr.hi I M 4 B HV.ie* the FET (0 i>l- infflsvirtd hr» a P chainel. N?N. it
rid na R. source a subst,r.SI iu ¥.] a zasum:-
C. sate Bhh.1 hjjio*?(i;i* IIp.iBii.liMto n't'/util.lTb MtKTpOAM ihe fET has rfit N-chnnnelt. The potent torn e:etj 3

t:i« rtr do drfcaku Za tohoio stavu diOzp bit KET I'FT HA KOMfyT.ITOp* UlJtT.ltftK K C, ynpJB.iiSr.il- and 4 muiI be set to «ro. Thtn. the wlPttrodes
up'nftn do dr. .-.. se .in *anyi elrktrodntni a . I B. MCTOIi-ilX it OCHOey K El '.ISCTUIMTI. FET of Ihe FET have <o be cornier 1 od rorrec(I» In fhe
rlrat *e odslrani a*. [*> nasunuii do drfafcu, nuebo s a<-p*ire.tb B stow ctKiotwn KIT Mjacn upe- combineuon field fl e ihe drain to C. the gat«
nmtv hyi do ilrzaku nesuuovan nez*rato*any FET nHTi.:» xepwareie c nacopoie'iHHMit mi-kipojuI'
9 10 B, and ttc sojree and -;ut>»traiK 10 E\. rtwn

a ncdojd* k jeho po«kOMiii. mm, m nopoTKoe laMMKjiiue Bhir>np.-ieic>i to.™ko noc- ihe h'ET has
be inserted Into the holder: this

-»- ujbm*«-m^p( a aepj*c-rc.ib h.im *f mo»hj b acp- c«n &c accomplished w»n th*- eiectrocM or tne
(KAIc.1t. BTl,tB.lNrb HtSlKopOHCilMMM ft .:.'. I -f-r-'i hET stioncittuned; the *tiort circuiting links will
lifiwc lo lit retooved utlrt lOiLipteiiuii ul itir pc«

jioraitonsHowever, the FET c<n be ronnecfcd a(s»

wllhout lt.u dhori circuii.ng diika. Ihwre is no »
danger of damage to it front ttw mitrnrnuni.

62. 2. Mtrenl »h»lkov*fh pro u do 6.22 MaMrpPMH* O IT T ,1 TO1 M M X TilKOH ft. 2 2. Measure me«t of the residual
02.2.1. Zbyt»o»y proud hrodla lg«<e| r.n )• f ldu ! ' 6.22-1. OcfaUMIIblBl TO* J»'--lTllfl« I., is SO.TBT.trt Tltc rfcstdwal K"t* currsni 1, 4, m ol the
pA a rtettl (irrito pHwrojetn mflfltelny. memo 1 nil nop* ah a tlA. m C iu>moiui-u »Taro orditr of pA and. ilKtrulore. If . .innot bt>
;ipnl>o|>j wo iic.ii.JM HJMi-pHTL measured wtih the BM r»29 transistor

0t2 5V

Ob' is p« is r.p la

S.J.2 2 Zbrikovy proud kolektoru l

a, 6 2 2 2 OcTltOMWWH T3K KCJJWKTOpa l ctl 82 2 2 Ras.dual collector current l
"" '< 1, ;ri podlo 62.1 StUkrom*' tlacltko rijaiuiuBtiT* Hampeaae no uyHKTy The preparations
Pftprav '

6.2.1. Ha- for iDls measurement have to be

[Ucl- MftHdlo
musi uk.-teor o V. Pri ctraCflnOin aurt. ill mutiny 18 U,; HdMi'UM«*J&HMlt npn(5op canted qui ty following me
Iff ( )
instrucncns given in
i,.!.' >thu 11 (U ( .l nMlwbnl poiencioineirern 3 da ao.iw.-ti noKt>.iart> B Ilpn himutoh khihikc U item fl.2.1 Then ihe pash-buiton [,&\ U has to
• 30 V Uvolnlme HecftkQ 11 c
n* U n« siupnicl
it'..) jrcnusvMfti notcHmioMcrpoM J s.uihcc &n<>- b3 depressed Tlic mater must Indlcole V. Willi
a itUffnie i.u.ik'i 10 lie). Mefidln nyni i>kszu|e •route \3 M
no uiRajK - 3.) B nwnwy Omycum tho push button | U
U depressed iUd potentio-
-tknvi proud leu v rozsatiu denfim polohou pfe
.-'; 11 mwafi. v,i Km>nKy 10 (( c l H»Mepitr«/ii.uuii
ii meter 3 Is used tc S8t the given U(S on the io
piniiOa 2 PN rcefent [«, )f FET v zapcienf podle npilfi.ip n *tom <-*yua* noKaUnum ocTaTO*niui'i tok 30 V seal* Then, tfco pushbutton 11 has lo be
oh.- 15. lew rtpwwJiax. Bbkhui nanow.-Miiex nppcx^iwqj released and irw pushbutton 10 |i, depressed )

T?l« 2. Ilpn BJwepeHMM Icls PET cofipjH no «*- The meter indicates th» rotldual current L™ with-
MC. yKJ33HH0ft H3 pBC. 15. in the range given by the setting of ihe selector
2. During this measunmsnt. the PET is in the
circuit shown In Fig. 15.

Pomamlia: n^HHMaHKer ftott:

POBfeMdi vyiocenl potenctomBtru 4 na nulii ne- Butsy raro. itp np* ycraBOBKc no-mtuHOMerpi As seiting the potentiometer to zero does nor

mull Mmflt hodrtoiu U ct « V. propo(ime gale s naiawciiHH »yaa He o6aaare.TbHo oSfcncHHBain- .ihsoluielv ensure that UOI =
V. the gate of the
s emilorem a substratem koliky iia komhlnotoru c« jHa<ea«e L',;i = B; iieof3xi>.3H*to coc-ajt-Hifn. FET has lo Wj interconnected with the emitter
Obr. 16. B-tfTll.lh C SMHTtCpOH II OCHOBOH UJTH$TaMH HI KOM and the substrate by means of the plugs In the
Myrarope P»c 16. combination field I
Pig. 16]

KF 5?t KF 570

Obr. M P« 16 Fig, 18

5.2.2J. Zbytkov^ proud koiektoru l^^ livftrofi OcT3TO<(HMft mh:h

TOtC KXlJCKTupa I fro 62.2.3 Residual collector currant l cw> and eul-otf
napetl kolektoru l^^ MRRie MnHpaHin KojfieKTjpa Uaa collector voltage Uco
PMpravime mftfenl podle bodu 821 Sttstineme tin- Fft;aroToaHTi> MHtMBlU no nyHKry 6.2 1 ili,i';i Preparations for the measurement have to be car-
fliko 18 |U,.| a tlacitkom 22 IPOLARITA U
C J zvo- HI KMOttKV 18 (Uo) M KMJj: 22 t IIO.iapHOCTb : . ;
ried nut at described In Item S.21. Then, tha
Hmo Udanou poldriiu pfedpetl U
c pri mfifitnl — Uc) yir:tHoa«TL rpf6ypMytu n^nnpt>:Tt Munpjwce piith-butinn (18) if, nas to be deprasaed and tha
jag 'Av^rnou, tUCItko 22 sllskriuto. i'.'v!!n;ku
hha cMViueKue U,.: n|i« aaMepcHiiK l c(0 noJtep- requlrid polarity of the bias voltage Va selected
tvori FET*. ktere twmali vytvofen rodlv* kan«l y.<--ii ina i.inii|:,iiiin. T. e. KHOnRa 22 ni+.n (uc. with the pushbutton (221 POLARITY 0*: for cco I


pfl U <t -
0. napr Teela KF552 C t»ehio PFTft se Monnnwx «sx*idtck :o.i i^c-u- tmiu FET. ©- mvatursnswnl. Iba pu*b-bu(ton 22 baa tobedepraaa
osvykle m*rl of!
l C(SO - V.J Nastav;me dan on U^ Topwf iw •m'w npoawautawro *-.(>-:-. ap« "_'c =* d. [Eteaptiona *n FETa wblch ha*a no coo-
vrlikott U c na wupnicl - 30 V Pfl sdacentm tla- — 0. nanpn*4?p. iTec.ii KFS52- y ami rpaw-
- d nc live channal whan U CI ™ 0. • j tha rypa Ta*-
citku 11 (L'cil nvol oasts v. me Uflanou -.eltkost iMfTopoa FET leu. -» npa»M-'3. MxepHerc* npa la KF5S2 The I rio of such rypa* la usually mea-
L'c i na stupnicl - 30 V Po uvolnenl tiec:ika 11 Uc* = B) yCT2HOBHrb j;.-.. KHVK BeJIktMlIKV Ur. sured it :'.,'. V.| THa alvao fate voltass L'.
a stlaeenl tleHUa 10 I ukale roeridlo zbytkovf f i
no mxxie 0-30 B. flsH Haxa-roA raonn: 11 has io be set oi. tbe lo W
V scale and with
proid ,.. v roisabu
I, urtenem polohou >( eplaace iU,: t l TCTiuaaitTb TpeGyemre aMn<nmy U{* no ihe pushbtirtoD (11) lFca depressed, (tie inven
2. Bin:f - 30 B Tiix\ie oniycKaBBi ntoruui 11 h magnitude of U rr has to be set on tbe *ame scale.
saxsnu m moany 10 (i c ) laMepnTfAtHui npB- After releasing the push bun on u
and depressing
6op aoaasuMCT octjtommm6 to* I,t-_- > npe«j«a« the ?u»h button |10| I c tile mater Indicates the
laaaiorba no-BoxauteM new- juj-i-tch 2. residua! current ,., wltbin ihe range set with the

selector 2.
Zaverrte a pert M. ; ,. pokud kt « 2S V. lifetime tek- HaopsjsflHie sanKpaHRfl Uceo. rt H °h° wckn "
The cut-o(f voltage Uceo can be ascertained es
to: 25 B. onpMeaaetcs cjimvioiuhm ofipasoH: /craBc*- follows, provided It is < 25 V:
Nasta vires pfedepsane U G ste|ne |oKo pfl rnaTeni BHTb npeanBcaHMoe L'g tjr we. na* b npa asNepe- The required Cc has to be set in tbe same manner
'«*> Nynl smknome soucasne tiacitks IB [U : a bhd L-fc- 3areM oaHompenamc himji, Kaomy 16 as for an „. measurement. Tnen, tbe push-but-
| i

nicii tlaCliku 10 |1, i'i U( and |lb) \J

in |U C ). oamaviire (Uj) h la (Uc). npa aawa-roH khotkc 10 (lc) tons C have to be dtpressed
s t i .: . l :

poicnLlonieiri.il) 3 ttdany proud huiektcru c l ycTSHOBHTb noTeHtasoMeTpoN 3 rpeOyeMwfc tok wh- simultaneously. With (he push-button nil I<- kept j

o ii .-.mIl do nam polohou pfcpinoCc 2 Po uvolua-

jexropa lc b cpcawiax a cootmtctihh no-nowe r depreued. tbe potsnt lo meter 3 bei to t>e used in
.it tiatltka 10 ukMo mafldlo zaverR* nap*ti U C(0 rhcm acjiesJiimaTC'ix 2. ITocjc OTtiycKJHH* muiimi ordrtr to Ml lha raqnlrad collecior currant I,- with-
n« ttupiilcl - 30 V. 10 nptifop noKUHB&ct aanupaaatucc HdnpaMcnnv in (ha range given by tbe eeitlng of tbe sotectoi
'-'i.t.i ao -UI'J-l- - 30 I: 2. Aftor relaaaing tbe puab button 10, the meter
iru.ii- >ii". th« cut-off voltage 'j... on to* acala

to :*n
Schama lepojant pM mMtni l
clL) a V(t „ ja na obr. Cxcka BOMCp 1<.(0 u U.ceo il.i1<jjjj:j na p«c. The diagram of tbo circuit for f
'cio s nd ucio m **
17- 17. surernenta Is In Fig. 17.


0*2 5 V

ODr. 17 hBD 1! rif. 17

i - itaCdko n Menu u«i

r i - ™>n« 22 ^nn.i«P!icx-r% L'c) 1 - puah-btitton |21| rOLAIrTf '>



i . . .
Mtl.lt. 3 :i.

ibyik«»» prouu pio eaat vet a i;ct' i"»pf ICSfl - WO i- i, r--.,~n rtw i... j aru- j.
UCl - 0|,x. tc»<> la tlio i.v^i.^ii cucrtni a: given Uct anO
Itio H -20 V —p. KF*» Ic£O«»0 —A - Uee Ctampla: Tha F6T ivp. Kmt). has aa !<co
pio KFTM |« luo- 10 -A pro Uc, • II. TO- »•< no. dci
L, - — Z5 V. Urro le Koleklorov* napltl on- di- = JJ B » Ucr m —25 I. Ucio - *r« aanpawrmu o* 10 *A *i [Jn = 20 V and Vck - -25 V. Veto

I -Ic • ,AU«-a Hot )e Jcio » 20 V pro miif topi i'« 'iiH'". Ir mi li ttit collecior »o)U8« ol icivuo lc and

Napr. pro KF5I1
10 « —0 V. nrwi UCtQ • » It — W *»A « ll.'.f.- llatrpMiarp,
a U<JE - -6 *.
al If — 10 ^A and
e*aaipi«. Tha FET. tip* KTin, b«a a Utto > Ov
r, , -.. * v

02.3. f. ( £ r » ii I
> r ii I. rj d i" 1 1
p n ;
n"i '

<*T> 6.23 MiMtpfmi naporoioro n:ri Maasuramnnl or the ihraikold

pf 4n • promffovinl
1 p a « i 1 ( X •. r HR I Ui.it 111 II IMCpf. voltage Uctr — plot ling ot fha
charektarietlk c - f (Uot l | Hir x a pa rtc pH c TH k u 1. :»=J(tjoi) lr: — r ,
U. ; , l characteristic
Tlio piaparallons Tor (he measurement ha»e to Db
pripravlnw meTenl podte oodu 8.2.1. suskneme tls- [loiroroamt. aJMcpotme oo nymrry 6.2.1. Haaai*
citko 18 '.- P" stlaCeuem HoCltkj 11 (UceI "'
1 Ha nHOimy 18 tUr,)- rtpss ratonKc II miuna carried owl accotdlna; to Iho Inaltuctton* given in

slivlne denfl napail n. pro ktere chcenie merit, ,-. <ll(f i.'
i.ji:n! -
'i - * CI nr
r- i
UeiL •» i
: I II :
Hum 0.2.1. Than, tbo puah button |lo| U c has to
- 30 V Pak pf stiocerieni tlaCitku 10 UlKaSIT — 30 B. 3»TCM Iipn - KNOCItK 10 ba doprtrtsod and, with tha pushbutton jll) U t
na suipnici i >'. i'..i .> I

il,-t mi" line laic .itonii i velikoat | potenclotnetr 4) ll r ) RaMWn B*.tnMHKy (norMunoHPTp 4> h no- .1 ':»:(•,.<. tha given voltage V^ c at whlcn (ha

• polarllu llec" Ik 22) ptodpetl U GI PETu, at raft-

> jupuocn <*<ioii*« 22 uanp.wetrua m. i;. .<-.* U<j» 1
raeasurenent ha» to be carried out. must be set
flalo ukdle iAdanfl proud (obvykle 10 «A) Ro?sa- TpjiH3iicTOp» FET nt.tor*. no 'ii-"iiM« npiioopoM 00 the to 30 V acaie. Then, with tht pusti- button
hy 1( tc mftnl pfapinacem I. ?o uvolnenl tlscltka TpeSyrw-tro tokj (nfWujto 10 ripeae*bi l< nnM (10] lc depressed, (he magnitude and Hie polarity
10 uaaJa aierldlo prahove napttl FETu. ZapO- LW :n~''i!i-n. liepfK.TtyiaTe.lCM 2. IIOCJC .vniv* H.,rnnt 01 the bias U (i are altered by means of the pottfir

tiorceter 4 and the push button 22. until the meter

laal pfl rner>nt |b ste|ne toko pM mfttom 1„ KHonaai IC * *•:<• ::..-. -h:.l- npu6oo noKaifcuier
ii'.l >l..u r Pl-lllpumiiHI' J',.,, rpiKili, I . Vi FET. Indicates the required currant (usually 10 >>.\i
Cum M3MfpcMnanpii iH«mi ranofl *e, «k« The ( ranges ire altered with the selector 2

StB|nym zpOsobenj so poslupuje pFl snin>a.nt cha- cxeKa apu H3Mrp«MKH Tskhm *c ofipaaoM Alter releasing Hie push-button to, the taeter In-
I s peraneir.
- I (U„| ^ P° DOuU Napetl "ci 0XTyM»T k npa cama xipaKTepvciaini I c 1

\Vct) taar a» flmriM. HaopawcHtc Ucg «BJi*cn;ii

= dicates (he threshold voltage U CET of the FET
under lest. The circuit for this Da«aaur«msnt la
lapjMrrpoN Ihc soma es thai for t tl! EDMSuremanl ,

The Mm.' procedure haa to bs carrlod out whan

the c 1 "f
|".„1 charsfterttnc has to be plotted
by tha polel-to- point method The voltage 'I,., la
the parameier.

ft 2.4 Ulfinl strciOStl FETu V«, 6.2.4. Hswepeeae kpjt»shm B.2.4. Mcisanment of the slope y,,.

TpaaaatcTopa FET yt „ of a FET

3iro>oat y.,, |.- dilinorana i»m: pomflr imeay ko- KpyrajHa oiipf«floeTce uvecnSN otmcukhhm 7he slope ylu of a FET la doflned aa th« ratio
Ukt«rov«bo proudu c ke cmAii* nap«tl U a MSHCHCHUa HS- between the change in tiie collacror current l e
IJ. l
a , HiCMCr.i-ioixtOKa MUUICSTOSM 1(
and the change In the voltege Uaa L a. .
llpDMrllllM Uc£< t, »,

yiu — Ale ic
*> ac_ tc
alcg lc
a Vet »iOB A Una UliP i Una uob
p"ikoktktoru nakrfttko |nebo n> odporu ainohem npw janoponrtnioM snxueinrope Imam npn conponi- witti collector abort -circuited (or connected to a
meni(m net vjamppi odpor FtTft — v oolem pfl- B-HCHHM. KOTOpoC Uta 1 M f.M ».SO MftHbUlC hjm 1.UI..1 > resistor, the value of which la much lower than
P«d4 ao 0). Maranl se providl airidavera sigiiaieui conp-rniBJirMM* rpaHiHCTopa FET. Hauirn c*y*i*t tho output rssiatenca of the FET — In thla caaa
v dunfiio »!*|nn»oi6rn«in
« u
praiovnlm bod* U (|, |CI . 60 0» lliirpcim- ocyni'YTMiffr* i ruHDinuai np. Mt U| .he m^Mm> m R n .wrw-d otf uul ar \c
ii spinsno. la j, ., , a i, , * i
f . peMomoro cmphiju s MMRfWOM pokiMv petioru iijrwl jt ttia given DC «arM»f point U,,. CT riw i

Uct. Its- BMna-TH"rrcii uc » < Ur.» m i« 4 !«. folliming applin: u^, « UCI aaii i, , * I..,.
Pflpravlnn? m-Teul podle 6.2.1. Smknmn; tlaffitko nouroroiHTfc HMepcaM n:> ayHiny 6.^.1 Hutttb Preperntlana for ttie oiaaiurRinant We
to Da car
17 lv :i,|- Pracovnl bod r'Elu naetnvinw lukto. PM M noiury 1/ fy-i,>. Pctkhn pi'toru FTT cji«/- ;leiJ out arcordLng 'o lie daarriptioo in
Item 0.2.1.
UHCeneni iiacitku n
jU £ ) naztavima rtenG napfli' »uiHfi npH n.i*m>K mtmuw II (U r ) ycTanoa:in. Than, the puih button |17) /.., has tc be depmi
U ( , a pri aiiaCanem incited i«? i naitav*nc da- . :
.•i-.i>ot-'c iunr**vnnp U c» npu iuhutoA wum- td Tho working point o( ma FET has to be wi
nf proud Chotnip-H merit pfi |in«m U r<( net
r 10 I U) > m.mbhh. u^aimua to* ^ Ec*» aeoS- •B [OllOWt.
V, inafcncui* IlaCUkO IS (Uc a nasiavHoe dina
I) | xj3kmc» uj«pp«Tj. np« apjrr^M iKa<KHin U oi- u ,
wiih lot ptuti-buttod HI Ur k«pt dapressad. thu
Ut pctcnciomoimn 4 a (IsTltlwnt 22. .thhho* or i '.r t. to c.trjiycr mwnrv KHomcy m jivuii voliaga K}^ mtm oa mi and Iba givsn cor
18 <L'a> m yiTJHOHBTb rpcoyrMjm arjiMHiuiy Uo rant ci adjujted whilst keapmg trie pustibutton
Prucovnl bod to*i/V<d mchovin :>ta|ny pft silskiiu- HJICHUHVMcrpOM 4 KH(Mlt.> 21 PeXRM :: kjThl |10| c depruwd. ir thu iDuaiurament has to be

>ftm UaCHka 17 if*,.! i ih jii 6 |. MMmm "«*y ubo- .--piniri. . iiuhjmchhbim npu i.' n.t M worn* 17 t -
carried out nt a volto^i- olhur lhan U
- V. (hail
voln* pPach&zat ' n#-eri y .,. iib Ub .i nacpak. tyj*) H I* (WO CjICOOMTClMIO, MOWMO JIUOhlM UN puah burton fl8) Vc hiu to Da dapressaj and
ortpaiOM il-pClw&HTI- OT H3MCpvHMfl V- )r M V U IU- th« glvan Uc aar with the potentiometer 4 with
oCopor. the puan-bunon ?2
Pin. aim iv :.;.. depreaaftd
Tha working point ranaln* the aame regardlaaa
to wh*,th«r tha push-hutton (l'l
Tji, or 1**1 Uc
ia )• ,ir. ^..) Cmi'^unitiy. ii i« poulbW to ,.«.-.
ovnr Trom »„. mrasturt'fiient lo U., Hiiaaure—I.
and v\ct vina.


' :. IB

1 — .!- ...; :»m rottiihO flit plapinacan 5 1 — Hnnan twIlctHna of ¥l». *tth -i.i.'.in-
u« - 75 mV; nj mv. 7,1 mV; 2,J7 bV «. =Th Hi. 33.7 Ml; J/S mB 2,37 nR 0— 73 nV; 21,7 mV; 7,3 n *. 17 mV

inenl UaC.un 10 CI 11 |pN stisknutetn tin Hocsc ornyciuiuN raotm 10 mm 11 tip* m*a- Afcsr ralaasina; ib« puah-bulion 10 or 11. whilst
ly.t ,l| ukazu|e meridlo strmost FETu yJU TDftKKOMCC 17 y..) HiiM'.'pJT' n..iKii U|iK".i[ i:>- in.- puih button
(17| y, 1( rtnalQS depressed, ihs

na lirwirnlch stupn letch 0-10. O 30. Rorsahy H massacr KpyuwHy TpaHSitCTopa FET y„ t no *- meter indicate* directly on ita linear acale to 10
pfcplnajl prrplneCcni 5. Zapohsnl pfi merenl y 2 „ HCRUIM liriMlH O- 10, 0- 30. npexe.lal [MpCTUnv or lo 30 the slop* ,,„ of iha FET under tasi.
H' na
our. 16. •u«m:F nrpNciouTCAeM 5. Cxnta KJNcprwi* The required range baa to be tot with the selector
y JIt
in* jawi i n.i puc 18. V The i.-.ii,; of the circuit tor
« in rig. 18.

poinaraka: !'.*; -i-I-iic.r

PH tomtc raefenl * pracovnl ooc tdola oanezen. np* WON HSM^peMM* p«*«M ptftoTU OrpUMWH Thla maasuramam Unit** by the lowot poaalbla
proud in im
I, byt vetSi net 100 link dolde
CHM.'y. tok U aanmtH n.--.. ftanmu 103 mkA .v. iik :.- current c must ba hlghwr than
point, iii.- I

v mmlmech stfldeveho proudu kolektoru k uzavl- B npOTHlKOM -v if a -;<.. ;:.. n rurpm^HMOro . 100 *A. oiherwlae the FCT eloeea at the minima
rlnl FETu a uda| y.u buda zatifen chybou. man saMscxTopa etwcer mccto unapanue Tpaaaaac- ot (he AC collector currant, end the y„, value
Tjpa FET a jk.i lettee y IU oyjirr onpexeJtcno c £t>
ii obtained will be erroneous.

62.3. mm. !!. iriDoill frETo. 6.2.5. HiMepeiie KpyTKiHU Tpait- s.2.5. Meeiurenent of the Hope of
xapo|en»ch v obvodtch aHCTopoa FET, iRiDqcHHui r ETa- conoec ted in circuits
a citNii
Po*tupu]eme pfcsnft podia odslavce 6.2.4., pouu II" ry i,i-). i.,-ii; ao nynaTy 6.24. c rofl roibKo
The procedure Is the seme as described In Item
fet zapcjen? v abvodu pfipo)ime pomocl obycej- paswimefi, no IKl. MuiKNetMuc b cifHy. cwny- ft.24..eicept that the FET connecied lo a circuit
nycb nestlnenycb vodicft do svorek 23. Vznleden er apvcotuitum < oohouiuo ooansux imKpami- has to be conected to the instrument by means
k vini nrzkemu vnltrnlmu odporu edrok) budlci- pouHHUx ppoaoaoa k ibxrhah i'i bmuoy otcnh ol ordinary unscreened cables vie tho sockets 23.
ho eapetl 50 Ha [0,3 O * 10 podle rouehu y/,,,1 Maaoro BHyrpetacro coirporHajtcHKR Hcrommca iia- as the internal resistance of (be driving voltage
e k maiarau odporu maMCa atfldove sloZky proudu iipa««HM BoaOyacacHMa 50 fu (0,3 Om * 10 Ok source of W
Hz frequency is vary low and amounts
''I neipaaobl parelelnl Impedance
<c I
elek- I.
aoBMCHMocTa at ii|w-rtefl.i y j: . u mnoro conporH* lo only 0.5 to 10 o depending on the
y ti, range

irodam FETu vo votslne bWnych obvodQ prnktlcky Me*** KSHrpMic^a Dcpcuiuoioa tocTaBJia«MHca TO- Miiucted, nod ai tbe resutance of the meter of the
UdnoL chybu v dda|i y... Zapo|anl pft meFenf |e Kft It (67,1 Oh) n»p*J|«cJi.n x coaporaiutcMite, AC current component ^ la elao relatively low
tody stelne fako na obr. 18. Z uvodan»ch dovodo :;..-ti,.-iiO'i.'iiii*x- i- .icsrfo.n.iM FET, n fio.^r.uiBiKTDC |fl7.l 0|, the Impedance* connected In perellel to
se neraohou anl nalndukovat nislva napetf do pK- .'"/"mi v oAuiHUI CXCM Mf HJJIMBH-; i!v)'ITll HH th* cloctrodos of the FET maoaurad In aitu In a
vodilch vodlCO. Kaio* n.M i*-ii'«(x-T« i ini|ran"ii«M 3Kmt(Otwa y a,.. routine circuit do not cnuae eny ootlcable error
Cxph* uaMrpCHaa tbkhi we. kik ii cwmu na pace. In tha reaulllns; y I|a value. Conaequantly, tha clr
18 rlo tvm k* npwumiaM aer Hanpaacraan aaaoBoai cult leranlns the same as for y llt msaauremant as
a 'ocamutte.Ti.iiu* Dpoaojux. shown in For the tame ransom, aiternel
Fig 18
field cannot induce Interfering voltages into the
connecting flexes.
VMM chyba mOfe nastat v nastavenl pracovnlho Eojusaa ttorpcuinocn. Momrr unert kccto npw There Is a possibility of selling tha working point
Wtou. ponevadl ««it merneho proudu
I c tece c'el- ycTlKOBBC PCXHMB paOOTtJ, TEH KIK liKTfc K3M<*plI- erroneously, as • part of the measuring current l c
k«»vfm parilelnim odporom k eluktroddir.
C-E Tt-.rii.noro r.thi i,: npOTCKirT ncptvj ofoire napa>i- Hows through the total resistance connected in
"u Tuio nodnoi-a

lie vftak stanovlt. a ink ruste- aenaioe conpoTKajmuu k •aevrpoaaM C - E ipaH- parallel to the electrodes C-E of the FET. Howe
«I apcdvny pracavni bod. aHcroja FET. 3ro aKaimne, ojihw, MoatHo ycTa- w, this value can be determined readily end thus
KOBHTb i, cjieAoaaTejbKO, ycraHoaHTb u npaaMJOi- tb* correct working point adlustud.
kuv pemiH pafloni.


03. Mefenl died 8.3 H.'M^imr iirov.l 03. NmuraiDtnl of dleatM

63.1. PMp ra va mefenl 6.31. IloaroToiica RSMepcMite fl.3.1. Preparations for the
Po ':"ili pfiS IrOjB iLirifHi-ii 7 vyfk4m* Ml 10 4 flndr nptiAopn >vnn»>» 7 aoumiUTk
na ustjlenf rucky meddle na nitle. Stiskneme tla* irpaftj 10 cm ycrnxoR.ieun* nprjtan npwfo-
ijis Alter switching on iha instrument %wiih tha po«h
tnko n IDIODY. NPN I Vvtoctme potencloroetr 3 M HI HyA>'
:! ,*iTI. IU KMORKy 8 JHOJlbJ. billion |?| MAINS, approximately 10 seconds muii
iia nu|u. n-p-n). n&wnuno*cTp 3 va-Moiim noJOatetiHe elapse (or (he pointer of the meter to become
Ryu, stable In the zero position. Then, the puah-buttor
(8) DIODES NPN hes to be depressed and tha
potentiometer 3 turned fully counterclockwise ftc

032. MlfDiil <

u 6.3.2. Hi icpiBK Uai 8.12. Measurement or U u
U„. .. - kstoda v propostnem mi*
tupett anode U*k — uinpaweHUc aaoa-xaroa a npanon Kinpa- r —
Voltage between the anode and the catho
ra. PNpTavlmc mflMni podle 6.31. DkxJn iasune- I.1CHMM. floarOTOBBTb I IMCpCHltC 111 :/*i, 6.3.1. de In toe forward direction
me do drzaku 21 enodou ra t. katodou ni* — iIhoi BCTaaMtL a aepJM'f.n 21 hhoaom k +, xa- Preparation* for this measurement have to be car
SHskniwiH tlediko IS |U AK U C( it rroud diody
. TOJWM h - HlWaTi, ia KHOClKy 15 l.K. Ucss> I nod out according to the instructions given In
l. K nastavlme pTi silaCvntm tlaCitku 10 (I pro- |
TOK, npJTFKinOIHR i'j-'i SHOa I.fc. yCTOMOaiTb item 03-1. The diode to be measured has to be
pi na C mi £ a pQinmtumetrem 3 Xouuh nitron i
npn HiMaro* vHomte 10 il,-l nepcKaawaTcWH 2 slid into iha holder 21 with the anode at the +
proudu i,, polobou propinacv 2. Po uvolnfl
\a dttn rt iiorctun rpim 3. flpcamid k tokj ;

> i it a'de top) and the catboda at the — slU« (bottom f.

r( llattlks 10 ukdle m*ridlo liOylok U, na ro*m \ Ah onpcatatim* uow»fM«>i ucpeK.-noMaTOiii 2 The push button (15) U„, U C1, boa to be depress-
tin 1 V Zapo|oni pPi mePcnl U4H )• na obr. 19. floe* ornycxjiHUM knookm 10 sHcpunnhHuA np-.i ad and »..< current l,, flowing through ttta diode
6op noMinirT niacmir na npaacic 1
'..'... B Cxe- n! lotted ay meant of the talactor 2 and potanllo
HS npn RIMcpWHIl LI,. OCWB3UU na pile. 19. meter 3 whilst keeping tho puah-button (10) I,
depressed Th* rang* of !.„ measuremaat la dater
mined by the tatting of the selector 2 Attar rele-
asing the push-button 10. tha meter indicates th*
voltage drop U„ within the 1 V range. The cir-
cuit for I',, measurement is in Fig. IB.


Obr. 19 Pat 19 F«. 19

. M

postupein Ize bod po bodu snimat vokarap*- TaWMH «3pa»M. hosho mar sa mnroM OfJRHIft 0y following 1 h'.a procedure. It li po?»:l)le to plot
charakterisilky libovolnych Ovo|poio v roisa- BOJIbTiHIICpHhlC XapaKTCpKCTHKM Hiftjl JSVXrX>* Itie voltage currwnt characlartStU At oi'v dlpoln up
do J V J°" u «poir«bi. je moino »• jhxhukcmi a B. Ec.w
ajxrauax xanp**niKfi no 1 to (liu maximum voHagu of I V by employing the
point io point method. It necostorv an external
vnojil volirocr do adltek 23. ornaconycli C E. JTO RCOdxaAKMO, TO NOMHV IKJ»IH;ii WICUIHUfl
•O-lbTIGTp K UMIIMIM 23. 0AoJH*tC>UtUft IfpTS vollmeiar r*n !«• lonnerted to tho uKkat* !l3|
C-E. C-fc *

,31 proud dlody » lavernoro 6.3 3. OfipSTKUf TOK .:.!: i I, A 3 3.3. Diode current In lha rivim
anlr u 1., direction - I (v
Prlpravlrna mefanl podlc 6.3.1. Diode uauncma do noirotoaHT* HiMcpaiuc no nymirf 6.3 1 Juoa Preparations for tti* mwaiu renter' n«v« to ba cir-
CrUku podia u««fon!. Sllskneme tlacltko 9 (PNP) i
mini- no j6o3ii.i'i-hh»> HawaTk
n jicpvaTc-ib ri**! out according 10 Irani 8 3.1. After inserting

B j2 |I (U>). Mapefl na dlodo V^ neaiavime prl mj .n.iiv O (p-n-p) u 12 tli H •' ;' "''Kiii' 1
rhe dlodu in bo measured Into the holder 21 whilst
nioccaem liacliku 11 111^1 potent lomet rem 3. ode- na aaoa* II., yrraitoBHTi. npw MUNcaiofl KKoiikc observing correct polarity, tho puah-butroni * i i

Mimi- ; 0*30 V
na itupnlcl Po uvolnenl tlaclt- II (U«) noT*KuuoMerppM 3 omiititi pro no h PNP and 112) Ich have to be depreaeHd The volt-
ta !l ukaJe mefldio tavern* proud I, . v roziahu uiKi.it * 30 B. Hocrte ornycKin«a kmomck It M3- age U K , ncroiis the diode has to be set vrila the
ortenam potohou preplnace 2. Zapoletit pfi mefenl MepKK.ihHuR npn6op noxaauurr odpartuift tok potentiometer 3 and read on tlta Kale to 30 V

i,,*m obr. 20. -. • npeAraix, yrraHOMeHHux tkudwchmrx nc- whilst keeping ibe pushbutton 111) U CE depress
peiuiiDUicu 2. Cxeu »pu naMcprHiui 1. aak» .
ed. After releasing thi push-button II. the meier
MS pKC 26. Indicate* the cut-off current l« A within the range
set wiin the selector 2. The circuit for !,, mea-
surement \t shown lo Fig 20,


Obr. 20 Put 2C rig. 20

5.3.4. Znarevo n a poll r .. iptmcl '''; . i i ii |.

> ..-M ii .- 3«u<pa Ui. 8.3.4. Zener vqltage (J, diac
nepatl dlacA U M N enp.«a*»e *p. 8. t u m a switching voltage U*,

Pfipnvtn* tnoranl podte 8.31. Zaaerovu diodu im- riiJ.Mi>H'n>i;i. MMcpnuc iw 6-3-1- Cr*6»t*»Tpo*i Praparatlans for th* maaau reaant have to b* car-
Winemo do drUku aaodou na — • katodou na +. McraaMTk a acpouiTCJik m umiomoh aiow at — ried oui according to item 6 3 I Tha Z*nar diode
Stisknene tliCltko IB (0 ). Proud diody I, na- r -f-. HaiaaTb am KRomvy IS ;(-',-> Tor, apowxa- to b« maixurad has to ba Inanrtod into rl" diode
itsvlme pf, nlaeandm tlaeitku 10 (l
c pfapina£ein )
«U(Mft KCfi AHOB 1- J*.
riHORRTfc npM »««TOfl holder: Its anode must be connected to the — pole
2 a potenctometrem J. Rozsah mafenl proudu I, )e Kwooxe 10 (Ij> n*pfKJixwaT«JiPM 2 m norrKUMOHpr- and Its cathode to the -f- pole. Then, the push

dan polohou preplnale 2 Po ovolnanl tlaeitks 10 pox 3. Ili'-riK- iMwpnn* Toita I
; onpevxu>rca -button (lfl) U, has to be deprsssed. Tha currant
ukoie mefidh Zonerovo nspetl U, na rozsahu 30 V. aoftcoramof nepeui»>MTra» 2 flocae ornyceaHHR Ia flowing through (ha diode mutt be mi by muni
Zjpoi.nl pN raetenl u, |o obr. 21. u iHOnni 10 npuSop onpeaejurr ttanpaateHHe lote- of tio selector 2 and tha potentiometer 3 wMlit
pa Ui hi npeawe 30 B C-cota npH uiMfpomu U* keeping the pushbutton (10) depressed. Tha

iana u
put. 21. measuring range of trie current 1, Is determined
by the setting of the selector 2. Afinr teleeilng
the pushbutton 10, the meter indicates the Zener
voitage U, on U» to 30 V scale. The clrcslt lor
U z eseamrenieni is in Pig. 21.



OBr. « 21 PIJ. 21

SioJnS mftrirne aptnacl rupetl r„ dlecfl, <tn

I mu TaKHM MC ofipaSOH KOMCpHCTCV llaHpOKCMKC COB- Tha switching »oltoge i;„ of dlaca can bo tneasur

•Iraa opatrnft tvySovat napfttl polo nc tome (rein 3 od r".irvTU!i»" JUttKOe UD , C TO*! TOJlbXO pnJMXIMtt, od Id the tame manner; however, the voltage
V a tl«do*at n« roisariu - 30 V. odoCllamo Ule •rroh*oo"xo*kwo ocTOpowMD noauuarb Hanp^mmixr must be Incroasod gradually with tha potent) o
hodnolu a hod' sty U„,, a
"I U,, Q;. proud I,.,. »b» noT^HOMOMfTpoM 3 o* B ejeesnrla *a mum h» mater 3. starring with V. and followed on ttu
rhom pottrchll ir.ai ^,
I npeieje * 30 B JUaee oirwmnm naaniMe AU to 30 V scale Further, the value* AU. D
MI and
M SHMMM* Utot a '-Y,;. TO* !»-,. RTOOSI Onpeae- L)» M and the current !„ must be reed m order

ran. Kasc U». to detect the maximum U~ value.

.4. M«rtftn lyrlalorft 6.4. MsHepMiee TBpMcropoe 1.4. MaoBuresnBQl of ibyrUiora

6.4.1. PMprava m*fen! 641 TtoaroTOBKa DMeprm S.4I. Prsparatloaa for tha
aa s ura ma a t

Zapneioe priatro) tlaCltkent 7 a vyck6me asl 10 * Biuumaro apaCtrp manttoa 7 h iu,w»ihi. npK&a. Tbo inatrumaol baa to be awltched on with tha
na ustalonl ruCky mettdle na mlu. Zvolimo uprdv 10 ccnyMO. uia jcTOHoejcHUa crpcirmi npMCopa na puah-button MAINS. Approilnatoly attar 1C
nnu pulailtu, a to lakto: u tyrletora PNPN stlekna- i:y." 3t>rt5paTl : ;li .«.:' ,•> BOAHpHOCTfc, a HKOUIO.
: i oconda havo elapsed, (he pointer of tho molar be-
ma llaSitko 8 (NPNJ. U tyrletora NPNP tlatttko B a ciy^ac TMptici^po» p-n-p-n iiaiBcm. tia KHornry come* stable at 2ero deflection Correct polerlty
I PNP| Zfeontrolulene. rda |e tlafltko 2? (POLmRI- 8 (r-L'-n B h'.v THpHCTopoa n-p-n-p Haaratii am he* be set es foltowa* If the thyrlator I* of lh«
TA ;
v nestleCsnt poloze VytoCtme poteneiooet- m«vixy 9 ;p-n-p) yfieaiersca a tok. «to XMornoi PNPN i'ii-.! tha
type, puah-button |fli NPN has to
ry 3 a 4 na nulu Propo|ime tlektrody tyristoru ns 22 (nO^HPHOCTb Uc) Haioaarcfl a HftuaxaTOM be depressed; If It tt of ths NPNP typo then the

ntiiodioru: katodu na E. Mdlcl elektrodu ru B. r».1J"**H«I! nOTVHXIMOMPTpM 3 I 4 VCTJKOflUTV 1U piuhbutton |1tPNP hai lo be deprawed li Ii

t'xodu na C Pek "suneme tyrlstor do driAlcu 20. Hy.ii. Cora ii. n-- unrTpooM THpuc-Topa na icoMMy-
i leces&ary (o make sura dial ihe pueh-buiton
TJTope* raioa c E. ynpaajDinmtttf xjMrrpoa c B. POLARITY U- ts In tha rsleitsed position. The oo-
max r C 3aTen » rmjn THpHcrop e juFpauTr.li. lenilomaiers 3 and 4 mull be set to zero Tha
20. electrodes of the tbyrlsior to be measured have
to be connected correctly In the comMnatloo field
I. s.the catbode to E. the control electrode to &
and the anode to C. Finally, the ihyristor has to
'<-. Inserted into the bolder 20.

Ehylkorf proud v propuatnem 6.4.2. OcTaroinuA tow b a pa mom 5 1? kestdaat cirrinl In the
»M«ru D l, unpiueiii l ro forward direction — |D I

mpr«»Jine m»fenl podle 4.1. Stiskrame tle£itko tlouoromrb R>McpaiHr no 6.4.1. Hmiti h* utan- Preparation* tor lhl» measurement have to be car-
12 I'tiol- prl *'ln * cn * m tlailtku 11 |Uct sy 12 duo)- l'P M M3»«oTofl "ion-- 11 (Un) ycra-
nastavl- )
ried oul according to the Instructions given In the
roxaahu 30 V dan* nopfltl KOIMTb aOTCMI|M3MCTpOM 3 :i.il: !!!<.• pruvlout Ham • 8.4.1. Tfta push-button (12) 1^,.
m<" poienclometram 3 no
.n ::'.:... >t,i
i 1 1 i

Vid- P°
uvoln8nl ttacilka 11 ukaie mefldlo propust- U ro •" apea*.** 30 B. \\<hac jny^jmi- kuotok mast be depressed Then, whilst keeping the push
d* ibyikevy protd rt v roisshu podle potohy pPe-
l II npaoop nova ussier rrpaMOft ocTaro*uwft tok !,,. -button 111) !!,_. depressed, the voltefe U rD has to
plnaCe 2. • - «..-.. J «
'I (...'.- --T.4 OT .-.-v*.-.l,l * ncpeacam
! be set wv.h the potentiometer 3 within the to
. it-nf 2. 30 V ranee. After releasing the push-button 11.
the meter indicates the residual forward currant
l, D within the range determined by the setting of
tha selector l

'..4 1 Zbytkovy proud * it* traim 6.43. OdiiDiiul tor .' 6 ,! .i i h " -i 8.1.3. Residue! current In the
intrii In mnipnicNHii ! reverie direction — !
Posiupujtfmtf pfcsna podle 04.2., pouze stukneine rtocTynaur tohhd no nymny 6.4.2. c toB tojimco The procedure Is the senra as foe (he measure-
opetne itaclUo t dvo|lce tlaCltek 4-9, net bylo pautxucH. tro i-ivj.ei Beauti* hj jpyryo uapy ment of rD (described In Item 8.4.2. |. the only

pPi m*ftni v bodu e).|u2 Tim ae otoil polarlta m •otonc* 8 -9. «cm ap* e»*tpctma na nytnrry 6.4.2 dl ff erotica being that from the pair ot push buttons
p*ii na tyrksteru. fodminku U,, ™ V m&xeme do B poyjivTaTC >ran> ir.--.nin. rc«t uAiipmcn mnpa- |8. 0) MPN PNP, the one which was not used Id

tonal* spirit poutliloi komblnatoni. PM mefoni 1 R •rKHI B3 THpucTopc. yCJOBite U«r B MOMOIO =0 tha measurement according to Item 8.4.2. must be
in podmlnky R-l mezl W OE u
proved** m*- .v.. i.-
< i -11 i.rr-:i.-:> iy« rom xy ri rop ripu
depressed now. Thus, the polarity of the voltage
renl a odporem B ppipolanym na edfPky 21 B a E itiMeprtniu I, np« k^omm R 1 *Om Memay = applied to ihe thyristor becomes reversed. The
• SvytatenCm bolikem B na komblnatoru G - E ocyn»pcT«j arrci aaMepetaie c car pant s**-*m condition i- = ii v can be met perfectly by

a* R. ao8«Jtn«mMMM r ««»mim 23 B h E e aw. means of the combination llald. When the I, mea-
»IKTTUM UITMOrON B KOHNyT*T0D« surement has to be carried out with a resistance
of 1 kfl connected between G - E. then the appro-
priate reslslor has to bo connected between the
sockets (?3) B and E. and the plug B in the om
btaauon held has to bo removed.
M.4. Spin* i
proud Mi;:, alaktrody 6.4.4. Kjmeiol tok jnpiimnmera 8.4.4. Switching current of tha
*ft» IJtITpOJil let control electrode — 1^
PMpravime m»Panf podle M.I. Stlaknomc Boufacna DoajOToaim. M*M«patue no nyBKry 6.4.1. Owo- After carrying out the preparations for tbla rco,i
!l«llial3 [l,| a 18 (1^1 PPt-plnaf 2 dime <o polo- aptMMmo Maarari. Ha raonwy 13 (!,) 16 U t > suremenis according to the description given In
dy lira mA. poiRnciometram 3 nasuvime pri stlace- nepetuivuiTMb I nepefeVTM a ncuaxtcHHe 1U0 mA. item has the push buttons [13) l a and (16) :j.
nem tincitku 11 i u,
t.,- (oovvkie
r i
dane napflti noTMtl H •!--(: "i 3 yirjHOSHTb .*."- Hanpawe- ;: nave to be depressed nmultoneously. The selector
li V). Potoni pn stwcmiem UaCltku 10 |l c postup- | H«e U(c IoGwhho 11* B) npx n-ittaroK KHonHe 11 I has to Be set :o the position 1DU mA and the
n« /vytuienie prepiniJCem l a uoienciomeirem 4 «iven vuiugi u FO (usually 10 V| set with the po-
pruud Mdld trluhircdy dokud so neoOJfvi sikkJuvJ aeme nOMCUtift nepei<;iitJ4arc.icN 1 a laremtHO- tonilomeuir 3 wliiisi keeping ihe puso-bution (11)
proud Pah ilaiHHo 10 urolnlmo a odeCtcmc apino-
i-i pruud I,.; v (-;;
podle polohy pre
2fipoioni pci tomto mWonl |n no obr. 23.
' McrpUJi 4 Tux yiiJ:i.-.:
-ii,' MCKTPOiU 30 >n»-

V, :t depressed. Then, with ilia push -button (10) I c
depressed, tho curreni of the control electrode
must be Increased gradual!/ »y means of the ae
itlrt TOH I(,i a il;-.lf,ij« Qflpear-JIXCMWJ -;^n.i,K'ir.i .octoi 1 and tho potontlomater 4, until art anode
4*M (11-j)0*JItHjTCTH 1 Cx«M» IIJIHHDIU ll3MCpeHllH current is. detected. Alter which the push button
noKiiaiia iu piic. 22. 110) ),. riM to be released and the switching cur
rent [,„ rsad within the range determined by the
setting of the selector 1. The circuit for this mea-
surement Is shown In Fig. 22.



Obr. 22 Pw. 22 fig. 22

1 — praptnuf i 1 — iwpaanmaTaav 1 1 — Selact»r I

2 — pttp\nat 2 2 — iicpeuaHaTTJik 2 2 — Ssltcter l

8 .4.8 splnacl napetl fldicl elektrody 6.4.5. HanpttwCHHe cpaftaTusaHHs: i

Switcblag voltage of the
y ti pas ji mom* r o •.irKTpujii Uci control electrode — cr
Napeil U LT Ize merit obUZneii. tieSol b*va as) 0- HanpflWCHHe U^r B3NcpiiTb '-• TpyDHO. T.lfc KSK It Is rather difficult
measure the voltage UcT
to ,

-3 V a nasiaveni U n potencloroctreni 4 |e
io7.inh oko oOCTaSJItK npatij. 0-3 B, i ,iHaiuuon ycto- as II Is to 3 V and (he
usually within the range
3u V. Odecitoni |e moJne v rozsahu 1 V nsbo 30 V. hobkh C'n ncrfeamtorterpoM 4 cocTaBimeT 30 B. range of (he U r which can be set with the poten-

nt'ijo s vnejSIm volt me Item inezi zdfrkamt B a E Otcmt mcocho ocyDiecTBJitrrb iu npeaejte 1 B h.th tiometer 4 Is to 30 V. The lelacted voltage can
na'iflifkacn 23 'i'J B ii. I' C nOMOIUblO SHClUHCrt! BCVtliTMeTpfl MOKlly oe rend within tbe 1 V or 30 V range, but It is
'...:. B n km .-:• 23. advantageous ro employ an external voltmeter
connected between the sockets (23) ft and E.
Ptlpravime atefenl podle 64.1 Silsknerne soueasnft noarotOTMTi. M3MepetiBe no nyHSTy 6.4.1. Oaito- Preparations for the measurement Save to be car-
tiadtka 16 |Uj| a 16 |U C | pn odecltani U BDCXCKItO Hn»3Tb H3 KHQIlKy 16 i\J t ) H 18 (Uc) out according lo the Instructions given
CT v roz- ried in
sohu X
V, nebo snskneme souCasne tioClika it npH orcMrre Ua s aHanaaowe 30 B h.th ouiospe- item 0.4.1. The pusn-Duttons [ttii u z and (IB) u,.

(U i.l * *8 HW P m °d*cVftn uct v rozaahd 1 V. momo hivsts Ha towinry 15 lUcu) » 18 |U C ) have to be depressed iinuitareouaiy if ih<- range
pfcpinaC 2 dame do polony 100 mA a potenctomet- npw orcMeTf UfiT a aaanaaom B. TlrpnunoqaTr.ib 1 up to 30 V bos 10 he employed, or the pmh-huttons
rtm 3 nastavloit
pM stlacenSm tlaCitku 11 (U„| 2 nepOMCTii no-twcenac 100 fA a jiotowko- 1131 U cu and |18| t: i: it the voltage C,, rue to ba
dan* MP»« >J,6 loonkle 10 V|. Potom pri stlace- MrrpoK 3 vcraKoiRTh npii maraTou «noow II mad witbin tba rang* up to V The selector 2

natn llatllKu 10 He pwiupn* ivysujama naptil

I (U((> uajuiHoe MinpajKcniie U in (oSuhko 10 B) hei to be tat to 100 mA and the givon voltage ,,..

ni ridld eleKtrode. at so obluvl enodov? proud, 3aTCM II M! iu* IT. mi KKOI1KC 10 Or> IJCrcnCKMO fuiualiy 10 V) hi with thai potsn noma tor 3 whilst
po avowant tlecltka 10 uketuie merldlo aplnacl nuHMuuTb aaJipn»cHHe na ynpiaJiajoiuoi ..--?> r; Keeping the push-button (111 Undepressed Tban.
napeil "did elekirody U CT v roxaahu 1 V nebo ne jo iij*uichjm uioajioro tow flocac ontrcw- with ibe puin burtoa uuj I. depresaad. the volt
30 V. Zapujeul pn aiefeal Ur,T (a na obr. 23. "«" wton** 10 MiM7iotrcjiLiu.il npuAup noicaau <K" on iii- control electrode has to be raised
•ucr ft.. ri-tn..-:i.ii- cpoffaruaaKHs yiipesjiasjuimji gradually until an anode current starts to flow
aocrrpoju Uoi » npea.eja.ji 1 B «m 30 B Ck» ''; releasing iIm pushbutton 10. I Be mater in-
sHeptuaa U,, T ookamiu hj jmc. 23. dlcatn the twitching voltage {)<?, of the control
•lee t rode within the to 1 V or to 30 V range.
Th« etrcutt for moaaurtng tht voltage U r1 in in
Pit. 23.


0*2jv •

ODr. 23 Pk, 23 '.,: 23

64.8. Mlnlnalnl p r I
a i I i
; proud l„ 646 MmiKiikiuA R.4-0. MlnlBun heldlnf current !.,

yiepasiinmit tok I,,

PFIpravIne mlreot podia 6.4 1 Stlakneme tiaclta© noorOTOBHTb ,1 .-!--

DO iy 6.4.1. ILm.iii.
i:- i
!> . ,
Preparations for in* meaiuniniiiiK oaie to be car-
13 ll.l a 10 |Uf). preplnec 2 dime do polohy na n(--«rs-» 13 16 (Hi', ncpo^jtw-iair.i* 2
a ) it clad out KcordlnBr'to Hem 8.4.1. Tbea. the pusb-
100 mA a potenclomotr 3 naatavlme ihruba na nejieMcrv » oojiowamc 100 mA. m n&remiHOMcrp buttons (13) I, and (10) Vt bave to ba dopreas-
znetka 10 V. Proudom fldlc! elektrodv. KterO na- ycriMonuri. HfH*AjixaiiT«!ifciK> no iNMKy 10 B. ed, tba selector 2 switched •<> tha poaitton 100 mA

siavu|ima pNiplnocern 1. a potenclometrem 4 uvs- Tokom y/;n» n.,|.|~i,. i.i*»stj. >a.i Noropufi jrrraHa- . and the potantionetar 3 set epproilmataly to the
tynaior do vodtveho atavu (kontrololeme pM uimjMrrca nepnumemFjarM 1 oonNniioMerpoH 10 V mark. By meant of the control electrode cur-
stiocotieni tlacltku 10
Pak itelnymi prvky. pfl-
l,|. A, nepeswmt npacrop npcawsaBirf corroaxiie rent, which ts adjustable wtlh the selector 1 and
podno iiaCltkera 22. (chceme-li
opefnou polarltul —
( KOHTpCaBTPOHTh HpK tr). tha potentiometer 4, the tbyrlstor has (o ba sot In
'iastavima dent proud fldici
eltktrodou 1c Nako- 3atcM TeMi xc LVwimMi a. a cjiyiac neoCnooM- tha conductlre state [to be followed whilst keep-
oec drums stlacane tlecttko 10
(1^) Drapltucen
a potTOciomairein 3 postupn* sn2u)eme proud
Mocrtt. tsk m
iHotiitoA 22 (fc.m iaeo0iojRHa apy ins; the push bat too (10) l
c depressed) Then, the
na oojiipMOCT*) ycTsiicauini umibiil tok yDpasuta- given control electrode current I has to be set

enodou • sledu)emn, : (ski nodnoty proud nnhle sxiiero sAnrpoaa Hiaoswu. apMaepareean. iu- bv means
t,- of lha iara# controla and. if neceeeary.
klusa* na nvlu. To )• minima irU pHdrfny proud [, wT/o Kearney 10 (l c ), a nowiiiuiOMrrpoM 3 m- by using also the push-button 22 for polarity re-
pn da nam proudu ridicl tlektrody. Zapofeol od pMCJaMaTeACM 2 nxmiciHj yxcHuiun now .menu renal Finally, whilst keeping the push-button
puvtaa oDr. 22. b cieasm c macro 3Ha*i»<«x tok
3a rex, iiiMMiua 1 10| r depressed, the anode current a raduced

dcsho ywHHuierca ao tryjii. 3ro asJiserra anrn- gradually with the selector 2 and potannomoler
mijuhum npHiepjnaaimHM towoh t H op* uui- 3. In order to ascertain the vahio at which the
him tokc ynpaaiiiomfro ajteierpoju. Cxcmi wiMepe- current drops wddanly to »ro. Thus, tha sought
Hm nousajia na pac. 22. ninimum Doldlag current N haa been ascsrtain-

od at the givtn control electrode currant. The

measuring circnii la the same as lhai shown in
fig 22.

6.4.7. >
vok v propultatm amlru U, 647 II ..i-ioir unpicrui e.47. Voltage drop In the forward
Ut direction — U,
Prtpravltno mflfent podle 6.4.1. Sflskarme llaCItko [] i -..n j.-iiik- no 6.4,1, Hasten aa nun-
: . i:.-.- •
Attar praparlng for ihs meeiuremeot according to
P*" ?>*»< 2 dime do polottv 100 mA



u l etrara 3 nn*ravlmn nnpdd »-i 10 V pfl

tty 15 1 ncpmJuoMircAh 2 nepeaecra a ooao-

a*MDH 100 kA, h norciniaoMCTpOM 3 ycra>toe«i»

Iteai fl.4.1.. the puihbution (19) V
pressed. Then, the selector 2 bas to
must ba de-
set to
Misknutem Nynl preplna^am 1 a po-
tlacltku I),, HUIpftxeHtK npn6j |0 B HpU iWaTO* KIMIK 100 mA and. with the potentiometer 3 a voltagti
iirni-iotroi-wn 4 uvedume tyrlstor do vodlveho ita- Uc«- 3*wm nepm^i.«»re«tM 1 m nornmaoMerpOM of apprex. 10 V la eat, whilst tha puah-buttoo Ucr
vu. Pi. ks meNdlo prltom pokleine i rdchylkr 4 i ;.'i"v THpurrnp a npoeosanted peciiH (a depretsad Alter which, the thyriator haa io be
text) pc* pint rorsab do roualiu meNdle PM Crpejiia BrsMepai-pjiKMoro npafJopn npw -won nep»- mi In the conductive atari by means of tha aalac

ii. -in t!',' i-.il 10 nastavlme pfeplnaCom
| 1, i
vu.li: r ,i noxoamiH* net trntajrw ao nprieaoa bikj-
< tor 1 and :<•• potentiometer 4 Tha deflection of
2 a poixnciomctrfin 3 dan? proud tyristorem I, .ibl apu6opa. Ilpn Kj*aTofl iHomr 10 (I r ycra- ) (he metar drops from beyond the scale into the
Po uvoliieni tlacitka 10 uka2e meftdlo Obyiek na houut* nfptKmmaw^cM 2 noreHtiKONPTpuH 3 u- scale rnnse Whilst keeping The pnah-biitton (10)
lyristoru U r o rorsihu 1 V. |Pn slla£enem tloCIt- mtuuM roK THpHCTopa I T H«>..if OTnrntJKiui It dapressed. tho current I, flowing through the
kn 10 |L',) v roisaha 30 V.) Zapojeni odpovlda KHomxv ll> v3NcpHTpjn>Hua npaScp onpeafARCT ru- thyrlstor has to be sat to the given valua by means
our. 22 spbbc funpaaetwa -mpucrope U T «a npear« of the selector Z and the potentiometer 3 After
1 B (npH int.Kiu 1'ii.rtiKc 16 '!,'.-! na npcirjie releasing ine push-button 10. the meter Indicates
30 B). Cx.'-ia uaMcpcKHa juhb Ha pec. 22. tho voltage drop U T in the 1 V range. |Wben the
pushbutton 10 U t la dapressed. the 30 V range
1 J

applies.) The measuring circuit remains tha tama

os shown in Fig. 22.

• $. MeFeal triad 6.5. HiMrptHBe Tpaaaoa B.5. MeaiMreaieBl of trlaca

|a ahodnfc I me rondo odpovldaflckh parametrO Oho a«a/(irn<*Ho iMepeHHio coorseTcrsyiDOni na- This measurement u identical with tha measure
u tytistora. M«fl ee « obou polarKOch td:oj.: ]}& paMcrpue r«piK-(i>i»». H3Mrpnrae oryuensuiJicTCR meat of tbs corresponding parameters of thyris-
i) ptl attaknuttm tlaCIiku U nebo 9.
ap» oocai luxiapHObTia sowhum i;, ,. t. e. npa a
tors. However, thia measurement hes to be carried
out et both polarities of U CI, a. with tna push

-bunon or 8 dapraaaed.

f, torn MECHANIC** KONSTICXCE PllSTRQIE 7. OtlHCAHHE MEXAHMQFCKOfl r. DUCaimoN or thr michamical bkicn
Pfistroj h> * typtiovang skflm ElakironKkl '.an np«6op VCTOHOaUlcH TMIv.rt.-- - v ].. 3jMK7t>OM- Tha instrument la houaad in a standard cabinet aa
ipolu i nepaleOro |* urn 1st* na na dtace I toManf- H4I VlCTb IHfCTe C ItfTIMKHKOM HMTIMHa paOmnO employed by TESLA Brno for thoir elacrronlc maa-
mi ipotl. Tato ltd no dvou pNCn*ch oriolnfdcn. «e:iw Hi mute ncuxHoro murtimu 3ra fftRM unnjj 'nsfnimanis. Ttie alertronic pan of iha
,-lAdecl pr»kT Jsoti uralstrny it* pfednfni panelu. :- riKOBJ n *u j»\* oancprMHwi yrauotitaK. 3«-
i transistor tester, ugatnor with tha built-in power
">"« yapuuram pacnojoMrww wa arpMMt-l na- iupply, a
formed by a printed circuit board ear-
RUI. nod »y two transverse brackets The control* of
tha instrument are oa tha front pan*!.


.I. 7dro! k*leklenrr*ho aapttl 8.1. llrtimHM* N«npn«-m . .

- |«» ... p , 1.1 Collector voltage supply

Z viniitl 4-5 aliovtho transformltoru se pflvadl C «iMun.ii 4 - 5 ceraoro .;.>* ^-iaropa chhmi- An AC voltage of 23 V Is taken from the winding
rupttt 23 V vede - • M
na mQitek r dloa D4 D7. ercs irprxcHHje itaip**it< tc 23 B m noum-a 4-5 of the nains transformer and aoplied to the
Usmcrneri* napou hi MIlni|e konden/atory C3, C4
a vede «na repulse nl potonciomotr R24. Konden-
HI INnpiHHTVJV, onpjHHi.i.i no <««« MCCTS

U diode brldga D4 • 07. Tea rectified vottag* la filter-
-.n n D4-D7. Bunp*M,«MH« nflpMMM cr.ia-
-. ed by ilw L*pacltort C3. C4 and applied to iha
Uior C*> zkxeiu|e kolskior m'*r
airltiavou alolku na zein. Z
to prvku pro MBBserv* .o.ae'KiTopjHH C3. C4 h noaaeTtN « potentiometer R24. Tha capacitor C5 forni a short
|li |da napatl
. - i :-
nonuunoxrrp R24 KoHflencarop
peryfliipoa-wiiufl circuit lor *<: voltage couiponenta bet«vven earth
fintc polarity do priatroje. C5 UKODAMHsBeT K3.1.<ItttT0p MaMfp»eMi>rO >.qfMCM' and \hi> collector ol tna meaiurad semiconductor
ia no nepr*nmoA tonaauitniuot hj kn.id. C Hero aeyh:e. from where the voltage paises to the me
ciuiM^rRa H^npawcHMe, noaaeacMur tepei iiepc- tar through the polarity ravening iwuch.
uiiPUTc.it. noinpM.xiK apadop.

Z«r*| eapatl pro tail S.2. 1Kiu.hu* unpamauia khiiim 6uiu A3 Rate vallate tapplT

«poj«n «bdotine, mi v&ak navtc UeblHiacl dvo- it ' '.(..- Wf.CtT m-v. «o. >;-wr
lit i.r -. .fth>«. Tha wtrtng of tha eeppiy la stniiar to that already
|n:lZunnrnvych dlod D2. D3 a odpornio Rl ion, on onuuim aapoA
ciattNiMrpohwe D2; D3 m described in item 0.1., however, (or staDlluation
DruhJ pteptnaC polarity (krom* PN'P NPN) |a — cotiportn/irHM-M Rl. BTopoA ncprivimtrejih n<wi<ip- It ua«s a pair of Zanvr dtodea 02, D3 end the re-
urCan pro raaienf FETA pft tavlrarlm pradpttl ga- -octH (BpoM* p-n-p — n-p-nj np««Haaiuic« ai* sistor Rl. The second polarity revereUtg twitch
W, nebo pro mateol rhvtknv*ho proudu CKU tran- I n»teppM*a Ti»HivcTopoa, KET npu imrmpuumcM | In addition to (he PNP-NPN awltchasl etrvoa in
WMftfft. Odpor R26 oddAlule zdro| od bodu, do n»- H.inpawmNH ciiaBMIUW aorrHJia mxm bjw Matfvpe- the aiaaeuramant of FPTTe ar the cut-off bla* of
hot |e pMvidenc budicl stfidave no pen (prta kon-
:il) TpaMlRCropoa. CoOpOTM- tha fata, or tr the maaiurement of tha rattdual
".' i> .: -i-.i
! -:> -

•wgtory C18. Cl»|. Jirtiar R'ib ooVauMmaarr panatKy ac-rcMHBita m current t ,,. of rrerulsiora. The recleior 5126 sapa-

-"ixm. e » ir,»D noaaerCR nrppMneaoe aaapexe' rata* the supply from the point to which tha AC
RIM »>i<y«rj<-HbiR («)rpC3 KOMACtKlTOpai CIS. C19). driving voltaga la applied [via tba capacitors :::

fl.l. Uro| eiablliiotenoho athdartbo eapeti MrTovHMH crafiH.iitiMpuMNiMiro Haianaora IX ftiaMltaa* AC IW
pre buteal BlfaafcH prvkfi
aaa Maw-re*
* Boacy *-**•**<* amtpiMita
aailaaaj a«pa4y
aanaiurad aaantrondticfar davtqa
drtal.| Iba

|e »pO|cn
m Zeneroveni dtodani
)ako ououitramy omeiovat etnplllndr
D6. 09 « odporesB 14. N*
Oil codpoH »
cifM uyxcTOpofMero orpaniKTcjii Thai lupply ra a dcut» amplitud* Ctlppor - :;
aHDjanyui *u craceLierpcetai D8. D9 a coupon Zen«r diodaa Dfl, 09 and reaistor I«. foilowtd by
atadare n.ir poHeCurlcl cftstecnc vyset aaranonick* wenan R4 fl*j« cTovmar a^et-rce +e;jo,Tp. a nitar for taa partial Mipprmaion of highar har
oroteneho ilgnalu. t| odpot 117 • koadeiuaton
mropwfi hactrhxo nojuaaacr ruauxr rapH>>arM*w noaici or fhc clipped signal Thai filter ta fonn-d
C«. C7. PM i»*fom h^, |* pontile na haUfai roc- OTpmainiiioro CBUHaaa, coctohuuh hi conptrra- ay Hit raamtor R7 and eapaciton CD, C7. In h,.
eabu I, koiuUninl budlci dtovoA. |"i ae mini de- m**un« K/ it BDHanrcaTopao C«. C7 Tip* ajNrpr- neiavranani, m eacri rang* of I, a comiani dnv-

kadlckr |e» •« unlnoii pracovarho bodu prepina

cam P3.2. Na vteeh rozsailch 1, **> el Heavy Budlci
HrtH b.,. ha uudk odcrm* 1. aroutiayrira oo- Ins; laval la atopioyed whtca changes Oacadlcallv

(ivMHithiM ypaami. Boaoyatju-KM*, ROTopufl KSMc- Qniy whan ia« worktni potni » altarod wita the
proud Mia l„ •! 10X m<mit net 1, PM ftnnnA ror- aaotoi jmtan*i*esKu ipju.no npa *JMoiew«it pcata- iwllcb n
In all tho la ranxaa, lha AC baaa driv-

tshu h ]lr 100-300- 1WNJ-3000)

1 mini eltllvoet m Ma patOoTM ih'(k-».iii«jtt/ic»« P3 2. Ho acex rtptuK- ing currant i, la approximalaly itn Uma-a lowac
mlflctho ieillceCe Oroven ne bodu 22 |aal 1.85 V tban 1,. Wlwn tha h
-J <a na»tavu|s irmrem Ra.
.n* 1, ntpcxeaMU* toh aoadyw khm> Aasat t» apa-
daMmrajaweo a 10 pan Mcarunr Toe* I, tip* «»— 1000. SOOO).
rang- w alamd (100, 300.
than tha sanslUviiy o€ iba maaaar1nK
»w«i ni~nr>.eoa h„« (100-300- 1000- 3000) k>- anplltlar ebangaa alao Tfca lava) of point 22
MflMr* a •**« bbbbbbbbbbbbMb wanepatTa'jiwtoco yca- (approilmaialy l.«S V AC) can ha Ml wiir, ir»
avrvaa ypnamh riniui a roava 22 (npaeV trhnmar RA On Iba other band. In y„. nMaaura
165 B ncppM ) yrTaaaumarTca noacrporamncoM nam, the aansltlvity of the amplifier Is oanttani
Ml naopak koosianml cliiltost seal-
eiereaf y„. je R8 Ilpaj RJMepCHRH y-i. KaoAODOT IHWT HTCTO and tha driving level at aliartd with the switch
lovoce a mini
oud h
tiroven pfeplnecem Pl.l
1 1 w>t-ro.Tmoa ajncraXTtJUtocTV vchjhtt.ir h bsmc- Fl.l -
divider R27 -
R30 Toe trimmer Rfi aenei
~ dftllC R27 R30. Trlmi R9 je uroan na nest avert
minc* ypoaran. iDSfiyxanfwa nrpnuoHAtcacM PI 1 lor ad|uaiing the AC vol lag* at the point 21
sirldaveho napetl na bodu 21 [75 tnV -J. — jiwip/i:. R27 R30 IloiCTpoevaiiK R9 npei-
- 175 mV AC).
H.t:iH..<i-H III yCTaBOBKM ni-[.rM-lMU>i'.) aaopiuicHaa

TOOtt 21 (75 mB nepewO.

a*. Kotakloroif nbtod 8 4. Cuhi moiMtwjafm 8 4 rallarlorrlrrall

Nipaiect napeii )de r pfspinace polerity NPN PNP

HanpavcHHT mimnui niBHarrca c nepMCBioearejia The voltage passes from (be NPN PNP
pov.it nng -

na dekadu Mi. • R«. Iiiera ki aormalnd ckratovlna na.iipnocTH ii-p-i — p n-p a nosaem hs a«*ay polarity change-over switches to iba decade R40
kontakiy 7 fi (Ucltak U CII a U tvolenl techto R40 R45. KOTOpaa aopMaahMo uiyKrupyrrca aoa- -R45 wbich la nortnelly short c ire tilled by Uie
z Pfi

lunkci dovolujl odpory Klu Ki'i regulovai proud naniMH 7 8 iok«io« Ucu a U» npa yciiiHWKc
• contacct 7, e of tha pu»h-buitona L r „ and U {
do svorky C |i pMpopjnfm rcalym odporeni an jtmi pr«HKQi paooTu coaporaautrvixn R40 R45 • wnen tbnae tuncuona are selected, the rastsiors
/hmiem poienciORieiram R24. Odiud vedo napd-
| aaaw voeHoacHocrb pcry^epoiaTa to*. nousaeMMft R4C - f J- allow control of the carreol (lowing w
|- nl praa dal*l dakadu R40 RSO, machanuky spra- na aaxMN C (c nojuumriouMM «xikm coapvni- lha terminal C (with a low realaianca or ihcrt
lanou a pfapinacaaa I, Talo poulite ptl Dt4tanl ) •aennen anaoth no aapoTaoro mkuumi)
norcM- clnull connected) by moans of tha potentiometer
ii ., -i animanl Obrlku. an)Arn4ho airldavaina UMOHcrpoM R24 H*mc* aunpauarxaK naiaaaa <at- B24. rrem thara. ibe powering paaiaa on to a
protidu kotokuni Elekrrelyiy C33. oddelujl CM pe* noc.wAfotuyo attcaay R46 R50. MtxwiHfc-
- further decade ReS RSO wbleh la gangad with
a alolku. odpor HM uiavir* «
obvod va vafupu •ni eottpa«nn*y«) e nvp««att>aa-nA«>< 1 B . nocryruaT the awttrh l„; lha latter la need In h.„ maetura-
operafniho latllovafin PM mafenl y,„ |a konelanl- aaraf. menta for picking up lha vollaaa drop whlrh If
nt poullle cast dakAdy Rdfl-RM - pfepini as .Ipkjij apraiU3aa<if9(a bji MaMrpeeiin h- . via proportional to the AC collector current. Tbe
kontakiy 4b 5b • 8b tlacltle v .„ CrU dahada |a caaraa ujeiou, nponopuaioaiaiiMOTo nfprtwoto- clectralytlc capacitors C23. C24 aepareu the DC


tlacftka it... [.n.-no (pres maly odpor dekAdy RS3 r i» iu 8a, 9a KBoara y»., k 7b - ob rxodri b.,, directly to the gate of the PET under test through
•R57| di gateFETu. II- .'• V.W11.I-HHO (Wpej 4BJ0C ..Hr.tTi1l.",-!lHC le- the low resistance of (ha decade K53 - RS7 via the
kjqu R53-R57) iu aarpasnuBwikil aaerrpon contacts Ba, 9a or tha push-button y.,„ and the
pet. contact! 7b, ab of tha push-button Vllt .

J. Mane. ie«tlove£ ft. 6. HlM«pMTCXkKU*) yi» mi* *u • I. M.u.ri-s pHftar

|t naptjan it tdroje ±12,5 V, stablltzovaneho Zc Oh ninctra or cnvMaU
: !2 > B. fcunp**eM«* Tha supply of ±125 V which has two stabUWnf
nerovfmi diodn.nl 012, D13. Vlnuti oa sffovem KOToporo craoMHsaipoaaw CTs6ijntTpo«Bi4H DI2, Zener diodes 012. 013 aarvBa lor powering tha
trensroraifiioru protole eel* sesilovae
]e stinene. D13. OfiMom ceresoro TpaHc^opHaropa sKpaftiipo- moaaurlng amplifier The pertaining winding ot
pri mefetii proudQ |« .piovoucl", neukostreny. Kon- ana. tbk iuk seek ycEjirre.ifc opn umtpanai to- the mains transformer Is screened, as the wbola
dcruatory ciu - C13. |akoz CIS a cierwm CIB, R21
K'ja iMJtercH >TuaaaiouiiiH«. r. e. «e coeinRCH amplifier Is floating Annus current measurement.
|v laftiiena mo bl Ilia aperaCalho feallovece. Dlody
c RopnytoK. KoH&Mita-ropw C10-C13 tbk mt. rbr The capacitors CIO C13 and CIS. and tne network

D18. Dlfi, D20 a kondemotor C17 coital opetuciil C 13 i acfwraa CIS. R2I o6ccrtf*nniasrT vctoh- Cifl, R2i. serve ror ensuring the stability of tha
csillovaC a mefldto pfed 5plCkaml napctl a HUy pft ''- n onppauROBHOro ycaaiTuia. /lnoau D16\ operational empliriar. The diodes Did. D19. D2U
prepin4nl funkcl. Odpory (v peTndl od loternl pio- >!•*. D20 h KOKBUKaTop C17 uuHuaor oncpa- and the capacitor C17 protect the operational
voucl f«m4 loniovafe) R19 R31 R32 R33 R22 • -
UHOMHMS VC!L<Itrre.1b H n:iMr;'rn'n,Mi,:;'| BpsOop OT ompliNar and ilia neier froai escesslve voltagm
tvofi ipetnovazcbnl dAIIC lasllovaca, ur<u|lcf zlik
DHKoa KMipmtcHH« * ot yaapoa npn ncpncuow and voliage surges during opeiatlon node setae-
Ivli itrucn* popla clnnoait). Vatup maMclho zeailo- nm ""oi
p«6oTW- CoupoiK**cK*m (a nocae- on The resinors (In the sequence starting with
vace me:l body 20 a 31 )e pMpo|en na f-adu prepl- joMTf^uixtn wfyrpmMero -nijiuouicw y«i-
ot tbe floating earth of (he amplifier) Rlfi. R3:. 13?,
nacich koniaktu (1. 2. 3 na vserh tlaCllkach funk-
c'l. kieryml w
zapoiule na ad not live mfiflcl de-
»n«) RI9-R31 R32 R33- R22 ofip.jyw m B :''. R72 form the feadbeck divider of the aropll
I .ihtc-u. oojmtwok c»*m yen.iKTe.na. onprw^mo- fler Tor gain determination The Input of lha nea
kody nabo na dfllte pro merenl napetl. sloZeny z ii m ~t K.t»t>i|>MitM<'wi yrwueHM* low. irpaTVoe wren Burlng amplifier, betweefi the point* 29 and 31. la
odpjrfi B65, R52, prlp. pft rozsahu 1 V RM. inn- npMHllRna viitimih I', hi.' ,i ivr-jii fi-.i kiii- itvi connected to a aat of switching contacts (1. 2. 3
ycMJutTaaa Meway fOBBBUtB 29 31 iroaxjnown on all tbe function pushbuttons) by means of
a paay nepe«flr»ia»tfltMx wMTaHTOB (]. 2. 3 acex wblcb it la connected to tbe individual measurlni
KtlOTXOK. Dtp«KAIOHaKXIlUt pCNIHM paOOTU ). C ro- decades, or to tbe divider for voltage measure
KOUIfcO KTTOTIbll BKOl aOAKJlBXaCTCB B OTJWJlkHUM ment which la composod of the resistors R8S, RS2
BjKepkrRAUiUN aeajjuM a.in Ar^atT?jax> ub rb- and, if the l V range la set. also of R64.
itepaaiR KiitpavCTcuA, cocTosucMy aa con pm iiaae-
bb Rii'.. R52 %n
R64 npa npeaPM 1 B.


ZkousX BM 5M
|a aarvlanl pftatrol feleny tak. In HcrwT.iTr.il. BM 529 — wo T'XMMnr.-.ni npifiop. The transistor tester BMS29 Is one of the TESLA
nenl cboulostlvf na ipasoh obsluhy. MA /estavAnA BUnOJIKeHKUft TSR. VTOOU ON fildJI Ha.TO eVSCTSH' instrumeuts of the "tartice" class: conseguently.
ocbrany pflaluinycn obvoda a mefldla protl pfetl- :.!. hmm s cnocooy ntouyaraaBM. B htm nxiv- it Is not very sensitive to how it ts handled. Tbe

zenl. ltbovolni kombinace ilacltek naxnole

Pobtltl cMorpnni uuhtw comBrrcraytMuux uenefi k aa- circuits of this instrument and the meter ere
rovn«z zpusoblt Udna polkotonl pClstrorfi. Po ma- HCpn-reJiutoro npH&opa or neperpyasii Hcnoafcao protected against overloading. Incorrect combine

tlafltfca hn prime (pfet raely odpor dakady RS3 nrm 8a. 9* shookm y Ilr « 7b - 8b ntoninr h 3l . d:recil* to (he gate or theFET under test through
• R57| na gate FETu. MpnocpeicnenHo (ncpes itaaoe conpOTHBJWitHe ae- the low resistance of the decade R53 - R57 tU the
K.-iaw R53-R571 u jjrpa«.u«iinuii ajieirrpon contact! 8a. 9a or the puah- button y, u end the
contacti 7b, 80 of the push-button h*,,,.

as Mat ioi MUme 9.6. lll-C(illlf.lUKBJ« V'BJIIICI* II Maaaariag aapUflar

le napa|en » zdroja ±12.5 V. stabllizovaneho Ze- On amnri or HcrrMinnta I 2 S B. anpM*«m« The supply of ±125 V which has two stabilizing
nerov?rnl dlodaml D12. D13. Vinuti na iitovem eoiptjoto era5w.THmpo**uo cnAajirrponaMH D12. Zener diodes D12. D13 serve* for powering Ihe
transformatoru le stinene. protote cel« zcsllovsC D13. 06not*> orresnro TpanrAopMaropa japan,' » measurina amplifier. The pertaining winding ot
pri mefenl proudo |e .plovouct", neukostteny. Ron- Bapn. t:.k vai •- a yctuMrresii apn JMepeBJOt ro- the oiaini transformer is screened, as the whole
dcnzatury G10-C13. |akof I CIS a clenem C18, R21 koi .iii/.)i it'. »TwaiaiouiKM«. r. a. He coeanneH
- amplifier is floating during current measurement.
|e ;.! •! 1:1.' stabllita operaCniho zesllovace. Dtody c popnyroN. KoHaewcaTopM CIO C13 tbk me, «a*
• The capacitors CIO C13 and C15. and the network

D18, D16, D2C a kondenzator C17 chrini operacni a C15 i neno«rea C16, R21 o6ecnf<nraaioT ycroft- C16. R21. serve for ensuring the stability of the
;'->;iinv.n' a msftdlo pred splCkaml napell a razy pfi inFM«Tb onepauHOHiioro ycn.niTc.iM. Jlnoou Did. operational amplifier. The diodes DIB, Die. D20
pfeplnonl funkci. Odpory (v pofadi od internl plo- D19, D20 X KOBieHCaTOp C17 IIQH Q IBM ..-I- - and the capacitor C17 protect the operational
VOUCI Mm« zesilOveCeJ R19 R31 R32 RJ3- *U2
- •
T«MI<»M* VCH-IKTeflb H ttiMrpKTcAbauA npHSop or amplifier ana me meter from excessive voltages
..of'. rpeiuavizebni aeuc zesilovacs. nrcujtcl zisk mxoa Kanp*w.eHua ot yaapoe non rtepnunee- and voltage surges during operetion mode selec-
[vli siruCnv popis Cinnosii). Vstup rnfltlclbo zesllo- mt« pcwHxo* paoorw. CosipoTMajiatia (a noc.ie tion Ttte resistors (In the sequonce starting wltn
voCt aiezl body 29 a 31 |e pfipojen im tcdu prepl- aoiaTCJiMiacT* ot BHyrpeiiHCTo n.'ueaouufro* ycH- the floating earth of th« amplifier) R1S, R31, R32.
nacich kontaktd (1, 2. 3 no v&ocb tlacltkaeh funk asrrcAa) R19- R31 -R32-R33-R22 oopaayaw ax- R33, R?2 form the feedback divider of the ampll
c'l, kteryni >e Eapo|u)e na )ednotllv* mehcl do- anrcAfe odpamoM cbh» jciimu". anpra?-iiuo- flar for gain determination The Input of the nea
kfidy nobo na dOlic pro nefenl napetl, sloiany i mnA K^td^HUHcnr ycHJicnHa (cm. Kp«T*oe ooHca- •urlng amplifier, between the points 26 and 31. H
odpsra P65, H52, pflp. pft roztaha 1 V R«4 iitt upaHumui Bioa luMfpnrejiMtoro
acii.iB.-in >
connected to a set of switching rnmarta (1. J. J
ycB^aTean we»w>y wimhk29 31 noaauamcii on ill the function push. buttons) by means of
n pit ay nrpcK-i»iaiomiix narratcToa <1. 2, 3 ace* which It is connected to the individual measuring
xhoiok. nfp^Kjnrwunuias j*»nv panoru). c no- decades, or to the divider lor voltage measure-
• -.<
•• ..-«•-• BVOl 'I.'--." -»'( •T< > OTKJIkHUM
ment which is composed of the resistors R8S, R52
"v",;i'.-i.i'- --•; ..^ ::. K :-...!:•.!.. BJU 13- and. if the 1 v range is set. also of R84.
wepaaia Hknpaanuft oocToaueMy aa coapomae-
xbh R6S, RS2 an
R64 npa npeafae 1 B.

g, POBTNT FRO 0DR2BD PftfSTRO|E 9. yKA3AHHH flO /XOHy 3A flPHEOPOM HsrsumoNS por maintenance, or thk

Zkou3«C DM
329 )e servtsnt pristro) felenf tea, fe HcoMi4Te.u. BM 529 — rro TtXKaiacKitft rrpwoop. The rransistor taiter RMIM Is one of the TESLA
nenl choulostlvy na iposoo ob«luhy. M4 vestavand atjaoJtHanaaA Tin. ttoSm oh Sum MB40 ^yaCTW- instruments of tho serrlca" class: consequently,
ocbraay prislulnych obvodd a neftdla prod ptetf- TCjihMUN a crrocooy wcpnj»yaTSitn«t B mm* npeay< it is not very sensitive to how It Is handled. The

tanl Poslltl llbovolne komblnaca ilncltek Rerndze rMorpmu satuirru cooTiwTrniyncnin uenev a ia- circuits of this instrument and the meter are
rovn« zpasoMt lAdnft pnAkozenl pFIstroh>. Po me- vh-j'httjimijio npaSopa ot neperpy3KK. rlcnoAMo- protected against overloading. Incorrect combine

hanickt «r«nc« r» nejvlce nemanenou
wuiW in i.ir jnoooA KOHftHMauMii nNON raewe • euiw- •
"i tho push-huttorts cannot rausn damage lo

v 0J drUk treniletoro na panclu lea. patent NH »u*>a npuftopa «

erpoa. C Hevatumocicoa thn instrument. From lha mechanical point of

souprsva a pteplnaoe. Vtechny TOtK« i'.'HiH laHOOlW :;..«.'I(MUM »JWM*-MroX

i' . -"/ the mmponofits most aspersed to wear art:
l3'4Wf tl«Cl'kov« tho rrsmittor holder on the (root panol iCSSR

tvio dllr po"

snodno prlstvpne • damontovetolnd MAprra aep*»Tt.ifc Tpamecropoe na BkMin (cm.
nimtt mtanoHHSK u nc- Patent No. 1324261, (ho pushbuttons and the se-
m ejnutl krytu prltlroje a arltku Po se|nuitl kfy-
t*k* enadno pMetupn* kontrolnl
poK.i(f>urrjiH. Bee
1 3 2426 )

yaau Jitrno lOcryriMM a .ser- lectors. All those cumponeots am Manly accasstblo
\u pflatroje dismantling and repair after removing thn
mfri'l *ody uvn " f peis>ro|e Spatna funkce techto vo wN9trnipy»Tc> nocjte emmta h^muikh n;nix>p» for
rover of the instrument and front panel cover-
h uihtiu. Il:c4c chbthii kpwtiiaH npw&opa Tame
diio ee ptoisvl
nospolthltvyml kontekty. col lie
ing plate; measuring points ol the In-
also the
mdikovii na vestavenem m«Ndle lako kollslnl na- oOc.-nrMM atiej aociya k kqht?o.ii.mum iiiMi-pn-
It by koltsanl TfintuK rowiH iKyipk npJtSopa HcnpssHJkHaa strument circuitry thus Decoraa easily accessible.
,.. Vene vfehyliy lle-li vylouceno.
paOora >thi MrHestroa npo*B.t«Tc a a nemsc»itm Incorrect operation or the mentioned components
iotilo mil imiju pflclnu).
KOHTajrraa. «rro mokmo oape.w.mn. c ooMomku duo to intermittent comacta manifests itself on
•cipoeMHor.) aiMtrostTCJfcsoro nptfoopa no mcikkto- ho mater by fluctuations of tho adjusted deflec-
It It is car tain thet (bar* la no other reason
sierray ycraauaaniHOfo onuoeetms cipt-im lo.n tion (

HCK.1DWM1 ipyraa upMeMru Hrnowroaeciaa noeaae- for i.nh MikIli

hm* ipa<3>pe>
bMnym PrryaRpoaiu u hh-.tkj »owraKToa ocymcCTajaerca Adjustment of (be contacts and tbeir cleaning
Serfitnl koniakto se protede
• oCilt*ni
oOmhkum ctucoOom - HaapyammiuiiiteM «t*o- have to be carried oui In tho usual known manner.
jpascbetti naprutenlra a oeistenlm.

yKA3AHI1H HO PEMOHTY it. irfSTJtucnoNS roll repairs


Mocw CHJtrm apwuien itpwobpa u> pouwTi uii Whenever the covers of ibe instrument are remov-
PN odkrytovanl pMstro|e pro oprevu nebo Qdrlbu
it is necessary to observe tbe safety measures
te ffeba dodrtet lassdr boipeCnostt prAce na Ce> yxoii Hetdioi-no coovtatluiTV npasa^i tc«hhkh ed,
Oc.'tmacHix-TH. Kaca»uiiieca matt, HaioaaaiMxca concerning, work on vquipnoat carrying Mm" «olt-
nnpetim VykaEule-ll pristro]
ch pod tlektrickym
age. If tho Inalrumani operates Incorrectly, or If
nebo nespolehlivou funkcl. konirolu- no« wrxrpe'icJKHM nanprnentHCH Ec4H npnoop
panOrafT HcnpaaiubHO m.ih u-tuaeaiHo. to. ocp- its(uocilone are not tollable, then first of all the
jemo ne|prve spravnou einnost obvodil a nastavo-
i.uir. "f Ita control! which serve for wiling the
eacicti prvki pro nesiavoni stQ)nosr&etndtio pra- ayn QMrpeoj> cacjyer npoKOHipojiiipoMTfc npaaiwh- ,

n)w p*fo*j ucncA a ytraBoeo^iuaB *^PMOHroe. worklrg point Uc, c of the tasted semiconductor
covnJIio boda mehtn* souCastky U c c T«to fcon- . I .

npemuMUHCHHUN mmm "T.nnx.i aocTCWMMoro pe- device must be checked For this purpose it Is
trolu provuilcme nejltpo pomecl prisiro)a A*oraet
best to use a onlversal measuring instrument, such
II nasladujiclm ipdsonem. «*ms poOorw nanep«*M3ro a-ienwtra Uc. !<: 3*oe
NOHfpoak Mytvr Kero ocyasPCT^in* e nowoasA as (be AvoeMt II, In the following manner:
nptiAopa \-.h-t II cAti/HMDUM oApesoH

U« The voltage U eaaaot to sat

Nelu naalavlt U CI 10. 1. HeaoiMOVHO ycraaweatr* ll.l. ,

lima knoliiknn L, na max nodno- pyiay Ucs IS3 Bl wya* ao HaxvaM/Na The selector (3| U^ has to be turned from sera
|3| od nuly ii j>jtn j rh

Ucs. A»MfT, n&xuAu*mHM& no pn*.

en to -.,..n in Tho Avomet II connected according

Uci Atoaei pripo|enf podie obr. ti musi uka> «i:i-i

»o*ei napitt 0-M

V,,,. Neukaeu)e li Avoraai s«d- 24, aoa»CM nowaasiaat* taanpaio'MHc 0*25 B to Fir 24 must indicate a voltage rising from

n* aep«lt, k, 1,1: .,i > ;,.,... Kin. Ec/m Ai^M«T M

noraawSBor MMiuaoro na- to a V in siniiMi If no voltage la Indicated by

npMMeima. to caexyer npow»*Tp»eaposaT* tbe Avomet. It Is necessary to check the following;


ej Ida ]« cirii.r v kontakt holicko v kombinatoru a) i n-'* i>!

t.. loirraKTii urmjroa a KONMyrarope; a| whether the contact* of the plugi id the com-
blnation (laid ire rallable;

S .«
E •

Obr. 24
Pwc 24 rig, 24

b| zda na vsiup kornhlnatoru, ktsr? \e propojen 6} i.i'iiii'.'- HaopRNcmna Mceuiy C E Ha exoae b) whether the input of the combination field
an idirkimi C, B. E (Z3) na panelu. |e pflvede- KOH-r.-v... ixj.-i. KOTOpfclfi COejUWCK C UKHNaXK wMch interconnected with the terminals
li [ .: i

no na pen moil C a E. C, B, E (23) na n.iUM.i. C. B, E on the panel, obtains voltage between

C and E;
c| zda ohvody il'oveho usrne"rftovar;e pro napetl n yO.au rbcs » tom, »no uchm cemoro Bbiap*MH- c) whether the circuits of the mains pbwer recti
Ufl pfedevsim dtody D4 * D7. kondenzatory CJ.
Texx HanpfitceHMx Uo. npcxat scero aaoxM fler which supplies the voltage l ct are fnni
CI, C5 |*ou dobrd a ids |e v poffldhu potenclo- [)4 -* D7, :<'.•! v. .nup'.i C3. C4. C5 ncapisKbi
i: lesa, especially trie diodes D4 D7 and toe capa

metr R24. na |«hoi bMcl musi oyt siejnosmernd h «o KcnpaBca nomtiiuoMeTp R24. na mmk- cuors C3, C4. C5 and wtiether the potennone
napetl Ua tieaiavltelne od asl J.2 do 25 ¥„,.„. KC KOTOpOro HO.T! KO rj. n.n: j.-i ..(!. i.n- nOCTO-
' i-i ter R24, on the slider of which the volteg* U
«Knoro Tuna U C i, pery*KpycNoe a npejUMix roust bn ad|uatable from approalmately 0,2 V
upaOj. 0,2 B —
39 B mmh. to minimum 25 V. la In order.
Soucasne konirolujome, iQa po stisknutl tlaCitka OanoBpcnenHo npoKOHTpojapoiaTV, «no riocjie Ha- Also itnecessary to ensure mat after depraaa-

O, i ukozn>«- inerwJio bm 529 sie)ne napftii ]ako Avo- xariiK hj nprnSop BM 529 oosautjaa-
motiKy Uci. ing puarcbuiton Uce the meter ot the~BM!l2<t
mel. Pfllom J« Mi A w iiMhn me? Id la na DM529 rr TaKW we uaiipNacettue. xax k Asumct. flpn stvm translator letter Indicates the same voltage. a» the
i 25 V Ukaiu|c II Avomet rwpetl, ale mdMdlo ooAHOf ortustatuie upuOopa S29 £ 25 B. Ecih BM Avomel. The f. a. d. of the meter must be a 23 V
DM 526 napeif neukacufn. zjistima.. tda it* napetl Abomct ,t .-.t-n.ii-v
I-. t.11,1'"*'-!!', ho np«6op .
If the Avomat Indfcatce a voltage, but tha meter

U, t docilvfl pfl KlloConl tlacftka U tt pfes odpory BM 529 He OHaabisaer HiapAivimHC, io hco6xoab- of the transistor lostor does not, then it mutt be
Rtl4. R85.RW na vat up m*Nfiho lutltovate. i| na mo onpcaeJWTi.. noeryii.i-i JIM KoitpiotccMXC U CB ,
a«prlatn«id whither tha voltage l ce pataea ihroogh

body 29-31 desky i llatentml BpoH Potom msrfma nj>M HawiTiiH Uee wp« ««rp<Tn*»Ji«iBi R64, R65, the resist nr< RB4 RQS. R5? to the Input of ihe
v bodecli 5a tlacltka I, a tlaCitka U„ a zkontrolu- R^2 axon HiM^pHroakKoro /mnuwia. t p. ha
'i.i measuring amplifier, t e to the points 29-31 of
|ome. zda |u po stisknutl tlacltka U CI prooojena t.)"4«m 2Q - 31 njUTU nenamnro momtb)**. Jl.m aro- the printed circuit board, when
the push-button
elekiroda 3 opuractiitio zesllovace s bodem 4a tit- n> ocyuiecraaaeTcii HSMepntKe > nmkax Sa xKon- L'ct is depressed. Therefore. u
necessary to carry

' uka Ucn Kontro1u|eme nopalecl nap£il operafinl-

aoft Is, a iienx* 5a khohkoA U f n npoxoiitpojiHpo- .
out the measurement on the point 5a of the push-
ho zesllovace +-U a —
U a (aoo-ll v pofadku. vy- >•>:>. coeauHei .m nocae tuxarua kb Knonity l'.- f button t In the) circuits 5a of the pushbutton U c
l .


odatranenf zavaay. ..i-*-| .-. 3 oMpaiiiioMHoro ycajisTena c totko* and to test whether (hers Is a connection between
minima MAA502 Nedojdt-li
4a KHomni Ucit. ripoiioiiTpoJiHpOBaTt h i:i:..«-«- the electrode 3 of the operational amplifier and the
ni'T.nm unepnuHOHMoro vch.ikimi -t-U it — U a point 4a of tbe pushbutton U rrl afiur depressing
ri inobh Hcnpisww. to i.y.-t r. MAA 502. Ec.il
. ",. the push -button U ri Tbe powering voltage* + U

aawt :ixi. atoro Kmcnpawiorrfc hc ycrpaunu. to and — U of the operational smpllflnr have to be
npitfop cxe&ycr otnpjMiT* Ha peMOHT. checked and f they era found correct tbe opera-
tional amplifier MAA502 itself will nave lo be ex-
changed. Should even this exchange not result In
remedy of tbe defect, then the instrument will
have io be sent to the makers for repair.

10.2. Heassa ymirelni I 10.2 The currant I, eanaett b* eat

funkce U c« sprivna. kontrolojame spraVnou Ecjim cxtna Uci poOorarT npaBH.ihHo, to neo6xo- Provided the functioning of tbe UC( s correct, the
.-ir meMclho iwilovafie vt funkci ste)nosm6r
no»t shmo npOKOKTpoMpoaaTv pa6ory HSHcpuT&ikHoro oporatlonal amplifier must be tested in Its function
ycwjiMTejia a prwBNC Ma-iJHawiepMeTpa nccrogH- .< DC nr II la in meter. The procedure Is as follows:
n* oiA-mett. To provedatne tak. te stlskneme tla-
rtaku """' c_ E "P°l lne A,°- HJTO TOtU The push buttons I, and (Bu have to be depress -

cltko V, a lct» d0 d

podle obr. 25 a prapingrae rox- .T-m SToro cieaver nawarb hi KfrcriKy Uj l«c. ed. A milltammeter (Avoonet li or digital voiiara-
met II nebo NR50
saliy Ic nastavlnie plnou vfcbylku na
BM5Z9 po- nep'*aTT.ib xeatay C E wunoNHTb AaotrcT II
• meter Merra NH5i)| has to be connected to tie
lencioraetrem UCE a ©dec tame na Avometu II, nebo
1 h.iw NR50 no put 25 anrpeKJisoHHifc. npeaciu terminals C and E of the transistor holder accord
na cUllcavem voltarnpernietru Metra NR30 Ic. ycraHomrh iioakoc OTK-ioneHKe no BM 529 no- nlg lo Pig. 25. and than by switching Ihe ranges
TeMUHOKCTpOM U« M OTtHKlaTfc W.iiriM. HO Aao- of Ic full seel Is deflection of the meter of the

MCIJ 11, bjim no tM^pOK>ny wwibiaKnepMCTpy DM 529 translator tester bas to be set by means of
• Mcrp. NR50*. the potentiometer U t( At tht same dme. the Indi-

cation of the employed reference mllllsmmeter

has to be followed.

Ode Oda| IlpUM nrwaaajme tto*uasH«f l!>:i:i ii!L in I Donation Display

ouab Ic
NH50 BM -20 MR 50 ic range OSSUS20 oaAvamet osKRU
SM5M Avcmdsiu Aaotura 11

If* 1 «A 1 ^A±l«* l M-A l-*A l -*A ±34s 1 -A I ^A t3*B

10*A 10 ^A 10 ±m
^A •li>«A 10 oA 10 oA ±3** 10 ^A 10 ^A 10 m* ±*H
100 pA 100 ..A 100MA ~3*b ioo pk ±m !OJm«A 100 «sA 100 -.A ±T*6 1110 Mta
i3°4 100 M A 100 ><A IX ,A - ]«b ioo ma ±$b
loA 1 DA 1mA -r3*e linAilH 1 nA IkA ImA »*» I ha r3*» 1 nA IfflA l«Ai1% 1 mA = JH
10 mA 10 bA 10 mA ±3% 10 nA ±3H UmA 10 mA 10 mA ^-JH 10 hA i3*> 10 mA 10 mA 10 oA ±3"* 10 mA iSH
100 mA 100 nA 100 mA ±3% IOO aiA ±3* 100 hA IOOhA IOOmA t-3*e 100 aA *3*a 100 aA 100 mA 100 mA ±3% 100 mA ±l*b

Ukeiu|e-ll Avomat proud, ale mHldlo BU 520 nulu Ec.th Abohct aoKaawsaer toic. no njmSop BM 529 ir tba Avomat Indicates a currant, but tha mater
nebo n*".(iravin»i hodnotu. |a chyba v tUfltkov* i.
nynrmoe ©TrjioneHKe hah rro«s»M»s«^' aetrpa- of ihe HM529 translrtor teeter indicates aero or
scupra**. pfepfnatflch nebo merlcfm laellovafl KMMSMOP miuruiir. fO Hi- MenpaBfH HMOnOVHHH. IT- an Incorrect value, then the defect Is either In
Provefime podle ichematu lapolenl tlafiltkov* sou- ;K«.i»i'..r."ii! hjh a-JMepirtejibHufi vii.Tniv/i: tha push-button sat. In one of tbe selectors, or in
prtvy o hr*Jnoiy odpori prosnlmacl I [R58 -R63) nposvpsiTv no cieKe xnonoqiiuK h suieaii co- the measuring ampullar. The wiring of the pu*n-

|> II i ipo|enl a fiodnoiy v pored ku. -ynflniin* ope- -IJTHi.lfMilli xia CHMTHK lR7o"— R63) Ecnii
I but tuna will Mva to ba checked for corracintaa
rjrni xesiiovac maaw. ro vymtna maasu ».i cicms H wa-WHiia Brrrpautu. to jamnxTs onepa- according lo'lba wiring diagram of the initruneni
iimo '!''.",; znovu doatavsml nuly. Kdyl anl po- UUOHiiMa yCH.lMTCJll M ,VA 502. II » .:_ ukchh and the valuaa of ID* resistors for c aanilni l

(fobs |«j ualat MAA 502 HcodaojoiMO chi>u npoitaaccTH ycTattoe- :". I-,"' maaaurad. II th« wiring and in« re-
lom pflairo) nupratuie apravnt, |a
do fyrobnfho tavodu. Ky nyjia Erm oa«tc nx-r sroro npuSop mc paco* alitor* aro In order, (htn (ha operational anptl
t»ct npaMixkHo. 10 ero caciyrt tmpi,wun Ha pe- riar MAA 507 hare to ba esehangad and tha

«5"t ii* aaao electrical zero readjusted If. even aftar in* ai
change tbe Instrument does noi Optra i* aallsfac
loflly. lhan It will hava lo ba raturnad to tha
makers (or repair


mA 1
^f -y^R*

OBr. 2$ P-e. 25 fl» M

103. Tba earranl a* tha vallaga ba
Ui Nalaa aMta.h % 10.3. HaaoiMowao jrcrajaoaat*. I ,,
« I '
I, 0,, eaaattt

!'• ii nolno ivi-.'.ivii ::. .. I. uvedonym ipGiobem, ECJDI MOSCHO yCTJUOaiCTb Uct. Ic COOTBfTCTBaH IT (ha valueiUct lc can ba aei In mo described

awioh pfeslo po nesunud nelrc lciramlsioru co cauaamiuM auute, hc rtocie ycrajcosKH TpairaKc- manner but tbe currant c cannot oe set
l re- u
u dobrtho tranzrttoru nestavti. komrolutemo sprav- tod* mcsos^okho ycraHoaHTi. t y wcnpasJioTo TpaH-
quired when the translator |g intaned than tha
nou funkcL zdroje l a |UC |. Postupu]eme obdobnA sHcropa. to xeafixomMO apofcoHTpaiiHpoaaTb npa- operation or the I, (U r,| eupply oiun be checked
|«ko pri koBtrolf u ,. c I BUffUIOCTV paftOTM KCTCWHHKJ l
B (Uq) nCKTytlSJTT for correctness. The procedure resembles that lor
aHaAOTH«H0 HOmpOJIB L'ci, lc. chocking the values of u ([ and I

Jell silsknuto pouie llacltko NPN. roefldlo BMS29 Ecjih iiasaTa ro-tbKo khodxi n-p-n, to <o*epiiTexb- wiien only the push-button NPN ii depressed, the
rnutl ukazovat nulu iimm npitOop BM 529 hmxch novaausan nysv msiar on the panel o( tha BM 529 transistor teller
must indlcaia xero.
Roisah I, v poloza 10 mA npea*ab I| cooT«crcT»yeT aoaojeeMHio 10 mA The mi lee tor l, has to be est to it oa.
Pripoitmo Avomet jako voltnair ami E B podle [1 OJ1* OB ''.IU Ka'WCrw BOAbTNCTpa K I-J4
ABOMCT The Avomet utad as a voltmeter has to ba con
onr. 26. Oiaclrao knofllkem 4 od nuly na max. nod- kjn E- B no BpJUUTb py«i«oA 4 or iy n
puc. 26. nected between the terninals E and B as shown
notu a Avonioi rausl ukazovat nnp#tt U c 0- — go <• "K>.« aiui^HKN ii Abomct aoniKai oo-
in Fig. 20, When the potentiometer 4 is turned
MiuaiTh Kanpaainnie U G ^
* 25 B num. Bern from z*ro lo maximum tba Avomet ahould indlcaia

Avomat Udn« Asoxrr nc oouanwr aauKoro tbe voltage UG - to 25 V minimum. If the Avo-
— v Nfl>.i«ioi* ii napelt. ken- anpsaseisit n. to
dearer npoBOHTpojiptuBTH aet does not ir.d.eaie My voltage at ail. ti n
i ]«m: doc weary to check:

& **
E • 0.
Qbr. 21 Fat 26 IV. 24

al Ida 1* dobrf aontakl KolICkO v komblnatoru, a) tuAtmrnxTh mmTania omi^ra • KOMHyraTopc, B| whether taa contacts la Um combination (laid
re rails bit,

b) Ida oa vstup komoinaioru. ktery ;c propofen 0) yocisnaca e run. hto am eioac tunny »n>pa, D| whether the input of Iks comDlnetion field
ee zdirkemi Btni
paneiu. je pNredeno oapk- "M'JpHH CUCU1KH7H C MBVIUHN B - E " Mjur- which U Interconnected wltk tbe sockata B and
ti raezi B - E *m. MNecrta HaaipNKcHac *e»ay B E. -
E on the panel obtain* tbe correct voltage
between B end E;
c| Ida obvody uimirnovaCfl zdroje :
B |U )
|euu a i yVaii.* x B avnpaatexTK ucneA BMipBMMTevi* c| whether toe circulta ol niw rectifier in the I,
v pofadku. -mwiiIii i«i.iii«« 1| 'I-'.,) yOcuiTkta > '»<*. |UC J Hippie ere In order.
•iro :i ;< auvaiaa iu khodkx U y npnoop
BM 529 nomuun T*xoe jkc Hanpamctta*. k**
H Aa.»*«.
Soucasn* kosmolufomc, ide po smknutl Uactika Ecjvui paoora no i«.^t«.m a), fl). a) Mcnpawia. ro M Ibe same time. It U rieceeeary to check whether
«J,. uaazuja rnehdlo 3M 529 »te|ne nepCtt |ako Avo h aepweTero Mcway TO-taaHK B- E noa-
cjieayev the motar on tbe panal of BM 539 Indlcatae the
met. MOSaTk MHA«H*Mn«PHCTp (Avowr II ami sama voltage* aa tha Avomat whan tha puift button
Ml clnnost podia a), b], e) apravna, ptlpojlma NR50). miun ea kwoctk? 1 B (13>. rwpf».w«im \1 is doproaaed.
do drtlku me*] B-E mA-metr (Avomet II. naho n;--3e.'tii a npaaroRTpaiiipoaaTb ih>»km »tiih«'-
!, 1( tbe remits of tha tests a), b) and c) are favour-
NI501. stlsknene tlacftke I, (13|. praplnitne roz- H»e ycranoaivnA I. no npKOopyBM —
529 pac able, then a mllliammetar (Avomet II or NRMI
Mhy 1 B kontrolultnir pine vfchylky nastavenlm 1
B 27 Koarpoju I. < tWMtxna.a> npuftoiia Abikct mom- hat id be connected between Ibe terminals B and
na rneridle BM 529. obr. 27. Konirolu 1, pomocl ro oryinec-TMNTV *a«««Haa c 100 mkA k swine G or the transistor holder and, by switching the
Avoaetj mofeaie proved*! od IOC »A v«te. Fro jiia Mnfhurai tokob .w-iecoo6paino McnoaucetiTb I, range*, the f. s. d. ot ibe meter on tha BM 529
mrnll proudr |e vhodne poullt NR50. 0da| A»o- nptttiop MR
riMU3aaMR opaoopa AaOMer II axm panel has ro be checked with the push-button i Ji
I, depressed {see Fig. 27). The Avcmei is appli-

cable for 1, checking from 100 *A upwards. For

lower intensities, tbe digits) instrument nr so has
to be ueed. The difference between no raading on
Sll. prlpedne
vice net o z3H
MR 50 mefldla BM M ae iwnid NRSO a npaoopa BM 529
ipyr or apyra hc rScuiee. kn xa
otaikutkii ttw meter of the 8M529 instrument and thai on
the employed reference nilliamneter must not
exceed 3*.

c . %

© Obr. 27

Rjiut) Cd«| Otfai OJal n*w» ntMIUMIHC n^iwu' Ho— MUM" l» rang* indication Display ladlcatnn
BM529 Nil SO Avoneiu 11 la aM*» NR5G Amen II on BM S29 on NRSO an Avoeiet II

10 mA 10 mA 10 ;n A +3* 10 m A ±3«a 10 n A 10mA 10 hA ±J% 10 hA ±1% 10 mA lOnA UmA ±3% lCnA -r.
1 nA 1mA 1 »A - ?*i 1 BA ±3* -A
1 InA InA ±3*4 ImA ±3«*t IDA 1 nA 1mA = 3% 1mA ±3%
100 hA 100 pA 100 «A £3*t 100 >.A ±3* ITOmA 100 mA I0J MA ±3** 1«'k.a £3H 100 V* 10O »A 100 *A±JH 100 j* ±3*
10 ,*A 10 «A 10 #A±rt* IV NfA 10 wA M) «A ±3*** 10 «*A 10 jiA 10 pA ±i%
I *A |p* 1 /-A ±3% loA I NlA l-AJi'i 1 »A if* ±y> *

lJka'u|e-!l Avomtl proud, tie BM 529 nctnl vychyl- Kvtii A»jMtr noKauiaaer tub. ho BM 529 «e juer If (ht reference mllllammeiar indicataa a current
ku. ebyba v HaCttkove souprave, pfepinacfch
to onuoacHHa. to HeHcap*e*H khoiiohmhk, nepeicno- but the meter on the panel of the BM 529 inalru
nebo mericlm zesllovacl. Tlaciikovcu soupravu kon- sattjra a*a aaMeparrcjivRUfi ycmjumxi.. Kmociot- ment b inoperative -tban Uic dafact Ij either Id
trole]ame podle ichematu. (e-ll zapoleni a soucast- kkk npOKOKTpo^HpoaMTh no cxeMe. EcnH oxen* a ilia pusb-outton lei, In tna teiaclora. or in Ibe
ki ? pofadku. vymenlme MAA502. Medojde-ll anl aatHeant ncapaaau, to BeorJxoaHMo aiNWim measuring amplifier Tba push-buttons nave to be
potom k oca(ran»nl xavedy. je nutno pftttroj po- MAA 502. b.iH aave roue aroro HcacapaBiocn. checked according 10 the wiring diagram of Ibe
alat do opravny. w vcTpawita. to npwoop aieayer ompiBKTk ha pe- Instrument. If the wiring and the cotuponente ire
MgeV, in order, then the operational Amplifier MAA 502
will nave to M
If.even after th« exchange tba Instrument Kill
operate* incorrecUy. it will have to be sent to tne
makers for repair.

»««' 10.4. H[«oi.m.i«hu «jMrpHr t li , 10* TIM *•!«• h„ e*na«f 84 <••<'•'
Katie ».'le

M-.>*ii<iv.- i»i.«nTv U«. I<-. U a mowwo onpeie- If tb: data i;. ,. lc. I, can ba set and the valus
* pBU RBiu)o mefidlo
vffhylkii V tomlo pll- asm hni. ho a prwuHt h f1, npttnop b*ct ot- M ft., measured, but In the mode h.,„ th« :.. tar li

nsiprvs. xda ne svorku B drta- uon*HH«. B 4TOH -.avur ncoAioohmo cHaia.<in npo- inaperattva. then f.rs: of all It Is necessary to
„, h
ilvl stMdava budlcl signal 50 Hi po illi-
N«nM) ne «vorcf B-E siridaf* signal,
nNrrpa.inpiMUTv laJiciMc n^pcwimoro estniajia
soaSysfannia SO Tu BOBM KBHcaTHii b : r Ml ia*u- ^
check whether the AC driving signal of SO Hi
fruquoncy reaches the terminal B of rhe transistor
.!.-.!• ! Ecjm hi aunty B E «rr nepr-
n f „M-«». *<K> *
««<""' w * n61 v boM 9b "• *(• B -i.
- i. ::>' after the push-button h., t has been de-

*" R2fl * Clft -
1 U
* '" " MtrHHoro camiuia. to yfiemthca a h.ijuk tiepe- pressed, ir then » no AC signal between the
ft "•'« *•*•
iignftl ireU 22-23 n> desce s ttsianfml spo|l. Mcimoro cimajia a tow *
munxH h;u. a MX- terminals B and E. it is necessary to ascertain
rau naP*H tseHme meil B-E poraoci nl mlllvolt % Mraciy '.'.'• m CIS m. hskohcii. a naaaiMK nt- wneiher mere is one on the point 9b of the posh
x"ci*)i.. cunuLu newsy 22-23 aaaru hc«ut- -button n n, and oeiween the resistor RZb and tha
nttrvn«pr BM491
HOrO -!.ur.i*i 3TO H.iljM+-iMr KaMcpHCT MO»- capacitor C16. as wall aa between tha points 22
IV B-E C DSMOUlbD M«.l/.Hm-.-IM>«v:|« 1IM, Hi and 23 on the printed circuit board. TM* AC volt-
,a»t stride*? proud % w<« oo apNMfp, BM 494 u$c !»*» to be measured with an AF mlltlvolrmater
•as jkontroluleme,
3atrM auwrotrpuAMpoaaTk pctmjni) ncpcMCHHoro (a. g. BM494J. Then, tha AC current l, flowing

komrolu provodeme sapoktnl podU obr. iou > upoTcnaKXncro » fiaay. 3** sroro nmrpoAft into the bate of tha tested trenilelor has to be
COO'paTb C*tM> DO DM.- 28. cbacked according to Fig. 28.

Obr. la r i a DM i9i

upotenl podia obr. 2a pU ailshnuteca tlaCttku tlo i»rw uo pac 'Z& ,' *a*atw '•• ••• h-|t With the push button b„, dapmuxl. the AC »olt-
c noHOUiuu m TNC-Tpa H'l •* COOpOTK*^* agai moaaurad with an eirarnal mllllvoltmetsr

lac<ordlng to Fig. Ml and depandant on tht mag-


h lr in aim nf mllivoltnetrem na odporu R MmtfH 11. m K >i.n • ho M.iTi Hirnepeuo iunp«xpHH( u oe- niiuda o( -in- stnpioytfd resistor K and itio selected
napWl u -:
1, range should be a> follows:

Booth 1* u- |UHx| 1. Himci It unpncfSOrti) « It range 1 AC signal u5C Hi 1 Bj

10(1 A 100 Q 78 mv +S% 7BU *« 10 «* IWOm 79 nB +1% 790 n*A 100 u 78 mv r j«Mi 7SU mA
h 100 u 7.SB1V +5"» 73 ^ I *,t 100 O* 7.3 «• ..;**» 71 NfA 1 mA 100 u. 7» mv £»%•. 73 jiA

±5% 7»
1 tOtl
r» md ±M*
730 nr.B ' I''* 7X1
7,i hiA
too a
„v +*«*.
1 ** 10 kO «0 «*V ;tS% 71 ;4A I «A UbUn 750 »B _-_3*« ;s n.a 1
WA 10 kQ T50 *V ±49* 73 ^A

Dasitva II m
a svorku B sttldavf signal ale pfl
twin Ht saxim B nocTynaer nepeMeHKhiA cur-Haa, If Mi. AC signal reaches the terminal 9, but the

mefenl h Jk neukazule vfchylku. provede-

siro| pfl «j npHoop npH HJMCpetiKu h. , n« juct oTtMOiw- t
meter doei not indicate in D ;|I raeaauruineni. then
me Komroiu. zda meridlo BM S29 ve tunkcl h,„ ii' a. to neo6w»aK«o yoeaKTfeca a ton, ito trpHDop u is necessary to ctieck wtiethsr II responds ai
reaguv na uridavf proud rae2i C-E. Provederoe v, 539 pexuHe . pearapycr h. nepexeKHug
all io AC signals applied between the terminal* C
iopojeni potile oor. 29. idk Mr*ay KHwrfH C - E CoOpurh cwxy no pec. in i
C in the iriMi. of ii, .. neasurement i"i. teei
has m
ba corded out according io Fig. 29.
v 2apo)cni podie oor. 29 a pn itisknutero tlacuku 6 CICMC no pxc. 29 h npB Md»caTu*i uioniw h>|. He- With in • push-tiuilon Ii;., dvpresaed, the measura-
h ;if in i-.iiin namerti na nsMln \-.-, •* 100 o pro • rtxjiiaMJ na upeaeae li2k ** '0* " ™P" no.iMOM 1
PMBI of ur( according to Fig. 29 has to be corrtad
plnOU i yi liylhn uiftfUl 1 - riopeti U^g. '',:. 111 pel KadpfltUvtlNC Uct
out within the range hiia 100 For I. » d of the —
meter on (ho panel, the following data apply:

KoruH l| Kotian lc ucc fipeaea la npfMi ic HQI 'a in'- Icr "CI

IQO^A 1U0.OIA 0,3 aivt, MO NBA 10O-A "'• 100 ^A tOOaiA 8,3 mV^

- 100«A

mr Z9 'ir 14 Fit 29

1 - RC B<n«rltor 30 H« 1 - i-,.-.»-.i. RCMTa I - BC (teteritor of M Hi

2 - of nvllvaltmntr BM494 2 :v- .,,.,-. ,i:h«|, HH BM 494 ( — AF mutivaitmeir smis*

obvodu B C nwguj^u k» Ecaii acpcxcHitutt i* orkfxoju>t no aeon B - E * If iAC currant flows betwaen I and E. but the
ttridav? proud v
xo.iJKKTop4B* cuki pearspyei na flCpCMelWUV caJJsCuW elrcnir responda incorractly fo AC eur-
ton. ko Mcnpara^uu>. t* -t#acnpaaen -nxiw":'. rant, then fh« d«facl is cllhar In the pushbutton
lUClikw* soupravft nebo odp©rov«ch
ZdvedB v
RWirolulomo podto acbaeaatu. pMpadn* .t ,:< !.'..•
.L.i pOROfJpi* npO*OWT>pOJHpOMTl
-tr.i:-. set or In (as resistance dividers. Tht< appropriaie
n.bo pMslusndho sad- aeawrejiM no r.»ew . i CJiyine HeafiioasiNOCTH. tests have lo bet earned out according to the wir-
"rovcdffna vfmflnu MAA502
Ne»ra*uk«-H P«««wl an' PCO"- >• v-ium'. M\A ~02 b.iu mo ooHspyaeHwoe scroa- ing diagram or the instrument If necessary, the
attio o«pof«-
ntxno ("I P«*« d0 vprobniho rfvodu. oe coupoTiiBaewMe Ecm law? o-jcie *totc npaoop defective resistor or the operational amplifier
»e paobTacr. to ero HeoflroiHMo ampaBnm Ra pe- MA.4 502 has to be exctiaaged. If, even then the
transistor teste* does not operate satisfactorily, it
MOHT Ra !3 it.iroTOBaTe.Tii 3.-.

will have to bo lent to the makers for repair.

F"i 105. Heao-iMOsmo BaMrpUTv y-,,. Tpa*3Se-ropoe 11.5. Tb« value *,„ of FETe can no I be menu rod
Nob* bbbWiI Y,„

PeacuM paSjTu no nxroiaooMy rosy U Cr. Ic mow Tne DC working point U ce, can Do set see
ejnostnern? pracovnl bod UfI I c lie nastavli |vtr
, . c
ho ycTaMoanTb Icm nyim 10. 1; 102.) flpo* items 104, and 10,2. |. It Is necessary to checK
aod 101: 10.21. Zkomroiujenie. Ida moil G -E FETu
BM 494 pripojl- rpoJiapoBaTb, iro Mtmxy G - E ipaHawcropoB FET Wtwtbar tbtre is an AC between the electrodes G
se a jsicvfi sirldave napetJ. Pfistro|
bm«t motto nepeneimoe tunpHXome. nptrOop and E of (he measured FET. The AF mlllleainietrr
me do svorek B- E. Potenciometr U c ne nulu. SUsk-
do polchy l mS. BM 494 noat T--1HI. k :i. *.im i.m 8 - E. noTowtto- |BM 1911 has to be connected to the tennlnata B
neaie tlflCitko Y.|, WepineC y :it
B E 75 nV. xrip U,-. yciatweidT* Ha Hyab Hawaii, hj khookj and E ani the potentlonatar U,. set to aero. Then.
Potent lomctrem Fa nastavime no
Vji,. ili,-.--. io'iiic. ii> yj|« HcpeneCT*
, the push button / . has to be dopresssd and tho
hC. ilorcMUMonrrpOM R9 /CTamsuTh na D E scliirtor |S| y.,„ see to 1 mS. Then, the vol tag* of

V DSiatnlcb polohlch y ;1, nsmerirae; 75 m.B. B ocTa-iwfMx noJioj*<Mim» y.,* cuxnmno 6i*t» 7S raV has lo bit set between R and E with the
n»*epe*«>: potentiometer H9 In the other positions at the
y„„ selector, the Un values should be as follows:

>otaah 1st, Ut« j< yiu Uce y;i. range fee

1 75 mV 1 ic 7S m8 1 mS J§ mV
3 BtS 23.7 mV 1 hC «V «B 3bU 13.7 oV
;j hb BtV
10 raS 7.5 mV 10 «c 10 sal 7.5

X) PS 2,37 at V 10 -c jj:«b 3B ass 2.37 biV


Zapo|en] pfi tomto tnereM jo na obr. 30. CxeMa Ul« 3rOro BSMCpeitKa nosasaMa iu p»c. 30 Th« dU^iani for thia measaremant U Id Pl$ 30.

Kontrolu toUktorovaho obvodu provademt aodle K->m ;


.l cxmu k>... .,-,-;..>> «uDixTHirrv no nymf- Thn collector current clrcnir has to be checked as
daai ,-tbed in item 10.4
7 10.4.
Qbf. 30

Fig 10

10.6. He«»MO*HO HdifcTThisart rpaiUHcTOpu. Hi 8. TraniUfon connected in circuit" cannot dm

:i i> Nell* tkouiet iranitslorf » obvodtek UCHOieHHbC I UtllHX MM
siisknenw naciiko i„ v obvodech. HilAMTh H8 KHOIIKY I| B UCOXJt. The push button I, IM CIRCUITS hae io be depress

K«k nil 7dirk£cli C E a B - E napraxdnu musiinc ;UtcM hj KBarpyvcMinix 3*wa.*u.i C-E a B-E Thon, in AC voltage of 3.15 V RMS must be mea
nam&rii Avomeietn il nebo hm 494 siriddn* unpen atjjiatrw flbirt« iijMe[irHo iumpMW?H>fr 2,15 B.'"^. unable between the unloaded sockets C E anrt
2.15 V„ |Obr. 3l j. Fohtritioinetr l
8 vttixVn no mo- V]>mc. 311 npudwpoi* Afmei II ii-iii BM 49-1. rio- 9 E with an Avomvi II or tliO AF mill. voltmeter
aimviii. TcniiHi>Mcr[i Ij jCT*Hi»BJlcil » novioxtrtiiic KMWHMjr- 0M 484 fFlg. 311. Th« polsnttom Bt«r I, must be tat
'O maximum.

Vot - BaM.

Obr. 1! Pae 31 Ft«- 31

IS - l| v obvodcca U - - i :.':>' It — l| in Circuit*

V u

ttaVidlo vt funkcl a ntbo

I assail ukatovat na
I, MiMtpiiTmKMi> npsOop prariMt a turn Ir iw I rrif miter of ih< Instrument la toe mod« 1, or l c
not vf ebylku, «ni kdyJ na ivorky C E i B £ pf OTKOOHCVIM. MM* tXJIM
l- • •
OO.lWfHUBin HHtCAKUrO must not Indicate any deflection at all even when
wltme odpory l ko. Pak mtzt C E a B E pfipoji k mxkmjm CEhB-E nooiunoMiin coaporHi.se- th« terminals C E and B E art loaded wllh a

MS nt tkouSku obyceinou diodu i mafidlo muai hmc kOh. 3arex * C • E I B - E ooaiunrarv ixi
! resistor of l kO When • Hmtconductor dlods
jki^ovai v^cnyiku. npOMpiH oCUHUUfl BMOfl II Op« JTOM MMepSTCJfc- connected betweun the terminals C - E or B E, the -

Mi.M npnOop ao-nace* Uim oysjiohchmc. ranter must indicnia • deflection

Btiguie II BM 32S pft uvsdant ikoutce nelztli Ecss iipit'uLt BM 529 npH yuuMNH vcnuTaiiHM II Iha BM
529 instrument respond! correctly to lit*
in poiom ntfil. xkOBtrolu]«m« tiaCltkovou sou pcimpyn. ho ccam aaatt nocAc itdto icraHOiHo asova but eneasuremeni it mil impossible.

ptavu. potencKwieir RZ5 a odpor R5 |Z7 0). RJHFpHTh. TO HFOOXOAIMO IipOKOHTpOJMpOMTh >HC- man the push Button att tut to be chocked and
n_-4HKh aoTeHimoMtrp R25 componmjKmte R5 tfle potentiometer RZ5 and ttie reautor R5 (27 Q|

U7 Om). MNi
NetneTI-H tartxenl ani poiom. nutno pMstroj >.a &G3H USX BOCW 3TOrO IipUfVip HC ps.OOT.irt. TO CTO II.even than the defect remains hidden, than toe
Hi do Tfrowimo cavodu. hcoOxoxmno ornpaiuTk u
pewcr ki uson-iuro- instrument must be sent to the maker* for repair

Tsaulka Orotni nap*ri TaAanna y posited HanpsHemt Teste of iolts«e larati

ttefnosmtrna napttl Imtfono pft sill 220 V -ih\ riocnxiMNMe unpAWcvmi (MiHeparrc*. nps **npa- DC voliss" (anesaared st 220 V xlH maim roll
»* m.n err- 22? B jz.%). aajBlt

Hlato mtfani Oro-aft napttl Hifict pftatro] Tooa

•> — - I'— .(-...-. — Ueatunni pom: Voit*|e level

u kond»*aioru CI «V Avomat II mm ssasjaaaassa ci (A R HsissaH On rapartfor CI aav Avo«a4 tt

rahondtnilloruCS-f C4 S2V Avomtt II mi wMuaMcaropu C3 + C4 ni AWNVtlt Oo capacitor C3 C4 + Avomal II
naO»0*chDZ + D3 Z7V * Avomat II » .-.!!.. 0? D2 — AkmctII On diodes D7+D3 I7V Avomat II
na boadaoaaiocu C* 35 V Avomat tl a oaamcaropt CO rll OncapacMorCa WV Avomal II
na kontxniltom C8 2S V Avomal II ssaaiBwawaa fo i: • tl On capacitor Cfl «V Avomat tl
na eondaniltoru Cll 11 Avomal I: >a Boueacarapr CI I in AbomktII On capacitor Cll 11 V Avomal II
netonotniatoiuCn 11 Avomai II
II On capacitor C12 Itv Avomat II

StNdavi aao«ii iin«f«no pfl napttl slta 220 V nepvttnrHoe iunps««iiHe (siaMepaeTCs npH xarrpi- AC voltaie» imaaaured at 220 V ±1H mains volt-
crru 220 B r 1 % 1 Ml:

MittomtPMi Orot«ABsp«il MHKI p#tMr«|

VpoMia HiM*prTr.<MM* MaawrUg Voltiaa Haaaurioi
SMsasai lavtt iMtruraani

lianiTormator CflTMOi TpWcAotMaiDp Mam tranitoraia*



mI tl

• - 11
V RNia
AKtSMKII ia- n.j II 11 - IZ U.S V RMS Avomat II
M-M Ki v^ A <tlMI II U-ia n.% Si n II -M tt% V BUS • v.-.l I)

ypo.no. IDS Measuring

Ml'to me real Orovvft Mpiil M*ncl prhiroi
»«'[*"" npasep point mctuaieni

i*itny tj»| flmrt rrni«J c.iiii >jo' ;

75 mVF i. li 75 -B^, IM*v4 a» — 15 i ,V '-MS DM M4

22-21 1.6* VH Awosiat 11 21-23 1.65 h,:- Akmct 11 22-33 V3MS AVQUlfll II

10.7. SlnlUSJt apn.y 10 7 Soaer r.ioatHkw bkbm peMorrra 10 7 Mar* tavolva* rnpaira

rrisiroi |t ryiobceai podroben prune konirole Kva Ha aaBoie-HsroTOBHTf« npHfiop noaBepraeicfl CTpo- Tim inMrumani nas been aubniuad by '.tie nakara
My nasievenl oOvodc. Vyvofovtrou
souCasil ror*y Ki:iii;.i.!m ntfni scraJtrn n pery.mpQswi* lo alrliu(anl Icata of the quality of thi employed
vyrobnfniu proceau }e venov4na velka pece a v in cxcm. ;!'« paa^wDOTKH m nptmaaojcraa yxc- components and the alignment of IN circuits. The
lift pflpadO )b poutlvAno speclAlnicfl technologic mcrci thjutiaoc•H»H«f»ee * a paae c.iyeeea bc- greatest possible care hat tM«n devoted to the
Itych procesa. ktort me|l ia]latit tidrtcnf vlostnosti nojfcsyiOTCa cnruaa.ifcnuc rcxMaaocMiecicMc opo- development and production aod In many caeea
trlsirote a donloul odpovloa)lcf prosnosti. Presto ueccu c n-.ino o6eciic^fHuii c»xpa>HCHMii iJopuMer special production technology has been applied In
vSak U*liem provozu vllvem starnutf «ou£«tti, pn- poa RpaAofM : aormxciiaia Tpe6y«MOfl tiwik«ctm order to attain me required properties of the In
lotontm k imatk-kych podntlnak a ev*nt )lo?ch I Hc.-MJijM in ..to. a npoiiec«c •h.iv.tj im» na-aa slrumeot and entura Its accuracy. However, after
vllvo la m02e vytkyinoul zAvada. <<> poruel funk- crap#Hua o«Ta.i«a. aoawAcTaua ..wmiith^'khi lengthy operation, due to the natural aielrtf of
el pfUlrolfl. ycJOBHfl M T ft -lit.- i-l>hiih:i. m k .!, i;nmmcn, compoDants, atmospheric and climatic condition!.
xoTopaa Kapyiuirt paAjTOUiJcofinocTk npaioopa. and also other possible adverse influences, a de-
fect may occur which could impair the correct
operation of the instrument.
Pfl vfrnAne vadnyrh soufaslt poii2fve)ti» pou .a ty- npH MMtM Bwiuraumi ms ctpoa BPTajftt cataym When a defective component has to be exchanged,
py. kiert ]$0'i uvede'ny v roipliu elektrlckoch sou- HCnotkaoaun mii.-i :.''; \'-.. ..::-:: :.i a caeiiM- only such a span part nust be used Instead of it
flail. PMIo2ene schema zapojenl a nakresy desek ^HkauHH ..vK'ii:'cv«.!i jrrajieft. ripv^onctHKur which Is given in lbs List of Electrical Compo
% liSir :;::i. spo|l Viui uinadnl pothopenl prlncl- '!i'-:!|.|.»..;:r: CX?MU H n* ll.'iii
. II nana, Tha enclosed diagrams and drawings of the
pu a odstranenl pflpednych zavad HOKTiUca <ti\-
noBam. npHRuan i
.- t-nv- h PCBs will help m compre bending their (unctions
yCTpaHHTh OSMOMHMr H?OCnptaiKXTH and serve as a guide in locating and remedying
a defoci.
V duchu dobre red ice I ma k p. TESLA Brno za|em B '»)T.T IIK1! C lOpOUKft I...;THL!HrM I! |
Oil:: ; »( <( In order to uphold their good tradition. TESLA
m lorn, aby |€ho mafici pflstroje sioutlly mart- ne »Tec^a« Bpwj ai-»w«repeci^a«o tom. tto6w Brno. Nat. Corp., are greatly interested In ensuring
in d I nl pfosnosti 2akazo(kum. Nemate-H proto pfl tra i3MFpiiT«JibHue npHOopu cjiyiKHJiH aajcaruvy that their electronic measuring instruments serve
oprave vhodne konirolni zafl/< if nebo dostatok C KaKClMUIbHOA TOTHOCTbD IIoeTOMy. KAK B Bit- the usar with tnaiimum accuracy. Therefore, cu-
t ktisenosti. doporucuicme vam obratit ni vjrob- m meH paawpawrniiic mct aououim?To KOMTpojikMo- stomers who ba»w not the necessary test equip-
nl podiitk, kterf Van pnsiro) opravl. ro ofl3pyjioaiiMii« h.ih oocTarqmion> ocuiitr, io pe* ment or experience In repair rg sophisticated I

rriaiiol inlleie no adresu: KOMCrlBTCICH u6p*TXT»Ca C pCMOMrOH Ha 3a»»fl- electronic circuits art td>lsed to entrust repairs
TrSLA Brno, k. p.. Furkyftove 99. dI2 43 Brno H3COTQ«l«RJia. to the nakers or to tbelr service organisation.
Adroa setviau mtftclch p*Uuo|£ (pro oeobnl
Bonn nonpooHbic i* uS>pv.i[.na npeaocTamjtKr Detailed information la available from:
TESLA Brno, k. p..
KOBO. aaaninarropraatM npeantjiiimie. K0V0. Foreign Trade Corporation,
Servl* rnaflclch ptfetrojft, Mercova 8a. 2 Jankovcova.

fl|2 15 Brno. ML C, 55*18 170 AS Praho 7, Czechoslovakia



11 1 Depeaee 11.1. Tpei ill Transport

Konitmkr* obela 1* reiens l ohtedem a* snlte&I Kohctcv sitae ripu pemeta c tittoh yMfHuiKttia The packing of laa inurnment has been designed
napfltnych vlivO behem oopravy Dopratu Ize usks- DV.tlCHCTBHI DOCKKMUX S.lHHHMl'l np»H!r-;> < TpUK- with the aim of maximum possible reduction of
tecftovit vttmsl dopravniml prottfedky. Pflstrol nopTHpMKii. TpBHcnjprMpoBiry mo*mo acyia«T- all indirect adverse miiueaces during transport,

viak musl bpt chranen proii pfimym povAirnosinlm n'HTb c so* i.nmi Bern rpaacnop-nux cpracre. Oa- which can be accorapiianed by any transport
vllvflm a pOiobenl leploi nlz&ch not — 25 "C a vyi- iukj, npuOop aojistc* 6uib umiraeH or npaxoro means However, tho instrument must be proteciad
Mcti nei +55 'C. Kratkodoo* *\y"Sam vlhaosti m- acftcntta noroski, a tj»*f ot eoijieftcrsKM TCMne- against the direct influence of adverse weather
ma r n vlasinl prutn] viiv. piTypu mitte -25"C h auuit +-55 *C. Kpanio- conditions and temperatures lower than —
BpcxatHor yn~.:ninnr uaaiuai tte q» or higher then +S5 "C. Trensttory increase of
it.c relet We humidity above the permissible Itmlt
spcawro acAtrsHB Ha ojoctschmo apn5op
hat no detrimental influence en the Instrument.

112 SkladorAal U.2. XpaJKHM 1 1.2. Storage

NeuDalerf pmtro) skladovat v proatredf s tap-

lie Keynaxoaatmuft nfmflop no*m <paHm s cpeae When unpacked, the Instrusaetiil can bo stored in
toiou +3*C pri
at tW'C
oiailmainf relative! c rtMnepsrjpoH t-5"C - -f-WCnpsi MaKtiMa.u>- surroundings whsra the tempereturs is within the
vihkosn do fltlH Pfi kratkodobern ikladovdnl Ua Hl>fl OTHCCRleJbMOA e-ieMtMCTM so 80%. II ps tlpel-
range of 4-5'C to +40*C at s nailmum ralsllve
pfisiro) v totarnlia ot-elu skladovat v rouueil KuaKnctNOH (peHCTtsn wo* ho :ip«<-»p » saaoactroel hunldlty of tp to W«k.
— 23 'C el '* T
pfl relativnl rlhkostl da 95%. ripe ioamrf» (-.! c TM*aeperypoA ot — 25 *C Tor a shorr period of time the Instrument can be
ao -(-55°C m npw unK«c»T«flM*ofl -aawHoc-m ao ttored in Its original packing where the tempe<

95%. ratura ts within thi> range of — 25 'C to +55 *C at

a relative humidity of up to 95H.

V mo. prlpadech fo n line ikledo<-er« pffstroje B oSohx c.-y-m. NfotfvosuiMo ipexsNu* apejfopu In eiiher rate, the instrumoni must le protactad
r r.ir. I- protl p©v*trnosmtm wllvflm ulolenlm ve 11SIUH4-1TI. or sos*eflKTSw« noroau nyreM m* vcts- againsi direct aiiiunpherc InfluencM by placing
Uioi'nuh proitorieh prostOch prechu a v«>parO iiosurii s nosxoaeuisy BOMentniHas fir* mixa m sn- it In a suitable duitfree room where cQenlcal
t chwmlktlll MMbr^KHi Sjectt pniifl fumM art not -present.
Na »kladovan« pTUtro|e noma t>*t uklidln lldny He nwrawoiuf hj spssessM nperftopei senpemstr. Mo other netertel la allowed to be stacked on the
del* material. M ejiaen umA jimAo we* rtsre-pusji. lhclved Initnimtnti.

Na apravneu funkti tvfeh vfrobkfi poakytule k p. npcAopnamc Tecu Epao rapunpyct npaaaua- With ntstouara outsida Ciechoalovakfa. tba (ua
Vala Brno laruku v d£lea tunoven* hoapodaftkfm ii/ii fJtfcn oaoajK aajaejuift a Te*eMe rapaimdliao- ranue condition! tra agraad upon ldiv Mually In
iJkoniktm £ 109 MM Sb va rnAnf C 37/197) Sb ro CpMU JU* UtDUMHW CTpMtt-IJintOa C3B H ITH <""" CAM I Datafll .lh.ni! 'h.
,n r a ;.I,-,. tar ma ara
|§S19H 1)5| (Podrot>B«)ftt ma,.- o dalca rAtutnt niwui. yrraMoaJinaaaro oAbimmn ycsnaa«MH C3B «(*•» in Ihc Gin ran fM C»rttflcata.|
doby Jsou uvsdan; v zlrofofm UNI. I 196* r f«28-30).
Boxat *oapo6mar. umi* o npoaojnmuuaom
rapaKTM*Moro cpou yuawu r»pawTV&Ht>M cut-
: A


ho Si
•M W t '

Resin on RWfl Film 10 HO 0.3 1 TR ;07 IQM/O

*». I»P» •ii- Mai .-«.-- *)«•( C*i» -.".• rgm 2MQ 0-23 1 TR ICO 2H/D
>"«0 x —
RM WU« wound 220HO 2SOV IAK 032 90
R40 Wlr# (rourd 470 2 — TR 636 47
Rl Film HOU 1 10 TR 151 390/
R*l Film •20 a 10 TR 161 620/A
M Film
100 0.25 — Tt 151 100
42 Film 10 KG

0.2S — TR 161 10k

RJ 271) B 10 TR 510 27/A R43 rum 100 kQ 0.25 — TR 15LM1
R4 Film 200 U 1 5 TR 151 280/ MO —
R44 rum 1 C23 TR 151 IM
R5 film 27 0.125 10 TR 112a :7/A Film 10 MO TR 107 10M/a
R43 0.5 1
R7 Film non 0-25 — TR 111 150
Wlro-wouAd 0.055 — IAK 668 90
R40 2
Re Ctrioic 220U 0.5 — 7P 013 220 —
R47 Wlra- wound 0.004 0.5 IAK 060 91
R9 • Cerimx 2200 0.9 — TP Oil 2lO —
943 Wlra- wound 9.04 0.3 IAK 609 82
mo FUB 2iOU 0-23 — TR 131 220
49 Film 0125 TR 101 00(4 ±1H
40.10 1
ma — 2» TR 101 004 — 1H
«ll 220 Q 0-25 TR 131
R50 run 3040 0125 1
HZ ram MOU 0.3 — TR 132 040
Film TR 101 3kOS ±1«*
R51 3.05 kQ 0.125 1
Hi turn ooon 0-5 — TR 132 640
R52 rum 1.65 kQ C.125 I TR 101 3k05 ±1*
R14 torn 19 kQ o.» — TR 1S1 IS* — as
R53 Wira- wound 0.309 IAK 009 93
mi ru. HkO 25 — TR 1*1 15k
Wire wound — 0.5 IAK 060 04
R34 3.32Q
ma turn 310 025 — TR 151 3)0
33 rum 33.2 0.123 1 TR 101 33)2 ±1%
Rl? nia 330 025 _ TR 151 3W

R30 Film 332 KQ 0.123 I TR 161 332 3l*»

ma Film 4» kO 0.25 _ TR 151 M47
R37 Film 3.32 kQ ai29 I TR 161 3k32 il*b
R10 Film 3I.BQ 0.125 OS TR 101 32(0 r«.5*8-l
Rl* Wlra- wound 0.0)5 — 2 IAK 066 65
R!n Film 3.) kQ 0.125 10 TR 21Z 3JC3/K R5fl Wlra WQUOd 0.332 a — 0.9 IAK 666 76
R21 Film 1.5 kQ 0.125 20 TR 2U 1X5/M *6J Wira- wound 3.32 — 0.9 IAK 06191
R22 Film 2M ta 0.125 1 TR 101 2«01 *i«* 81 Film 33.2 0125 I TR 18! 33(2 i iftfc
in FottBtiomcur 2.5 kQ + 2501(0 — IAN 002 83 an Film 132 0125 I TR 181 332 ±\%
R24 Poiantiomaiar 330 5 — IAN 090 93
163 Film 332 RO 0125 1 TR 101 Jk32 —IS
R25 ?ot tot.on war 3KQ 0.2 — TT 100 12E 3k/N
R64 rum 1MQ 025 1 TR LO0 1N7D
R» Film MOO 0.25 10 TR 131 590/A
R83a Film 3*10 MO 0.5 I TR U37 109I/D
rv Wira-wound OJ32Q — 0.5 IAK SM 7B
R05b Film UMO 023 I TR 1061MB/D
R.-6 Wirt- wound 0.719 — 0.5 \> DM
F? — TP Oil 33*
R06 Ca ramie 33 KQ 05
R28 wira-wound I Ma —
0.1 IAK 080 70
R07 Film 3.85 kQ 0125 I TRiai ikes tmi -

R10 WUo wound '.ISO 0.5 iak ew 70 TR 212 10R/M

ROa Film 10 Q 0125 20
R3I Film 7i.5 a 0.125 0.5 TR 101 TltBxO-O**- 1
R09 Film 4.7 0123 20 TR 212 4(7/M
R32 rum 22b 0.129 TR 161 226 £lH 70 Film 0.1 MO 0123 ID TR 111 Mi/K
13 Film 715 0.125 TR 161 715 +l*fc
14 Film 2*Q 0.25 TR 106 2i/D
R35 Film 22kO 0.25 TR 106 22k/D Rj - adfustabta valua
l« Film 270.0 0.25 TR U22/D
ROV - 3X R*5a + R8S0
RJ7 File 2? NO 0.25 TR IDt 2M27D


C a pic r a ri Truilormirs anil colli:

Oon »•>*> Duiina Mm (V*ain| NO IH sl<a| r«o »l afi* "in
Mi tw ..l.r Hai OC
«i»*aa V
* *•
>ia>aa>a C**»
If i ii in

CI ClKirolvlIc aw-F 70 ^ TE 940 02 rranVormoT Til IAN 507 14

a Elect tglyiic ao^- u — TESMfl* Cod 1AK 12521 719 0.1

ca Electrolytic wo^r 35 — TE 9*5 fii i-j 500 0.15

Elactrulytic 530 ,iF 15 — TE WQ] 1-5 HI 0.113

CS EiKlfOlvllC W)^ IS
— Tl oeo s*
4—7 23* 0.13

M E!M !»'." »^ 15 — It M0 -'V 9-9 H 0.115

P Electron ik SOpF M — TE 940 WN • — 11 04 0.113

C8 E'tctroIfiK 100 -F 15 — TE MO 01 11-13 147 0.1

100 ^F 19 TE 0*0 01 13-14 147 0.1

€9 fcltCtralTtll
» 1 0.1 V 27.1
C13 C*»amic 0.1 *T U.J TX 742 lOOn/2
Cll EINIIolfllt */* It — TE 0M *M
<;- ClKt'OltUC S^» IS — Tr SM 1M
r»rth«r •loctrlcal ccmpomMi:
C!3 CattWC Q.) ^ US -20 TE 782 ITOn/2
CI 4 r.wctioift'f :ou«r • — TE 911 01 Dfanrnawo. Ca»p»*tm T»H- mm
r.15 i'r .H ( 220 pF 40 20 TK 774 I20/M


*16 CafaBtC 470 pF N 20 TE 724 «7f>p/M Dloda n: KY1W3O0

4-90" Zwiar Otoda 02. D * 7NZ70 —
CI7 Cvr4n'C 0.1 ^F u .1
TE 752 laon/z Dlide D4. t>5. HP. f»7 D10, Dll KY 110i 150 —
c;a EltCirol'IK 100 ^F 35 — TE SM 01 "VC Z«ar dloda DO. OS EZ271 —
CMctroIrti' lOO^F 13 — TE 550 Gl FVC Zanar dioda D12. 013 KZZ7B —
c;o EllCtrolvtlf •<' J- B — TE 961 3'IM-PViJ DlMlr D14 »D20 KA1S1 • —
C'l titer oi» lit 5Q.F • Tt Ml 5iM PVC *
Intagraiad Cltcuii 101 MAA5M —
+W Gli~ lamp 100 VI 0.15 auk UN 1C> 14
C27 Cuinir lOOOOpF M -» TK 744 10a/* MaaaaiiHR maintmant Ml MP*0: 100 ^ 1A» 777 74
C23 eiwitoifiic s^r 50 — TC #74 «M
C24 i.'i".'H'' */J 50 TCOTW
C25 Caranlc IKOpT H 70 TIC TI4 Inl/H
CM Omwbm »00pF «> 20 tk »4 SnVM
4- so
C27 Caramic loraopF m -20 TK 744 lOn/S

CM CiraaiLC loooupr « -20 TX 744 lOt/S
CM C*ra»ic 1300 pF H 20 TX 724 3B1/M

HsicpaaM* Uc„ MsaiuiiBenl of rK

muad np«Mcp Bxaapm
KSYfll: B - 10: I,. - 100 mA: I, - Id roA KSY81; B~ 10. Ic = WO hA. I, 10 mA KSYH: B - 10; I, - 100 mA; 1, - 10 mA

• •• •


>Mi> II09UM P **-.w

1. StiaknaiiH itoCltko fMF. or n.i-. mutator du drt* I Tb» suth swiian PSP haa to 0a dapraasad. tba traa-
tu • [•ropo|tm« kallkv tvorkovnlca a.i'or 1 atari ad iaio tba holder and lbs plu** m th*
c«nblnaiixt Hold armnaed.
2. itlaknoma tiaCltki la * pfoplnaCtm roeuh Id • po- 2. HjK4Tfc !•«•» I| II D'pMKII'IBWIiaH l>|VJU ll If I ?. Tho pmtt-buiton hi* lo bo d*prmwd and the da-
lotKtnmotrott nailaiaal I* n« j»lmo podia mdfldla TawiaoMrrpot l a rcianourfk tu rtp«*opy !"• 10 *A flection fa — 10 mA mi
wiin tfca la ronga aatacior
ll - 10 mA and tti« poiaaiiemaiet toi !« adjuaimaoi.

l talom Mitknone tltCUko UcM IlloCIUtO n »y«0<l| 3. 3atr»* tiMiarh us monoy UciS Iumiw It mcrycaaaKa) Jib* putO-DUPon Ucii Ml to so depreiied |itie pa mi
buitoa la (ampa auil.

I ir*«n*ma tlotido tr nmiviw p.inc intnetttm 4. Hiun a. ««<xi*) It joaavaara neif->ii|Bw*rTpaai On a. Altai daprantng the pu>h-Miuon Ic- the gt»ea -alwa
IV. ri<«|ns>i u .c na 1O0 mA, rcaaah t na 1O0 mA.
I —i'im» It Kk> •*. iptaa.t It Kit «A Ic — 100 mA haa to M
aat with ih» poianr .otupiar
UfX The Ic raana Hlacior baa io »* em to IQQ mA
i ftitfiiu lUtUta If a ntfidki akaiuw iu&r 18 d l| 5 iVrnyiiau aatonv lr > a|i«i«a> ktiiiUMff U9<ara M 5 Alter rtlMtnc the p«t*A-bottoo Ic. th* motor .ndxa
tcit-03BV. mi*, 1 •- Uci» J.«> B = lot e. k M
dtvtnoat. L 0. Uei» — 0.N V.

iraaenl at y,i,

prikiad npuNcp Et ample:

KF521. N-kanll. prac bod Ua - fl V; U0( -0 V KF521. N-KiiHan. puO«ai lonna U« — 6 B; KF5Z1; N channel, workinx point: Ut - e V;

-* -^ -


1. Tka jmaknuiioo ror N •

aaaaaaM I
npnj anioM da-
praaiad. tho FaT laaartad into Uw aoldai aod Ika
nopaaoa patan plsgs in iQa comblnalUia [laid arrancod.
2. Tke BOlanUomalflr Un baa to bo turoM fullv counlar-
1. Smkatnt tlaCrtko N kanel U| NPN|. aaurrme FET I. Haun> aa «u<*o«» N »-i (f. *. B-p-o). ytraauaan clockwlM (10 jato).
do jtiAr.u ptopoiima kollk) .--n.vn.ru tpaaaacivp II." I * aapa
Tfce puib-Dunoi) In hi> lo bi dapmtMd and Iba
•• '

8i>«n aollaga UtI-o V aai on lh« acaia ot tka

I. rotanckonalf naatavanl Ue vytoclma na nulu |l«vf 2 nareaaavaairp votuou* Uc >craaioaam a DTUMMMauia .y malar.
dorai). (aaaaii rasp) 4. Thaputh'battoa Uca baa lo ba rahuaad and tba
3. Hiakneme llacllko '.': , naatartm* podia atupmce 3. Haaten. u now* LV.i: *cnu«>aara bo onava* npaafafl push bu:to^ i< aaproaaoj. 5it:h an lc ranje hat lo
meiidia ici o v. — Oci = o b De sftlecied wnbln wftlch me netar indicain a
Fuatime tiavitao ;;.,. a silsloraw ilaCHko Ic a pro 4. Unycntn «-m>v > <u<ii hb aanowi lc a ncpa
deflctcilan a. a> it — 6* mA ut it- 10 nA ransa |itua

unm ,. '

ptiem^ fiiuh !,- na lakovwu I loo'i at ntftdlo np»»#i Ir na iim nodu iin*Anp aa< auaw, la tba warrant at Uo* I V|. —
-10 nA
v raaubu itupnic*. oapf
B 0<9
u rorabu lr« aa* onuawafaaa no i;--i.-v a- mi. aana>»?p a* optirar
— -
\ Tba BDib-buiton lc haa lo M
ralaaaad a«d iha puali-
|t lc atA. (To |o proud pro Hon *" lc = 10 *A, It 6.0 *A (T. e. to> aaa Uc« ft). button i;i« deprtssed.
-OV|, a. Tba appropriate y ;; , rnn.no [a. g. 10 mS) kaa to bo
5. PuiMme lc • HHUMbM tiaCfike y: .- 5. Oraycrwi* lc " *••"* aa n>.'-i». • * . - a«:«c:ad aotl ilta Llallaction o( iia coanar a g W
I. ffo^ium foiiih fiM do pfiHulac palol* oapf. 10 mS 6. y<t MMT. iyil t.i. i"l <Q*TTIf»l)HMH I|f BWWaanaX dlvtaieoa. i a. 3.» atS, raad.

a aa Huaalci odectenie napr. d. tj S.B mS. » aaiipMaop. h('

Ill ik in- j '.vmmiii. tuopawp. U
i I.- 7. If tha measuramaar haa lo ba rarrkad out at another
irvHka. TIS al' voltaito Uc within tha rao|« -25 V to +•» V. then
T. CbcefM I
oapall Lc * roiaahti —25 V
merit pfl |UMm 7. Ecu rpelyrrca npoaoaan auitpniw npn apyrcn uanpa the jii-ji buttuti Uc haa to be depressed and toe re-
-*•» V. nmuvUMpri atiatnuiam ilaciiku Uc
lc atom Uo • apaaraaa -M • - -f-JS B. an njOioaaMt qulrad Da value aet aa Iha 10 V acale of Uir mate'.
•XI a alupoica mAFldU ni roxtehu V poCado M m i.^i..i.-i L'g nd - .i|.,i- ;>. i.m npraeae H> B. To*
i. . Tba curreat of tha laatad FCT can be read wiihi
-;'• ••£ the ;. .:

anou hodnotu. Proud PBTu odontoma po ltuknutl paHSKCiopa PCT fftt^aTuBania nocac aaaxataa aa nnxiai iha aelected lc rai)|* afMr -i

Ueflika lc a rouiou Ip If au nprjf-iy lc- binion ki

p •


K V H)M*ptUV« k 3 „ Measuraasefil at b-(.

tip-Hep: Example:
iranusior KF508, NPN. prsc bod 10 V. 5 mA TpaH->urrop KFS08. n-p-n. pafoua TO>nu 10 B. Transistor KF50B: NPN: working point: 10 V. * n>A

Z-po\ea\ pane*

Bass contacts

NMfe !!lfUOI pttOTM PracMars:

1. SIMtacaM llatllko HPN. HHMM irablllloi do <Jrl< 1. IU«.i» mb uaiii| ape. •*«• }nk i •"-"«* • — — Tb« pith button NPM aa* 10 be depieaaed. ihe Iran
ocimn aiatru unmu

ka a propotime koltk* starkowiiea. Itn Sistor lasariad into Uw holder ard the plup in la*
conbiaatlon Held arrange
2. Sitskoenti tloCltka Ucs naiuvltne podia irupalcs 2. !U«m hi RHOmy Uc« JtTaWNm no onit npi&tje I. The paak-batton Ua bat la be depressed «nd the
MHIn u« io v. Vet - 10 I. (Ivan - 1
no i !,
:i a 10 V hi oo the meter Kelt.

3. PuMlme ItsCIIko Uci Ulikneme Ic. rots*}) I

c pN 3. Oiin.i*e» moony Lie* a aaaui* aa aaouay Ic b,«>u 1 The puia-bullon Uct hai 10 be released anl (he
pneioe Go poic-h* Ic 10 siA, n>oltme roisabem U la- Ic atp*eeetj ooaoattnar Ic "* 10 mA. ytraaaaaatai pusn-tnmoo ic depressed. The ic range or 10 mA has
hovoa hodaoiw. abj i>oiiaventn» 1» l»l ai»le*tt proud W*> It- aasfjaajaj ibmc aaainair. iiufe*. |<rauuma K> b« aeledrd, then, each an Is Taage has to b*
lc= 5 bA l)UI. It. n - - 6uaa pnaaajajaas toa Ic
5 mA. i. a. S3 ar- sal wkirh enaalet the teuiig of ins giv*n value of
»*»•- Ic"»3 ovA. L e. 50 diviiloas. bj neaos o! the I|

4. Futtine tucitko Ic a stukneM tlatttko r,-. 4. Orajcnrs aasoay Ic nauTa aa aacaay hjie. i. The ptfiQ-DutiOD Ic hai to N reteasad and me putb-
button ';.» depictacd.

5. Piivitne I UffVTTPfte iitci-ku h,') t (la] i on mi- 5 lU'^DtaiMMtb nptui h>ic n no uKa.tr omiiun l"i «- S. The hiu rango has to t>e selected and e. g. Zl divi-
•I-Juw— «»<**, t. « tin* - 350. sloaa taad an Ih- Kale. L *. fc,i, 2>». —
•tp-'nff /**£##* ij2rc Z *?2

» M

HlMepfKlC b;u Mainmast of *..,

IlpHxep: Cum pit:
KF50I, NPN, 10 V, 10 mA KP506, n-p-D. 10 B. 10 kA KFWfl; NPN; 10 V; 10

?apoiral MUCt

6M. Uoa-Mnaa
Bah comicm

vBLi itfS.

I lop. J

L StNkaaaM ila/liko NPN. aaaunama irauiitor do iirM 1 Hum m na-amy t-p-n. L Attar deprasiiar, tM puih-buiMa NPN. th* trtoiixor
u propo|lBa kollky mvliovnic*. km commute ana+rw a****"*** hat
(tM i
tM Lfiurtd
i.. .i .i [ jii [Mid
into iht
,i i
baMar aid th« plugs in
.i u»".:

1. StlikMma tliclttto ;, i knofllkarc '

. . luauvlma 3 «... ii. u - Uci KfMmoA Icr »«tuomh ua 2. '" puih-ounoB Uct lu> to M dtpmsad and 10 v
U idlMOIr 10 V. njipflopy W B. at on the eaatar ay m«om or ItMUa control.
Ua MiikMM roxun Oraycnm, moasy Uct <um Aliar nlaiBUg i"- puaDDulion Ua and depraiMng
). hiftioN Uaciiko
lc pfr ..ii-i :• aa 10 .;*
• iiiciiku ic


fCt— B* 10 "A.
lc. lc

ho push-button lc "•" raaaa o'

I; - 10 mA hai to

i 1 vol km ro«v«b«oi I, fthovo* bodaoiu. «br potanaio- *. -'-,j« gpuu li. RHMMl »i«'W m«N—. vroAw no- 4 Such aa ! rant* h«« la aalactad which anihlai M
atrao li 111 naitatli proud lc - 10 mA In* terra- •MBMMCTpOR NO*MO 6«*0 fCTmHOBan* KM lc
ll 10 MA ~ (ha tatting of (W (Iran cyrrani lc 10 mA |lo tha —
bou inaciu). (aoapaotOMj aiMKy). rad mark) by ito-im or rhr pjtaniwnuKar li

S. in-, .mi' lc i HHktwmt tlacllko Hsu Mi) a ni mo- 5. " .!-.'>' r> -.('> lc >•*» h «• mi >iii v ii'ii (l>)!
i 5. Aftar rtlaiiliif. tha puih-kutroo lc and copra*ainn
ndii ob etrvait tiupoici run odaeiiiM nipf. 5, M HMCpiTflUKMr apMOOVT tRO luacHO* UMM) Bj|C -.!- putti »ui i.n ii;, f ii,,-. ina raitlias oo tha rad

romti l| -«-to
— fin -s.-: —3 J?£-»

— «HaS—
acala twill b» • .5. Than.

•HfSfv -»

<C»0«<C1Q iliMCpfMtlC Oiiiiiniiiil TOHOB Irjo " 'ciU MaunrrmtDi of Us riMul carraala Lmq aaA !,.„,

MkM flpuMep:
KT173; NPN; U CI — 20 V KF173. n-pn. Uct — 20 B KP173. NPN; Uq - 20 V

ia{o,»ni pane*
D*m contact*

1. Slitkaint tlaCIUO NPN. oaiadlma traailKOI do drla- 1 tlaauTfc hi <«ny n-p-n ycraaoiim iMiii(rt;i up 1. Tht puah-battoo NPN has (o M
lopfnwd lb* inn
u • propo|ima loliky ivorfcovoica. airtat cMimn anvfrn "•••u utior rn«r:*u into iM Boi«sr and tit* plufs is h"
.lohi.u'nui fnid arraftfad.
3. Sliaknaaa tltlliko Ucx knofllkam U(i MMVTRM 2- lh«ur» u -»«). Ugi PI-mo* UctL vcranufan Lii — .'
Mini ,!a^i-r\Mij( ib' i'lisiO'iiim Uci. tha valua I'd
l.t - »
v - M ft >»Vt*i!obiwiT swum of ih. Uci roalML
3. Sf-i in* tlatltka lei • I MMM l tlaCltko lac- Uct 1C4» X TIm au*h button Ug« has M |f r*l*«aad aftd (ha
puuibuitnn leto
4. lotuk lc pMpM*a aa pH«l»tn4 aotobr nap* k - 4 Up- — . 1. n^Nin-n • ifto—W •• t TIm tppfopf it-* lc raaaa. • i if . _A. ha* *• ha
- » -A a u aWUDD odKwmt 3D A I). 03 *A - lao- »P. If - I «»A a ao n#a6«»» M^aratv 30 tax am e. g. »
dinuoBS. l a OS *A I
which it tha
T t- 0.3 MtA - Icto r*ttdul IctoJ. f"*J "" "w naitr.
1 PfM»oatlBi kolttkv |E| kvorkovnlCl nDflnt It*.-, 5 r.*r™ a*g*Mrwiiaa mtn
E oiotrTaiopa inapm V Tht poaiUoa of ila plug E nasi ba iltarad nark, u
|»TU*«di cancrvurtj. pa* maftaio uaaniM
II «. I). IM aA — ).-».-
oapr. m
loo t »M »j> aywanpoM) B laaaj ujtn opatep »•*-
WM>t. ...(.-«-,> lb acaawr*. t . H.J -a - fc^o.
• a.
a daitaad not) tad iM loo vatua oaatui-
B<"»r Mt«Ic«i*i a. *. lc divItioM, • Icao aa i.

— IM oA.

- .

HsKcpattaa iiojoa XMiimni of dladaa

ftlklad: IlpHMCp: Uiampla

GA2W - mama :|Uti( napdti U„ pro pradnl proud UA21H - hoCxoikmo jnoMciircv unpawnnc GA204. Tha voildfa L', K rot i torward currar.i of
i aa U«» JUH U[il«MOrO TOM mA 1 l nA is sought

« «V,".
O " '-C
• • - "

raaiap 'I«|.n»« j*4nv /rooadars:

1 UtUMiU tlaCllho »M. a)*f*ncu alodu wumm ao I 'li«m • .-<>.. a-f-n„ >tt***^m.a l-.J M UMI I 1. !'»>• ptuh button VPS Hit io M Mp-aaaod *nJ lbs
drtshu aoodov m -4-. * wpaut* t b immi -*-
dwda naaaurad .em Mad
id :* isto tha diod* hoi da*
•rub Ha anodt eoa«at;od to -*-
L KoDali k piapnama na 1 mA i :l|- '
r i |
( v •..,..>
, :l ... 1 2. Tha lc raoga ol 1 mA Bai to bt aaloctad.
1 MIMiwbu tlacllko i - 1 v I
Maun ni noniT Uczj- S. Tha Buih-buitoa Ucii rrus: ba daprawad.
t. MIMMM tlaCltBQ lr i M«l«(laM uplin 4 iisBMb u aaaaaj lc » < » 4 WhilM Haspta* tu pwth-buttoe c dspraaaaaj. tha l

la pro k- l a»A. iiiaaaaaina If" I kA. ti*M lc — 1 "»A baa to ba aai antta iba Ocas coauot.
V Tlaflllo lc pVttUH a ia*fl«lo uttn|« napf. 34 d S. Kmmwi lr uaiiMiirk apadoft V V Aftai raiaatua. Iba paifc-buHoa lc tha raatar in<!.<
i], aa I V rotaahu 0.» V*Uu rama*. *. * aa faatiM I B "' 8 U«. tn a. | If divisions -ruble iba 1 V raogs L *
0« - 0J8 V.
aaaiaftat naaaaaaajaaj
l»-»..» r r» u d fey, m plf"-" *. INf Na*.
»4M-a Oa^aaaaai m im. Hal*
(lifts ?pat Let a podia ronahu lc « vfcbflkr odstiama p - .' Oaatv »n aaaa a rs Uci a -• ia>awr lc ora—aami T*a» eat-off turraai t„. can't* aaa araal altar Mattel »
... hapf. pre U«-» V * :«.-« .A. .maatsn I». Hanpaatp, us Um — » B. la* aa 1 nA. ing ota- to FN?. Attar ntting tba Vet »ilua ooca matt
iba l« A valua can m
raid wifhia tba wiaciad lc ran|a
a at Ui*- 10 v. tha valua i«» a «A. —

M -.»<
MlF-.nl Zrnurova Mpfftl U. HiMrpcNHc ruinpKiKrHHN 3ca«pa V t V.'iiurMeii of th* ZaPDr tolUg* C,

I Imii •(; t; ham pie;

KZZ75; U -SmA KZZ75. Ij-OmA KZZ75; lj-3 mA

Ui_J_ :;:: » (5). (ft

•Cdl^iS.S ic ;«ii*irt

Ikpauia pafciiu

I. >li\knenw lltfiiko \l'\ ij.odu rusvnttmi do flrUkt HUM Kiia'Tk ^rrjfc L Tta puib-butioa NPN kaa (o bo d«prtu««d «oC tl« •

AIM laiortou •« mack* -f. !•* TOM" +-. i] uda iDMtiM ni« ika diodi hnldtr W nn caihoaa m
Ronnsc^od lo +.
(. Silikmina iMCHkg U* 2. Ilaiaara, 1a mum) Uf- i Taa puih-budoa Ui nai it> W i-pfo«»o«J.

l smkaam nafiuo Ic Mfkdliw roiuii lc. aipr J iiiato • BMNity lc « arTMuwnb npraia. aaapoara, i m- puin buiioo lc Bm to t* caamsac and a wit-
50 mA • atpHt Oct a«Ma*tma na lakovou hodBtKu. 5*>"A. a •.•.I,.-.-!...- Uct yaraaoaam nam,
attain a»- aala I. raag* Mlaciad t. i aiA. Sock a Uca »ala»

I»fi nit iiMi.iin uktta 90 d. l| I? — 5 mA. fi.l'.uiy. RpMftop IUM1 .«»/.. ii.ii. 10 UIMll. I. B. muit be uri ni which ih* iiaiar indiutn 50 dlvi
ll -
5 -A. Mil. 1 a. tht givtn l« »
5 mA.
J Puilliw HaCllko l< oiAlidlo «jIuiui« 'J* na ilupiic 4. Ommnt imou«v 'r. < jaarptcrnkayft npM&op MMia- I Al(«r relcosm* itw pu«b iultoo la. the meior na)
s roiiahom 10 V oapf pN 11 d- IJ. II V— mm U* bum opexMM 51) B. *nvH*p. up* II C4lm *>
k :i atvuioai on int W V seal* s Ufa
uww "*»
U( - II
ft. — II V,

BM 128 7
o i

Hatwl lyttolort •f tbyrSisn

Pr.ka.l KTVII: PNF'N flpUKcp: KTS91, pn-p-n Rumple: moi; PN»1

-I taataHial currast In* U
<•• lorward alfacrfa.
bl Swiictiot cnmoi Ict of tba coorral
c| Voltax* drop Jr M
'*• lorward dlraciloc

zbytkovf proud v propuitntm iniru i
( ., a) otratoHitia to*, a nr*MN aanpaaiMaaa lm 1. Tba pUBbbutloa KPM Hor a PNPH intn«ror| baa to
t>| splaacf proud ridld ttakirodv lot SI umbo* mm ynpuuxovto M«aipMa Ict ba) daarataad laW tM IbTrlatar IMaataki Ian tba
c| attytok -yi rn.ru • prupiniMm watni Uy a) ruaant xiflpraam ia rapwoopr a (ib**om lunpiaw- hoidar (K E. 8. A-C|. •

>.'U ( Z Tha paiaaiiooiatafa Uo aatd Uu nwaal ba paj to aaro

1 coaniarclockaflM).
Itopiooa paOoru ' ihr puth-butloa Icbo bis lo ba ruprnind
1. rra rrruiar lyp* 7NFN siiikoeiM ilafltto NfN. ty- 1 iUa (apMcropa mat papi aaaum »i naonry n-p-a. 1 itir p«ab Milloa Uci IH 10
MfJawM and u.iH
rotor (iimmi do dd*ku |K E. ». A c
- - n|*"7 acra—™ ajaaiaaaaj III 1, OB. AC).
- aa* la a- | H
V artiai Iba poaaaHWaaatf L',*

I. Poienoorociry Ug • Hot *ri*tlnu dda«a aula. 2 Raff— nfTpu Uq Uri i«ja>jwirr» aaao* apalaaaa na- 4. Atttr rolutuii tM puah-bolloti He*. «flfb a f. tba
X bl-skMBB UbtllaO la» aaauaaa. a* ay» f id** lc "» 10 «A ssloctad tba awiar ladlcatoa 25 dl
4. SUftkBOOM il*t!UO Urt 4 pPUPCiO—tr— L, I Oaaia ). Hiaurv, aa am gay lctQ> »;»«»v L» lip i-3^. —
*ln« napf. V. » 4. Haaaan m aa«M>r Uct ii awgnii|iii Oca frraaw 8. Afiar lapraaatrot tba pwab bwlloaa l B aad Ui Hault
5. Puiiitne urt mtridio nkiiuw upf. ratnti i- u • tv Maapawrp. A & aoamiaiy lb* lc ran (a of 100 atA bos to ba aolactod.
10 M A hodralL 21 d.. I|. Iid - 2.5 ^A V OniycTB-rk aamay Uci * aiMaparaauiKi* npudbp noaaau- 7. ihii u, * ili".' b88 to b« irn.mavd Martini wllb nto.

S. M.suname >oucaan8 iiaCttkj :

100 bA.
Ui, rouih lc na •att, anpaawp, ia apaae
•™-». t a. Itn — J'< «A
lc * 10 bbA auaanr J5 x
q by 'ii mi-, tbc potaanomaitr
wrum UeplD4 tin
nallaa lc oepcaaaadL Al tba) —aan iail wbaa Ibai
7. Zvbllujema il. i nulova tiodixm tVarJanlm pMaorio- 6. li.-.i.. ..>.. »..-»-«... iHonaa la a Hi npaaaa lc 100 bA currant Bttrft to Mow. tarn puhbulton lc

malra L'c pf tHtknultm tlatttkii lc ekacaxlku. 7. yfiiiMiii Ug. M»mi

c *»
apaamia ™-mii'> Buat bt ralaascd; iba Mitr indlcaUs rM let <8lu«.
kdy utkoCl aooocrf proud tymioru. puma* Ua- hit pa U>, npH aaatarMI lc. unwbjbmbit noaaaaua a f, far tba 10 atA ia ramta. tba dafiactlOB ol IS 81-
fliko lc « artfHl© ukatula Ict. #»*. p'o reran b i, FB*a t
FUi-fi>p«. iiri,iri(iw »-i«"( lc
> tip*6«p viatana. (bua lor — 1-5 blA.
10 DA ft «*CrlTlkl If J ! :,-.r
- IJ mA li * BMBMaaB agawia la
aa ~ II) >*A «r- I Wbtn (ba pUBfa-tMiiofi Uca M dapraoaad. Iba puib-
& SiisknaBt fiat.no Urtt (lUCllko la a Ur ».*.<>M a • aan»>aa (nctaaaan 1) mjwkjb. t. a lot — 13 hA •bdRom l« aM Ui iwob Olll; iba tmUt indtcati-i
cntr:dlo ukaiujo m
roxuDu l V kodDotu 'o d t(. 8 liuutt aa aanaay Hot lanaoau la a Uj •rayauatrca) ax f.
78 «l»HJOcia witn«n tua l V raaft; raua, l)r™
Ut — 0-t V, <» a. -r.MX 1 B aa>* «_.—.78 -«— — 0781V.
t.U.- 0.7*1 Noli.
Potnantka: fly-hm— A Hia« can (m maaauiad in Iba mom maiuaar. kowavor
TIIAC ntflaya ilalol )ako lytiator. ala ato-lma Mk pit Tpnaa iianpavtci aaxwnaxao laparropy. nataao «i-'in«:i Hb Tticatiramrni hai to bB Cflrrlad buI Iwlca. with tba
HM t«t I pnp. • ;,- .!.. raa a Bpu ji-a-p. pu>B buUMi* N'-'N and PNf dapraa—d.

IH S2t I
Mahal f$* nn I flknrfick H:MtptHc y, t,
rp*H3K«op(n FET M*aaiir«ra,»nt nl f
lu ml KTi fH—icWJ to clr»Ha
PPIklid: ripHMCp: Example:
KF521; U a -lC V; Uot -0 V KFj21.Uci.~10B. U« = 0B KF521: l'„ - 10 V; U« - V


1. StUknenw HaCHko N kaidl (MPN). mirany FET »H-

lam cue di |!j"("i 6N


po|[mt fleioinflruni podia oioaCuni altkttod ki tdlr-


lopa*M patent:

Hamaia Ha
».if»r|]i u .ii
anonity auiaa (n-p-a). uNtpaetai* FET
a tow
* -«"hi- CUE
K -

c o6ttnutamrH
ruMtmm 5M 529. U
— l Toa FET hav be cooaactad ay tnaani of nana to
the sockets C. B.

E on the panel according »» the
ajacirode mannas*. >m: toe puib-outtoa NPN tar an
N chanaal dapraaaatf.

1. roitmloMU HNimil Uc ryHrflaxe tin aula. 2. II n -in'' i' ' , Uc y<Ta»i«a«T» a ,..•!..«-•. ayaa. Z. Tt»a poioDiiooioior Uc baa to m (uined io aero (coun-
UrcJocVw.ae |

1 Stiikaama (la/Hao U<3 • aaatavlma podia atapulca 3. Haaan hi KHWUfy Uci yCTanoaan. do bum apB^opa 3 ;-... pushbutton Jo baa to ba dapraaaad mil t»a
net id 4 Uci 10 V. - Ud - K> I t v. :.
tea— 10 V Ml oa the meter ecsle.
I. »u«lfM rlaCliko tkontrolaiaaM 'e niiknullm
Urs • 4 Ofnv "« i
• 1
, ;- ii[. .i..>i- [-. ii prsatk lc. »••• 4 After raleaslBg (ha push-button Ilea. **)lb a auirabla
llafltha lc P*l prisluioao ronaiu lc
i'l'/i/i-n-'m h> -ii •)•> ipa ycTanoaaetauM cooratmarunm npoju-
tr, lc tange selected, a. g. 10 mA. lha lc hel to a*
ujif. 10 mA. Odactama rap' 65 J., t). R B)A '
m lc. aanp«Mtp, 10 kA- Oirtatm, aaopa-ep, 85 «**- checked by depressing; tha past-batloo lc. Tba raid-
nun. 1. • U *A. ing will ba a, ; S3 divtMDB*. i. -. fi.l mA.

1. stUkDanw tiaciuu y.m, 3. Kauri ia unnxy v.i,. 1 Taa pusti-buitoa »jn muit d« aapresse*.
B. Prapnama roBMh rit« do prlaluina poloby oapf 6. !!"•' ipcae* yua a eooramnyMme naamoiMt. ft v.,;; (be approjiruta yj lc ran«« aaiaced a. g. 10 mA/
a m »fut>iilci oloCtatna n«pf M J., tt naapaMcp 10 "A.'l 1 nv
20 oaiaaaa,* .. 1,9 mA/B
uk* ii i' ' >i .
< »i • 1 1.
. aaiipamp, /V, iba miiai ladicMta . ». :n dlTUlaaa, L a. U mA/


Keren Ha, tramiiloru xeeatci^ho t abvodcwh HaM(p«iMe h ui Tp«H3RCTopa. MMMN caeny M««ur«ia«il of h ;iE of
uuilHan eouwcurf ta

IlpiiNcp; 'A
KF506. NPN. topojent v obvodecli KF506, D-p-n. iiwuotcrw a «eny Example:
KFWti: NPN: tonnoctecl in circuits


L The trtuisisior 10 ae meaaarad •••<. to be coaoected
Dy means ot tlexea ;o tna sockets C. B. E on iba
paoal according lo tba alecuoda auraUtas. Tit* puah-
- barton NPN nun be dapreued.
Pawnee: Hopaaoa patent:
2. The push-button Ib *
CIRCUITS has ta be depreaod
1. MereD' tiaoriroi p:;.',:..-': leios* loram podle rata- 1 HanepieMuh rp«B3Bcrop nojuanm auypexa n> oooaaa- 3. The base current, usually I mA. hat to Mt on H
Mil. elekirad kc zdirtdn CBE an paneiu BM 529. imu MexTpoaoa * .n*«nan CBt hi naaraa BM 529. ins- scale of iha moiar b> roeBos ut the poteatio-
Silakncmc tlailtko NPN. HanuTK momv n p-i raMar I* wilh rha appropriate range wlectM .'i

1. Stlsknenw tiaOrkn I* V OBVODECK 2. Huu-n> aa aaonKv !d a a«t«- IFor transistors with n.. :F > 100, Is aa 100 ajA or 10 >iA
1 Potencioneirem nastaveni In a pfcpnultm rojsaQu 1 B 3. nowaaBOHrrpOM wraaiwia Ib * rtapeuucaaiea** apute- has to be set l.
r:.i'V-<V rn- ;;'..[:: 30M« ftt "" 1 IDA ;:':!: f Sttip-
J'.t lb v-:n. joi TiM t : Ml .pJlHiU. 1 HA DO OltaJH
i. . .

nUilOupB (|Ul> iMBuacropoa e b;iE * 10O jmUIOMTI. Ij

4. Afiar iMpiCfHlng Uia pu»h-0uiion It, loe collector
current ran be road 4ap«ndant oo the ulected lc
iiict mflfidlo (pro naneisior" ^ h;n 100 nt>U>line
U 100 «A neoo 10 „A) 100 mA if*n 10 miAI. range, a. «. ariUnn tilt mage 100 mA the result m
4. Siisknttnt tlsCliko lc a odecieme proud Kolektcru 4. Hasan m money lc a othhibti roe roxmropa o> npe- :8 dlvlsioDS. .. •. lc = 31 "A. ConBaqueoily,
podle rozsabo lc napr. pro rozsah ic ~ 100 inA ode-
cieoe 56 d.. ij. Ic —M mA Potom
uirt lc>
So oeteiua.
I t.
_is apeaejia lc™10t »A atCMiin
Ic -" 56 *A B ™h toftM n ™- —»rss" D1A

*" '
'** Un.V = -ia Mote:
v/he: -he valui am of a uraJUstor connected la a
Ponamki: npi««iBac circu-t has to be measured, possible also :o pro-
tr is

pf. raefenl hjtr » oDvodscG DflMme postupowit take np» KiMepenKh b-is. s U«ax
M«in«> TOcryn*r» Tia«e ia*. ceed aa tallows The required tc vvtua baa :o be aar ra
tok fi aes.avsmt nejprvc poliduvanf no nflkiettm 4TU CUUM y*T MBMII •It*
"p-lSyitttUl* !c «» M»" ' rha red mark within ona of tae tc rangaa. arhllar kaep-
ronanu aa (eeveaou tet-ku pff
ic ittmnuiam
t)a£ftlru [« ipp.ir/nB lr no Kpaom. loiHc '
aaaiaTot utosae lr a ..u (he o 4si'-:itT'ijn lc depressed. Alter releasing the

a p:: uvolnen) hoSlila ic mOEume odaclsi ig na mflttdle oocae otnytiaiiHa hkqukh ic noawo orcaaran> Ib t» npa* pushbuEton cbo carrani (a can
lc. read an the scan M
(dependent on ibe la range i«leci«d). Then, the value
pud it ziFaieren^ roziahu iaj a telicinu Aiil ofiecfm 5opy ioo yeraaoaMHtioHy npeae^v la) Baaaiaay hat «**
^n *"

DS -:<! lIJDBlt a -'.: "_u..' t puu)<l _:.[ :nln(ii*'.li of hue ha* T0 D> '""^ rad acaia and nnrtipired

aaWBana npc.Trnoo
by Iba ratto ~— of the selected rana;a«.
la in

2 £2 £L

1AF 007 57
BM S29m

! I

Sr.reit aninoi

I M -row- arqwv

«'.-*. L*Y >»( t. * Hit- t"!" t ^*™*

SB 529 - SKUSAfl TRAKI3TOR0V - »oh6mi

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