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LP-D&T-Grade - VII-29 Jan - 2 Feb

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The Science School - LESSON PLAN Teacher Name Abdul Moeed

Number of
Subject D&T Class VII 3 Date 29 Jan- 2 Feb 2023
lessons per week

Working With Materials

Topic Sub Topic Wood Joints

Target Target: To be able to apply different types of wood joint to manufacture products

Objectives Actions of the pupils and the Vocabulary Assessment Tasks Time Resources Written task Homework
teacher in the lesson

Block 1 40min Textbook

-Recall the joining materials Wood joint Assess through Pg 188,189 Observe and Refer to the
discussed in previous classes students’ participation write wooden textbook page
Concepts: in class by that they 189.
(Gluing, Nailing, Screws) products in
What are know the use of joints https:// surroundings and
-Ask some questions from Draw each joint
wood joints? in their surrounding see how they are
www.youtube and write its name
students randomly. products.
.com/watch? joined. How and where it is
Why we join materials? Butt joint many types of
v=jxvOepMFt used.
Skills: bA&t=129s joints you can
What is the difference between
see in your
temporary and permanent Rebate joint Assess through class classrooms?
-Identify discussion that https://
different students aware the use www.youtube.
wood joints Finger joint of different joints. com/watch? Write about
used in the -Ask students to observe v=WnG23WfO wood joints for
surrounding wooden products in Qqc carcases from
surroundings and see how they
textbook pg.
are joined: Assess through H.W 188,189.
task that they
-Apply the use How many types of joints you https://
understand the
of different can see in your class rooms? www.youtube.
method of joining of Write notes on
types of wood com/watch?
In joinery, a carcass (or carcase) different joints. the videos about
joints for v=7yFVbmBxb3
specific is a simple solid box that is k method of Butt
application used as a building block or joint, Rebate
basis for the production of a joint and Finger
piece of furniture. This may joint
-Explore also be referred to as carcase
different work, carcase construction or
types of wood case construction.
joints and
methods of
-Discuss wood joints for
carcases from textbook pg.

-Show videos about method of

Butt joint, Rebate joint and
Finger joint

-Carry out brief discussion

about the uses of above joints.

Concepts: Block 2,3 Frames Textbook Attempt

What are Assess through 80min Pg 189 Worksheet
wood joints? students’ participation
-Ask students why some joints Miter Joint in class by that they
weak and some are strong? know the use of joints
Skills: Wood joints for
in their surrounding
-Recall the wood joints used frames from
Dowelled products.
from carcases and ask students textbook pg. 189
-Identify to share some uses of each.
wood joints
used in the Assess through class
-Discuss wood joints for frames Joint
surrounding discussion that https://
from textbook pg. 189
students aware the use www.youtube.
-Show videos about method of of different joints. com/watch?
-Apply the use construction of Miter joint, v=5cwI7QV__H
of different Dowelled joint and Halving M
types of wood joint
joints for
-Carry out brief discussion Assess through WS
about the uses of above joints. written task that they
understand and https://
identify the different www.youtube.
types of wood joints com/watch?
-Explore Teacher will show some models
different to demonstrate how each joint
types of wood need to be fixed with different
joints and techniques.
methods of
constructing https://
them www.youtube.

Attitudes Content to be covered

Students will Identify and apply different types of wood joints to manufacture wooden products

-Neatly do the
copy work

- Actively
participate in

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