LP-D&T-Grade - VII-29 Jan - 2 Feb
LP-D&T-Grade - VII-29 Jan - 2 Feb
LP-D&T-Grade - VII-29 Jan - 2 Feb
Number of
Subject D&T Class VII 3 Date 29 Jan- 2 Feb 2023
lessons per week
Target Target: To be able to apply different types of wood joint to manufacture products
Objectives Actions of the pupils and the Vocabulary Assessment Tasks Time Resources Written task Homework
teacher in the lesson
-Recall the joining materials Wood joint Assess through Pg 188,189 Observe and Refer to the
discussed in previous classes students’ participation write wooden textbook page
Concepts: in class by that they 189.
(Gluing, Nailing, Screws) products in
What are know the use of joints https:// surroundings and
-Ask some questions from Draw each joint
wood joints? in their surrounding see how they are
www.youtube and write its name
students randomly. products.
.com/watch? joined. How and where it is
Why we join materials? Butt joint many types of
v=jxvOepMFt used.
Skills: bA&t=129s joints you can
What is the difference between
see in your
temporary and permanent Rebate joint Assess through class classrooms?
-Identify discussion that https://
different students aware the use www.youtube.
wood joints Finger joint of different joints. com/watch? Write about
used in the -Ask students to observe v=WnG23WfO wood joints for
surrounding wooden products in Qqc carcases from
surroundings and see how they
textbook pg.
are joined: Assess through H.W 188,189.
task that they
-Apply the use How many types of joints you https://
understand the
of different can see in your class rooms? www.youtube.
method of joining of Write notes on
types of wood com/watch?
In joinery, a carcass (or carcase) different joints. the videos about
joints for v=7yFVbmBxb3
specific is a simple solid box that is k method of Butt
application used as a building block or joint, Rebate
basis for the production of a joint and Finger
piece of furniture. This may joint
-Explore also be referred to as carcase
different work, carcase construction or
types of wood case construction.
joints and
methods of
-Discuss wood joints for
carcases from textbook pg.
-Neatly do the
copy work
- Actively
participate in