Week 7
Week 7
Week 7
E. Discussing new Reporting/ presentation of Reporting/presentation of Reporting/ presenting of outputs Process the output of the how did you find the
concepts and practicing outputs. outputs students activity that you did while
new skill #2 a go?
( Analysis and Discussing)
F. Developing mastery Re view of the video clip Perform the activity: Perform the activity: Identify pictures that show a What are the benefits of using
(Leads to Formative a. Monggo seed a. Water with particles of process of evaporation that are magnet as the process of
Assessment) Water dust beneficial to the community. separating mixtures on the
Why do construction b. Wash the monggo b. Cheese cloth/ filter Waste segregation
workers sieved the sand seed with the water paper Mining and quarrying
and gravel? c. Funnel
Identify the benefits of Create a dialogue why do we d. Water container
sieving the mixture? need to wash the monggo 1. Place the filter paper on
What do you think will seeds before cooking? the top of the funnel.
happen if the 2. Pour out the water into
construction workers another container.
did not sieve the
G. Finding practical You see your mother sieving the Ana was asked to cook beef Observe the result of the activity. Show importance of separating How is it important to use magnet
applications of concepts flour that she will use in making a sinigang. She noticed that fats mixture through evaporation in as a process of separating mixtures
and skills in daily living pancake. Why do you think she were floating. What should producing products that we used. to produce product which are
did it? she do to remove it? ( such as salt and powdered milk) beneficial to the community?
H. Making generalizations What are the benefits of sieving Why do we need to remove Show pictures of faucet with Present a situation that shows Present a video where is magnet
and abstractions about mixtures? : the fats from the mixture of filtering device. beneficial effect evaporation as a used as the process of separating
the lesson Juice extract beef sinigang? process of separating mixture. mixtures that are beneficial to the
Sand and gravel We pour out the water when community.
Why is filtration important?
Flour we wash the rice before
Sugar and rock salt cooking. Why?
Evaluating learning Enumerate the benefits in sieving Modified True or False Underline the sentence that Answer the question briefly. Answer the question briefly.
mixtures. 1. Pouring out the shows benefit of filtration.
water after washing 1. Filtration separates What are the benefits of using What are the benefit of using
the rice makes the petrol from crude oil. evaporation as a process of magnet as a process of separating
rice more nutritious. 2. Filtration makes the separating mixture? mixtures?
2. Removing the fats water potable.
from the beef 3. Filtration separate solid
sinigang makes us from liquid particles.
1. Additional activities for Fill in the mind map the benefits Give at least two mixtures Fill in the mind map with the Enumerate the importance of Search other beneficial use of
application or of sieving. that can be separated through benefits of filtration. evaporation in our water cycle. magnet as a process of separating
remediation decanting and state its mixture. ( at least 5)
benefits of doing it.
ng filtra
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other