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TD 62706

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TOSHIBA TD62706P-H/FA-H TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TD62706P-H, TD62706FA-H 6ch HIGH-VOLTAGE SOURCE-CURRENT DRIVER ‘The TD62706P-H is and TD62706FA-H are comprised of six "TD62706°-H source current Transistor Array. This driver is specifically designed for fluorescent display applications. For proper operation, the substrate (SUB) must be connected to the most negative voltage. FEATURES DIP16-P-300-2.54a © Package Type ‘TD62706FA-H P-H Type: DIPT6PIN FA-H Type : SSOP16PIN © High Output Voltage Vec-Vout = 60V (MIN) © Output Current (Single Output) JouT= — S0ma (MAX) $80016-0-225-1.008 ‘© Input Compatible with Various Types of Logic Weight DIP16-P-300-2.544 : 1.11g (Typ.) Rin = 10k, SSOP16-P-225-1.00A : 0.14g (Typ) ‘® Wide operating temperature range. : Topr= ~40~105°C PIN ASSIGNMENT (Top view) OF 02 03 of 05 06 NC SUB 7 2 PW OS 6 Vee vec ssron:eaas @ TOSHIBA is continually working to Improve the quality and the reliability of fs products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or Tail due to thelr inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to prysical stress I's the responsiblity of the buyer, when utlizing TOSHIBA products, to observe standards of safely, and to avoid Situations Im which a malfunction ‘or failure of @ TOSHIBA product could. cause loss of human life, bodily injury oF Gamage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure thet TOSMIBA products are’ used within spectlied ‘operating ranges. se set forth im the ‘most recent products specifications. Also, please Keep in mind ‘the precautions nd conditions set forth in the TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook. ihe prec described in ws document are subject to foreign exchange and foreign trade contol lows ‘The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed. by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for ary Infringements of intellectual property or ‘other rights of the third Darties which may result from its use. No license Is granted by Implication oF otherwise under any intelectual roperty or other fights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others @ The information contained herein is subject to change without notice 7998-05-15 1/8 TOSHIBA TD62706P-H/FA-H SCHEMATICS (Each driver) aeons O ourry O sus (Note) The input and output parasitic diodes cannot be used as clamp diodes. MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) ‘CHARACTERISTIC symeo. ] RATING — | UNIT 7 Vec-Vee 30 Power Supply Voltage Vec-VsuB. 60 v [Output Voltage Vec-Vour 60 v Input Voltage Vinvee | Wee-Vee |v Output Current Tour = 50 |mATeh| Tnput Current ty £10 mA Po 1.0 Power Dissipation (Note 1) Ww PD 0.78 (Note 2) ‘Operating Temperature Topr =40~105 % ‘Storage Temperature Tstg =55~150 °C (Note 1) TD62706P-H_: Delated above 25°C in the proportion of 8.0mw/°C. (Note 2) TD62706FA-H : On Glass Epoxy PCB (50. x 50 x 1.6mm Cu 40% ). Delated above 25°C in the proportion of 6.2mw /°C. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Ta = - 40~85°C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL TEST CONDITION win | typ. | max | unr Vee |Vee=0v a5] — | 2 Power Supply Voltage v Vsus_|Vec=0V Vour| =| =55 Output Voltage Vour_|Vec=0V oo] — |-s5[v Output Current four = 0 | = | =40 mare Input Voltage Vin |Vee=0V, Vec=25V of; —-]7/v "TD62706P-H — | = [ose Power Dissipation *o _[1062706FAH when mounting | — | — | 04] ™ 7998-05-15 2/8 TOSHIBA TD62706P-H/FA-H ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C) TEST CHARACTERISTIC | SYMBOL cIR- TEST CONDITION min | Typ. | max | unit curr Input "A tevel| Vin] , [VeE=OV zt—-l[—-Ty Voltage _[*L” Level | Vit Vee = 0V — |— | 08 Input 7H level | tin | > |Vee=0V, Vin=2.4V — [or [0.18 | ma Current [7L" Level | lit Vee =ViN=0V, Vec=25V ee ‘Output Leakage Ver =0V, Voc =25V ~ Current tex | > |vin=Vviw max. Vour= -30V 7 fe pm + Collector Emitter Vee =0V, Vec= Vcc MIN, Vee Saturation Voltage |YCEG@®| 4 lviyevin wun. lour=-40ma | — | — | -25| ¥ Supply Current Vee =0V, Vec=25V mn (Output On) 'cc(on) | * |vivevid max. oureut=oren | — | — | ?5| mA FTurn-On Delay ton |, [RL= 14k = [ely Turn-Off Delay torr CL = 15pF = 15] — |“ RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITION (Ta = - 40~105°C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL TEST CONDITION win | typ. | max | unr Voc [Vee=0V as] — | 2% Power Supply Voltage v Vsup__|Vec=0V Vout] — | -55 Output Voltage Vout __|Vec=0V 0] — |-s5[ Vv 2 Circuits rps27oepH | 0 | — | -40 Parallel ON TD62706FA-H| 0 | — | -40 4 Circuits 7D62706P-H_ | 0 | — | -37 Output Current 'ouT | paralle! ON Tos2706Fa-H| 0 | — | =30 4!“ 6 Circuits rp62706P-H_ | 0 | — | -15 Parallel ON TD62706FA-H| 0 | — | -25 Input Voltage Vin |Vee=0V, Vec=25V oe; — 7]V TD62706P-H — | = [036 Power Dissipation *o _[1062706FAH when mounting | — | — [ozs] ™ 7998-05-15 3/8 TOSHIBA TD62706P-H/FA-H ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 105°C) : TD62706P-H TEST CHARACTERISTIC | SYMBOL| CiR- TEST CONDITION wun | Typ. | max | UNIT curr Input "A tevel| Vin] , [VeE=OV m~é]-l—-ly Voltage _[*L” Level | Vit Vee = 0V — | — | 06 Input 7H level | tin | > |Vee=0V, Vin=2.4V 012 | 0.18] ma Current [7L" Level | lit Vee =ViN=0V, Vec=25V es Output Leakage Ver =0V, Voc =25V ~ Current tex | > |vin=Vviw max. Vour= -30V = [730] #8 Collector Emitter Vee =0V, Vec= Vcc MIN, Vee Saturation Voltage Vee sat)! 4 |viy= Vin mine lour= ~40mA 7 | 25] ¥ Supply Current Vee =0V, Vec=25V mn (Output On) 'cc(on) | 1 |vi=Vini max. OUTPUT = OPEN =| 1m FTurn-On Delay ton |g [RL= TAKA, Single circuit = [wl Turn-Off Delay toFE CLs 15pF — [307] “ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 105°C) : TD62706FA-H TEST CHARACTERISTIC | SYMBOL| CiR- TEST CONDITION wun | Typ. | max | UNIT curr Input "7 tel] Vin] es ee ee Voltage _["L" Level | Vit — | — | 06 Input 7H Level |i | > 012 | 0.18 | ma Current [*L" Level_| lit = [= [#10 a Output Leakage Vee =0V, Vec=25V ~ Current tex | 3 |viv=Viw max. Vour=-30V = [7300] #8 Collector Emitter Vee =Vsua =0V, VeK Vee Saturation Voltage _|YCEGat| 4 |vingevin an, Jour - |S) ¥ Supply Current Vee =Vsua =0V, Vec=16V _ To (Output On) ‘econ | * [viv =Vin max. OUTPUT =OPEN 10] ma FTurn-On Delay TON | 5 [RL=T4KO, Single circuit ol—| Turn-Off Delay torr CL = 15pF = [30[ — | “ 7998-05-15 4/8 TOSHIBA TD62706P-H/FA-H TEST CIRCUIT 1. Vine Vits lec 2. Ue NL. Ve ec Vic ton vee “ “th Lvsus A agus 3. Icex 4. Ve (sat) M cc — ce Veen J . i our A hla b Ah bse 5. ton, torr Yee Input condition Poise Voc VsuB GENERATOR ourrut TD62706 25V_ neta VIN : Pulse Width 50s Duty Cycle 50% t= 5ns 445 10ns C1 =15pF (includes probe and jig capacitance) PRECAUTIONS for USING Utmost care is necessary in the design of the output line, Vcc and GND (SUB, Veg) line since IC may be destroyed due to short-circuit between outputs, air contamination fault, or fault by improper grounding. 7998-05-15 5/8 TOSHIBA TD62706P-H/FA-H lin — VIN (ON) tour - Vin E 5 1 23 Zz « 3 2 = t : I i : : 3 7 3% : By 50} 3 ol J a yas a neu VOLTAGE v-Vee_ 0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE Vn-Yee if Ve Pp - Ta [Diype Open A z [Sma Oe ss oon Ha * g 2 g g 2 i é a a a Bw as Os Fomwaso is VTAGE ve nes rewrenarure Te CO 7998-05-15 6/8 TOSHIBA TD62706P-H/FA-H OUTLINE DRAWING DIP16-P-300-2.54A Unit : mm. 16 9 | -e 3 =I 3 § 0.7351vP Weight : 1.119 (Typ.) 7998-05-15 7/8 TOSHIBA OUTLINE DRAWING ‘SSOP16-P-225-1.00A 4,640.2 TD62706P-H/FA-H Unit > mm 6.540.3 (225mi) be 0.20) 1.0) 8.7MAX 8.20.2 1 o 3 gs q ca Q = =! 2 S 33 e S Weight : 0.149 (Typ.) 7998-05-15 8/8

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