Journal Pone 0293345
Journal Pone 0293345
Journal Pone 0293345
The ichthyological provinces of Mozambique are understudied hotspots of global fish diver-
sity. In this study, we applied DNA barcoding to identify the composition of the fish fauna
Citation: Muhala V, Guimarães-Costa A, Macate IE, from the coast of Mozambique. A total of 143 species belonging to 104 genera, 59 families,
Rabelo LP, Bessa-Silva AR, Watanabe L, et al.
and 30 orders were identified. The overall K2P distance of the COI sequences within spe-
(2024) DNA barcoding for the assessment of
marine and coastal fish diversity from the Coast of cies ranged from 0.00% to 1.51%, while interspecific distances ranged from 3.64% to
Mozambique. PLoS ONE 19(2): e0293345. https:// 24.49%. Moreover, the study revealed 15 threatened species according to the IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species, with elasmobranchs being the most represented group. Addi-
Editor: Feng Zhang, Nanjing Agricultural University, tionally, the study also uncovered four new species that were not previously recorded in this
geographic area, including Boleophthalmus dussumieri, Maculabatis gerrardi, Hippocam-
Received: May 1, 2023 pus kelloggi, and Lethrinus miniatus. This study represents the first instance of utilizing
Accepted: October 10, 2023 molecular references to explore the fish fauna along the Mozambican coast. Our results
indicate that DNA barcoding is a dependable technique for the identification and delineation
Published: February 6, 2024
of fish species in the waters of Mozambique. The DNA barcoding library established in this
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
research will be an invaluable asset for advancing the understanding of fish diversity and
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of guiding future conservation initiatives.
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Funding: This research was financed by Conselho north with extensive coral reefs, a wider platform in the central part with river outflows and
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e weaker ocean currents that form sandy banks, estuaries, and deltas, and a southern coast char-
Tecnológico (CNPq) through a research project
acterized by wide beaches, bays, and seagrass beds with numerous endemic species [7–9].
407536/2021-3, 309916/2021-6 and the APC was
funded by Pro-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós- Investigations into fish species diversity on the west coast of Africa remain in their early
Graduação of the Universidade Federal do Pará. stages, largely due to a scarcity of both traditional taxonomists and those employing molecular
The funders had no role in the study design, data tools for taxonomic inference within various fish groups [10]. Accurate classification and iden-
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or tification of fish species are important not only for taxonomists but also for various types of
preparation of the manuscript.
research, including fisheries, natural resource surveys, forensic studies, the discovery of cryptic
Competing interests: The authors have declared species, and the identification of species not previously known and their conservation status
that no competing interests exist. within a specific biogeographic region [11–15]. The impacts of lacking knowledge on ichthyo-
fauna may have even greater repercussions because research focused on fishing activity can be
seriously compromised [16].
Historically, surveys of fish fauna off the coast of Mozambique have primarily relied on tra-
ditional methods of identification, which use morphological features and meristic counts to
distinguish and define fish species [17, 18]. However, due to subtle morphological differences,
complex evolutionary patterns in certain groups, and the existence of cryptic species, these
methodologies may not always overcome the challenges of accurately identifying species,
resulting in an underestimation of the true diversity of ichthyofauna [19–21].
These concerns are particularly significant for international organizations focused on biodi-
versity conservation, which have traditionally relied on the rigid concept of species. This con-
cept has recently been widely challenged by the more comprehensive and integrated
approaches adopted by modern taxonomy for classifying living organisms. [22–24]. Although
there is consensus that species represent the smallest independent evolutionary unit, their rec-
ognition remains a subject of debate [25, 26], potentially impacting conservation efforts. Fur-
thermore, morphological identification of fish can prove challenging task if not conducted by
specialists, leading to inaccurate identifications [27, 28]. Additionally, previous genetic studies
have shown that molecular identification may not align with identifications based on morpho-
logical characteristics in some instances [29, 30]. This highlights the importance of carrying
out a systematic and comprehensive inventory of ichthyofauna using standardized DNA-
based methods.
In response to the limitations of classical taxonomy, DNA barcoding has emerged as a
widely adopted research method for accurately identifying species [31–33]. This technique,
which relies on the diversity of the Cytochrome C Oxidase I (COI) gene region within mito-
chondrial DNA, serves as an alternative to traditional taxonomic approaches. DNA barcoding
has proven crucial in enhancing the accuracy of species identification and is especially valuable
for differentiating between diverse and poorly understood flora and fauna that necessitate spe-
cies delimitation [31–37].
Large-scale investigations of ichthyofaunas across various ecosystems have demonstrated
that utilizing the cytochrome oxidase I gene captures a significant proportion of known diver-
sity [39–42]. However, it has also helped to reveal previously unknown diversity [43–46]. This
method is successful due to the availability of reliable DNA barcode reference libraries in the
BOLD Systems (Barcode of Life Data Systems) and GenBank [38]. New DNA barcodes can be
analysed with available data to check for potential taxonomic conflicts and improve taxonomic
resolution [46].
Considering the remarkable potential of DNA barcoding to identify fish species and consid-
ering the still unknown fish assemblage in the coast of Mozambique, the aim of this study is to
employ this approach to establish a DNA barcoding reference database for the composition of
the fish fauna off the coast of Mozambique. This will have significant implications for our
understanding of diversity and could contribute to future conservation efforts for marine spe-
cies in Mozambique.
Fig 1. Map of sample origin areas. All the yellow dots correspond to the total areas collected along the coast. The points marked with A to E Are Specific
illustrations of the different sampling areas.
Delagoa Basin in the south, the highly productive and rich Sofala Bank in the central region,
and the São Lazaro Bank further north [48, 49].
Sampling was conducted randomly across all coastal provinces of the country from Decem-
ber 2019 to April 2022, considering both dry and rainy seasons (Fig 1). Different fishing gear
(trawls, surface, and bottom gillnets) commonly used in the country’s artisanal fisheries were
used for specimen collection. The collected samples were stored in ice boxes and transported
to the sorting site, where a substantial portion of the specimens was photographed, and tissues
were removed. The specimens were identified to the lowest taxonomic level based on the
nomenclature used by the vendors and using species identification keys specific to South-east-
ern Africa [50, 51].
Approximately 50 mg of muscle tissue was collected from each specimen and preserved in
1.5 ml Eppendorf-type microtubes filled with 96% ethanol. The samples were stored in a
freezer set at -20˚C. After the initial collection of tissues, the specimens were transported to the
Evolution Laboratory at the Institute of Coastal Studies of the Federal University of Para,
located in Bragança, Pará, Brazil, for the purpose of generating genetic data.
Analysis of Barcode Index Numbers (BIN) [57] was conducted for species delimitation,
based on uncorrected p-distances, which provide a single BIN for each Operational Taxo-
nomic Unit (OTU) obtained from the COI sequences. The analysis of BINs reveals the maxi-
mum intra-specific distance and the minimum inter-specific distance that overlap and allow
for species identification. The aligned sequences, primer pairs, trace files, taxonomic informa-
tion, and collection data were deposited in the Barcode of Life Data Systems under the project
MOZFH [57]. All Barcode Index Numbers (BIN) and GenBank accession number are
included in the Table 1.
3. Results
3.1 DNA barcoding results
In this study, we generated a final alignment with 419 sequences of the barcode region of COI
gene with a length of 622 bp. Of these, we only used sequences with a length of 400 up to 622
bp for genetic analysis. The data correspond to 143 species, 104 genera, 59 families, 30 orders,
and 4 unidentified taxa (Table 1 and S1 Table). All samples were assessed morphologically and
then subjected to DNA barcoding evaluation to confirm their identification. There were two
classes (Teleost and Elasmobranch) of fish samples, including 392 and 27 respectively, which
were acquired from local artisanal fishermen at landing sites and fish markets. For more details
of the NJ tree clustering and composition see (S1 Fig).
The species composition was represented by Carangidae (16 species), Sparidae (10 species),
Serranidae (9 species), Haemulidae and Lutjanidae (7 species each), Scombridae and Mugili-
dae (6 species each). The remaining families were composed of fewer than 5 species (Table 1).
The sequences generated in this study were all submitted to the BOLD Systems and the species
list details are provided in (S1 Table).
The final analysed database had no insertion, deletion, or stop codon, indicating that it
accurately represents the mitochondrial COI fragment. Sequences with poor quality DNA
were excluded from the analysis. The nucleotide content showed the following average fre-
quency: G = 17.77%, C = 28.74%, A = 23.88% and T = 29.61% with an average GC content of
The NJ tree included 143 distinct OTUs with high bootstrap support of 70/99 (Fig 2). The
specimens belonging to the same species exhibited clustering based on both morphological
Table 1. List of the 143 fish species, from Mozambican coast waters, which were DNA barcoded.
Order Family Species Authorship Status Conservation BIN Accession
Carcharhiniformes Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus leucas (Müller & Henle, 1839) VU BOLD:AAA6060 OR284674
Loxodon macrorhinus (Müller & Henle, 1839) NT BOLD:AAA6751 OR284672
Sphyrnidae Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith, 1834) CR BOLD:AAA2402 OR284675
Myliobatiformes Dasyatidae Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789) EN BOLD:AAB7830 OR284662
Maculabatis gerrardi (Gray, 1851) EN BOLD:AAA8673 OR284658
Pastinachus ater (Macleay, 1883) VU BOLD:AAC1400 OR284664
Myliobatidae Rhinoptera sp. (Cuvier, 1829) - BOLD:AAC7667 OR284652
Plesiobatidae Plesiobatis daviesi (Wallace, 1967) LC BOLD:AAF2578 OR284653
Acanthuriformes Acanthuridae Acanthurus mata (Cuvier, 1829) LC BOLD:AAE4025 OR284615
Naso brevirostris (Cuvier, 1829) LC BOLD:AAC1635 OR284418
Anguilliformes Muraenesocidae Muraenesox bagio (Hamilton, 1822) LC BOLD:ACK7558 OR284694
Beloniformes Hemiramphidae Hemiramphus far (Forsskål, 1775) - BOLD:AAC0565 OR284496
(Continued )
Table 1. (Continued)
Table 1. (Continued)
Table 1. (Continued)
Fig 2. NJ tree illustrating the relationships among Mozambican fish species based on DNA barcode sequences. The NJ
tree includes both teleost and elasmobranch fish species, constructed using K2P distances from 400 pb barcode sequences
(COI). Bootstrap support values are represented by dots at the nodes. Images credits are given to i-iii, vii, xii—(Pollerspöck,
J. & Straube, N. 2022,; iv -; v—
Infofish Austrália; vi–FishBase; viii-; ix-FishBase; xi -; xiii -; xiv -; xv -; xvi -
characteristics and genetic similarities, demonstrating a coherent relationship between the two
aspects. No evidence of taxonomic deviation was found in any of the species’ group, indicating
that the DNA barcoding approach accurately identified the analysed species.
Table 2. Summary of the genetic divergence based on (K2P percentage) at each taxonomic level.
Label n Taxa Comparisons Min Dist (%) Mean Dist (%) Max Dist (%) SE Dist (%)
Within Species 352 101 504 0.00 0.21 1.51 0.00
Within Genus 166 25 399 3.64 12.53 23.43 0.01
Within Family 246 19 2002 8.27 17.67 25.52 0.00
Fig 3. Barcoding gap: Maximum intraspecific Kimura 2-parameter (K2P) distances compared with the minimum
interspecific K2P distances recorded in fish species from the coast of Mozambique. The graphs show the overlap of the
maximum and mean intra-specific distances with the inter-specific (NN = nearest neighbour) distances.
there is more than one lineage that has not been discussed previously. On the other hand, the
data also showed the presence of the Great Seahorse (Hippocampus kellogi) in the Central
Province of Mozambique. This specie is listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List, and its
occurrence is known only from the Indo-Pacific region of Southeast Asia.
The other significant finding from our study was the presence of one of the most invasive
fish species, the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), which is native to East Asia. This
species is classified as "Near Threatened" and has spread globally, including in the Limpopo
River in southern Mozambique. Rhinoptera sp was also recorded in this study. However, the
occurrence of this species in Mozambique is not officially listed in the global fisheries database.
Our molecular data also allowed us to detect for the first time, the presence of Pangasius djam-
bal [61], which is known from Southeast Asia, Dentex macrophthalmus, which is distributed
from the Mediterranean Sea to the eastern Atlantic [62], and Fistularia petimba, which is
found in the western Atlantic [63].
4. Discussion
This study has demonstrated the utility of DNA barcoding to supplement morphological iden-
tification. These results are particularly important because, while the DNA barcoding method
has been applied globally to identify fish species, this study provides, for the first time, an over-
view of the marine fish diversity in the coastal region of Mozambique. This will make a signifi-
cant contribution to our understanding of the understudied diversity in the Indo-West Pacific
biogeographic region.
This study substantially improves our comprehension of fish species and families inhabiting
the Mozambique Coast. The prominent occurrence of species within particular families is
attributable to both the availability of specimens in the examined areas and the presence of
economically important fish species. For instance, the Labridae family is especially abundant
in southern Mozambique [64, 65]. In terms of family representation, this research ranks
fourth, identifying 60 distinct families. This number is lower than those reported in previous
studies, which recorded 90 and 94 families respectively, all using morphological identification
methods [65]. Since morphological identification is prone to errors that can lead to misclassifi-
cation of species, this study presents the most accurate and reliable assessment of fish diversity
along Mozambique’s coastline to date.
Accurate DNA barcoding species identification relies on their intra- and interspecific
genetic distances. Consequently, closely related species may be readily detected in nearby geo-
graphic regions of occurrence. To be considered as species divergence, intraspecific genetic
distance values must exceed 2%, which is the established threshold for species delimitation
[41]. However, no specific threshold has been defined for interspecific or interfamily genetic
distances. In the current study, the mean K2P genetic distances for the barcode region of the
COI gene at the species, genera, and family levels are: 0.21±0.00%, 12.57±0.01%, and 17.29
±0.00%, respectively (Table 2). The average of K2P genetic distances among species, genera,
and families in this study was analogous to findings reported in other studies [31, 66, 67].
However, the minimum interspecific distance observed was substantially greater than that
reported in [68–70] for fish in the China Sea, which can be ascribed to the increased taxonomic
diversity of fish species in the present study.
In the present study, six species had low genetic distance from each other and clustered
closely and two of them were not identified at specie level. The nearest neighbour of Rhyncho-
batus australiae is R. djadensis with 3.72%, Oreochromis mossambicus X O. niloticus with
3.68%, Epinephelus malabaricus X E. coioides, Selar crumenophthalmus X Selar sp and Caesio
caerulaurea X Caeseo sp (Fig 2). These species, which we could not identify at species level,
suggest that they belong to the same genus. Therefore, it is very likely that the sequence of
these two morphospecies belongs to the same genus [71].
The barcode gap method was highly effective in distinguishing and delimiting all possible
species. Despite the identification of 143 species represented by their respective operational
taxonomic units (OTUs), some of these OTUs had remarkably low intraspecific distance and
were treated as single species, yet were grouped into separate OTUs, such as Molgarda sp1
(OTU-72), Molgarda sp2 (OTU-73), and Selar sp. (OTU-138), and Selar crumenophthalmus
(OTU-139) (S2 Table). This scenario arises when there is insufficient data in public databases
to match the analysed specimens.
species worldwide [76]. The exact circumstances surrounding its introduction to Mozambique
for aquaculture purposes, remain unclear due to the inexistence in the list of produced specie
in Aquaculture. It is possible that the presence of this species in the region may be attributed to
flood runoff from South Africa [77].
The presence of Lethrinus miniatus in the western Indian Ocean is surprising, as it is gener-
ally found in the Western Pacific, the Ryukyu Islands, eastern Philippines, northern Australia,
and New Caledonia [78]. Previous records of its occurrence outside of this range are misidenti-
fications with another species of the same genus, Lethrinus olivaceus. However, our molecular
data, when compared with studies conducted by [79–81], affirms the existence of Lethrinus
miniatus in Mozambican waters.
Our study also documented the presence of Fistularia petimba. This species has been
reported in several studies as spreading into new areas, including the archipelago of the
Azores, Portugal [82], the Aegean Sea [83], the southern Iberian Peninsula [84], the Mediterra-
nean Sea [85, 86], and the Syrian coast [87]. Notably, Fistularia petimba has also been recorded
in the Gulf of Carpentaria in Australia [88]. Up until now, there have been no previous con-
firmed reports of its presence in the waters of Mozambique.
In summary, we provide strong evidence of the effectiveness of using DNA barcoding to
accurately discriminate and identify many marine and coastal fish species examined thus far.
The COI divergence patterns corresponded with morphologically recognized species; how-
ever, in some cases, the molecular data revealed previously undetected genetic divergence
within a group and instances of low interspecific variation. The presence of cryptic taxa is rela-
tively common among marine animals, emphasizing the need to consider the possibility of
neglected diversity and the occurrence of species complexes. The more comprehensive the bar-
code library, the more useful it will be for the Barcode of Life Initiative [89]. This study repre-
sents a significant contribution towards consolidating DNA barcoding as a global system for
identifying life forms and enhancing our understanding of the genetic diversity of Mozambi-
can marine fish.
However, even among experienced taxonomists, consistent application of species names
remains a challenge, especially when cryptic diversity is present. This is reflected in the conflict-
ing names applied to specimens within the same BIN by different research groups. As the collec-
tion of global data increases, barcodes and BINs will play a vital role in integrating taxonomic
feedback and significantly contributing to the standardization of names at the international
level. This standardization is crucial for the sustainable management of the world’s fisheries.
Supporting information
S1 Table. List of the identified species with detailed taxonomic information. The list of spe-
cies is from Eschmeyer’s Catalog of Fishes and GBIF.
S2 Table. Cluster sequence result. The distribution of sequence divergence at each taxonomic
level based on the Pairwise Distance model.
S3 Table. Summary of the distance based on the K2P model. The Distance Summary reports
the sequence divergence between barcode sequences at the species, genus, and family level,
and contrasts the distribution of within-species divergence to between-species divergence.
S1 Fig. Phylogenetic tree (NJ) of all studied species.
We thank Manuel Carlos Lopes, Arnaldo Rumieque, Eusébio Fiquisse, Lucinda Cuamba,
Afonso Muhala, Celia Cassamo, Osvaldo Muhala, Graça Malavi, Iolanda Lameira and Ger-
trudes Ussene for their contribution in acquiring and systematically identifying part of the
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Valdemiro Muhala, Aurycéia Guimarães-Costa, Adam Rick Bessa-Silva,
Iracilda Sampaio.
Data curation: Valdemiro Muhala, Luan Pinto Rabelo, Luciana Watanabe, Gisele Damasceno
dos Santos.
Formal analysis: Valdemiro Muhala, Aurycéia Guimarães-Costa, Luan Pinto Rabelo, Luciana
Watanabe, Gisele Damasceno dos Santos.
Investigation: Valdemiro Muhala, Isadola Eusébio Macate, Luı́sa Sambora.
Methodology: Valdemiro Muhala, Isadola Eusébio Macate, Luciana Watanabe, Luı́sa
Project administration: Iracilda Sampaio.
Resources: Marcelo Vallinoto, Iracilda Sampaio.
Software: Valdemiro Muhala, Luan Pinto Rabelo.
Supervision: Aurycéia Guimarães-Costa, Adam Rick Bessa-Silva, Marcelo Vallinoto, Iracilda
Validation: Valdemiro Muhala, Marcelo Vallinoto, Iracilda Sampaio.
Visualization: Iracilda Sampaio.
Writing – original draft: Valdemiro Muhala.
Writing – review & editing: Valdemiro Muhala, Aurycéia Guimarães-Costa, Adam Rick
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