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3RD Quarter Gen Chem

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March 25-26, 2024
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (1 point each)
1. Which among the following is not included in the close each measurement is to one another.
group? a. Accuracy c. Precision
a. Biology c. Chemistry b. Measurement d. Significant figures
b. Ampere d. Matter and Life 12. It refers to the closeness of the average value
2. A scientists who trained to apply chemistry to the actual or true value, or the most probable
principles in various works. value.
a. Chemists c. Biologist a. Accuracy c. Precision
b. Farmer d. Physicist b. Measurement d. Significant figures
3. It refers to the study of matter, its composition, 13. What are included in the study of chemistry?
its structure, its properties and process that a. changes that matter undergo
matter undergoes. b. composition of matter
a. Organic chemistry c. Inorganic chemistry c. properties of matter
b. Biochemistry d. Chemistry d. none of them
4. It refers to the study of carbon-based 14. Which of the following is an example of physical
compounds; change?
with few exceptions like carbon monoxide. a. burning wood b. melting ice
a. Organic chemistry c. Inorganic chemistry c. rotting banana d. rusting iron
b. Biochemistry d. Chemistry 15. Which of the following is NOT an example of
5. It refers to the study of compounds that do not chemical change?
contain carbon. a. burning wood b. melting ice
a. Organic chemistry c. Inorganic chemistry c. rotting banana d. rusting iron
b. Biochemistry d. Chemistry 16. In which state does matter have the lowest
6. It refers to the study of the chemistry of living density?
systems. a. air b. liquid c. mixture d. solid
a. Inorganic chemistry c. Organic chemistry 17. What state of matter is characterized by a
b. Biochemistry d. Physical Chemistry definite volume and an indefinite shape?
7. What are included in the study of chemistry? a. gas b. liquid c. mixture d. solid
a. changes that matter undergo 18. Which of the following is a chemical property?
b. properties matter a. color b. flammability
c. composition of matter c. smell d. temperature
d. all of the above 19. Which of the following is a physical property?
8. Which of the following illustrates the importance a. chemical stability b. melting point
Of Chemistry to daily life? c. reactivity d. toxicity
a. It helps us understand gravitational force. 20. Which is an extensive property?
b. It explains the existence of day and night a. density b. melting point c. odor d. volume
c. It explains the difference between animal and
plant cells. Test II. RESTRICTED ESSAY
d. It gives us ideas on the composition of the Direction: Answer the following based on your own
materials we use understanding. (5 pts each)
9. Why is chemistry referred to as the central 1. What is the main contribution of matter for you
science? as a student?
a. Historically, it is the first science. 2. How chemistry change your life?
b. It has the greatest number of specializations. 3. Differentiate Extensive and Intensive Property
c. It is essential in the study of all other fields of 4. How can you say that a substance is in gaseous
science. state?
d. There are more chemists than any other TEST III. Enumeration
scientists in other fields. Direction: Enumerate the following: (1 point each)
1-10- Give at least 10 names of an elements
10. It refers to the ability of a substance to undergo with their corresponding symbol.
changes to transform into a different substance.

a. Matter c. Chemical Property

b. Physical Property d. Reactants

11. It is a set of measurements that refers to how Prepared by: Ainon T. Salendab
Subject Teacher



Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________

Score: ___________

Test I. Investigatory Activity (30 points)

I. Directions: Investigate and analyze the given situation. Explain the phenomenon.

Based on the kinetic molecular model, solids usually have higher densities compared to liquids.

However, ice, a solid form of H2O floats on liquid water which means ice is less dense than water.
What do you think is the reason for this observation? What is the biological significance of this concept?

II. Investigate and analyze the given situation.

Provide a detailed explanation for each case.

Water is present in almost every living thing, including human beings. It was discussed that water
molecules are held by Hydrogen bonds. What do you think will happen if Hydrogen bonding in water
does not exist at all.



Direction: Answer the following questions. (5 points each)

1. How viscosity happened? Cite a scenario.

2. A paperclip in a jar water tend to float above. Why this happened? Explain your answer.
3. How Big Bang theory explained the formation of heavier elements?
4. Explain briefly the differences between Intermolecular forces and Intermolecular force.

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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