Est Micro
Est Micro
Est Micro
Mr. DOMBE OMKAR ANIL. (23213020035)
Prof. Ms.Dhumal.S.
1 Certificate 1
2 Content 2
3 Acknowledgement 3
4 Abstract 4
5 Introduction 5-14
6 Conclusion 15
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a membrane based process technology to
purify water by separating the dissolved solids from feed stream
resulting in permeate and reject stream for a wide range of
applications in domestic as well as industrial applications. It is seen
from literature review that RO technology is used to remove dissolved
solids, colour, organic contaminants, and nitrate from feed stream.
Hence RO technology used in the treatment of water and
hazardous waste, separation processes in the food, beverage and paper
industry, as well as recovery of organic and inorganic materials from
chemical processes as an alternative method . This paper intends to
provide an overall vision of RO technology as an alternative method
for treating wastewater in different Industrial applications.
The present short review shows applicability of RO system
for treating effluents from beverage industry, distillery spent wash,
ground water treatment, recovery of phenol compounds, and
reclamation of wastewater and sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO)
treatment indicating efficiency and applicability of RO technology.
Now a day’s water scarcity is burning issue. As it is quite
obvious that there is day to day increase in population, the demand for
water also increases to satisfy the needs of the community there comes
a necessity to redesign the existing treatment plants, or design the new
treatment plants. Redesign or design includes hydraulic design and
process of treatment of water in the plant. For hydraulic design of the
plant, we need to forecast the population. We forecasted the
population by geometrical method. To design the treatment process of
water we need to know the properties of raw water.
Purity of water and water for purification are concepts rooted in Indian
culture. The perception of quality of water for different purposes is
intuitively present in the language and minds of people. And similar
are concepts of water used as a purifying agent in daily activities and
rites. Along with these, different practices for treatment of water and
protection of quality of water are also imbedded. Boiling of water for
drinking, using herbs for cleansing of water, protection of drinking
water wells from surface pollution are all examples of traditional
knowledge and practices of water quality and protection of safe water.
In certain communities it is a belief that 'natural water' such as water
from wells as opposed to 'artificial water' coming from pipes is more
suitable for purpose of rites.
Also, some communities consider energy agents such as
electricity as being artificial, therefore impure. These age-old
concepts are now changing and slowly being evolved and merged
with modern scientific-based ideas of water quality, pollution,
protection of water and water treatment. Any new technology that
gains acceptance within this society in flux needs to keep pace with
these evolving perceptions and beliefs about water quality.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that
uses a partially permeable membrane to remove ions, unwanted
molecules and larger particles from drinking water. A reverse osmosis
plant is a manufacturing plant where the process of reverse osmosis
takes place. An average modern reverse osmosis plant needs six
kilowatt-hours of electricity to desalinate one cubic metre of water. [1]
The process also results in an amount of salty briny waste.
drain. The SOV apens to send the safe drinking water through the
membrane once the water is drawn from the RO faucet and the tank's
pressure falls.
Raw Water Tank: The most common RO storage tanks can hold
two to four gallons of water. Thanks to the bladder located inside the
tank, the water remains pressurized in the reservoir when it's full. RO
tanks are typically 15 Inches tali and 12 Inches in diameter.
We all know that access to clean, fresh water is fundamental to our
health and wellbeing, and filtering our water ensures that this is
achieved. Most water filters remove harmful chemicals and bacteria,
which if consumed can cause diseases and general ill-health. We live
in a pollution- ridden and highly toxic environment which can lead to
a number of health problems. As a result, the demand for good RO
water purifiers has increased drastically. The advanced purification
process removes dissolved impurities and microorganisms from water
to make it safe for consumption. Many small communities like
residential complexes have today set up their own RO plants. This is
often necessary in overcrowded cities where municipal supplied water
is clearly inadequate. A redundant RO plant will be mean the loss of
supply that these communities depend on.
Reverse osmosis removes contaminants from unfiltered water, or
feed water, when pressure forces it through a semipermeable
membrane. Water flows from the more concentrated side (more
contaminants) of the RO membrane to the less concentrated side
(fewer contaminants) to provide clean drinking water. The fresh water
produced is called the permeate. The concentrated water left over is
called the waste or brine. A semipermeable membrane has small pores
that block contaminants but allow water molecules to flow through.
In osmosis, water becomes more concentrated as it passes
through the membrane to obtain equilibrium on both sides. Reverse
osmosis, however, blocks contaminants from entering the less
concentrated side of the membrane. For example, when pressure is
applied to a volume of saltwater during reverse osmosis, the salt is left
behind and only clean water flows through.
The RO membrane is the focal point of a reverse osmosis
system, but an RO system also includes other types of filtration. RO
systems are made up of 3, 4, or 5 stages of filtration. Every reverse
osmosis water system contains a sediment filter and a carbon filter in
addition to the RO
How to reduce wastewater in an RO system:
1. Add a permeate pump. Installing a permeate pump to a reverse
osmosis system is the best way to increase its efficiency. Permeate
pumps reduce the wastewater from an RO system by 75 to 80%. Not
every reverse osmosis system is designed to use one, so make sure the
one you choose is plumbed for an additional pump.
2. Choose an RO system with an automatic shut off valve. An ASO
valve stops the flow of water to the drain once the storage tank is full.
3. Use the RO reject water for landscaping or artificial lakes. Drain
water has higher levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), but it's safe to
use in your lawn or garden.
Where the number of refrigerated coolers was station 22, where receiving water
on three lines, and reduce the temperature from 75 degrees to 32-34 degrees by
the ventilation towers, so as to save them from evaporating as we mentioned
earlier, adding that the disposal of elemental iron and magnesium by oxidation
and then disposal it
Second : Softeners
After reducing the temperature and disposal partly of Calcium and Magnesium,
at this stage to get rid of the material impurity by sedimentated in the basin
round ,andnumber it four basins and time of two hours and capacity of 600 cubic
meters for each basin , the addition of a "polymer" helping to sedimentation , as
well as at this stage to disposal from Fe and Mn by sediment it and other
materials such as imperfection of magnesium and calcium (to remove water
hardness) at the bottom of the softness with the material deposited and then get
rid of them all. It is noted that 5% of the amount of water coming from the
cooling system does not pass through this stage, but proceed immediately to the
Sand Filters, and the goal is to maintain the number of simple elements and
compounds for water
Third : Sand Filters
Before it enters the water to this stage, will be add a substance acid to rid it of
the rest of the iron .The number of sedimentation basins are twelve basin , and
where the ten basins under the work and the remaining are two for washing , and
arewashed to rid it of sediment , and is the transfer of water from the bottom of
soil to top and then the opposite From top to bottom. The major benefits of the
basins are:
1) Removal of the remaining suspended solids (5% - 10% )
2) Removal of about 90% of bacteria
3) Removal of iron and manganese
4) Removal of color and taste
The sand used in filter has several properties and methods at its disposal and
organized , and kind it be a Single-Medium Sand Filters-as in the picture Down -
and you must change the sand every four years for each filter, and where losing
the filter at each washing 4% of the productivity of the plant .
Objective at this stage is to remove the dissolved solids in water and its final
Here is stored distilled water coming from RO.PLANTS, and we note that the
water is distilled and perfectly free from any elements and compounds so we
have to mixdistilled water with simple partial amount of water coming directly
from the Sand Filters, even contains a small amount of the main elements and
important of water. Also added at this stage of chlorine to kill bacteria and the
remaining water tomaintain in the future than any other viruses.The goal is to
save water and maintain the balance of the pumping .Then pumped water from
the store to the water networks in Riyadh by the amount of 500 meter cubic per
hour for this plant only .But sludge is disposal in sewage and does not return to
the plant again.