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Journal of Functional Foods 89 (2022) 104938

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Journal of Functional Foods

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Antinutrients: Lectins, goitrogens, phytates and oxalates, friends or foe?

M. López-Moreno a, b, M. Garcés-Rimón b, *, M. Miguel a
Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de Alimentación (CIAL; CSIC-UAM), Madrid, Spain
Grupo de Investigación en Biotecnología Alimentaria. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 28223, Madrid, Spain


Keywords: The intake of foods derived from plants has been proposed as an useful strategy in the prevention of several
Antinutrients chronic diseases. However, plants also possess a group of substances known as antinutrients, which may be
Lectins responsible for deleterious effects related to the absorption of nutrients and micronutrients, or exert beneficial
health effects. This review compiles scientific evidence regarding the physiological impact of some antinutrients
(lectins, goitrogens, phytates and oxalates) in the human health, their negative effects and the culinary and
Plant-based diet industrial procedures to reduce their presence in foods. It can be concluded that, the effects of antinutrients on
human health could change when consumed in their natural food matrix, and after processing or culinary
treatment. Accordingly, some of these compounds could have beneficial effects in different pathological con­
ditions. Future research is required to understand the therapeutic potential of these compounds in humans.

1. Introduction resistance, cytokine storm and endothelial damage, complications

characteristic of this disease. As mentioned above, fruits and vegetables
Rapid population growth worldwide, and changes in the eating are rich in antioxidant phytochemicals, and it has been suggested that
behavior are contributing to a massively imbalanced and unsustainable they could be useful in the prevention and better prognosis of COVID-19
future for the planet. The intake of plant-based or plant-forward eating severity through the beneficial effects on these pathways (Bousquet,
patterns focus on foods primarily from plants has been proposed as an Cristol, et al., 2020). However, plants also possess a group of substances
effective strategy in the prevention of several chronic diseases, mainly known as antinutrients with a potential deleterious effect (Alatorre-Cruz
those related to an increased oxidative stress (Olaya et al., 2019). The et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2020; Tripathi & Mishra, 2007).
consumption of plant-based foods, that includes not only the con­ Antinutrients such as lectins, glucosinolates, phytates, oxalates,
sumption of fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils, whole tannins or saponins, among others appear as a result of defence mech­
grains, legumes and beans, has shown to have beneficial effects on body anisms with which plants protect themselves from the surrounding
weight (E. Tran et al., 2020), glycemic control (Toumpanakis et al., environment. Antinutrients are plant compounds which have tradi­
2018), lipid profile (Yokoyama et al., 2017), inflammatory response tionally been considered harmful to health due to their potential to limit
(Eichelmann et al., 2016) and cardiovascular disease (Toh et al., 2020). the bioavailability of essential nutrients (Phan, Paterson, Bucknall &
In fact, fruit and vegetable consumption has been associated with a Arcot, 2018). For this, different processing and cooking methods have
reduction in the risk of all-cause mortality (Olaya et al., 2019), and it has been studied to reduce their quantity in foods (Nugrahedi et al., 2015).
also been suggested that these benefits are partly due to different However, in recent years, these so-called anti-nutrients have become
bioactive compounds mainly present in plants such as phytochemicals known to possess beneficial effect and therapeutic potential on several
and dietary fiber (Kim & Je, 2016; Kris-Etherton et al., 2002). In addi­ diseases (Petroski & Minich, 2020). The purpose of this study was to
tion, due to the pandemic situation facing today’s society, recent examine the scientific literature of some substances classified as anti­
ecological studies have observed a lower coronavirus disease 2019 nutrient compounds, providing current evidence of their properties,
(COVID-19) death rate in those countries with a higher consumption of focus on the potential risks, benefits and clinical implications. This re­
vegetables (Bousquet, Anto, et al., 2020). In COVID-19, endoplasmic view compiles scientific evidence regarding the role of anti-nutrients
reticulum stress and Angiotensin-II-AT1R axis pathways are associated lectins, goitrogens, phytates and oxalates in the human health. More­
to an increased oxidative stress and with the development of insulin over, it examines their negative effects and the different procedures or

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: marta.garces@ufv.es (M. Garcés-Rimón).

Received 22 October 2021; Received in revised form 22 December 2021; Accepted 4 January 2022
Available online 13 January 2022
1756-4646/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M. López-Moreno et al. Journal of Functional Foods 89 (2022) 104938

approaches to reduce their presence in foods; and, based on the recent to the activity of enzymes in the digestive tract. Thus, lectins may
research, the new evidences about their potential bioactive properties interact with intestinal epithelial cells, modifying intestinal perme­
(Table 1). ability (Muramoto, 2017). In addition, it has been demonstrated in an­
imal models that the intake of high doses of isolated lectins, produced
2. Lectins alterations in the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, leading to increased
permeability, the activation of the immune system and the alteration in
Lectins are a type of glycoprotein with noncatalytic carbohydrate- the absorption of nutrients (Alatorre-Cruz et al., 2018; Gong et al.,
binding sites grouped according to their species of origin in animal, 2017). However, using different conventional processing or cooking
algal, bacterial, fungal and plant lectins (Mishra et al., 2019). This techniques, the lectin content can be reduced. In this sense, boiling
binding occurs through a carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD), processes (95 ◦ C for 1 h) reduce the hemagglutinating activity of the
present in the peptide structure of the lectins. Depending on their origin, pulses between 94% and 100% (Shi, Arntfield & Nickerson, 2018). In the
each type of lectin has a characteristic structure and specificity. Animal same way, germination and fermentation have also proved capable of
lectins have higher specificity for hydrocarbon complex structures, algal reducing the lectins content (Cuadrado et al., 2002). Moreover, cooked
lectins for glycoproteins, bacterial lectins for glycans, fungal lectins for pulses have been used in human intervention studies and no harmful
N-acetyl galactosamine and plant lectins for monosaccharide and effects have been observed (Nciri et al., 2015). As mentioned above,
oligosaccharide (Fig. 1) (Hooper & Gordon, 2001; Kilpatrick, 2002; different culinary treatments reduce the lectin content of foods, which
Kobayashi & Kawagishi, 2014; Van Damme et al., 2007). In particular, modulates the potential health effects. To date, no human studies have
plant lectins are found in nuts, cereals and mainly in the seeds of legu­ been conducted to assess whether cooked foods are a practical source of
minous (El-Araby, El-Shatoury, Soliman & Shaaban, 2020). Lectins have lectins, which confer positive health benefits. The potential health
the capacity to agglutinate red blood cells through their reversible benefits of lectins described in scientific reports correspond to purified
binding to specific mono-oligosaccharides and oligosaccharides present compounds intended to develop pharmaceutical products. Administra­
in glycoproteins and glycolipids (Sharon, 2007). Among their main tion is not associated with the consumption of foods of plant origin
characteristics, it is worth highlighting that they are relatively resistant because the dose must be controlled.
In last years, and despite of the unwanted effects associated to the
consumption of unprocessed foods which contain lectins, different
Table 1 studies are suggesting the therapeutic utility of lectins in the diagnosis
Potential biological activities of different anti-nutrients. and treatment of several diseases. In this context, it has been described
Compound Biological activity Experimental Reference
that lectins could be helpful for cancer because of their potential anti­
model angiogenic (Bhutia et al., 2016), antimetastatic (Sinha et al., 2019) and
antiproliferative activity (Panda et al., 2018), both in vitro and in vivo. At
Lectins Antiangiogenic In vitro, Murine (Bhutia et al.,
Models 2016) the clinical level, a few studies have evaluated the usefulness of lectins
Antimetastatic In vitro (Sinha et al., 2019) as a possible antitumour agent. A complete remission of a colon ade­
Antiproliferative In vitro (Panda et al., noma was observed after intratumoral injection with a lectin-rich
extract obtained from mistletoe (Viscum album L.) (von Schoen-
Antitumoral Case report (von Schoen-
Angerer et al.,
Angerer et al., 2014). Also, the coadjuvant administration of mistletoe
2014) with standard chemotherapy in patients with stage IV non-small cell
Antidiabetics Murine models (Sawant et al., lung cancer has shown an improvement in survival rates (Schad et al.,
2017) 2018). Apoptosis and autophagy pathways by stimulating the synthesis
Immunomodulatory In vitro, Murine (Mazalovska &
of caspases and other proteins have been suggested as the potential
Models Kouokam, 2018)
Antimicrobial In vitro (El-Araby et al., mechanism of actions of antiproliferative properties of lectins on cell
2020) lines of human cancer (Gautam et al., 2020). Although further studies
Glucosinolates Antiproliferative In vitro (Chatterjee et al., are needed to corroborate these promising results and to assess the po­
tential issue of toxicity (Mazalovska & Kouokam, 2020).
Chemopreventive In vitro, Humans (Tahata et al.,
2018; Traka et al.,
Furthermore, the possible effects of plant lectins on metabolic com­
2019) plications have also been investigated. Thus isolated lectins from seeds
Anticholesterolemic Murine models of Abrus precaterius L., known as Gunja or Jequirity, have reported
Antiinflammatory In vitro, Murine (Valdivia et al., antidiabetic and hyperlipidemic activity for the treatment of diabetes in
models 2020)
alloxan monohydrate induced diabetic rats (Sawant, Randive & Kul­
Antiasthmatic Humans (Miękus et al.,
2020) karni, 2017). Similarly, purified lectins from Cratavea tapia bark, used at
Neuroprotective Murine models, (Brown et al., a fixed dose by intraperitoneal administration, have shown hypoglyce­
Humans 2015) mic activity as well as have improved renal liver complications in
(Schepici et al., alloxan monohydrate induced diabetic mice (da Rocha et al., 2013).
2020; Shiina et al.,
Purified lectin-like proteins from Agaricus bisporus, the common “button
Phytates Antioxidant Humans (Sanchis et al., mushroom”, have revealed a potential in different pharmaceutical ap­
2018; Zajdel et al., plications such as antidiabetic and antiproliferative properties, both in
2013) vitro and in vivo (Ismaya, Tjandrawinata & Rachmawati, 2020).
Anticholesterolemic In vitro, Murine (Onomi et al.,
The potential immunomodulatory activity of lectins has also been
models 2004)
Antidiabetics In vitro, Murine (Omoruyi et al., well documented and lectins have also shown antimicrobial, antibac­
models, Humans 2020) terial, antifungal and antiviral properties (Mishra et al., 2019). Legume
Neuroprotective In vitro, Murine (Anekonda et al., lectins have demonstrated antimicrobial and antifungal activities
models 2011; Xu et al., against Candida albicans. The inhibition of microbial growth might be
Chemopreventive In vitro (Abdulwaliyu
due to the agglutination effect observed on microbial cells (El-Araby
et al., 2019) et al., 2020). The antiviral activity against a variety of viruses has been
Antiosteoporotic Epidemiologic (Fernández- studied (Mazalovska & Kouokam, 2018; Mishra et al., 2019). In fact, the
Palomeque et al., antiviral effect of lectins on Herpes simplex virus, Ebola or severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been recently

M. López-Moreno et al. Journal of Functional Foods 89 (2022) 104938

Fig. 1. Types of lectins according to their origin. (A) Plant lectins derived from Canavalia ensiformis, PBD code 1VLN. (B) Animal lectins derived from Rattus rattus,
PBD code 1RDJ. (C) Bacterial lectins derived Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PBD code 1UZV. (D) Fungal lectins derived Lacrymaria velutina, PBD code 2C25. (E) Algal
lectins derived Griffithsia, PBD code 2GTY. (Taken from Protein Data Bank).

described in vitro (Mani et al., 2020). Although the exact mechanisms are thiocyanates led to a reduction in thyroxine levels with the consequent
unknown, these compounds appear to act at the viral attachment stage thyroxine deficiency in animal studies (Rao & Lakshmy, 1995). How­
or at the end of the viral cycle of infection (Mani et al., 2020). ever, the results are heterogeneous and the adverse effects of goitrogen-
rich foods are only observed in diets with low iodine intake in epide­
3. Glucosinolates miological studies (Hassen, Beyene & Ali, 2019; Knight et al., 2018).
Therefore, taking into consideration all this evidence, it seems cautious
Glucosinolates are a series of compounds belonging to the family of that in people with thyroid disease or risk of it, the consumption of this
the goitrogens mainly found in cruciferous plants such as broccoli, type of food cooked with iodized salt should be prioritized to reduce the
cauliflower or cabbage, among others (Felker, Bunch & Leung, 2016). possible adverse effect on iodine bioavailability (Petroski & Minich,
They are secondary plant metabolites constituted of a core structure 2020).
with a β-D-thioglucose group linked to a sulfonated aldoxime moiety and In the same way as lectins, after food processing or cooking the
a variable chain derived from amino acids (Fig. 2) (Redovniković, concentration of glucosinolates is significantly reduced. Thus, after 5
Glivetić, Delonga & Vorkapić-Furač, 2008). During the mastication min of boiling process, a 51% of reduction in total glucosinolates has
process, glucosinolates are converted into a series of derivatives such as been observed as a result of cell lysis and diffusion, which triggers the
thiocyanates, isothiocyanates or epithionitriles by the enzyme myr­ action of endogenous myrosinase activity on glucosinolates (Hwang &
osinase (Prieto et al., 2019). Traditionally, the intake of glucosinolates Kim, 2013). Pre-processing associated with freezing may also influence
and derived compounds have also been linked to harmful properties for the glucosinolate content, thus in frozen Brassica vegetables a greater
the human body, and it has been described that their consumption cause reduction of total glucosinolates after cooking has been observed
an altered thyroid function and an increased risk of various thyroid compared to the same treatment on fresh vegetables (Pellegrini et al.,
diseases (Tripathi & Mishra, 2007). The reason for this association is 2010). This may be due to blanch-freezing prior to boiling which causes
because these compounds may reduce the release of iodine from the a softening of the vegetable matrix. Other techniques such as micro­
thyroid gland by acting as a competitive inhibitor of the sodium/iodide waving appear to be able to reduce the glucosinolate content between
symporter of follicular thyroid cell (Di Bernardo et al., 2011; Tonacchera 17.3% and 27.4% (López-Berenguer, Carvajal, Moreno & García-Vig­
et al., 2004). However, this association is controversial when evaluating uera, 2007; Rungapamestry, Duncan, Fuller & Ratcliffe, 2007). On the
the scientific literature on the toxic potential of glucosinolates. On the other hand, steaming has been shown to cause a lower loss of glucosi­
one hand, an iodine-deficient diet combined with the intake of nolates than those observed with boiling and blanching mainly due to
differences in leaching losses (Nugrahedi et al., 2015). In the case of
fermentation, the bioconversion has been described of these compounds
into derivates such as isothiocyanates and ascorbigen (Nugrahedi et al.,
2015). Moreover, it has recently been also shown that the absorption
and bioavailability of glucosinolates are influenced by the activity and
composition of the gut microbiota and therefore determines the final
effect of these compounds in the organism (Sikorska-Zimny & Beneduce,
However, these results are controversial and other epidemiological
studies have found a link between the consumption of crucifers and a
reduced risk of thyroid cancer (Peterson et al., 2012). It is also striking
Fig. 2. Generalized structure of glucosinolates. R indicates the variable side
chain of amino acids (Taken from Redovniković et al., 2008). that higher urinary levels of thiocyanates and lower iodine levels were

M. López-Moreno et al. Journal of Functional Foods 89 (2022) 104938

observed and a thyroid function was not further altered in vegan pop­
ulation (Leung, LaMar, He, Braverman & Pearce, 2011). Regarding that
foods classified as goitrogenic contain different bioactive compounds,
they could be responsible of the protective effect against thyroid cancer
observed in some studies (Fiore et al., 2020). In fact, sulforaphane, an
isothiocyanate from the crucifers, have shown to have an apoptotic and
anti-proliferative effect in thyroid cancer cells (Chatterjee, Rhee, Chung,
Ge & Ahn, 2018). It has even been related a low intake of glucosinolates
or isothiocyanates with an increased risk of breast cancer (Zhang et al.,
2020). Similarly, the usefulness of sulforaphane as a chemopreventive
agent for melanoma was also reported in a pilot study in melanoma
patients with multiple atypical nevi (Tahata et al., 2018). Glucor­
aphanin, an glucosinolate from broccoli whose hydrolysis product is the
isothiocyanate sulforaphane, appears to be able to modulate the
expression of oncogenes related to inflammation processes and inhibit
prostate cancer progression in men on active surveillance (Traka et al.,
On the other hand, it has also been suggested that the previous
catalogued compounds as antinutrients could also exert beneficial bio­
logical properties for the organism improving metabolic and neurode­
generative diseases. These health benefits of glucosinolates can be Fig. 3. Generalized structure of phytates, which are the main phosphorus
attributed in part to the regulation of pro-inflammatory signaling storage molecule in plants seeds (Lesjak & Srai, 2019).
pathways such as the inhibition of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-α) and
the reduction of reactive oxygen species confirmed by both in vitro and in 2009). In fact, the bioavailability of these minerals can be calculated
vivo studies (Miękus et al., 2020). Moreover, sulforaphane is considered according to the phytate:mineral ratio (Castro-Alba, Lazarte, Bergen­
one of the most potent natural activators of the Nuclear factor erythroid ståhl et al., 2019). Previous studies have reported that a phytate/iron
2-related factor 2 – Kelh like ECH associated protein 1 (Nrf2-Keap1) ratio greater than 1:1 has a negative effect on iron bioavailability, with
signaling pathway, a basic leucine zipper transcription factor that binds an optimal molar ratio of less than 0.4:1 (Hurrell & Egli, 2010). A
to the promoter region of the antioxidant response element, inducing the negative effect has also been seen with a phytate:zinc ratio and phytate:
coordinated up-regulation of antioxidant and detoxification genes calcium ratio, higher than 15:1 and 0.17:1, respectively (Castro-Alba,
implicated in several diseases (Dinkova-Kostova et al., 2017; Houghton, Lazarte, Bergenståhl et al., 2019). Also, phytates can form complexes
2019). Recently, it has been observed that a supplement with glucosi­ with proteins, however, this interaction is dependent on pH, isoelectric
nolates caused a reduction in weight gain and plasma total cholesterol point, ionic strength and amino acid availability (Kaspchak et al., 2018;
levels in a menopausal murine model (Valdivia et al., 2020), and also Prattley et al., 2007; T. T. Tran et al., 2011). A net positive charge (pH <
possess beneficial effects on insulin resistance (Houghton, 2019). This isoelectric point) seems to be necessary for the formation and stability of
effect could be due to attenuation of oxidative stress and activation of phytate-protein complexes (Wang & Guo, 2021).
the peroxisome proliferator- activated receptors (PPAR), involved in With regard to the possible adverse effects discussed above, several
glucidic and lipid metabolism (Melrose, 2019). Sulforaphane has also studies have shown that the bioavailability of zinc is reduced when
been suggested as a potential adjuvant treatment moderate asthmatics isolated phytates are ingested (Fredlund, Isaksson, Rossander-Hulthén,
patients because of its bronchoprotective response through regulation of Almgren & Sandberg, 2006), but no significant effects have been
the Nrf2 signaling pathway (Brown, Reynolds, Brooker, Talalay & observed when phytates are consumed in a matrix (Miller, Hambidge &
Fahey, 2015). This compound has even been shown to be useful in Krebs, 2015). Traditionally, phytates have also been linked to disruption
improving cognitive deficits in patients with mental disorder such as of calcium and phosphate homeostasis in animals and it has been sug­
schizophrenia (Shiina et al., 2015). Moreover, a neuroprotective effect gested that phytate intake may be associated with a reduced risk of stone
of sulforaphane through inhibition of mammalian Target of Rapamycin formation (Kim et al., 2020). However, there is insufficient evidence in
(mTOR) in a Nrf2-independent manner has also been reported (Schepici, humans to support that dietary phytates act as inhibitors in formation of
Bramanti & Mazzon, 2020). Such is the relevance of this goitrogen that renal calculi (Fakier & Rodgers, 2020). This underlines the importance
its therapeutic role has been suggested in the treatment of COVID-19 of the food matrix on the effect of dietary phytates. On the one hand,
through the activation of Nrf2-Keap1 and counteracting the COVID-19 phytate-rich foods also contain fermentable fiber which is able to reduce
induced cytokine storm (Bousquet, Anto, et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2021). the pH of the caecum, leading to reduction of ferric iron to ferrous iron,
and an increase in the absorption of these minerals (Baye et al., 2017;
4. Phytates Chen et al., 2020). This suggests that some dietary components such as
fiber present in the food may minimize the negative impact of phytates
Phytates or myo-inositol hexaphosphate or IP6 are another such on the bioavailability of different minerals. Similarly, vitamin C has
“anti-nutrient” found in cereals, pulses, nuts and seeds. Phytates consist been shown to counteract the inhibitory effects of phytates on mineral
of a ring with 6 carbon atoms esterified with a phosphate group, which is absorption (Hallberg, Brune & Rossander, 1989). In studies with Caco-2,
dephosphorylated by phytases into smaller phosphoric esters of phytates a cell line of human colorectal adenocarcinoma, a molar ratio Iron:
(IP1-IP5) (Silva & Bracarense, 2016). Oats, dry fava beans and amaranth Ascorbic Acid:Phytates higher than 1:20:1 has been proposed as optimal
stand out among the foods with higher quantities of phytates, with to counteract the effect of phytic acid on iron bioavailability (Engle-
2.618 mg, 2.248 mg and 1.382 mg phytate/100 g dry matter, respec­ Stone et al., 2005). Human studies have shown that iron absorption from
tively (Castro-Alba, Lazarte, Bergenståhl & Granfeldt, 2019). These a maize bran with 58 g of phytates doubled when a dose of 50 mg of
compounds are a storage form of phosphorus and inositol in plants vitamin C was added (Siegenberg et al., 1991). Ascorbic acid forms a
(Fig. 3). Phytates can form soluble complexes with divalent cations such soluble complex with iron, which would facilitate the reduction of Fe3+
as zinc, iron and calcium under the acidic pH in the stomach and pre­ to Fe2+ by preventing the formation of non-absorbable iron complexes.
cipitate at physiological pH in the intestine, reducing their bioavail­ However, the biochemical pathway of the effect of ascorbic acid on iron
ability in the digestive tract (Lesjak & K S Srai, 2019; Schlemmer et al.,

M. López-Moreno et al. Journal of Functional Foods 89 (2022) 104938

absorption are not fully described (Milman, 2020). It has also been (Anekonda et al., 2011). In Parkinson’s disease phytates may have a
postulated that regular consumption of phytate can trigger an inhibition neuroprotective role identified in a cell culture model through
of the negative effect of this compound on iron absorption in women decreasing caspase-3 activity as well as DNA fragmentation in normal
with suboptimal iron store, a phenomenon known as phytate adaptation and iron-excess conditions (Xu, Kanthasamy & Reddy, 2011).
(Armah, Boy, Chen, Candal & Reddy, 2015). This is because a regular Phytates have also demonstrated beneficial effects in other disorders.
diet high in phytate-rich foods, increase the potential of the intestinal It has been observed a chemopreventive potential in vitro and in vivo of
microbiota to degrade phytates (Markiewicz, Honke, Haros, Świątecka phytates on different carcinogenic processes (Abdulwaliyu et al., 2019).
& Wróblewska, 2013). New areas of research are also emerging because of the possible bene­
In the same way as the previous compounds, the concentration of ficial effects of these compounds on the risk of osteoporosis or age-
phytates is significantly reduced with techniques such as cooking, related cardiovascular calcifications (Fernández-Palomeque et al.,
soaking, fermentation and germination. Thus with cooking at 95 ◦ C for 2015; Gonzalez, Grases, Mari, Tomas-Salva & Rodriguez, 2019).
1 h, the phytate content of different legumes is reduced between 11%
and 80% (Shi et al., 2018). In the same way, soaking reduces the phytate 5. Oxalates
content of different cereals from 17% to 28% (Lestienne, Icard-Vernière,
Mouquet, Picq & Trèche, 2005), while sprouting reduces the phytate Oxalates are antinutrient compounds present in vegetables such as
content of legumes by more than 60% (Duhan, Khetarpaul & Bishnoi, spinach, chard, beet or rhubarb. These compounds are a strong organic
2002; Lestienne et al., 2005). This situation seems to be due to the acid with the ability to form water-soluble salts by binding to minerals
enzymatic action on phytates released during germination of the seed, such as sodium or potassium, as well as water-insoluble salts by binding
leading to the formation of myo-inositol phosphate derivative and to calcium, iron or zinc (Fig. 4) (Lo, Wang, Wu & Yang, 2018). Tradi­
inorganic phosphate (Pramitha et al., 2021). Fermentation has been tionally, dietary oxalate intake has been associated with the patho­
shown to be an effective method in reducing the phytate content of physiology of kidney stone disease risk (Crivelli et al., 2021), and a
pseudocereals, especially in the form of flour (Castro-Alba, Lazarte, relationship between dietary oxalates and kidney stone formation has
Perez-Rea, et al., 2019). Interestingly, the intake of fermented vegeta­ been observed in human studies (Curhan, Willett, Knight & Stampfer,
bles with a high phytate content has been shown to increase the 2004). In relation to oxalate content, it is important to take into
bioavailability of dietary iron (Scheers, Rossander-Hulthen, Torsdottir & consideration that soluble oxalates have a greater impact on bioavail­
Sandberg, 2016). Fermentation can achieve a reduction of phytic acid by ability and the risk of stone formation than insoluble oxalate (Chai &
the action of both microbial and grain phytases (Gupta et al., 2015). Liebman, 2005). Thus spinaches contain an average of 1145 mg total
At the same time, phytate may also have beneficial roles mainly as oxalate/100 g fresh weight, with 803 mg being soluble oxalate (Petroski
antioxidants by acting as a regulator of possible excess of heme iron, and & Minich, 2020). Almonds also stand out with 469 mg/100 g of product,
by reducing the occurrence of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) with 153 mg being soluble oxalate (Petroski & Minich, 2020). Moreover,
in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (Sanchis et al., 2018). Animal it has being observed that the kidney stone formation risk was higher
studies have postulated that phytates may reduce the toxicity produced among subjects with lower dietary calcium intake while those with
by free radicals and the oxidative stress caused by chemical agents, such optimal calcium intake did not show an increased risk. Therefore, it has
as aflatoxin B1 (Abu El-Saad & Mahmoud, 2009). Regarding oxidative been postulated that dietary oxalate has little impact on kidney stone
stress, ex vivo models have found that compounds such as phytates can formation and the priority should be to ensure adequate calcium intake
attenuate lipid peroxidation through scavenging free radicals and (Curhan, Willett, Knight & Stampfer, 2004). Several studies have re­
increasing intracellular glutathione concentration (Da Silva et al., ported a greater influence of dietary calcium than dietary oxalate on the
2019). Phytate was also capable of reducing linoleic acid autoxidation risk of kidney stone (Mitchell et al., 2019). In a prospective study of the
and lipid peroxidation in human colonic epithelial cells (Zajdel, Wilc­ chronic renal insufficiency cohort was found that higher levels of uri­
zok, Węglarz & Dzierżewicz, 2013). These effects appear to be linked to nary oxalate excretion were independently associated with an increased
the chelating properties of phytates identified in vitro and in vivo studies, risk of chronic kidney disease progression and end-stage renal disease
as they are able to scavenge free radicals caused by the autoxidation of (Waikar et al., 2019). However, in the subgroup analysis, an increased
linoleic acid (Anekonda et al., 2011). risk of end-stage renal disease was observed only in those participants
Furthermore, different studies have suggested the usefulness of with plasma calcium levels below 9.3 mg/dl.
phytates in regulating some metabolic disorders or related complica­ It is important to note that other compounds present in these oxalate-
tions. In rats fed with high-sucrose diet, phytates were able to reduce the rich foods such as magnesium and potassium are associated with a
levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, as well as lipogenic enzymes in reduced risk of kidney stones. It explains why diets predominantly rich
liver (Onomi, Okazaki & Katayama, 2004). This consequence may be in oxalate sources, such as the dietary approaches to stop hypertension
due to the inhibitory effect of phytate on 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl-co­ (DASH diet) with a high consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains,
enzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase activity involved in hepatic cholesterol beans, nuts, low-fat dairy, fish and poultry, have been shown to reduce
synthesis (Lee et al., 2007). It has also been observed that a high phytate the risk of this condition (Taylor, Fung & Curhan, 2009). In the same
intake was associated with lower levels of C-reactive protein through its way, a balanced vegetarian diet with high content of vegetables, has
ability to inhibit the formation of iron-mediated free radicals and the been suggested as one of the most useful dietary strategies for kidney
prevention of lipid peroxidation, especially among overweight or obese stone patients (Ferraro, Bargagli, Trinchieri & Gambaro, 2020). On the
individuals (Armah, 2019). other hand, low calcium diets have been associated with increased
The usefulness of phytates has also been reported on insulin
response, leptin secretion, vascular damage and food intake in predia­
betic and diabetic situations (Omoruyi, Stennett, Foster & Dilworth,
2020). These improvements have been associated with the reduction of
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