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Oracle Cloud PM 5

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Business value identification; Business process improvement design; User adoption strategies

All of the Above

Trade-off analysis decision-making framework, Efficiency and effectiveness measures and
Business and program strategic alignment; Goals and funding prioritization;
16. A Retail Distribution company has embarked an Oracle Cloud Journey. The CIO expects
to leverage role-based Security and other governance standards to achieve improvements
with: -Compliance and Security; Lesser costs & effort; Reduced Data Breaches and Reduced
Security breaches. Which of the below Project KPIs would you define to align with the CIO’s
Business Goals?
(B) % of sensitive records utilizing encryption, data masking, or security policy
(C) Average cost per cybersecurity record and Number of data breaches
(A) Annual Audit and Compliance Costs
(A) and (C) ONLY
(A), (B) and (C)
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(1) Points
17. Your Customer requires the application software to remain up and running during the
Data Migration process. What tool is best suited to perform the Data Migration?
Oracle SQL Developer
Data Import, Export with Oracle Data Pump or PDB Import/Export
Maximum availability Architecture
Remote cloning with ADG
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(1) Points
18. What are the key use cases for ATP (Autonomous Transaction processing) in a Project?
All of the above
Modernize Oracle Forms
Rapid app development for LOB
Replace Spreadsheets
Extend Enterprise apps
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(1) Points
19. Your Customer would like their Data Migration Go-Live completed in the shortest
possible time; over the weekend following a quick Data Verification round and Sign-Off.
They have allowed time for One Data Migration Dry Run before Go-Live Cut-Over. The
Data Migration Approach adopted here is -
Phased Data Migration Strategy
Big Bang Data Migration Strategy
Autonomous Data Migration Strategy
Trickle Data Migration Strategy
Transformative Data Migration Strategy
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(1) Points
20. Which of the following Use Case Projects is best addressed by the ADW (Autonomous
Data Warehouse) solution?
Integrating both structured and unstructured sets of data to perform advance analytics and
Creating a data warehouse location for long term data retention
To optimize data usage for fast query response and current operations
Internet of Things and Big Data
None of the above
21. You are involved in an OCI Project where you need to quickly set up a Test environment
based on the current production Data. What is the best tool that may be used in order to
migrate your current data into the new Autonomous Database Environment
Maximum availability Architecture
Zero Down Time Migration (ZDM)
Remote cloning with ADG
Data Import, Export with Oracle Data Pump or PDB Import/Export
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(1) Points
22. According to the Agile Manifesto, agile does not value which ONE of the following
Following a plan over responding to change
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
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(1) Points
23. Compared to a traditional Waterfall Project, an agile Project is:
Less predictable
As predictable as waterfall
More predictable
Sometimes more predictable, but sometimes less predictable
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(1) Points
24. The requirements gathering approach that uses a technique of eliciting, analysing,
documenting and communicating the functional requirements of a Business or System in
order to yield an observable result, typically, of value for one or more actors or other
stakeholders of the system is called:
Use Case Diagrams
User Stories
Story Mapping
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(1) Points
25. What is DevOps?
Disciplined Agile
26. Which one of the following is NOT considered as a benefit of DevOps?
Reduced Defects
Shorter Development Cycle
Increased Release Velocity
Process metrics
Environment Management
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(1) Points
27. Build, Measure and Learn Faster is an agile approach that works for:
Consumable Product
Working Software
MVP - Minimum Viable Product
MMP - Minimum Marketable Product
MVF - minimum Viable feature
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(1) Points
28. What is the key estimation characteristic of Value/Vision driven Agile Project?
Requirements and features drive the plan
Costs/schedule drive the requirement estimates
Features are fixed constraints and therefore estimates are
Release themes and feature identification drive the estimates
The plan drives cost/Schedule Estimates
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(1) Points
29. A Telco industry Customer implementing Fusion Engagement Cloud requires 24/7 high
availability and is concerned of Quarterly patching downtime. Before looking at alternative
technical solutions as risk mitigation, which of the following would you review to educate the
Customer about SaaS Updates?
Oracle Hosting and Delivery Policies
CX unity Cloud services policies
Oracle Fusion Services Description
Oracle SaaS Services policies
Oracle Professional services contract
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(1) Points
30. You are delivering a multi-Cloud Implementation with SaaS, PaaS and OCI components.
The Customer has decided to postpone agreed Go-Live date in the Project Plan due to
organization restructuring. What CLOUD specific risks do you re-visit to avoid impact on
your Delivery for the revised timelines?
Review impact on - Environment Management Plan and the Quarterly Update Features that
may become mandatory in the new timeline
All of the above
Review impact on - Project Resources and Plan ONLY
Risks need not be revisited - just move Project activities to meet the new Go-Live Date
Review the Project costs, Additional Time and Scope needed for re-planning

31. While preparing for a Cloud Project Risk Register what are the important
topics that you as a PM need to familiarize with and reflect in the Register?
Support SLAs with Oracle
Policies, Service Descriptions and Entitlements
Oracle Cloud Sales Agreement
Product features and functionalities
All of the above
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(1) Points
32. Cloud Products receive continuous updates around the year, with slightly
variant time tables across the Product sets. In multi-Cloud Projects, Project
Managers can minimise risk to TIMELINES and COSTS by
Factoring the number of patching cycles over the duration of the Project
Scheduling Concurrent Patching for all the Environments across Product Sets
Logging an SR and postponing all the updates for after Go-Live.
Considering relocation of the Data Center for latency
Skip the Environment refresh activities in the Project
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(1) Points
33. A University SaaS Cloud Transformation Project has Oracle ERP,
Procurement, HCM (including Payroll) and Student Cloud in scope. The Customer
IT Team have detailed Business Process diagrams from existing On-Premise
systems but are open any improvements and count on you for Project Approach
advise. What SaaS Application Implementation approach would you suggest?
Show and Tell approach won`t work for any of the processes in scope
Leverage their existing Process Maps, follow an “ASK & DO” approach to identify
Gaps and use PaaS to extend applications.
Leverage their existing Process Maps, map them to the SaaS Standard
Application flows for solution design and identify gaps. Engage C-Level
stakeholders for Change Management
As the Customer is open to improvements and new methods, follow a Show &
Tell approach for the entire Project based on the modern best practices and the
Level 3 diagrams as applicable.
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(1) Points
34. Your Cloud Project scope includes delivery of SaaS Fusion Applications using
Functional Set Up Manager to gain timeline efficiencies. How can the Functional
Setup Manager tool help you?
Allows Centralized Setup & Implementation Management by assigning tasks to
All of the above
Allows Data Migration for Setup data including import and export between
Cloud Environments.
Enables to Opt-in Choices for new feature functionalities during the Quarterly
Enables ability to create a backup of setup data at various Project Milestones
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(1) Points
35. One of your PM colleagues informs you that the Oracle Modern Best
Practices are just a marketing tool to use in presales. He suggests conducting an
activity level Business Process diagramming exercise (from scratch) to capture
Customer requirements. Which of the following is recommended approach as
guided by Oracle?
Ensure conducting a fit/gap analysis of Business Processes and carry out 3
iterations of detailed diagramming to fully capture the Business Process
MBPs are L2/L3 diagrams which can be used to deliver ANY process in the
Project why invent the wheel
No, MBP is not just marketing tool, you can leverage existing Level 3 (Visio)
diagrams in MOS through iterative and incremental approach during
Proceed with the detailed mapping approach, as MBPs may only be used in the
Sales cycle.
36. Low code Custom Developed native Cloud Applications align with the ISO/IEC 25010
standards of maintainability as:
They are modular and reusable and are prone to human error
They are sustained through DevOps, Automated testing tools supported with a Partner led
Software QA culture
They can be easily analysed, tested for correction of errors and modified
They are modifiable by adding features, deleting capabilities and may be tested online
They can be maintained and sustained through automating testing tools without the need for a
strong QA function
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(1) Points
37. For a Cloud Project to be successful in the longer run, the Sustainment Plan and Adoption
Strategy should include the following:
Oracle provides the needful Customer support for the Cloud services subscribed through
MOS - My Oracle Support and Cloud Portal; A reference to this should be enough.
Proactive and reactive Customer engagement to address issues, help Customer realize value
and progressively update solution to adopt new features and Best Practices
Focus on Business value realization and value assessment with periodical Business review
A detailed Customer Support plan with detailed SLAs to address issues through tracking
tools and ensure Customer satisfaction
Ensure that KPIs set at the beginning of the Project are met at the end of the Project and the
Customer realized the benefit for their investments
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(1) Points
38. The Customer Project Manager calls for a meeting to discuss skills and knowledge
capabilities required to manage, maintain and evolve the Cloud environments of
SaaS/PaaS/OCI on an ongoing basis. Which of the following should be considered for
forming BAU (Business as Usual) Operations team for the Customer?
All of the above
Issue Management (MOS/Hlepdesk), Environments Management and Monitoring
Cloud Infrastructure Architecture; Cloud Administration
User Adoption and Change Management; Solution Management;
Lifecycle, Configuration and Release Management; Continuous Validation and Testing
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(1) Points
39. Your Customer received an upcoming SaaS Update notification (in 1 week). As they are
close to Go-Live in a month’s time, they seek your advice. Which of the following may be
best course of action to minimise issues with Go-Live?
Review all the new features that the Customer might need and produce a Change Request to
be deployed after Go-Live.
Conduct a pros and cons analysis - perhaps the Update may fit in the Current Plan although
not originally planned
Can’t skip an update, its mandatory. Continue with existing plan and raise any issues with
Oracle if they arise.
Log an SR with Oracle and request to Postpone the update for another 3 months
Consider revision of the Project plan - Updates are mandatory, and each update requires a
round of regression testing. The regression testing may highlight issues that need fixes/
workarounds prior to the System going Live.
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(1) Points
40. Adopting an Agile Testing Mindset & Approach for Cloud Applications Projects means:
Conduct regression testing with simplified Test Scripts in an iterative and incremental phased
approach as you have unlimited time to test the updates prior to progressing the changes to
PRODUCTION Environment
Keep it simple and Practice Continuous Improvement
Conduct Regression Testing on Application Updates within 2 weeks’ sprints with simplified
Test Scripts
Exploratory Testing to include Unplanned Consequences besides explicit expectations
Automated Regression Testing to practice continuous improvement
41. Your Project scope includes configuring Security service entitlements (VPN, IP
whitelisting, SSO). At what point during the Project timeline this may be
configured and tested as a Best Practice recommendation?

Both in TEST and PRODUCTION Environments just before releasing to UAT

After Go-Live or Just Before Go-Live, in the Production Environment
A few days before UAT on TEST Environment ONLY
In the Test Environment during UAT
Well before UAT starts. During Solution Design workshops (CRP) to allow
maximum testing time and liaison time with Oracle should there be any issues.
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(1) Points
42. The Customer security profiles may be configured in Production ONLY but
not during CRP or UAT.
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(1) Points
43. Customer has an SSO - Single Sign On Requirement for their Fusion ERP and
SCM, CPQ and Sales Cloud solution footprint Cloud Project. What is the Best
Practice implementation approach for this requirement?
It depends on the Cloud applications in scope
SSO is not possible in Cloud Applications - additional customisation/ build is
Ensure that the identity provider is SSO enabled
Verify that the Cloud applications in scope supports SSO enablement and will
not require extra certifications. Enable SSO first in the TEST environment and
then in the PROD following thorough testing.
Enable and test single sign-on in a non-production environment before enabling
it in production.
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(1) Points
44. A Customer is on the Quarterly Update cadence (non-concurrent) of
February - May - August - November and has planned Go-Live on the 13th of
May (during week 2). Three weeks in advance of Go-Live, the Customer plans to
request a P2T on the 15th of May (just after 2nd Friday). What do you envisage
could be a problem that would affect fulfilment of this service entitlement
Unavailability of Oracle Cloud resources over the weekend would affect the
Blackout period - Test and Prod are not on the same patch-set level; hence the
request will not be fulfilled.
Test and Production should be on different patching levels, so the request will
be fulfilled.
Test and Production are at the same patch set level, hence request will be
SaaS instances have a scheduled downtime for maintenance hence the request
will not be fulfilled
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(1) Points
45. A Customer’s Project scope includes Cloud ERP, HCM, and Payroll along with
Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) and modernisation of Custom developed
applications to native Cloud apps in 8 Countries. What is the MINIMUM number
of Cloud Instances recommended as a Best Practice guidance for this scope?
(Note that - ERP, HCM and Payroll are SaaS applications available on a Single
SaaS – 2 Environments (TEST, PROD), OIC – 3 (DEV, TEST, PROD) and Custom
Development – 3 (DEV, TEST, PROD)
SaaS – 2 Environments (TEST, PROD), OIC and Custom Development are hosted
on same instance – 2 (TEST, PROD)
SaaS – 2 Environments (TEST, PROD), OIC – 2 (TEST, PROD) and Custom
Development – 2 (TEST, PROD)
SaaS – 3 Environments (DEV, TEST, PROD) to allow Payroll Parallel Run tests, OIC
– 2 (DEV, TEST, PROD) and Custom Development – 2 (DEV, TEST, PROD)
SaaS – 2 Environments (TEST, PROD), OIC – 4 (Dev1, Dev2, TEST, PROD) and
Custom Development – 4 (Dev1, Dev2, TEST, PROD) to test ERP and HCM
Modules independently.
46. What is the Welcome E-mail that Oracle sends to its Cloud Customers?
It has important list of action the Cloud admin should do.
It’s a declaration sent to Customer administrator informing that Oracle has
initiated the provisioning of instances
It’s a declaration sent to Customer administrator informing that Oracle has
received the Order from the Sales Manager.
It’s a declaration sent to Customer administrator informing that Oracle has
completed provisioning and the instance is ready to be used.
It’s a declaration sent to Customer administrator informing that Oracle is about
to start the provisioning.
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(1) Points
47. Oracle offers its Fusion SaaS Cloud Customers, many service entitlements
such as P2T, T2T and T2P.
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(1) Points
48. The best approach to monitor OCI workloads costs for a Project is to
Group each workload under one Policy
Tagging feature
None of the above
Avoid using compartments
Build Subnets
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(1) Points
49. As a Project Manager, you should include the following SaaS Environment
activities in your schedule to plan ahead and mitigate risks:
Quarterly updates on Test / Production, Sizing, P2T and optionally, concurrent
Quarterly updates on Test / Production, P2T, Concurrent Patching
Quarterly updates on Test / Production, Sizing, P2T, Back-Ups
Quarterly updates on Test / Production, Sizing, P2T, T2P
Quarterly updates on Test / Production, Sizing, Concurrent Patching
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(1) Points
50. The Fusion Cloud Project you are managing is going Live in 5 weeks’ time.
You realised that the P2T refresh immediately following Go-Live is missing in
your plan. What is the latest point of time to request the refresh so that your
activities align with Best Practice recommendation?
Latest three weeks in advance avoiding Black-Out periods
Maximum four weeks in advance and it can be rescheduled any time prior to the
refresh date.
No need to schedule any P2T. You may do it after Go-Live.
2 weeks before Go-Live
No need to schedule in advance, just escalate to Oracle whenever a refresh is
51. A Cloud Customer buys Universal Credits to implement Oracle Analytics Cloud. Which
of the following influence the Universal Credits’ usage levels and therefore should be
considered as part of Project costs?
No. of Dashboards and reports that will be created
The number of instances and the Number of CPUs used.
All of the above
Number of Business Analytics instances that will be created and used
The type of the OAC subscription: Standard or Enterprise Edition
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(1) Points
52. Your Delivery scope includes training the Administrators, Power Users and End Users. In
order for Training objectives to be met, Product adoption maximised and training is effective,
what measures are suggested that you put in place?
Ensure all the trainers sign off the trainings they attended and record the sessions for further
Subscribe to Oracle Cloud Learning Subscription to maximize learning
Establish a train the trainer model to make sure the resistance to Change is addressed from
within the organization
Identify the learning objectives and desired outcomes of the Project.
Include a training effectiveness assessment in the delivery plan to ensure the gaps are
identified as early as possible
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(1) Points
53. Your Project scope includes Cloud ERP, HCM, Payroll, Talent Management with OIC
integrations to On-Premise Time recording System. Oracles Analytics Cloud is used for
reporting. The Customer PM would like to identify Customer Business SMEs that will
require training. Who do you classify as Business trainees?
Train the Infrastructure team on migrating E-Business to Cloud and on how to monitor
Identify the impacted departments ONLY and train the key SMEs. Manage the overall
Change with needful communication
Train all the Key Users, IT Applications development team, Infrastructure team and Help
desk teams
Train everyone in the organization on Cloud
Train all HR Key Users for system use. Train IT team to develop the applications,
integrations, and build reporting dashboards.
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(1) Points
54. Which of the following activities should be part of a Change Management Plan for Oracle
SaaS CX Project with OIC integration to E-Business Suite?
Set up of Cloud communication notifications to target audience to embed the new Cloud
culture in the Customer organization
Conduct organizational impact assessment for shifting from On-Premise to Cloud for the
Business and IT operations departments
For the SaaS applications, leverage the Oracle Modern Best Practices to facilitate adoption
and process change. For integrations, leverage integration recipes
Train the Customer IT team on Cloud Environments Management, Cloud console and portal
All of be above
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(1) Points
55. The Customer is carrying out Train-the-Trainer activities in parallel to the Project UAT
activities. Which of the following activities must the Super Users be trained in, for them to be
equipped with Business insights on a day to day basis post Go-Live?
It`s Business as usual with a more user-friendly GUI, there is no specific training necessary
Fixed set of Regression test activities (that remain unchanged) that must be repeated every
Job roles and duties should be revised every Quarter – hence functional training is necessary
in this area
Functional training for the system configuration, impact assessment training and patch
analysis activities
Module and screen specific embedded Analytics dashboards, Infolets and AI
56. Your Delivery scope for Cloud Transformation Project includes SaaS/PaaS/OCI
components. Change Management is led by the Customer. Which of the following Change
Management activities are ESSENTIAL in the Customer’s Change planning from the
CLOUD Project perspective?
Depict the reasons for resisting Change and prepare mitigation activities
Prepare a Change Management and Communication plan
Align corporate vision, mission, objectives and KPIs of the organization with employee goals
Identify key stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities in the Project
Identify Customer Change agents and Cloud champion(s) from Business and IT to drive the
technology and process Change
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(1) Points
57. The Partner Cloud Project Manager should be typically responsible for:
Manage Cloud Environments
The entire Delivery of the Project transitioning from Sales to Delivery up to Go-Live
Manage Change
Oversee Cloud architecture and solution design
Manage resources
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(1) Points
58. You are assigned as a Project Manager for your first Cloud Project. An experienced
counterpart within your organization is available to provide advice. What would be the best
approach to leverage the experience?
Review the Oracle Cloud Services in scope and familiarize with the products
Check for sample Project plans templates, accelerators and tools
Review the Updated Projects repository, assets, and closure reports of the Closed Project.
Establish the relevance to your Project. Accordingly, set up a meeting with the PM to
leverage appropriate experience.
Ensure all the competent consultants who delivered these Projects are assigned to the Project
Have a meeting with him to discuss the lessons learned from his experience of Cloud
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(1) Points
59. The Project Management Balancing Act of Scope, Cost and Time in the context of Cloud
Projects is mainly impacted by which of the following? (Select three)
Subscription model of Cloud and the Universal Credits model of defining budgets
Resources Management
The quick win approach: shorter timelines of implementation and mobilization
Setting boundaries of the implementation scope to deliver in shorter timeframes
Quality Management and expectations
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(1) Points
60. Which of the Trusted Enterprise Cloud Platform Pillars do the Identity Federation, Third
Party Security Solution, IPSEC VPN, Fast Connect security solutions belong to?
High Availability
Verifiably Secure Infrastructure
Data Encryption
Secure Hybrid Cloud
Customer Isolation
61. You propose implementing Virtual Private Network to restrict Customer
employee access outside their corporate network. What should you consider in
the Project Delivery Costs?

Oracle VPN is a subscription based paid service and needs to be budgeted for
the Project
Oracle VPN comes part of OCI under the Universal Credits subscription – so no
additional budget required.
Oracle VPN is a free service bundled with Oracle Cloud Service subscriptions. So,
there is no additional costs to budget for.
Oracle VPN is part of the application Services that is configured using the
Application Administrator login access rights. Hence, no additional effort/ Costs
to budget for.
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(1) Points
62. Your Customer needs Data Masking in their Fusion SaaS Test environments.
Which of the following statements about Data Masking Service is correct?
Data masking is ONLY required for European Union Customers.
Data masking is ONLY required for regulated Customers or Customers with
Highly sensitive “Cost” data. If Manufacturing /procurement is not there, Data
masking doesn’t apply.
Data Masking is a free service and Customer can choose any number of fields,
and their own rules, etc. by raising an SR.
Data masking is a chargeable service, and only standard PII fields are masked
during P2T (Production to Test) refreshes.
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(1) Points
63. Customer wants to isolate different departments from each other, so that
the visibility and access to resources can be compartmentalized. What would be
the security solution for this use case?
Back-end Infrastructure: Secure isolation between Customer instances and back-
end hosts (Off box Network Virtualization)
Identity and Access Management: Compartments and IAM policies
Network: VCN and Subnets
Compute: Bare Metal Instances or VM Instances
Data: Data-at-rest encryption using Customer-controlled keys
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(1) Points
64. For some Oracle Cloud Services or Services that support instances, you can
add your own Internet Protocol (IP) whitelist, blacklist rules and activate the
firewall for the Cloud service. Which statement is true?
For Customer security needs, you can define a range of IP range of address to
‘Allow’ and “Block” using Cloud Portal self-service.
You can raise an SR to activate the IP white listing for one-off charge.
There is only Blacklist option available through the Cloud console
There is NO concept of white listing. If needed Customer should go for free
Virtual Private network.
For Customer Security needs SSO (Single Sign-On) is the only option
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(1) Points
65. Your Customer currently uses Microsoft Active Directory as their Identity
Provider. On their transition to Oracle Infrastructure Cloud (OCI), they intend to
restrict OCI resources access initially to the Project Developers ONLY. Which of
the following Cloud Architect’s activity achieves this requirement?
Create a group for developers on OCI and map the group to a similar group in
Microsoft Active Directory during the federation process.
Create a new user account for each user, and then create policies to provide
access to developers.
Create a group for developers on OCI, export all the developers from Microsoft
Active Directory, and then import them into the Identity and Access
Management (IAM) group.
Federate all Microsoft Active Directory groups with OCI to allow users to use
their existing credentials.
66. Your Customer Information Security team would like to conduct an audit on the Cloud
services. What advice is the most appropriate?
Provide a Security checklist from MOS for the Customer to conduct the audit.
Schedule audit tasks in your project timeframe for the team to conduct audit
Standard audit certifications and attestations are available upon request from Oracle;
additional audits are not necessary
Liaise with Oracle to schedule the audit tasks (raise an SR)
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(1) Points
67. Your Cloud Project Architect is designing IT topologies for Specific Business scenarios
and intends to leverage any pre-existing reference Architectures for SaaS Applications
extensions using Cloud Native Approach. Where can you find these?
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architecture Center
My Oracle Support - Architecture Center
Solution Blueprints Architecture Center
Oracle Cloud Architecture Marketplace - OPN Access only
There are no such reference Architectures for SaaS extensions
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(1) Points
68. As part of baselining an Enterprise Architecture you are reviewing the following:
Business Initiatives and Corresponding Capabilities, Cloud Strategy, Target Operating
Model, Future Business Processes. Which of the following Enterprise Architecture layers are
you analysing?
Applications Architecture
Business Strategy and Processes Architecture
Technology Architecture
Cloud Architecture
Data and Information Architecture
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(1) Points
69. Which of the following is NOT considered as an operating model for Enterprise
Architecture Strategy analysis with the two-dimensional matrix of Business process
integration and Standardization?
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(1) Points
70. Enterprise Business Analysis and Architecture processes continuously refine an
Cloud Strategy and Roadmap
All of the Above
Business Strategies and Requirements
Internal and external Compliance and Regulatory requirements
Future-State Architecture
71. The TWO best contexts for using Container-Docker deployment in your OCI deployment
are -
When Running less workloads on the same hardware
For proactive deployment and factoring
Packaged as containers with limited Choice of languages/frameworks
For fast and consistent delivery of an application
For responsive deployment and scaling
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(1) Points
72. You are discussing the benefits of using Oracle Development Cloud Services with your
Customer. Which one of the following is a key differentiator?
All of the above
It streamlines Deployment; Manages Teams and Developers
It achieves build process agility and Produces better application
It manages source code and Automates build and deployment of extensions
It enables tracking and reporting including Team Communication
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(1) Points
73. Which of the following is not a correct Use-Case for application development using
Oracle PaaS services?
Re-factor an existing Application using Microservices architecture
Develop a low code application using Oracle WebLogic
Lift and Shift WebLogic application using Container Engine for Kubernetes
Develop real-time file processing application using serverless functions
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(1) Points
74. You are scoping for a Digital Assistant Project for a Customer that is LIVE with Oracle
ERP Cloud. What would be the first step in identifying the scope for the Digital Assistant
identify the input and output of the chatbot
Identify the Use Cases
Identify the relevant Training data set
Identify the Enterprise Skills
Identify the process to be automated
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(1) Points
75. Functions may be used to augment SaaS HCM applications functionality with Custom
Forms, Integrations and Mobile Apps.
76. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Oracle Cloud Developer

Code Versioning and Repositories

Project Cost Control and Management
Continuous Integration Engine
Task tracking System
Agile and Sprint Planning
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(1) Points
77. Which one of the following activities can a Project Manager DO with ODCS
(Oracle Developer Cloud Service)?
User management and adding Team members
All of the above
Set up and create Wiki Components for documentation and collaboration
Storage of applications dependencies and libraries
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
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(1) Points
78. The process by which source code is converted into a deployable artefact is
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(1) Points
79. The tool that manages, issues, releases source code, wikis, and snippets is
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(1) Points
80. Which of the following is not a Security trusted component for Oracle Cloud
Customer isolation
High Availability
Client and end-point protection
Data encryption
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(1) Points
81. Your Project scope includes On-Premise Database migration to the Cloud using Data
Integration Platform Cloud Services (DIPC). What are the TWO pre-requisite Services to be
activated to use DIPC and therefore to be considered as part of the Universal Credits Project
Analytics Cloud
Database Cloud Service
Cloud Computing
Oracle Integration Cloud
Storage Cloud
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(1) Points
82. Your Customer Integrations require human intervention, decision making and approvals.
Which of the following Integration tools may be used to address this requirement?
The requirement may be addressed through OIC and Visual Cloud Builder
Standard Edition of OIC (Oracle Integration Tool) will be sufficient to address this
Use OIC which comes with SaaS adapters, technology adapters, and On-Premises Agents
OIC Standard edition as it includes Process Cloud.
OIC Enterprise Edition that includes Process Cloud to handle Human intervention in the
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(1) Points
83. You can optimise Implementation timelines for ERP, SCM and WMS Cloud Integrations
by leveraging -
Integration Extensions
Integration Recipes
ERP Connectivity Packages
REST and SOAP APIs to build adapters
Prebuilt Adapters
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(1) Points
84. Which of the following Integration tools provides seamless batch and real time data
movement among Cloud and on-premise data sources, maintaining data consistency along
with fault tolerance and resiliency?
SOA Cloud Service
Data Integration Cloud Service
Oracle Integration Cloud
Managed File Transfer Cloud Service
API Platform Cloud Service
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(1) Points
85. The deliverable documentation that crafts the end to end flow of Oracle Cloud ERP
integration with third party Medical Services and Insurance providers is -
Use Case Models
Functional Design Document
Enterprise Architecture
Integration Architecture Solution Design
Project Management Plan
86. Oracle Analytics is unique because it includes
A self-service visualization tool
All of the above
A data prep tool
A data flow tool
A data catalogue tool
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(1) Points
87. Your Customer Use-Cases context for Analytics Scope includes – Publishing Pixel-
Perfect Reports along with Modelling Data and Scenario based analysis. Which Edition of
Oracle Analytics Cloud caters these Use Cases?
Professional Edition
Essbase Edition
Enterprise Edition
Special Edition
Standard Edition
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(1) Points
88. Your Customer requires a major set of their data retained on legacy On-Premise databases
but would like to Visualise and analyse it in the Oracle Analytics Cloud. What is the main
tool that enables this connection and data integration?
DV Connections
Data Sync
Remote Data Gateway (RDG)
Remote Data Connector (RDC)
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(1) Points
89. Your Customer would like to Create and Manage (design, create and modify) Cubes from
Excel based application workbooks. Which Edition of Oracle Analytics Cloud caters for this
Use Case?
Essbase Edition
Standard Edition
Special Edition
Professional Edition
Enterprise Edition
Mark for Review

(1) Points
90. For planning your Oracle Analytics Cloud Implementation Project, which of the
following should be thought through?
Sizing options the Customer has opted for (OCPU or Users)
The OAC edition required for your Project
Name required for the service
All of the above
Data Centre for the Services deployed

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