Neo Classicism
Neo Classicism
Neo Classicism
Definition of Neoclassicism
words: Neo and Classic. The word neo has been derived
Ovid. That is the reason; the age of Pope and Dryden is also
Roman writers.
Stages of Neoclassicism
Johnson (1750-1798).
was the leading poet in this age. Poetry sparkled with the
Characteristics of Neoclassical Poetry
Scholarly Allusions
Homer’s Odyssey.
turn their eyes from the harsh realities of life. They were
with their open eyes in their poetry. These poets were not
examples of realism.
Concept of Nature
meant the forest nature, but for them, nature meant the
what the ordinary men and women felt and thought, but the
Poetic Diction
No Passionate Lyricism
the age of Pope and Dryden. They didn’t give free play to
their imagination; rather they dwelt upon the intellectual
aspects of poetry.
Heroic Couplet
hands on heroic couplet, yet Dryden and Pope are the only
like Absalam and Achitopel, Mac Flecnoe and The Medal are
Mock Epic