What Is Literature?: R.J. Rees, R.A. Scott-James, Terry Vargas Llosa
What Is Literature?: R.J. Rees, R.A. Scott-James, Terry Vargas Llosa
What Is Literature?: R.J. Rees, R.A. Scott-James, Terry Vargas Llosa
Imaginative Vs Realistic
Fiction vs Fact
Imaginative representation of realistic life.
Historical truth Vs Artistic truth
Novels and News Stories – fact and fiction – how to
Comics and pulp fiction – purely imaginative &
fictitious, yet not „literature‟.
Compare „Macbeth / Moll Flanders and The White
The end – Poetic Justice Vs Realistic end.
Literature is creative and imaginative:
Does this mean that Philosophy, History, Natural
Sciences are uncreative and unimaginative?