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Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/JPRI/2021/v33i59B34356
Background: Cerebral Palsy is a spacious term which highlights an extensive gamut of motor
affliction which has a stagnant tendency. The estimated Cerebral Palsy is indeed very prevalent in
developed nations 2 out of the next 1000 live births and neonatal survivors. Among several
Cerebral Palsy comes in a variety of manifestations. Spastic Diplegia is common in a majority of
Preterm babies. Several treatment strategies of Physical therapy are utilized for Spastic Diplegia.
This research focusses on assessing the Efficiency of Pelvic Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
Facilitation (PNF) techniques over the Dimensions of Balance and Gait in children with Spastic
Objective: To evaluate the Effectiveness and impact of the techniques of Pelvic Proprioceptive
Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) on Balance, Gait Parameters and Pelvic Asymmetry in children
having Spastic Diplegia.
Associate Professor;
Professor and Head;
*Corresponding author: E-mail: rakeshkrishna.pt@gmail.com;
Salphale et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 88-95, 2021; Article no.JPRI.76223
Methods: In this Randomized Clinical Trial, subjects (n= 40) having Spastic Diplegia will be
selected and segregated in two groups using simple random sampling method with 1:1 allocation
ratio. The allocation will be done through sequentially numbered opaque sealed envelope
(SNOSE). Subjects in the experimental group will receive Pelvic PNF techniques like Rhythmic
initiation and Slow reversal with Task- Oriented training which will contain sit to stand exercises,
walking on the ground and reaching tasks for improving the balance and those in the other group
will be given only Task- Oriented training for 4 weeks following baseline assessments. Throughout
the treatment session and following 4 weeks follow up will be taken by assessing the Balance and
Gait parameters of the subjects. The study duration will. be of 1 year. Subjects with Spastic
Diplegia with an age group of 8 to 12 years who are able to do independent sitting, who are
coming under GMFCS level I to III and those who are having pelvic asymmetry will be included in
the study while subjects who had any surgery of spine or lower limb in past 6 months, who are
having fixed deformities of spine or lower limb or any fracture or dislocation of spine or lower limb
will be excluded from the study.
Results: Results will be recorded by using the outcome measures and instruments such as
Pediatric Balance Scale, Gait Parameters and Palpation meter device at the end of the intervention
and the effects of Pelvic PNF techniques will be compared with the other group which will receive
Task oriented training. The statistical analysis will be done by using paired t test but if the data
does not follow a normal distribution then Wilcoxon sign rank test will be used.
Discussion: The intention and motive of the study is to check the Effectiveness of Pelvic
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation techniques on Balance and Gait Parameters in children
with Spastic Diplegia.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this research is to acquire the fruitfulness of Approaches of Pelvic
PNF on Balance and Gait Parameters in children having Spastic Diplegia.
Keywords: Pelvic proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation; task oriented training; spastic diplegia;
pelvic asymmetry.
Salphale et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 88-95, 2021; Article no.JPRI.76223
healthy tone or even hypotonia, during the 1.1 Need for the Study
period of initial four months. During the first year
spasticity have a subtle commencement and a Pelvis is a part of the trunk that helps in
sluggish progression in the legs [5]. facilitating the motion of extremities or limbs.
Pelvic asymmetry is common in children having
Usual problems resulting from Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy. Asymmetry in the pelvis
include the contractures of muscles and interferes with the effective movement of
connective tissues, cognitive and perceptual extremities or limbs. Both the Task-oriented and
problems, visual and visuomotor problems, the PNF have been mentioned to be helpful for
speech and learning impairments, lack of trunk the improvement of lower extremity functions.
control, asymmetry of the pelvis, abnormalities Studies have shown that pelvic PNF has a
in gait and balance etc [6,7]. positive contribution on trunk function [15]. There
is a deficiency of literature which emphasizes the
There are several techniques and interventions role of the pelvic PNF in lower extremity function,
which are used for the purpose of treatment in Balance and Gait Parameters.
Spastic Diplegia for example Strength training
programs, Task oriented training, Sensorimotor 1.2 Hypothesis
training program, Balance training,
Neurodevelopmental therapy and Proprioceptive 1.2.1 Alternative hypothesis
Neuromuscular Facilitation to improve the Gait
and Balancing abilities [8-11]. Pelvic PNF will impose a positive impact on
Balance, Gait Parameters and Pelvic Asymmetry
PNF is a strategy of therapeutic exercise in in children with Spastic Diplegia.
which the functionally based diagonal patterns of
motion are blended with the strategies of 1.2.2 Null hypothesis
Neuromuscular abetment to endorse the motor
feedback and enhance the Neuromuscular Pelvic PNF will have no significant effect on
control and function [12]. The approach of PNF Balance, Gait Parameters and Pelvic Asymmetry
was discovered during the time period of 1940s in children with Spastic Diplegia.
and 1950s by Kabat, Knott and Voss [13]. PNF
practises are often preceded by verbal/ visual 2. METHODOLOGY
and tactile input to promote and achieve muscle
contraction and motor control. PNF stretches are 2.1 Study Setting
highly effective in improving the strength,
flexibility and range of motion but they are The research will be executed in the Outpatient
complex and involve several movements for an wing of AVBR Hospital,Sawangi, Meghe,
individual stretch. Wardha.
Task- oriented instruction signifies to the
2.2 Study Design and Sample Size
practice of executing important functional
activities or works so that a well-organized and
In this Randomized Clinical Trial. The number of
effective motor skulls can be learned. Task
subjects enrolled in the experimental study will
oriented training is based on systems archetype
be 40 (n=40).
of motor control and existing postulates of motor
2.3 Study Population
This approach emphasizes on interactions
between power components in the sensorimotor Subjects having Spastic Diplegia
system, stamina, range of motion, coordination,
sensory perception and postural awareness. It 2.4 Sample Size Calculation
uses the principles of degrees of control and
perceptual ability, as well as the philosophy of For calculation of sample size paired t test will be
autonomous movement and legislation [14]. used with 20 subjects in each group.
: To calculate the sample size, the technique of
The study's goal is to draw the Potency of Pelvic estimation of sample size for paired t test will be
PNF Techniques on Balance and Gait used.
parameters in children with Spastic Diplegia.
Salphale et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 88-95, 2021; Article no.JPRI.76223
Salphale et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 88-95, 2021; Article no.JPRI.76223
Statistical Analysis
Post assessment of the subjects will be recorded Group B: Group B will receive only Task
by using the same outcome measures (PBS, Oriented Exercises for lower extremities which
Gait Parameters and PALM) at the end of the will include sit to stand exercises, walking on the
treatment or after the intervention. ground and reaching tasks for improving
Salphale et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 88-95, 2021; Article no.JPRI.76223
The baseline assessment of the subjects will be 3.6 Data Collection and Management
done by using Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS),
Gait Parameters (Cadence, Stride length and The data of the subjects will be collected prior to
Gait velocity) and Palpation meter device (PALM) the treatment (Pre-treatment) and after the
which will measure the asymmetry in the intervention or treatment by using Pediatric
pelvis.The time duration of treatment for group B Balance Scale, Gait Parameters and Palpation
will be of 30 minutes, 6 days per week for 4 Meter device.
3.7 Statistical Analysis
Post assessment of the subjects will be done by
using PBS, Gait parameters and PALM which To find out the impact of Pelvic PNF techniques
are mentioned above in the baseline or Pre on trunk control in children with Spastic Diplegia
assessment of the subjects after the intervention. paired t test will be used but if the data does not
follow a normal distribution then Wilcoxon sign
3. OUTCOME MEASURES rank test will be used.
It is a transformation of the Berg Balance Scale The purpose of this Randomized Clinical Trial
which is used for the purpose to estimate the Research study is to evaluate the Potency of
functional balancing abilities in school aged Pelvic PNF Techniques on Balance and Gait
children. The optimum score of Pediatric Balance Parameters in children having Spastic Diplegia.
Scale is 56 [16]. This study will also provide a literature
concerning the impact of Pelvic PNF on Pelvic
3.2 Gait Parameters asymmetry in Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy
children. Some researches have proved that
Gait Parameters will be including the following Pelvic Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
techniques have a good and positive impact on
Cadence improving the functions of trunk in Cerebral Palsy
Stride length as well as in improving the functions of lower
Gait Velocity extremities.
3.4 Gross Motor Function Classification The study program will be explained to the
System (GMFCS) participant, the Principal Investigator will record
the subjective information. The consent form will
On the basis of Gross Motor Function include the confidentiality statement and
Classification System (GMFCS) children are signatures of the principal investigator, patient
classified in five different standards according to and witnesses. If required to disclose some
their potential to execute the Gross Motor actions information for the study, consent will be taken
[17]. from the patient with complete assurance of his
3.5 Palpation Meter Device (PALM)
Palpation meter device is an instrument which is Funding will be provided by the Research Cell of
used to measure and check the extent of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences,
asymmetry in the pelvic region [18]. Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
Salphale et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 88-95, 2021; Article no.JPRI.76223
Salphale et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 88-95, 2021; Article no.JPRI.76223
Controlled Trial. Indian J Public Health Res classification system and manual ability
Dev. 2020;11(2):571-576–576. classification system in children with
16. Sook- Hee Yi, Ji Hye Hwang Validity of cerebral palsy in Tanzania. Developmental
pediatric balance scale in children with Neurorehabilitation; 2017.
spastic cerebral palsy. Neuropaediatrics; 18. Matthew R Patrone, Jennifer Guinn The
2012. Accuracy of the Palpation Meter for
17. Daniele Piscitelli, Stefano Vercelli measuring pelvic crest height difference
Reliability of the gross motor function and leg length discrepancy. JOSPT; 2003.
© 2021 Salphale et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Peer-review history:
The peer review history for this paper can be accessed here: