By George Gartzounis ,
Acknowledge ments
I dedicate this thesis to the Engineering Community that has offered so
much to the humanity since the dawn of civilisation and to my father who
wished to see me being successful in the Engineering discipline since I could
never cope with Medicine. When I started this project I could never expect
that I would learn so much about the greatness and value of Renewable
Technologies and the efforts made for their integration into the mainstream
of today’s Energy Schemes. I am happy that I belong to a family of people
that they concern and philosophise critically about the future of the planet
and I hope that this study will enable others to expand the potential of green
technologies in the future. I would sincerely like to thank anyone who
contributed to the completion of this study. Among the people that helped
me within the department of ESRU were Dr Andy Grant, Dr Paul Strachan
and Mr Cameron M. Johnstone to who I express my deeply gratification
since a valuable part of the project would not have been completed without
their elucidations and effort. To my supervisor Dr Andy Grant I own a great
thank for his guidance and patience upon the delivery of this project. My
personal efforts were reinforced by the constant concern of a number of
people amongst who I distinguish my mother (G. Helen), my sister (G.
Sapfo), my friends (B. Sotiris and D. George.) and finally all of my
colleagues and fellow students (especially Mr B. Colin and Mr. C. Currie). I
would also like to thank all the people of Innerleithen for their hospitality
upon our visit there for the preliminary inspection of the Thornylee Forest
where the Eco-Village is going to be situated.
Declaration of Author’s Right, 2
Acknowledgments, 3
Synopsis, 10
Chapter 1-Introduction, 12
1.1 Civilisation and Environment- A Brief Historical Review, 12
1.1.2 Hunter-Gatherers, 13
1.1.3 Agrarian Societies, 13
1.1.4 Transformation Society, 15 The Turning Point- Industrial Revolution, 15
1.2 Environmental Crisis of the 21st Century, 16
1.2.1 Anthropogenic Climate Change, 17
1.2.2 Depletion of Stratospheric Ozone , 18
1.2.3 Loss of Biodiversity, 18
1.2.4 Other Problems and Future Threats, 19
1.3 Sustainability, Ecology and Engineering, 19
1.3.1 The Principle of Environmental Health and Engineering, 22
1.3.2 The Dark Side of the Energy Industry, 23
1.4 A New Spawn, 25
1.5 Autonomo us Energy Rendition and Renewable Energy
Integration, 26
4 WT Technology, 47 Operation as a Function of Wind Speed, 49 Efficiency Reduction, 51 Applications, 52
2.2.3 Hydrogen Fuel Technologies, 53 Hydrogen Manufacturing, Electrolyser, 54 Hydrogen Utilisation, Fuel Cells, 56 Generic FC Technology, 56 Fuel Cell Stacking, 60 Fuel Cell P lant Description, 61 Applications, 62 Hydrogen Storage, High Pressure Storage Tanks, 63
Chapter 3-Methodology, 67
3.1 Selection of Climatic Profile, 67
3.1.1 Data Acquisition, 67
3.1.2 Interpretation, 70
3.1.3 Validation, 74
3.1.4 Evaluation, 77
3.1.5 Formation, 81 Final Selection, 84
3.2 Selection of Power Plant, 85
3.2.1 Technical Orientation for SES Modules, 85 Electrolyser, 85 Fuel Cell, 87 Low Pressure Storage Tank, 88
3.2.2 Numerical Guidelines for SES Modules, 90 Critical Fuel Consumption for the FC, 91 Critical Number of Storage Tanks and Critical Number of Charging
D a ys, 9 4
3.3 Rudimentary Sim ulations, 96
3.3.1 MERIT- A Brief Analysis, 96
3.3.2. Scenarios Design, 103 Scenario 1, 103 Scenario 2,110 Fuel Cell Operating Modes, 110 “Demand Profile Designer” and “Specify Demand” Numerical
Configurations, 114
5 Radiation Problems, 119 Wind Speed Problems, 120
4.1.2 Formation Process Commentaries, 125
4.2 Scenarios- Results Analysis, 125
4.2.1 Software Elucidations, 125
4.2.2 Scenarios Design- Result Analysis, 126 Scenario 1, 127 Preliminary Phase for Scenario 1, 127 Main Phase for Scenario 1, 134 Scenario 2, 138
Appendix A, 160
List of Figures
Figure 2.1/Eco-Village developments in Scotland, 37
Figure 2.2/Thornylee Forest and surroundings, 38
Figure 2.3/ South Facing slope, 39
Figure 2.4/ Top of the Thornylee Hill, 39
Figure 2.5/ Natural Reservoir, 39
Figure 2.6/ PV system components, 41
Figure 2.7/ The Sun’s path as a design factor for correct sizing, sitting and positioning
the PV, 42
Figure 2.8/ Roof Area (sfeet2) as a function of PV capacity, 43
Figure 2.9/ Three type of turbines that are commercially utilised, 48
Figure 2.10/ Typical power curves and areas of operation of a stall limited (dashed line)
and pitch controlled (solid line) wind turbine, 49
Figure 2.11/ Rotor speed control principle for wind speeds below nominal, 50
Figure 2.12/ Rotor speed controller characteristics: generated power derived from actual
value of rotor speed, 51
Figure 2.13/ Rotor speed control principle for wind speeds above nominal, 51
Figure 2.14/Renewable technologies are the most sustainable and clean method to
produce hydrogen, 54
Figure 2.15/ Typical Electrolysis Cell, 55
Figure 2.16/ How a FC works, 57
Figure 2.17/ Typical PEMFC schematic, 60
Figure 2.18/ Expanded View of a Basic Fuel Cell Repeated Unit in a Fuel Cell Stack, 61
Figure 2.19/ Fuel Cell Power Plant Major Processes, 62
Figure 3.1/ Area around Thornylee Forest, 68
Figure 3.2/ Observation Stations for ECN Database, 69
Figure 3.3/ UK Counties, 75
Figure 3.4/ 11 Stations from C (Thornylee Forest), 79
Figure 3.5/ Geographical Similarities of the areas of the two stations (Eskdalemuir and
Drumalbin Saws), 80
Figure 3.6/ Annual mean wind speed for UK, 81
Figure 3.7/ Main Program Window, 96
Figure 3.8/ Analysis Parameter Window, 97
Figure 3.9/ CreateClimate.exe, 98
Figure 3.10/ Demand Definition Window, 98
Figure 3.11/ Profile Designer, 99
Figure 3.12/ Supply System Definition, 100
Figure 3.13/ Generation Type Definition, 100
Figure 3.14/ Auxiliary Definition Window, 101
Figure 3.15/ Match and Dispatch, 102
Figure 3.16/ Criteria Definition, 103
Figure 4.1a/ Dry Bulb Temperature comparative chart for 1994, 122
Figure 4.1b/ Dry Bulb Temperature comparative chart for 1997, 122
Figure 4.2a/ Visibility comparative chart for 1994, 123
Figure 4.2b/ Visibility comparative chart for 1997, 123
Figure 4.3a/ Wind Speed comparative chart for 1994, 124
Figure 4.3b/ Wind Speed comparative chart for 1997, 124
Figure 4.4/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply of Attempt 1, 128
Figure 4.5/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply of Attempt 2, 128
Figure 4.6/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 3, 130
Figure 4.7/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 4, 131
Figure 4.8/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 5, 132
Figure 4.9/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 6, 132
Figure 4.10/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 7, 133
Figure 4.11/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 8, 133
Figure 4.12/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 9, 134
Figure 4.13/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 16, 139
Figure 4.14/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 17, 140
Figure 4.15/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 18, 141
Figure 4.16/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 19, 142
Figure 4.17/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 20, 142
Figure 4.18/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 21, 142
Figure 4.19/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 22, 143
Figure 4.20/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 23, 144
List of Tables
Table 1.1/ Annual per capita use of energy and material in different regimes, 13
Table 1.2/ Ecosystem services and functions, 22
Table 2.1/ Range of Power Outputs for WT installations, 53
Table 2.2/ Summary of Major Differences of the Fuel Cell Types, 59
Table 3.1/ File Formats of the BADC database, 71
Table 3.2 /Sorting Parameters, 71
Table 3.3/ Explanation of ID Type, 72
Table 3.4/ File Formats explanation, 73
Table 3.5 / Selected Stations for Delimitation Plan-A., 76
Table 3.6/ Validity check for the 13 Domains, 77
Table 3.7/ Stations Evaluation, 78
Table 3.8/ 3 steps of CEACP, 80
Table 3.9/ Completeness in data for the two Domains, 83
Table 3.10/ Modifications in Data nature, 83
Table 3.11/ PEM Fuel Cell Characteristics, 88
Table 3.12/ Conversions for Volume flow units, 93
Table 3.13/ Technical Characteristics for LMW-10KW turbine, 104
Table 3.14a/ Match Results for Preliminary Phase -Scenario 1, PP, 105
Table 3.14b/ Analytical Record of MERIT Selection Parameters for ReST –Scenario 1,
PP, 107
Table 3.15a/ Match Results for Main Phase -Scenario 1, MP, 108
Table 3.15b/ Analytical Record of MERIT Selection Parameters for ReST –Scenario 1,
MP, 109
Table 3.16a/ Operating Modes for the Seasonal Profile- 1 Year, 112
Table 3.16b/Corresponding Seasonal Energy Demand for Electrolyser (kWh), 112
Table 3.16c/ Corresponding Seasonal Hydrogen Demand for Electrolyser (Nm / h ),
Table 3.17/ Parameters for “Demand Profile Designer”, 114
Table 3.18a/ Match Results for Scenario 2, 115
Table 3.18b/ Analytical Record of MERIT Selection Parameters for ReST –Scenario 2,
Table 4.1/ Central Guidance Panel, 127
Table 4.2/ Technical Specifications for the PV modules, 130
Table 1-Appendix A/ Record of the stations reviewed for the Peeblesshire County , 161
Table 2-Appendix A/ Record of the stations reviewed at the neighbouring Counties of
Peeblesshire, 162
Table 3-Appendix A/ Local meteorological measurements for Bowhill and Eskdalemuir
areas (1994), 163
Table 4-Appendix A/ Local meteorological measurements for Bowhill and Eskdalemuir
areas (1997), 164
EV Eco-Village
BOS Balance-of-System
AC Alternative Current
CoSiMReTsI Computer Simulation Methods for
Renewable Technologies Integration
DC Direct Current
D-SM Demand-Supply Matching
GEN Global Eco -Village Network
PV Photovoltaic
ReST Renewable Supply Technologies
FC Fuel Cell
PWD Principal Weather Database
QPA Qualitative Parametrical Potential
CEACP Consecutive Elimination Assessment and Comparison Plan
PES Primary Energy Source
SES Secondary Energy Source
MP Main Phase for Scenario 1
PP Preliminary Phase for Scenario 1
OM Operation Modes
OCR Operational Capacity Range for Fuel Cell
CC Capacity Cushion for the Fuel Cell
BB Batery Bank
CFC Critical Fuel Consumption
CNST Critical Number of Storage Tanks
CNCD Critical Number of Charging Days
BC Boundary Conditions
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CGP Central Guidance Panel
FR Fuel Regulator
SN Sorting Numbers
ECA Environmetal Change Network
BADC British Atmospheric Data Centre
BWEA British Wind Energy Assossiation
PEMFC Polymer Elect rolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
ESRU Energy Systems Research Unit
OS Operating System
With the dawn of the 21st century many engineering councils, institutions
and organizations around the world are found to prepare and develop their
country’s infrastructure according to the green directions as dictated by the
notion of Sustainable Development. As in every inbound trend that seeks
establishment into the mainstream of today’s development the engineering
practice requires the testing of this trend in a miniature-like specialised
applications to examine its behaviour and plan ahead for its dissemination in
the most efficient and economic way. The Eco-Village movement is an
idea of a small community of people leaving together in a selected area of
their choice, which embraces green and sustainable practices under which
their lives are experiencing the benefits of modern technology comforts and
the pleasure of habituate close to the nature. This microcosm is a hestia of
sustainable development applied in reality and not in papers and books. In
most of the occasions these villages require an autonomous operation
including methods of food, water and energy production for the
community’s needs. In principle this condition is very difficult to establish
but it is not impossible. The issue addressed by this project is relating to the
technological aspects of the Tweed Valley Eco-Village project (Scotland)
and more specifically to the provision of Energy for electrical and heating
purposes to an autonomous and sustainable extent for that community.
Obstacles like sizing, integrity of supply, and efficiency are all examined
with the help of a computer program, namely MERIT ©, to see if it is
viable for this project to use a renewable energy scheme for supporting its
existence using Wind Turbine, Photovoltaic and a Fuel Cell Plant
modules. There were two scenarios that studied different aspects of the
autonomous condition. Scenario 1 was targeted to examine Electrical
Energy absorption by the Eco-Village as that would be produced by
Photovoltaic and Wind Turbine Units whereas Scenario 2 was broader in
studying Electrical and Thermal Energy loads ingestion provided by a Fuel
Cell Plant which was designed to operate in realistic modes to cover the
energy demands of the village according to seasonal fluctuations. The use
of MERIT was the administrative and planning tool needed for a sound
evaluation of the experiments conducted within the computerised study
interface. The experiments were case studies that were intended to simulate
the renewable energy supply technologies behaviour (primary source of
electrical energy) under the weather profile for the area of study. The
profile itself was attempted to be as homogeneous as possible to the
Thornylee Forest weather identity with data arising from stations around
that location and a methodology was devised to overcome availability and
reliability problems.
Chapter 1-Introduction
The first chapter will look at the civilisation throughout time, from ancient times to synchronous eras, in an
attempt to identify any changes in the sensitive relationship involving evolution, engineering and environmental
impacts. Modern environmental problems will be addressed briefly to probe the creation of the Eco-Village notion.
The meaning of sustainable principles in engineering will also be addressed to conclude with the role of engineering
in supporting the design of Autonomous communities reflecting preclusively the Energy sector of such a task.
Definition “ A stable form in which the material and energetic exchange processes between human societies and their physical environment are
organised”- Reference: LE -1
Table 1.1/ Annual per capita use of energy and material in different
regimes Reference: LE-2 and LE-3
Energy Material
Basic Metabolism 3,5 GJ 1-2 t
Hunter-Gatherers 10-20 GJ 2-3 t
(Factor 3-5)
Agrarian Societies 60-80 GJ 4-5 t
(Factor 20)
Transformation 250 GJ 20-22 t
(Factor 100)
1.1.2 Hunter-Gatherers
The first group, the Hunter-Gatherer societies, in terms of exploitation, are
treating the environment in a benign way. They are social-metabolically
based on an uncontrolled use of solar energy flows. Palaeolithic hunter-
gatherer societies tap more or less passively existing solar energy flows
without much trying to control these flows actively. They skim off free
energy available in their habitat but do not take systematic measures to
influence the availability or the amount of these energy flows. This epoch in
world history ended about 10,000 years ago in which no major effects on
the biosphere occurred save the use of fire to deforestation as part of their
hunting strategy- 60,000 years before present there is probable evidence of
fire used deliberately to clear forests in the Kalambo Falls site in Tanzania
Reference: LE-4
. This fire use for hunting purposes is the first indication of
ecological changes. Big game hunters thus artificially created the steppe
landscapes (by burning savannahs) on which their prey could pasture and
insofar a first incidence of a (indirect and unintended) control of the
physical environment can be observed.
• Mechanical devices. Here solar energy flows available in the
biosphere as wind or running water are mechanically converted. The
total amount of these energy flows can not be influenced, but people
can increase the efficiency of energy conversion, albeit no great
breakthrough can be expected. Technological progress is slowly
pushing at elastic limits.
1200-1750 (Middle Ages and Renaissance) Reference: IS-1
• Timbering in the forests of England, France and Germany leaves
large tracts totally denuded by around 1550 in England and the 1600s
in Europe.
• Soil conservation was not widely practiced in the Mediterranean, but
cultures in China, India and Peru understood the long term impact of
soil erosion and used terracing, crop rotation and natural fertilizer to
prevent it.
agrarian society, the triggering mechanism for a metamorphosis to the next
social regime.
The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th and early 19th
centuries in Britain, before spreading around the world, and is synonymous
to the ideas of increased productivity and over-consumption. Literally that
occurred with James Watt’s interest in the efficiency of the newcomer steam
engine in 1765, an interest that grew from his work as a scientific-instrument
maker and that led to his development of the separate condenser that made
the steam engine an effective industrial power source. As in a chain reaction
this invention set the trends for rapid progress and development. Coal, oil
and gas (fossil fuels) offered levels of energy production previously
undreamed of, leading to shifts towards factory-based systems and the mass
production of goods such as cotton. Fossil fuels, principally coal at the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution, were primarily used to generate
steam power and electricity, but their applications were vast, with many
industries becoming automated, hence increasing their output.
Amongst the technological traits- technological changes, of this
revolution (socioeconomic and social are out of the scope of this text) some
distinctive ones link directly to the large environmental impacts that were to
follow in the years to come. To start we have the use of new basic materials,
chiefly iron and steel and we mentioned above the use of new energy
sources, including both fuels and motive power, such as coal, the steam
engine, electricity, petroleum, and the internal-combustion engine. The
burning of fossil fuels led to a massive increase in urban air pollution
although most people felt that such a disadvantage was not significant in the
context of their new found prosperity. In addition to urban air pollution
however, other impacts of industrialisation were felt like the drastic changes
to land use with the construction of new buildings, including factories and
houses for employees, and transport facilities, including new roads and rail
tracks. Areas of countryside were destroyed and replaced by industrial
developments. In order to make best use of the remaining land, agricultural
machinery was modernised to make the production of food more efficient.
Finally there were important developments in transportation and
communication, including the steam locomotive, steamship, automobile,
airplane, telegraph, and radio. Water could not escape from the general
situation with rivers and lakes being the direct receivers of the pollution
resources and has greater impacts on the environment than an agrarian
society. Initially these new chemical, physical, and biological impacts
remained local or regional in scale. Only in the 1940s, after World War II,
did the environmental ramifications of human activities begin to affect the
functioning of major earth systems. The U.S. alone has consumed more
mineral resources in the last few decades than all of civilization did before
that Reference: IS-2. Certain global environmental problems that arose in the
closing decades of the twentieth century demonstrate the absolutely
unprecedented extent of human impacts on the environment. These grave
global problems include climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, and
loss of biodiversity.
Two over-riding trends characterize the beginning of the third
millennium Reference: LE-6. First, the global ecosystem is threatened by grave
imbalances in productivity and in the distribution of goods and services. A
significant proportion of humanity still lives in dire poverty, and projected
trends are for an increasing divergence between those that benefit from
economic and technological development, and those that do not. This
unsustainable progression of extremes of wealth and poverty threatens the
stability of society as a whole, and with it the global environment. Secondly,
the world is undergoing accelerating change, with environmental
stewardship lagging behind economic and social development.
Environmental gains from new technology and policies are being overtaken
by population growth and economic development. The processes of
globalization that are so strongly influencing social evolution need to be
directed towards resolving rather than aggravating the serious imbalances
that divide the world today. Resolving these imbalances is the only way of
ensuring a more sustainable future for the planet and society.
Although earth's environment has gone through significant changes
over geological time, nothing like these global environmental problems –
climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, and loss of biodiversity – has
taken place during the history of human civilization. The breadth and depth
of environmental problems facing the world have pressed political leaders to
recognize that nature's abundance and resilience can not be taken for
amounts of carbon moving into and out of the atmosphere each year. The
climate and ecosystems that had prevailed during the development of
human civilization were linked to this balance. Carbon dioxide, the major
greenhouse gas affecting global climate (along with methane, nitrous oxide,
and others) is now at levels about 30% higher than in pre-industrial times.
After light energy from the sun penetrates our atmosphere and is absorbed
by the Earth's surface, it gets reradiated in the form of heat energy. It is
natural and beneficial that gases in the atmosphere trap this heat energy, as
this maintains our planet's average surface temperature near a comfortable
16°C. But the changes we have created in the composition of the Earth's
atmosphere, increasing the levels of greenhouse gases, results in more heat
being trapped by the atmosphere. On average, global temperatures have
already warmed over the last century, and the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change estimates that temperatures will increase another 1.5 to
4.5°C over the next century. This would be a rate of climate change unlike
anything that has occurred in the last 10,000 years. The ramifications include
inundation of coastal cities, severe droughts in some areas, severe storms
and flooding elsewhere, shifts in availability of fresh water, changes in
agricultural productivity, spread of tropical diseases, and wildlife and plant
communities unable to adapt- with increased political unrest and
international tensions likely to follow Reference: LE-7.
Biodiversity or the diversity of life can be studied at different levels. Genetic
diversity involves the diversity of genes and thus of adaptive traits (e.g.,
behavioural traits, and resistance to drought, disease, and toxins) within a
species or other taxonomic division; genetic diversity increases the
likelihood that a species can avoid extinction. Species diversity refers to the
number of species; each species is interdependent with other species in
many ways. Ecological diversity involves diversity of ecological
communities. Habitat degradation and destruction is the major cause of
species loss. Much of the loss is occurring in tropical forest and other
species-rich ecosystems that are not well studied and where millions of
species remain unidentified. Some scientists think that as many as one-third
of all species on Earth could be extinct by 2100. The loss of each species
and the ecosystem services it provides may affect society in a number of
ways. Biodiversity, along with a few other factors including climate, species
composition, disturbance, and availability of nutrients, is a major controller
of the dynamics and structure of populations and ecosystems Reference: LE-10.
Because biodiversity acts to stabilize community and ecosystem processes,
we can expect human-caused losses of biodiversity to result in significant
long-term changes in the functioning of ecosystems.
soundness of their design and planning as these are the real culprits of the
problem itself. Others believe that the 21 st century civilisation is found
facing a crisis of economic, social and environmental projections. They state
that the extent of the crisis is such that we should be worried about the
continuity of our species, on this planet, for the years to come. According to
this party of people the human civilization has never encountered so big a
dilemma such a complex situation of accepting the current face of society,
and with it automatically the possibility of a future catastrophe, or rethinking
and redesigning today’s endless set of priorities and values that have caused
this crisis to ensure a better course of life. And complex this situation is.
Over consumption, industrialisation, the fight for economic consolidation
and the strife for rampant rates of growth, are some of the most important
characteristics of the face of the menace.
Humanity can today be proud of numerous amazing and impalpable
breakthroughs and achievements in every science of our intellectual
expressionism. These creations though, when viewed from a different angle,
they can be deemed as detrimental and corrosive to the environment
primarily and to society and economy secondarily as they can be proved
beneficial at the same time, a fact that overshadows their glamour and
importance to us. The spinal chord of our revolutionary methods to flourish
has been found today of having a negative effect on the planet. The choice
of materials for our products, the way manufacture our products, the way
we produce our energy, the way we produce our food, the way we dispose
our wastes and many others are an example of the synchronous case of the
environmental problem we experience today. To no dereliction and as an
integral part of the crisis there are other sectors that flaw in today’s polis,
economical and social in nature (like the huge differences in the monetary
status of many countries of the west and the south or the social paralysis of
minorities in many nations Reference: LE-6) , which constitute the range of the
problem. It was soon realised that these three flaws of today’s civilisation are
so detrimental to the next generations to be left unnoticed and ungoverned
and the term sustainability was readily appointed to the problem as a
scientific description for studying it.
The conceptual underpinnings for our current use of the term
sustainability originate in the early 1970s. The book “Blueprint for Survival”
called for “a stable society - one that to all intents and purposes can be sustained
indefinitely while giving optimum satisfaction to its members” Reference: LE-11. In the early
1980s, the phrase sustainable development began to appear in
publications of the United Nations and the idea of sustainability was
discussed by the private sector as well, such as in the Worldwatch Institute
book “Building a Sustainable Society” Reference: LE-12. Yet it was not until the 1987
publication of “Our Common Future” by the World Commission on
Environment and Development that sustainable development was discussed
as a major political goal and defined in a way that drew the attention of the
world. Often called the “Brundtland Report” after the Norwegian prime
minister who chaired the commission, this report to the United Nations
decried the usual narrow approach to environmental issues or economic
development issues and called for new approaches that would integrate
ecological, economic, and social concerns Reference: LE-13 .The report discussed the
need to apply integrated, sustainable solutions to a broad range of problems
related to population, agriculture and food security, biodiversity, energy
choices, industry, and more. It emphasized that building a sustainable
society will require enhancing the quality of life for all humanity without
impacting the long-term carrying capacity of natural systems. At the 1992
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de
Janeiro, also called the Earth Summit, sustainable development was an
underlying theme. The “Rio Declaration on Environment and Development”
outlined the obligations and rights of countries in pursuing sustainable
development, and an ongoing UN Commission on Sustainable
Development was created Reference: LE-14.
In Our Common Future, the Brundtland commission proposed the
definitionDefinition for sustainable development that was to become so broadly
used by so many scientific teams Reference: LE-13 . The Brundtland report
described seven strategic imperatives for sustainable development:
• Reviving growth,
• Changing the quality of growth,
• Meeting essential needs for jobs, food, energy, water, and
• Ensuring a sustainable level of population,
• Conserving and enhancing the resource base,
• Reorienting technology and managing risk and
• Merging environment and economics in decision-making.
It also emphasized that the state of our technology and social organization,
particularly a lack of integrated social planning, limits the world’s ability to
meet human needs now and in the future. Sustainable development or
sustainability involves three broad interacting realms: environment,
economics, and social equity. These three realms could be called the
ecological imperative, the social imperative, and the economic imperative. It
has been said that: “These three aspects are inseparable and our ability to develop a
deeper understanding of this linkage is critical to our prospects for sustainability” Reference:
Definition “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
1.3.1 The Principle of Environmental Health and Engineering
The long-term health and stability of natural systems are critical to human
society. Not only do natural systems provide natural resources or ecosystem
goods but also a range of other ecosystem services that support human life
and endeavours Reference: LE-16.Environmentally sustainable choices would
include those which contribute to conserving natural resources, protecting
biodiversity, stabilizing atmospheric composition and global climate, and
otherwise protecting the stability and productivity of Earth systems. Social
equity and economic development can support healthy environmental
systems (See Table 1.2)
birth of engineering minds. It would be a true disappointment for the
science which focus has always been the improvement of our lifestyle to
relinquish to a superficial role coming from disrespecting environmental
appeals. To prevent this degradation the purity of engineering has been
reassessed to a sustainable level. The term “Green engineering” is given
today to the systems-level design of a process or product using
environmental attributes as a primary design variable. These design variables
which source of energy should be used has generated a lot of controversy
Reference: IS-3
.Carbon dioxide, one of the most prevalent greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, has two major anthropogenic (human-caused) sources: the
combustion of fossil fuels and changes in land use. Net releases of carbon
dioxide from these two sources are believed to be contributing to the rapid
rise in atmospheric concentrations since pre-industrial times. Because
estimates indicate that approximately 80 percent all anthropogenic carbon
dioxide emissions currently come from fossil fuel combustion, world energy
use has emerged at the centre of the climate change debate Reference: IS-4. Many
countries currently have policies or regulations in place that limit energy-
related emissions other than carbon dioxide.
Criteria pollutants such as sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides are also
emitted as a result of fossil fuel combustion, contributing to a variety of
health and environmental problems that include acid rain, deterioration of
soil and water quality, and human respirator illnesses. Nitrogen oxide
emissions additionally contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone
(smog). Furthermore, criteria pollutants indirectly affect the global climate
by reacting with other chemical compounds in the atmosphere to form
greenhouse gases or, in the case of sulphur dioxide, by affecting the
absorptive characteristics of the atmosphere. To date, the measures taken to
mitigate criteria pollutant emissions have been focused primarily on the
main sources. Fossil fuel combustion for electricity generation, particularly
coal-fired power, represents the largest source of sulphur dioxide emissions
in many countries. Other significant energy-related sources include fuel
combustion for manufacturing industries, vehicles, and petroleum refining.
Nitrogen oxides are emitted as a result of fossil-fuel-based electricity
generation, although oil use for road transportation is generally the single
largest source.
Energy production has another contributor to the environmental
hazards of the planet. The fission nuclear power plants that are already in
use have produced thousands of tons of radioactive waste that are sitting in
drums waiting for disposal. This waste will be toxic for thousands of years
and where to put it has become a gigantic technical and political problem.
For this kind of wastes there is still no safe storage methods and if any
proposed they are usually unproved and still under development for their
environment and public protection standards. While radiation leaks are rare,
there have been some small leaks and even a few larger ones. Small leaks
allow radioactive gases to get into the atmosphere, which if breathed, could
help cause cancer. The water from the cooling towers contains excess heat
energy and is released into the local rivers or lakes. The warmer
temperatures that are created allow organisms that would not normally
thrive to grow and kill off some of the previous inhabitants.
Table 1.3/ Pollutants and their Effects from Energy Power Plants
Coal & Oil Power Plants
Pollutant (air) Environmental Effects
Nitrous Oxides (air) Global Warming
Carbon Dioxide (air) Smog
Particulate or Dust (air) Causes lung cancer and other lung ailments
Nuclear Power Plants
Radioactive Waste (liquid or solid) Difficult to dispose of
Radiation Leaks (air) Radiation poisoning and increased risk of cancer
Heat Emissions (water) Causes growth of algae and kills marine life
resource conservation/reduced environment impact at both a global
and local scale increases.
1. Ecological sustainability.
2. Human scale, decentralised production.
3. Allowance for a non-stressful, meditative life style.
Technologies (ReST). The true nature of the energy demand has two faces.
One is the Electrical Energy supply and the other is the Thermal Energy
supply. These two constitute the magnitude of the energy requirements for
any modern community and that is also the case for the EV. For both parts
there are plenty of candidates to utilise but the crux for the engineers is to
test the ability of ReST to mix in with the specialised energy needs of the
EV communities. The most widely used method for testing the potential of
ReST and thus aiding their integration is by Demand-Supply Matching (D-
SM) Reference: LE- 17.
The matching procedure described by Ramakumar et al. Reference: LE-23
employs a knowledge-based approach in the design of integrated renewable
energy systems. The procedure uses seasonal data sets to characterise each
season by a set of available RE resources and load requirements. By
systematically attempting to satisfy each of the seasonal demands with the
cheapest supplies available, seasonal supply systems are constructed, from
which an annual design is proposed. The work is primarily concerned with
finding the most economic supply technologies to satisfy a number of
prioritised demands. Again the high levels of variability involved in both
demand and supply profiles are neglected in a seasonal approach. Profile
variability is critical in any supply and demand matching exercise, as net
supply and demand totals give no indication as to whether demands are
satisfied at the time when they are required. The design of a renewable
energy system should ensure that times of renewable energy availability
coincide with periods of consumption.
So D-SM is a very arduous technique especially when the energy
engineers have time limitations upon delivery of the decisions plans and in
the case where the study has to be a realistic simulation (not a mere
estimation) of the pragmatic energy loads with respect to the topology and
the climatic characteristics of the area under development. For their aid, as
this is the case now for most of the engineering disciplines, computers are
utilised where very specialised programs can be run to improve the D-SM
process and so offer an incredible amount of capabilities for the integration
of ReST. Computer power has been largely responsible for the advances in
renewable technologies and will be equally instrumental in their
dissemination. The use of computer systems has had a direct effect on
renewable energy technologies by advancing design and improving
efficiencies Reference: LE-18. Examples include improving the conversion
efficiency of photovoltaic cells, increasing the aerodynamic performance of
wind turbines and the development of power electronic devices to allow
variable-rotor-speed operation of wind turbines, which reduce structural
loads and improve power quality.
Post-Development Phase
For the post development phase of an EV i.e. after the buildings have
erected, there is a variety of energy tracking and decision support systems
are currently available (e.g. QuickPlan and Entrack Reference: LE-19). These
software tools enable users to monitor energy consumption in order to
detect inefficiencies and faulty control systems, and evaluate the effects of
building retrofits. They also provide spatial information related to enable
renewable energy resource estimation by site, as well as environmental and
socio-economic impact assessment. The EEP system Reference: LE- 20 enables
sustainable planning via emissions tracking and enables users to assess
progress towards agreed reductions in emissions. Furthermore about the
simulation of building demands involved in the appraisal of energy
efficiency technologies there is range of software design tools are available,
encompassing simple appraisal tools (e.g. ASEAM Reference: LE-24, Energy 10
Reference: LE-25
and sophisticated packages (e.g. DOE-2 Reference: LE-26, Esp-r Reference: LE-
.These tools are employed to evaluate a variety of energy dependent
design measures, with the more advanced packages including features to
assess comfort, daylight and analyse different control systems. Furthermore,
some of the building simulation tools incorporate renewable energy
technology modelling, allowing building integrated system analysis (e.g. Esp-
Pre-Development Phase
When the study is at the pre-development phase there is still a large family
of computer software that can assist and facilitate the decision making for
ReST for an EV. The author is referring to that family as Computer
Simulation Methods for Renewable Technology Integration or CoSiMReTsI.
There are many specialised simulation tools that are available for the analysis
of renewable systems. Examples include solar ventilation air heating;
biomass heating; wind energy; small hydro and photovoltaic systems (e.g.
RETScreen Reference: LE-21, IRES-KB Reference: LE-22.Such programs facilitate the pre-
feasibility analysis of renewable technologies and aid the procedure of
evaluating the optimum technology for a given site by the evaluating supply
potentials. Among others there is MERIT Reference: IS-6, the program that we
used in this study is, which is a very versatile software to facilitate the
simulation for the D-SM of the Tweed Valley EV. The fundamental aim in
the creation of MERIT is to ensure its use was not limited to specialist
knowledge and could be used by computer literate individuals to investigate
various supply and demand strategies, without the need for prior knowledge
of different technologies.
End of Chapte r 1
Chapter 2-Literature Rev iew
This chapter is dedicated to the essential background information accompanying the experimental phase of the
project. The focus will be addressing the renewable technologies that will be used in later chapters providing basic
and advanced knowledge of their technical characteristics that will endorse the experimental study. The Eco-Village
notion as a global phenomenon and as a Scottish reality at the Tweed Valley will also be acknowledged to deliver
an understanding of the values and principles of these radical communities.
• The Manitou Foundation, USA
• The Ladakh project, India
• Danish Eco-village Association
He suggests that eco-villages can also be testing grounds for new ideas,
technology and techniques which can then be integrated into the
mainstream. Eco-village settlements need to meet various organizational
challenges in building and in operating more sustainable systems. These
challenges are:
• The governance challenge of defining the roles, expectations and
practices of decision making and resource allocation within such
communities, and their relationship with others,
• The “glue” challenge of setting out an ideal of a shared vision, and
the resulting tensions between unity of purpose and diversity of
• The “whole system” challenge of integrating and meeting the
above challenges in a personally satisfying and sustainable process
within an existing economic and social system which currently
wasteful of resources and unsustainable.
at the same time. That is because common to all of the projects is their
focus on education and a desire for the integration of ecology, spirituality,
community, and business development.
Eco-Villages recognition of environmental impacts and principles is
strong. Most of the eco-villages are using the environment to cover there
needs to an autonomous level and so energy, waste treatment, water, and
food production are provided on site. Energy needs are met usually by solar
and wind, water is supplied by rainwater catchments, wastes and nutrients
are recycled and treated as resources, local forests provide building
materials, and annual vegetable production and perennial fruit production
are integrated into the project. Common land contains the infrastructure
network–roads and walkways, power and communication systems, as well as
dams for water supply and fire fighting. Common land also safeguards
natural features and gives space to wildlife. Most householders compost
their organic waste; inorganic waste is likely to be recycled for building
materials. Water for household needs is collected from rainwater tanks, and
additional garden supplies are available from storage dams. Sewage or black
waste is either taken care of by composting toilets or through septic tanks.
Some households install grey water subsurface or reed bed systems. Permaculture
One of the three characteristics, for which eco-villages are known to wider
public, is the practice of permaculture as a mandatory planning issue. The
word "permaculture" was coined in 1978 by Bill Mollison, an Australian
ecologist, and one of his students, David Holmgren. It is a contraction of
“permanent agriculture” or “permanent culture”.
Permaculture is about designing ecological human habitats and food
production systems. It is a land use and community building movement
which strives for the harmonious integration of human dwellings,
microclimate, annual and perennial plants, animals, soils, and water into
stable, productive communities. The focus is not on these elements
themselves, but rather on the relationships created among them by the way
we place them in the landscape. This synergy is further enhanced by
mimicking patterns found in nature. A central theme in permaculture is the
design of ecological landscapes that produce food. Emphasis is placed on
multi-use plants, cultural practices such as sheet mulching and trellising, and
the integration of animals to recycle nutrients and graze weeds. However,
permaculture entails much more than just food production. Energy-efficient
buildings, waste water treatment, recycling, and land stewardship in general
are other important components of permaculture. More recently,
permaculture has expanded its purview to include economic and social
structures that support the evolution and development of more permanent
communities, such as co-housing projects and eco-villages. As such,
permaculture design concepts are applicable to urban as well as rural
settings, and are appropriate for single households as well as whole farms
and villages.
“Integrated farming” and “ecological engineering” are terms
sometimes used to describe permaculture, with “cultivated ecology” perhaps
being the closest. Though helpful, these terms alone do not capture the
holistic nature of permaculture; thus, the following definitions are included
here to provide additional insight. Co-Housing
The other characteristic of eco-villages is the practice of co-housing. Co-
housing is the name of a type of collaborative housing that attempts to
overcome the alienation of modern subdivisions in which no-one knows
their neighbours, and there is no sense of community. It is characterized by
private dwellings with their own kitchen, living-dining room etc, but also
extensive common facilities. The common house may include a large dining
room, kitchen, lounges, meeting rooms, recreation facilities, library,
workshops, and children’s space.
Usually, co-housing communities are designed and managed by the
residents, and are intentional neighbourhoods: the people are consciously
committed to living as a community; the physical design itself encourages
that and facilitates social contact. The typical co-housing community has 20
to 30 single family homes along a pedestrian street or clustered around a
courtyard. Residents of co-housing communities often have several optional
group meals in the common building each week. This type of housing began
in Denmark in the late 1960s, and spread to North America in the late
1980s. There are now more than a hundred co-housing communities
completed or in development across the United States and Canada. The
main characteristics of Co-housing are Reference: LE-34:
34 Ecological and Sustainable Building Design
The last of the three most important characteristics and maybe the one with
the uppermost significance from an engineering perspective is the practice
of sustainable constructions for the people of the EV. There are two
approaches that Eco-Villagers implement the design of their buildings: the
green or ecological approach and the sustainable one. The two are too
difficult to distinct as they both focus on the improvement of habiting and
the protection of the environment, but still there are some slight differences
that separate them.
Green Building
A green approach to the built environment involves a holistic approach to
the design of buildings. The design methods usually integrate passive solar,
energy efficiency and other renewable energy technologies that can be used
to reduce building energy consumption. This high performance, holistic
approach to design examines how a building interacts with its systems,
activities and surrounding environment. Thus by optimising the building’s
standard components- site, windows, walls, floors and mechanical systems-
building owners can substantially reduce energy use without increasing
construction costs. All the resources that go into a building, be they
materials, fuels or the contribution of the users, need to be considered if a
sustainable architecture is to be produced. Producing green buildings
involves resolving many conflicting issues and requirements. Each design
decision has environmental implications. Measures for green buildings can
be divided into four areas:
Most green buildings are high-quality buildings; they last longer, cost less to
operate and maintain, and provide greater occupant satisfaction than
standard developments.
Sustainable Building
A sustainable construction on the other hand is defined as “the creation and
responsible management of a healthy built environment based on resource efficient and
ecological principles”. Sustainable designed buildings aim to lessen their impact
on our environment through energy and resource efficiency. It includes the
following principles:
• Resource Efficiency,
• Energy Efficiency (including Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction),
• Pollution Prevention (including Indoor Air Quality and Noise
• Harmonisation with Environment (including Environmental
• Integrated and Systemic Approaches (including Environmental
Management System),
Figure 2.1/Eco-Village developments in Scotland
In search of new homes they came up with the idea of an Eco-Village. The
most appropriate site they could find was the Thornylee Forest (See Figure
2.2) provided by the Forest Enterprise. According to the overview of the
project by their prospect villagers this site has the following advantages
Reference: LE-35
• “South Facing Slope. This maximises the potential for solar energy
collection of all types including passive, photovoltaic, water heating
and it is important for the walled organic garden planned for the
paddock that will enable the villagers an autonomy on the food
following the principles of permaculture”.
• “Low Environmental Impact. Thornylee is a sheltered and
unobtrusive site. The houses will be designed to integrate into the
surrounding landscape with a very low visual impact using
environmental responsible materials (See P.”.
• “Rural Location. As a stated aim of the EV development its
construction on the Thornylee site would be a positive enhancement
on the countryside amenities, landscape and nature conservation
through the creation of new possibilities for leisure, relaxation and
• “Regeneration of Degraded Land. Vast areas around Thornylee are
dominated by plantation monoculture that supports few other
species and prevents biodiversity. A change of land use at Thornylee
from uneconomical forestry to recreational, educational and
residential use will promote local involvement and increase its
biodiversity through the planting of native species”.
• “Transport Corridor. The site is situated just off the main Peebles to
Galashiels road (A72) and is served by the Edinburgh to Galashiels
bus (No. 62)”.
• “Space. It is important to have a site where space is not restricted.
Thornylee Forest covers a large area (approximately 300acres) which
will provide ample space for living, working, the positioning of
energy systems and the provision of waste management through
Wetland (Reed Bed System) construction”.
Figure 2.3/ South Facing slope
2.2 Let There Be Power
As we saw in paragraph P.1.3.3 one of the culprits for the environmental
integrity of the planet is the Energy Sector. The first of the two divisions,
the Electrical Generation Division (end-use electrical energy), is the most
dangerous with Energy Industry for Decentralised Fuel Demand (refined
oil, gasoline and natural gas fuels for domestic, transportation and industrial
use) following the track. Almost every hazardous element that can
contribute to the pollution and perturbation of the environment (land, air,
water) is found to have a direct or indirect connection with some means of
energy production.
Over the years, since the first realisation of the problem, the Energy
Sector was “revived” to a reasonable extend partly by introducing statutory
guidelines on the degree and nature of pollution and efficiencies or by
incorporating alternative (renewable) sources of energy generation to an
ancillary degree, where possible. One approach to reducing emissions is to
focus on increasing energy efficiency. Energy efficiency equates to money
saved while securing the energy supply Reference: LE- 37. The first statutory
amendments were applied to establish and enforce air pollution standards
and to set emission standards for new factories and extremely hazardous
industrial pollutants Reference: LE-38. The energy industry was highly affected by
that as it was required to meet “ambient air quality standards” by regulating
the emissions of various pollutants from existing stationary sources, such as
power plants and incinerators, in part by the installation of smokestack
scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, and other filters. Later amendments
also expanded the scope and strength of the regulations for controlling
industrial pollution. The result has been limiting progress in reducing the
quantities of sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, ozone,
particulate matter, and lead in the air. Some of these act also regulated
hazardous air pollutants such as mercury, beryllium, asbestos, vinyl chloride,
benzene, radioactive substances, and inorganic arsenic (EPA 1992).
But what really is a longer and more solid and robust solution to the
actual environmental problem is the use of technology capable of capturing
the renewable energy diffusion on the planet in terms of solar, wind,
elevation, fluid power, gravitational and bio-materials potential. Renewable
energy technologies were developed, in part, to combat the results of fossil
fuel depletion Reference: LE-37 but it was soon realised that these clean and
abundant tools of producing energy can have other benefits on areas of
economy and social promotion for both industrialised and developing
countries. As part of this project we are only interested to any solution that
can and it is used by the Eco-Village grid for covering the demand of these
organisations in energy consumption. It should be clear by now that the
selection of the following systems is in accordance to the relative need for
sustainable technology use within specific economic and regional availability
requirements for the habitats of eco-villages as described before in P.2.1.
With a combination of this technologies to the other sustainable principles
for housing planning the eco-villages are truly a purely form of static success
of a natural energy assimilation system.
• Cost-when the cost is high for extending the utility power line or
using another electricity generating system in a remote location, a PV
system is often the most cost-effective source of electricity.
• Reliability-PV modules have no moving parts and require little
maintenance compared to other electricity-generating systems.
• Modularity-PV systems can be expanded to meet increased power
requirements by adding more modules to an existing system.
• Environment-PV systems generate electricity without polluting the
environment and without creating noise.
• Ability to combine systems-PV systems can be combined with other
types of electric generators (wind, hydro, and diesel, for example) to
charge batteries and provide power on demand. PV Technology
The basic element of photovoltaic technology is the solar cell (typically
10*10 cm2). Solar cells are constructed by joining two dissimilar layers of
semi-conducting materials, referred to as p-type (positive) and n-type
(negative) semiconductors. “Doping” a semiconductor, usually crystalline
silicon, with an impurity (typically boron) creates a deficit of negatively
charged electrons, producing a “p-type” semiconductor. Similarly, n-type
semiconductors are doped with small impurities, typically phosphorous, that
result in a surplus of free electrons. A solar cell is constructed by joining
these two semiconductors in a “p-n junction”, producing an electric field.
The photovoltaic effect is enacted when sunlight, comprised of positively
charged photons, is absorbed by the solar cell, transferring energy to the
electrons that then become part of a current in an electrical circuit. In
addition to the semiconductors, a solar cell consists of a transparent
encapsulant (typically glass) to prevent weathering, an anti-reflective layer,
and a contact surface to transfer the electric current to the load. Unlike
utility power plants, which produce electricity constantly despite the time of
day and year or the weather, the output of PV modules is directly related to
these three factors. Because different geographic regions experience
different weather patterns the location where the PV will be situated will
greatly vary the number of PV modules for a given power output.
Furthermore any seasonal variations can affect the amount of sunlight
available to power a PV system and thus its power output (See Figure 2.7).
The latter is also affected by fluctuations in the module temperature.
Figure 2.7/ The Sun’s path as a design factor for correct sizing, sitting and
positioning the PV
PV Modules
A PV module is an array of packaged solar cells that convert solar energy
directly into Direct-Current (DC) electricity. Individual PV module outputs
range between 10 Wp (peak Watts) to 300 Wp (each cell, measuring
approximately 10*10 cm2, generating 1Wp), but scaling allows PV modules to
be linked into panels and further, panels into arrays to meet the desired
electrical load Reference: LE-39. Virtually all of the installed PV systems in the
world are “flat-plate” systems that use large areas of semiconductors to
convert direct and diffuse solar radiation. While some flat-plate systems are
made to rotate to track the sun, most are fixed and have no moving parts.
Alternatively, PV systems known as “concentrators”, utilize optic lenses to
focus direct sunlight onto comparatively smaller areas, thereby reducing the
amount of necessary semi-conducting material. It is quite obvious that
dimension-wise these systems are in need of docking areas their size being
proportional to the power output of the PV modules. Figure 2.8 below is a
good example of how these two factors affect each other.
Crystalline Silicon PV
Silicon is the most common semi-conducting material in use in PV modules
due to its abundance. Single-crystal silicon, or mono-crystalline silicon,
semiconductors are the most efficient in transferring electrons due to their
uniform structure, but are also the most expensive. Excluding the market
for indoor-consumer-equipment with low power requirements, for example
a calculator, mono-crystalline silicon modules accounted for 48.4 MWp, or
60% of the 82.4 MWp global PV market in 1996 Reference: LE-40. A newer variation
of the mono-crystalline cell are silicon “ribbon” cells which are formed by
cutting ribbons from a thin mono-crystalline sheets. While silicon ribbon
cells hold promise of future manufacturing cost reductions, they constituted
just 3% or 3 MWp of the global market in 1996 Reference: LE-40. Crystalline silicon
PV cells have figured prominently in the commercial marketplace because of
their durability and efficiency performance. Today, modules constructed of
mono-crystalline silicon, yield efficiencies of 12% in the field. In laboratory
environments, module of crystalline silicon cells achieved efficiencies of
22.7% in 1998, up from 7% in 1976. Factors such as dust and encapsulants
reduce the light reaching the solar cells in the field and thus limit the
efficiency. The next most prevalent type of semiconductor is cast “multi-
crystal” or polycrystalline silicon, accounting for 24 MW, or roughly 30% of
the PV modules shipped in 1996. Polycrystalline silicon is less expensive to
manufacture than mono-crystalline silicon, however, it is less efficient in
transmitting electrons due to the existence of grain boundaries.
Polycrystalline silicon modules exhibit 9% efficiencies in the field.
Thin-film PV
An emerging alternative to crystalline silicon is thin-film PV. Thin-film, flat-
plate systems use 1/20 to 1/100 of the material needed for crystalline silicon
semiconductors by employing a film of semi-conducting material only 1
micron (10-6 m) thick. The most prominent type of thin-film photovoltaic in
production, Amorphous Silicon (a-Si), accounted for 5.9 MW or 7% of the
outdoor PV market in 1996 Reference: LE-40 .Two other thin-film PV under
development that demonstrate potential for large-scale PV module
manufacture are Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) and Copper Indium Diselenide
(CIS), though they held less than 1% of the PV market in 1996. Lower
material volumes for thin-film PV, as compared with crystalline silicon,
result in lower material costs. In principle, thin-film PV cells also exhibit a
greater propensity for mass-manufacturing cost reductions as compared
with crystalline silicon. However, commercially available thin-film PV have
not attained field efficiencies greater than 6%, as compared with the 12%
efficiency of crystalline silicon PV modules. Though laboratory tests have
yielded promising thin-film efficiencies, manufacturers have not yet
translated the high-efficiencies and high-yields of smaller, laboratory-
constructed thin-films up to production volumes. The economic
competitiveness of a PV module is measured in monetary currency per peak
watt (that is $/W p for the USA and £/Wp for the UK) and is therefore
impacted by both unit cost and efficiency. The challenge for thin-film PV
manufacturers is to consistently produce cells at commercial-scale
geometries and volumes with efficiencies akin to crystalline silicon cells, if
they are to capture more of the photovoltaic market.
current and voltage, maximizes power output, and converts Direct-Current
(DC) electricity generated by the PV array into Alternating Current (AC)
electricity through a DC/AC inverter. Power storage is a desirable- or in
many instances a compulsory- power system requirement, and thus a battery
and a “charge controller” device must be added to the BOS. PV systems
necessitate protective electrical hardware such as diodes, fuses, circuit
breakers, safety switches and grounds, as well as wiring to connect the PV
module and BOS components Reference: LE-39. In applications where a PV system
will be supplementing a “base load” or where power must always be
available (i.e. nights or cloudy days), a PV system is usually integrated with
an auxiliary electric generator. This hybrid system does not necessarily fall
under the definition of BOS, but an additional electric generator will impact
the overall sizing of the PV system, the battery and other BOS components. PV Applications
Solar cells are ideal energy candidates in niche markets where:
• Production of high quality electrical power (better than utility power
in most cases),
• On-site green power production – absolutely no emissions,
• Longevity, 20-30 year lifetime for most components, some will last
• Reliability, long periods between regular maintenance, 6-12 months,
• Provision of an uninterrupted power supply or UPS (when batteries
are included) during utility power outages,
• Silent & low maintenance, replaces noisy & unreliable generators,
• Solid State, no moving parts, nothing to break,
• Available anywhere in the world where there is light (even if no direct
• Transportable, lightweight, good for mobile applications,
• Modular - expandable & easily up-gradable.
• High initial cost
• Higher overall cost depending on situation
2.2.2 Wind Turbines
Wind turbines transform kinetic energy in the wind to electricity. The power
that can be generated from a modern wind turbine is practically related to
the square of the wind speed, although theoretically it is related to the cube
of the wind speed. This means that a site with twice the wind speed of
another will generate four times as much energy. Consequently, the
availability of good wind speed data is critical to the feasibility of any wind
project. Data is usually gathered over a period of time using anemometers
installed at the prospective site. Normally, one year is the minimum time a
site is monitored Reference: LE-40. Most commercial wind turbines operating today
are at sites with average wind speeds greater than 6 m/s or 22 km/h. A prime
wind site will have an annual average wind speed in excess of 7.5 m/s (or 27
Key Points:
• Wind is an intermittent but predictable resource.
• Good wind speed data is critical to determining the economic
feasibility of a wind project.
• Prime sites have average wind speeds greater than 7.5 metres/sec (27
• Most common wind turbines in commercial operation average 600
kW in power capacity.
• Capacity factors range from 20 to percent; availability is greater than
95 percent.
• Wind is a modular technology that can be erected quickly.
• Wind turbines can be integrated into existing grid and off-grid
• Possible environmental issues include, visual, cultural, land use, and
bird impacts, and noise.
• Planning approval and environmental assessment are usually
necessary. WT Technology
Almost all wind turbines are “horizontal axis” machines with rotors using
two or three airfoil blades. The rotor blades are fixed to a hub attached to a
main shaft, which turns a generator – normally with transmission through a
gearbox. The shaft, generator, gearbox, bearings, mechanical brakes and the
associated equipment are located inside the nacelle on top of the tower. The
nacelle also supports and transfers structural loads to the tower, and
together they house all automatic controls and electric power equipment.
The wind turbine automatically turns the nacelle to the direction facing the
wind for optimal energy production. The turbines are stopped at very high
wind speeds to protect them from damage.
Wind turbines range in capacity (or size) from a few Kilowatts to several
Megawatts. The crucial parameter is the rotor diameter – the longer the
blades the larger the area swept by the rotor, and thus the volume of air
hitting the rotor plane. At the same time, the higher towers of large wind
turbines bring rotors higher above the ground where the energy density in
the wind is higher. Larger wind turbines have proven to be more cost
efficient, due to improvements in designs and economics of scale, but also
with a higher energy production per swept m2, due to the higher towers. For
commercial utility-sized projects, the most common turbines sold are in the
range of 600 kW to 1 MW – large enough to supply electricity to 600-1,000
modern homes. Rotors may operate at constant or variable speeds,
depending on the design. MW-size machines are all variable speed concepts.
Typical rotor speeds at rated power range from 15 to 50 revolutions per
minute – a factor that influences the visual impact. The larger the rotor the
lower the rotational speed, in order to keep the blade tip speed in the
optimal range from 60 to 80 m/s. A typical 600 KW turbine has a blade
diameter of 35 metres and is mounted on a 50 metre concrete or steel tower.
Power output is regulated automatically as wind speed changes, to limit
loads and to optimise power production. The present state-of-the-art large
wind turbines have:
• Power control by active stall or pitch control (in both cases pitching
blades) combined with some degree of variable speed rotor and
• A two-speed asynchronous generator or a gearless transmission to a
multi-pole synchronous generator and power electronics.
Virtually all wind turbines installed at present are based on one of the three
main wind turbine types (See Figure 2.9):
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intensive production). Other production methods include thermo-chemical
water decomposition, photo conversion and production from biomass.
Clean energies such as electricity from solar, wind and hydro can be applied
to produce clean hydrogen i.e. without greenhouse gases or nuclear waste
being generated in the production process (See Figure 2.14). At current
times hydrogen may actually be the only meaningful link between renewable
energy and chemical energy carriers Reference: LE-45.
allows quick pairing of atomic hydrogen into pairs at the electrode surface
and thereby increases the rate of hydrogen production. Without the catalyst,
atomic hydrogen would build up on the electrode and block current flow. A
gas separator, or diaphragm, is used to prevent intermixing of the hydrogen
and oxygen although it allows free pas-sage of ions. It is usually made of an
asbestos-based material, and tends to break apart above 80 ºC.
as an electricity storage medium, hydrogen is competitive with batteries in
terms of weight and cost. To be truly clean, the electrical power stored
during electrolysis must derive from non-polluting, renewable sources. If the
power is derived from natural gas or coal, the pollution has not been
eliminated, only pushed upstream. In addition, every energy transformation
has an associate energy loss. Consequently, fossil fuels may be used with
greater efficiency by means other than by driving the electrolysis of
hydrogen. Furthermore, the cost of burning fossil fuels to generate
electricity for electrolysis is three to five times that of reforming the
hydrogen directly from the fossil fuel. Non-polluting renewable energy
sources include hydroelectric, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind.
Figure 2.16/ How a FC works
In a typical fuel cell, gaseous fuels are fed continuously to the anode
(negative electrode) compartment and an oxidant (i.e., oxygen from air) is
fed continuously to the cathode (positive electrode) compartment; the
electrochemical reactions take place at the electrodes to produce an electric
current. A fuel cell, although having components and characteristics similar
to those of a typical battery, differs in several respects. The battery is an
energy storage device. The maximum energy available is determined by the
amount of chemical reactant stored within the battery itself. The battery will
cease to produce electrical energy when the chemical reactants are
consumed (i.e., discharged). In a secondary battery, the reactants are
regenerated by recharging, which involves putting energy into the battery
from an external source. The fuel cell, on the other hand, is an energy
conversion device that theoretically has the capability of producing electrical
energy for as long as the fuel and oxidant are supplied to the electrodes. In
reality, degradation, primarily corrosion, or malfunction of components
limits the practical operating life of fuel cells.
Gaseous hydrogen has become the fuel of choice for most
applications, because of its high reactivity when suitable catalysts are used,
its ability to be produced from hydrocarbons for terrestrial applications, and
its high energy density when stored cryogenically for closed environment
applications, such as in space. Similarly, the most common oxidant is
gaseous oxygen, which is readily and economically available from air for
terrestrial applications, and again easily stored in a closed environment. A
three-phase interface is established among the reactants, electrolyte, and
catalyst in the region of the porous electrode. The nature of this interface
plays a critical role in the electrochemical performance of a fuel cell,
particularly in those fuel cells with liquid electrolytes. In such fuel cells, the
reactant gases diffuse through a thin electrolyte film that wets portions of
the porous electrode and react electrochemically on their respective
electrode surface. If the porous electrode contains an excessive amount of
electrolyte, the electrode may "flood" and restrict the transport of gaseous
species in the electrolyte phase to the reaction sites. The consequence is a
reduction in the electrochemical performance of the porous electrode. Thus,
a delicate balance must be maintained among the electrode, electrolyte, and
gaseous phases in the porous electrode structure. Much of the recent effort
in the development of fuel cell technology has been devoted to reducing the
thickness of cell components while refining and improving the electrode
structure and the electrolyte phase, with the aim of obtaining a higher and
more stable electrochemical performance while lowering cost.
The electrolyte not only transports dissolved reactants to the
electrode, but also conducts ionic charge between the electrodes and thereby
completes the cell electric circuit, as illustrated in Figure ?? (above). It also
provides a physical barrier to prevent the fuel and oxidant gas streams from
directly mixing. The functions of porous electrodes in fuel cells are:
• Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (ITSOFC), and
• Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (TSOFC).
These fuel cells are listed in the order of approximate operating temperature,
ranging from ~80C for PEFC, ~100C for AFC, ~200C for PAFC, ~650C
for MCFC, ~800C for ITSOFC, and 1000C for TSOFC. The operating
temperature and useful life of a fuel cell dictate the physicochemical and
thermo-mechanical properties of materials used in the cell components (i.e.,
electrodes, electrolyte, interconnect, current collector, etc.). Aqueous
electrolytes are limited to temperatures of about 200C or lower because of
their high water vapour pressure and/or rapid degradation at higher
temperatures. The operating temperature also plays an important role in
dictating the type of fuel that can be used in a fuel cell. The low-temperature
fuel cells with aqueous electrolytes are, in most practical applications,
restricted to hydrogen as a fuel. In high-temperature fuel cells, CO and even
CH4 can be used because of the inherently rapid electrode kinetics and the
lesser need for high catalytic activity at high temperature. However,
descriptions later in this section note that the higher temperature cells can
favour the conversion of CO and CH4 to hydrogen then use the equivalent
hydrogen as the actual fuel.
protons in the solution; polymer acids have the advantage that the anion (–
SO3 - tail) is fixed in the electrolyte rather than dissolved. In the stack, the
fuel cells are arranged so that ions (protons) pass through the membrane,
while electrons are conducted through the separating graphite plates in the
opposite direction (Figure 2.17)
The PEMFC cell operates at a low 80C. This will result in a capability
to bring the cell to its operating temperature quickly, but the rejected heat
cannot be used for cogeneration or additional power. Test results have
shown that the cell can operate at very high current densities compared to
the other cells. However, heat and water management issues may limit the
operating power density of a practical system. The PEMFC tolerance for
CO is in the low ppm level. In general PEMFC deliver high power density,
which offers low weight, cost, and volume. The immobilized electrolyte
membrane simplifies sealing in the production process, reduces corrosion,
and provides for longer cell and stack life. PEMFC operate at low
temperature, allowing for faster start-ups and immediate response to
changes in the demand for power. The PEFC system is seen as the system
of choice for vehicular power applications, but is also being developed for
smaller scale stationary power.
1. To provide an electrical series connection between adjacent cells,
specifically for flat plate cells, and
2. To provide a gas barrier that separates the fuel and oxidant of
adjacent cells.
The interconnect of a tubular solid oxide fuel cell is a special case, and the
reader is referred to Section 8 for its slightly altered function. All
interconnects must be an electrical conductor and impermeable to gases.
Other important parts of the cell are:
• The structure for distributing the reactant gases across the electrode
surface and which serves as mechanical support, shown as ribs in
Figure 2.18,
• Electrolyte reservoirs for liquid electrolyte cells to replenish
electrolyte lost over life, and
• Current collectors (not shown) that provide a path for the current
between the electrodes and the separator of flat plate cells.
individual fuel cells combined in stacks or bundles. A varying number of
cells or stacks can be matched to a particular power application. Finally,
power conditioning converts the electric power from dc into regulated dc or
ac for consumer use. Section 9.1 describes the processes of a fuel cell power
plant system. Applications
One of the characteristics of fuel cell systems is that their efficiency is nearly
unaffected by size. This means that small, relatively high efficient power
plants can be developed, thus avoiding the higher cost exposure associated
with large plant development. As a result, initial stationary plant
development has been focused on several hundred kW to low MW capacity
plants. Smaller plants (several hundred kW to 1 to 2 MW) can be sited at the
user’s facility and are suited for cogeneration operation, that is, the plants
produce electricity and thermal energy. Larger, dispersed plants (1 to 10
MW) are likely to be used for distributed generation. The plants are fuelled
primarily with natural gas. Once these plants are commercialized and price
improvements materialize, fuel cells will be considered for large base-load
plants because of their high efficiency. The base-load plants could be fuelled
by natural gas or coal. The fuel product from a coal gasifier, once cleaned, is
compatible for use with fuel cells. Systems integration studies show that
high temperature fuel cells closely match coal gasifier operation.
Some positive characteristics that fuel cells and fuel cell plants offer are:
• Remote/unattended operation,
• Size flexibility,
• Rapid load following capability.
expansion of hydrogen is not as great a concern, because the release rate is
much slower. Current hydrogen gas storage containers are made from steel
alloys that are resistant to hydrogen embrittlement; more advanced cylinders
made from aluminium and wrapped with carbon fibre laminate for stiffness
are lighter and currently used to contain both natural gas and hydrogen. Less
well developed are fully-composite cylinders made solely from carbon fibre
impregnated with resin or some other binder; these can have hydrogen
gravimetric densities of as much as 9.5% due to their light weight. However,
they are more fragile and currently expensive. Cylinder manufacturers strive
to attain the highest storage pressures possible in order to reduce the
required storage volume. High-pressure cylinders typically store hydrogen at
up to 3600psi (250bar) although new designs have been certified for 5000
psig (350bar) operation.
Liquid Storage
Liquid hydrogen storage systems overcome many of the weight and size
problems associated with Liquid hydrogen can be stored just below its
normal boiling point of –424 ºF (–253 ºC; 20 K) at or close to ambient pres-
sure in a double-walled, super-insulating tank (or “dewar”). Hydrogen
cannot be stored in liquid form indefinitely. All tanks, no matter how good
the insulation, allow some heat to transfer from the ambient surroundings.
The heat leakage rate depends on the design and size of tank- in this case,
bigger is better. This heat causes some of the hydrogen to vaporize and the
tank pressure to increase. Stationary liquid hydrogen storage tanks are often
spherical since this shape offers the smallest surface area for a given volume,
and therefore presents the smallest heat transfer area. Tanks have a
maximum overpressure capacity of about 72 psi (5 bar); if the hydrogen is
not consumed as quickly as it vaporizes, the pressure builds to a point where
it vents through a pressure relief valve. Liquid hydrogen is considerably
denser than gaseous hydrogen but is still much more bulky than gasoline on
an equivalent energy basis. Liquid hydrogen storage systems can be four to
ten times larger and heavier than an equivalent gasoline tank. Hydrogen
liquefaction is a very energy intensive process due to the extremely low
temperatures involved. Liquefaction involves several steps, including:
Metal Hydrides
Metal hydride storage systems are based on the principle that some metals
readily absorb gaseous hydrogen under conditions of high pressure and
moderate temperature to form metal hydrides. These metal hydrides release
the hydrogen gas when heated at low pressure and relatively high
temperature. In essence, the metals soak up and release hydrogen like a
The advantages of metal hydride storage systems revolve around the
fact that the hydrogen becomes part of the chemical structure of the metal
itself and therefore does not require high pressures or cryogenic
temperatures for operation. Since hydrogen is released from the hydride for
use at low pressure (and must be released before it can burn rap-idly),
hydrides are the most intrinsically safe of all methods of storing hydrogen.
There are many types of specific metal hydrides, but they are primarily based
on metal alloys of magnesium, nickel, iron and titanium. In general, metal
hydrides can be divided into those with a low or high hydrogen desorption
(release) temperature. The high temperature hydrides may be less expensive
and hold more hydrogen than the low temperature hydrides, but require
significant amounts of heat in order to release the hydrogen. Low
temperature hydrides can get sufficient heat from an engine, but high
temperature hydrides require an external source of heat. The low desorption
temperatures associated with some hydrides can be a problem since the gas
releases too readily at ambient conditions. To overcome this, low
temperature hydrides need to be pressurized, increasing the complexity of
the process.
The main disadvantage of metal hydride storage systems is not so
much the temperatures and pressures needed to release the hydrogen, but
rather their low mass energy density. Even the best metal hydrides contain
only 8% hydrogen by weight and therefore tend to be very heavy and
expensive. Metal hydride storage systems can be up to 30 times heavier and
ten times larger than a gasoline tank with the same energy content. Another
disadvantage of metal hydride storage systems is that they must be charged
with only very pure hydrogen or they become contaminated with a
corresponding loss of capacity. Oxygen and water are prime culprits as they
chemically adsorb onto the metal surface displacing potential hydrogen
bonds. The storage capacity lost through contamination can to some extent
be reactivated with heat.
End of Chapte r 2
Chapter 3-Methodology
The backbone of this study is unambiguously the theoretical and practical analysis. To perform the D-SM
technique with MERIT it is necessary to define an appropriate climatic model and then appropriate ReST to
sustain the D-SM simulation for the Eco-Village. There are a lot of numerical calculations involved with the
selection of a sound FC plant as well as technical digestion about it that had to be examined simultaneously to
allow the best potential choice; the same applies for the investigation about ReST.
Figure 3.1/ Area around Thornylee Forest
From these three possible database candidates only one could prove
sufficient enough to be accepted as the project’s Principal Weather Database
(PWD). To start with ECN the first site that was of immediate interest was
the River site at river Tweed (Galafoot- Number 16 in Figure 3.2) since it is
very close to the Thornylee Forest, approximately 14km (R1) according to
the radius-to-centre requirement that we mentioned above. Contact was
made with this service and upon receiving an e-mail from them it was
specified that site could only provide freshwater indicators as this site truly
was a Freshwater site. The closest suggested terrestrial site for the
meteorological indicators that we were looking for was Sourhope (Figure
3.2), approximately 50km (R2) from (C).
Figure 3.2/ Observation Stations for ECN Database
was also inadaptable and was turned down. This left us with the BADC
database which we will present here.
BADC allowed access to the Land Surface Observation restricted
database after the completion of a form on behalf of the author, the data
coming from the Met Office. In effect these data are daily measurements
form a long-term record of historical weather conditions. There are also
hourly measurements, which were more attractive to this project, allowing
the analysis of current weather systems with hourly resolution.
The daily data are available from UK stations in 110 UK counties over the
period 1853 to July 2000. The hourly data are available from stations in 110
UK counties from 1983 to July 2000.
3.1.2 Interpretation
The BADC database is categorised by two main sections: the “Data
Availability” and the “File Format”. Both of these sections had to be
examined for their relative coupling with this project’s objectives. For the
“Data Availability” we required a continuous and as far as possible a
complete concatenation of data with a focus on the years between 1990-
nowdays, since the study refers to a modern design. For the “File Format” of
the data we had to choose amongst those with the most germane character
to those parameters that would fortify the simulation.
Availability is differentiated according to a 24h or a 1h-basis data
measurements, that being the first step in identifying their potential
exploitation. So within the internet site of BADC we can find the “UK daily
observations (1853-July 2000), in 110 UK counties” and the “UK Synoptic (hourly)
Stations (1983-July 2000), in 110 UK counties” sectioned databases for the
British Isles (there is also a third one but it was of no important value to us).
MERIT can recognise a certain type of weather files in which the weather
profiles are described by six fields on a 1h-basis (see P.3.1.4) on 24h/daily
cycles. This requirement clearly guided us to choose the “UK Synoptic (hourly)
Stations (1983-July 2000)” database. The File Formats in this database are
shown in the table below Table 3.1. These formats have many other sorting
parameters that the user needs to know in order to effectively select the
correct data for his/her study. That information is provided in Tables 3.2
and 3.3. In these tables the .hsun file type is not included for description
since the study could sufficiently be integrated by the other three data
formats. The Sorting Number column refers to a personal identification of
the Message Type Domain for each one of the three parameters that will be
useful in later stages of the analysis.
Table 3.1/ File Formats of the BADC database
File Format
Data Sorting Name Description
UK Hourly Weather Weather observations file format
Observations data
.radt {8} AWSHRLY ? DCNN Hourly radiation
from CDLs
.wind {9} HWND6910 Elements from WIND Mean hourly
Metform 6910 - wind and gust
Analysis of from analysis of
Anemograms anemograph
record reported
on Form 6910
.wind {10} HWNDAUTO Elements from WIND Mean hourly
automatic wind wind and gust
recording devices from Digital
.wind {13} ESAWWIND Mean hourly wind WIND Mean hourly
observations from wind and gust
ESAWS (Enhanced from automatic
Synoptic AWS) station
.wind {12} DLY3208 Elements from DCNN 24 hour run of
Metform 3208 - wind from an
Monthly Return of Ordinary
Daily Obs Climatological
.wind {11} AWSHRLY ? WIND Hourly mean
wind from
Stations that are part of the aviation network have a
ICAO 4-character international ICAO number. The first
two characters are EG which represent Europe-
be obtained by evaporating water into the
air. It measures the humidity of the air.
See Met Office documentation
END_HOUR Hour - Hour of observation from 0 to 2300
Global Solar 'Global' radiation is that received from
GLOBAL irradiation W.hour/sq.m both the sun and the surrounding
amount environment
.radt Diffuse Solar 'Diffuse' radiation is that obtained when a
DIFFUSE irradiation W.hour/sq.m shade ring is used to block out the sun's
amount direct radiation.
Direct Solar Global radiation is the amount of Direct
DIRECT irradiation W.hour/sq.m and Diffuse radiation which reaches the
amount Earth's surface at a given location.
END_HOUR Hour - Hour of observation from 0 to 2300
The wind direction from which the wind
Mean Wind blows is measured in Degrees (true). The
MDIR degree true
Direction entry for an east wind is 090 that for a
south wind 180 and so on clockwise.
Horizontal wind is a 2-dimensional
.wind vector and is usually reported as an
averaged direction from which the wind
is blowing and a speed. The maximum
Mean Wind
MSPEED Knots observed speed over a specified time
interval and the time of occurrence may
also be reported. The unit of speed used
at UK stations is the knot (0.515 ms-1)
and the unit of direction the degree.
3.1.3 Validation
The three data formats that we presented before are the essential part of the
search in need for climatic information. Soon it was realised that the best
way to check the weather stations for these data sets was geographically.
BADC has divided the UK into counties every one of which has a number
of weather stations Figure 3.3. Thornylee Forest is in Peeblesshire County
so the hunt started from examining the stations in this county for the
variables of interest. A record of the stations reviewed was kept and can be
seen in Table 1 in Appendix A. From 27 stations investigated only 1 was of
relative interest - Glentress. The file format of the weather data for this
station was of .hwx type, an apparently convenient file until further
examination described later in this chapter (see P.3.1.4) cast it insufficient
for a potential simulation file. This was not obviously the case for a sound
file construction leaving the author to expand the search [Delimitation
Plan-A] from the area of interest (Peeblesshire County) to the neighbouring
counties namely Selkirkshire, Dumfriesshire, Lanarkshire and Midlothian (in
Borders and in Lothian Region) and Berwickshire, following a clockwise
route from Selkirkshire to Berwickshire (See Figure 3.3). Any other counties
apart from the surrounding counties would associate a too large an area for
a pragmatic simulation of wind and radiation configurations. Thus at the
vicinity of Peeblesshire we searched 28, 71, 109, 1, 94 and 43 stations
respectively for the counties mentioned above, thought this time only a
specific record was kept for the vast number of the stations reviewed which
corresponds to those stations with .hwx, .radt, .wind weather attributes. The
latter can be seen in Table 2 in Appendix A.
Of course even with 29 stations the choice of selecting the proper ones for
our case needed to be cut down to the very important so that a sincere
evaluation could follow to leave us with a sound set of weather data. So we
had to think of a number of criteria to refine those numbers. These were:
These criteria once applied to the 29 stations revealed the possible station
selection for getting the appropriate weather data. The summary of the
remained stations can be seen in Table 3.5 below.
LANARKSHIRE {1} {5},{6},{7} {9},{13} Rad2
BERWICKSHIRE x {5},{7} x Rad3
Table 3.6/ Validity check for the 13 Domains
Domain Format Sorting Number Ordinance
SYNOP {1} {1} > {4}.
AWSHRLY {2} For {2}, {3}
.hwx there is no
METAR {3} 2>1
configuration to
DLY3208 {4} validate
DRADR35 {5} {6}, {7} > {5}.
MODLERAD .radt {6} For {8} there is
no accessible 2>1
ESAWRADT {7} configuration to
AWSHRLY {8} validate.
HWND6910 {9} {10} , {13} > {9}
HWNDAUTO {10} >{10}
.wind For {12} there is
ESAWWIND {11} 3>2>1
no accessible
DLY3208 {12} configuration to
AWSHRLY {13} validate.
With this information in hand we could then proceed to the next stage of
the weather station selection with an extended evaluation of these stations
under the specific criteria for a rectified profile (see P.3.1.5).
3.1.4 Evaluation
The 11 stations that were validated for the objectives of the project in the
last section (Table 3.5) had to be evaluated in a two-gear process that will
allow the selection of correct values of wind and radiation parameters. The
first gear mechanism is to leave out those with low scores and the second to
identify which ones of the high score group would be the most effective for
utilisation (profile for simulation).
The first gear mechanism was conceived to ensure that any station,
chosen for the next level, would have the necessary parametrical format and
quality of information with the one that MERIT operates so that we could
put together an effective profile for a sound simulation. The stations were
evaluated for:
Table 3.7 - Comments:
• The Sorting Number for the File Formats can be found in Table 3.5.
• The scoring is in simple arithmetic points –no units are involved.
• Total score is a simple arithmetic addition.
• The Distance scoring is conversely proportional to the distance of the
station from (C) i.e. the closest the station to (C) the highest the
points it will score. Distances can be seen in Figure 3.4.
• Association Numbers are descriptive of the potential application of
the stations for the nature of information that they can provide i.e. W
for wind and R for solar radiation variables.
GLENTRESS 1 0 0 83/ - - 5 6 W1
BOWHILL 1 0 1 83/ - 89 4 6 W3
GALASHIELS 1 0 0 83/ - - 4 5 W2
ESKDALEMUIR 2 2 3 83/ 71/ 84/ 1 8 R1
00 00 94
CARNWATH 1 0 1 83/ - 83/ 2 4 W4
99 86
ABINGTON 1 0 1 83/ - 83/ 2 4 W5
94 94
DRUMALBIN 2 2 3 91/ 91/ 97/ 1 8 R2
SAWS 00 00 00
CAMPS 1 0 0 83/ - - 2 3 W6
BUSH HOUSE 1 0 0 83/ - - 2 3 W7
PENICUIK 1 0 0 83/ 94/ - 3 4 W8
99 00
CHARTERHALL 0 2 0 - - - 1 3 R3
Figure 3.4/ 11 Stations from C (Thornylee Forest)
wind speed, total cloud amount, visibility and temperature). We wish the
databases could give us more recordings for more parameters but that was
not true – incomplete files.
As we can see from P. after completing CEACP the choice of using
Eskdalemuir for wind data was justified sufficiently from the findings and so
the last phase of the Climate Selection was to be completed with the
creation of the proper climatic file for MERIT to sustain the simulation.
Figure 3.6/ annual mean wind speed for UK Reference: IS-11.
3.1.5 Formation
A retrospection of the previous phases of Climate Selection is leaving us
with the following points:
5. The .clm file that MERIT requires for the simulation it must be
constructed by a .csv Excel file which with help of file conversion
software (component of MERIT) will change into the right form.
These are the key issues so far. To build the .csv Excel file we need to know
some things about MERIT and the way it uses external weather information
into a structured .clm file. This file requires 6 fields, arranged in columns on
a 1h-step daily cycles. These fields are:
The purpose of this paragraph is to explain the process followed to turn the
Eskdalemuir station values into the formats explained above and then
produce the .csv file for MERIT conversion. The first thing we had to
examine was to find out which one of the .hwdnauto and .synop yearly
combinations of Eskdalemuir’s Domains was appropriate for later stages of
climatic creation according to a yearly validity check for a time scale of ten
years. Since the project requires a realistic simulation a ten years span was
chosen as representing the last decade of the past century i.e. 1990-1999.
The validity check was accurate for .synop files but with .hwdnauto there where
many data inconsistencies that could prove fatal in the .csv file construction.
The check was attributed to the fact that since one complete year with
measurements about a weather parameter on a 1h-step daily cycles (e.g. one
daily cycle from 00:00h to 00:00h would have 24 hits for a 1h-step
measurements) would give 8760 hits (24*365). The two years marked out
for their completeness in data hits for both of the two Domains are presented
in Table 3.9 below. It is obvious that a clear selection can be made for which
year should we use, according to the maximum number of hits of .hwdnauto
files; 1997 was that year.
When it was clear of which year was available with the more complete
file data we had to bring them into the right form, the one that MERIT
requires. Initially an Excel file (Eskdalemuir97DM.xls) was used to make all
the necessary modifications to the texture and the numeric aspects of the
raw data, from the .hwdnauto and .synop Domain files of the 1997 year, and
then the conversion of the Excel file was attempted into a .csv and then into
a .clm file. By changes in texture we mean the process of altering the raw
data into the right configuration that MERIT requires, that is including
magnitude and units.
Table 3.9/ Completeness in data for the two Domains
Domain BADC hits Theoretical hits for 1 year
.hwdnauto 8655 8760
.synop 8760 8760
.hwdnauto 8634 8760
.synop 8760 8760
From the beginning of the paragraph we stated that the .hwdnauto Domain
will provide hourly measurements of dry bulb air temperature, dew point
temperature and wet bulb temperature whereas .synop Domain is responsible
for mean wind speed and mean wind direction measurements. Some of
these parameters can be used without changes for the 6 fields of the .clm file
but some others do require one or many-sided changes for the shaping of
fields. All the changes can be seen in Table 3.10 below. At this table we also
present the two parameters of I d and I n , vital for the complete image of the
Apart from any modifications made in the texture of the raw data, we also
had to make some numerical modifications at them namely the make up of
105 hits shortage that the .hwdnauto file was found to possess (Table 3.9). At
this point we simply capped the gaps with values from the neighbouring
values after we produced an average for them.
When the Eskdalemuir97DM.xls file was prepared we combined it
with Eskdalemuir1978.xls to make the Eskdalemuir1997Final.xls file which was
the cornerstone for the creation of the Eskdalemuir1997Final.csv file the file
to be converted into the .clm file that we required. Eskdalemuir97DM.xls was
checked for invalid values (999), that might they would have carried
forwardly from BADC database, and it was tested against
Eskdalemuir1978.xls for calendar and arithmetic data inconsistency levelling.
When these checks were over and both files were matched the
Eskdalemuir1997Final.xls file was saved as a .csv file and named
Eskdalemuir1997Final.csv. This was then added to the climate folder of the
MERIT (version 2.2) directory and the module CreateClimate.exe of that
software was used to be converted into the right climate file i.e. .clm. Thus
the Esk(97).clm file was created and it was introduced into the climatic
database of MERIT to aid in the realistic simulation of renewable
technologies against the Thornylee Forest’s weather profile for the year
1997. The entries for the CreateClimate.exe module were:
3.2 Selection of Power Plant
The energy simulation of match and supply for the Eco-village will be based
on the use of Renewable Supply Technologies (ReST) to provide enough
electrical energy for the power requirements of the 17 houses of that
community. This energy will be provided by Wind Turbines and
Photovoltaic systems, operating as Primary Energy Source (PES) and the
Fuel Cell module which will operate as Secondary Energy Source (SES). The
selection for the PES was through a numerical approach that will be
explained in later stages in this chapter in P., though the
corresponding selection for the SES was a mixture of technical and
numerical oriented analysis based on knowledge digestion about Fuel Cell
modules married with the needs of the Eco-Village for a green and efficient
heat and electricity energy system. Since the PES selection is pretty
straightforward we will only present the particular annotations for the
selection of the Fuel Cell module, as this will be proved handy later on, in
the following paragraph. Electrolyser
The hydrogen source has two most commercially available ways to be
exploited. One way is by connection to a natural gas network, where the H 2
is involved in the chemical bounds of that combination, and the other way
involves the installation of an Electrolyser which will dissociate water into
H 2 and O2 , provided there is a water reservoir and energy to run this
component. The Eco-Village requirement for clean production of energy is
very conditional to allow the first option to be considered. This is oxymoron
as the polluting gases that come by the “burning” of the natural gas are
extremely low Reference: LE-45, compared with those coming from any other fossil
fuel combustion mechanisms, but still there are essentially of considerable
quantities to be allowed our study. Electrolysers have many characteristics
which should be considered for a valid selection of an appropriate module.
Many of them usually have a number of ancillary and accessorial units but in
our case we will only concentrate on the main unit. An internet search was
conducted to find out companies which could give us information about the
electrolyser so to establish a sound validity check and to select a fine model.
Unfortunately not all the companies replied back and at the end only one
company was kind enough to offer some information about the model that
it was advertised on the internet. The model that we were looking for had to
employ attributes such as:
& H2
1. Hydrogen generation at a mass flow rate of m ≥ 1.94*103 Kg/s or
a volume flow rate ofVH2
& ≥ 7.87 Nm 3
/h (at base load operating
mode) – see P.3.2.2,
2. Lowest possible energy consumption as a function of m& H 2 and ,
3. Highest possible outlet pressure of gases Pgas at the given m & H 2 ( the
highest the Pgas is the lesser the amount of energy required for
compression of gases for their subsequent pressurisation for the
storage tank)
4. A benign electrolyser, considering fewer possible environmental
5. 0-100% range of nominal power capacity,
6. Lowest possible feed-water consumption,
7. High purity of H 2 .
Indeed the electrolyser that we located could satisfy all of the following
attributes so it was conveniently selected for this study. The company
providing the imminent electrolyser was “Vandenborre Technologies N.V.”,
its acclaimed accomplishment being the development of the IMET®
technology which forms the core component of the H2 IGEN® hydrogen
and oxygen generator. The series comprises three models: the 300, 1000 and
2500 with volume flow rate range capacities of 1-3 Nm 3 / h , 3-60 Nm 3 / h and
15-80 Nm 3 / h respectively. Under internal office clarification about the fact
that the three Series have more or less the same attributes except from their
volume flow rate range capacities and in accordance with the biding
requirement for aV&H 2 ≥ 7.87 Nm 3 / h we accepted the H2 IGEN® 1000
Series Electrolyser which proprietary attributes are presented below:
5. 0-100% range of nominal power capacity,
6. Feed-water consumption of 1lt/1 Nm3 ,
7. Hydrogen purity of 99.9%.
After a deep examination of literature it was quite clear that the best
possible choice would be to go along with a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
(PEM) Fuel Cell for that it would satisfy in the best way the 7
features/requirements as presented above. PEMFC come in many different
plant sizes varying from 500W-100kW (commercial numbers) and more
specifically there are a few companies around (like “Hydrogenics Corp.”
Reference: IS-13
) that produce this medium range of PEMFC at capacities of 5-
25kW which is very close to what we are looking for Reference: IS-14. This power
output can be found in other types of fuel cells but the critical requirements
combination for hydrogen fuel at that power output value was only verified
for the PEMFC type. The latter are largely known for their profound ability
to utilise hydrogen as well as hydrocarbons as part of the fuelling system and
there are also known for their fast “start-up time” features Reference: LE-46.
“Independent operation” is possible with PEMFC most of the tests
encountered reporting 4000-9000h problems free operation.
Cogeneration for PEMFC is possible although some conditions should
be applied to the scheme if thermal efficiency is required. In a cogeneration
scheme heat, the by-product of electrical power generation is transferred
from the fuel cell to a heat exchanger. The exchanger transfers the heat to a
water supply, providing hot water to local customers. Since the PEMFC are
based on a low temperature operation basis (80C) it is obvious that the hot
water pipeline network should not very extended, a fact that must be
respected if relatively high temperatures of the working fluid are required-
high enthalpy level. Furthermore PEMFC have good electrical and overall
efficiencies the first reaching 50% and the second being around 70-80%
depending on the materials and the design of the cells stack.
applications that require high energy density from the fuel and a lightweight
arrangement of the storage option. For these applications highly compressed
H 2 gas or liquefied H 2 gas cylinders are recommended. Stationary
applications are less demanding in that the weight and size of the container
is not a priority and so in this case we can use a low or high compressed H 2
gas vessel, metal hydrides arrangements and possibly liquid hydrogen
options. The characteristics of an appropriate Storage Tank are:
1. Highest possible working pressure for the hydrogen gases Pstorage ( the
storage pressure is proportional to the size of the vessel dictated by
material and shape limitations),
2. Highest possible nominal capacity of hydrogen gases Cstorage ,
3. Satisfactory Flow Capability ( at least the same, or more than
V&H 2 for the Fuel Cell)
A very important issue that our investigation brought up was that there is a
compromise between, Pstorage Cstorage and the size of the tank. In our case we
need the highest possible C storage for an Pstorage equal to Pgas i.e. 25bar. This
is done to avoid any extra energy spent over the pressurisation of hydrogen
gases. Thus the appropriate tank for our case would be from the VS-High
Pressure Bulk Stations Series and more specifically the VS11000NC model.
This has the following characteristics:
1. Pstorage =27.6bar
2. Cstorage =192 m 3
3. Flow Capability =414 Nm 3 / h > VH2 =7.87 Nm 3 / h that the Fuel Cell
Thus the total energy demand for the village, for 1 year will be:
And the Critical Power that the Fuel Cell is required to distribute to the 17
houses in 24h (one day) will be:
PD1 = 361.64 =15kW… (Equation 3.3)
This Critical Power will drive electrical and thermal loads over 24h so the
independent operation mode, describing a base load configuration, will be fixed
at this value and so will the hydrogen fuel consumption. Later, when we will
have to produce a more realistic demand for the Eco-Village, we will
calculate three different fuel consumptions relative to the three operational
modes that the Fuel Cell will work.
P = Z ρ RT … (Equation 3.6)
P: Pressure of the hydrogen gases, here P=0.1 MPa
Z: Compressibility Factor for hydrogen gas relative to the pressure and
temperature of the pressurised volume, here Z=1,
ρ : Density in Kg/ m 3 ,
R: Specific Gas constant for H 2 gas or R=4,128.18 Nm/KgK and
T: Temperature of the gases, here T=353K
ρ =0.0686 Kg/ m 3
& H2
V&H 2 = = 2.19*10−3 m3 / s … (Equation 3.9)
ρ SC
V&H2 = 2.18*10− 3 Nm3 / s ,
V&H 2 = 7.87 Nm3 / h … (Equation 3.10)
This is the Critical Fuel Consumption (CFC) for the Fuel Cell. With this in
hand we can now calculate the Critical Number of Storage Tanks (CNST)
(VS11000NC model) for the Eco-Village as well as the Critical Number of
Charging Days (CNCD) that it will take to charge these vessels.
for that backup channel could be 15 days or 360h in which time all
maintenance and repairing operations could be completed. Thus in that time
frame we have from (Eq.3.10):
VH 2
V&H 2 =
VH2 = V&H 2 * t = 7.87 Nm 3 / h *360h
Therefore we have:
ρ PVessel =2.21 Kg/ m3 … (Eq.3.12)
Then the new volume of the gases will be:
VH 2 ( PVessel ) =
ρPVessel … (Equation 3.13)
Thus the volume of the gases was considerable reduced at these conditions.
So the Critical Number of Storage Tanks will be:
N CPVessels = ≈ 5 … (Equation 3.14)
V * H 2 ( PVessel ) =1924.5 m 3
N *CPVessels ≈ 10
within the program. The first step was to get familiar with the “facilitator”,
that is MERIT, to discover its full potential and then to start fitting together
the two plans.
On the top there are the menus “File” and “Help” and in the centre there are
four windows referring briefly to the variables selected at the three
components of the preliminary and middle-phase control platforms. The
preliminary-phase control platform corresponds to the first of the four
buttons of the left-hand-side-column, namely the “Specify Analysis Conditions”
button, and the middle-phase control platform to the second and third
buttons (from the top), namely the “Specify Demand” and the “Specify Supply”
buttons. The simulation-phase control platform can be reached by the last
of the left hand side column buttons i.e. the “Match and Dispatch” one. The
right-hand-side-column buttons are pretty much self explanatory for their
operations. Since our work was involved with all the control platforms we
will look upon the most critical points of these components so that the
reader can have a complimentary theoretical idea to the practical analysis
Someone can also select a customised profile that has developed with the
help of “CreateClimate.exe” (See Figure 3.9) and has delivered into the same
climatic database in the MERIT directory in the hard drive space. The
“CreateClimate.exe” is a program that could not be found at the v.1.0 of
MERIT but only in v.2.2 and it can help the user to build a “.clm” file from
an external source, provided that the file to be converted is in a compatible
form or “.csv” file form.
Figure 3.9/ CreateClimate.exe
Specify Demand
After a satisfactory climatic model has been selected the user can delve into
middle-phase control platform through the first of the two buttons
corresponding to this phase. The main interaction feature that is allowing
such a task is the Demand Definition Window (Figure 3.10) that contains
the following main functions:
• “Load Database”
• “Import Profile”
• “Profile Designer”
Clicking on the tabs at the top brings up details of these profiles on the
Profile Tab Window. This half-hourly data can be amended manually, or
the overall consumption can be changed. Someone can also change the
specified time frame or days for which a profile is defined for. Going back
to the “Standard” tab, an annual profile can be generated by pressing
“Generate Annual”, and the radio buttons should be used to choose which
type of profile is desired (real, thermal, hot water).
Specify Supply
This is the other middle-phase control platform where the supply profiles
can be selected and that is possible in a two-part approach. The first part is
by determining the “Renewable Generating Systems” and the second by the
“Auxiliary Systems” specification. When the Supply System Definition
Window (Figure 3.12) first appears, the list at the top contains the following
Figure 3.12/ Supply System Definition
When the “Auxiliary Definition Window” (Figure 3.14) first appears, the
list at the top contains a variety of auxiliary system types. Again, double
clicking on one of these brings up the “Relevant Definition Window”
which functions in the same way as the supply windows. As the
performance of the auxiliary systems can not be calculated until the demand
and supply matching stage, a description of the system appears in the
window when the definition windows are exited. If this is satisfactory, it may
be accepted and combined in exactly the same way as for the demand
So if Deficit-Excess<0 then there is an excess amount of energy to be utilised
and the closest this value is a zero the better Equation 3.17 is verified and
the better are the matching results. Different combinations can be tried out,
and it is possible, at any time, to go back to the earlier stages and amend
demand, supply and auxiliary data to help improve the match. Three graphs
are shown at the bottom:
Figure 3.16/ Criteria Definition Scenario 1
The beginning of the experiments (Attempts) for this scenario start with the
appropriate selection of PES. Even before the choice of the Photovoltaic
modules it is necessary to select a felicitous type of Wind Turbine (from
MERIT’s database) since its multiples will embrace the core of the electrical
load E El . That Wind Turbines are known for their large capacities in kW will
readily make them the framework of PES. To succeed such a selection we
need to know the daily power requirement of the village. As we saw from
P3.2.2 the Electrical Energy the Eco-Village requires for 1 year is:
EElV = 68,000kWh,
Or in 1 day
EEl 1 =186.30kWh
So the theoretical power that is required by PES, in one day, will be:
PEl1 =7.76kW
This critical number can help us determine the kind of turbine for the PES
framework. MERIT has a number of turbines in its database in different
sizes (power outputs) ranging from 1kW to 1.3MW. We can choose a 3 kW
turbine or a 10 kW one since both of them are close to the value of PEl1 . It
was proved by a roughcast MERIT experiment that the actual power that a
turbine can offer is much less than the nominal power for a given type of
electrical demand and the corresponding climatic profile. So with this tolling
observation in hand we decided that a 10 kW turbine will provide better
results when multiples will be required for the simulation. Thus the turbine
type that we selected was the LMW-10KW model from the LMW
Company. In that case we might need to make a small farm at the top of
Thornylee hill. There is not much information about the company or the
turbine itself on the internet Reference: IS-19 except that where we found from the
Generation Type Definition Window in MERIT database about the
technical parameters of that turbine (Table 3.13)
a lot of fixed profiles for a number of possible situations – domestic and
industrial (P.3.3.1). Unfortunately v.1.0 did not contain a profile that could
assimilate the value of EElV and thus we looked at the database of the
newest version v.2.2 to find any particular profile of good approximation.
Indeed that we found in the database “UK” under “Load Factor 0-20%”.
There were again many profiles but only one could approximate the
EElV value and that was “Variability 25% above Base Load”. So by comparison:
EElV = 68,000kWh,
This is really not too unseasonable for representing the default demand and
thus we accepted it for the simulation. Now that demand profile was set we
only had to experiment with the REST to find out what results would we
get on the subject of electrical matching. The experimental phase itself was a
mixture of two complimentary phases’ i.e. a preliminary phase (PP) and a
main phase (MP). The first would allow an insight into the associations of
demand-supply selections and would provide sound candidates for the
introduction of batteries, whereas the second would integrate the selected
candidates into completed patterns for comparisons and analysis. The PP
was a set of 9 Attempts and the MP a set of 6. Below Tables 3.14a and
3.14b have the details for the PP and Table 3.15a and 3.15b for the MP. A
detailed analysis of the two phases can be found at P. and P.
Assessment Parameters:
Inequality 0.4906 0.4482
Correlation 0.105 0.1268
Excess (KWh) 53392.8 28555.9
Deficit (KWh) 27347.5 31262.9
Current Match Poor Match 5/10 Poor Match 5/10
Potential Match Rating With moderate storage 6/10 With moderate storage 9/10
Auxiliary System Performance - -
Name of Experiment 5th Attempt - Scenario 1 6th Attempt - Scenario 1
Characterisation Code 2 Turb+38 BP130L-No Aux. Electr. 2 Turb+76 BP130L-No Aux.
Recovery Electr. Recovery
Assessment Parameters:
Inequality 0.441 0.4293
Correlation 0.1478 0.1867
Excess (KWh) 29408.4 31364.8
Deficit (KWh) 30180.8 28267.9
Current Match Poor Match 5/10 Poor Match 5/10
Potential Match Rating With moderate storage 9/10 With moderate storage 9/10
Auxiliary System Performance - -
Name of Experiment 7th Attempt - Scenario 1 8th Attempt - Scenario 1
Characterisation Code 2 Turb+100 BP130L-No Aux. Electr. 2 Turb+100 SM110-No Aux.
Recovery Electr. Recovery
Assessment Parameters:
Inequality 0.4239 0.4302
Correlation 0.209 0.185
Excess (KWh) 32739.6 31240
Deficit (KWh) 27198.9 28404.2
Current Match Poor Match 5/10 Poor Match 5/10
Potential Match Rating With moderate storage 8/10 With moderate storage 9/10
Auxiliary System Performance - -
Name of Experiment 9th Attempt - Scenario 1
Characterisation Code 2 Turb+150 SM110-No Aux. Electr.
Assessment Parameters:
Inequality 0.4222
Correlation 0.2191
Excess (KWh) 33364
Deficit (KWh) 26789.6
Current Match Poor Match 5/10
Potential Match Rating With moderate storage 8/10
Auxiliary System Performance -
Table 3.14b/ Analytical Record of MERIT Selection Parameters for REST
–Scenario 1, PP
Name of Experiment 1st Attempt - Scenario 1 2nd Attempt - Scenario 1
Characterisation Code 1Turb-No Aux. Electr. Recovery 2 Turb-No Aux. Electr. Recovery
Turbines • 1 LMW Turbine • 2 LMW Turbines
• Terrain: “Open Agricultural • Terrain: “Open Agricultural
with little Shelter” with little Shelter”
• Wind Speed Measurements: • Wind Speed Measurements:
“Standard Meteorological “Standard Meteorological
Observations” Observations”
Photovoltaic Modules N/A N/A
Name of Experiment 3rd Attempt - Scenario 1 4th Attempt - Scenario 1
Characterisation Code 3 Turb-No Aux. Electr. Recovery 2 Turb+19 BP130L-No Aux.
Electr. Recovery
Turbines • 3 LMW Turbines • 2 LMW Turbines
• Terrain: “Open Agricultural • Terrain: “Open Agricultural
with little Shelter” with little Shelter”
• Wind Speed Measurements: • Wind Speed Measurements:
“Standard Meteorological “Standard Meteorological
Observations” Observations”
Photovoltaic Modules N/A • 19 Units - BP130L
• “Employ Daily Tilt
Name of Experiment 5th Attempt - Scenario 1 6th Attempt - Scenario 1
Characterisation Code 2 Turb+38 BP130L-No Aux. Electr . 2 Turb+76 BP130L-No Aux.
Recovery Electr. Recovery
Turbines • 2 LMW Turbines • 2 LMW Turbines
• Terrain: “Open Agricultural • Terrain: “Open Agricultural
with little Shelter” with little Shelter”
• Wind Speed Measurements: • Wind Speed Measurements:
“Standard Meteorological “Standard Meteorological
Observations” Observations”
Photovoltaic Modules • 38 Units - BP130L • 76 Units - BP130L
• “Employ Daily Tilt • “Employ Daily Tilt
Optimisation” Optimisation”
Name of Experiment 7th Attempt - Scenario 1 8th Attempt - Scenario 1
Characterisation Code 2 Turb+100 BP130L-No Aux. Electr. 2 Turb+100 SM110-No Aux.
Recovery Electr. Recovery
Turbines • 2 LMW Turbines • 2 LMW Turbines
• Terrain: “Open Agricultural • Terrain: “Open Agricultural
with little Shelter” with little Shelter”
• Wind Speed Measurements: • Wind Speed Measurements:
“Standard Meteorological “Standard Meteorological
Observations” Observations”
Photovoltaic Modules • 100 Units - BP130L • 100 Units – SM 110
• “Employ Daily Tilt • “Employ Daily Tilt
Optimisation” Optimisation”
Name of Experiment 9th Attempt - Scenario 1
Characterisation Code 2 Turb+150 SM110-No Aux. Electr.
Turbines • 2 LMW Turbines
• Terrain: “Open Agricultural
with little Shelter”
• Wind Speed Measurements:
“Standard Meteorological
Photovoltaic Modules • 100 Units – SM 110
• “Employ Daily Tilt
Deficit 15388.2 13196
Current Match Reasonable Match 6/10 Reasonable Match 6/10
Potential Match Rating With increased storage 10/10 With increased storage 10/10
Auxiliary System Performance Total Energy Loss:71819.50Ah Total Energy Loss:84624.26Ah
Total Energy Gained:59569.09Ah Total Energy Gained:64720.13Ah
Photovoltaic Modules • 100 Units – SM 110 • 100 Units – SM 110
• “Employ Daily Tilt Optimisation” • “Employ Daily Tilt
Battery Bank • 215Ah@12V • 215Ah@12V
• 18 in Series • 18 in Series
• 191 in Parallel • 330 in Parallel Scenario 2
From the four consecutive stages in MERIT (see P.3.3.1) only the first one
–the “Specify Analysis Conditions” can be used as a main part for the two
scenarios. After that stage there is a bifurcation between Scenario 1 and 2.
In Scenario 2 instead of using a default database for the demand of the Eco-
Village we used the “Demand Profile Designer” tool that is offered at the
“Specify Demand” middle-phase control platform to construct an electricity
profile for SES and then use the selected ReST as we did with Scenario 1 to
simulate that profile. So in Scenario 2 the simulation will not be on the
energy demand of the Eco-Village directly but on that of the Fuel Cell plant
and more specifically of the Electrolyser since this is the only component of
the Fuel Cell plant that is electrically connected to PES. Thus the electrical
and thermal demands of the Eco-Village (E El and ETh ) will be translated
into electrical demand for the Electrolyser, over one year of operation, to
provide the necessary fuel for the Fuel Cell that in continuant operation
mode will supply the Eco-Village with electrical and thermal loads.
Obviously some of the hydrogen fuel will be provided to the tanks so that
an uninterruptible flow of energy occurs to the houses.
the OM of the Fuel Cell for the 4 seasons and that can be seen in Tables
3.16a, 3.16b and 3.16c below. We already know from (Eq.1) and (Eq.3) that:
ED =132,000kWh
This is power we will use for the base-load demand of the Fuel Cell. The
question is what can we use as sub-base load and peak-load demands? To
answer that question we have to consider what will be an ideal size for the
Fuel Cell relative to its Operational Capacity Range (OCR). Say for example
that we have a 15kW and a 25kW Fuel Cell for the needs of the Eco-Village
both reaching these watts at maximum operation (100% of OCR). Then at
peak-load demand the 25kW Fuel Cell will have to work at 90% of its OCR
to give 22.5kW whereas the 15kW Fuel Cell will have to work at 112.5% of
its OCR to succeed the same power. So the first will a Capacity Cushion
(CC) of 10% and the second a negative CC of -12.5%. This is not a
satisfactory operation activity for the 15kW Fuel Cell, as it will strain its
performance and possibly damage the module after some time, and so we
have to choose the 25kW Fuel Cell for the ED for the village. Thus the
Operation Modes (OM) will be:
For the base load we know the Fuel Cell requirements in terms of hydrogen
fuel and the corresponding electricity for the Electrolyser (see P. We
follow the same theoretical calculations to get the values of the same
parameters for the three modes:
Key for Colours
OM1 Base Load = 25kW * 60% of total power = 15KW
OM2 Peak Load = 25kW * 90% of total power = 22.5KW
OM3 Sub-Base Load = 25kW * 30% of total power = 7.5KW
6 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
7 59 39.35 59 39.35 39.35 39.35 59 39.35
8 59 59 39.35 59 39.35 39.35 59 59
9 39.35 59 39.35 59 39.35 39.35 39.35 59
10 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
11 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
12 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
13 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
14 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
15 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
16 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
17 59 39.35 59 59 39.35 39.35 59 59
18 59 59 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
19 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
20 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
21 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
22 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
23 19.65 19.65 19.65 19.65 39.35 39.35 39.35 39.35
Number of Hours/Day Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend
18 11.8 11.8 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87
19 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87
20 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87
21 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87
22 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87
23 3.93 3.93 3.93 3.93 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87
For the “Profile Effect” tab we came across a difficulty to choose how much
should we set the “%Variability” to produce a realistic profile. By inspection
we had:
The second choice seemed the most appropriate. Then we saved the
template and we generated an annual profile with the “Generate Annual”
button to get the demand for the electrolyser. The total demand was
306,839kWh with all the effects of the “Profile Effect” tab on. This was a
relatively large value (almost the double) compared with that of Equation 1
that specified ED = 132,000 kWh. This indicated that the analysis on the
OM was overestimated and it had to be scaled for a realist simulation. We
modified this result by using the “Annual Consumption” feature in the
Demand Definition Window (See Figure 3.10) to integrate the
306,839kWh to 132,000 kWh and that was the final value for the simulation.
After all the necessary numerical configurations for the “Specify Demand”
stage of Scenario 2 were completed we began the selection of ReST for the
electrical demand of the Eco-Village. As for Scenario 1 we used the LMW-
10KW turbine model from MERIT’s database and the BP130L and SM110
photovoltaic modules for the experiments of Scenario 2. The only
difference was the insertion of a 3 kW turbine to adjust the matching as a
means of improvement measures. The phase was completed with 8
experiments (Attempts) which can be seen in Tables 3.18a and 3.18b below.
Name of Experiment 20th Attempt - Scenario 2 21st Attempt - Scenario 2
Characterisation 4 Turb+15 BP130L-No Aux Electr 4 Turb+40 BP130L-No Aux Electr Rec
Inequality 0.4053 0.4035
Correlation 0.1221 0.1285
Excess 50439.1 51769.5
Deficit 58162.3 56947.1
Current Match Poor Match 5/10 Poor Match 5/10
Potential Match Rating With moderate storage 8/10 With moderate storage 9/10
Auxiliary System
Name of Experiment 22nd Attempt - Scenario 2 23rd Attempt - Scenario 2
Characterisation 4 Turb+40 BP130L+1Turb-No Aux 4 Turb+20 BP130L+1Turb-No Aux
Electr Rec Electr Rec
Inequality 0.4129 0.4138
Correlation 0.128 0.1233
Excess 59780.2 58672.5
Deficit 55097.6 56026.4
Current Match Poor Match 5/10 Poor Match 5/10
Potential Match Rating With moderate storage 9/10 With moderate storage 9/10
Auxiliary System
End of Chapte r 3
Chapter 4-Discussion
It is necessary for the reader to understand the analysis of the experiments of the previous chapter in order to
modulate a complete idea about their actual conductance. Any of the results taken throughout this project were
assessed for their integrity and to specify if either their modulation was required or their status was rigid enough to
provide a solution. That was the tactic overall.
inconsistencies and deficiencies in registering radiation data. Having said
that, we can now present the problems of information flaws in registering
radiation data and the dilemma of choosing stations for wind values (relative
to their advantageous distance to the Thornylee Forest) or to their similitude
with climatic measurements that MERIT requires i.e. on a 1h-basis
measurement steps on 24h/daily cycles.
A1: “When referring to solar insolation affecting a relatively small
geographical area of a country we can assume that localised geographical
radiation phenomena will fuse into solid irradiation behaviour within the
boundaries of the enclosed area of study”.
A2: “When referring to solar insolation affecting a relatively small
period of time we can assume that seasonally localised geographical
radiation phenomena will stay unaffected within the boundaries of that time
These assumptions would simplify the problem of using a climatic file with
meteorological observations from another area and another time, such as
the ambiguous file of Eskdalemuir that we possessed. These assumptions
are obviously not a robust scientific approach to the problem but they can
help us bypass the latter without the risk of terminate the project. Thus they
were a significant compromise to the issue of climatic information. What
those assumptions simply state is that, for A1, the 19,800 Km2 of the area of
study (that is Delimitation Plan-A and B including Glasgow where we
finally got the climatic file for the simulation- see P????) are really small
compared to the 78,783 Km2 of Scotland’s mainland and, for A2, a time scale
of 30-50 years would be effectively small compared to 100 or 200 years of
possible climatic change of a place.
A3: “If any sites have the same morphological and climatic
characteristics with the site under climatic examination and belong to a
homogeneous geographical area with that target area, they can be deemed as
reasonably connatural to the natural weather behaviour of the critical area”.
In simpler words that assumption can allow for a more flexible
approach to the selection of a station with the required wind parameters
(speed and direction) remote from the area of study under the conditions
that the remote area has more or less identical characteristics in its
morphology with the target area and that its global and particular climatic
demeanour is essentially streamlined to that of the target area (provided that
the region for both of the stations is homogeneous). In our case the
morphological problem would be translated in similarities in elevation
between any areas of consideration and Thornylee Forest, the particular
climatic demeanour in divergence of the annual values for average wind
speed between any areas of consideration and Thornylee Forest, and the
global climatic demeanour in comparison of two seasonal weather profiles
for two random years. With this in hand we devised a CEACP approach
described in P.3.1.4 for the two top stations Rad1 and Rad2, as these were
the most effective stations wind-wise in order to select the most efficient for
wind data.
As we can see from Table 3.8 it is clear that by Step 2 the comparison
is very vague since the elevation and distance values are almost the same and
so there are no clear judgment factors for a sound selection. At Step 3
though we have the necessary bias for a decision towards Eskdalemuir
station since the average wind speed of the latter is closest to the value of
10m/s that the Thornylee Forest has. This reason is quite sufficient in
justifying the use of this station since the process is made for obtaining wind
data and such an inclination towards the critical value of 10m/s is a valid
proof for such a decision. So since we have selected ESKDALEMUIR for
wind data we need to test its climatic match with the weather at Thornylee
Forest. But from P.3.1.4 we know that there is no such station in that area
to give us meteorological observations and the closest is Bowhill station.
Tables 3 and 4 in Appendix A have the details of the local meteorological
measurements and from these tables we can make up graphs leading to
tangible means of comparisons for the climatic behaviour of the areas
around the stations. Below in Figures 4.1a, 4.1b, 4.2a, 4.2b, 4.3a and 4.3b we
are presenting only six graphs out of the ten possible, for just three of the
parameters namely wind speed, visibility and temperature, leaving the other
two out of this text for reasons of convenience. A quick examination of the
figures will show inconformity between the climatic parameters for the
chosen years. Wind speed and dry bulb temperature are almost following the
same pattern for the two stations, for both of the years and this is essentially
the critical point of validating the choice of Eskdalemuir and verifying the
assumption A3. Visibility’s graphs are truly very different between the two
stations but compared with the graphs of the other two parameters, which
have identical pattern configurations and are not shown here (total cloud
amount and wind speed direction), they can be overlooked in the greater
vision. So to finalise, the important weather parameters have few
discrepancies and that is acceptable for continuing the weather profile
configuration with wind data coming from Eskdalemuir station.
DbTemperature (Tenths of C)
Januany April July October
Seasonal and Monthly Divisions
Bowhill-DbTemp-1994 Eskdalemuir-DbTemp-1994
DbTemperature (Tenths of C)
Januany April July October
Seasonal and Monthly Divisions
Bowhill-DbTemperature-1997 Eskdalemuir-DbTemperature-1997
Figure 4.2a/ Visibility comparative chart for 1994
Visibility Measurements (9:00am) 1994
Visibility (m)
Januany April July October
Seasonal and Monthly Divisions
Bowhill-Visibility-1994 Eskdalemuir-Visibility-1994
Visibility (m)
Bowhill-Visibility-1997 Eskdalemuir-Visibility-1997
Figure 4.3a/ Wind Speed comparative chart for 1994
Wind Speed Measurements (9:00am) 1994
Wind Speed (Knots)
Januany April July October
Seasonal and Montly Divisions
Bowhill-WindSpeed-1994 Eskdalemuir-WindSpeed-1994
Wind Speed (Knots)
Bowhill-WindSpeed-1997 Eskdalemuir-WindSpeed-1997
4.1.2 Formation Process Commentaries
From the last chapter in P.3.1.5 we saw the final phase of the meteorological
methodology devised for the production of the climatic file that MERIT
needs to integrate a simulation between renewable technologies and demand
of the Eco-village but the reality was somewhat cruel with the outcome of
such a process. On trying to use the Esk(97).clm file in trials to verify its
successful conversion with the CreateClimate.exe module all of them where
disappointing and none would prove that we could use this file for the
simulation. Since this file was created after a long and arduous process we
tried to identify the problem by making variations of the Esk(97).clm file and
checking for mistakes on the creation and the conversion of the latter in
different stages and the signs would prove that upon the CreateClimate.exe
module was immolating the data from the Eskdalemuir1997Final.csv into the
Esk(97).clm file. That was an imponderable and unexpected occurrence that
left us no other choice that to drop the actual conversion and accept the
build-in climate databases that MERIT occupied to run the simulation. Of
the two possible choices for the final selection (Kew.clm and Glasgow.clm)
there is none that can satisfy the requirement for a realistic simulation and
there is no obvious way of making up assumptions this time to defend any
of the two files. It is clear that this time a more important compromise
would have to be made that would allow us to continue this project or to
terminate it. Since the second choice is not acceptable we need to accept to
run the simulation even with a climatic file from a totally different area and
time and to try to derive technical results for the aims and objectives of the
project following this critical compromise that they would not be based at
all on the sensitivity of the weather. Paragraph has the final details of
the final selection between the two candidate files.
terms of “bugs” on the other, were to apply in this analysis to the extend of
influencing some decisions and selections.
In more details the newest version 2.2 in the author’s computer could
not perform vital operations like the very important “Saving Project”
represented by one of the right-hand-side-column buttons in the Main
Program Window (See P.3.3.1). It would be really inapprehensible to try to
move on any further since this very essential operation was not occurring.
Had we moved on though, we would have fallen onto more of the
aforementioned problems just enough to make our life even harder than
what we already were experiencing. With some special arrangements we
managed to save some files into the directories of MERIT but this time the
“Open” operation in the “File” menu would not work. At this point we
abandoned any more experimentation with the v.2.2 and we thought that if
we could work the “CreateClimate.exe” component/program we might be
able to use it with the v.1.1 of MERIT and proceed in this way. But things
did not went as we hoped once more; the conversion of the created climatic
file was not succeeding and that the reason to exclude it from the
simulation. In spite of these algorithmic problems though, that prevented a
thorough utilisation of that version, v.2.2 had a much better inventory for
REST, updated and with more combinations available, so this is were we
would get the electrical demand profile for the Scenario 1. Version v.1.1 may
was much more stable but that did not mean that it was impeccable. In the
“Match and Dispatch” platform (See P.3.3.1) for the main phase of Scenario 1
(see below P. it would not save any of the graph data that were
produced during that experiments resulting in insufficient experiments
exhibits for the readers to assess for themselves these experiments. Apart
from that minor problem, there were no other serious problems on using
the program except a few crashes and freezes throughout the experiments
but nothing serious in the overall behaviour. But quite reasonably these
crashes could be a part of an interrelated nature of incompatibility problems
and not absolutely from MERIT part.
weighted ordinance to them according to the aims of designing that
scenario, which was different from the ordinance that was assigned for
Scenario 2. The reason for doing such discrimination was to ascertain that
only justified trial and error variations-combinations were approved for the
final assessments. So for Scenario 1 we determined CGP-1 and for Scenario
2 CGP-2 respectively. Scenario 1
As we saw in P. Scenario 1 has two phases to completion. All the
experiments (Attempts) are described at Tables 3.14a and 3.14b for the PP
and Tables 15a and 15b for MP. In this paragraph we will explain all the
background analysis that followed each Attempt for PP in order to reach the
candidates for the MP and satisfy this design by another set of Attempts to
the final selection of efficient ReST numbers and combinations for a
satisfactory integration with the Eco-Village electricity demands. The PP has
the role of manifesting Attempts with the best CGP-1 indicators but as well
as the other will contribute to the best candidates the third one is the one of
extreme importance since it will illuminate the Attempt with enough energy
to charge the battery bank (BB) and is respected for that reason. Thus what
we will expect from any Attempts performed is to find one with the biggest
possible condition Deficit-Excess < 0 for all of the rest of indicators satisfied.
Attempt 1-PP
Beginning with Attempt 1 (experimental evidence can be found at Table
3.14a and 3.14b) we drew near the supply selection for Scenario 1 by
following the PEl1 value (P. and so selecting a single LMW-10KW
turbine for the first experiment as the theoretical value of the turbine was
close to the value of PEl1 . Following the ordinance for CGP-1 indicators
and from Table 3.14a and 3.14b we can see that the Current Match indicator
is really too low (4/10) and so since this is the first criterion in the CGP-1
we leave this Attempt. Moving on to the Attempt 2 the thought is that since
from Attempt 1 there is Deficit-Excess=35,328.43kWh>0 amount of energy(
See P.3.3.1) we should better increase the number of turbines to succeed
negative value i.e. more of Excess energy. Thus in this case there were two
LMW-10KW turbines for the supply.
Figure 4.4/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply of Attempt 1
Attempt 2-PP
Here the Current Match indicator is improved to 5/10 and the Potential Match
Rating is also improved to 8/10. Also the Deficit-Excess= 4,641.6kWh
difference is still positive but it is significantly decreased from the last
Attempt. As again as with the previous case we will perform Attempt 3 with
a further increase in energy supply which will be coming from three LMW-
10KW turbines.
Figure 4.5/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply of Attempt 2
Attempt 3-PP
The results in this case are in favour of an extremely large Deficit-Excess value
(-26,045.3kWh) and more importantly of negative sign which means that the
3rd indicator is satisfied. The 1st indicator is also satisfied (5/10) and so is the
2nd (6/10). From the 4th and 5th indicator examination we can choose upon
the next attempt. From CGP-1 we want 4th indicator to be as low as
possible or between Attempt 2 and 3 to decrease, but it was not and also the
5th to be low as possible but this was kept invariable. From P.3.3.1 we know
that the Inequality index symbolises the difference in the phase for demand-
supply profiles and so we hope that by the introduction of Photovoltaic
modules will be able to improve this difference. Another reason of why we
were to choose to introduce Photovoltaic modules and not a smaller wind
turbine for example is that the latter produces bigger vaults in the Deficit-
Excess values (for Attempt 2 it was: 4,641.6kWh and for Attempt 3: -
26,045.3kWh) and so with Photovoltaic units will help us to control better
the 4th index. Apart from the experimental actuation for introduction of
Photovoltaic units there are two other reasons for doing so. One is
stemming from the objectives of the project (for a backup system that
would secure PES from shutting down completely) and the other is simply
technical orientated since PVs are a very mature technology to be
overlooked. So how did we choose for any possible photovoltaic
combinations? First of all if we look back at Attempt 2 we will see that it has
a better 5th indicator according to that of Attempt 3. Thus we will use
Attempt 2 as the building block for a possible combination dock for
photovoltaic units. So
And so the theoretical expected power from the photovoltaic modules will
be for one day:
PEl1 =2,413.8W
PV − Sc .1
From MERIT database we can choose two possible models that are the
BP130L and the SM110. These are the two top models in the range with the
highest efficiencies and power outputs. Briefly we can see some of their
characteristics in Table 4.2 below (more can be found in MERIT’s
Figure 4.6/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 3
Attempt 4-PP
We initiated the combined PES experiments with BP130L, 19 from them,
to see how the previous values for indicators for Attempt 2 would behave.
Again Tables 13a and 13b have the details for selection parameters. The 1st
indicator was unchanged; the 2nd had a marginal increase of 1 point (9/10)
and the 4th and 5th were marginally improved according to the CGP-1
requirements. The 3rd indicator though had still not improved very much, as
was expected, from Attempt 2 (Deficit-Excess= 4,641.6kWh before vs.
2,707kWh now). So in a similar action to the first three Attempts we will
increase the number of photovoltaic modules until a dramatic, significant
change happens to the indicators.
Figure 4.7/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 4
Figure 4.8/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 5
Figure 4.9/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 6
Figure 4.10/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 7
Attempt 8-PP
For the penultimate experiment of this phase we did not follow the
augmentation procedure that we did in Attempts 5 to 7 and immediately we
set the number of SM110 models to 100 units. In this case the 1st and 2nd
indicators remained unchanged, the 3rd indicator was decreased from the last
attempt i.e. Deficit-Excess= -5,540.7kWh in Attempt 7 to Deficit-Excess= -
2,835.8kWh in Attempt 8 and reversely according to the CGP requirements.
Figure 4.11/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 8
Attempt 9-PP
Finally we increased the number of SM110 photovoltaic modules to 150
units to mainly check the response of the 1st and 2nd indicators to that action
but although the 1st remained constant at 5/10 the 2nd dropped to 8/10
from 9/10 that Attempt 8 scored.
Figure 4.12/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 9
“Deficit”-“Excess” energy is a much more important indicator for the overall
success of them.
The batteries that MERIT’s database has are Lead-Acid type of
batteries; the most commercia lly trusted and used cells for the last 30 years
Reference: IS-17
. These come with different voltages and currents specifications.
Our aim is to find the best possible battery bank (BB) for the Eco-Village
relative to the electrical energy requirements of the latter. This indicates the
fact that since the capacity of the BB will remain constant over the MP
experiments then for these experiments (modified experiments of the PP)
there will be different charging times according to their energy potentials as
described by the Excess indicator (Table 3.14a). The above argument is true
since the capacity of a BB is proportional to the product of the current,
which can provide to a load, to the time that it can do so ceaselessly and in
this case the discharging time will be fixed as well Reference: IS-18. Let’s have a look
at some numerical specifications for the selection of the BB. The Electrical
Energy for Scenario 1 (for the Eco-Village) is according to P.
PEl 1
IM1 = *
=32.76A… (Equation 4.1)
PEl1 = =7,535.98W… (Equation 4.2)
So for the three attempts of the PP we can have, according to their Excess
values (Table 3.14a):
The capacity of the BB will be determined according to the following
C=I*t Ah… (Equation 4.4)
So to find the charging time for the three cases we use (Equation 4.4), where
As a verification of these results we will use the Current Ratio (CR) and Day
Ratio (DR) conceptsDefiniton. These should come to equality if the time and
currents are calculated correctly. So for Attempt 3 CR=DR=0.8, for
Attempt 6 CR=DR=0.47 and for Attempt 8 CR=DR=0.48.
Now to define the size of the BB we need to incorporate a battery
from MERIT’s database to approximate the CV 3 by producing multiples of
its capacity. We chose the 215Ah@12V battery type and so the theoretical
numbers for the BB will be:
• 20 in Series= VUK =230V
• 11 in Parallel = CV 3 =2358.72Ah
Attempt 10-MP
This is the modified Attempt 3 from the previous phase. This time we
introduce the application of batteries to relieve the Excess energy that was
wasted in the previous experiment. So we choose 215Ah@12V batteries
with the theoretical combinations, as stated above, to see if there are any
differences in the real values of voltage and capacity. And there were! From
MERIT we get Nominal Capacity 1= 317.38Ah and Nominal Voltage
CR=Discharge Current/Charging Current, DR=Supply Days for BB/Charging Days for BB
1=252.00V (very different from CV 3 and VUK ). So again by iteration we
approximated the theoretical values with the following combinations:
• 18 in Series ≈ VUK
• 191 in Parallel ≈ CV 3
For this analysis we must remember to use CGP-2 for the appellation of the
indicators! As we can see in Tables 13a and 14a by inspection of the
Attempt 3 and 10 results, the 1st indicator remained constant, the 3rd
indicator was reduced and the 4th was increased in a manner as required by
CGP-2. Also the 2nd indicator shows a decrease in its value from -26,051.3
to -21501.7 kWh respectively. MERIT suggests that with increased storage
we can get an 8/10 for the 5th indicator. We interpreted that as a prompt to
increase the BB capacity. It is not really important according to the
ordinance of CGP-2 to study the “Potential Match Rating” indicator any more
but since the suggested value is really tempting we decided to go with a
further increase in the BB capacity to find out if that hypothesis was true. So
for this case, if t=5 days and I= I M 1 then CV 5 will be equal to 3931.2Ah,
and so charging time for Attempt 10 will be t Att10 =6.25 days now. Again
with iteration we approximated the theoretical value for CV 5 and we got the
following combination:
• 18 in Series ≈ VUK
• 330 in Parallel ≈ CV 5
Attempt 11-MP
Here the 1st and 5th indicators remained unchanged, the 2nd indicator
decreased to -22,359kWh something that implies that more energy was
utilised from the BB and the 3rd and 4th indicators were following the
required inclinations in the manner dictated by CGP-2. Still MERIT
suggests an improvement for 2nd indicator with increased storage but we
consider such an action an unnecessary experiment since Attempt 10 is
already extended.
Attempt 12-MP
This is the modified Attempt 6 from the previous phase. Like before we
have introduced the application of batteries to relieve the Excess energy that
was wasted in the previous experiment. This is the first experiment for
which we get for the 1st indicator a value 6/10, above the average. The 2nd
indicator decreased from -3,096.9kW, in Attempt 6 to -51.6kW, in Attempt
12 which by far the best balance of Electrical Energy that we have seen so
far from all the experiments. The 3rd and 4th indicators were following the
required inclinations in the manner dictated by CGP-2. The 5th indicator
suggests again a further improvement in the match results with an increased
storage. So by following the same numbers for VUK and CV 5 as derived
from before we moved on to Attempt 13.
Attempt 13-MP
Here the 1 st indicator remained constant but the 2nd increased to -768.1kWh.
Truly the 3rd and the 4th indicators did improve from Attempt 12.
Attempt 14-MP
This is the modified Attempt 8. This experiment showed that it exploited
well the excess energy since the 2nd indicator fluctuated around -236.8kWh
relative to the -2,835.8kWh of the previous experiment. Again the 3 rd and 4th
indicators were following the required inclinations in the manner dictated by
CGP-2, and presented an improvement compared with the values of
Attempt 8. Similarly to the previous Attempts we again increased the BB
capacity since the 5th indicator was promising a further improvement in the
matching of the demand-supply electrical profiles.
Attempt 15-MP
Here the 1st indicator remained, as expected, constant and the 2nd increased
to -450.4kWh. Truly the 3rd and the 4th indicators did improve from Attempt
14. Scenario 2
Contrary to Scenario 1 this one has only one phase since in this case we do
not require the introduction of BB for the recovering any of the energy
from REST. So we will use CGP-2 to assess the results for the experiments
of this scenario. A complete record of the experiments (Attempts 16-23) can
be found at Table 3.18.
Attempt 16
For the supply modules, as in Attempt 2, we implicitly used two LMW-
10KW turbines for this experiment, since comparatively the precondition of
using one turbine was proved (Attempt 1) that it was insufficient for the
electrical supply of EElV never mind the ED value that we have to cover
here, which is double that value. So from Table 16/Chapter 3 we can see the
1st indicator is a moderate result (5/10) and the 2nd corresponds to a residual
energy levelling (to the value of ED ) of -61,374.1kWh. Thus we increased the
number of turbines to four.
Figure 4.13/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 16
Attempt 17
In this case we got for the 1st indicator an unchanged results and for the 2nd
a slightly improved number of -9,252kWh. The 3rd and 4th indicators were
slightly changed and the 5th suggested a potential improvement to 8/10.
Although we know from past experience (Attempt 3) that in order to
control the value of the 2nd indicator effectively, for small fluctuations
(<5,000kWh), the use of PV modules is suggested still in increased the
electrical supply by raising the number of turbines to five.
Figure 4.14/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 17
Attempt 18
Here the 1st indicator was still constant and the 2nd was not satisfied at all
since its value was greater than zero something that was against the
requirements of the CGP-2. So as we did in Attempt 3 we will introduce
photovoltaic modules for a possible combination with the four turbines
from Attempt 17. Again as in Attempt 3 we start with the theoretical
orientation for the numbers of photovoltaic units and through experiments-
iterations we will try to find the best number according to the requirements
from CGP-2. So from Attempt 17:
PEl1 =1056kWh
PV − Sc .2
The model this time will only be BP130L to stay in conformity with the
previous actions and their theoretical numbers will be: For BP130L =8 units
and for the SM110 =10 units.
Figure 4.15/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 18
from the previous attempts that nothing will change in the matching results
and so it was verified by an unrecorded experiment. So if this was the case
how could we check if there were any other modules that could have a
different impact on the match results? The answer lies at the turbines power.
There is no need to use a large turbine for such small energy spans but
surely a smaller turbine could do the job. From MERIT’s database we
recalled the 3kW turbine and that is what we combined with the modules
from the last attempt.
Figure 4.16/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 19
Figure 4.17/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 20
Figure 4.18/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 21
Attempt 22
The 1st indicator did not change but the 2nd became negative (-4,682.6kWh)
to violate the requirement of the CGP-2 for that index. We can also see
opposite fluctuations for the 3rd and 4th indicators according again according
to the requirements of the CGP-2. This experiment did not live up to our
expectations of a better matching result and so we would need to reduce the
number of photovoltaic modules to 20 units to satisfy the 2nd indicator.
Figure 4.19/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 22
Attempt 23
Again the 1st indicator did not change from the last 6 attempts and the 2nd
did fail to improve. The 3rd and 4th indicators also showed unfortunate
results contoured reversibly from what the CGP-2 dictates.
Figure 4.20/ Power curves for the Demand and Supply for Attempt 23
End of Chapte r 4
Chapter 5-Conclus ions
The results of a project are to be digested after their analysis according to a pattern of accentuated fundaments.
These fundaments are the true reason of contemplating and studying and the reason for researching a subject so
vocaciously. All of the work must be imparted to the readers as practical upshots that can be used for discussion
and further research.
the only remarks that we can make are no other but admiration and support
for this amazing concept. It would be really almost impossible to arrange
hundreds of equations with several parameters in each one of them to
produce realistic results about the use, flow, distribution and magnitude of
energy requirements of a dynamic entity. Since the beginning of the project
it was quite obvious that this program would be the best facilitator that we
could ask for under the sun. One of the characteristics of MERIT is the very
illustrative and concise environment-interface that the user navigates
between the three-phase control platforms (preliminary, middle and
simulation) and inside them once they are selected (See P.3.3.1). But where
MERIT was really proved an excellent assistant was at the point when we
had to simulate the Electrolyser demand in kWh according to the Fuel Cell
seasonal Operational Modes (OM) and of course at the simulation part of
the two scenarios (Scenario 1 and 2) where it was incredible the ease by
which we could iterate between the experiments (Attempts) to approximate
the required values.
As all computer programs MERIT did appear to have some
shortcomings (these did not objectively verified by other sources to provide
a complete assessment factor) that hindered the possibility of a greater
success of the project; concerning Aim-II below. The version v.2.2 did not
correspond well at the specific computer (OS and other applications) and
did not rise to the full expectations of what we might have though that
could offer in the opposite case. The newest version is clearly much more
advanced than the first one including the all essential component-program
“CreateClimate.exe” that would allow us to use the weather data, arduously
searching for over two months, so that we could achieve a much feasible
simulation for the Thornylee forest area. Unfortunately this component did
not work successfully no matter how many different performances we
applied on the critical file to be converted and how much advice we seek
from academic staff of the University of Strathclyde. It also was superior to
the less developed oldest version v.1.1 database-wise since it included energy
carriers such as hydrogen, had much more up-to-date renewable
technologies such as fuel cells and finally more realistic profiles for
electricity and thermal energy demands in the UK (including the one that we
used for the Scenario 1 experiments. Version v.1.1 was much more stable in
terms of partial and greater vital operations such as “saving” and “opening”
although it did present quite frequently a few crashes
(See P. and P.4.3.1) then we would have a good reason to talk about a
potential use of the Thornylee Forest although the simulation would refer to
a weather profile for a slightly expanded and remote area than the forest
itself (See P.3.1). In engineering intellection someone would rather have a
rather good approximation of a field of study than none whatsoever, as in
this case. We can not speak of the potential of the Thornylee Forest since
the climatic profile is referring to Glasgow which is too far away from that
area and has no conformity with the assimilation assumptions that we set in
Chapter 4 (P. and P. but to approximate the energy simulation
we tried to embrace a reasonable replica of the Thornylee Forest at the
Eskdalemuir location. So it is a bit of a disappointment that this aim did not
come to a conclusion as this could be possibly used as an extemporaneous
planning for the villagers in case of considering the same PES and SES as
this project did (sorry folks!).
Scenario 1
For Scenario 1 only the Main Phase (MP) is of relative importance to the
current aim examination; the Preliminary Phase is a selection stage for the
candidates of the MP (See P. and P. Referring to P.
for the MP we conducted 6 experiments (Attempts 10-15) which we are
going to evaluate with the help of the Central Guidance Panel (CGP-See
P.4.3.2). For the MP of Scenario 1 we will use the weighted evaluation
ordinance as directed by the CGP-2. According to the requirements of that
panel the 1st indicator must be satisfied before other indicators are
examined. In that way Attempts 10 and 11 are disqualified since they are
below the average score of the rest of the Attempts: 5/10<6/10 (See Tables
3.15a and 3.15b). So we are left with 4 Attempts. For these now we need to
assess them according to the 2nd indicator of CGP-2, the requirement for a
balanced energy flow to the Eco-Village or in simpler words the balance
between electrical energy demand of the community (in a year of operation)
and the electrical supply from Renewable Supply Technologies (ReST) for a
normal and undisturbed electrical vitality. Again from Tables 3.15a and
3.15b we can see that the more successful experiment is Attempt 12 as this
satisfies the condition of 2nd indicator (“Deficit-Excess”=-51.6KWh) with
Attempt 14 following with a value of 236.6KWh. In the first case the
difference is negative which shows a slight ascendancy of excess energy
supply over the demand scale and corresponds to an implicit predominance
over the second case in which the difference is positive. We are certainly in
favour a positive stock of energy than any deficit amount that is against the
2nd indicator but the second case is closer to a more balanced value. So the
choice will depend on the rest of the indicators for a final selection. So for
Attempt 12 the 3rd and 4th indicators are 0.3336 and 0.4906 respectively and
for Attempt 14 are 0.3336 and 0.4904 respectively. Thus a direct choice
cannot be made from these conditions and neither can be form the last
indicator (5 th ) since both experiments have a potential score of 10/10 with
“Increased Storage” according to MERIT. It is thus a conclusion that both
Attempts were successful according to the current specifications for the
electrical coverage of the village. The SES in this case i.e. the Battery Bank
(BB) will provide enough electrical energy for running any loads in the Eco-
Village within 3 days, maximum charging-discharging cycle occurrence, after
which it will be completely discharged.
Obviously a “Reasonable Match” of 6/10 is just satisfactory but we
have to remember that this simulation really corresponds for Glasgow and
not for Thornylee Forest where the winds would be expected to be much
more stronger (according to the British Wind Energy Association Glasgow
has an average wind speed of around 6-7m/s whereas the area around
Thornylee Forest is 9-10m/s-See Figure 6/Chapter 3) and maybe the solar
radiation would be likewise increased respectively. So such a result is not
depressing at all and is considered a valid argument to say that if the
autonomous Eco-Village where to be situated at Glasgow it would most
likely support an electrically self-sustained community. MERIT suggests an
even further improvement for a potential match between demand and
supply but surely the experiments here (Attempts 13 and 15) showed an
opposite case. We don’t know exactly where this increased storage is
referring to but we suspected that maybe it has a connection with other
forms of storage for the village. It was made clear that this was true from an
unofficial number of experiments upon these two Attempts that if
combined with say with “Grid Connection” the matching results were rocketed
to 8/10. Obviously in this case we cross the requirement for an autonomous
village (R2) so this was the best compromise with BC of the project.
Scenario 2
For Scenario 2 we need to look at Attempts 16-23 to deduce any results for
the satisfaction of Aim-III. Again we are assessing their results with
weighted evaluation ordinance as directed by the CGP-2. In this scenario we
have 8 potential experiments to choose from the best match results between
the Electrical and Thermal demand of the Electrolyser and that arising from
the PES. The difference between this scenario and the previous one is in
terms of the actual demand quality for the simulation the latter being not
directly the demand of the Eco-Village itself but its modified form
translated for the needs of the Fuel Cell and its inherent component the
Electrolyser (See P. Here all the Attempts exhibited a very modest
match result of 5/10 for the 1st indicator of CGP-2. This is quite
discouraging since the requirement of the 1st indicator is for a minimum
value of 5/10 leaving all these attempts out of the game. Or is it not? A
“Poor Match” is simply MERIT’s user-software interaction method to warn
the user for more energy storage in terms of auxiliary storage media that it
possess. In our case we did not respect at this recommendation and so we
got rather disappointing results. But if we compare the graphs of P.
and the results of the Table 3.18 we will see that the 2nd indicator is well
satisfied by most of them and that is a good identification element of the
possible success amongst some of them. More specifically Attempt 23 was
much more closer to a energy balance than any other experiment (-
2,646.1KWh) and since these kWh are of a negative sign it simply means that
the village will not utilise this energy by any other storage technology and
this is why MERIT is rating it with a “Poor Match” indicator. But in real
terms what would happen is that the Electrolyser would be fully run by PES
and so would be the Fuel Cell. Thus the cycle of energy flow would be
satisfied. The 3rd and 4th indicators are also very gentle with Attempt 23 as
the latter has the best ratings for these two against all other Attempts.
Finally the 5th indicator looks quite well since the potential of this Attempt
could reach theoretically a 9/10 excellent match by capturing all the excess
energy. All these facts testify that Scenario 2 was successful in matching the
electrical demand of the Electrolyser.
antagonism out there for CHP solutions the more known being a CHP with
diesel generator(s) to achieve the required power outcomes and a more
synchronous choice would be micro-turbines not a bad solution for large
energy projects such as this Eco-Village. But it would be really a violation of
the very first of the BC of the project (R1), for R1 is requiring only
sustainable solutions to any of the technologies selected for PES or SES.
Thus the Fuel Cell Module would prove the only green and sustainable
choice in our case.
The Electrolyser was a market model that could produce around
60 Nm / h of hydrogen fuel at an energy feeding cost of 5kW/ Nm3 and a rate
unnecessary cost and installation and maintenance operations on gas pumps
and gas pipes for the hydrogen fuel the Electrolyser should be situated at
the same control room as that of the rest of the units will be it, Fuel Cell and
Storage Tanks. Finally in order to decrease the cost of the installations the
FC plant could be connected to the grid for the time that produces excess
electricity and so an appropriate selling or even exchanging of this extra
power to the grid could be arranged that would economically boost the
financing of the plant acquisition.
End of Chapte r 5
Chapter 6-Limitations an d Fu ture Research
No project is conducted without problems, misadventures or misfortunes and this study is certainly one of these.
There were many obstacles in trying to find the appropriate information and in trying to apply it in practice to get
results. This would lead to incoherencies and discrepancies that need to be examined by future workers.
electronic correspondence was not many times successful and so no
technical specifications could be retrieved. The same problems we
faced on trying to identify a proper FC and Storage Hydrogen Media
modules. The theoretical approach was thus necessary to determine
the numerical guidelines for assembling the FC plant.
• In Scenario 1 we had to approximate the annual demand of the Eco-
Village with a profile from the MERIT’s database. In version 1.0 this
was not possible and only with an appropriate maneuver did we
manage to overcome this problem.
End of Chapte r 6
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Append ix A
Table 2/ Record of the stations reviewed at the neighbouring Counties of
County Station Name .hwx .radt .wind
LANARK • x x
BORDERS - - - -
Table 3/ Local meteorological measurements for Bowhill and Eskdalemuir
areas (1994)
Bowhill-1994 (Dly3208.hwx) Eskdalemuir-1994 (SYNOP.hwx)
Dir Speed TCA Vis TEMP Dir Speed TCA Vis TEMP
1 250 9 5 4000 16 170 2 7 40 -22
5 140 5 8 200 3 80 9 8 1500 11
10 270 2 8 4000 29 310 2 7 1800 18
Table 4/ Local meteorological measurements for Bowhill and Eskdalemuir
areas (1997)
Bowhill-1997 (Dly3208.hwx) Eskdalemuir-1997 (SYNOP.hwx)
Dir Speed TCA Vis TEMP Dir Speed TCA Vis TEMP
1 20 9 6 1000 -4 0 0 7 4500 -14
5 360 9 7 1000 4 0 0 6 2200 -12
10 0 0 6 1000 11 0 0 7 2500 -5
15 0 0 8 1000 69 170 7 8 10 54
20 320 2 7 1000 16 0 0 7 6000 -8
25 320 5 8 400 9 0 0 8 120 10
30 230 0 0 1000 1 360 2 4 80 -4
1 140 5 7 1000 105 190 7 8 1200 78
5 230 19 8 1000 107 280 19 8 700 93
10 320 2 5 1000 104 310 9 3 4000 107