10 Mensuration
10 Mensuration
10 Mensuration
10 Mensuration
10.1 Area
The area of any figure is the amount of surface enclosed within its bounding lines. Area is always expressed
in square units.
Unit of Measuring Area
100 sq millimetres = 1 sq centimetre
100 sq centimetres = 1 sq decimetre
100 sq decimetres = 1 sq metre
100 sq metres = 1 sq decametre or arc
10,000 sq metres = 1 hectare
1,000,000 sq metres = 100 hectares = 1 sq kilometre
P e r im e te r
The perimeter of a geometrical figure is the total length of the sides enclosing the figure.
10.2 Triangle
A triangle is a closed figure bounded by three sides. ABC is a triangle.
The sides AB, BC and AC are, respecively, denoted by c, a and b.
c b
Area of a Triangle (A)
1 1 a
(i) A = (base × height) = ah B C
2 2
where s = (a + b + c) or semi-perimeter of the triangle.
Perimeter P = a + b + c = 2s.
Right angled triangle : A triangle having one of its angles equal to 90° is called a right-angled triangle.
The side opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse.
a h
C b A
In a right-angled triangle,
Class IX
(i) (Hypotenuse)2 = sum of squares of sides
i.e., h 2 = a 2 + b 2 .
(ii) Area, A = (product of the sides containing the right angle)
i.e., A = ab.
Ac ute a ng led tri ang le
c b
where S=
S is the semi - perimeter of the triangle
1 b a2 b2 c 2
(ii) A = bh = . a2 ‚
2 2 2b
B a
where S =
1 b 2 c2 a 2 b2
(ii) A = bh a ‚
2 2 2b
Eq uila tera l tr ia ng le
A triangle whose all sides are equal is called an equilateral triangle.
a h a
a/2 a/2
B a C
(i) Area (A) of an equilateral triangle
3 3 2
= (side) 2 = a
4 4
(ii) Perimeter (P) of an equilateral triangle
= 3 × (side) = 3a
(iii) Altitude (h) of an equilateral triangle
3 3
= × (side) = a.
2 2
(iv) In an equilateral triangle
A = B = C = 60°.
(v) Area (A) of an equilaterial triangle
(altiude)2 h2
= =
3 3
Is o s c e l e s t ri an g l e
A triangle whose two sides are equal is an isosceles triangle.
a h a
b/2 b/2
(i) Area (A) of an isosceles triangle
= 4a 2 b2
(ii) Perimeter (P) of an isosceles triangle
= (2a + b)
(iii) Height (h) of an isosceles triangle
= 4a2 b2
Isos celes ri ght ang led triangle
An isosceles right-angled triangle has two sides equal with equal sides making 90° to each other.
a h
(i) Hypotenuse, h = 2a
1 2
(ii) Area, A = a
(iii) Perimeter, P = 2a + 2a = 2a ( 2 1)
P b
(iv) If the perimeter of an isosceles triangle is P and the base is b, then the length of the equal sides is .
If the perimeter of an isosceles triangle is P and the length of equal sides is a, then base is (P – 2a).
Class IX
10.3 Quadrilateral
A closed figure bounded by four sides is called a quadrilateral.
It has four angles included in it.
The sum of these four angles is 360°.
i.e., A = B + C + D = 360°.
(i) Area (A) of a quadrilateral
= × one diagonal × (sum of perpendiculars to it from opposite vertices)
= d (p 1 + p 2 )
Note : If the lengths of four sides and one of its diagonals are known, then
A = Area of ADC + Area of ABC.
10.4 Parallelogram
A quadrilateral in which opposite sides are equal and parallel is called a paralleogram.
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
(i) Area (A) of a parallelogram
= base × altitude corresponding to the base
= b × h
height (h)
A Base (b) B
D b
(iii) In a paralleogram,
the sum of the squares of the diagonals = 2 (the sum of the square of the two adjacent sides),
10.5 Rectangle
A rectangle is a quadrilatral with opposite sides equal and all the four angles equal to 90°.
b d b
The diagonals of rectangle bisect each other and are equal.
(i) Area (A) of rectangle = length × breadth
= × b
P2 d2
(iii) Area of rectangle = ,
8 2
= (length)2 (breadth) 2
= 2
(vii) If area (A) and perimeter (P) of a rectangle are given, then
P2 P
length of the rectangle = A
16 A
P P2
and breadth of the rectangle = A
4 16
Class IX
10.6 Square
A square is quadrilatral with all sides equal and all the four angles equal to 90°.
a B
a d d a
D a C
The diagonals of a square are equal and bisect each other at 90°.
(i) Area (A) of a square
(a) A = a 2 , i.e., (side) 2
d2 (diagonal) 2
(b) A = ,i.e.,
2 2
P2 (perimeter)2
(c) A = ,i.e.,
16 16
(ii) Perimeter (P) of a square
(a) P = 4a, i.e., 4 × side
(b) P = 16 area
(b) d = 2 area
P Perimeter
(c) d = , i.e.,
2 2 2 2
10.7 Rhombus
A rhombus is a quadrialteral whose all sides are equal.
A a B
d2 d1
a h a
D a C
The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at 90°.
(i) Area (A) of a rhombus
(a) A = a × h, i.e., base × height
1 1
(b) A = d × d 2 , i.e, × product of its diagonals
2 1 2
(c) A = d 1 × d1
since d = 4 a2
2 2
2 2
Perimeter d1
(d) A = d 1 × ,
4 2
2 2
Perimeter d1
since d22 4
4 2
1 2
= d1 d 22
D a C
E b
A = × (sum of parallel sides) × perpendicular distance between the parallel sides
i.e., × (a + b) × h.
a b
where = b – a if b > a
= a – b if a > b
c d
and s =
(iii) Height (h) of the trapezium
h = s(s )(s c)(s d)
h =
a b
Class IX
10.9 Circle
A circle is the path travelled by a point which moves in such a way that its distance from a fixed point remains
The fixed point is known as centre and the fixed distance is called the radius.
(i) Circumference or perimeter of circle
= 2 r = d,
where r is radius and d is diameter of circle
(ii) Area of circle
(a) A = r2 , r is radius
(b) A = , d is diameter
(c) A = , c is circumference
(d) A = × circumference × radius
(ii) (a) Radius of circle =
Perimeter or circumference
(b) r =
(iii) Ratio of the areas of the two circles is
Area of circlecircumscribing the square 2
= =
Area of circle inscribed in the square 1
10.10 Sector
A sector is a figure enclosed by two radii and an arc lying between them.
For sector AOB,
(i) Arc AB = × 2 r
where r = radius and AOB =
(ii) Area of sector ACBO
= × (arc AB) × radius
= .
10.11 Semi-Circle
A semi-circle is a figure enclosed by a diameter and the part of the circumference cut off by it.
10.12 Segment
A segment of a circle is a figure enclosed by a chord and an arc which it cuts off.
Note : Any chord of a circle which is not a diameter (such as AB) divides the circle into two segments, one
greater and one less than a semi-circle.
Area of a minor segment. Now area segment APB.
10.13 Polygon
A polygon is a plane figure enclosed by four or more straight lines.
If all the sides of a polygon are equal, it is called a regular polygon
n(n 3)
(c) No. of diagonals in a polygon =
(d) Perimeter (P) = n × a,
where n = number of sides
and a = length of each side
n 2
(e) Each interior angle =
(f) Each exterior angle =
1 1
(g) Area = × P × r = × n × a × r,,
2 2
where r is radius of the circle drawn inside the polygon touching its sides.
r R
1 a
= × n × a × R2 ,
2 2
where R is radius of the circle drawn outside the polygon touching its sides.
na 2
= cot .
4 n
3 3
Area of a regular hexagon = (side) 2
Area of regular octagon = 2( 2 1) (side) 2
A quadrilateral whose vertices lie on the circumference of the circle is called a cyclic quadrilateral.
D c C
d b
A a B
a b c d
(ii) s =
(iii) A + B + C + D = 2
A + C = B + D = .
If the length and the breadth of a rectangle are increased by x% and y%, respectively, then the area of
rectangle will increase by x y %
If the length of a rectangle is increased by x%, then its breadth will have to be decreased by %
100 x
in order to maintain the same area of rectangle.
If each of the defining dimensions or sides of any two dimensional figure (triangle, rectangle, square, circle,
quadrilaterial, pentagon, hexagon, etc.) is changed by x%, its area changes by x 2 %.
If all the sides of a quadrilateral are increased (or decreased) by x%, its diagonals also increase (or decrease)
by x%.
If each of the defining dimensions or sides of any two-dimensional figures are increased (or decreased) by
x%, its perimeter also increases (or decreases) by x%.
If the ratio of the areas of two square be a:b, then the ratio of their sides, ratio of their perimeters and
the ratio of their diagonals, each will be in the ratio a: b.
If the diagonal of a square increases by x times, then the area of the square becomes x 2 times.
Standard Properties of Diagonals of Quadrilaterals
may or
may not be
Class IX
(i) Carpeting the floor of a Room
If the length and breadth of a room are I and b, respecitvely, and a carpet of width w is used to cover the
floor, then the required length of the carpet
= .
H.C.F.( ,b)
(ii) Also, the size of the largest tile so that the tiles exactly fit = H.C.F. ( , b).
(iii) Path around a Rectangular Spac e
(i) A rectangular garden m long b m broad is surrounded by a path w m wide. The area of the path is given by
= 2w ( + b + 2w) sq m.
II w
Explanation :
Area of part I = Area of part II
= ( + 2w) w sq m
Area of part III = Area of part IV
= bw sq m.
Total area of the path = 2 [( + 2w) w + bw]
= 2w ( + b + 2w) sq m.
(iv) A rectangular garden m long and b m broad is surrounded by a path w m wide constructed inside it along
its boundary. The area of the path is given by
= 2w ( + b – 2w) sq m.
w IV b
E x p l an a t i o n
Area of part I = Area of part II
= w sq m
Area of part III = Area of part IV
= (b – 2w) w sq m
Total area of the part
= 2 [ w + (b – 2w)w]
= 2w ( + b – 2w) sq m.
(v) A rectangular park is m long and m broad. Two paths w m wide each are perpendicular to each other
inside the park. The area of the paths = w ( + b – w) sq m.
Also, area of the park minus the paths = ( – w) (b – w) sq m.
w b
E x p l an a t i o n
Total area of the path
= Area of part I + Area of path II – Area of common central part
= w + bw – w 2
= w ( + b – w) sq m.
Area of the park minus the parts
= [ b – w( + b – w)]
= b – w – w (b – w)
= (b – w) – w b – w)
= ( – w) (b – w) sq m.
Notes :
1 . Clearly, from the figure, the area of the paths does not change on shifting their location as long as they
are perpendicular to each other.
2 . For a square park, take = b in all the results derived above.
(vi) A square room of side a is sorrounded by a verandah of width w on the outside of the square room. If the
A 4w 2
a + 2w
Class IX
E x p l an a t i o n
Area of the room = a 2 .
Area of the (room + verandah) = (a + 2w) 2 .
Area (A) of the verandah = (a + 2w)2 – a 2
= (4aw + 4w 2 )
A 4m2
or a =
A 4w 2
Area of the room = a2 =
(vii) A square room of side a is surrounded by a verandah of width w on its inside. If the area of the verandah
A 4w 2
is A, then the area of the room is given by
(a – 2w)
E x p l an a t i o n
Area (A) of the verandah = a2 – (a – 2w)2
= 4aw – 4w 2
= 4w (a – w)
A A 4w2
or a = w
4 4w
A 4w 2
Area of the room = a2 =
(viii) A circular ground of radius r has a pathway of width w around it on its outside. The area of circular pathway
is given by
= w(2r + w)
E x p l an a t i o n
Area of circular ground = r2
Area of circular ground + pathway
= (r + w)2 = r 2 + 2 rw + w2 .
E x p l an a t i o n
Area of the square = a.
2 r= 4 a
4 a 2 a
Radius of circle (r) = .
2 a 4a
Area of circle = r2 = = sq cm.
(xi) The area of the largest circle that can be inscribed in a square of side a is .
E x p l an a t i o n
Clearly, from the figure, the diameter of the inscribed circle equals the side of the square i.e., D = a.
Area of the circle =
Area of the inscribed circle = .
Class IX
(xii) Area of a square inscribed in a circle of radius r is 2r2 and the side of the square is 2r .
E x p l an a t i o n
Clearly, from the figure, diagonal of the inscribed square is equal to the diameter of the circle, i.e., 2r.
Area of square = (diagonal) 2
= (2r) 2 = 2r 2 .
= Area = 2r 2 2r .
(xiii) The area of largest triangle inscribed in a semi-circle of radius r is r2 .
E x p l an a t i o n
Clearly, from the figure, the largest triangle inscribed in a semi-circle is an isosceles triangle with diameter as
its base and radius as its height.
Area of the triangle = × base × height
(xiv) The number of revolutions made by a circular wheel of radius r in travelling distance d is given by
= .
2 r
E x p l an a t i o n
Circumference of the wheel = 2 r
In travelling a distance 2 r, the wheel makes I revolution.
In travelling a distance d, the wheel makes revolutions.
2 r
It is a solid figure which has six rectangular faces. It is also called rectangular parallelopiped.
If , b and h denote the length, breadth and height of the cuboid and d denotes the body diagonal
(AF or BE or DG or CH), then
(i) Volume = × b × h = A1 A2 A3 ,
(ii) Total surface area = 2 ( b + bh + h)
= ( + b + h) 2 – d 2
(iii) Diagonal of cuboid = b2 h2
Note :
(a) For painting the surface area of a box or to know how much tin sheet is required for making a box, we
use formula (ii).
(b) To find how much a box contains or how much space a box shall occupy, we use formula (i). To find the
length of the longest pole to be placed in a room, we use formula (iii).
(c) The rise or fall of liquid level in a container
It is a special type of cuboid in which each face is a square. For a cube length, breadth and height are equal
and is called the edge of the cube.
If a be the edge of a cube, then
(i) Volume of th cube = (edge) 3 = a 3
(ii) Total surface area of the cube = 6 (edge) 2 = 6a 2
3 2 3
diagonal d Surface area
(iv) Volume of the cube = =
3 3 6
A right circular cylinder is a solid with circular ends of equal radius and the line joining their centres perpendicular
to them. This is called axis of the cylinder. The length of the axis is called the height of the cylinder.
Note : Take a rectangular sheet of paper and role it lengthwise or breadthwise in a round way, you will get
a cylinder, i.e, a cylinder is generated by rotating a rectangle by fixing one of its sides.
Class IX
If r is the radius of base and h is the height of the cylinder, then
(i) Volume of cylinder
= Area of the base × height
= r2 × h = r2 h cubic units
(ii) Area of the curved surface
= Circumference of the base × height
= 2 r × h = 2 rh sq units
(iii) Area of the total surface
= Area of the curved surface
+ Area of the two circular ends
= 2 rh + 2 r2
= 2 r (h + r) sq units.
(iv) For two cylinders,
When radii are equal
(a) Ratio of volumes = Ratio of heights
(b) Ratio of volumes
= Ratio of curved surface areas
(c) Ratio of curved surface areas
= Ratio of heights
When heights are equal
(a) Ratio of volumes = (Ratio of radii)2
(b) Ratio of volumes
= (Ratio of curved surface areas) 2
(c) Radii of curved surface areas
= Ratio of radii
When volumes are equal
= Ratioof heights
When curved surface areas are equal
(a) Ratio of radii = Inverse ratio of heights
(b) Ratio of volumes = Inverse ratio of heights
(c) Ratio of volumes = Ratio of radii
(v) For a cylinder
(a) Ratio of radii = (Ratio of curved surfaces)
× (Inverse ratio of heights)
(b) Ratio of heights = (Ratio of curved surfaces)
× (Inverse ratio of radii)
(c) Ratio of curved surfaces
= (Ratio of radii) × (Ratio of heights)
(vi) If the ratio of heights and the ratio of radii of two right circular cylinders are given, then
Ratio of curved surfaces areas = (ratio of radii) (ratio of heights).
(vii) If the ratio of heights and the ratio of curved surface areas of two right circular cylinders are given, then
Ratio of radii = (ratio of curves surface areas) (inverse ratio of heights).
(viii) If the ratio of radii and the ratio of curved surface areas of two right circular cylinders are given, then Ratio
of heights = (ratio of curved surface areaas inverse ratio of radii)
A right circular is a solid obtained by rotating a right angled triangle around its height.
If r = radius of base; h = height,
(i) Volume of cone = × area of the base × height
= × r2 h cubic units
(ii) Area of curved surface = r
= r h2 r2 sq. units
(iii) Total surface area of cone
= Area of the base + area of the curved surface
= r2 + r = r (r + ) sq units.
(iv) For two cones
(a) When volumes are equal = Ratio of radii = inverse ratioof heights
(b) When radii are equal = Ratio of volumes = Ratio of heights
(c) When heights are equal = Ratio of volumes = (ratio of radii)2
(d) When curved surface areas are equal = Ratio of radii = inverse ratio of slant heights.
(v) If the ratio of volumes and the ratio of heights of two right circular cones (or cylinders) are given, then
Ratio of radii
= (3 : 2) (8 : 3) : 4 : 1 = 2 : 1.
(vi) If the ratio of heights and the ratio of diameters (or radii) of two right circular cones (or cylinders) are given,
Ratio of volumes = (ratio of radii)2 × (ratio of heights).
(vii) If the ratio of radii (or diameter) and the ratio of volumes of two right circular cones are given, then
Ratio of heights = (inverse ratio of radii) 2 (ratio of volumes).
Class IX
A cone with some of its top portion cut off is called the frustum of the original cone.
(d) Volume of the frustum = (R 2 + r2 + Rr) cu units.
A sphere is the solid figure formed by revolving a semi-circle on its diameter.
The mid-point of the diameter is called centre of the sphere and the radius of the semi-circle is called the radius
of the sphere.
4 3
(i) Volume of sphere = r cubic unitss
2 2
(i) Volumes of hemisphere = r cubic unitss
(ii) Area of curved surface = 2 r 2 sq units of hemisphere
(iii) Total surface area of hemisphere = 3 r 2 sq units.
3 2
(i) Volume = A h a h
(ii) Total surface area
= lateral surface area + sum of areas of two ends a
3 2 3 2
ah ah ah a = 3ah a
4 4
P e ntag onal pri s m
(ii) Volume = 3 a2 h h
= × perimeter × slant height
1 h
= × 4a × s
= 2as
(iii) Total area of the pyramid= × 4as + a 2 = 2as + a 2 = a(2s + a)
Class IX
Tri a ng u la r py ra mi d
(i) Area of the lateral surface of the pyramid
= × perimeter × slant height
2 h
= × 3a × s
3 a
= as
1 1 3 2 ha2
(ii) Volume = × h × area of base = h .a
3 3 4 4 3
1 3 2
(iii) Total area of the pyramid = 3as a
2 4
Pen tagonal pyra mid
(i) Total area of the pyramid = 5as 3 a2 S
Where 'S' is the slant height
(ii) Volume = × h × area of base
1 ha
= h 3 a2
3 3
Hexag onal p yram id
(i) Total surface area = × 6as + 2.5981 a 2
Where 'S' is the slant height
(ii) Volume = h × area of base
= h × 2.5981 a 2
If a largest possible sphere is circumscribed by cube of edge 'a' cm, then the radius of the sphere = .
If a largest possible cube is inscribed in a sphere of radius 'a' cm, then the edge of the cube = .
If a largest possible sphere is inscribed in a cylinder of radius 'a' cm and height 'h' cm, then radius of the
a for h a
sphere = h
for a h
If a largest possible sphere is inscribed in cone of radius 'a' cm and slant height equal to the diameter of
the base, then radius of the sphere = .
If a largest possible cone is inscribed in a cylinder of radius 'a' cm and height 'h' cm, then radius of the
cone= a and height = h.
If a largest possible cube is inscribed in a hemisphere of radius 'a' cm, then the edge of the cube = a .
Volume of cylinder
The number of small spheres = .
Volume of1sphere
Radius of the cone = 2 × .
If a cone of height h is melted and a sphere of radius r is made, then
Class IX
1. The ratio of the area of a square inscribed in a semi-circle to that of the area of a square inscribed in the
circle of the same radius is:
2. The ratio of the circumference of two circles is 2 : 3. What is the ratio of their areas?
3. If the radius of a circle is increased by 100%, then the area of the circle increases by:
4. If the perimeter of an isosceles right triangle is (6 + 3 2 ) then the area of the triangle is:
5. Three horses are grazing within a semi-circular field. In the diagram given below, AB is the diameter of the
semi-circular field with center at O. Horses are tied up at P, R and S such that PO and RO are the radii
of semi-circles with centres at P and R respectively, and S is the center of the circle touching the two semi-
circles with diameters AO and OB. The horses tied at P and R can graze within the respective semi-circle
and the horse tied at S can graze within the circle centred at S. The percentage of the area of the semi-
circles with diameter AB that cannot be grazed by the horses is nearest to:
(1) 20
(2) 28 S
(3) 36
(4) 40 A P O R B
6. If the diagonal of a square is decreased by 15%, then the area of the square is decreased by:
7. The opposite pairs of sides of a square are increased by 40% and 30% respectively. The area of the resulting
rectangle exceeds the area of the square by:
8. If the length and width of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20 percent, then what would
1 1 1
9. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio of : : . If the perimeter is 52 cm, then the length of the smallest
2 3 4
side is:
10. The length of a rope by which cow must be tethered in order that it may be able to graze an area of 9856
sq. meters is:
11. A horse is placed for grazing inside a rectangular field of 70 m by 52 m and is tethered to one corner by
a rope 21 m long. On how much area can it graze?
12. In the figure below, the rectangle at the corner measures 10 cm × 20 cm. The corner A of the rectangle
is also a point on the circumference of the circle. What is the radius of the circle in cm?
14. A horse is tethered to one corner of a rectangular grassy field 40 m by 24 m with a rope 14 m long. Over
how much area of the field can it graze?
15. A triangle and a parallelogram are constructed on the same base such their areas are equal. If the altitude
of the parallelogram is 100 m, then the altitude of the triangle is:
16. The diagonal of the floor of a rectangular closet is 5 meters. The shorter side of the closet is 3 meters. What
is the area of the closet in square meters?
(1) 15 (2) 12.5 (3) 12 (4) 10
17. The length of each side of a square is 1 . What is the perimeter of the square?
9 2 3
18. The area of a square increases by ................. if its side increases by 30%.
(1) 71% (2) 60% (3) 69% (4) 30%
19. A track is in the form of a ring whose inner circumference is 352 m and the outer circumference is
396 m. The width of the track is:
(1) 44 m (2) 14 m (3) 22 m (4) 7 m
20. A person wishes to make a 100 sq. m rectangular garden. Since he has only 30 m barbed wire for fencing,
he fences only three sides letting the house wall act as the fourth side. The width of the garden is:
Class IX
21. In the figure, ABCD is a square with side 10. BFD is an arc of circle with center C. BGD is an arc of a
circle with center A. What is the area of the shaded region?
A 10 B
(1) 100 – 50 (2) 100 – 257 (3) 50 – 100 (4) 25 – 100
22. A steel wire bent in the form of a square of area 121 cm2 . If the same wire is bent in the form of a circle,
then the area of the circle is:
(1) 130 cm 2 (2) 136 cm 2 (3) 154 cm 2 (4) None of these
23. A pond 100 m in diameter is surrounded by a circular grasss walk 2 m wide. How many square meters of
grass is there on the walk?
24. The length of a rectangle is increased by 60%. By what percent would the width be decreased so as to maintain
the same area?
(1) 37 % (2) 60% (3) 75% (4) 120%
25. A circular grassy plot of land, 42 m in diameter, has a path 3.5 m wide running round it on the outside.
Find the cost of gravelling the path at Rs. 4 per square meter.
(1) Rs. 2002 (2) Rs. 2003 (3) Rs. 2004 (4) Rs. 2000
26. If the circumference and the area of a circle are numerically equal, then what is the numerical value of the
27. A rhombus OABC is drawn inside a circle whose center is at O in such a way that the vertices A, B and C
of the rhombus are on the circle. If the area of the rhombus, is 32 3 m2 , then the radius of the circle is:
28. Four equal circles are described about the four corners of a square so that each touches two of the others.
If each side of the square is 14 cm, then the area enclosed between the circumferences of the circle is:
(1) 24 sq cm (2) 42 sq cm (3) 154 sq cm (4) 196 sq cm
29. A wire is in the form of a circle of radius 35 cm. If it is bent into the shape of a rhombus, what is the side
of the rhombus?
(1) 32 cm (2) 70 cm (3) 55 cm (4) 17 cm
30. To make marriage tent, poles are planted along the perimeter of a square field at a distance of 5 meters from
each other and the total number of poles used is 20. What is the area (in sq. meters) of the square field?
31. A rectangular carpet has an area of 60 m2 . Its diagonal and longer side together equal 5 times the shorter
side. The length of the carpet is:
32. How many squares are there in a 5 inch by 5 inch square grid, if the grid is made up of one inch by one
inch squares?
(1) 50 (2) 150 (3) 55 (4) 25
33. The area of a rhombus is 2016 sq cm and its side is 65 cm. The lengths of the diagonals (in cm) respectively
34. The number of revolution made by a wheel of diameter 56 cm in covering a distance of 1.1 km is Use :
36. A wire is looped in the form of a circle of radius 28 cm. It is re-bent into a square form. Determine the
length of the side of the square.
37. The curcumference of a circular ground is 88 meters. A strip of land, 3 meters wide, inside and along circumference
of the ground is to be levelled. What is the budgeted expenditure if the levelling costs Rs. 7 per square meter?
(1) Rs. 1050 (2) Rs. 1125 (3) Rs. 1325 (4) Rs. 1650
38. In the figure, when the outer circles all have radii 'r', then the radius of the inner circle will be:
1 2
(3) (4)
2r ( 2 1)r
39. A square and an equilateral triangle have the same perimeter. If the diagonal of the square is 12 2 cm,
then the area of the triangle is:
Class IX
40. The sides of a triangle are 6 cm, 11 cm and 15 cm. The radius of its incircle is:
5 2 4 2
(1) cm (2) 3 2 cm (3) 6 2 cm (4) cm
4 5
41. A wire is in the form of a circle of radius 35 cm. If it is bent into the shape of a rhombus, what is the side
of the rhombus?
(1) 32 cm (2) 70 cm (3) 55 cm (4) 17 cm
42. The cross-section of a canal is in the form of a trapezium. If the canal top is 10 m wide and the bottom
is 6 m wide and the area of cross-section is 72 m 2 , then the depth of the canal is:
(1) 10 m (2) 7 m (3) 6 m (4) 9 m
43. Two isosceles triangles have equal vertical angles and their areas are in the ratio of 9 : 16. The ratio of
their corresponding height is:
(1) 3 : 4 (2) 4 : 3 (3) 2 : 1 (4) 1 : 2
44. In the figure below, ABCDEF is a regular hexagon and AOF = 90°. FO is parallel to ED. What is the ratio of
the area of the triangle AOF to that of the hexagon ABCDEF ?
1 1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
12 6 24 18
45. Let ABCDEF be a regular hexagon. What is the ratio of the area of the triangle ACE to that of the hexagon
1 1 2 5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 2 3 6
46. Find the perimeter (in centimetres) of a square which is symmetrically inscribed in a semicircle of radius 10 cm.
47. The area of the square on AC as a side is 60 cm2. What is the sum of the areas of semicircles drawn on AB and
BC as diameters, given ABC is an isoscles right-angled triangle and AC is its hypotenuse.
(1) 30 cm2 (2) 60 cm2 (3) 7.5 cm2 (4) None of these
48. A circular park has sum of its area and perimeter equal to 8 . The diameter of the park equals
(1) 4 (2) 8 (3) 2 (4)
49. The difference between the circumference and diameter of a circular park is 300 m. A car goes round the park
in exactly a minute. What is the speed of the car in km/hr ?
(1) 30 (2) 28 (3) 27.55 (4) 26.4
50. The number of rectangles that you can find on a chessboard is
(1) 1764 (2) 1600 (3) 1825 (4) 1296
51. The ratio of the area of a square inscribed in a semi-circle to that of the area of a square inscribed in the circle
of the same radius is
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 2 : 3 (3) 2 : 5 (4) None of these
52. The perimeter of an isosceles trapezium is 16 cm and the shorter parallel side is one-third of the longer parallel
side. If the sum of the length of the opposite sides of the trapezium are equal, find the area (in cm2) of the
2 2
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
2 2
54. All the three quadrilaterals ADEC, ABIH and BCGF are squares and ABC = 90°. If the area of ADEC = x2 and
area of AHIB = y2 (x2 > y2), then the area of BCGF is
(1) (x + y) (x – y) (2) (x + y) 2
(3) (x – y)2 (4) None of these
55. A square, whose side is 2 m, has its corners cut away so as to form an octagon with all sides equal. Then, the
length of each side of the octagon in metres is :
2 2 2 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
Class IX
56. The length, breadth and height of a room are in the ratio, 3 : 2 : 1. If the breadth and height are halved and the
length is doubled, then the total area of the four walls of the room will
(1) remain the same (2) decrease by 13.64% (3) decrease by 15% (4) decrease by 30%
57. The ratio of the area of the incircle and the circumcircle of square is
58. The total area of a circle and a rectangle is equal to 1166 sq cm. The diameter of the circle is 28 cm. What is
the sum of rectangle if the length of the rectangle is 25 cm ?
60. The area of a square is 1024 sq. cm. What is the respective ratio between the length and the breadth of a
rectangle whose length is twice the side of the square and breadth is 12 cm less than the side of the square ?
(1) 5 : 18 (2) 16 : 7 (3) 14 : 5 (4) None of these
61. If the surface areas of two spheres are in the ratio 4 : 9, then the ratio of their volumes is :
(1) 8 : 25 (2) 8 : 26 (3) 8 : 27 (4) 8 : 28
62. In a shower 10 cm of rain fall. The volume of water that falls on 1.5 hectares of ground is :
(1) 1500 m3 (2) 1400 m3 (3) 1200 m3 (4) 1000 m3
63. The radius of base and the volume of a right circular cone are doubled. The ratio of the height of the larger cone
to that of the smaller cone is :
(1) 1 : 4 (2) 1 : 2 (3) 2 : 1 (4) 4 : 1
64. A cone and a hemisphere have equal base diameter and equal volumes. The ratio of their heights is :
(1) 3 : 1 (2) 2 : 1 (3) 1 : 2 (4) 1 : 3
65. The slant height of a conical tent made of canvas is m. The radius of tent is 2.5 m. The width of the canvas is 1.25
m. If the rate of canvas per metre is Rs. 33, then the total cost of the canvas required for the tent (in Rs.) is :
69. A right circular cone of radius 4 cm and slant height 5 cm is curved out from a cylindrical piece of wood of same radius
and height 5 cm. The surface area of the remaining wood is :
(1) 84 (2) 70 (3) 76 (4) 50
70. If h, s, V be the height, curved surface area and volume of a cone respectively, then (3 Vh3 + 9V2 – s 2h2) is
equal to :
V 36
(1) 0 (2) (3) (4)
sh V
71. A cone, a hemisphere and a cylinder stand on equal bases of radius R and have equal heights H. Their whole
surfaces are in the ratio
(1) ( 3 + 1) : 3 : 4 (2) ( 2 + 1) : 7 : 8 (3) ( 2 + 1) : 3 : 4 (4) None of these
72. If a sphere is placed inside a right circular cylinder so as to touch the top, base and the lateral surface of the
cylinder. If the radius of the sphere is R, the volume of the cylinder is :
(1) 2 R3 (2) 8 R3 (3) R3 (4) None of these
73. A cylinder is circumscribed about a hemisphere and a cone is inscribed in the cylinder so as to have its vertex at
the centre of one end and the other end as its base. The volumes of the cylinder, hemisphere and the cone are
respectively in the ratio of:
(1) 3 : 3 : 2 (2) 3 : 2 : 1 (3) 1 : 2 : 3 (4) 2 : 3 : 1
74. A large solid sphere of diameter 15 m is melted and recast into several small spheres of diameter 3 m. What is
the percentage increase in the surface area of the smaller spheres over that of the large sphere?
(1) 200% (2) 400% (3) 500% (4) Can't be determined
75. A cone is made of a sector with a radius of 14 cm and an angle of 60°. What is total surface area of the cone?
(1) 119.78 cm2 (2) 191.87 cm2 (3) 196.5 cm2 (4) None of these
76. A blacksmith has a rectangular iron sheet 10 ft long. He has to cut out 7 circular discs from this sheet. What is
the minimum possible width of the iron sheet if the radius of each disc is 1 ft?
77. The number of bricks, each measuring 25 cm × 12.5 cm × 7.5 cm, required to construct a wall 6 m long,
5 m high and 0.5 m thick, while the mortar occupies 5% of the volume of the wall, is :
(1) 3040 (2) 5740 (3) 6080 (4) 8120
78. Three cubes with sides in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 are melted to form a single cube whose diagonal is 12 3 cm.
Class IX
81. Consider the volumes of the following :
1 . A parallelopiped of length 5 cm, breadth 3 cm and height 4 cm
2 . A cube of each side 4 cm
3 . A cylinder of radius 3 cm and length 3 cm
4 . A sphere of radius 3 cm
The volumes of these in the decreasing order is :
(1) 1, 2, 3, 4 (2) 1, 3, 2, 4 (3) 4, 2, 3, 1 (4) 4, 3, 2, 1
82. The areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboid are x, y and z. If the volume of the cuboid is V, then V 2 is
equal to :
(1) xyz (2) xy + yz + zx (3) (xyz)2 (4) None of these
83. A cylindrical bucket of height 36 cm and radius 21 cm is filled with sand. The bucket is emptied on the ground
and a conical heap of sand is formed. The height of the conical heap is 12 cm. The radius of the heap at
the base is :
(1) 63 cm (2) 53 cm (3) 56 cm (4) 66 cm
84. By what proportion will be volume of a right circular cone change if its height is increased by 200% and
the radius of its base reduced by 50%?
(1) Increase by 50% (2) Decrease by 25%
(3) Increase by 25% (4) None of these
85. A cylinder circumscribes a sphere. The ratio of their volumes is :
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 3 : 2 (3) 4 : 3 (4) 5 : 6
86. Find the total surface area of a hemisphere of radius 10 cm.
(1) 942.86 cm 2 (2) 900 cm 2 (3) 300 cm 2 (4) 592.86 cm 2
93. How many bricks, each measuring 24 cm × 11.5 cm × 8 cm, will be needed to construct a wall 8 m long, 6 m
high and 23 cm wide, while 5% of the total wall contains mortar ?
(1) 5000 (2) 5250 (3) 4750 (4) 4250
94. The dimensions of an open box are 52 cm × 40 cm × 29 cm. Its thickness is 2 cm. If 1 cu cm of metal used in the
box weights 0.5 g, then the weigth of the box is
(1) 6.832 kg (2) 7.576 kg (3) 7.76 kg (4) 8.56 kg
95. A metallic sheet is of rectangular shape with dimensions 48 m × 36 m. From each of its corners, a square is cut
off so as to make an open box. The volume of the box is Xm3, when the length of the square is 8m, the value of
X is
(1) 5120 (2) 8960 (3) 4830 (4) 5120
96. The cost of painting the walls of a room at the rate of Rs. 1.35 per square metre is Rs. 340.20 and the cost of
matting the floor at the rate of Re 0.85 per square metre is Rs. 91.80. If the length of the room is 12 m, then
the height of the room is
(1) 6 m (2) 12 m (3) 1.2 m (4) 12.6 m
97. Find the smallest side of a prism of volume 3,600 units if its edges are in the ratio 5 : 12 : 13 : 15.
(1) 10 (2) 24 (3) 7.5 (4) None of these
98. The area of four walls of a room is 120 m2. The length is twice the breadth. If the height of the room is 4 m, find
the area of the floor.
(1) 48 m2 (2) 49 m2 (3) 50 m2 (4) 52 cm2
99. A rectangular tank measuring 5 m × 4.5 m × 2.1 m is dug in the centre of the field measuring 13.5 m × 2.5 m.
The earth dug out is spread evenly over the remaining portion of the field. How much is the level of the field
raised ?
(1) 4.02 m (2) 4.1 m (3) 4.2 m (4) 4.3 m
1 0 0 . The perimeter of one face of a cube is 20 cm. Its volume must be
(1) 8000 cm3 (2) 1000 cm3 (3) 125 cm 3 (4) 400 cm 3
1 0 1 . From a circular paper a man makes two conical caps. The surface area of the two are in the ratio 2 : 1. He then
covers the face of the caps with other circular pieces of paper. The ratio of the area of these pieces is
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 4 : 1 (3) 1 : 1 (4) 2 : 1
1 0 2 . The volume of a right circular cone varies as square of the radius of the base when the heigth is constant, and as
the height when the base is constant. If the radius of the base is 7 cm and the height 15 cm, the volume is 770
3 2
(1) cm (2) cm (3) 3 2 cm (4) 3 3 cm
2 3
1 0 4 . If the weight of a spherical shell is seven-eighths of what it would be if it were a solid shell. The ratio of inner to
outer radii of the shell is
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 3 (3) 2 : 3 (4) 3 : 4
Class IX
1 0 5 . The number of bricks, each measuring 25 cm × 12.5 cm × 7.5 cm, required to construct a wall 6 m long. 5m
high and 0.5 m thick, while the mortar occupies 5% of the volume of the wall, is
1 0 6 . The height of a cone is 30 cm. A small cone is cut off at the top by a plane parallel to the base. If its volume is
1/27 of the given cone, then the height of the smaller cone is
1 0 7 . A milkman has 3 jars containing 57 litres, 129 litres and 177 litres of pure milk respetively. A measuring can,
after a different number of exact measurments of milk in each jar, leaves the same amount of milk unmeasured
in each jar. What is the volume of the largest such can ?
1 0 8 . If 600 men dig a 5.5 m wide, 4m deep and 405 m long canal in half an hour, then how long a canal will 2500
men, working for 6 h, dig if it is 10 m wide and 8 m deep ?
3 1
(1) 6,452 m (2) 5,568 m (3) 2,694 m (4) 4,082 m
4 3
1 0 9 . A school room is to be built to accommodate 70 children, so as to allow 2.2 m2 of floor and 11 m3 of space for
each child. If the room be 14 m long, what must be its breadth and height ?
1 1 0 . A reservoir is in the shape of a frustum of a right circular cone. It is 8 m across at the top and 4 m across the
bottom. It is 6 m deep. Find the area of its curved surface.
1 1 1 . Two cans have the same height equal to 21 cm. One can is cylinderical, the diameter of whose base is 10 cm.
The other can has square base of side 10 cm. What is the difference in their capacities ?
1 1 2 . What is the total surface area of a triangular prism whose height is 30 m and the sides of whose base are 21 m,
20 m and 13 m, respectively ?
1 1 3 . It is required to design a circular pipe such that water flowing through it at a speed of 7 m/min fills a tank of
1 1 4 . The ratio of the volume of a cube to that of the sphere which can fit inside the cube is
1 1 5 . A hemispherical bowl is 176 cm around the brim. Supposing it to be half full, how many persons may persons
may served from it in hemispherical glasses 4 cm in diameter at the top ?
1 1 6 . A 4 cm cube is cut into 1 cm cubes. Find the percentage increase in surface area.
1 1 7 . The length of an edge of a hollow cube open at one face is 3 m. What is the length of the largest pole that it
can accommodate ?
1 1 8 . A cylinderical vessel of radius 4 cm contains water. A solid sphere of radius 3 cm is lowered into the water untill
it is completely immersed. The water level in the vessel will rise by
9 9 4 2
(1) cm (2) cm (3) cm (4) cm
2 4 9 9
1 1 9 . A conical cavity is drilled in a circular cylinder of height 15 cm and base radius 8 cm. The height and the base
radius of the cone are also same. Then the whole surface of the remaining solid is
1 2 0 . A conical flask has base radius 'a' cm and height 'h' cm. It is completely filled with milk. The milk is poured into
a cylinderical thermos flask whose base radius is 'p' cm. What will be the height of the solution level in the flask ?
a2 h 3hp2 p2 3a2
(1) cm (2) cm (3) cm (4) cm
3p2 a2 3h2 hp2
1 2 1 . A toy is in the form of a cone mounted on a hemisphere of radius 3.5 cm. The total height of the toy is 15.5 cm.
Find the total surface area (use = 22/7 ).
(1) 137.5 cm2 (2) 214.5 cm2 (3) 154 cm 2 (4) 291.5 cm2
1 2 2 . A right circular cone of height h is cut by a plane parallel to the base at a distance from the base, then the
volumes of the resulting cone and the frustum are in the ratio
1 2 3 . The length, breadth and height of a cuboid are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. The length, breadth and height of the
cuboid are increased by 100%, 200% and 200%, respetively. Then the increase in the volume of the cuboid is
1 2 4 . A sphere of radius 3 cm is dropped into a cylinderical vessel partly filled with water. The radius of the vessel is
6 cm. If the sphere is submerged completely, then the surface of the water is raised by
1 2 5 . Water is flowing at the rate of 3 km/h through a circular pipe of 20 cm internal diameter into a circular cistern
of diameter 10 m and depth 2 m. In how much time will the cistern be filled ?
1 2 6 . Marbles of diameter 1.4 cm are dripped into a cylinderical beaker containing some water and are fully submerged.
The diameter of the beaker is 7 cm. Find how many marbles have dropped in it if the water rises by 5.6 cm.
Class IX
1 2 8 . Suresh, who runs a bakery, uses a conical shaped equipment to write decorative labels (e.g., Happy Brithday
etc.) using cream. The height of this equipment is 7 cm and the diameter of the base is 5 mm. A full charge of
the equipment will write 330 words on an average. How many words can be written using three-fifths of a litre
of cream ?
(1) 45090 (2) 45100 (3) 46000 (4) None of the above
1 2 9 . It took 15 h and 40 min for Rakesh to paint four walls and the ceiling of a room of size 900 cu ft. The ceiling
height of the room is 10 ft. If Rakesh painted at a constant rate of 0.5 sq ft/min, how long will it take for him to
paint the walls ?
(1) 12 hrs 40 mins (2) 11 hrs (3) 13 hrs (4) 11 hrs 10 mins
1 3 0 . The carpeting of a room twice as long as it is broad at the rate of 50 p per square meter cost Rs. 12.25 and cost
of painting its walls at the rate of 9 p per square metre is Rs. 6.30. Find the height of the room.
1 1 3
(1) 7 m (2) 3 m (3) 4 m (4) 3 m
8 3 9
Qu e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
An s . 3 1 3 1 2 3 3 4 4 1 3 3 1 1 2
Qu e. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
An s . 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 4
Qu e. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
An s . 2 4 2 3 1 1 4 2 3 1 3 4 1 1 2
Qu e. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
An s . 4 3 1 4 1 3 2 3 1 1 4 4 2 1 4
Qu e. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
An s . 3 1 2 2 4 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 2 2 1
Qu e. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
An s . 2 3 2 3 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 4 3
Qu e. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
An s . 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 3 2 3 1
Qu e. 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
An s . 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 1
Qu e. 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
An s . 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 4 1 4
Subjective questions
1. Find the area of the triangle whose sides are 50 m, 78 m, 112 m respectively and also find the perpendicular
from the opposite angle on the side 112 m.
2. (i) What is the relation between a circle and an equilateral triangle which is inscribed in the circle?
(ii) What is the relation between an equilateral triangle and a circle inscribed in a circle?
(iii) An equilateral triangle is circumscribed by a circle and another circle is inscribed in that triangle. Find
the ratio of the areas of two circles?
3. The front wheels of a wagon are 2 m in circumference and the back wheels are 3 m feet in circumference.
When the front wheels have made 10 more revolutions than the back wheels, how many meters has the wagon
4. A wire bent in the form of a square enclosed an area of 121 sq. cm. If the same wire is bent so as to form
a circle, then find the area enclosed?
5. The perimeter of a rhombus is 146 cm and one of its diagonal is 55 cm. Find the other diagonal and the
area of the rhombus.
6. Find the ratio of the area of a square to that of the square drawn on its diagonal?
7. A rectangular parking space is marked out by painting three of its sides. If the length of the unpainted side
is 9 m, and the sum of the lengths of the painted sides is 37 m, then what is the area of the parking space
in square meters?
1 1
8. The diagonal of the floor of a rectangular closet is 7 cm. The shorter side of the closet is 4 cm. What
2 2
is the area of the closet in square centimetres?
9. ABCD is a rectangle with sides AB = x and AD = y. E is the mid point of DC. Then find the area of the
shaded portion?
10. A hall whose length is 16 m and breadth twice its height takes 168 m of paper 2 m wide for its four walls.
Find the area of the floor.
11. The area of the larger square is a 2 and that of the smaller square is b 2 . Then
Class IX
14. There are two 2-meter wide cross roads in a lawn 150 m by 120 m dimensions. One of the roads is parallel
to the length and the other is parallel to the breadth. If it costs Rs. 2 per sq. meter for levelling the road,
what be the cost involved?
15. The difference of the area of the circumscribed and the inscribed squares of a circle is 35 sq. cm. Find the
area of the circle.
16. The wheel of cycle covers 660 meters by making 500 revolutions. What is the diameter of the wheel (in cm)?
17. The two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 5 cm and 4 cm respectively and if the respective diagonal
is 7 cm, then find the area of the parallelogram?
18. A 5100 sq. cm trapezium has the perpendicular distance between the two parallel sides 60 cm. If one of
the parallel sides be 40 cm then find the length of the other parallel sides.
19. A square field of 2 sq. kilometers is to be divided into equal parts by a fence which coincides with a diagonal.
Find the length of the fence.
20. A square field of area 31684 sq. mts is to be enclosed with wire placed at height 1, 2, 3, 4 mts above
the ground. What length of the wire will be required, if its length required for each circuit is 5% greater than
the perimeter of the field?
21. What is the area of the triangle in which two of its medians 9 cm and 12 cm long intersect at right angles?
22. If one leg of an isosceles right-angled triangle is increased by 6 cm and that of the other leg decreased by
4 cm, then the area of the triangle decreases by 24 sq cm. Find the length of the leg of the original triangle.
23. What is the ratio of the heights of two isosceles triangles which have equal vertical angles, and of which the
areas are in the ratio 9 : 16?
24. How many metres of a carpet 75 cm wide will be required to cover the floor of a room which is
20 metres long and 12 metres broad?
25. how many paving stones each measuring 2.5 × 2 m are required to pave a rectangular courtyard
30 m long and 16.5 m wide?
26. A hall-room 36 m 10 cm long and 35 m 70 cm broad is to be paved with equal square tiles. Find the side
of the largest tile so that the tiles exactly fit and also find the number of tiles required.
27. A rectangular grassy plot is 112 m by 78 m. It has a gravel path 2.5 m wide all round it on the inside.
Find the area of the path and the constructing it at Rs. 2 per square metre?
28. By what percentage will area of a square change if its side increases by 10%?
29. A square, whose side is 2 meters, has its corners cut away so as to form an octagon with all sides equal.
Then find the length of each side octagon, in meters.
30. All the three quadrilaterals ADEC, ABIH and BCGF are squares and ABC = 90°. If the area of ADEC = x2
and area of AHIB = y 2 (x 2 > y 2 ), then the area of BCGF?
31. Consider the following diagram
If the area of ABCD is equal to the area of DEHG, then find CG.
32. Find the area of the shaded portion.
2 cm
1 cm
4 cm 2 cm
33. In the given figure DC = CB = 4 cm and AE = 2 cm. Calculate the area of shaded portion, if
D 4 cm C
4 cm
2 cm 4 cm
34. PQRS is the diameter of a circle of radius 6 cm. The lengths PQ, QR and RS are equal. Semi-circle are drawn
with PQ and QS as diameters as shown in figure. Find the ratio of the area of the shaded region to that of the
unshaded region.
35. Find the area of the shaded part in the given figure.
A 4 cm B
4 cm
36. If ABO is isosceles. Find the area of the shaded portion in the given figure.
2 cm
3.5 cm O
37. In the given figure AB = 16 cm, then find the area of the shaded region (take O as centre of larger circle).
Class IX
38. In the diagram, the area swept by the wiper of a car is shown. Find the area o f the shaded portion.
39. Find the area of quadrilateral ABCD given below.
A 20
x 20
B 12 C
40. Find the area of the shaded portion. Given that each circle is having a radius of 2 cm.
41. PQRS is the diameter of a circle of radius 6 cm. The lengths PQ, QR and RS are equal. Find the area of the
shaded portion.
42. In the given figure B = 90°, AB is a radius of a semicircle and with BF as radius, a quarter circle is drawn,
find the area of the shaded portion as shown in figure.
28 cm F
21 cm
43. Find the perimeter of the shaded portion.
2cm 2cm
26 cm
2cm 2cm
28 cm
44. A tent is in the form of right circular cone 10.5 m high, the diameter of the base being 13 m. If 8 men
are in the tent, find the average number of cubic metres of air space per man.
45. If the base radius and the height of a right circular cone are increased by 40%, then find the percentage
increase in volume (approx).
46. What is the capacity of a bucket which is 45 cm high if its radii at the ends are 28 cm and 7 cm?
47. A powder tin has a square base with side 8 cm and height 14 cm. Another tin has a circular base with diameter
8 cm and height 14 cm. Find the difference in their capacities.
48. A well with 14 m inside diameter is dug 8 m deep. The earth taken out of it has been evenly spread all
around it to a width of 21 m to form an embankment. find the height of the embankment.
49. Find the volume, curved surface area and the total surface area of a right circular cylinder of length 80 cm
with diameter of the base 7 cm.
50. Sum of the length, width and depth of a cuboid is 's' and its diagonal is 'd'. Find its surface area.
51. A large cube is formed from the material obtained by melting three smaller cubes of 3, 4 and 5 cm side.
What is the ratio of the total surface areas of the smaller cubes and the large cube?
52. Find the length of the longest bamboo that can be placed in a room 12 m long, 9 m broad and 8 m high.
53. The area of a side of a box is 120 sq cm. The area of the other side of the box is 27 sq cm. If the area
of the upper surface of the box is 60 sq cm, then find the volume of the box.
54. The sum of length breadth and height of a cuboid is 12 cm long. Find the total surface area of the cuboid.
55. The diagonal of a cube is 8 3 cm. Find its total surface area and volume.
56. If the volumes of two cubical blocks are in the ratio of 8 : 1, what will be the ratio of their edges ?
57. Volumes of the two cubes are in the ratio of 1 : 9. Find the ratio of their surface areas.
58. A rectangular piece of paper is 71 cm long and 10 cm wide. A cylinder is formed by rolling the paper along
its breadth. Find the volume of the cylinder. Take
59. Two circular cylinders of equal volume have their heights in the ratio of 16 : 25. Find the ratio of their curved
surface areas.
60. Two circular cylinders of equal volume have their radii in the ratio of 4 : 9. Find the ratio of their curved
surface areas.
61. Two circular cylinders of equal heights have their curved surface areas in the ratio of 3:5. Find the ratio of
their volumes.
62. If the heights and the radii of two right circular cylinders are in the ratio 2:3 and 4:5, respectively. Find the
ratio of their curved surface areas.
63. A tent is diameter 12 m at the base and its height is 8 m.
Class IX
69. Find the surface area of largest possible sphere inscribed in a cylinder of radius 14 cm and height 17 cm.
70. Find the surface area of largest possible sphere inscribed in cone of radius 21 cm and slant height equal
to the diameter of the base.
71. Find the volume of largest possible cone inscribed in a cylinder of radius 6 cm and height 14 cm.
72. Find the number of lead balls of radius 1 cm each that can be made from a sphere of radius 4 cm.
73. If by melting 8 spheres, each of radius 5 cm, a big sphere is made, what will be the radius of the big sphere ?
74. How many bullets can be made out of a loaded cylinder 24 cm high and 5 cm diameter, each bullet being
2 cm in diameter ?
75. A solid cone of copper of height 3 cm is melted and a solid sphere of radius 3 cm is made. What is the
diameter of the base of the cone ?
b b
10. 192 sq.m 11. 1 1 12. 64cm
a a
13. 1 4 . Rs. 1072 15. 55 sq.cm
16. 42 cm 17. 19.6 sq.cm 18. 130cm
19. 2 km 2 0 . 2990.4 m 21. 72 sq.cm
22. 12 cm 2 3 . 3:4 24. 320 m
25. 99 26. 0.1 m, 128877 27. 925 sq.m ; Rs. 1850