Mea 2020 21
Mea 2020 21
Mea 2020 21
Tech – Automotive
Service to Society: Service to the region and world through knowledge and
PEO 1 Excel in professional career and/or higher education by acquiring solid foundation in
science, mathematics and advanced communication engineering and technologies.
PEO 2 Develop and apply engineering solutions for solving contemporary, social and human issues
with realistic constraints suitable for the present need through the use of modern tools.
PEO 3 Exhibit professional and ethical standards, effective communication skills, teamwork spirit,
multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach for successful careers and to be able to compete
globally, function as leaders, as entrepreneurs, and manage information efficiently and to engage in
lifelong learning.
PO_05: Having problem solving ability- to assess social issues (societal, health,
safety, legal and cultural) and engineering problems
PSO1. Apply advanced concepts of Automotive Electronics to design and develop components
and systems for applications in automotive systems.
PSO2. Use state-of-art hardware and software tools to experiment the automotive electronics
systems to solve industry and real-world problems.
PSO3. Independently carry out research on diverse Automotive Electronics strategies to address
practical problems and present a substantial technical report.
School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE)
Total 27
Total 19
Course Code Course Title L T P J C
1 ECE 6071 Data Acquisition and Signal Conditioning 3 0 2 0 4
2 ECE 6072 Automotive Power Electronics and motor drives 3 0 2 0 4
AUTOSAR and ISO Standards for Automotive
3 ECE 6073 2 0 0 0 2
4 ECE 6074 Alternative Drives, Traction and controls 3 0 0 4 4
Soft Computing Techniques for Automotive
5 ECE 6075 3 0 0 4 4
6 ECE 6076 Automotive EMI and EMC standards 3 0 0 0 3
7 ECE 6077 Vehicular information and communication systems 3 0 0 4 4
Parallel Programming using Multicores and
8 ECE 6078 3 0 0 4 4
Graphical Programming Units
9 ECE 6069 Digital Signal Processing and its Applications 3 0 2 0 4
10 ECE 6079 Open source hardware and software system design 3 0 0 4 4
11 ECE 6080 Machine Vision System for Automotive 3 0 2 0 4
12 ECE 6081 Automotive Fault diagnostics 3 2 0 0 4
13 ECE 6082 Emission control and diagnosis 3 0 0 4 4
14 ECE 6083 Vehicle safety systems 2 0 0 0 2
15 ECE 6084 Vehicle bodies 2 0 0 0 2
16 ECE 6085 Engine peripherals 2 0 0 4 3
17 ECE 6086 Vehicle security and comfort systems 3 0 0 4 4
Total 60
University Core
2 0 2 0 3
Pre-requisite None Syllabus Version
Course Objectives
1. To provide students with a framework that will help them choose the appropriate
descriptive statistics in various data analysis situations.
2. To analyse distributions and relationships of real-time data.
3. To apply estimation and testing methods to make inference and modelling techniques for
decision making using various techniques including multivariate analysis.
Text Book(s)
1. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Douglas C. Montgomery George C.
Runger, 6th edition, John Wiley & Sons (2016),
2 Time Series Analysis and Its Applications With R Examples, Shumway, Robert H., Stoffer,
David S., 4th edition, Springer publications (2017)
Reference Books
1. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Trevor Hastie
and Robert Tibshirani, 2nd Edition, Springer Series, (2017)
2 Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Principles and Applications for Engineering and
the Computing Sciences, J. Susan Milton and Jesse Arnold, McGraw Hill education (2017)
Mode of Evaluation
Digital Assignments, Quiz, Continuous Assessments, Final Assessment Test
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. Computing Summary Statistics using real time data 3 hours
2 Plotting and visualizing data using Tabulation and Graphical 3 hours
3 Applying simple linear and multiple linear regression models to real dataset; 3 hours
computing and interpreting the coefficient of determination for scale data.
4. Testing of hypothesis for Large sample tests for real-time problems. 2 hours
5. Testing of hypothesis for Small sample tests for One and Two Sample mean 2 hours
and paired comparison (Pre-test and Post-test)
7 Testing of hypothesis for Small Sample tests for Chi-square test 2 hours
9 Applying Time series model AR , ARMA and ARIMA and testing 3 hours
Forecasting accuracy tests.
10 Performing ANOVA (one-way and two-way), CRD, RBD and LSD for real 3 hours
Text Book(s)
1. Redston, Chris, Theresa Clementson, and Gillie Cunningham. Face2face Upper
Intermediate Student's Book. 2013, Cambridge University Press.
Reference Books
1 Chris Juzwiak .Stepping Stones: A guided approach to writing sentences and Paragraphs
(Second Edition), 2012, Library of Congress.
2. Clifford A Whitcomb & Leslie E Whitcomb, Effective Interpersonal and Team
Communication Skills for Engineers, 2013, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken: New Jersey.
3. ArunPatil, Henk Eijkman &Ena Bhattacharya, New Media Communication Skills for
Engineers and IT Professionals,2012, IGI Global, Hershey PA.
4. Judi Brownell, Listening: Attitudes, Principles and Skills, 2016, 5th Edition, Routledge:USA
5. John Langan, Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills, 2014, 6th Edition, Townsend
6. Redston, Chris, Theresa Clementson, and Gillie Cunningham. Face2face Upper Intermediate
Teacher's Book. 2013, Cambridge University Press.
Text Book(s)
1 Bhatnagar Nitin and Mamta Bhatnagar, Communicative English For
Engineers And Professionals, 2010, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books
1 Jon Kirkman and Christopher Turk, Effective Writing: Improving Scientific, Technical and
Business Communication, 2015, Routledge
2 Diana Bairaktarova and Michele Eodice, Creative Ways of Knowing in Engineering, 2017,
Springer International Publishing
3 Clifford A Whitcomb & Leslie E Whitcomb, Effective Interpersonal and Team
Communication Skills for Engineers, 2013, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken: New Jersey.
4 ArunPatil, Henk Eijkman &Ena Bhattacharya, New Media Communication Skills for
Engineers and IT Professionals,2012, IGI Global, Hershey PA.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. SWOT Analysis – Focus specially on describing two strengths and two 2 hours
2. Role Plays/Mime/Skit -- Workplace Situations 4 hours
3. Use of Social Media – Create a LinkedIn Profile and also write a page or two on 2 hours
areas of interest
4. Prepare an Electronic Résumé and upload the same in vimeo 2 hours
5. Group discussion on latest topics 4 hours
6 Report Writing – Real-time reports 2 hours
7 Writing an Abstract, Executive Summary on short scientific or research 4 hours
8 Transcoding – Interpret the given graph, chart or diagram 2 hours
9 Oral presentation on the given topic using appropriate non-verbal cues 4 hours
10 Problem Solving -- Case Analysis of a Challenging Scenario 4 hours
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of evaluation: : Online Quizzes, Presentation, Role play, Group Discussions, Assignments,
Mini Project
Recommended by Board of Studies 22-07-2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 47 Date 05-10-2017
2 0 0 0 2
Pre-requisite Syllabus version
Nil 1.0
Course Objectives:
The course gives students the necessary background to:
1. Demonstrate competence in reading, writing, and speaking basic French, including
knowledge of vocabulary (related to profession, emotions, food, workplace,
sports/hobbies, classroom and family).
2. Achieve proficiency in French culture oriented view point.
Text Book(s)
1. Echo-1, Méthode de français, J. Girardet, J. Pécheur, Publisher CLE International, Paris 2010.
2 Echo-1, Cahier d‘exercices, J. Girardet, J. Pécheur, Publisher CLE International, Paris 2010.
Reference Books
1. CONNEXIONS 1, Méthode de français, Régine Mérieux, Yves Loiseau,Les Éditions Didier,
2 0 0 0 2
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
The course gives students the necessary background to:
1. Enable students to read and communicate in German in their day to day life
2. Become industry-ready
3. Make them understand the usage of grammar in the German Language.
Module:1 3 hours
Einleitung, Begrüssungsformen, Landeskunde, Alphabet, Personalpronomen, Verb Konjugation,
Zahlen (1-100), W-fragen, Aussagesätze, Nomen – Singular und Plural
Elementares Verständnis von Deutsch, Genus- Artikelwörter
Module:2 3 hours
Konjugation der Verben (regelmässig /unregelmässig) die Monate, die Wochentage, Hobbys,
Berufe, Jahreszeiten, Artikel, Zahlen (Hundert bis eine Million), Ja-/Nein- Frage, Imperativ mit
Lernziel :
Sätze schreiben, über Hobbys erzählen, über Berufe sprechen usw.
Module:3 4 hours
Possessivpronomen, Negation, Kasus- AkkusatitvundDativ (bestimmter, unbestimmterArtikel),
trennnbare verben, Modalverben, Adjektive, Uhrzeit, Präpositionen, Mahlzeiten, Lebensmittel,
Lernziel :
Sätze mit Modalverben, Verwendung von Artikel, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen, über eine Wohnung
Module:4 6 hours
Übersetzungen : (Deutsch – Englisch / Englisch – Deutsch)
Lernziel :
Grammatik – Wortschatz – Übung
Module:5 5 hours
Leseverständnis,Mindmap machen,Korrespondenz- Briefe, Postkarten, E-Mail
Lernziel :
Wortschatzbildung und aktiver Sprach gebrauch
Module:6 . 3 hours
Aufsätze :
Meine Universität, Das Essen, mein Freund oder meine Freundin, meine Familie, ein Fest in
Deutschland usw
Module:7 4 hours
e) Gespräche mit Familienmitgliedern, Am Bahnhof,
f) Gespräche beim Einkaufen ; in einem Supermarkt ; in einer Buchhandlung ;
g) in einem Hotel - an der Rezeption ;ein Termin beim Arzt.
Treffen im Cafe
Module:8 2 hours
Guest Lectures/Native Speakers / Feinheiten der deutschen Sprache, Basisinformation über die
deutschsprachigen Länder
Total Lecture hours: 30 hours
Text Book(s)
1. Studio d A1 Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Silke Demme :
Reference Books
1 Netzwerk Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1, Stefanie Dengler, Paul Rusch, Helen Schmtiz, Tanja Sieber,
2 Lagune ,Hartmut Aufderstrasse, Jutta Müller, Thomas Storz, 2012.
3 Deutsche SprachlehrefürAUsländer, Heinz Griesbach, Dora Schulz, 2011
4 ThemenAktuell 1, HartmurtAufderstrasse, Heiko Bock, MechthildGerdes, Jutta Müller und Helmut
Müller, 2010,
Value, Manners, Customs, Language, Tradition, Building a blog, Developing brand message, FAQs',
Assessing Competition, Open and objective Communication, Two way dialogue, Understanding the
audience, Identifying, Gathering Information,. Analysis, Determining, Selecting plan, Progress check,
Types of planning, Write a short, catchy headline, Get to the Point –summarize your subject in the first
paragraph., Body – Make it relevant to your audience,
Prioritization, Procrastination, Scheduling, Multitasking, Monitoring, Working under pressure and adhering
to deadlines
10 Tips to prepare PowerPoint presentation, Outlining the content, Passing the Elevator Test, Blue sky
thinking, Introduction , body and conclusion, Use of Font, Use of Color, Strategic presentation, Importance
and types of visual aids, Animation to captivate your audience, Design of posters, Setting out the ground
rules, Dealing with interruptions, Staying in control of the questions, Handling difficult questions
Number of factors, Factorials, Remainder Theorem, Unit digit position, Tens digit position, Averages,
Weighted Average, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Harmonic Progression, Increase &
Decrease or successive increase, Types of ratios and proportions
Data Arrangement(Linear and circular & Cross Variable Relationship), Blood Relations,
Ordering/ranking/grouping, Puzzle test, Selection Decision table
Module:6 Verbal Ability-L1 – Vocabulary Building 7 hours
Synonyms & Antonyms, One word substitutes, Word Pairs, Spellings, Idioms, Sentence completion,
Reference Books
1. Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler(2001) Crucial Conversations:
Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. Bangalore. McGraw‐Hill Contemporary
2. Dale Carnegie,(1936) How to Win Friends and Influence People. New York. Gallery Books
3. Scott Peck. M(1978) Road Less Travelled. New York City. M. Scott Peck.
4. FACE(2016) Aptipedia Aptitude Encyclopedia. Delhi. Wiley publications
5. ETHNUS(2013) Aptimithra. Bangalore. McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
Mode of Evaluation: FAT, Assignments, Projects, Case studies, Role plays,
3 Assessments with Term End FAT (Computer Based Test)
Recommended by Board of Studies 09/06/2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 45th AC Date 15/06/2017
Structured and unstructured interview orientation, Closed questions and hypothetical questions,
Interviewers‘ perspective, Questions to ask/not ask during an interview, Video interview¸
Recorded feedback, Phone interview preparation, Tips to customize preparation for personal
interview, Practice rounds
Reference Books
1. Michael Farra and JIST Editors(2011) Quick Resume & Cover Letter Book: Write and Use an
Effective Resume in Just One Day. Saint Paul, Minnesota. Jist Works
2. Daniel Flage Ph.D(2003) The Art of Questioning: An Introduction to Critical Thinking.
London. Pearson
3. David Allen( 2002) Getting Things done : The Art of Stress -Free productivity. New York
City. Penguin Books.
4. FACE(2016) Aptipedia Aptitude Encyclopedia.Delhi. Wiley publications
5. ETHNUS(2013) Aptimithra. Bangalore. McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
Mode of Evaluation: FAT, Assignments, Projects, Case studies, Role plays,
3 Assessments with Term End FAT (Computer Based Test)
Recommended by Board of Studies 09/06/2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 45th AC Date 15/06/2017
Programme Core
RISC / CISC and Harvard / Princeton, 8bit Architecture [8051,PIC18], External memory interface,
Ports, Timers/counters, SerialCommunication, Interrupts
Module:2 8 bit microcontrollers programming for Body, 7 hours
Safety and Temperature
Programming in Embedded C [8051, PIC18], Applications onBody, safety and Temperature
Module:3 ARM Architecture 7 hours
Embedded C programming for IO ports, Timers, PWM, ADC and External interfaces
Module:6 Automotive 32-bit MCU 6 hours
Choosing MCU‘s for Automotive Applications, Atmel – SMART ARM based MCU, ST- SPC5
32-bit Automotive MCU, NXPAutomotive MCU
Module:7 Automotive MCU by Applications 6 hours
Text Book(s)
1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C -3rd Edition -
Muhammad Ali Mazidi -2014
Reference Books
1. 8051 Microcontrollers - David Calcutt, Fred Cowan, Hassan Parchizadeh – Newness – 2011
2. The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex M0 - Joseph Yiu –Newness -2011
3. Automotive Microcontrollers, Volume 2 by Ronald K. Jurgen – SAE publications
Mode of evaluation:
Recommended by Board of Studies 09/03/2016
Approved by Academic Council No. 40 Date 18/03/2016
Course Code Course Title L T P J C
ECE5073 Vehicle Control Systems 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus Version : 1.1
Course objectives (CoB):
The course is aimed at:
[1] Getting the know how required for mathematical modelling, performance and stability analysis
of feedback vehicle control system.
[2] Providing a comprehensive coverage of controller design, state space design methods and
digital control system.
[3] Acquiring the skills for carrying out typical projects involving vehicle controls using
MATLAB and Simulink
Course Outcomes (CO):
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
[1 Understand the modelling aspects involved in the design of the physical system for vehicle
[2] Identify the steady state and transient response of the different order of the system, analyse its
performance and compute error coefficients.
[3] Evaluate the stability of the system in frequency domain
[4] Design a controller for automotive application using MATLAB/SIMULINK
[5] Comprehend the Classical controller design
[6] Identify the state space design methods like SISO, etc.
[7] Explain the stability test procedure and get introduced to digital controller design.
Module:1 System Modelling using Transfer function 4 hours
Fundamentals of modelling -transfer function approach. Introduction to block diagrams & signal
flow graphs. Introduction to Simulink
Module:2 Performance of Feedback Control System 4 hours
First order, Second order control system response for step, ramp and impulse inputs. Error Analysis
- Type number -characteristic equation -Poles and Zeroes concept -Error Analysis and performance
Module:3 Stability analysis of feedback control system 4 hours
Frequency response plots -frequency domain specifications -stability analysis- Routh Hurwitz
stability criteria –Root Locus – stability in the frequency domain –gain and phase margins –
Nyquist stability criterion
Module:4 Controller Design 4 hours
Proportional, Integral, Derivative controllers, P, PI, and PID control actions and mathematical
models. Using Simulink to build ‗P‘, ‗PI‘, ‗PID‘ controller modules and carry out experiments.
Importance and interpretations of results.
Module:5 Classical controller design 3 hours
Classical design in the frequency domain- lead, lag compensator design.
Module:6 Modern control theory 5 hours
State space design methods: SISO,MIMO systems, Various forms of representation of the system
(Bush form, etc), controllability and observability, state observer
Module:7 Introduction to Digital Control System 4 hours
Discrete Time systems, Sampling and aliasing considerations, System time response,
characteristics -Jury‘s stability test -mapping s to z plane -Digital controller design: from analog to
digital design.
Module:8 Contemporary Topics 2 hours
Text Book(s)
1. Katsuhiko Ogata, ―Modern Control Engineering‖, Prentice Hall, (4th Edition), 2001
2. K. Ogata, ―Discrete-Time Control Systems‖, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1994
Reference Books:
1. I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, "Control Systems Engineering", New Age International (P)
Limited, 4th Edition, 2006
2.Norman S. Nise," Control Systems Engineering ", 6th Edition December 2010
3.Uwe Kiencke, Lars Nielsen, ―Automotive Control Systems: For Engine, Driveline, and
Vehicle‖, Springer; 1 edition, March 30, 2000 .
Indicative Project Titles
1.Mathematical modeling of linear and nonlinear SISO process
2.Transfer function and state-space modeling of SISO process
3.Designing of P, PI, PID controllers using performance criteria
4.Processor in loop testing
5.Designing of lag-lead compensators
6.Designing of digital controller
7.Closed loop control of a DC motor
8.Cruise control system
9.Lambda control for engines
10.Simulink model development for automotive applications
Recommended by Board of Studies : 09/03/2016
Approved by Academic Council : No. 40 Date : 18/03/2016
Course Code Course Title L T P J C
ECE5074 Automotive networking and protocols 3 0 2 0 4
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus Version:1.1
Course objectives (CoB):
The course is aimed at:
[1] Providing an overview of automotive network systems
[2] Exposing students to the aspects of design, development, application and performance issues
associated with automotive network systems.
Course Outcomes (CO):
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
[1] Illustrate the basics of automotive networking and protocols
[2] Comprehend the general protocols and their usage in automotive sector
[3] Understand the LIN protocol and implement inconvenience feature applications
[4] Design and implement CAN protocol for chassis and power train applications
[5] Understand the concepts of time triggered protocols and it‘s usage in automotive field
[6] Design and implement in media-oriented system transport protocol applications
[7] Understand flex ray protocol and their usage in safety critical applications
[8] Design node to node communication using LIN, CAN protocol and also implement the ECU
communication using CAN analyzer
Module:1 Introduction to automtotive networking 3 hours
Overview of Data communication and networking –need for In-Vehicle networking –layers of OSI
reference model –multiplexing and de-multiplexing concepts –vehicle buses
Module:2 General purpose protocols 3 hours
Overview of general purpose networks and protocols –Ethernet, TCP, UDP, IP
Module:3 Protocol for low data rate applications 5 hours
LIN standard overview –workflow concept-applications –LIN protocol specification –signals –
Frame transfer –Frame types –Schedule tables –Task behaviour model –Network management –
status management
Module:4 Protocol for medium data rate applications 5 hours
Overview of CAN –fundamentals –Message transfer –frame types-Error handling –fault
confinement-Bit time requirements
Module:5 Time triggered protocol 3 hours
Introduction to CAN open –TTCAN –Device net –SAE J1939
Module:6 Protocol for infotainment 4 hours
MOST –Overview of data channels –control channel-synchronous channel –asynchronous channel
–Logical device model –functions-methods-properties-protocol basics- Network section-data
transport –Blocks –frames –Preamble-boundary descriptor
Module:7 Protocols for safety critical applications 5 hours
Flexray-Introduction –network topology –ECUs and bus interfaces –controller host interface and
protocol operation controls –media access control and frame and symbol processing –
coding/decoding unit
Module:8 Contemporary Topics 2 hours
Total Lecture: 30 hours
Mode: Flipped Class Room, [Lecture to be videotaped], lectures by industry / subject experts
Text Book(s)
1. J.Gabrielleen,‖Automotive in-vehicle networks‖,John Wiley & Sons, Limited, 2008
Reference Books:
1. Robert Bosch,‖Bosch automotive networking‖,Bentley publishers,2007
2. Society of automotive engineers,‖In-vehicle networks‖ ,2002
3. Ronald K Jurgen, ―Automotive Electronics Handbook‖, McGraw-Hill Inc. 1999.
4. Indra Widjaja, Alberto Leon-Garcia, ―Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts
and Key Architectures‖, McGraw-Hill College; 1st edition, 2000.
5. Konrad Etschberger,‖ Controller Area Network‖, IXXAT Automation, August 22, 2001.
6. Olaf Pfeiffer, Andrew Ayre, Christian Keydel, ―Embedded Networking with CAN and
CANopen‖, Annabooks/Rtc Books, 2003
Lab experiments using microcontroller
LIN node to node communication using HCS512 microcontroller
Data will be sent and received from master and slave node using LIN protocol
CAN node to node communication using HCS512 microcontroller
Data will be sent and recived from master and slave node using CAN protocol
Flexray communication using EVB9S12XF512E board
Multiple Data bytes sent using flexray protocol
TCP/IP communication using LabView
Sending data to particular port address using TCP/IP protocol
TCP/UDP communication using LabView
Sending data to particular port address using TCP/UDP protocol
Recommended by Board of Studies : 09/03/2016
Approved by Academic Council : No.40 Date : 18/03/2016
Course Code Course title L T P J C
Pre-requisite Nil Syllabus version :1
Course Objectives:
The course to aimed at
1. Developing the skills to understand the circuit and electrical wiring diagram and interpret
the same.
2. Providing students with a good understanding of automotive electrical systems with
particular emphasize on batteries, charging, ignition, starters and lighting systems.
3. Imparting students the knowledge about the new developments and advancements of
automotive electrical technologies.
Expected Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, the students will able to
1. Interpret the electrical wiring, circuit diagram for automotive applications
2. Understand the role of batteries in vehicles
3. Develop a charging system for vehicles
4. Understand the starter and ignition systems in vehicles
5. Demonstrate knowledge on lighting systems for vehicles.
6. Comprehend the passive restraint systems and electrical accessories in vehicles
7. Design and implement various electrical outlet systems for vehicles
Module:1 Electrical Systems and Circuits 6 hours
System approach –electrical wiring, terminals and switching –multiplexed wiring systems – CAN
– circuit diagrams and symbols, Requirements for two wheeler, three wheeler vehicles,
Requirements for heavy vehicles- trucks and trailers
Module:2 Batteries 6hours
Vehicle Batteries –Lead-Acid batteries –maintenance and charging –diagnosing Lead acid battery
faults –advanced battery technology
Module:3 Charging systems 6 hours
Requirements of charging systems ––generation of electrical energy in motor vehicle –physical
principles – alternators –characteristic curves –charging circuits –diagnosing charging system
Module:4 Starting system 6 hours
Requirements –starter motors and circuits –types of starter motors –diagnosing starting system
Module:5 Ignition system 6 hours
Fundamentals –electronic ignition –programmed ignition –distributor less ignition –direct
ignition spark plug ignition –diagnosing faults
Module:6 Lighting system 6 hours
Insulated and earth return systems, positive and negative earth systems, Concealed headlights
Lighting circuit types, glare and preventive methods
Module:7 Gauges, Accessories and Passive restraint 6 hours
Electrical fuel pump, speedometer, oil and temperature gauges, Horns, Wipers, washers, Blower
motors, Defoggers, Power windows, seats, door locks, Air bag systems, Seat belt pretensioners
Module:8 Contemporary Topics 3 hours
Total Lecture hours: 45 hours
Reference Books
1. Judge, A.W., ―Modern Electrical Equipment of Automobiles‖, Chapman & Hall London,
2. Young, A.P., &Griffiths.L., ―Automobile Electrical Equipment‖, English Languages Book
Society & New Press, 1990
3. Automotive Electricals Electronics System and Components, Robert Bosch Gmbh, 4th
Edition, 2004
4. Automotive Hand Book, Robert Bosch, Bently Publishers, 1997
5. Jurgen, R., Automotive Electronics Hand Book
6. Automotive Electricals / Electronics System and Components, Tom Denton, 3rd Edition,
Text Book(s)
1 G.P.Springer ad D.J.Patterson, Engine Emissions, Pollutant formation, Plenum Press, New
York, 1986.
2 D.J.Patterson and N.A.Henin, ‗Emission from Combustion Engine and their control‘, Anna
Arbor Science Publication,1985.
3. Autmotive Handbook – 9th Edition – 2014, BOSCH
Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, ―Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,‖ 2013, 5th
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
Reference Books
1. V.Ganesan, ‗Internal combustion Engines‘, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co, Eighth Reprint,
2. Crouse and Anglin, ‗Automotive Emission Control‘, McGraw Hill company., Newyork 1993.
1. Typical Project Effects of
Fuel Modification and Emission Control Devices –Tocharacterize the physical
and chemical composition and the mutagenicity of emissions from a heavy-duty
diesel engine equipped with a ceramic particle trap. This engine need to operate
with low-sulfur fuel at a constant speed under two different load conditions and
compare the results to those obtained in an differentsulfur level
1. Sulphur analyzer –Develop a system tocollect and analyze the data on the effects of
sulfur on various exhaust emission systems
2. Endurance tests –To conduct various tests on the emission control technologies to
measure and compare the effects of as many as 250 hours of aging on engines using
diesel fuel containing varying levels of sulfur.
3. IOT based vehicle emission monitoring system – To monitor the vehicle emission using
the exhaust sensors and upload the emission data to cloud and diagnostic center will
receive the data if emission is above the norms
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
Mode of evaluation:
Recommended by Board of Studies 09/03/2016
Approved by Academic Council No. 40 Date 18/03/2016
Text Book(s)
1. George A. Peters, Barbara J. Peters,”Automotive vehicle safety”,Taylor and Francis,3rd
Reference Books
1. 1) Robert Bosch,”Automotive handbook”,9th edition,2014
2. Bimal K Bose, “Power Electronics and Motor Drive: Advances and Trends”,
Elsevier,Inc., 2006.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT /
Mode of evaluation:
Recommended by Board of Studies 09/03/2016
Approved by Academic Council No. 40 Date 18/03/2016