GK Lda
GK Lda
GK Lda
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Duration : 3 hrs Full Marks : 100
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(A) ls (B) 13
(c) 10 (D) None of the above
24. What is the total borderline of Manipur?
(A) About 854 kms (B) About 354 kms
(C) About 534 Kms (D) About 724 kms
SET. C Page 3 of8
25. Which Pillar No. ..... is near to Kwatha Village of Manipur and border of Myanmar ?
(A) Pillar No, 82 (B) Pillar No. 85
(C) Pillar No. 81 (D) Pillar No, 83
26. Where is the centre of next FIFA World Cup Z02Z ?
airport ?
66. Which is not an international
(B) Kolkata
(A) Chennai
(D) JaiPur
(C) Mumbai
67, Green revolution means
(A) Revolution bY farmers
(B) Plantation of trees
use of a new agricultural techniques
(C) Increase in yield per acre by the
(D) Increase of animal PoPulation
68, Black soil is used for culivation
(B) Wheat
(A) Jute
(D) Rice
(C) Cotton
69. Age of a tree can be determined
(A) BY counting the number of rings
(B) By counting the number of leaves
(C) the size of the tree
(A) 18 (B) ls
(c) 15 (D) 17
98. Hindustan Aircraft factory is in
(A) Jaipur (B) Chennai (Madras)
(C) Bangalore (D) Delhi
99. What is Vijayanta?
(A) It is a kind of war Planes (B) It is a war tank
(C) It is a kind of warshiP (D) It is a gun
100. Which ls the second highest Gallantry awards in India?
(A) Mahavir Chakra (B) Vir Chakra
(C) Param Vir Chakra (D) Kirti Chakra