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Wind Power

Offshore Corrosion Protection of Wind Farms

a report by
James Thick

International Paint Ltd

The potential for the offshore wind market is large, non-ideal conditions for painting, with the further
with projects being announced on a regular basis. likelihood of a future failure.
The corrosive environment and ease with
which maintenance can be achieved offshore are For these reasons, the oil and gas industry has
orders of magnitude bigger than corresponding adopted coating systems that provide extended
onshore requirements. lifetimes to first maintenance. It is recognised that,
whilst not an insignificant cost, the cost of the
This paper looks at the challenges faced by the materials (paint) relative to the cost of repairing a
offshore oil and gas industry and how these have been failed system offshore is small – designers therefore
addressed over the last 40 years to provide robust rely heavily on pre-qualification performance
solutions that can be adopted by the offshore wind testing to ensure only fit for purpose systems are
farm developers. In particular, reference is made to the used offshore.
latest International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) document that specifically addresses pre- From a corrosion control perspective, offshore wind
qualification testing and offshore corrosion control. farms have many similarities with the offshore oil and
gas industry and, when considering their
History of Offshore Coatings requirements, it is important to understand the
coatings and best practices that have been developed
The protection of offshore steelwork can be traced for the offshore oil and gas industry
over 100 years to the shipping industry with the
requirement to provide anti-corrosive protection and Coatings Technology
fouling control on all types of marine vessels.
It could be considered that the real growth in the
With the acceleration in the offshore oil and gas offshore oil industry coincided with the use of
exploration and production industry over the last ‘modern’ high-performance coatings, i.e. coatings
40 years, the challenges of protecting the drilling not based on drying oils but rather synthetic
and production facilities have been at the forefront chemicals such as polyurethane and epoxy resin. These
of the steel protection industry. When compared materials can have inherently better long-term stability
with the shipping industry, the oil and gas industry than those that cure by air oxidation (e.g. alkyds).
has faced differing challenges in dealing with
corrosion control. At around the same time as this type of technology
was evolving, surface preparation methods improved
Marine vessels travel from port to port, and regularly with the advent of sand blasting, allowing removal of
undergo dry-docking – repairs and complete millscale, corrosion products and, at the same time,
re-application of coatings are undertaken on a regular significantly increasing the surface area available to
basis. In contrast, offshore oil installations are not the coating for surface bonding.
designed to be bought back to shore for
re-inspection and maintenance. Whilst regular Most of the early offshore platforms were situated in
offshore maintenance is always a planned event, an the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and, hence, used the
unplanned offshore maintenance event brought on typical high performance coatings technology
by premature failure of the applied coating system current in the US at that time (1940s and 1950s), i.e.
can be both a costly and potentially hazardous coatings were based on polyvinyl acetate copolymers
operation. Personnel, materials and support and later on early epoxy amine systems (epoxy
equipment (e.g scaffolding) all have to be mobilised having been first patented and introduced in the late
and transported offshore. Working offshore, often 1940s). Due to the low solids contents of these
with restricted access in inclement weather, leads to systems it was not untypical to apply between five


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Offshore Corrosion Protection of Wind Farms

and seven coats in order to obtain the required total Early epoxy systems were based on medium
dry film thickness. molecular weight epoxy resins, cross-linked initially
with low molecular weight aliphatic amines.
A significant improvement to these systems was to Thixotrope technology was not suitable for high
utilize zinc silicate as a primer, thus improving both build coatings so again multi-coat systems were used.
under-film corrosion creep and long-term The use of medium molecular weight epoxy in fact
corrosion resistance. gave two major advantages: they were inherently
flexible, with good adhesion. Low solids also reduced
This type of multi-coat thermoplastic resin-based solvent retention and consequent stresses induced via
system, especially with inorganic zinc silicate as the film shrinkage, and again, as with vinyls, multi-coats
primer, was used for a number of years with contributed to the overall performance. Typical
considerable success and many platforms are still coatings were around 40–45% volume solids and
currently coated. It should, however, be noted that were applied at 50–75µ (2–3ml) dry film thickness
these coatings were not restricted by health and safety per coat, with total thickness of 200–250µ (8–10ml).
and environmental requirements that would make
their use difficult today. Again, zinc silicates were also used as primers for
these systems, improving under-film creep and
As time progressed and the application costs overall corrosion resistance.
associated with multi-coat systems became more
prohibitive, the tendency became to utilise low In underwater and splashzone areas, the most
molecular weight vinyl resins in order to obtain high common system was multi-coats of coal tar epoxy,
solids, higher build and, hence, less coat. These typically 300–500µ (12–20ml) dry film thickness.
moves all contributed to reducing the overall
effectiveness of the coatings. With the discovery and development of new fields

Zinc silicates were also used as primers for these

systems, improving under-film creep and
overall corrosion resistance.

What then were the defects or weaknesses of outside the GOM the industry was faced with a whole
these materials? series of new challenges, for example, in the North Sea:

• low solids – 20% initially, increasing to around • aggressive exposure environment due to high and
40% with vinyl/acrylics but clearly problems with continual wave action, salt spray and almost
VOC emissions; continuous wetness;

• thermal stability – thermal degradation (dehydro • higher wave action;

chlorination) becomes possible at temperatures
greater than 80ºC (176ºF); • sea salt splashing;

• thermoplasticity – softening and damage of the • application under low temperature conditions,
coating on warming; and typically down to 5ºC (40ºF) during daytime
application with sub-zero cure overnight;
• chlorine – chlorine containing polymers now
have a problem with waste disposal where These conditions are now the typical challenges
incomplete combustion can cause formation of being faced by offshore wind farm developers.
extremely toxic dioxins.
The aggregation of all of these issues contributed to
Coatings of this type were successfully used by many a number of difficulties and short lifetimes to first
companies in the GOM, e.g. Gulf, Philips, Exxon maintenance on a number of the early structures,
etc., and by Statoil and others in the North Sea. but by the late 1970s this had largely been resolved.


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Wind Power

Zinc silicates were replaced by zinc-rich epoxies, accelerated testing and external exposure testing
and coatings formulated suitable for temperate have shown that there is little difference in
climate application. performance, either in terms of corrosion creep
from damaged areas or general areas between a well-
In underwater and splashzone areas thick epoxy formulated zinc-rich epoxy and an inorganic zinc
cladding systems became popular, typically with silicate, when utilised in a total corrosion system.1-3
3,000–6,000µ (120–240ml) of dry film thickness.
Thus, by the late 1970s in the GOM, systems started to In the 1990s, twin pressures had driven a move to
become the precursors of those used today, followed higher solids coating systems, for instance:
by the Persian Gulf, and the North Sea, i.e. for
atmospheric exposure a three-coat system comprising • reduction of solvent emissions (volatile organic
of a zinc-rich, high-build epoxy, polyurethane. content (VOC)); or

In some ways, this reduction in the number of coats • reduction of number of coats used – applied cost
and application of thick films started to show some of reductions due to less labour.
the problems that are sometimes now observed, i.e.
film instability on ageing, leading to cracking,especially A consequence was to move to thicker films per coat,
in poorly prepared and thick areas such as welds. intentionally and because of higher solids being used.

Offshore maintenance programs are expensive

and complex, with changing regulations
adding to the problems.

When this type of system was formulated and applied There was also an unfortunate philosophy within the
correctly, excellent results could be achieved, but industry that thick films are good and the thicker the
despite this all the inherent difficulties of using zinc better. This led to an increasing use of both thick
silicate primers remained, i.e. potential poor cure at intermediates and thick barrier coat primers.
low humidities and subsequent splitting and pinholing
difficulties on overcoating. However, due to adverse This proposition does not live up to examination.
weather conditions, abuse of products at application or Laboratory corrosion testing can demonstrate
non-compliance with data sheets, major problems relatively easily that, with very thick films, corrosion
could occur that never happened with the single pack from a damaged or uncoated area may appear to be
solution polymer thermoplastics, where adhesion was very small but on examination is major – the thick
never a problem. films preventing blistering and making it less obvious
that there is under-film corrosion.
There has been continual debate over the years
as to the effectiveness of zinc rich epoxies compared In practice it is difficult to apply even films due to
with zinc-rich silicates. Certainly, as single coats, the both statistical spread of dry film thicknesses on a flat
inorganic zinc silicate will always outperform a area, and even more so the difficulty of applying
similar zinc level (by weight) zinc epoxy (largely due even films on complex areas.
to the higher level of zinc dust by volume in the
silicate film due to the higher density of the silicate Offshore Maintenance
matrix compared with the cured epoxy polymer).
Offshore maintenance programmes are expensive and
However, the primer is not used in isolation, but an complex, with changing regulations adding to the
integral part of a complete system. Extensive problems – for example, blasting is no longer allowed,

1. Mitchell M J, “Zinc Primers – The Way Forward”, SSPC Conference (1996).

2. Mitchell M J, “Zinc Silicate or Zinc Epoxy as the Preferred High Performance Primer”, International Corrosion Conference
South Africa (1999).
3. Mitchell M J, Claydon D A, “Accelerated Corrosion Testing”, Cefracor, France (2001).


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Wind Power

Figure 1: High Solids Epoxy mastic (70% Edge Figure 2: High Solids Epoxy Mastic (70% Edge
Coverage) (Sample 1) Coverage) (Sample 2)

replacement by ultra-high pressure (UHP) water Most of these approaches have now been abandoned,
blasting is now doubtful following considerable and it is interesting to note that the systems did not
offshore experience in the North Sea because of go through prequalification testing regimes now
health and safety considerations, i.e. dangers of the employed by the offshore industry (e.g. ISO 20340
high pressure jet and the logistical difficulties of or NORSOK M 501). In many cases, it is doubtful
operating this heavy equipment continuously. if they would have passed the relatively new pre-
qualification testing regimes.
Offshore wind farms have a further complexity – that
of access to the steelwork – unlike an oil production It is likely that new technologies going forward will
platform the steelwork on a wind tower is difficult to be based on more reasoned and studied chemistry,
reach without major planning and cost patenting will become more of an issue in the
industry and there are decision-making tools
This all puts further emphasis on providing ‘good’ becoming available to help make performance and
new construction systems being used that can offer suitability decisions.
maintenance-free lifetimes of many years
(>20 years). A good example of new technology for offshore is
the use of inorganic hybrid materials (polysiloxanes)
Pre-qualification testing as adopted in ISO as super-durable finishes. These are based on new
20340:2003 helps ensure quality products are chemistry and have required extensive laboratory
specified (via reference to testing protocols). work to understand the implications of the
Importantly the standard also includes product competing cross-linking reactions. Initially it could
authentication/composition testing to ensure be argued that the technology may have been
that materials that have been approved are not oversold in terms of inherent anti-corrosive
switched at the point of supply for inferior properties, but this was probably also tied up with
untested products. long-term offshore anti-corrosive systems only
consisting of two relatively thin coats requiring non-
New Technologies standard application procedures to ensure correct dry
film thickness.
Offshore corrosion protection is critical and, hence,
over the years operators have been willing to try Much more consideration is now being given to
many ‘new’ or ‘novel’ coating systems, often with modes of failure and coatings formulated to alleviate
little track record or test data, in the hope that these these weaknesses. A good example is edge
would solve corrosion problems. Additionally, with breakdown: inspection generally shows this area to
the drive to improve efficiencies during the show first failure. New formulations are being
fabrication process, many more cost-effective developed which give better wrap round properties,
solutions (e.g fewer coats, faster cure leading to even with airless spray application, and actual edge
improved productivity) have been investigated for coverage is now being regularly measured. Examples
use offshore. Included in the many technologies are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
that have been tried are thick film urethane
elastomers, oil displacing modified epoxies, Other areas where new coatings are being
flexibilized epoxy phenolics, zinc coated blasting continuously improved is to resist cracking on the
media, thermally sprayed copper antifouling and inevitable over-thick areas, which often occur on
moisture-cured urethanes. poorly prepared areas such as welds.


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Offshore Corrosion Protection of Wind Farms

Thus new technology can be considered to move in and, hence, reducing safety considerations and
three directions: environmental impact.

• to improve application efficiency and tolerance, In particular, ISO 203040:2003 tackles head on the
possibly of existing basic technologies; issue of product authentication via a series of
detailed chemical composition tests at the time of
• to develop new inherently more stable and pre-qualification. The standard contains a protocol
durable chemistries, which meet all application for the random sampling of coatings at the point
requirements and give longer lifetimes; and of application.

• to develop coating systems that provide benefits to This detailed product authentication procedure has
the wind tower fabricator e.g speed of cure (steel been borne out of necessity – often within the
through put), lower VOC (solvent) emissions. protective coatings industry there has been a
tendency to approve a coating system through a pre-
Pre-qualification Testing qualification procedure, and then supply products
with differing chemical composition, and hence a
Historically, the major offshore operators differing performance to those originally tested. The
conducted their own testing and approval brand and naming of the products often remain
processes, however with consolidation in the unchanged, however the change performance
industry, a move towards outsourcing, and brought about by reformulation (often driven by by
requirements for more detailed testing, it was been cost reductions), or by raw material supply issues (in
recognized that universal industry standards should differing countries of manufacture) can lead to early
be adopted. During the 1990s the Norwegian failure and expensive remedial work for the operator.

Other areas where new coatings are being continuously

improved is to resist cracking on the inevitable
over-thick areas, which often occur on poorly
prepared areas such as welds.

Offshore Industry under the auspices of Whilst the adoption of both the NORSOK M501
NORSOK5 devised a performance based pre- (currently moving from Revision 4 to Revision 5)
qualification testing protocol for coating systems. and ISO 20340:2003 have been broadly welcomed
Subsequent revisions to this standard developed a by all parties engaged in the offshore protection of
comprehensive set of prequalification requirements steelwork there still remains some opportunity for
for all areas of steelwork requiring protection e.g. confusion in the detail.
helidecks, exposed structural steel, splashzone areas
and subsea areas. For example ISO 20340:2003 makes allowance for
cyclic testing under differing conditions. The
More recently in 2003 these were further refined via differences in the testing can lead to significantly
the ISO into ISO 20340. differing corrosion results.

ISO 20340:2003 4 deals with the performance ISO 20340 Cyclic Testing: Option 1
requirements for the protection, by protective paint
systems, of new offshore and related structures 72 hours Salt spray 5% NaCl pH 7 (ISO 7253)
exposed to the offshore atmosphere, as well as those 24 hours Dry out at -20°C
immersed in sea or brackish water. This international 72 hours Condensation/UV (ASTM G53)
standard places emphasis on high-durability paint 4 hours UV at 60ºC, four hours condensation at
systems, with the aim of minimising maintenance, 50ºC

4. ISO 20340:2003, “Paints and varnishes – Performance requirements for protective paint systems for offshore and related
structures”, www.iso.org
5. NORSOK M501, “Surface preparation and protective coatings for offshore”, www.standard.no


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Wind Power

Figure 3: Ambient Dry Out at +23 °C Heavy Rust, Figure 4: Dry Out at -20°C Heavy Rust, Blister
No Blister Formation, No Cracks Formation with Cracks

1mm Corrosion creep; good result. >5 mm corrosion creep; poor result

ISO 20340 Cyclic Testing: Option 2 Summary

72 hours Salt spray 5% NaCl pH 7 (ISO 7253) At first glance the requirements of coating systems for
24 hours Dry out at +23 °C the offshore protection of wind farms could be
72 hours Condensation/UV (ASTM G53) considered little different to those located onshore.
4 hours UV at 60ºC, 4 hours condensation at The conventional wisdom of using the same products
50ºC applied a little thicker to meet the more aggressive
environments would seem a logical approach;
For both options one cycle = one week (168 however, a more detailed analysis of the issues and
hours) and the test duration is 25 weeks (4,200 history surrounding the protection of offshore
hours); however, the differing dry-out structures serves to teach us some interesting lessons.
temperatures at -20°C compared with +23°C can
have a significant affect on the results obtained. These experiences form the basis of the detailed pre-

At first glance the requirements of coating systems for the

offshore protection of wind farms could be considered
little different to those located onshore.

Testing of the same coating system using option 1 qualification procedures which when coupled with
could yield a poor result (scribe creep 8.4mm as the protocols for product authentication provide a
shown in Figure 4) compared with a good robust approach to corrosion control offshore.
result using option 2 (scribe creep 1mm as
shown in Figure 3). Equally, test results obtained ISO 20340 compliance plus proven offshore
for NORSOK M501 Revision 4 cannot credentials should constitute the minimum
be compared directly to those obtained for acceptance criteria when considering offshore
Revision 5. coating specifications, especially given the potential
cost of correcting inappropriate specifications.
It is therefore important when considering
specifications for offshore wind farms, that By adopting ISO 20340 and understanding the
when comparing directly test data results, all nuances in the testing regimes contained within the
data has been generated under the same testing standard, it is possible for offshore wind farm
regime, and is compared on a direct like for developers and operators to utilise the best practice
like basis. developed for the oil and gas industry. ■


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