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Administering Oxygen Therapy Via Face Mask Rubrics

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College of Nursing - Valenzuela City

PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Nursing Student Name

Year and Section

COURSE Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Instructor

PROCEDURE : Administering Oxygen Therapy via Face Mask

EXPECTED OUTCOME : The student should be able to perform oxygen therapy by face mask correctly.
ASESSMENT TASK : Return demonstration

Exceptional Good Average Poor

Assessment Dimension SCORE
(3) (2) (1) (0)
1. Determine the need for Determined the Determined the Determined the Failed to assess the
oxygen therapy and verify need for oxygen need for oxygen need for oxygen client and verify
the order for the therapy. therapy and therapy and therapy and the doctor’s order
verified the order verified the order verified the order
for the therapy for the therapy for the therapy
with minimal with maximum
supervision supervision
2. Prepare equipment Gathered materials Gathered materials Gathered materials Failed to gather all
such as oxygen tank with needed with little time with more time the materials
flow meter, humidifiers preparation preparation needed
with sterile or distilled
water, face mask of
appropriate size and
padding for the elastic
3. Perform hand washing Observed Hand washing was Hand washing done Hand washing was
principles of done with minimal with maximal not done
medical errors errors
4. Identify the patient and Identified the client Performed the two Performed the one Failed to identify
entertain any questions and entertained (2) ways of (1) ways of the client
the client may have. any questions the identifying the identifying the
client have. client client
5. Explain the procedure Explained the Explained Explained Failed to explain
procedure and its procedure but lacks procedure but in procedure and its
purpose to the some details an unclear manner purpose
client clearly and
completely with
client’s consent
6. Place patient on semi - Properly and Properly and Properly and Failed to position
fowler’s position. skillfully positioned skillfully positioned skillfully positioned the client properly
the client properly the client properly the client properly
with less with maximum
supervision supervision
6. Set up the oxygen Performed the Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
equipment and the procedure with procedure with procedure with the procedure
humidifier. ease little error some errors
7. Turn on the oxygen at Performed the Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
the prescribed rate and procedure with procedure with procedure with the procedure
ensure proper functioning ease little error some errors

8. Check if oxygen is Checked oxygen if Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
properly flowing through properly flowing procedure with procedure with the procedure
the tube and mask through the tube little error some errors
and mask

9. Guide the mask toward Guided the mask Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
the client’s face and apply toward the client’s procedure with procedure with the procedure
it from the nose to the face and applied it little error some errors
chin from the nose to
the chin

10. Fit the mask toward Performed the Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
the client’s face and apply procedure with procedure with procedure with the procedure
it from the nose to the ease little error some errors
11. Secure the elastic Secured the elastic Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
band around the client’s band around the procedure with procedure with the procedure
head so that the mask is client’s head little error some errors
comfortable but snug
12. Pad the band behind Performed the Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
the ears and over bony procedure with procedure with procedure with the procedure
prominence. ease little error some errors
13. Assess the client Assessed the client Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
regularly, assess vital regularly, assessed procedure with procedure with the procedure
signs, color, breathing vital signs, color, little error some errors
patterns and chest breathing patterns
movements and chest
14. Inspect the facial skin Inspected the facial Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
frequently for dampness, skin frequently for procedure with procedure with the procedure
dry as necessary dampness, dry as little error some errors
15. Inspect the equipment Inspected the Performed the Performed the Failed to perform
on a regular basis equipment on a procedure with procedure with the procedure
regular basis little error some errors
16. Make sure that safety Followed the safety Followed the safety Followed the safety Failed to follow
precautions are being precautions precautions with precautions with safety precautions
followed minimal error maximum error
17. Record the therapy Documented the Some of the details Most of the details Documentation
done and all nursing information about of the procedure of the procedure was not done
assessment the procedure were not were not
properly and documented documented
completely properly

OVERALL SCORE: ________________

Target raw score is 38 out of 51. If raw score is less than 38, repeat the return demonstration.


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