Final Demo Lesson Plan
Final Demo Lesson Plan
Final Demo Lesson Plan
English 3
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Prayer
Everybody stand up and let us pray. (Pupils will stand up)
Good morning class! Good morning teacher.
2. Checking of the Attendance
Who is absent today class?
Can you check your seatmate's chairs are there
None teacher.
vacant seats?
3. Checking of the Assignment
(Pupils will pass their assignments)
Pass your assignments in front class.
4. Review
Can anyone in the class remember our lesson
About Noun ma’am.
Yes very good! Can anyone tell me what a
Noun is words that name something such
noun is? as person, Place, things or Idea.
Very good!
B. Motivation
Let's play a game class. Do you love to play?
I am going to group you into 3 groups, count
1-3 and find your group mate base on your Yes, teacher.
number. The first who got the correct answer
I have here on the board words on the left side
and the right side. We are going to find the
word that has the same meaning whether it is
Yes, teacher.
from the right or the left. Thus, we are going to
take a word and paste it beside the word that
has the same meaning.
For example big and huge. Does big and huge
have the same meaning class?
Very good! Now let's stand up and paste the
words on the boards.
F. Guided Practice
Let's now have our activity. Let's practice
(Pupils will answer)
Now, let's check your understanding answer the
(Pupils will answer)
following on your own and do not copy your
seatmate's answer.
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the given words ether it is synonyms
or antonyms. write synonyms or anton
Answer of students
1. 1. Antonyms
2. Antonyms
3. Antonyms
4. Synonyms
5. Synonyms
V. Assignment
Give at least 5 example of synonyms and 5
example of antonyms.