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Counseling is a process of changing One's cognitive, affective and behavior al Orientations that
can help an individual from abnormal destructive behaviors to normal constructive behaviors. It
is a Process of relasing old, individual behaviors, value, attitudes, thinking, expectations to
learning holistic, positive constructive and productive behaviors.


counselling is a purposeful reciprocal relationship between two people in which one a trained
person helps the other to change himself or his environment

According to Shostorm and Brammer

Counseling is a set of techniques ,Skills and attitudes to help people manage their own problems
using their own

According to Micheal Reddy

Meaning of counseling

Counseling is a process of changing one's cognitive, affective, and behavioral Orientations that
can help an individual from abnormal destructive behaviors to normal constructive be behaviors.
It is a process of releasing old, individual behaviors value, altitudes, thinking, expectations of
learning holistic, positive, constructive and productive behaviors.

Principles of counseling

In order to make counseling session effective, the counselor should follow the following

 Face to face interaction

 Acceptance
 Restatement

 Clarification
 Reassurance
 Interpretation
 Advice
 Rejection
 Lead
 Respect
 Genuiness
 Warmth

Face to face interaction

It involves a face to face relationship between two persons. One person the counselor dives
advises to the counselee with direct contact which have a direct influence and effectiveness will
be enhanced.


The client should not be hindered in any manner, he should be fully encourage to express his
feeling freely.

. Restatement

The counselor should enable the counselee to realize that he is being fully understood and


The counselor tries to give correct information .clarify the doubts of the counselee

Reassursnce:- Confidence in counseling being given to him, reassures the client about the
effectiveness of counseling.


To develop insight by the counselee he understands the unconscious motives that he resolves his
inner conflicts.


Advice should be given only in those case where it is sought for.


It reverse the direction of thoughts of counselee.


The client is asked a question in a manner that is helpful to him in determining the answer.


Respect is the basic element of all therapies without this basic element, sucessfull therapy is
impossible. counsellors do not have to like the client, or their values, their behaviour but must
put their personal feelings aside and treat them with respect.


The Counselor should be very honest with himself and with client he should be very Open and

warmth warmth

The counselor should communicate person warmth and make the client fee welcome valued as
individuals. Initial contact and effective interpersonal relationship are the techniques which
promote warmth and enhace Counseling process.


The counselor should accept the person and feelings with out critizing him. He/ she should also
accept the person irrespective of age ,race, sex etc.



The Counselor should accept the person Should also accept the person irrespective of age, race,
sex etc. under pinning the diversity of theoretical models and social purposes discussed above
are a variety of the ideas about the aims of counseling and therapy. some of the different aims
that are espoused either explicity on implicity by counselors are ,

 Insight

The acquisition of an understanding of the origins and development of emotional difficulties,

leading to an increased capacity to take rational Control oven feelings and actions.

 Relating with others

Becoming better able to form and maintain meaningful and satisfying relationships with other
people: for example, with in the family on work place.

 Self awareness

Becoming more aware of thoughts and feelings that had been blocked off on denied, or
developing a more accurate Sense of how self is perceived by others.

 self acceptance

The development of a positive attitude towards self, marked by an ability to acknowledge areas
of experience that had been the subject of self- criticism and rejection.

 problem Solving
Findings a solution to a specific problem that the client had not been able to resolve
alone. Acquiring a general competence in problem solving.

 Psychological education

Enabling the client to acquire deas and techniques with which to understand and Control

 cognitive change

The modification or replacement of irrational beliefs or maladaptive thought pattering associated

with self-destructive behavior.

 Behavior change

The modification or replacement of maladaptive or self destructive pattern of behavior.

 Generativity and social action

Inspiring in the person a desire and capacity to care for others and pass on Knowledge and to
contributes to the collective good through political engagement and community work.

Goals of counseling

some of the mason of Counseling generally accepted by counselor are driven below,

Achievement of positive health Problem resolution


modification GOALS Counseling for decision

Help change

Improving personal effection

1) Achievement of positive mental health

An individuals is said to have positive mental health when he is able to relate meaning fully with
others and lead a fulfilling life. one goal of counseling to t help the individual to attain this state.

2) Problem resolution

Another goal of counseling is to help the individual to come out of a difficult Situation or
problem. It must be remember that the individual is only assisted and the himself find solution
for the problems.

3)Counseling for decision making

Ability to make right and timely decisions is crucial for success in life.One major goal of
counseling is to make individual capable of making independent decision.

4)Improving personal effectiveness

As a effective person is one who is able to control impulses, think in creative ways and has to
competence to recognize define and solve problems.

5)Help change

For development ,change is always necessary counseling helps individuals to make change in
their attitudes, perception or personality.

6)Behavior Modification

Another aim of counseling is to help modifying behavior, Removal of undesirable behavior or

sell defecting behavior and learning desirable behavior is consider necessary for attaining
effectiveness and good adjustment.


TYPES OF Counseling is a process in which individuals meet and counselor in analyzing and
understanding the problem and the client (counselee) who has a Problem and needs assistance in
arriving a Solution to the same. The problem of the client (Counselee) may be academic, Social
emotional or psychological. To Solve the problem the are several type commonly used ane, in
counseling but commonly used are,





Directive counseling or prescriptive Type:

In directive Counseling, the central figure and play more active role. This approach of counseling
is advocated by EG williamson. In directive counseling Counselor uses a variety of technique to
suggest appropriate solution to the problem of the counselee. The counselor plays a leading

The Counselor is active and directs the individual in making decision and finding Solutions to
the problem. Counselor believes in the limited capacity of the client.

The client makes the decision, but the counselor does all that he can to get the client make
decision in keeping with his diagnosis counselor tries to direct the thinking of the client by
informing, explaining interpreting and advising.

Directive counseling steps

Directive counseling various steps. They are as follow,







This involves collecting from various Sources the data needed for an adequacy understanding of
the client. This include administration of psychological tests,


This refers to summarizing and organ the data so obtained, as to reveal the assists, liabilities,
adjustment and mal -adjustment of the counselee. This includes of the data obtained through
Psychological testing also.

Diagnosis :-This stage is concerned with formulating Conclusions regarding the nature and
the Course of the problems exhibited by the Student Drawing conclusions from the results of
psychological testing, administration of questionnaires etc. are done here.


This refers to predicting the future Course of development of the cotanselee's problem in the
light of conclusion as made earlier.


This is the most important and time Consuming step in the whole process. This is where the
expertise of the counselor is needed most. It is a highly personalized teaching and learning
process. It may be direct teaching through explicit explanations, assistance in searching for
relevant aptitudes, interest etc. Thus counseling involves,

A ) Assisting the student in self-appraisal, 1.e identifying his/her interest motives and

B) Helping him/her to plan a course of action which utilize the capabilities and potentialities so

C) Finally in establishing an adaptive life style

Merits of Directive Counseling

 Time saving and economical

 Gives happiness to the counselee as he Jets a solution to this problem.
 Emphasis is on the intellectual rather than the emotional aspect.

Demerits of Directive counseling

 make him helpless

 kills the initiative
 Does not guide counselee to be efficient and confident.
 undemocratic
 Made dependent

Non- directive counseling

In this approach, Counselors role is passive. It is a counselee centered or client centered

humanistic approach. Carp Rogers advocated this approach client makes the final decision. The

counselor has to accept the capacity of the client to make adjustment and adaption steps of Non
direetive counseling approach are

Establishing Rapport Exploration of problem

Exploration of the cause of the problem

Rind out alternative solution

Termination of the session.

Follow up

Merits of Non-directive counseling

 Relives tension .
 Freedom of the individual

Demerits of Non- directive counseling

 Time consuming
 All the problems can not be sorted out. through talking.

Elective Approach to councilling


 It based on the fact that all individual different from one another. No single approach
Can there fore, be applied, to each and both directive and non-directive which may be
considered useful for purpose of modifying the ideas and attitude of the client.
 The technique are eclectic in nature because they have been derived from all sources
Counseling Selecting the best and leaving Out what is least required.
 Since it is a client-centered approach the counselee play a predominant role. The
counselor is not supposed to pl authoritarian role. Here the counselor Creates a
atmosphere in which the client can workout his own under standing. it leads to voluntary
choice of action.
 It is the combination of Direction and non directive counseling.

steps of Eclectic technique

 Diagnosis of the cause

 Analysis of the problem
 preparation of a plan
 Interviewing and stimulating a client.
 proper handling of any related problems.


Group counseling is a technique where a group of persons are counseled by applying group
interaction method for all purpose of arriving at a solution to the problem of the group. All the
group members are provided with an opportunity to discuss their problem together in a free
atmosphere. In group counseling group work helps the group members in Understanding and
find out a solution to their problem. Some of the Component like knowledge of reality, self
knowledge and self-realization Can be achieved through group process. The steps of group
Counseling technique are,

Selection of participant

Starting the session.

checking the unwanted behavior

Assisting it self dis cb sure

Assisting in decision making


Counseling is a set of techniques, skill and attitudes to help people manage their Own problems
using their own resources. Counseling is a process of changing ones Cognitive, affective,
affective and behavioral orientation that can help an individual from abnormal destructive
behaving to normal constructive behaviors. Technique for counseling are,


Testing Technique Non testing Technique

Testing Technique

Testing techniques is the method applied to evaluate a system or a component with a purpose to
find if it satisfies the given requirements.

Testing of a system helps to identify gaps errors, or any kind of missing requirements differing
from the actual requirements.

Psychological Tests

psychological tests are designed to assess the characterists of people such a their abilities,
attitudes, motivations, interest, needs and values and so on. test can be defined as a sample of
behaviour, obtaining under standard condition and scored according to a fixed set of rule that
provide a numeric score.

Psychological tests are classified into different types depending on their content and the way
they are. Tests vary in their content depending aspect of behaviour that is assessed for Some tests
are designed to assess abilities, other assess motivation, personality charecteristics etc.
Psychological tests are also classified individual and group tests, verbal tests and no verbal tests
and performance tests.

Intelligence tests

Intelligence has been one of the m Popular psychological terms used in identify individual
differences. It has helped to explain that people differ from each other in their ability to
understand complex ideas or to learn from experience. Different the theorists have tried to
explain intelligence in different ways following different approaches.

Theories by Binet , weschler . Spearman and Thustone are based on the Psychometric approach
where intelligence is considered as an aggregate of abilities.

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude is thought of as a natural tendency, special ability or capacity on cluster of abilities

often these natural their suitability abilities are looked at in relationship to a pensons headiness to
learn for Particular career.

For example, in order to be Sucessful architect, one most possess the cluster of abilities
such as a keen sense of observation a sense of aesthetic visual memory, abstract
reasoning and an ability to sketch free hand. So aptitute may be defined as a triat that
characterizes an individuals ability to perform in a area .

Achievement test

Achievement is what one successful accomplishes in an area of study/activity/ domain. In the

case of Students, it may be Conceptualized as successful learning of the assigned educational
material. Such learning is usually demonstrate t teachers and others. either through e venial
presentation on a written examination . In an educational system, achievement te Scones are
often used to determine the level of instruction for which a student is prepared to indicate
academic strand the and weakness, and to indicate the relative Standing of the student in a
group/ class. Achievement test data, in combination with Other data is used to help guidence
counselors plan students future education Programmes .


These tools are useful for individual assessment without the use of psychological tests. These
tools are generally developed by the Counselor and teacher themselves


It is heart of the Counseling pre in which Counselor and Counselee meet to face and conduct a
formal talk with a definite purpose. It serves the purpose of, Obtaining and diving information
from a the students as well as sometimes, it may be useful tool l or need assessment of the
guidance and counseling services in a particular educational institute. Counselor can exploit this
opportunity to gather background person information about the student. Interview should be well
planned in advance to achieve desired out comes.


It provides opportunity to collect data for those areas which cannot be explored in interview such
as attitude, behavior, physical characteristics, counselor make the observation either by
participative observation on by no Participative technique of observation.

Cumulative record

cumulative record consists of Significant and comprehensive educational back ground,

attendance and disciplinary information about the individual student Over the period of Years.

It also registers Students social adjustment in the college and hostel like behavior with
Colleagues and some other qualities like hand working, sincerity.

Anecdotal record

Anecdotal records are verbal snap. shots of a incident related to students, behavior usally
maintained by the nursing faculty about events which are significant for the evaluation of the
student cane should be taken to record the incident carefully as it has happened.

personal dairy

provides information about the students daily routine, his likes and dislikes, behavior, towards
others, and personal views forwards Certain things. Students can be asked to write daily diary of
important event in their day to day social life.


It is a useful tool to explore the kind of relationship a student has with others, his level of Social
acceptability among colleague and Social distance among the group of Students in a class. Data
obtained by Sociometry can be useful to identify difficulties in Social adjustment and a plan can
be mate for social guidance and counseling of the particular student.


It is basically used to identify the expressed Problem or interest.

Rating Scale

It is used to rate certain qualities characteristics in a student, e.g. punctuality. honesty,

responsibility, attitude, cooperation etc.

Health records

provide information about the health state of a student.


Counseling is a process of changing ones cognitive, affective, and behavioral orientations that
can help an individual from abnormal destructive behavior to normal constructive be behaviors.
In counseling there are so many principals and goals are present. Counseling help achievement
of positive mental health Problem resolution and also help decision making.


Background: The evidence base regarding what works in practice for helping patients
change multiple risk behaviors is less developed than is the more basic literature on
behavior change. Still, there is enough consistency of findings to present testable
hypotheses for clinicians and administrators to evaluate and guide practice until more
definitive evidence is available.

Methods: The behavior change principles known as the 5A's outline a sequence of
support activities (assess, advise, agree, assist, arrange) that are effective for helping
patients to change various health behaviors. These same principles also apply at the
clinic level for designing activities to support behavior change.

Results: Successful practices promoting sustainable changes in multiple behaviors are

patient centered, tailored, proactive, population based, culturally proficient, multilevel,
and ongoing. Often a stepped-care model can be used to provide increasingly intensive
(and costly) interventions for patients who are not successful at earlier intervention

Conclusions: Contextual factors are influential in determining success at both the

patient and the office practice level. Therefore, greater attention should be paid to
creating supportive family, healthcare system, and community resources and policies.
We enumerate 15 hypotheses to be tested for improving patient-clinician interactions
and for medical office


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Jaypee Brothers medical publisher (P) Ltd; 2012, PP. 245-247

2) D Elakku vana Bhaskar Raj. "Text Book of Nursing Education." 2nd edition. New Delhi:
EMMESS medical publisher. 2019 page no 3845. 387-402.

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4) pramilaa R," Nursing communication and 1st edition. educational Technology." New
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