15.8 Teachers' Manual For Freehand Drawing in Intermediate Schools
15.8 Teachers' Manual For Freehand Drawing in Intermediate Schools
15.8 Teachers' Manual For Freehand Drawing in Intermediate Schools
x mm
State Director of Art Education for Massachusetts.
Introduction . 5
Symmetry, Conventionalization, and Repetition
Conventionalization and Applied Design
Conventionalization, Historical Ornament, &c.
Object Drawing and Historical Forms . :
Exercises in Model and Object Drawing .269 . . .
vVi .
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One of the marked features of this course of draw-
ing is its logical and systematic gradation from the
primary to the high school. As it is a comprehensive
course, embracing five general departments, — Flat
Outline Drawing and Designing (freehand), Model
and Object Drawing (freehand) Plane Geometrical,
But it is impossible to judge it correctly from I
first place, they would have neither the time nor the
strength to make ,
all the drawings required. In the
second place, even if the drawings were beautifully
made on the blackboard, it would not suffice for the
Economizing Instruction.
Learning by Use.
different lengths. What is said of delicacy of touch? Of
firmness of line ? Of sketching and lining in ? Of using the
rubber ? Of the management of the eye in drawing different
lines ? Of the motion of the pencil ? Of the use of technical
terms? Of ocular and verbal instruction? Of learning the
meaning of words by using them ? Of critical verbal discrim-
ination? Of misjudging the capacity of children? Of seeing
and doing? Of the use of the Manual? Of teaching pupils
the steps to be taken before they begin to draw a copy ?
room is horizontal ;
that is, level. A line either
straight or crooked, drawn in any direction on a
level floor, is horizontal in an absolute sense, be-
cause the floor on which it is drawn is horizontal.
But in general usage, and in drawing, the terms hor-
izontal, vertical, oblique, are applied only to straight
lines as drawn on an upright even surface, like that
of a blackboard, against the wall of the schoolroom.
Therefore, when drawing in the drawing-book,
imagine it to be in the position, not of the floor, but
of an upright blackboard, the upper edge of the
book representing the upper edge of the blackboard.
A line on the blackboard is said to be horizontal
when it runs right and left, keeping the same level
throughout its whole length. A line in the drawing-
book is said to be horizontal when it has the same
direction as the upper edge of the book.
Lines may usually be regarded and described in
four ways. 1. According to their general appear-
ance they are straight, curved, broken, continuous,
or discontinuous. 2. According to the relation they
bear to one another they are perpendicular, oblique,
or parallel. 3. According to their position with
reference to the centre of the earth they are horizon-
tal, vertical, or oblique. 4. The definitions may be
modified somewhat, according to the surface upon
which the lines are drawn.
Horizontal Lines.
A Vertical Line.
A Vertical Line .
—A vertical line is a straight
line which extends up and down and does not incline
in any direction.
Vertical Lines.
An Oblique Line.
Oblique Lines.
space in the book, call for the finger and hand movements
alone, unless the pupils are quite small, when they will need
to make some use of the forearm in order to draw the longer
lines with ease,
Judging Distances.
Directions. — 1. Draw on
the blackboard two parallel
horizontal lines of the same length. Divide the upper one,
by judgment of eye, into any number of equal parts as, two,
Halve it. From the point of division, draw a vertical line up-
wards, equal to one-half of the horizontal line. Extend it the
same distance below. In each of the four angles thus formed,
draw two oblique lines, each line starting from the point of
intersection, and each equal to one-half of the horizontal line.
Test them by applying the scale. Now divide each, by judg-
ment of eye, into halves and thirds, and then test the result
by actual measurement. This will train the eye to judge dis-
tances along lines having different directions.
practice-paper. When using the latter, direct. the
class, causing do the same thing at the same
all to
time. As circumstances require, you will, of bourse,
vary the length of the line to be drawn ;
making it
the slate, then another dot, indicating the middle of the right
end; and in like manner indicate the middle of the upper
side, then of the lower side. Now require them to hold the
point of the pencil directly over the left-hand dot, keeping it
there until you say, One, when they must carry the pencil
steadily forward, without touching the slate, to the right-
hand dot. Eequire them to hold the point of the pencil just
over the right-hand dot, until you say, Two, when they must
move the pencil steadily across the slate, without touching it,
its stead.
For certain purposes, cross-hatching is an excel-
lent drill-exercise, if rightly practised, and should
receive attention from time to time. It gives quick-
ness of eye, and steadiness of hand. The lines
should always be parallel, never touching, however
closely drawn, if the children can attain to this.
Neither upon this nor upon any drill-exercise
should the pupils be kept engaged more than a few
minutes at any one time ;
for they will soon grow
weary, as such exercises do not, like a design,
represent thought. But occasionally revert to them,
as you advance through the book.
Questions. —
Wliat is a point? a line? Describe the differ-
ent kinds of lines. When are lines parallel? What is a sur-
face? Describe a plane. Other kinds of surfaces. AVhat is
a solid? How many dimensions has a line? a surface? a sol-
id? Name the three kinds of straight lines. AVhat is a hori-
zontal line? a vertical line? an oblique line? How are all
these lines regarded as drawn? How is the drawing-book to
be regarded? How should you work when linishing a draw-
ing? What is said of judging distances?
while the hand that can draw the former can more
draw the
readil}7 latter. Indeed, unless it can first
formed ;
but if the lines meet as
in the cut, then a right angle is
formed on each side of the ver-
tical line, cd.
It will be well, sometimes, to
use other definitions for the pur-
pose of illustration. Thus, when one straight line,
A Right Triangle. —
A triangle containing one
a right-angled triangle or right
right angle is called ,
make them say what they mean when they say any
thing. You can do no greater kindness to a pupil
than by encouraging this habit.
square. They are thus designated for the lack of
some more specific and appropriate word.
Diagonal of a Square. A straight line connecting
opposite corners , or angles , of a square ,
is called a
diagonal. (See p. 66.)
A Rhomboid .
A plane figure having only opposite
angles and opposite sides equal is called a rhomboid.
(See p. 66.)
The Pentagon.
Directions. —Draw the horizontal line, ab; at its centre,
draw the perpendicular line, cd,
of an indefinite length, only mak-
i ing sure to have it long enough,
On the perpendicular mark a
point, o, making od a little less
than ab. Have this correct by
measurement. Through o draw
ef, of an indefinite length. Fix
the points e, e, /, by judgment of
eye, so that when they are united
with one another, and with' the
ends of the line ab, all the sides
of the pentagon will be equal. Turn the figure around for ex-
amination. Not. only must the five sides be equal, but the
five diagonals, of which only one is drawn in the copy.
The Hexagon.
Directions. — Draw the horizontal line, ab, in the middle
of the given space. Divide
this line into four equal parts.
Through the outer points of
division, draw two vertical
lines, of indefinite length,
above and below. Fix the
points c and d, hv judgment of
eye, so that the lines ac and
ad, when drawn, shall be equal
to each other, and to ce, the
distance between the two ver-
tical lines. Examine the figure
carefully by turning id around. See that the opposite sides
are parallel.
The Octagon.
Directions. — Mark a point to indicate the centre of the
space given in the book. Above
this, about one-third of the dis-
tance to the margin of the space,
mark a second point, and a third
one below. Through the outer
points, draw two horizontal lines,
ab and cd, of indefinite length.
Next draw two vertical lines, ef
and c/h, of indefinite length, and
at the same distance apart as the
horizontal lines. The intersec-
tions of these four lines will form
a square, with the point in its centre. Fix, by judgment
of eye, the points a and e, so that the line ae, when drawn,
shall equal ec/, or the distance between the vei'tical lines.
Thus much done, the other lines composing the octagon can
be quickly drawn.
Questions. —
"Why is the drawing of geometrical forms a
good introduction to the drawing of natural forms? What is
sard of the Friends in England V what of the useful and the
beautiful? What is an angle ? Describe the different kinds.
Upon what does the size of an angle depend? Describe a
perpendicular line. How many kinds of straight lines are
known to geometry proper? How many degrees in a right
angle? how many in a circle? Why not 301? What is a
triangle? Describe the different kinds. What is said of the
right triangle? What is a quadrilateral? Define a square,
its diameter, its diagonal. Define a rhombus, an oblong, a
rhomboid. What is a polygon? Deline a pentagon, a hexa-
gon, an octagon.
Blackboard Instruction.
dividing the page into six These
equal spaces.
lines, faintly drawn, can be erased after the draw-
ings are finished. If they are not erased, then the
drawings should be made somewhat smaller, to give
a handsome page.
of the square. Divide the diarne-
ters into thirds, and through the
points of division, 5, 0, 7, 8, draw
lines parallelwith the sides of the square. Having done all
this with a faint line, draw heavily those portions which form
the cross, and erase the .remainder.
A Silver Cup.
enables you to find out what the pupil can, and what
he cannot, do by himself. Thus, if he has been re-
A Pentagonal Form.
Axis of Symmetry.
Time Drawing.
The Zigzag.
Directions. — To complete the copy in the drawing-hook,
first extend the horizon-
tal lines across the page,
then divide the enclosed
space into squares, and
draw the oblique lines.
Geometrical Drawings.
End-Elevation of a Toy-House.
Front-Elevation of a Toy-House.
Preliminary Analysis.
Pupils.— Oblong.
Teacher. — What other words might be used to describe its
shape ?
Pupils. — Parallelogram, or rectangle.
Teacher. — Does a parallelogram always have eqiial
angles ?
Pupils. —
No. It is only necessary that its opposite sides
be equal and parallel.
Teacher. —
Does not a rectangle sometimes have all its
sides equal ?
Pupils. —
It does and then it is called a square. It is only
Pupils. — Oblong.
Teacher. — Shape of the chimneys, windows, and door ?
Pupils. — Ten.
Teacher. — What other forms do you see ?
Pupils. — Vertical.
Teacher. — But it represents the end of the roof ;
and the
roof slopes, or inclines.
Pupils. — But the line in the drawing does not incline, and
so is not oblique.
Teacher. — Does the line 7 9 represent the full width of one
side of the roof, just as the line 1 5 in the preceding exercise
represents the full width ?
Pupils. — We do not know.
Teacher. — This has not been explained,
and I will tell you
now; for something quite important for you to know.
it is
Pupils. —
That when we draw an object, if any part is
turned from us, we should allow for foreshortening.
Teacher. —
Good. When two objects are actually of the
same length (take these two pencils), but one is seen oblique-
ly, thus: the other not, thus: how should they be drawn?
Pupils. —
The one seen obliquely should be drawn shorter
than the other.
Teacher. —
Are there any other foreshortened lines in this
drawing, besides 7 S), K 0 ?
Pupils. —
We think not.
Teacher. —
How do you know that the sides of the house
would not lean either towards or from you, were you stand-
ing before it, as represented in the drawing ?
Pupils. —
Because the sides of houses do not lean.
T'eacher. But that is not a satisfactory answer. Suppose
this were the drawing of an object you had never seen, would
you then feel sure that the side towards you is perpendicular,
or not ? Would you feel sure that the line 7 h is oblique in
the object itself ?
only tell half the story, and other drawings, called plans and
sections, would teli the other half.
Thus the foreshortened lines in the elevation can be
obtained from the full line in the plan.
Blackboard Lessons.
A Greek Fret.
Directions. — In the central space of blank page (7), draw
two parallel horizon-
tal lines across the
page, one inch and
a quarter apart, to
form the edge of the
fret. Divide the space
between them into
squares by vertical
lines. Subdivide these
squares, as in Ex. XI.
Line in the fret, add
the outer horizontal
lines, and erase all construction lines not used in the form.
ings narrower.
Twelve-Pointed Star.
Since each
hexagon can be
divided into six
equilateral triangles by straight lines drawn from all
Were we to use
this pattern for a
marble floor or pave-
ment, we would fill the squares with marble of one
A Plane Curve. —A
plane curve is a line ivhich
liesin one plane constantly -changes its direction
, ,
forms an exception ;
for, when we speak of three
consecutive points of a line, we mean that no other
A Circular Curve. —
A line which lies in one plane ,
The circle may be divided
in different ways, asshown
accompanying cut and
in the ;
Diameter of a Circle —A
diameter of a circle
isa straight line drawn through the centre and touch- ,
do not describe curves as oblique, horizontal,
or vertical, but say, “ a curve on an oblique base,”
“ a curve on a horizontal base,” “ a curve on a
vertical base.” Whatever ma}' be the position of
a curve, it has base and altitude all the same. In
teaching drawing, especially in blackboard and dic-
tation exercises, you will have frequent occasion to
use these terms.
The Segments. —
Draw the segments about the circle,
giving the chord, or base, of each curve a different direction.
The pupils need not add the names of the different parts;
as, diameter, chord, &c.
further along.
The Ellipse.
mark on off
either hand,
along one of the
lines, as at 1
and 2, the same
distance, name-
ly, one-half of
the long, or
transverse, diameter of the proposed ellipse. Call it two
inches in the present case, making the whole distance, 1 2,
equal to four inches. From o, on either side, mark off along
The Oval.
Trefoil, Filled.
Symbolism in Art.
Directions. —
Extend the horizontal lines across the page,
and divide into squares.
Draw long curves
full then erase those
Blackboard Lessons.
Directions. —
Draw a square, its diameters and diagonals.
Divide the diagonals into ten equal
parts. Connect the three outer
points of division on each semi-
diagonal by lines parallel with the
sides of- the square. Through the
points of division nearest the cen-
tre, draw lines parallel with the
diameters. Draw the oblique lines
for the interlacing. Having thus
sketched the form, ei'ase the lines
which are not to show when the
drawing is done. Also erase the other lines until they are
just visible: then line in.
Form 3. —
Reproduce Form 2. Add the small circle at the
centre, and the remaining circular curves.
Form 4. — Reproduce Form 1. Next draw the larger inner
circle. Finish according to copy.
Form 8. —
Draw two interlacing triangles, as on page 99.
Add the interlacing circles.
Form II. — Draw all the straight lines, and all the circles,
full ;
then erase the parts not wanted.
feeling would always be one of disgust. Or who
would care for half a dozen of the most beautiful
marble statues, exactly alike, and symmetrically
arranged, as, back to back, in the form of a hexagon ?
The effect would be simply ridiculous. Here, then,
is another thing which distinguishes an ornament
from a picture, or piece of statuary. The latter
cannot, without offending the taste, be repeated as
wholes ;
but an ornament can, and so is adapted to
the purposes of beautifying in the industrial arts.
Single pictures, indeed, may be thus used when the
form of the object will permit, and the material of
which it is made as in the case of porcelain.
When it is drawn on
the blackboard, the centre
should be on a level with the eye, otherwise the
form will be viewed obliquely, and so will be dis-
Page of Rosettes.
Directions. — (
Having drawn
b ).
the squares, with their diameters and diagonals as a construc-
tion basis, proceed to draw the interlacing curves, drawing
the longer ones first.
A Vase.
A Pitcher.
Directions. — In the draw an oblong, as
allotted space in
the last exercise, with the same propor-
tions and divisions. Next draw the con-
tour, or outline, of the pitcher, using curve
b of Ex. XXVI. Strive to make the two
sides of the pitcher exactly alike. Now
add the handle, drawing it so as to indi-
cate that it has thickness; that is, the
junction of the handle with the body of the
pitcher must be shown by lines which do
not coincide with the general outline of
the pitcher, but lap over slightly. Finally,
add the lines forming the lower portion of the pedestal.
place, is beautiful.
The contours of pottery products should have
some definite proportion to give character. In the
absence of a pronounced line of contour, we have
a want of character, and weakness. The highest
result is secured by the proper union of beaut} and 7
A Vase.
Abstract Curves.
Abstract Curves.
the number of the parts into which the axis is divided,, and
the points of division through which the curves are drawn.
(17) into two eqnal parts. In the left-hand half draw that one
of the forms belonging to Ex. XXXII. which has not been
used. Enlarge it to till the whole space. In the right-hand
half reproduce Ex. XXIX., enlarging it to fill the whole space.
Instead of these exercises you can, if you think best, use any
others, few or many, to fill the page; but, whatever forms are
used, let them be drawn large.
Draw a vertical line dividing the blank page (18) so as to
place two-thirds of the page to the left of the line. Draw a
horizontal line dividing the right third into halves. In the
left-hand space draw Ex. XX., Ex. XXI., or XXII., with
added design, from memory. Enlarge so as to fill the two-
thirds of the page. Before putting the drawing into the book,
the pupil may execute it as many times as he chooses; but,
after he begins in the book, he should not be permitted to re-
fer to the copy. Give each pupil the same amount of time.
Notify the class when one-quarter, one-half, and three-quar-
ters of the time has expired.
In the upper half of the right-hand third of the page, have
each pupil draw an original geometrical design, symmetrically
arranged about a centre, after the manner of copies which he
has drawn. In the space below have him write a description
of the design, like the descriptions that are given in this
Manual, and such that the class could reproduce the de ign
from the written description given as a dictation lesson.
Examine both the design and the description before the
pupil puts them into his book. It is expected that the pupil
will have made several trials in the way of original design
before he reaches this point. He can work up his original
designs, in part at least, when he is out of school.
age ;
many say even before they study technical
grammar at all. One of the hardest things for them,
in the outset, is to express their thoughts clearly.
Now, the first condition, if we would have clear-
ness of expression, is a subject of such a nature that
our knowledge relating to it is clear. Children have
such a subject when they attempt to write, as here
required, the description of a simple original design.
With a fair degree of care, every thing can be stated
with the utmost precision. If 3*ou desire to teach
3’our pupils to compose, 3’ou will find it well to re-
quire ofthem frequent written descriptions of origin-
al designs,and of other forms given by 3'ourself for
blackboard lessons. Always teach two or more things
A Spiral Form.
b ) verticall}', (c) in all directions, to cover surface.
III. Adaptation of the design to position: (1)
when it isto be viewed from all sides, as a carpet
pattern ; (2) when it is to be viewed from one side,
as an ornament for a vertical surface, the unit being-
repeated, (a) horizontal!}', (6) vertically.
IV. Adaptation of the design to use , material , and
mode of manufacture (1) the object having that
form, (a) best for its intended use, (b) best for the
material of which it is to be made, (c) best for the
mode of manufacture; (2) the decoration being in
harmonj', (rx) with the object and its intended use,
(b) with the material, (c) with the manner of pro-
At different points, these principles of design have
Square Rosette.
Directions. — The exercise is intended to show the value
and effect of repetition in
design. One-eighth of a
square by a por-
is filled
Conventional Leaf.
Ivy-Leaf Rosette.
Directions. —
Draw the square in the space below, with its
diameters and diagonals. Draw the
circle at its centre, and in one-fourth
of the square draw one leaf to fill it,
iike the copy. Repeat this leaf in
the three remaining quarters.
Here an application of a
Directions. — Lay out the space in the same way as for the
last exercise. Let the hori-
zontal lines he an inch and
a quarter apart, and the five
squares therefore on that
base. Next divide each square
into two equal parts by the
vertical diameter, and each
half of the square again into
two equal parts by a vei’tical
line, as shown in the last
division to the right. This
gives the central line for the small ovoid form near the bot-
tom, and also for the point where the two leading lines cross
near the top. Draw the outer leading lines in each half
square in three squares, before adding the lower lines or inner
lines, on which the cross points are, and then add the latter.
Draw the whole of the forms, and then rub out the invisible
parts. Finish.
Ivy-Leaf Moulding.
Directions. — In
a similar manner as m the last two exer-
rises, divide the space into
five squares on a side of
an inch and a quarter. Also
divide each square vertical-
ly by a diameter. In each
square draw an ivy-leaf
and berries, as shown in
the diagram ;
the leaf being
similar to those already
drawn. Draw one complete
leaf, and one complete clus-
ter of berries, on the board, and require the pupils to repeat
them the required number of times, after their first copy has
been corrected and criticised.
The author lays great stress^ upon the importance |
Ivy-Leaf Moulding.
Directions. — In the right halfof the space prepare a
series of five squares for another example of
vertical repetition, this time of an ivy-leaf
moulding. Two examples are given if a be :
Maple-Leaf conventionalized.
Directions. —
In the space below, draw a vertical line as
long as the leaf. Divide it into four
equal parts; and through the centre
draw a horizontal line nearly as long
as the vertical, half on either side.
At the bottom of the vertical draw a
second horizontal line nearly as long
as the first. Fix the central point
from which the ribs or veins spring,
and draw them to the ends of the
horizontal lines. Add the margin of
the leaf; and, when the form is
completely sketched, erase working-lines, and finish.
Maple-Leaf Rosette.
Directions. — Apply what has been said about design to
this exercise. In the large space
to the right, let the pupils draw
either an equilateral triangle, or
square, or circle, or regular hexa-
gon, as large as the space will
allow, leaving a margin of paper
on all sides. And it is a good plan
to divide up the class into a certain
number of groups each group, or
on their slates first, and when they see what size the
leaf must be, to fill the space nicely, then let them
put it into one division of the geometric form,
which the}’ have previously made. The preceding
page gives four treatments of this exercise, to sug-
gest to the teacher how it may be treated in the
four forms recommended. Others will occur to both
teacher and scholars ;
and those who have the inven-
tive faculty will be more pleased to design their
own patterns than to borrow them. In every class,
however, there will be a number of children who
cannot, or who believe they cannot (which for prac-
tical purposes the same thing) make a design.
is ,
It ma} be of use
to the teacher if some informa-
tion be given concerning the practice of original
design in the class-room.
The essential feature of the plan of industrial
drawing which we are endeavoring to carry out,
is, that it shall be practical in its objects and its
A Lotus Ornament.
Vine-Leaf conventionalized.
Directions. — Draw the vertical line 1 2, for the vine-leaf,
in the space for it. Fix the
point 3, which is not in the
centre of 1 2, hut rather nearer
Conventional Leaf.
Directions. — Draw in the space allotted for it a central
line 1 2, and upon it draw faintly
the general outline of a heart-shaped
leaf, as shown by the dotted line on
the left. When the form is well bal-
anced and satisfactory, the small divi-
sions can be added. Observe that the
curve of the small divisions is com-
posed of two parts; the longer one
tending away from the central line,
and the other, which is the shorter
of the two, cutting in abruptly
towards it.
Vase, in the Greek Style.
Directions. — One-half of this vase is given in the drawing-
book and the exercise is to draw the
Greek Vase.
Directions. — Draw a central vertical line, 1 2, the same
length as in the copy. Draw
3 4 through 1, tliree-fourtlis
the length of 1 2; half the
length of 3 4 being on each
side of 1 2. These propor-
tions being secured, notice
the egg shape of the body;
and, in drawing the profile,
letthe curve he very refined
and gentle. The shape is
very subtle and beautiful,
and should he well copied.
The horizontal lines of the mouldings are to be noticed also.
Directions. —
In the centre of the right-hand space, draw a
vertical line to within one inch and a
half of the top, and one-half inch of
the bottom, of the page. Divide this,
as shown at the side of the diagram,
into four equal, parts, in 3, 4, 5. —
Through 3 and 5 draw horizontal lines
G 7, G' 7’, each equal to half of 1 2,
mental criticism and the judgment of the senses ;
gent skill.
page, and look well at it, before beginning to draw it; but,
after the work is begun, let no leaf of the book be turned for
Ivy-Leaf Design.
Directions. — Let the pupils now apply the knowledge they
! have of the ivy-leaf to an original
treatment of it. In this exercise the
teacher may depart from the rosette
arrangement, in some cases, letting
the design be more of symmetrical
arrangement on a vertical axis. Four
examples are given of this manner of
treatment; two being simple in char-
acter, the third and fourth more elabo-
rate. The teacher will note, that, in
each, the first thing to be clearly dis-
cerned is the geometrical shape. Let
those pupils who have tried, and have
failed to make any kind of a design
for themselves, copy one of those here given; though even
an indifferent arrangement made by the child itself will be
more educational to it than copying the designs of others.
Conventional Flower-Form.
Directions. — The exercises on pages 18 and 19 of the draw-
ing-hook are intended to teach, by
comparison, the difference between
a plant conventionally treated and
one drawn from Nature. Let the
teacher compare them with the po-
tato-plant on the opposite page, and
point out the difference between nat-
nral and conventional forms to the
The design: Draw a central verti-
cal line in the left-hand space ex-
tending to within three-quarters of
an inch of the top and bottom edge
of the paper. Divide this line into
three parts, of which the two lower parts are equal, and the
top part slightly shorter than the others. This gives the chief
divisions; the upper being for the flower, and the lower for
the leaf at the bottom and the point from which all the leaves,
flower, and buds spring. Draw the flower on the upper third
first, and then the heart-shaped leaf on the lower third. Next
draw the midribs of the side leaves, and also of the half
leaves tending upwards towards the flower.” Complete these
leaves, and then add the buds and tendrils. Be careful to
keep the outer points of the design within an oval.
It is conducive to a knowledge
of various styles of ornament to j
Requirements of Manufactures.
own conditions. The manufacturing conditions
result from three things :
The conditions of manufacture require that the
forms employed for decoration should be simple,
since the accurate reproduction of other forms is
impossible by the processes of manufacture. Hence
good decorative art makes no use of true natural
forms. For the same reason, it has nothing to do
with what is called cliiaro-scuro ,
or the exact ren-
dering of the effects of perspective, and of light and
and shade.
Page of Mouldings.
On the opposite page are given several varieties
of mouldings drawn in outline. They illustrate
some of the principles of decorative art that have
justbeen described. The forms are all highty con-
ventional, and best adapted to the decoration of ver-
tical surface, — the first four to be repeated right
and left, the last three to be repeated up and down.
1. This is made from the leaf of the Irish shamrock, and
4. Another moulding, or bordei’, from the flower and bud
of the lily. As
the flower is viewed in elevation, it illustrates
radiation from a point. The form is Assyrian.
5. 6, 7. Observe, that, in these mouldings, the leaves, sepa-
rately considered, are not symmetrical, but are symmetrical
when taken in groups.
The construction of these mouldings is so evident, that no
directions need be given for drawing them.
It was done in colors. You will see that it is made from the
4. This is part of a sculptured moulding from the Temple
the Tower of the Winds. Observe that the lobes are more
pointed than in the Roman specimens. The acanthus was not
so extensively used by the Greeks as by the Romans.
0. This is an Ionic capital from the temple at Bassac. The
Ionic capital, also the Doric, was more frequently used by the
Greeks than the Corinthian. The latter was much used by
the Romans. The acanthus-leaf formed the decoration of the
4.This is a sculptured moulding from the Temple of Peace
at Rome. You see that it is made from the acanthus-leaf, and
Model and Object Drawing.
Seeing in Space.
Meaning of Perspective.
plane in the manner indicated but it is quite a
training, we never understand what it is that we
really do see. The accurate seeing which drawing
requires is seeing not only with the eyes, but with
the understanding.
When the pupil first undertakes to draw from the
draw from
actual object, the chances are, that he will
memoiy, instead of drawing* what he actually sees.
For example, set a plate before a class so that they
can look down upon it obliquely then, without ;
Effect of Distance.
onty equal to
c'd ', or about
one-half of
the apparent length of ab. This apparent differ-
distance. In Fig. 2, the line ab is drawn of the
same length as ab in Fig. 1, and the line c'd' is
drawn of the same length as c'd' in Fig. 1 which ,
is the apparent, or perspective, length of cd as
compared with ab, the eye being at e. Now, by
I drawing straight lines connecting the points a and
c', and b and d we have the perspective represen-
tation of a horizontal rectangular plane, as a floor,
for example. We will suppose the floor to be square.
Then all the lines in Fig. 2 are in reality of the
same length.
In Fig. 1 ,
the eye is represented on a level with
the lines ab and cd : consequently cd, when viewed
from e, lies directly behind ab, and can only be rep- j
the lines at the right and left, that is, the conver- |
the elevation of the e} e varies.
To proceed : in Fig. 3 we have, first, what is
represented vertical ,
and consequently parallel .
common point.
5. Hence ,
lines in an object which are horizontal ,
but elevated
Rules to be Observed.
sometimes endless.
A Solid. —A solid has three dimensions , — length ,
breadth , and thickness. It is bounded by one or
more surfaces.
A Sphere. — The solid described by the revolution
an ellipse ;
in another, an isosceles triangle ; and, in
another, something quite different. Various other
things, which need not be enumerated, can also be
The little that has now been said should be
enough to show the manner in which all the solids
may be treated in the sight-lessons. Not only the
simple solids, but any more complicated objects
your pupils may have occasion to draw, should be
thus anal}'zed and studied before their representa-
tion is attempted.
Questions. — What
is said of the use of half-tint? Of
seeing in space? Of light and shade? Of the use of flat
copies in model and object drawing? Of the importance of
understanding principles ? What is meant by a perspective
drawing? What is said of drawing what one sees? Describe
the effect of distance. Of foreshortening. Name the de-
rived rules to be observed. What is said of sight lessons?
Of measuring the solid? Define a solid, a sphere, a cone, a
cylinder, a cube, a parallelopipedon, a square plinth.
First draw the diameters of the circle and ellipses, then add
the curves.
Directions for the Cone. — Fig. 1. In the copy, the base
of the cone is supposed to be horizontal: hence the apex of
the cone is, in reality, directly above the centre of the base.
The eye is supposed to be looking obliquely down upon the
cone: hence the base, which is really a circle, appears to be
an ellipse, the invisible part of which is indicated by the
dotted line.
Draw the axis, ab then, at right angles to the lower end of
this line, draw the long diameter of the ellipse. Determine
the breadth of the ellipse, and extend ab to correspond. Draw
the ellipse, which will represent the base of the cone. From
the apex, a, draw straight lines tangent to the ellipse these :
will give the sides of the cone. Impress upon your class the
importance of this tangential union of lines, by which it is
meant that the straight line so joins the curve that the two
lines, at theirpoint of union, have the same direction, and
the straight line nowhere does, or can, by extension, cut the
curve. In drawing the ellipse, the pupil may, if he choose,
use a slip of paper as described on page 112.
Directions for the Cylinder. —
Fig. 2. The cylinder is
supposed to be vertical, with its ends, therefore, hori-
zontal. The eye is supposed to be higher than the cylinder,
and to be looking obliquely down upon it: hence the circular
ends of the cylinder appear to be ellipses. The upper end
being nearer to the level of the eye, and so viewed more ob-
liquely than the lower end, is represented by a flatter ellipse.
Here is an important principle in perspective drawing:
when two or more parallel circles in horizontal planes, are viewed
Draw the axis of the cylinder; (2) draw the long diame-
ters of the ellipses perpendicular to the ends of the axis; (3)
determine the breadth of the ellipses; (4) draw the ellipses;
(5) draw the sides tangent to the ellipses. In this case, the
ellipses are the same as 3 and 4.
while the circular ends of the cylinder are vertical. The end
at the right is supposed to be visible, but partly turned away
from the eye: hence the lines dd' and cc' are retreating lines;
and, since the eye is supposed to be higher than the cylinder,
they are represented rising as they retreat.
Draw (1) the axis, ab (2) make af equal to ae ; (3) draw cd
perpendicular to ab at a, making ca and ad equal; (4) through
the points c, e, d, f, draw an ellipse (5) draw cd' perpen-
while e'f is made about the same as ef, all of which is done
agreeably to the laws of perspective; for c'd', being actually
of the same length as cd, parallel to cd, but farther from the
eye, it should be drawn shorter. For the same reason, e'f
should be drawn shorter than ef, and would be so drawn, but
for the effect of foreshortening, which counterbalances, in part
at least, the effect of distance. The farther end of the cylin-
der is viewed less obliquely than the near end; consequently,
the foreshortening being less, its comparative breadth appears
the pupil. Observe that the bocty and pedestal of this vase
are not joined, as in Fig. 5, but that, in the present case, an
elliptical curve indicates the junction. The distinction hero
made in the drawing of these two vases is worth noting and
able to secure ;
but the geometrical solids any one
can have in his school, if he will. With these solids
children should be made as familiar as with com-
mon household objects.
It will be seen, that by giving the pupil forms to
be completed, as in these figures, we graduate the
difficulties of perspective, making the advancement
of the pupil comparatively easy, provided he mas-
ters each difficulty in its order. Though the ascent
be gradual, a high elevation is at last attained.
Perspective simply needs the same rational treat-
ment which is accorded to other school studies.
bars which join the legs and back. Follow the same order
with the box and table. If the geometrical solids can be first
correctly drawn, there will be little trouble in converting them
into the required forms.
of the group, line in. You will, of course, follow the direc-
rections previously given for drawing similar objects. Ob-
ewer are
serve that the long diameters of the ellipses in the
drawn horizontal. The cube is supposed to rest on a hori-
zontal plane consequently the cube and ewer are level, and
Directions. —
Tlie left half of p. 13 of the drawing-book
is be filled with the representation of a cube. Place a cube
in view of all the class. Make a few rapid sketches on the
blackboard to illustrate different views of the cube. These
sketches will serve as a guide to the class. Of course each
pupil will get a somewhat different view of the cube; and
each will draw what he sees, not the sketches on the black-
board. He will draw according to the principles which have
been explained, and will obtain his proportions by the aid of
his pencil, or a scale, held at arm’s-length, and at right angles
to the central ray of vision.
The right half of the page is to be filled with a representa-
tion of a parallopipedon, made from the solid, without thp aid
of blackboard sketches. Stand the oblong block on its square
view different from the view
base, so that each pupil will get a
he had of the cube. Make certain that the pupils under-
stand what they are to do before they begin to draw.
Draw the straight lines in the order of the letters, and then
the curves through the points indicated by the letters.
This exercise reviews all the principles which the preceding
lessons illustrated. As it introduces no new features, special
instructions should not he needed. Before your pupils
begin to draw, question them on all the points involved.
the outline of the fruit first, then the eye and stem. Any
marks on the surface of the fruit must be drawn lighter than
the outline. For the apple, begin by drawing a circle, then
change this to the required irregular outline. For the lemon,
begin with an ellipse.
Directions for Fig. 24.— Draw the howl first, with all j
block, similar to the one in Ex. xiv. or xviii. When the block
has been perfectly drawn, convert it into a book by adding i
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