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Why You Should Understand The Seven Trumpets L.Mashaba

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The Mission of the Last Pilgrim Saints

by Lawrence Mashaba

Title: Why You Should Understand The Seven Trumpets

"Just before He shall appear from heaven, most people who were supposed to know His appearing will
be in darkness, they will be confused, and will not know what is happening, they will confuse first, the
seven trumpets with the seven bowls. Added to that, most will already have rejected God's servants the
144000. They will have done to them what the Jews did to the ancient prophets. Before He sends
destruction from heaven, God will send the 144000 to revive His people, the 144000 will begin
worldwide revival from the Seventh Day Adventist Church, they're the ones who will cause the shacking
of the church.

This information is written in Revelation 10. Revelation 10 is simply the selection of the 144000 to
preach AGAIN the Eternal Gospel, make no mistake, regardless of world situations, restrictions and
illnesses, the Eternal Gospel will be preached to the entire world, and not through the media, for in that
time, God will shut down the internet. They are told to prophecy AGAIN because the Seventh Day
Adventist Church prophecied FIRST the scroll message of the 3 Angels. The mighty angel comes from
heaven, this is not the second coming, with a rainbow in His head, only God has a rainbow in his throne,
he comes with promise of never destroying earth with water ONLY again, he comes and put His left leg
upon the EARTH, His right leg upon the SEA, and His right hand is risen to HEAVEN. He does this because
the time has come to destroy these elements, that is the HEAVEN LIGHT, the EARTH by asteroid impact
and the SEA by asteroid impact.

This stance also signifies that He's the creator of the HEAVENS, EARTH and SEAS. The person He swears
by is actually Himself, there's no higher power above Jesus Christ until he will return it to the father after
the coming 1000 years when all his enemies are put as ash under his feet. God will not just destroy the
earth, He will strategically do so.

So long has God allowed His people to believe that the statement,"there should be time no longer " as
written in Revelation 10 means there should be no definite time periods from 1844, that understanding
was necessary for that generation, for if they knew the times, their spiritual energy would be drained.
Time periods will exist until the end of the coming 1000 years, then we will enter the timeless dimension.
Time was created for the purpose of getting rid of sin forever, for the purpose of salvation. The "time no
longer(kjv)" or the "delay(niv)"of Revelation 10, means that God will not hold the four winds any longer,
a time to release the four winds has come, and God's delayed wrath is at hand. This delay is written in
Revelation 7:3

Revelation 7:3 "Do not harm the LAND or the SEA or the TREES UNTIL we put a seal on the foreheads of
the servants of our God."

The mighty angel of Revelation 10 comes to seal the 144000 for their coming tasks. After their sealing,
they will deliver a revival that the world has never seen, they will be rejected by many religions, and will
be accepted by many people. After their first testimony, God will send the first four trumpets. The
144000 is not symbolic, in the bible, there's no symbolic number.

12 Apostles are 12

24 elders are 24

7 creation days are 7

12 tribes of israel are 12

7 trumpets are 7

7 seals are 7

7 angels who stand before God are 7

7 churches were 7, even though they pictures 7 types of all churches that would exist until the end.

3 beings of Godhead are 3

144000 are 144000

"numberless" multitudes are numberless

Even though God can use numbers to signify something, like 7 for perfection, 3 for divine perfection,
one for unity, 12 for heavenly government, 2 for witnesses and so on, these numbers remain countable.
For instance, the saying that God is one means God is united in everything He does, it's not something
symbolic. Why should God use another number to show us another number. Every symbol in the bible is
During the time of the trumpets, scientists will explain many lies to the people, their explanations, even
though atheistical, will however, be better than that of many religions. Because of these lies, God will
strike the earth within the format of the fourth commandment, the fourth commandment is the heart of
God's moral law. That is,God will strike earth within the curse of His law. The seven trumpets are
designed to display the power of God's moral law. Those who have eyes to see will witness through
destruction the following Eternal words:

Remember the Seventh Day . . . for in six days the Lord made the HEAVENS, THE EARTH, THE SEAS, and
all that is in them( in heaven, on earth, in seas).

The angel of revelation 10 puts John within the shoes and experience of the 144000 because he is about
to send the 7 trumpets. I have taken time to teach about the trumpets more than any other prophecy
because the seven trumpets are the first prophecy in the book of Revelation one must master in order
to master the others. In Apocalyptic prophecy, one has to understand everything, before he can
understand anything, the end of the study of everything, is the beginning of understanding in
Apocalyptic prophecy. This is true because there is no single prophecy, every prophecy pairs or triples
with other prophecies, and this behaviour creates timing. The seven trumpets are the center of
understanding the book of revelation, they're connected to all Revelation prophecies and to many
elements of the Everlasting Gospel.This is why I keep on stressing their understanding first. Once one
understands them, all other prophecies are not hard to understand, this includes the timing. Within the
seven trumpets prophecy, the following exists:

The mark of the beast is the Sixth Trumpet

Seal 5 is the Sixth trumpet

If MarkOfTheBeast =Trumpet6

But Seal5 = Trumpet6

Then MarkOfTheBeast = Seal5

The two statements above forces the Mark of the beast, Seal 5 and Trumpet 6 to be the same prophecy
The Seven bowls are in trumpet 7, they're called the "great hail" in Trumpet 7, in the third message
they're called "wrath of God unmixed with mercy".

The First Angel message is in the first 4 trumpets, remember how the first 4 trumpets hit the HEAVEN
light, EARTH, SEA, STREAMS OF (drinking)WATERS. They're also the four elements of creation: Earth,
fire(sun and stars), water(seas and streams), air("heaven").

The second Angel message is between trumpet 4 and 5, babylon rises between these two trumpets. This
statement has to be true because when lucifer appears, he gives power to his risen image babylon
according to Revelation 13, and babylon rises after trumpet 4.

The third angel message is trumpet 5, the beast of the third angel message is lucifer, the image of the
third angel message is babylon, the leopard-like beast, the mark of the beast is the mark of the lamblike
beast who comes from the earth, not too complicated like many explain. Lucifer will be to the coming
babylon what nebuchadnezzar was to the first babylon. The image of the beast, the leopard-like beast
which is the coming babylon will be what the statue of gold that was worshipped by the whole world
was to the ancient babylon.

The last message is in trumpet 6, "come out of her my people", the "her" of this message is babylon, the
union of world churches and governments, that is, the 7 religions and 10 kings. The world calls babylon
of our time in a fancy name, "New World Order". The "New World Order" is the last kingdom that will
rule before Jesus returns, and He calls this "kingdom", babylon.

The "shacking of the church" comes before first trumpet. Most people don't know how the shacking of
the church will begin, yet, they don't want to know more about it, when it's revealed to them, you
realise they would stone you if possible.

The 144000 operate during the first 6 trumpets, they're taken to heaven before trumpet 7, they will be
resurrected and taken to heaven first before Jesus returns, this is because they're the first fruits of the
great harvest(numberless multitudes) The 144000 will return with Jesus Christ 70 days after their
resurrection, they're the ones who will lead the numberless multitudes through 12 gates of heaven, It is
to them that Christ speak the words, "let him who does wrong continue to do wrong . . .". They will
witness destruction of earth from heaven, this is not pre-tribulation, for they will have gone through the
great tribulation, yet it fulfill the feast of the first fruits that belonged to the High Priest and to the
Father. After them will come the great harvest, this is the numberless multitudes. The prophecy of the
144000 will remain highly classified to the wicked until the end of the world, they will be to world
religions what John the Baptist and Elijah were to the Jews in their time. These two prophets passed
before religion could recognise them. Even Enoch the seventh who lived in ancient times, saw Jesus
coming to earth with the 144000 to execute judgement upon the world, off course Enoch didn't know
they will be called the 144000.

There is the appearance of lucifer in the seven trumpets, most find this idea ridiculous, yet, God is fair in
his ways, just as Jesus appeared in a feeble body and perform noble duties, lucifer will appear in a
glorious body and kill, lie and steal.

The seven trumpets are connected to the creation account, in the beginning God created the HEAVENS
and the EARTH, SEAS and STREAMS on third day, God will destroy the works he love.

Creation account is connected to the entire bible, like the grand week, God's law and the Holy Spirit.

The two witnesses are found in the 7 trumpets, they operate within the 144000 until trumpet 6. The
power given to the Two Witnesses for 1260 days, is the power given to the 144000 for 1260 days, this is
why the two witnesses are killed and lie dead for three days and taken to heaven, it is not actually the
Two Witnesses that are killed, but the 144000. The power of the Two Witnesses is the power of the
144000. The prophecy of the Two Witnesses is the prophecy of the 144000, this is like the lion of wings
and the head of gold, even though in this sense, the Two Witnesses are not the 144000, but the 144000
are (Two) Witnesses during the great tribulation. The two witnesses are eternal, but their influence will
be killed by the beast who rises from the bottomless pit, this is not Russia, it's Lucifer. He is the one who
will take the DAILY(intercession) SERVICE when he appears, he will lead many to their final decision
which is marking, while the Holy Spirit will be sealing, when this is accomplished, the son of God will
have no reason to intercede on behalf of men.

There's a fourth face of the living being in the 7 Trumpets, the face of the eagle, this is why just before
trumpet 5, John says I saw an eagle flying in the midair, saying woe three times. Three woes are the last
three trumpets. The eagle is the agent of God's wrath. The agent of the fourth seal that enables the 7
Trumpets and the 7 bowls.

Mathews 22:14 will be fulfilled after the 7 Trumpets

Today many believe the reason Jesus hasn't returned is because the gospel hasn't reached the entire
world, while that is part of the whole truth, God will make the world to listen, he will use the 7 Trumpets.
God knows that people will never listen until they're in a state of trouble, this has been continuously
proven in funerals and other humble gatherings, there is where the Word of God always had greater

There's a close of two probations in the seven trumpets, the first probation closes for earth as a planet,
that is the throwing down of the censor, the second probation closes for individuals during trumpet 7,
just after the 144000 finish their work, Jesus stands up from intercession, takes off His priestly garments
and puts on His kingly garments as written in Daniel 12, "and at that time shall Michael stand up". He
stands up during the time of the 7 bowls, everyone will be marked or sealed, no one to intercede for.

Religion is not ready to understand the matrix of apocalyptic prophecy and it pretends to, it is for
individuals to do this, prophecy is not for your church collectively, it's for you alone,thus it's
written:"blessed is the man who reads . . .". God has provided everything he can so that people may
understand, yet many look for what is believed by majority first, and follow it. To such, the Spirit of God
is unable to work, He works through those who have faith, these are people who can believe even
though things don't make sense at first, to these, more light is shed as time continues, light of truth rises
as the rise of the sun. Many think of deception every time they hear of, "the Spirit", it is true that many
uses the term to deceive, yet, it remains true that the Holy Spirit is the teacher of Saints in all ages.

Even within the SDA church many think they understand Ellen Whites writings, and yet, they don't. She
wrote much about prophecies that would not be accurately understood in her time, in many of her
books, Ellen White wrote of the appearance of lucifer, even though she didn't know it's the fifth trumpet,
Ellen White didn't know that the lamb like beast of Revelation 13 is the appearance of lucifer, but she
associated that beast with his coming. At some point she associated that beast with USA, which was a
common belief in her time, she saw many visions, yet, not everything she wrote was coming from these

In most of her books, Mrs White wrote of the coming of lucifer before Jesus returns, yet, most
Adventists will never point at a bible verse for this event, actually, they won't even teach about the
appearance of lucifer because it sounds like a fairy tale, a thing of the mad minds, yet, his coming is
written in many chapters of the bible, the following I will quote from the "LAST DAY EVENTS" chapter 11,
"satan's last days deception".
And she wrote: "It is the lying wonders of the devil that will take the world captive, and he will cause fire
to come down from heaven in the sight of men. He is to work miracles, and this wonderful, miracle-
working power is to sweep in the whole world.—Selected Messages 2:51 (1890). LDE 167.3

Satan will come in to deceive if possible the very elect. He claims to be Christ, and he is coming in,
pretending to be the great medical missionary. He will cause fire to come down from heaven in the sight
of men to prove that he is God.—Medical Ministry, 87, 88 (1903).

“He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of
men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to
do” (Revelation 13:13, 14). —The Great Controversy, 553 (1911). LDE 168.1

The only "king beast" who will call fire from heaven in our time is the second beast of revelation 13 who
is believed by many, to be USA. In the above quotes, Mrs White associates this beast with lucifer, not
USA. Mrs White saw the future from a distance, and some of her beliefs were influenced by the
Millerites. Her writings are not to be casted aside, for they shed light to the greater one that she said will
come, hers was greater in her time, compared to our time, she had a lesser light, because she was
honest, she proudly said this. It's not just Mrs White, all ancient prophets didn't accurately understand
future prophecies, this includes even Daniel and John, if these prophets were alive, they would gladly
agree. When you read the Bible, you will find that she was spot on, the second beast of Revelation 13 is
the appearance of lucifer. In fact, I don't understand why at some parts of her writings, she wrote that
this beast is USA, which many today, believe, except to say that some of her writings was influenced by
the general belief is f her days.

Ellen White wrote about evacuating the cities, she didn't know they will be destroyed by the seven
trumpets, but she saw the destruction. She saw many visions, she even wrote that people were coming,
who will present the gospel in bright colours. She even said she's a lesser light, that bright light was still
coming. Today people reject a bright light in her name, they even call it by names. Many today think
they're like Ellen White, whom after hearing a brighter truth by William Miller, she followed by faith,
many today would never do that. Ellen Whites writings were given solely for the PREPARATION of the
saints just before the end.
There's much in prophecy that can be revealed, yet, most needs to be confirmed first from scripture
before understood, for example, I didn't mention that the 144000 will be prophets, because it would
need a series of scriptures, which needs some serious time, as the writer of this tract, I regard myself
like this, I don't know everything, this is why God keeps on revealing. A mindset that "never knows"
keeps on learning, the one that "knows" shuts up any understanding that can be brought, and it shuts it
out in the name of dead prophets and deceptions, saying, "we are the guardians of truth", and we know
what is deception, yet the guardians of the eternal truth is the HOLY SPIRIT and God's LAW, the two
eternal witnesses. These are also present in the judgement room of Christ, for in the kingdom of heaven,
no one is put to death in the absence of the Two Witnesses, the Law reveals the deeds, the Spirit
searches the motives of the heart.

Most religions and people won't advance because they want to understand scriptures like their
someone else, especially like their dead prophets. The Jews followed Moses, they thought no one can
advance more than Moses, this is why they rejected Christ.

The Catholics followed the popes, they though no one can advance better than the popes, they them
killed many Waldenses and the reformers.

Protestantism thought none can advance than them, they called Millerites by names, even at some
point, calling them sabatarians. Lutherans follow Martin luther, they can't advance better than him.
Even though he was bright in his time, truth has advanced further from what he understood in his time.
Yet, those who read Martin Luther's writings, believe themselves to know all truth. His writings are not
to be casted aside, yet they just led to more truth that would come.

Jesus spoke of such people:

Luke 11:43 Woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye love the uppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings
in the markets.11:47 Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres(special expensive tombs) of the
prophets, and your fathers killed them.11:48 Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your
fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.11:49 Therefore also said the wisdom
of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:

The religious wicked class of all ages have always raised up dead prophets, and they crush and kill the
living prophets. In fact these are people who would hate any prophet, if they could have lived in their
time." According to them, the assurance of salvation is to work for a church, that means you are
approved of God, yet, the most profound of all prophets, worked without church's approval.

During the seven trumpets partial judgements, many will abandon their long held traditional faith, they
will follow the faith that has remained as simple as to say," in the beginning God created the HEAVENS
and the EARTH. These words even though remained so simple, they're so profound. During that time,
these words will himiliate religious leaders, scientists, politicians, kings, writers and more. Many will
realise that all sectors of advanced studies, these includes phylosophy, sciences, Astronomy,
Mathematics, etc. are just subject of these words.

The worst part, these words will be explained by child minded people who seems to just understand
what is happening, and these people, even though will not know each other, will explain the same thing
at almost the same time. Having lived a simple life of uplifting the Bible and the bible alone, they never
loaded their lives with burdens of libraries that never leads to the truth, they believed the word of God
as it stand, they allowed the Spirit of God to lead them into all truth, as a result, they studied what is
necessary at the right time, for it was Him who leads them.

2 Timothy 3:7

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

People will be . . .

always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.

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