Parts EMT104&104T 110278F
Parts EMT104&104T 110278F
Parts EMT104&104T 110278F
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise) without prior written approval of Melco Embroidery Systems. Melco reserves the right
to revise this publication and to make changes in it at any time without obligation of Melco to
notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.
All precautions have been taken to avoid errors or misrepresentations of facts, equipment, or
products. However, Melco does not assume any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by
errors or omissions.
Table Of Contents
Description Number
Description Number
X-Beam (2 of 3) 26-1
X-Beam (3 of 3) 27-1
Y-Drive Motor 28-1
Y-Drive 29-1
Z-Drive (1 of 2) 30-1
Z-Drive (2 of 2) 31-1
Z-Drive Mount 32-1
Encoder Plate 33-1
Left Y-Carriage 34-1
Y-Idler Pulley 35-1
Right Y-Carriage 36-1
Center Y-Carriage 37-1
Electronic Cage (1 of 2) 38-1
Electronic Cage (2 of 2) 39-1
Power Supply 40-1
Motor Amplifier 41-1
AC Power Distribution 42-1
Cap Frame Mounts 43-1
Harnesses (1 of 5) 44-1
Harnesses (2 of 5) 45-1
Harnesses (3 of 5) 46-1
Harnesses (4 of 5) 47-1
Harnesses (5 of 5) 48-1
Melco Cap Frame 49-1
Description Number
Some equipment built by Melco containing the same "common" name may be identified
by more than one model part number. In some cases, a different serial number sequence
is also prevalent between two models of the same machine.
Determine the model number of your machine before you use this manual to order parts.
The machine MODEL number is located on the label that is placed on the front of the
frame, under the table and to right side of the machine.
Remember, although many parts are identical between the various embroidery peripheral
models, this manual should only be used for identifying and ordering parts for the
machines described above.
The manual is divided into several sections, each containing a set of parts most common
to each other, or to a function of the machine.
Accompanying each section is a figure showing the general area of the machine that is
represented in that section. Parts are identified with letters and numbers in these figures.
Letters contained in circles generally are used to refer the user to a different figure or sec-
tion of the manual that identifies the assembly with more detail. Part numbers and part
identifications of the numbers inside circles are found on the pages adjacent to the figure.
Item Numbers
All the numbers in circles on a diagram are listed in the first column of the parts listing
accompanying that figure. Each item number in each figure is identified independently in
hopes to help prevent any confusion that may occur by trying to "cross-reference" part
Part Numbers
The Melco part number is found in the second column of the parts list, directly in line
with each item number from the first column.
Part Descriptions
Each part listed has a descriptive name in the third column of the parts listing. Hardware
(such as screws, washers, etc.) are described by size in order to help the user to identify
common hardware items that can be obtained by local sources if desired.
If care is not taken in handling certain parts of the sewing head, there is a high probability
that the sewing head will not function properly or the parts will fail prematurely.
These parts are to have special handling considerations from the vendor, through quality
control inspection, into spare parts inventories, then on to packaging for shipping, and
finally to installation.
Handling of these parts (and for that matter all parts), is not limited to the considerations
below. Please use common sense, good judgement, and accepted handling practices in
handling all parts. If you have any questions or concerns, please call your area service
General Considerations
* Painted and coated surfaces need to be protected from dirt, other foreign matter,
nicks, and scratches.
* Non-painted and coated surfaces must not be touched by the human hand, to pre-
vent corrosive body oils, dirt, and other foreign matter from contaminating the sur-
* Protect all bearings, bushings, cams, rails, gears, rollers, needle bars, pins, studs,
connecting rods, guide shafts, and other surface finishes from dirt, other foreign
matter, marring, scratches, and nicks, etc.
* Bearing surfaces and shaft bore surfaces need to be thoroughly cleaned and mat-
ing parts oiled before assembly.
Printed Circuit Boards
Printed circuit boards are packaged and shipped in anti static bags. The components of
the printed circuit boards are sensitive to static electrical discharges. The use of standard
anti static precautions is recommended.
Special Packaging
Several parts are packaged in specially sealed packages. These packages keep lubricant on
the parts and protect them from contamination during shipment. To install these parts,
clean your hands and place a small amount of sewing machine oil on your fingers to kept
the integrity of the part intact.
Hardware not listed can be found by identifying a related part and refering to that page.
Covers/Table Top (1 of 4)
Figure 1
Covers/Table Top (2 of 4)
Figure 2
Covers/Table Top (3 of 4)
Figure 3
Covers/Table Top (4 of 4)
Figure 4
Keyboard Panel
Figure 5
Start/Stop Panel
Figure 6
Fluorescent Lights
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Color Change
Figure 10
Thread Tree
Figure 11
Figure 12
Needle Case (1 of 2)
Figure 13
Needle Case (2 of 2)
Figure 14
Figure 15
Thread Tensioner
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Bobbin Idler
Figure 19
Figure 20
Grabber Blade
Figure 21
Grabber Motor
Figure 22
Figure 23
Trimmer Drive
Figure 24
X-Beam (1 of 3)
Figure 25
X-Beam (2 of 3)
Figure 26
X-Beam (3 of 3)
Figure 27
Y-Drive Motor
Figure 28
Figure 29
Z-Drive (1 of 2)
Figure 30
Z-Drive (2 of 2)
Figure 31
Z-Drive Mount
Figure 32
Encoder Plate
Figure 33
Left Y-Carriage
Figure 34
Y-Idler Pulley
Figure 35
Right Y-Carriage
Figure 36
Center Y-Carriage
Figure 37
Electronics Cage (1 of 2)
Figure 38
Electronics Cage (2 of 2)
Figure 39
Power Supply
Figure 40
Motor Amplifier
Figure 41
AC Power Distribution
Figure 42
Figure 43
Harnesses (1 of 5)
Figure 44
Harnesses (2 of 5)
Figure 45
Harnesses (3 of 5)
Figure 46
Harnesses (4 of 5)
Figure 47
Harnesses (5 of 5)
Figure 48
Figure 49
Figure 50
Figure 51
Figure 52
Note: *Used with Item 3 and supplied with the Wide-Angle Cap Frame
Figure 53
Figure 54
Figure 55
Figure 56
Figure 57
Figure 58
Note: *Used with Item 4 and supplied with the Wide-Angle Cap Frame
Figure 59
Sash Frame
Figure 60
Figure 61
Disk Drive
Figure 62
Hoop Interface
Figure 63
Figure 64
Bolt, Carriage, 1/4-20 x 3/4" ...................32-2 Bracket, Needle Plate .....................17-2, 23-2
Brace, Thread Tree ...................................11-2 Bracket, Rear, 21cm Hoop ....................... 61-2
Bracket, Bed, Cable .................................23-2 Bracket, Rear, 25cm Hoop ....................... 61-2
Bracket, Clamp, Left Hand .............54-2, 55-2 Bracket, Solenoid, Mounting ...................24-2
Bracket, Frame Holder, Gauge Set ...........51-2 Bracket, Support, Left Hand......................53-2
Bracket, Front, 25cm Hoop ......................61-2 Bracket, Support, Right Hand ..................53-2
Bracket, Motor Board Connector .............39-2 Bracket, Wire Loom ............................8-2, 9-2
Bushing, Base, Drive, Lever, Take-Up ........ 20-2 Cam, Trimmer ..........................................17-3
Bushing, Shaft, Needle Bar ......................18-2 Card Cage, Top Cover .............................39-2
Cable, E-Stop, Interface.................. 44-2, 47-2 Circuit Breaker, Lights .....................42-2, 47-2
Cable, Ethernet, Network, Interface .........46-2 Circuit Breaker, On/Off, 8A .............42-2, 47-2
Cable, Floppy Drive ........................ 46-2, 48-2 Clamp, 2-Piece, 18mm Bore ....................29-2
Cable, Ground, Braided.................... 9-2, 13-2 Clamp, Cable, Nylon, 1/8” ID, Black ........ 26-2
Cable, Ground, Pan, 4.75” ...................... 16-2 Clamp, Cable, Nylon, 3/16” ID, Black .........9-2
Cable, Input Power ..................................47-2 Clamp, Cable, Nylon, Black, 1/2” ID ........ 62-2
Cable, Low Voltage ...............40-2, 44-2, 46-2 Clamp, Cable, X-Axis .................................1-2
Cable, Thread/Color Change ..........46-2, 47-2 Clamp, Hold Down, Left Hand .......54-2, 55-2
Cable, X Y Z Command ...........................45-2 Clamp, Hold Down, Right Hand .............. 54-2
Cable, XYZ Command .............................46-2 Clamp, Needle Case Linkage ..............8-2, 9-2
Illustrated Parts Manual for the EMT 10/4 Index
Clip Border Frame, 220mm ......................60-2 Cover, Disk Drive, Top ..............................62-2
Clip, Border Frame, 300mm..................... 60-2 Cover, Drive, Color Change, Left ................8-2
Clip, Cap Frame .......................................56-2 Cover, Drive, Color Change, Right .............8-2
Clip, Fixing, Drive Arm .............................23-2 Cover, Front, Arm, Left ............................15-2
Clip, Roller, Assembly ............54-2, 55-2, 59-2 Cover, Front, Arm, Right ..........................15-2
Cover, Under Bed ......................................3-2 Fixture, Set, Light, Fluorescent ................... 7-2
Cover, X-Drive Mounting, Center ...............2-2 Flange, Pair, Bearing, Z-Drive ................... 32-2
Cover, Y-Drive Mounting, Right .................2-2 Frame, Base, w/Castors, Assembly ............42-2
Cover, Z-Drive Motor .................................3-2
Frame, Lower, w/Rubber, 6-Panel .............49-2
Cover, Z-Shaft, 16.69" ............................30-2
Frame, Movable, Machined .....................24-2
Cylinder, Drive Ring ........................54-2, 55-2
Fuse, 1/2A, 5 x 20mm, TD ........................40-2
Cylinder, Gauge....................................... 59-2
Fuse, 10A, 5 x 20mm, Fast .......................40-2
Fuse, 100mA, 5 x 20mm, TD ....................40-2
Damper, Needle Case ..............................14-2
Fuse, 50mA, 5 x 20mm, TD ......................40-2
Damper, Needle Clamp ............................14-2
Fuse, 10A, 125V, 5mm x 20mm ..............42-2
Damper, Spacer Cover ...............................1-2
Fuse, 5A, 125V, 5mm x 20mm ................ 42-2
Diode, Bridge ..........................................41-2
Disk Drive, Floppy, 1.44MB ...................... 62-2
Gauge, Cap Frame, Weldment ................51-2
Disk, Indicator, Headup ............................30-2
Gear, Drive, Lever, Take-Up ......................20-2
Disk, Plastic .............................................16-2
Gearbox, Assembly, PHII, Grey .................12-2
Disk, Pretensioner ....................................16-2
Grommet Strip ...........................................8-2
Disk, Tensioner, Thread, Assembly ............16-2
Grommet, 7/16"...................................... 62-2
Grommet, Round, .125” ID x .343” OD
Enclosure, Power Supply ..........................40-2 x 1/16” Groove .......................................26-2
Encoder, Motor, 1000 Line .......................28-2 Grommet, Rubber ......................................1-2
Encoder, Z-Axis ........................................33-2 Guard, Z-Drive ...........................................3-2
F Guide, Grabber .......................................21-2
Felt, Needle Case .....................................14-2
Guide, Long Carriage Block .....................25-2
Illustrated Parts Manual for the EMT 10/4 Index
Guide, Long Carriage Block, Threaded .....25-2 Hinge, Cap Frame.................................... 56-2
Guide, Thread, Thread Tree ................8-2, 9-2 Hoop, 25cm, w/Arms .............................. 61-2
Guide, Thread, Upper, Assembly.............. 16-2 Hoop, Oval, 44cm x 30cm ....................... 64-2
Harness, Keyboard/Display ....46-2, 47-2, 48-2 Key, Shaft, 6mm x 6mm x 32mm ............43-2
Knob, Knurled, M5, Black ..............43-2, 50-2 Motor, X-Y Servo .....................................10-2
Knob, Tensioner, Black, Assembly ............16-2 Motor, Y-Rack, Assembly ................45-2, 48-2
Lens, Push Button, Black, Stop................... 6-2 Mount, Dove Tail, Cap Frame ..................43-2
Lens, Push Button, Gray, Frame .................6-2 Mount, Drive Ring ...................................50-2
Lens, Push Button, White, Start .................6-2 Mount, Front, Drive Ring .........................52-2
Locator, Brim, Cap Frame ........................56-2 Mount, Motor, Grabber, Threaded........... 22-2
Locator, Fixed Interface, Pin Type .............63-2 Mount, w/Bearing ................................... 21-2
Pulley, Adjustable, Top, 32T, 1/5P .............17-2 Roller, Movable, Frame ............................24-2
Pulley, Motor, Y-Axis ................................28-2 Screw, Shoulder, 4-40 x 1/8" OD x 1/8" ..23-2
Resistor, Load, Computer Power Supply... 40-2 Set, Cover, Rotary Hook .....................8-2, 9-2
Illustrated Parts Manual for the EMT 10/4 Index
Shaft, Cam, Color Change ...................... 10-2 Spacer, .401” ID x .75” OD x .015” Thick,
Stainless Steel ............................................2-2
Shaft, Cap Frame .....................................50-2
Spacer, Drive 26-2
Shaft, Drive Ring ......................................52-2
Spacer, Interface, Wide Angle
Shaft, Drive, Lever, Take-Up .....................20-2 Cap Frame ...............................................58-2
Shaft, Drive, Y-Axis ..................................29-2 Spacer, Nylon, .14” ID x .25” OD
Shaft, Drive, Z-Axis ..................................30-2 x .75” ......................................................53-2
Shaft, Frame Holder, Gauge Set............... 51-2 Spacer, Nylon, .140” ID x .250” OD
x .375” ....................................................17-3
Shaft, Guide, Drive Ring .......................... 52-2
Spacer, Precision, .313" ID
Shaft, Guide, Needle Bar .........................18-2 x .010" Thick ...........................................14-2
Shaft, Roller, Movable Frame ....................24-2 Spacer, Shaft, 1/4" ID x .002" Thick ........14-2
Shaft, Take-Up Lever ................................14-2 Spacer, Shaft, 1/4" ID x .004" Thick ........14-2
Spring, Extension, .125” OD x 1.75”....... 63-2 Strap, Clamping, 72mm, 6-Panel .............49-2
Spring, Holding, Needle Bar .....................14-2 Strap, Clamping, 82mm, 6-Panel .............49-2
Sprocket, 1/5P, 13T, .562" x .281" ..........22-2 Support, Cap, Large, Machined ...............53-2
Transformer, Power, 1200VA, 110VAC .....42-2 Wrench, L-Hex, 3mm, Short Arm .............58-2
Velcro, Wiper, Pile, Flared ........................14-2