RAWS Reviewer 2
RAWS Reviewer 2
RAWS Reviewer 2
• provides a format in which ideas can be arranged in a hierarchy – that is, it distinguishes the
general ideas from the specific or subordinating ideas.
It is important for the parts of a written text to be connected together. Another word for this is cohesion.
This word comes from the verb cohere, which means 'to stick together'. Cohesion is therefore related to
ensuring that the words and sentences you use stick together.
relates to the micro level of the text, i.e. the words and sentences and how they join together
relates to the organization and connection of ideas and whether they can be understood by the reader,
and as such is concerned with the macro level features of a text, such as topic sentences, thesis
statement, the summary in the concluding paragraph and other 'bigger' features including headings
such as those used in reports.
- can be improved by using an outline before writing (or a reverse outline, which is an outline
written after the writing is finished), to check that the ideas are logical and well organised.
Asking a peer to check the writing to see if it makes sense, i.e. peer feedback, is another way to
help improve coherence in your writing.
Proper Mechanics
refers to the conventions of writing which include capitalization, punctuation, spelling, numerals,
abbreviations, and acronyms.
•the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the same language.
•analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such as root words and affixes.
•the smallest grammatical unit in a language
2. BOUND MORPHEME – a word element attached to a root word (the main part of a word) to give
it another meaning. It cannot function independently as a word.
Examples: affixes (prefixes and suffixes)
•a morpheme that is attached to a root word to form a new word. (Prefix and Suffix)
Inflectional Suffixes
•modify the grammatical class of words by signaling a change in number, tense, degrees of comparison,
and so on, but they do not shift the base form into another world class.
Derivational Suffixes
•modify either the part of speech or the actual meaning of a word.
Compound Words
•combination of two different words
Compound Words
• back + ward = backward (towards the reverse
• book + shelf = bookshelf (storage of books)
• full + moon = full moon (a moon appearing as a bright circle)
• six + pack = six-pack (often in reference to a pack of drinks)
Context Clues
•are words, phrases and sentences that surround an unfamiliar word and help you recognize the
meaning of an unknown word.
•used when the text has words or phrases that are similar in meaning to the unknown word.
• words that reveal the opposite meaning in relation to the unknown word.
• are specific details in a text that are used to clarify the meaning of a word.
•words or phrases that explain the unfamiliar word’s meaning.
•is identified by the use of “like,” “as,” “similar to” and the like. They compare dissimilar objects that
share certain characteristics.
•When he walked into the room, the entire audience looked up, like flowers turning towards the sun.
•His headache was as painful as a root canal without the benefit of laughing gas.
•directly refers to the object being described as being or previously being the object it is compared or
connected to.
•The boom of his voice, all thunder and lightning, echoed through the entire hall.
•The dog was a jack-in-the-box, trying to jump up on the visitors
Essential Learning
A text is a connected discourse, which means that all ideas in the text must be related in the sense that
they would express only one main idea, or that the text must have unity by combining all ideas to
emphasize central idea.