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Zeal Polytechnic, Pune.: Third Year (Ty) Diploma in Civil Engineering Scheme: I Semester: V

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Subject Code: 22503



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Scheme – I
Sample Question Paper

Program Name : Civil Engineering Program Group

Program Code : CE/CR/CS
Semester : Fifth 22503
Course Title : Estimating and Costing
Max. Marks : 70 Time: 3 Hours

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FIVE of the following. 10 Marks

a) State the necessity of Administrative Approval and Technical Sanction.
b) State the circumstances under which Revised and Supplementary Estimate is prepared.
c) Mention the unit of measurement for i) Skirting up to 150 mm height ii) Partition wall
100mm thick iii)Hand Railing iv)Woodwork for door frame.
d) State the data required for detailed estimate.
e) State four factors which affects rate analysis.
f) List four relevant software’s for preparing estimate.
g) State the most accurate method for calculation of earthwork.

Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

a) Explain the role and responsibility of estimator.
b) Prepare a check list of items of work in chronological order for construction of load
bearing structure.
c) Explain the rules for deduction of opening in masonry and plastering work as per
d) Prepare approximate estimate of a building from following data
i) Plinth area -- 180sqm.
ii) Plinth area rate -- Rs.3500/sqm.
iii) Special architectural treatment--1% of cost of building
iv)Electrification charges--8% of cost of building
v) Water supply and sanitary installation—5% of cost of building
vi)Contingencies—3% of cost of building
vii) Supervisor charges--3% of cost of building

Q.3) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

a) Describe the procedure of preparing approximate estimate for road project.
b) Explain the data required for preparation of detailed estimate..

c) Describe the long wall and short wall method of estimating with suitable example.
d) Fig no. 1 shows details of RCC column and footing. Work out the quantity of steel in
footing on the basis of % steel.

Q.4) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

a) Calculate the quantity of concrete in slab and chhajja on windows from fig. no2.

b) Calculate the quantity of UCR masonry in C.M.1:6 in foundation and plinth. from fig.
c) A simply supported beam resting on two wall supports of 300mm thick with clear
distance between supports 4500mm. The reinforcement provided in the beam is as
follows. Calculate quantity of steel in beam.
Top bar Bottom bar Bent up bar Stirrup
2Nos-10 ø 3Nos-12 ø 2Nos-16 ø 8 ø @150 c/c

d) Calculate the quantity of earthwork for bank of canal from following data.
i) Top width: 1.8m. ii) R.L. of top of bank: 104.00m
iii) Side slope 2:1 on one side & 2.5:1 on other side
Chainage 30 60 90 120 150
Ground 101.50 101.30 101.150 101.00 99.00

e) Define task work and state the factors affecting task work.

Q.5) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks

a) Calculate the quantity of following items in respect of underground tank. Refer
i)Earthwork in excavation
ii) P.C.C bed concrete 1:4:8
iii) BB masonry in C.M.1:6
iv) Internal cement plaster in C.M.1:6

b) Prepare the rate analysis for R.C.C slab in C.C.1:1.5:3.

c) A R.C.C. roof slab of overall size 6100mmX3300 mm and thickness 120 mm is
provided with 12 mm diameter main bars bent up alternately and placed at 150mm c/c.
The distribution bar of 8mm diameter is provided at 200mm c/c. The all-round cover
is 15mm. Workout the quantity of plain steel. Prepare the bar bending schedule.

Q.6) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks

a) Calculate the quantity of cement and sand for following.
i) 35 cum. of P.C.C. in 1:3:6
ii) 180 sqm of cement plaster 20mm thick in C.M. 1:4
b) The formation level at starting chainage of a road is 530.00m. The road surface has
rising gradient of 1in 100. The side slopes are 2:1 for embankment and 1.5:1 for
cutting. Work out the quantity of earthwork for road using following data .
Chainage 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
R.L.of 535.0 534.0 534.6 532.0 534.0 535.5 534.0 532.0 531.50
Use mean sectional area method

c) Work out the quantity of earthwork in hearting and casing for earthen dam from
fig.no.4 using following data.
Chainage 50 100
Ground Level 102.30 109.00


Scheme – I
Sample Test Paper

Program Name : Civil Engineering Program Group

Program Code : CE/CR/CS
Semester : Fifth 22503
Course Title : Estimating and Costing
Max. Marks : 20 Time: 1 Hours

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FOUR of the following. 08 Marks

a) Prepare checklist of items of work for framed structure.
b) Rule out measurement sheet and abstract sheet.
c) State the unit of measurement for following
i) Tile flooring ii) Barbed wire fencing iii) Formwork iv) W/C pan.
d) List the types of detailed estimate .State the methods of approximate estimate
e) State service units for Hospital building, Theatre, school and auditorium.
f) Define contingencies and work charged establishment along with their %.

Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

a) Explain the rules for deduction in masonry and plastering work.
b) Prepare the approximate estimate of residential building having plinth area 900sqm. If
the cost of construction of similar existing structure in locality is Rs.7200000 for
plinth area of 1200sqm.
c) Fig. No.1 shows the line plan and section of a wall of small building. Work out the
quantity of UCR masonry in foundation and plinth using centerline method
d) Refer Fig.No.1. Calculate quantity of BB masonry in C.M. 1:4 using long wall and
short wall method
e) Refer Fig.No.1. Calculate quantity of concrete in slab and lintel on doors and


Scheme – I
Sample Test Paper
Program Name : Civil Engineering Program Group
Program Code : CE/CR/CS
Course Title
: Fifth
: Estimating and Costing
Max. Marks : 20 Time: 1 Hours

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FOUR of the following. 08 Marks

a) Define centage charges with its provision.
b) Define Prime Cost and provisional sum.
c) Rule out format for bar bending schedule.
d) State four factors affecting rate analysis.
e) Define task work.
f) List four types of software for detailed estimate.

Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

a) A R.C.C.slab of overall size 6600mm x3300mm having thickness 150mm reinforced
with 12mm diameter main bars bent up alternately and placed @150mm c/c. The
distribution bar of 8mm dia. Is provided @ 200mm c/c. Assume all-round cover
15mm .Find quantity of steel in slab
b) Prepare the face sheet for the detailed estimate of residential building with following
i) Construction cost of building - Rs.12,60,500.
ii) Contingencies - 4%
iii) Work charged establishment - 2%
iv) Electrification - 8%
v) Water supply and sanitation - 10%
c) Describe the procedure of rate analysis of an item of work with example.
d) Calculate the quantity of cement and sand for 35 cum P.C.C .1:4:8
e) Calculate quantity of earthwork for a road with following data
i)Formation width .- 10.0m
ii) Slope in cutting - 1.5:1
iii)Slope in banking - 2:1

Chainage 0 50 100 150 200

Ground Level 500.00 499.30 498.45 494.9 494.5
Formation Level 496.5 496.0 496.5 495.00 494.50

3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) State mode of measurement for following items of work as per
I.S.1200 -
(i) Inspection chamber
(ii) Ironwork in truss
(iii) Timbering of trenches,
(iv) PCC in foundation.
b) State any four purposes of preparing approximate estimate.
c) Define
(i) Administrative approval
(ii) Technical sanction
d) State the meaning of work charged establishment and give its
general percentage.

22503 [2]
e) Define
(i) Lead and
(ii) Lift
f) Suggest the method of approximate costing for -
(i) Steel bridges
(ii) Highway and Roads
(iii) RCC Retaining Wall
(iv) Irrigation Canal
g) Draw section of two legged stirrup and state formula for
finding total length of stirrup.

2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) State the rules of deduction in plastering as per I.S. 1200.
b) State and explain data required for preparing detailed estimate.
c) Prepare approximate estimate for a Government office building
having -
(i) Total No. of rooms = 14
(ii) Area of each room = 60 Sq. M and
(iii) Area of other facilities = 150 Sq. M.
Similar office building with similar specifications and having
built up area = 1100 Sq. M. was constructed at Rs. 3.55 Crores.
d) State the desired accuracy in taking measurements of items of
works as per I.S. 1200.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Prepare a preliminary estimate of a building project with a
total plinth area of all building of 1400 Sq. M.
(i) Plinth area rate = Rs. 3800/- per Sq. M.
(ii) Special architectural treatment = 1.5% of the building cost.
(iii) Water supply and sanitary installations = 5% of the
building cost.
22503 [3]
(iv) Internal installations = 14% of building cost.
(v) Other services = 6% of the building cost.
(vi) Contingencies = 3%
(vii) Supervision charges = 8%
b) Explain the term - 'Spot items' and give any two examples of it.
c) Destinguish between Long Wall - Short Wall method and centre
line method (any- four points of differences)
d) For a RCC framed structure, there are six columns of
size 230 x 300 mm and length of column 3.60 m each.
Work out the total approximate quantity of steel required for
all columns.

4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Calculate the quantity of excavation for foundation for structure
shown in Figure No. 1.
b) Calculate the quantity of BBM in CM 1:6 for structure shown
in Figure No. 1

Fig. No. 1 P.T.O.

22503 [4]

c) Explain the following terms in brief

(i) Contingencies
(ii) Provisional Sum
d) Describe the general procedure of carrying out rate analysis.
e) Calculate the volume of earthwork for a proposed road having
formation width 10 m and side slopes 2:1 using mid sectional
area method. Assume formation level as 115.50 m with no
longitudinal slope.
Chainage 400 420 440 460 480 500
G.L. (m) 111.50 111.60 111.85 111.45 111.20 110.90

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Figure No. 2 shows c/s of a square RCC column footing.
Work out the quantities of following items-

Fig. No. 2
(i) Concrete M20 in footing and
(ii) Quantity of steel in footing
22503 [5]
b) Workout the quantities of plainsteel for the beam in following
and prepare bar bending schedule-
(i) Overall length of beam - 4m long
(ii) Main bars - Total 04 Nos of 12mm dia, out of which,
02 bent up.
(iii) Size of beam - 230mm x 300mm
(iv) Anchor bars - 02 Nos. of 10mm dia.
(v) Stirrups - 6mm dia. at 150 mm c/c
c) Prepare rate analysis for 12mm plaster in CM 1:4

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Calculate the quantities of materials required for -
(i) 60 Cu.M. Brick masonry in CM (1:6)
(ii) 100 Sq. M Pointing in CM (1:3)
b) Calculate the quantity of excavation in standard measurement
sheet with brief description of item for community well shown
in Figure No. 3.

Fig. No. 3
c) Calculate the quantity of U.C.R. masonry and ring beam concrete
M20 for above community well as shown in Figure No. 3.
(ISO/IEC -270001 – 2005 certified)


Subject code: 22503 Model Answer Page No: 01/

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by keywords and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess
the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language error such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance. (Not
applicable for subject English and communication skill).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure.
The figure drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In the some cases, the assumed constant
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answer and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidates understanding.

7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

Q. Sub Question and Model Answers Marks

No. Q.
1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10
a) State mode of measurement for following items of work as per I.S. 1200
i. Inspection chamber ---------- Numbers (Nos.)
1/2 M
ii. Ironwork in truss ------------- Kg or Quintal or Tone
iii. Timbering of trenches -------- Square meter / m2
iv. PCC in foundation ------------ Cubic meter / m3

b) State any four purposes of preparing approximate estimate

1. To give the rough idea of probable expenditure in short time without
calculating the actual quantities, from the cost of similar structure
having similar specification, construction & locality. 1/2 M
2. In case of Government & public bodies, for sanctioning of the each
expenditure required for the project in the form of Administrative (for
approval. any
3. In case of commercial projects to study the cost-benefit ratio. If it is four)
justified the project is carried out.
4. For BOT/PPP Systems approximate estimates plays important role for
decision making & for preparation of Feasibility Report of Project
1|Page Winter-2019 EAC-22503
5. For framing Tax Schedule & Insurance requirement.
6. For buying & sailing and Rent Fixation.
C) Define i) Administrative approval ii) Technical Sanction:-
i) Administrative approval:-
It is the permission given by the highest authority of the user department for
the execution of proposed project on the basis of approximate estimate of the
ii) Technical Sanction:-
It is the sanction given by the highest authority of the executive department to 1M
the detailed estimate of th proposed project prepared by executive division. each
d) State the meaning of work charged establishment and give its general
The work charge establishment are the establishment which is directly 1M
connected with work.
During the construction of a project/work some supervisory staff such as
supervisors, watchman, store clerk etc. are appointed on temporary basis.
To meet this expenditure a provision is made in the estimate of every work,
which is known as work charged establishment.
It is about 2 to 2.5 % of the estimated cost of the work 1M

e) Define i) Lead ii) Lift

The horizontal distance between the trench pit and the place where excavated
earth is placed is called as lead. Generally standard lead is taken 30 m
It is the vertical distance between point of excavation and point of disposal. .
Generally standard lead is taken 1.5m
f) Suggest the method of approximate costing for
i. Steel bridge :- Typical bay method
1/2 M
ii. Highway an Roads :- Service unit method
iii. RCC Retaining Wall :- Service unit method or Approximate
quantity method
iv. Irrigation Canal ;- Service unit method
g) Draw section of two legged stirrup and state formula for finding total
length of stirrup


a=A-(2 X Cover)

Total length of stirrup = 2 x ( a+ b ) + 24 x d

where, d = diameter of stirrup
2|Page Winter-2019 EAC-22503
2 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 M
a) State the rules for deduction of plaster works as per IS 1200.
i. No deduction is made for ends of beams, posts, rafters, purlins etc.
ii. No deduction is made for opening up to 0.5 sq. m. and no addition
is made for jambs, soffits, and sills of these openings. 1M
iii. For opening more than o.5 sq. m. and up to 3 sq. m. deduction is each
made for one face only. No addition for jambs, soffits, and sills of
these openings.
iv. For opening above 3 sq. m. deduction is made for both faces of
openings and the jambs, soffits, and sills shall be added.
b) State & explain data required for preparing detailed estimate
i. Drawing: Quantities of various items are calculated on the basis of given
ii. Specification: Specification gives description of material to be used, mode 1M
of execution quality of work etc. The rates are varies according to each
iii. Rates: The rates of various materials used in the construction and the wages
of different categories of labour should be available for preparing estimate.
iv. Modes of measurement: Mode of measurement for different item of work
are taken with reference to IS 1200.
C) Prepare approximate estimate for a Government office building with
given data
Total area of rooms = area of each room x no. of rooms
= 60 x 14 1M
= 840 Sq.M.

Area of other facilities = 150 Sq.M.

Total area = area of rooms + Area of other facilities

= 840 + 150
= 990 Sq.M. 1M

Cost of construction of existing similar office

Built up area rate = --------------------------------------------------------------
Built up area of existing similar office

Built up area rate = --------------------------------------------------------------

Built up area rate = 32272.727 Rs. / Sq.M 1M

Approximate estimate = Total area x Built up area rate

= 990 x 32272.727
= 31950000
= 3.195 Crores

Approximate estimate for a Government office building = Rs. 3.195 Crores 1M

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d) State the desired accuracy in taking measurements of items of works as
per IS : 1200
To achieve the desired accuracy in measurements, following points must be
A) Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01m except
a) Thickness of slab measured nearest to 0.005m 2M
b) Wood work is to be measured nearest to 0.002m
c) Reinforcement , to the nearest 0.005m
d) Thickness of roadwork less than 200mm is measured nearest to
B) The tolerances in measurements are
a) For volumes ----- 0.01 cu.m
b) For areas -------------0.01 sq.m 2M
c) For lengths ---------- 0.01 rmt
d) For weights ----------0.001 ton or 1kg.
Fraction less than one half is neglected..
Fraction equal to one half or more than one half is considered
3 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Prepare preliminary estimate of a building project with a total plinth area
of all building of 1400 Sq. M.
i) Plinth area rate = Rs. 3800/- per Sq. M.
(ii) Special architectural treatment = 1.5% of the building cost.
(iii) Water supply and sanitary installations = 5% of the building cost.
(iv) Internal installations = 14% of building cost.
(v) Other services = 6% of the building cost.
(vi) Contingencies = 3%
(vii) Supervision charges = 8%
Preliminary Estimate of a building –
Building Cost = Plinth area x Plinth area rate
= 1400 x 3800 1/2 M
= Rs.5320000/-
Add for
1) Special Architectural treatment (1.5%) = 1.5/100 x 5320000
= Rs.79800/-
2) Water supply and sanitary installations (5%) = 5/100 x 5320000
= Rs.266000/- 2M
3) Internal installations (14%) = 14/100 x 5320000
= Rs.744800/-
4) Other Services (6%) = 6/100 x 5320000
= Rs.319200/-
Total Cost = Building Cost + ∑(𝑆𝑟. 𝑁𝑜. 1 𝑡𝑜 4)
= 5320000 + (79800 + 266000 + 744800 + 319200)
= Rs.6729800/-
Add (i) Contingencies (3%) = 3/100 x 6729800 = Rs. 201894/-
1/2 M
(ii) Supervision Charges (8%) = 8/100 x 6729800 = Rs. 538384/-
1/2 M
Grand Total or Estimated cost of the building = 6729800 + 201894 + 538384
= Rs.74,70,078/- 1/2 M

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b) Explain the term – ‘Spot items’ and give any two examples of it.

Spot items – These are certain items, for which it is not possible for the estimator 01 M
to fix an amount without seeing and studying them in detail. Such items are
known as spot items.
Estimate of spot items can be prepared only after inspection and taking detailed 01 M
measurements at site.
Examples –
1) Construction of an opening in existing wall. 01 M
2) Demolishing existing structure. EACH
3) Connecting an old building with new building. (for
4) Dewatering of trenches. any

c) Distinguish between Long Wall – Short Wall method and centre line method.
(any four points of differences)

Sr. Long wall-Short wall Method Centre line method
1) In this method structure is divided In this method structure is not
into long walls and short walls. divided into any category but
treated as a whole.
2) Centre to centre distance for long Total centre line length is to be
walls and short walls are to be calculated.
calculated. 1M
3) No consideration is given to the no. Due consideration is given to no. each
of junctions. of junctions. (for
4) Calculations by this method are Calculations in this method are less any
lengthy. and easy. four)
5) This method is used for calculating This method is suitable for
quantities of any type of building. calculating quantities of
rectangular, circular and polygonal
6) It is more accurate when there are When there are more no. of
more no. of junctions. junctions and varying widths,
method may create confusion.
7) Total Quantity of item = (No. x Total Quantity of item = Net centre
length of long wall x width x line length x width x height
height ) + (No. x length of short
wall x width x height )
d) For a RCC framed structure, there are six columns of size 230 x 300 mm and
length of column 3.60 m each. Work out the total approximate quantity of
steel required for all columns.

Given- Size of column = 230 x 300 mm 01 M
Length of column = 3.60 m
No. of columns = 6
Volume of concrete columns = No. of columns x Volume of one column 01 M
= 6 x (0.23 x 0.30 x 3.60)
= 1.4904 Cu.M 02 M
Assume approximate quantity of steel = 1%

5|Page Winter-2019 EAC-22503

Quantity of Steel = 1/100 x 1.4904 x 7850
= 116.9964 kg. Say 117 kg
= 0.117 Tonne
Note :- Students may assume different approximate quantity of steel
4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Calculate the quantity of excavation for foundation for structure shown in
Figure No. 1.

S1 S2 S1

L 1

By long wall and short wall method:
C/c distance for Long walls L1 = 4.5 + 0.3 = 4.8 m (04 Nos.)
C/c distance for Short walls S1 = 3.0 + 0.3 = 3.3 m (04 Nos.) 01 M
S2 = 2.5 + 0.3 = 2.8 m (02 No.)

Measurement Sheet

Sr. Description of Item No Lengt Bread Ht. or Quantit Total

No h (m) th (m) dep (m) y Quantity
1) Excavation for
L1= 4.80+0.90= 5.70m 4 5.70 0.90 1.15 23.598
03 M
S1= 3.30-0.90= 2.40m 4 2.40 0.90 1.15 9.936 37.467
S2= 2.80-0.90= 1.90m 2 1.90 0.90 1.15 3.933 CuM
By Centre Line method: OR
Total centre line length = 4(4.50+0.30) + 4(3.00+0.30) + 2(2.5+0.30)
= 38.00 m
No. of junctions = 4
01 M
Length = (Total centre line length -1/2 x no. of junctions x width at corresponding

Measurement Sheet
Sr. Description of Item No Lengt Bread Ht. or Quantit Total
No h (m) th (m) dep (m) y Quantity
1) Excavation for
foundation 03 M
6|Page Winter-2019 EAC-22503
Net centre line length 1 36.20 0.90 1.15 37.467
= 38 – 1/2x4x0.90 37.467
= 36.20m CuM

b) Calculate the quantity of B.B.M. in CM 1:6 for structure shown in Figure No.
By long wall and short wall method:
C/c distance for Long walls L1 = 4.5 + 0.3 = 4.8 m (04 Nos.) 01 M
C/c distance for Short walls S1 = 3.0 + 0.3 = 3.3 m (04 Nos.)
S2 = 2.5 + 0.3 = 2.8 m (02 No.)

Measurement Sheet
Sr. Description of Item No Lengt Bread Ht. or Quantit Total
No h (m) th (m) dep (m) y Quantity
1) Construction of BBM in
L1= 4.80+0.30= 5.10m 4 5.10 0.30 3.00 18.36
S1= 3.30-0.30= 3.00m 4 3.00 0.30 3.00 10.80 03 M
S2= 2.80-0.30= 2.50m 2 2.50 0.30 3.00 4.50
Deductions for
Door 2 1.00 0.30 2.10 1.26
Opening 1 0.90 0.30 2.00 0.54 29.34
Window 5 1.20 0.30 1.40 2.52 CuM

By Centre Line method:
Total centre line length = 4(4.50+0.30) + 4(3.00+0.30) + 2(2.5+0.30) 01M
= 38.00 m
No. of junctions = 4
Length = (Total centre line length -1/2 x no. of junctions x width at corresponding

Measurement Sheet
Sr. Description of Item No Lengt Bread Ht. or Quantit Total
No h (m) th (m) dep (m) y Quantity
1) Construction of BBM in 03 M
Net centre line length 1 36.20 0.30 3.00 33.66
= 38 – 1/2x4x0.30
= 36.20m
Deductions for
Door 2 1.00 0.30 2.10 1.26
Opening 1 0.90 0.30 2.00 0.54 29.34
Window 5 1.20 0.30 1.40 2.52 CuM

c) Explain the following terms in brief

(i) Contingencies
(ii) Provisional Sum

7|Page Winter-2019 EAC-22503

1) Contingencies – The miscellaneous incidental expenses which cannot
approximately be classified under any distinct sub head are called as 1M
Some items of work might have been omitted from the detailed estimate
due to oversight or some miscellaneous items do not form under any sub
head. To meet such expenses, provision of contingencies is done in 1M
detailed estimate. Normally it is 3 to 5% of estimated cost.
2) Provisional Sum - Provisional sum is an amount provided in the estimate
for some specialized work to be done by specialist firm. Whose details are
not known at the time of preparing estimate.
The work like installation of A.C, Lift etc. are comes under provisional
sum whose full information and details may not be known at the time of
preparing estimate. The amount paid to the contractor will not necessarily 1M
be the exact amount of provisional sum.

d) Describe the general procedure of carrying out rate analysis

Procedure to carry out rate analysis of any item:
Assume quantity of given item as per its mode of measurement.
1) Calculate the quantity of various materials and the quantity of various
types of labours with reference to their task work for completing the item.
2) Take lump-sum charges for tools & plants, sundries if any required. 1/2 M
3) Calculate Total cost of material & labours = cost of material + cost of x8
labours + charges of tools plants, etc. if any (for
4) Calculate water charges as 1.5% on Total cost of materials & labours. eight
5) Calculate Overall cost = Total cost of material & labours + water charges steps)
6) Calculate contractors profit as 10% on Overall cost.
7) Calculate Total cost of the item = overall cost + contractors profit.
8) Work out Rate per unit of item = Total cost of the item / assumed quantity
of item.

e) Calculate the volume of earthwork for a proposed road having formation

width 10 m and side slopes 2:1 using mid sectional area method. Assume
formation level as 115.50 m with no longitudinal slope.
Chainage 400 420 440 460 480 500
G.L. (m) 111.50 111.60 111.85 111.45 111.20 110.90
1) Formation width of road = B = 10 m
2) Formation level = 115.50 m
3) Side slope of both side 2 : 1 i.e. S = 2
4) No longitudinal slope.
5) Chainage interval or length of section = L = 20m

Earthwork Calculations
i) Depth of earthwork = Formation level – G.L.
Sr.No. G.L. F.L. Depth (F.L.-G.L.) Remark
400 111.50 115.50 4.00 Filling
420 111.60 115.50 3.90 Filling 01
440 111.85 115.50 3.65 Filling
460 111.45 115.50 4.05 Filling
480 111.20 115.50 4.30 Filling

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500 110.90 115.50 4.60 Filling

ii) By Mid sectional area method

Mean depth (dm) = (d1+d2)/2

Area of Rectangular Part = B.dm
Area of side triangles = Sdm2
Total Area A = Bdm + Sdm2
Volume of earthwork = Total area x Length of Section = A x L

Ch. Depth Mean A1= A2= Total Length Volume= (AL)

(d) m depth Bdm Sdm2 Area of
(dm) (A1+A2) Section Filling Cutting
m (L)
400 4.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
420 3.90 3.950 39.50 31.205 70.705 20 1414.10 --
440 3.65 3.775 37.75 28.501 66.251 20 1325.02 -- 02
460 4.05 3.850 38.50 29.645 68.145 20 1362.90 --
480 4.30 4.175 41.75 34.861 76.611 20 1532.22 --
500 4.60 4.450 44.50 39.605 84.105 20 1682.10 --
Total 7316.34 --

Volume of Earthwork = 7316.34 Cu.M 01

5 Attempt any TWO of following. 12a)

a) Figure No.2 shows c/s of a square RCC column footing. Work out the
quantity of following item


Quantity of bottom square part = L x B x H 1M

=1 x 1 x .15
= 0.15 m3
Area of bottom square A1 = L x B
= 1 x 1= 1m2
Area of top square A2 = L x B
= 0.33 x 0.33=0.109 m2
Mean area Am = (A1 + A2 )/2
= (1+0.109)/2
9|Page Winter-2019 EAC-22503
= 0.554
Total quantity of trapezoidal portion = h/6 (A1 + A2 + 4Am)
= 0.35/6 (1 + 0.109 + 4 x 0.554) 1M
= 0.193 m3
Total quantity of footing = volume of bottom square + volume of
= 0.15+0.193
= 0.343 m3 1M
1. Quantity of steel in footing

Assume cover (all round) = 50 mm

1) Length of main straight bar
L = ( l – cover) + 18d
= (1000 – 50 – 50 ) + 18 ( 10
= 1080 mm 1M
L = 1.080 m
Span – Clear cover
No of bars = +1

1000 −100
= +1
= 9 +1
= 10 Nos. 1M
2) Length of distribution bar
Same as main bar as footing is square footing and steel same in
both direction. So total bars = 20 Nos.
Sr Descript Shape of bar No Lengt Total Diam of Wt Kg/m Total
no ion h(M) length(m bar mm wt in
) kg
1 Main 20 1.080 21.6 10 0.62 13.40
total 13.40
b) Work out the quantity of plain steel for beam in following and prepare
bar bending schedule

i. Overall length of beam = 4m long

ii. Main Bars = Total 4 NOs of 12 mm dia out of which 2 bent up
iii. Size of Beam = 230mm X 300mm
iv. Anchor Bars = 2 NOs of 10 mm dia
v. Stirrups = 6 mm dia at 150 c/c

Assume clear cover on all sides = 25 mm.

10 | P a g e Winter-2019 EAC-22503
 Length of main bar
1. Length of bottom straight bar

L = TL – 2 x side cover + 2 x9ɸ calcul
= 4000 – 2 x 25 + 2 x 9 x 12 ations
2. Bent up bar

L = TL – 2 x side cover + 2 x 0.42 x d + 2 x

= 4000 – 2 x 25 + 2 x 0.42 x 250 + 2 x 9 x 12
= 4376 mm.

 Length of anchor bar

L = TL – 2 x side cover + 2
x 9ɸ
= 4000 – 2 x 25 + 2 x 9 x
 Length of stirrups

A = 230 – 2 x 25
= 180
B = 300 – 2 x 25
= 250
11 | P a g e Winter-2019 EAC-22503
L = 2 (A + B) + 24 d
= 2 (180 + 250) + 24 x 6
= 1004 mm
 Number of stirrups = TL – 2 x Clear cover +1
4000 −2 x 25
= +1
= 27.33 say 28 Nos
Sr Description Shape of bar No Length(M) Total Diam Wt Total
no length(m) of Kg/m wt in
bar kg
1 Main Bar 2 4.166 8.332 12 0.89 7.42 3M
bottom bar for
2 Main Bar 2 4.376 8.752 12 0.89 7.79
bent up
3 Anchor Bar 2 4.130 8.26 10 0.62 5.12

4 Stirrups 28 1.004 28.11 6 0.22 6.18

total 26.51

C) Prepare rate analysis for 12mm plaster in CM 1:4


Prepare rate analysis for 12mm plaster in CM 1:4

Assume Quantity (Area) of plaster = 100 m2

Wet Volume = Area x Thickness
= 100 x 0.012
= 1.20 m3
Add 30% to fill-up the joints 1/2 M
= 1.20x 1.30
= 1.56 m3
Material Calculation
Dry Volume = 25% more of wet volume
= 25/100 x (1.56)
= 1.95 m3
a) Volume of Cement = Dry Volume X Content of cement in
Sum of Mix Proportion

Volume of Cement = 1.95 x 1 = 0.390 cu.m

No. of Cement Bags = 0.390 = 11.143bags = approximately = 12 bags 1/2 M

12 | P a g e Winter-2019 EAC-22503
b) Volume of Sand = Dry Volume X Content of Sand in
Sum of Mix Proportion

Volume of Sand = 1.95 x 4 =1.560 cu.m

Note : Examiner should keep in mind that rates of materials and labours
differs from place to place and time to time, proportionate marks should be
given for following the correct procedure of preparing rate analysis

Sr Perticular Qty Rate per Amount

A Material
1 Cement 12 280 Bag 3360
2 Sand 1.56 1500 Cum 2340 2M
Total (A)
B Labour
1 Head Mason 0.5 600 Day 300
2 Mason 8 500 Day 4000
3 Male Mazdoor 8 300 Day 2400
4 Female Mazdoor 8 300 Day 2400
5 Bhisti 2 300 Day 600
6 Scaffolding L.S. 500
Total (B)
Total Cost of Material & Labour (C) = Total 15900
Add Water Charges @ 1.5% of Total Cost of 239
Material & Labour
Add Contractors Profit @ 10% of Overall Cost (E) 1590
Grand Total= Overall Cost+ Water Charges + 17729
Contractors Profit
Rate per Sqm = Grant total / Assumed area RS 180 per 1M
=17729/100=177.29 Sqm

6 Attempt any TWO of following 12

a) Calculate the quantities of material required for
i. 60 Cum Brick masonry in CM (1:6)
ii. 100 Sqm pointing in CM (1:3)

iii. 60 Cum Brick masonry in CM (1:6)
For Volume of Brick Masonry = 60m3
a) Dry Volume = 35% of volume of masonry
= 35 X 60 = 21 cu.m.

b.Volume of Cement = Dry Volume X Content of cement in proportion

Sum of Mix
13 | P a g e Winter-2019 EAC-22503
Volume of Cement = (21 x 1)/(1+6) = 3 cu. m
No. of Cement Bags = 3 /0.035= 85.71 bags
= 86
c.Volume of Sand = Dry Volume X Content of Sand in proportion
Sum of Mix Proportion
Volume of Sand = (21 x 6)/(1+6) = 18 cu. m

d) Number of Bricks
Size of one Brick = 19cm x 9cm x 9 cm
= 0.19m x 0.9m x 0.9m
Add thickness of Mortar through out = 1cm
Size of Brick with mortar = 0.2m x 0.1m x 0.1m
Number of Bricks = 60/(0.2x0.1x0.1) =30000 1M
Assume 5% wastages = (5 x 30000/100) + 25000 = 31500Nos.

ii ) 100 Sqm pointing in CM (1:3)

Thickness of pointing is 10 mm to 20 mm
Assume 15 mm thickness
Volume of mortar = 100 X 0.015
= 1.5 m3
Add 30% to fill-up the joints
= 1.50x 1.30
= 1.95 m3
Material Calculation
Dry Volume = 25% more of wet volume 1M
= 25/100 x (1.95)
= 2.44 m3
Volume of Cement = Dry Volume X Content of cement in proportion
Sum of Mix Proportion

Volume of Cement = 2.44 x 1 = 0.488 cu.m

1+4 1M
No. of Cement Bags = 0.488 = 13.94bags = approximately = 14 bags

c) Volume of Sand = Dry Volume X Content of Sand in

Sum of Mix Proportion

Volume of Sand = 2.44 x 4 =1.95 cu.m 1M

Note: - Students may assume different thickness of plastering and
different value for calculation of dry volume.

14 | P a g e Winter-2019 EAC-22503
b) Calculate the quantity of excavation in standard measurement sheet with
brief description of item of work for community well shown in fig

Sr No Item of work Nos length width Depth Quantity
Or Area in m2 in m In m3
1 Excavation in soft Soil
. Up to 1.5 m depth 1 ((π/4) x 7.32) =41.85 1.5 62.775

Up to 2.70 m depth 1 ((π/4) x 7.32) =41.85 1.2 50.22

Total quantity in soft soil 112.995 2M
2 Excavation in Hard murum
Up to depth 3.0 m 1 ((π/4) x 7.32) =41.85 0.3 12.555
Up to 4.5m depth 1 ((π/4) x 7.32) 41.85. 1.5 62.775
Up to 6.0m depth 1 ((π/4) x 7.3 ) =41.85
1.5 62.775
Up to depth 6.9 m 1 ((π/4) x 7.32) 41.85. 0.9 37.665
Total quantity in Hard murum 175.77
3 Excavation in Hard Rock
Up to depth 7.5 m 1 ((π/4) x 7.32) =41.85 0.6 25.11
Up to depth 9.0 m 1 ((π/4) x 7.3 )=41.85.
1.5 62.775
Up to depth 10.4m 1 ((π/4) x 7.32) =41.85 1.4 58.59
Total quantity in Hard Rock 146.475

C) Calculate the quantity of UCR masonry and ring beam concrete M20 for
above community well

15 | P a g e Winter-2019 EAC-22503
Sr No Item of work Nos length width Depth Quantity
Or Area in m2 in m In m3
1. UCR Masonry
1 UCR masonry for thk 300 mm and 2.7 m depth
UCR Masonry 1 (π/4) x (6.62 – 6.02) 3.9 23.16
2 UCR masonry for thk 500 mm and 4.2 m depth
UCR Masonry 1 (π/4) x (7.02 – 6.02) 4.2 42.88
3 UCR masonry for thk 650 mm and 3.2 m depth
UCR Masonry 1 (π/4) x (7.32 – 6.02) 3.2 43.43
Total Quantity 109.47
2. R.C.C. Ring beam (RCC M20)
The ring beam for thk 650 mm and 300mm depth
1 RCC ring beam 1 (π/4) x (7.32 – 6.02) 0.3 4.07 3M
Total quantity 4.07

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