DRRR - Presentation 2
DRRR - Presentation 2
DRRR - Presentation 2
“Military convoy" by chelmonette is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
"File:Ezra Acayan Mayon pic.jpg" by Ezra Acayan, licensed under
CC BY-SA 4.0
"Toxic Metal Barrel" by azzajess is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
"Motor Vehicle Accident at Clinton and Lafayette Ave" by cisc1970 is licensed under CC BY-
NC 2.0
"6.0 Magnitude Earthquake in the City of Napa" by Cal OES is licensed under CC BY-NC
Source: https://news.mb.com.ph/2019/05/20/oparr-official-explains-where-yolanda-funds-went/
What disaster could
have happened in
the picture shown
How could this disaster affect
the different aspects of the
lives of people physically,
socially, economically and
Source: https://www.thebalance.com/cost-of-natural-disasters-3306214
Deaths or mortalities,
01 injuries, and missing
Displaced population – many
02 people are forced to abandon
their homes and seek new
shelters in other places.
Health risks – include infectious
03 diseases or outbreaks,
contaminated and unsafe food
and water.
Food scarcity and water
04 shortage.
Emotional aftershocks such as
05 post-traumatic stress disorder
developed commonly among
06 Economic loss – loss of livelihood.
Infrastructure and property
07 damages – houses, buildings,
bridges and roads are destroyed.
Disasters from
Physical Perspective
Damages to physical elements such as on people and their properties,
and buildings and other infrastructures.
Psychological Perspective
serious mental and emotional consequences of a disaster to a victim.
Socio-Cultural Perspective
this refers to the behavior of communities and societies towards hazards
and disasters. This can influence readiness of the people to adapt,
implement, and change disaster precautionary measures/interventions.
Economic Perspective
refers to the loss caused by disasters on human, physical and financial
capital, or the impact of disasters on economic growth.
Political Perspective
the role of government and its institutions on disaster preparedness,
mitigation, prevention, response, recovery and rehabilitation.
Biological Perspective
involvement of living organisms that can spread diseases, or the sudden
growth in the population of pests.
What is the title of the article?
What was the disaster? What year did it
What effects of disaster are stated or
discussed in the article?
What perspectives were used to deliver the
said article?
Location/Place Possible Natural Possible Man- Effects of the
Disasters that Made Disasters Disasters
can Happen that can Happen
Example: A typhoon can pass Robbery of banks Death, property
Urban City thru this urbanized damages and
city. economic loss.
1. Mountainous Area
2. Building
3. Coastal Area
4. Residential Area
5. Riverside
What are the common natural and man-
made disasters that occur on the places listed
on the table?
What are the factors that made these places
or locations prone to such natural and man-
made disasters?
How can the people living in or near the
community increase their capacity or
improve their resilience toward disasters?