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Vocab Class 03 Vol. 01

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The Complete Vocabulary Batch (free Batch on YouTube)

YouTube Channel Name: English By Jaideep Singh

Class 03
Inform friends also.

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Reprove (verb)
Hindi Meaning:
English Meaning: To scold, to express disapproval of
Usage: The teacher gently reproved the boys for not paying

Synonyms: To criticize, admonish, rebuke, chide, reproach, get

on, reprimand, tick off, castigate, burn one’s ear

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Admonish (verb)
to tell someone that they have done something wrong Or
to advise someone to do something:
His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.

Rebuke (verb)
to speak angrily to someone because you disapprove of what they
have said or done:
I was rebuked by my manager for being late.

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Chide (verb)
to speak to someone severely because they have behaved badly:
She chided him for his bad manners.

Reproach (verb)
to criticize someone, especially for not being successful or not
doing what is expected:
His mother reproached him for not eating all his dinner.

Get on (Phrasal verb)

to manage or deal with a situation, especially successfully:
How are you getting on in your new home?
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Reprimand (verb)
to express to someone your strong official disapproval of them:
She was reprimanded by her teacher for biting another girl.

Tick someone off (Phrasal verb)

to speak severely to and criticize someone who has done
something wrong:
I had to tick him off for being late again.

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Castigate (verb)
to criticize someone or something severely:
Health inspectors castigated
the kitchen staff for poor standards of cleanliness.

Burn one’s ear

To criticize (someone) so as to correct a fault She burned his ears
for not wearing a seatbelt.

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Antonyms: Approve, sanction, hail, laud, salute, extol, acclaim

Hail (verb)
1st meaning
To call someone in order to attract their attention:
Shall we hail a taxi?
I tried to hail her from across the room.

2nd meaning
To publicly praise or show approval for a person or
an achievement:

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laud (verb)
to praise:
The leader lauded the initiative.
The president lauded the rise of market economies around
the world.
Extol (verb)
to praise something or someone very much:
His book extolling the benefits of vegetarianism sold thousands
of copies.
Acclaim (noun)
public approval and praise:
Despite the critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well.
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NEXT STEP Venerate (verb)
Hindi Meaning:
English Meaning: To honour or very much respect a person or
Usage: The writer has been venerated for almost a century.

Synonyms: Worship, glorify, revere, adore, deify, exalt, extol, laud

Glorify (verb)
to praise and honour God or a person or to represent
I didn't like the way the film glorified war/violence.

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Revere (verb)
to very much respect and admire someone or something:
adore (verb)
To love someone very much, especially in a way that shows a lot
of admiration or respect
She has one son and she adores him.
Deify (verb)
to make someone or something into a god:
The Romans used to deify their emperors.
Exalt (verb)
to praise someone a lot

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laud (verb)
to praise:
The German leadership lauded the Russian initiative.

Antonyms: Defame, blaspheme, scorn, insult, desecrate, profane,

Defame (verb)
To damage the reputation of a person or group by saying or
writing bad things about them that are not true:
Blaspheme (verb)
to use offensive words or make statements that show
no respect for God or religion
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scorn (noun)
A very strong feeling of no respect for someone
She has nothing but scorn for the new generation of politicians.
profane (adj.)
showing no respect for a god or a religion, often through language:
profane language
Affront (noun)
a remark or action intended to insult or offend someone:
He regarded the comments as an affront to his dignity.

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NEXT STEP Depravity (noun)
Hindi Meaning:
English Meaning: The state of being morally bad
Usage: The depravity of his behaviour shocked everyone.

Synonyms: Corruption, abjection, debasement, decadence,

degeneracy, degradation, dissipation, perversion
Abject (adj.)
showing no pride or respect for yourself:
He is almost abject in his respect for his boss.

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Debasement (noun)
the action of reducing the quality or value of something:

The Government claims that academic standards will

be protected from further debasement.
Decadence (noun)
low moral standards and behaviour:
Degeneracy (noun)
behaviour that shows very low moral standards:
He wrote about the moral degeneracy
that accompanies the accumulation of wealth.

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Degradation (noun)
the process in which the beauty or quality of something
is destroyed or spoiled:
environmental degradation
Dissipation (noun)
the process of gradually disappearing:
He sees a growing dissipation of our cultural values.
Perversion (noun)
the changing of something so that it is not what it was or should
His testimony was clearly a perversion of the truth.

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Antonyms: Goodness, virtue, morality, righteousness, rectitude

Virtue (noun)
A good moral quality in a person
Patience is a virtue.
Righteousness (noun)
morally correct behaviour
He has left the path of righteousness.
Rectitude (noun)
honesty and correct moral behaviour:
He is a man of unquestioned moral rectitude

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NEXT STEP Incorrigible (adjective)
Hindi Meaning:
English Meaning: Incapable of being corrected or improved, not
Usage: He was expelled from school because of his incorrigible
Synonyms: Hopeless, irrecoverable, Incurable, irreformable,
irremediable, impenitent, unredeemable

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Irremediable (adj.)
impossible to correct or cure:

Impenitent (adj.)
not sorry or ashamed about something bad you have done:
To this day she remains impenitent about her criminal past.
Unredeemable (adj.)
impossible to correct, improve, or change:

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Antonyms: Savable, curable, retrievable, redeemable, reformable
Savable Capable of being saved
Retrievable (adj.)
that can be found and made available to be used; that can be got
Even deleted computer files are retrievable for those who know how
and where to look.

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