Earth Science Reviewer
Earth Science Reviewer
Earth Science Reviewer
Fundamental interactions
The Universe • All forces in the Universe can be attributed to
- Only one exists four fundamental interactions between particles.
- Composed of space and 100 billion galaxies • Physicists believe that all known interactions
- A galaxy is a grouping of millions or billions of were unified at the moment of the Big Bang.
stars kept together by gravity. • Shortly after the Big Bang, this unified
interaction began to separate into gravitational,
The Big Bang Theory strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions.
Discoveries in astronomy and physics suggest • 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang, gravity
that the Universe had a definite beginning. separated from the unified interaction.
The Big Bang theory is the prevailing theory • 10^-35 seconds after the Big Bang, the strong
that describes the origin and evolution of the interaction separated. This released a vast
Universe. amount of energy, making the Universe expand
It is considered to be our best theory of at an extraordinary rate.
cosmology because it explains most • 10^-12 seconds after the Big Bang, the
experimental observations. electromagnetic and the weak interactions
separated. The four fundamental interactions
What was the Big Bang? were now distinct, as they remain to this day.
- About 13.7 billion years ago, the entire
Universe was compressed into a singularity – a As the Universe cooled, neutrons:
place with zero volume and infinite density. • decayed into protons and electrons, or
- Matter, energy, space and time all began inside • combined with protons to form deuterium.
the singularity.
- At the moment of the Big Bang, the Universe Soon after, deuterium nuclei combined to form helium
started to expand, cool and become less dense. and small amounts of lithium.
- The Universe is still expanding today.
Abundance of hydrogen and helium
What the Big Bang wasn't • The predicted abundance of hydrogen and
• The Big Bang wasn't an explosion that helium depends on the density of the early
happened somewhere in space. Universe.
• The Universe didn't appear somewhere in
space. • Observations indicate that about 24% of the
• The Big Bang created space and time. Universe is
- helium, produced shortly after the Big Bang.
What is an expanding Universe?
• Galaxies move apart because space itself is • The predicted amounts of deuterium, helium
expanding. and lithium agree closely with observed
• They are not moving apart because of some past amounts.
explosion. • This is a major success for the Big Bang Theory
• The universe began with a hot explosion called
the Big Bang. The aftermath of the Big Bang
consisted mostly of radiation, but as things
cooled, the elements hydrogen and helium