Safety Limits fortDCS
Safety Limits fortDCS
Safety Limits fortDCS
Clinical Neurophysiology
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The recent resurgence in the use of transcranial Direct Current observed at a minimum cathodal electrode current density
Stimulation (tDCS) for electrotherapy and human cognition studies 142.9 A/m2 for durations greater than 10 min. For current densities
was motivated by studies demonstrating lasting change in cortico- between 142.9 and 285.7 A/m2, lesion size increased linearly with
spinal excitability following tDCS (Priori et al., 1998; Nitsche and charge density (current density time); with an extrapolated zero
Paulus, 2000, 2001) including at the University of Gottingen. Sub- lesion size intercept of 52400 C/m2. Thus Liebetanz and colleagues
sequent tDCS studies have largely adapted the Gottingen protocols conclude that both the stated cathodal current density and charge
including the use of relatively-large wet sponges with size nomi- density thresholds must be exceeded to induce histopathologically
nally 25–35 cm2 and currents of 1–2 mA applied for durations up visible brain tissue damage. These findings must be interpreted in
to 20 min (resulting in charge densities of 343–960 C/m2). Repro- the context of limited understanding of damage mechanisms, and
duction of these protocols across a wide range of applications translational issues relating to clinical electrode montages and hu-
and subjects (Nitsche et al., 2003a; Fregni et al., 2006; Webster man anatomy.
et al., 2006; Boggio et al., 2007), has resulted in only isolated pub- The authors propose tissue heating (burning) as a probable mech-
lished reports on injury, limited to (acute) skin irritation under the anism for damage. Though temperature measurements were not
sponges (Poreisz et al., 2007; Dundas et al., 2007; Bikson et al., conducted in the present study, the requirement for a current den-
2008; Lagopoulos et al., 2008; Palm et al., 2008) such that current sity threshold, as well as the increased lesion size with time/charge
tDCS procedures are considered ‘‘safe” (Nitsche and Paulus, 2001; density once current density threshold is exceeded, are consistent
Nitsche et al., 2003b,c, 2004a; Iyer et al., 2005). None-the-less, with burning. Electrical current generates heat in tissue through
the need for continued vigilance in examining potential hazards, joule heat, which is linearly dependent on current density. For anal-
combined with the desire by clinicians to explore increasing inten- ogy: Touching a moderately warm plate, even for a long time, will
sity protocols and duration of after effects (Nitsche et al., 2004b; not induce skin burns when passive (heat conduction) and active
Fregni et al., 2006) warrants investigation of the thresholds and (blood flow) mechanisms control peak temperature rise. Similarly,
mechanisms of potential tDCS hazards. the temperature changes generated by low levels of current density
In developing safety guidelines for tDCS, several biophysical in the brain may be regulated to non-harmful levels. Returning to the
qualifications should be made. Firstly, if and what type of injury re- hot plate analogy: Even if the plate is heated to a potentially harmful
sults from electrical stimulation is wholly dependent on the precise temperature, just touching the plate briefly will not cause a burn, be-
stimulation hardware and waveform applied; thus while one can cause: (1) it takes time for tissue to heat; and (2) exposure at that
draw general insights from a broad range of electrical safety studies temperature only for an extended time will lead to tissue damage
(Agnew and McCreery, 1987; Merrill et al., 2005), it is neither accu- (Lee et al., 2000; Kiyatkin, 2004; Elwassif et al., 2006).
rate nor prudent to determine quantitative safety standards for Hence, damage by heating is critically dependent on exposure
tDCS from these reports. Moreover, tDCS itself represents a constel- time (in contrast, for example, to immediate damage by electropor-
lation of technologies and approaches (e.g. sponge salinity, elec- ation), which is consistent with the dependence of tissue lesion size
trode configurations, ramp waveform, intensity; Bikson et al., on time/charge density observed by Liebetanz and colleagues. We
2008) such that the safety standards may be tDCS protocol specific. calculate that a uniform current density of 142.9 A/m2 will increase
Second, the injurious effects of tDCS on skin and brain are not nec- the temperature of brain tissue to 47.75 °C in 10 min (assuming no
essarily linked, and should be considered independently from both blood flow and metabolic heat source; initial temperature = 37 °C;
the risk and mitigation stand-point. Acute pain and tissue damage electrical conductivity = 0.3 S/m; specific heat = 3650 J/(Kg °C);
of skin can further be distinguished, as should brain cognitive density = 1040 kg/m3). If temperature changes result only from
impairment versus brain tissue damage factors. joule heating, without a contribution from electrical alteration in
The report in this edition by Liebetanz and colleagues in Gottin- neuronal metabolic activity, then tissue damage thresholds would
gen is a valuable contribution towards this last factor. Brain tissue be polarity independent. However, in the absence of a verified tissue
damage was accessed in a rat model following epicranial electrode damage mechanism and explicit testing of anodal stimulation,
stimulation (Liebetanz et al., 2009). By fixing the electrode directly safety results from cathodal stimulation do not necessarily apply
on the cranium, and using a large counter electrode on the ventral for anodal stimulation.
thorax, the study design maximized the electrode current that In relating the findings of this report to human safety standards,
crosses directly into the skull; thus in this model the peak current Liebetanz and colleagues acknowledge the (unavoidable) limita-
density in the rat brain may approach the current density at the tions of the animal model but correctly indicate that the epicranial
electrode. Liebetanz and colleagues report that brain lesions were electrode montage may provide a worst case scenario for the fraction
1388-2457/$36.00 Ó 2009 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1034 Editorial / Clinical Neurophysiology 120 (2009) 1033–1034
of electrode current entering the brain. In clinical studies, it is conve- quantifying transcranial electrotherapy dosage. Curr Treat Options Neurol
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necessarily hazardous: Firstly, Liebetanz and colleagues demon- Liebetanz D, Koch R, Mayenfels S, Konig F, Paulus W, Nitsche MA. Safety limits of
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cognitive function have generally indicated only transient improve- Nitsche MA, Schauenburg A, Lang N, Liebetanz D, Exner C, Paulus W, et al.
ments or impairment in performance, if any change at all (Nitsche Facilitation of implicit motor learning by weak transcranial direct current
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2008). Skin irritation and damage can be readily accessed in human Nitsche MA, Liebetanz D, Lang N, Antal A, Tergau F, Paulus W. Safety criteria for
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gels), current densities of 25.46 A/m2 can be applied for 20 min with cortex. Clin Neurophysiol 2004a;115:2419–23.
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Antal A, Nitsche MA, Kincses TZ, Hoffmann KP, Paulus W. Facilitation of visuo- Department of Biomedical Engineering, T-403B Steinman Hall,
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Bikson M, Bulow P, Stiller JW, Datta A, Battaglia F, Karnup SV, et al. Transcranial * Tel.: +1 212 650 6791; fax: +1 212 650 6727.
direct current stimulation for major depression: a general system for E-mail address: (M. Bikson)