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(Anshuman) Development of Food Ordering Application in College Canteen

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management, inventory control, and performance

Development of Food analytics, enabling them to optimize operations and

drive revenue growth. By embracing agile
Ordering Application in development methodologies and continuous
iteration based on user feedback, FastBite remains
College Canteen agile and responsive to evolving market needs. This
paper presents an indepth analysis of FastBite's
design, development, and implementation,
showcasing its transformative impact on efficiency,
Anshuman customer satisfaction, and profitability within the
food service industry.
Lovely professional university
Anshumankumar314 @gmail.com
1 Introduction
Abstract: In the digital age, online platforms have
FastBite is an innovative food ordering system revolutionized various aspects of daily life, including
designed to streamline the process of ordering food the way we order and consume food. With the
online. This system offers a user-friendly interface increasing demands for convenience and efficiency,
accessible via web and mobile platforms, allowing there arises a need for innovative solutions that cater
customers to browse menus, place orders, and make to the evolving preferences of consumers,
payments with ease. FastBite integrates advanced particularly within the college student demographic.
features such as real-time order tracking and FastBites emerges as a pioneering online food
personalized recommendations to enhance the user ordering system tailored to meet the specific needs
experience. Additionally, it provides restaurant of college students, offering a seamless and
partners with tools for managing orders efficiently convenient dining experience.
and optimizing their operations. Through a
combination of agile development methodologies
and user feedback, FastBite continuously evolves to FastBites addresses the challenges faced by college
meet the dynamic demands of the food service students in accessing quality meals amidst their busy
industry. This paper explores the design, schedules and academic commitments. By providing
development, and implementation of FastBite, a user-friendly platform accessible via web and
highlighting its impact on improving efficiency and mobile applications, FastBites empowers students to
customer satisfaction in the food ordering process. explore a diverse range of culinary options from local
eateries and campus dining facilities. This platform
FastBite revolutionizes the food ordering landscape
not only offers a comprehensive menu selection but
with its innovative platform, offering a seamless and
also facilitates easy customization of orders to
intuitive experience for both customers and
accommodate individual preferences and dietary
restaurant partners. Through its user-friendly web
and mobile interfaces, FastBite empowers customers
to effortlessly browse menus, customize orders, and
securely complete transactions. Leveraging
Furthermore, FastBites leverages advanced
cuttingedge technology, the system provides real-
technology to streamline the ordering process,
time order tracking, personalized recommendations,
offering features such as real-time order tracking and
and seamless payment processing, elevating the
secure payment processing. Through strategic
overall dining experience and fostering customer
partnerships with restaurants and food vendors,
loyalty. Furthermore, FastBite equips restaurant
FastBites ensures timely delivery of freshly prepared
partners with robust tools for efficient order
meals directly to campus locations or student
Health and Wellness: By providing detailed menu
information and customizable order options,
FastBites supports students in making informed and
As college students prioritize convenience and
healthier dining choices. The platform can include
flexibility in their dining choices, FastBites emerges as
nutritional information, allergen warnings, and
a game-changer in the realm of online food ordering,
options for dietary accommodations, empowering
catering to the unique needs and preferences of this
students to prioritize their health and wellness while
demographic. This paper explores the design,
enjoying their meals.
development, and implementation of FastBites,
highlighting its transformative impact on enhancing Financial Savings: FastBites may offer exclusive deals,
the dining experience for college students.the prime discounts, and loyalty rewards to incentivize students
focus of this app is to reduce the overcrowding to use the platform, resulting in potential cost
caused when all students suddenly come to canteen savings compared to traditional dining options.
to eat food, leading to increased rush and hectic Additionally, by enabling students to budget and plan
schedule. The preordering enables them to order the their meals in advance, FastBites helps promote
food while sitting in the class itself and then collect financial responsibility among college students.
them after the class is over from the respective
2 Application development
canteen. In this manner both the party would get
benefit the vendor as well the students 2.1 Android Studio:
The vendor in advance would know the demand of FastBites is primarily developed using Android
the meals and would prepare the meal in according . Studio, which is the official Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) for Android app development.
Similarly the student would would get relief from
rush caused due to sudden rise in student density in Android Studio provides a user-friendly interface and
the respective canteen.in this way this research a wide range of tools and features specifically
paper is intended to modify the current face to face designed for building Android applications.
ordering system prevailing in the college campus.
Developers utilize Android Studio's powerful code
In addition to addressing the challenges of busy editor, debugging tools, and emulators to create,
schedules and academic commitments, FastBites test, and debug the FastBites app for various Android
offers a multitude of benefits to college students devices.
through its online ordering platform.
2.2 GitHub:
Time Efficiency: FastBites enables students to save
valuable time by eliminating the need to wait in long GitHub is a web-based platform used for version
lines or travel to off-campus eateries. With just a few control and collaboration in software development
clicks, students can place their orders and have meals projects.
delivered directly to their desired location, allowing
them to focus more on their studies and FastBites developers use GitHub as a central
extracurricular activities. repository to store and manage the source code of
the application.
Accessibility: FastBites enhances accessibility to a
variety of dining options by aggregating menus from GitHub facilitates collaboration among multiple
local restaurants and campus dining facilities in one developers working on the FastBites project by
convenient platform. This accessibility ensures that enabling them to track changes, manage branches,
students with diverse dietary preferences and and merge code contributions seamlessly.
restrictions have ample choices to suit their needs, Additionally, GitHub's issue tracking and project
promoting inclusivity and satisfaction among the management features are utilized to organize
student community.
tasks,report bugs, and coordinate development Additionally, API services have the capacity
efforts efficiently. to
2.3 Eclipse IDE:
provide specific methods and resources to a
While Android Studio is the primary IDE for FastBites variety of everyday or professional users
development, Eclipse IDE may also be utilized for
certain aspects of the project.
3 Existing system
Eclipse IDE is a popular integrated development
environment commonly used for Java-based Customers are unable to comprehend their
applications, including Android app development payment information, order data, and their
prior to the widespread adoption of Android Studio. periodic payment required at the canteen
Some developers may use Eclipse IDE for specific owing to the current system. In this
tasks such as Java programming, code analysis, or arrangement, the administrator
compatibility testing for older Android versions.
Without the ability to add, edit, or remove
In summary, FastBites is developed using Android
any services that are offered periodically at
Studio as the primary IDE for Android app
their canteen, as well as the capacity to
development, with GitHub serving as the central
repository for source code management and
update or make adjustments to any data.
collaboration, and Eclipse IDE potentially utilized for Because the administrator lacks the
specific development tasks as needed. These tools knowledge of how much is available on the
collectively enable efficient and collaborative market, is accessible, and is offered for
development of the FastBites application, ensuring specific products or services that are
its successful deployment and ongoing maintenance. available during their search, they are taking
ineffective action to develop, form, or create
2.4 Firebase
quickly, which will result in a significant
one can use Firebase to create, enhance, and loss for them.
expand Android applications for free.
Firebase serves as a tool for a wide range of 4 Proposed system
services. Real-time databases, analytics,
databases, authentication, file storage, With the use of this system, users will be
hosting, storage, configuration, and other able to see what products fall under their
features are among the advantages of canteen store and at what price. Meanwhile,
Firebase for application development. clients are additionally given

and so forth. These services are hosted in the given the choice to purchase a particular
cloud rather than on any program. item. The customer can specify how many
quantities of each product they will be able
to get bills for if they select the "yes" option.
Application Programming Interface is
referred to as API. Notification API is one of
its functions. Applications that are mobile the products they have bought and, in the
or web-based can use this feature to send end, retrieve their purchases from the pickup
notifications that show up outside of the location. Therefore, the administrator's
program, like a notification bar. primary responsibilities will be to display
the final bills and provide better services to System requirements are Microsoft windows 11 with
both new and current clients.1-3 32 or 65 bit, 8 Gb ram, at least 1 Gb for android
SDK,emulator system or Connecting smart phone as
emulator, catches and images.lastly java
5 Methodology/framework development kit mjust be installed.

Agile methodology is an approach that 5.3 Explore phase

carries out testing and continuous iteration
of development during a project's mobile Tested features are given quickly during this
application development lifecycle. The phase. In an effort to reduce risk and
envisage, hypothesize, explore, adapt, and uncertainty in the project, a test strategy for
close phases are the five steps of the agile mobile application developers and a user
approach. acceptance testing form for students and
food sellers are provided. After this project
5.1 Envision pahse is developed, people will provide
The purpose of the envision phase is to aid
in the creation of a research preview.
input to help the developer improve the
English is designated as the official
mobile app. This stage won't end and won't
language of this mobile application. The
transition further till the application
Canteen Ordering Application is specifically
development has gained user acceptance.
made for elementary and secondary college
students and food vendors. Seven modules
are available, and they are 5.4 Adapt phase

This stage of the development process

login, cart, track, notification, profile, food
focuses on the final product—mobile
item, and order.
applications. The supplied outcomes are
Use the Canteen Ordering Application to
examined and contrasted with the existing
place food and drink orders for students.
circumstances. The Canteen Ordering
Simply register, log in, place your order, add
Application needs to be adjusted to the
it to your cart, pay, monitor your order, and
present circumstances and everything should
get notifications. While food vendors have
function as intended.
the ability to check orders, add or remove
food items, progress with orders, and get 5.5 Close phase
notifications. To make the sell and purchase
procedure easier, food vendors and students The project's terminus is determined by the
utilize separate interfaces but the same close phase. After speculative, exploratory,
program. and adaptative phases, the Canteen Ordering
Application reaches this phase. Important
discoveries and information acquired will be
5.2 Speculate phase
examined. The completed and finalized
The potential for developing mobile-based Canteen Ordering Application will be
applications is investigated at this phase. submitted.
The Canteen Ordering Application is being 6 Results and discussions
developed using Firebase and Android
Studio. Java is the programming language
that was selected.
In this the general architecture system, test plan and the Canteen Ordering Application functions
user acceptance test will be discussed. 6.1 General as intended.
System Architecture

As seen in Figure 1, there are two users of

the Canteen Ordering Application: a food
vendor and a student. After making
payment, students can use the Canteen
Ordering Application to place food and
beverage orders. Preferred meal can be
selected by the student and added to the cart.
A tracking system is created.
Table 2 : Test plan result
for the pupil to review their placement. If a
student already has an account, they can log 6.3 User Acceptance Test Result Figure 2
in; if not, they must register for one. Food displays the results of the food seller's user
sellers do not need to register because their acceptance form. These findings
accounts are already set up. Food sellers can demonstrate that the food vendor can utilize
set up food and beverages, verify orders and this mobile application to complete order
sales reports, and more using the Canteen services, and he finds the design to be
Ordering Application. Notifications about acceptable.
other users' activity will be sent to both

The user acceptance test has been carried out

at vendor side who is able to register on the
app successfully as shown in the diagram.

6.4 User Interface

Figure 1: System Design Diagram for Fast Below are the screenshots of the developed
Bites applications in reference to vendor and
6.2 Test plan

Table 2 displays the test plan results that the

developer used to verify that each module in
This is the UI interface for the application This is the registration portal asking for
name to get registered.
Signup page for registration. Finally verification step to get registered.

7 Literature Review

You waste a lot of time standing in line at

the faculty canteen's canteen management
system, which uses an e-wallet1.

By forcing orders into the room, placing

orders ahead of time, and offering a postpaid
billfold facility that saves time spent on the
tendering amendment, the planned
application primarily helps to reduce the
amount of time wasted waiting in line.
These features are now frequently used for
other smart purposes. The application's
planned e-wallet is protected using a
2,048bit encoding scheme. protected by a
2,048-bit encoding scheme. Using a web-
based application paper to implement a
configurable online meal
ordering system,3. 8 Conclusion

This study provides customers with digital

restaurant and inter-restaurant navigation This paper's primary goal was to create an
through the use of excellent phones. Rather Android app that would help students who
than utilizing PDAs for customer are waiting in line for food ordering and
interaction, good phones or tablets are used then waiting in line again save time.
to provide the required interfaces so that
customers may view and order menus. wait in line to accept their delivery. We
Customers can read and create an order have developed an Android app for this
using a private login system, get information system that is more visually appealing,
on their order status in real time, and print efficient with time, and educational than the
receipts directly from their high-quality standard canteen system.
phone. The processing speed of the android system is faster
The innovative technology expensed in the as compared to queuing based system.
canteen consuming management system
It follows that Android-based devices are the
design based on CAN bus and RFID4 is
most affordable automation option available
to canteen owners. As a result, we offer an
mostly utilized in the canteen's management
automatic meal ordering system.
system on a domestic and international level.
The technologies comprise the RS485 bus,
system employing a wireless
the non-contacting IC card, and the
communication-capable Android app. The
contacting IC card. But there are other flaws
personnel at the canteen perform better and
with this kind of expense management
students have more time because of this
system as well. An intelligent expensing and
convenient, efficient, and simple-to-use
management system of the canteen
supported by bus and wireless frequency
technology is intended to uncover the
sluggish reading speed, damage, unsafe
secrecy, and slow transmission speed than

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