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Benabed 2018

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építôanyag § Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials

Effect of combined use of crushed Benchaa BENABED

Associate professor at the Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Laghouat, Algeria.
sand and Algerian desert dune sand His research interests include, self-compacting
concrete, reuse of local materials, rheology and

on fresh properties and strength of durability of cement-based materials

self-compacting concrete
Benchaa BENABED  Civil Engineering Laboratory, University of Laghouat  b_benchaa@yahoo.fr
Érkezett: 2018. 06. 14.  Received: 14. 06. 2018.  https://doi.org/10.14382/epitoanyag-jsbcm.2018.29

The main objective of this research work is to examine the influence of combined use of various
types of sand on the fresh and hardened properties of SCC. The types of sand used are crushed
sand (CS), river sand (RS) and dune sand (DS). In addition, binary or ternary system mixture of
these sands were also used. SCC mixes were made with constant content of cement and marble
powder waste. In this investigation, the flow ability was evaluated by slump flow, L-Box, J-ring
V-funnel tests for SCC. The resistance to segregation was measured by GTM sieve stability test.
Compressive strength was also determined at age of 28 days. The experimental results indicate
that, there is an improvement in the fresh and strength properties of SCC when using binary
mixtures of CS and RS. However, there is a decrease in workability and strength using binary
system of CS+DS and RS+DS especially for higher DS content up to 50%. This effect was also
observed with SCC containing ternary system (CS+RS+DS). Based on the results obtained of
this investigation, CS and DS may provide a readily available alternative material to ordinary fine
aggregates in concrete applications with competitive cost.
Keywords: crushed sand, river sand, dune sand, binary system, ternary system, SCC, fresh
properties, strength
Kulcsszavak: zúzott homok, folyami homok, dűne homok, kétkomponensű rendszer,
háromkomponensű rendszer, öntömörödő beton, frissbeton, szilárdság

1. Introduction the amount of powder in the composition of SCC [5]. Recycling

waste powders of marble and granite in the production of SCC
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a new generation of was proved to be useful because the marble powder acts as filler,
concrete that fits well with the current state of development of and granite powder acts as pozzolanic material despite its small
the structures facing a labor less qualified. This range of concrete pozzolanic activity [6].
is characterized by a high workability and a high deformability, The demand for natural sand is quite high in developing
while being stable and ensures durable structures. For achieving countries owing to rapid infrastructural growth which
these contradictory properties, the formulation of SCC needs results supply scarcity. Therefore, construction industries
the use of high Portland cement content and superplasticizer of developing countries are in stress to identify alternative
(SP). However, using high volume of Portland cement causes materials to replace the demand for natural sand. On the other
many problems such as: increase in the consumption of cement; hand, the advantages of utilization of by-products or aggregates
environmental impacts due to CO2 emissions; consumption of obtained as waste materials are pronounced in the aspects of
energy and natural resources; high production cost since the reduction in environmental load and waste management cost,
cement is the most expensive element in the concrete; risk of reduction of production cost as well as enhancing the quality
cracking associate to the high heat of cement hydration. The of concrete. Quarry dust has been used for different activities
SCC can be implemented without vibration, through confined in the construction industry such as road construction and
areas only under the effect of gravity, while developing good manufacture of building materials. Crushed rock aggregates
compactness without requiring skilled labor during the are more suitable for production of high strength concrete
consolidation. These properties contribute to a sustainable compared to natural gravel and sand. High percentage of dust
concrete quality. Depending on the density and complexity of in the aggregate increases the fineness and the total surface
the reinforcement of structural elements, the need for vibration area of aggregate particles. In the production of crushed
can decrease significantly and even be eliminated, which is a sand, there is a significant proportion of fines in the sand; this
labor-intensive economy [1, 2]. SCC is characterized, in general, proportion of fines is approximately 10-15% of the total weight
by a formulation containing various chemical and mineral of crushed sand. The use of sands rich in fines may be regarded
additives in precise proportions to meet the requirements of the as an alternative source of fillers. These sands enhance the cost
specifications for workability and stability. The incorporation of of SCC by reduction of the high demand for fillers on the one
supplementary cementitious materials improves the rheological, hand. On the other hand obtaining a SCC with good physical
physical, mechanical and durability properties of SCC [3, 4]. and mechanical properties such as permeability, absorption
For example, the limestone fillers are generally used to increase and strength [7-18].

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Attempts have been made to investigate some property of quarry Shanmugapriya and Uma [37] concluded from experimental
dust and the suitability of those properties to enable quarry dust researchers that compressive and flexural strength of concrete
to be used as partial replacement material for sand in concrete can be improved by partial replacement of cement by silica
[19, 20]. The use of quarry dust in concrete is desirable because fume and manufactured sand for natural fine aggregates.
of its benefits such as useful disposal of by products, reduction They suggested that optimum replacement of natural sand
of river sand consumption as well as increasing the strength by manufactured sand is 50%. Raman et al. [38] studied the
parameters and increasing the workability of concrete [21, 22]. effect of quarry dust and found that the partial replacement
The overall workability value of quarry dust concrete in terms of river sand with quarry dust without resulted in a reduction
of slump as well as compaction factor was less in comparison in the compressive strength of concrete. Reddy and Reddy
to conventional concrete. The workability of the concrete mixes [39] reported an increasing compressive strength by use of
decreased with an increase in percentage of stone dust. It indicates rock flour as fine aggregate instead of river sand. Ilangovana
that water requirement is higher in such concrete to maintain the et al. [30] reported strength of quarry rock dust concrete was
desired workability [23-31]. Celik et al. [19] studied the effects comparably more than that of similar mix of conventional
of various proportions of crushed dust content on properties of concrete. Hameed and Sekar [31] studied effect of crushed
fresh concrete and hardened concrete. Test results indicate that stone dust as fine sand and found the flexural strength increases
slump of concrete decreased as the percentage of dust content than the concrete with natural sand but the values decreases as
increased, and air content of fresh concrete decreased as the percentage of crusher dust increases.
percentage of dust content increased. Saeed and Shahid [28] Ilangovana et al. [30] found that the natural river sand, if
have found that workability of various mix ratios decreased from replaced by hundred percent quarry rock dust from quarries,
11% to 67%, whereas compressive strength increased from 7% to may sometimes give equal or better than the reference concrete
33% with increasing proportion of manufactured sand. Akrout made with Natural Sand, in terms of compressive and flexural
et al. [29] investigated an experimental study on the effect of strength studies. Also, they concluded that the replacement of
crushed limestone sand proportioning to the workability and fine aggregate with 50% marble powder and 50% quarry rock
the compressive strength of concrete. The performance of the dust gives an excellent result in tensile strength. Poon et al. [34]
crushed limestone sand concretes was compared with those of reported that the hardened properties of concrete mixes with
siliceous sand concretes. It was observed that, the properties of partial proportions of manufactured and natural sand achieved
crushed limestone sand concretes, although lower than those of a higher compressive strength at all test ages for normal
siliceous sand concretes, remain completely comparable. strength, intermediate strength and high strength concrete.
Shi-Cong and Chi-Sun [32] showed that the workability In many desert regions, there is an abundance of fine sand
of crushed fine stone CFS concrete mixes was decreased dunes, particularly in Sahara desert of Algeria, which covers
with an increase in CFS content probably due to the angular more than 60% of its area. The idea of promoting its value in
shape of the CFS when compared to river sand. Also, Donza the manufacturing of concrete represents a great economic
et al. [33] found that when crushed sand was incorporated in importance. With the depletion of aggregate resources in Algeria
concrete, the increase of water demand due to the shape and and the high cost of transportation, it becomes economic and
texture of the crushed sand can be mitigated by using a water environmental interests that could present the valorization of
reducing admixture [34]. Rao et al. [35] reported an increasing abundant local sands such as the dune sand for manufacturing
compressive strength by use of rock flour as fine aggregate of concretes. Bederina et al. [40] have studied the possibility of
instead of river sand. The idea of using quarry sand as an using local sand available in large quantities in sandcrete. This
alternative aggregate was developed because granite, which is study showed that the correction of the granular distribution by
the parent material, is hard and dense and therefore can serve means of mixing two local sands in predetermined proportions
as an excellent aggregate material. Its use as a fine aggregate has allowed obtaining a more workable, more compact, and more
in concrete is expected to improve certain properties, such as resistant sandcrete. In concrete design, the dosage and fineness of
the compressive strength, durability, strength development, aggregates have an important influence on quality of fresh and
workability and economy. The importance of the compressive hardened properties of concrete. Brouwers and Radix [41] have
strength in concrete is such that for structural design purposes, found that the fine sand is useful component in optimizing the
the compressive strength is the criterion for quality. particle size distribution and thereby increasing the flowability,
Menadi et al. [11] showed the influence of fines in crushed stability and mechanical properties of concrete mixes. Kay et
sand on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. al. [42] investigated the potential of using DS as fine aggregates
Four different cement types were used while maintaining a in concrete. Results indicated that DS could be used as fine
constant water/cement ratio, and examined the influence of aggregate in concrete production. Banfill et al. [43] have also
limestone fines in crushed sand on concrete strength. The test studied the effect of very fine sand dredged from river estuaries
results showed that up to 15% of fines content in crushed sand on concrete mixtures. It was found that as the sand content
could be used without adversely affecting concrete strength. increases, the water required for a given workability increases
It was tried experimentally to explore the use of crusher dust, and the strength development is not different than conventional
stone chips and fly ash in self-compacting concrete. Test results concrete. Laquerbe et al. [44] studied the effect of using laterite
indicated that for SCC, sufficiently low water to powder ratio gravel and DS as aggregates for concrete. The authors showed
can be attained even with the use of crusher dust, leading to that, the laterite gravels can be used instead of basalt or limestone,
high compressive strength [36]. and DS can serve as a substitute for seashore sand.

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Bouziani et al. [45-49] have studied the properties of sands were also used in this study. Tests used to evaluate the
flowable concrete (FSC) made with DS. Test results show that filling ability are slump flow and V-funnel tests. The passing
an optimal content of dune sand, which makes satisfied fresh ability was measured by L-Box and J-ring tests. The resistance
and hardened properties of FSC, is obtained. Bouziani [47] to segregation was checked by GTM sieve stability test.
used a mixture design modelling approach to highlight the Compressive strength were also determined at age of 28 days.
effects of river sand (RS), crushed sand (CS) and dune sand
(DS) on flowability, passing ability, segregation and mechanical
2. Materials and tests
strength of SCC. The derived mathematical models make it
possible to illustrate the variation of different responses in with 2.1. Materials
respect to the proportions of RS, CS and DS. Results indicate The cement used in the present study was a CEM I 42.5. The
that when flowability requirements are combined, proportions chemical and physical properties of cement are given in Table 1.
of DS and CS with RS must be below 0.24 and 0.6 respectively. The waste marble powder (WMP) used in this study as cement
Moreover, it is shown that passing ability can be satisfied by supplementary material is a waste powder resulting from
using a CS proportion above 0.3 in RS–CS system and above cutting, shaping and lustrating of the marble stones as shown
0.65 in CS–DS system. On the other hand, proportions above in Fig 1. The chemical composition and physical properties
0.5 of CS in RS–CS system and above 0.2 of DS in RS–DS of WMP are also given in Table 1. From this table, the WMP
system are recommended to meet stability limits. Results also
is mainly consisted of calcite about 56.01% with some traces
indicate that compressive strength days increased with the
of the quartz and dolomite as confirmed shown by of X-ray
increase of CS proportion and decreased with the increase of
diffraction analysis presented in Fig. 2. Scanning electron
DS proportion. Another experimental research on fresh and
microscopy (SEM) was performed to determine the surface
hardened properties of flowable sand concrete (FSC) reinforced
by polypropylene fibers (PF) has been carried out by Bouziani characteristics of the WMP and typical image is presented in
et al. [48]. Results indicate that all studied mixtures have a Fig. 3. As it can be seen, WMP presents angular shapes with
pseudo-plastic behavior in fresh state. Results also confirmed rough surface texture. In order to determine particle size
that PF incorporation increases the viscosity and reduces free distribution of WMP and cement, laser distribution analysis
shrinkage of FSC. In terms of mechanical strength, results was realized and the results are illustrated in Fig. 4. The results
show that incorporating PF would enhance flexural strength. indicate that WMP is relatively finer than the cement, and
However, a reduction in compressive strength is observed. about 70% of particles of WMP have a size less than 10 μm,
R’mili et al. [50, 51] studied the incorporation of roller sand, and about of 40% of these particles are lower than 63 μm. A
crushed sand and desert sand in the composition the self- polycarboxlic-ether type superplasticizer (SP) with a specific
compacting concretes (SCC). Desert dune sand, which has a gravity of 1.07 and a solid content of 30% was used.
fine extra granulometry, and the crushed sand, which contains
an important content of fines, can constitute interesting Waste
components for SCC. These sands, with different sizes, consist Chemical composition (%) Cement marble
of several combinations of rolled sand (RS), crushed sand (CS)
and desert sand (DS). The study examines the influence of the SiO2 21.7 0.42
granular combination of sands on the characteristics in the fresh CaO 65.7 56.01
and the hardened state of SCC. The results of the experimental
MgO 0.7 0.12
tests showed an improvement of the workability of the fresh
SCC by combining the different sands. The addition of the DS Al2O3 5.2 0.13
to CS or to RS allowed to increasing the mixture viscosity, but Fe2O3 2.7 0.06
decreased the mechanical strengths. Furthermore, the CS-
SO3 0.6 0.01
RS combinations increased the compressive and the tensile
strengths of the studied SCC. The optimized formulations of K2O 0.4 0.01
sands gave the highest performances of the SCC. TiO2 0.21 0.01
It should be noted that, no detailed investigation has been
done to study the effect of combining different sand in binary Na2O 0.7 0.43
and ternary system on some properties of self-compacting CI 0.01 0.03
concrete. It is in this context that, the present work aims to
Loss of Ignition 0.3 42.78
study the effect of different types of sand fresh and hardened
properties of SCC made with marble powder as cement Physical properties
replacement in one hand. In the other hand, recycling this Specific density 3.15 2.7
waste powder, which is not used and can cause a very serious
Fineness (m²/kg) 300 360
environmental problem.
In this regard, three types of sand with different origin and Compressive strength at 28 days (MPa) 44 -
morphology are used; crushed sand (CS), dune sand (DS)
Table 1. Chemical composition and physical properties of cement and waste marble
and river sand (RS). Binary (CS+DS; CS+RS; RS+DS) and powder
ternary (CS+DS+RS) system mixtures of proportions of these 1. táblázat Cement és márvány hulladék por kémiai összetétele és fizikai jellemzői

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Fig. 4. Particle size distribution of cement and waste marble powder (WMP)
4. ábra Márvány hulladék por és cement szemeloszlása

Continuously graded coarse aggregates (CA) (3/8 and 8/15

mm) were used in this study with a specific gravity and water
absorption of 2.7 and 2.5% respectively. Various types of sand
are used: river sand (RS) which is available natural source as
shown in Fig. 5, crushed sand (CS) which is a waste of quarry
stone crushing as seen in Fig. 6, and dune sand (DS) very
available in the desert of Algeria as shown in Fig. 7. Mixtures
of these sands in binary and ternary system are also used. The
Fig. 1. Disposal of waste marble to the ground
physical properties and sieve analysis results of these sands
1. ábra Hulladék márvány ártalmatlanítása are given in Table 2 and Fig. 8 respectively. The maximum (D)
dimension of RS, CS and DS sands were respectively 5, 4 and
0.63 mm. in order to determine the surface characteristics of
the different sands, scanning electron microscope (SEM) was
carried out and images of RS, CS and DS grains are given in Fig.
9. SEM investigations reveal the rounded shape of the RS and
DS grains, and angular shape of CS grains. They show also the
fineness and cleanness of DS compared to RS and CS, and the
high filler content of CS. Moreover, X-ray diffraction analysis
was performed; results are represented in Fig. 10. The X-ray
diffraction analysis shows that RS and DS contain mainly the
quartz (SiO2) with some traces of calcite. However, CS contains
the calcite (CaCO3).

Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction of waste marble powder (WMP)

2. ábra Márvány hulladék por röntgendiffraktogramja

Fig. 3. SEM view of waste marble powder (WMP) Fig. 5. Huge use of river natural sand (RS)
3. ábra Márvány hulladék por elektronmikroszkópos felvétele 5. ábra Természetes folyami homok kitermelése

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Fig. 6. Disposal of quarry crushed sand to the ground (CS)

6. ábra Zúzott bányahomok deponálása

Fig. 7. Large quantities of dune sand in the desert of Algeria (DS)

7. ábra Algériai sivatagi dűne homok

Fig. 8. Particle size distributions of different types of sand (RS, CS, DS)
8. ábra A felhasznált homokok szemeloszlása

Sand type

Specific gravity 2.68 2.67 2.65

Unit weight (kg/m3) 1541 1758 1520

Fineness modulus 2.21 2.45 0.78

Sand equivalent (%) 71 87 83

Fig. 9. SEM views of different types of sand: (a) RS; (b) CS; (c) DS
Table 2. Physical properties of the used sands
2. táblázat A felhasznált homokok fizikai jellemzői 9. ábra A felhasznált homokok elektronmikroszkópos felvételei

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2.2. Mixture proportions

SCC mixes were made, which had total powder binder
(cement + marble powder) content of 475 kg/m3. The coarse
aggregates content was maintained at 31% by volume of cement
for concrete and fine aggregates content at 50% by volume of
mortar in concrete. The water to powder ratio (W/P) was fixed
at 0.4 by weight with air-content being assumed to be 1%. SCC
mixes were prepared with different types of sand: crushed
sand, river sand, dune sand and binary or ternary sands. The
SCC mixture proportions are summarized in Table 3.

2.3. Mixing procedure

The mixing procedure and time are very important, thus the
mixing process was kept constant for all concrete mixtures. The
batching sequence consisted of homogenizing the powder and
aggregates for 30 sec in a rotary planetary mixer, then adding 70%
of water and mixed for 1 min. Thereafter remaining water (30%)
with SP was introduced, and the concrete was mixed for 5 min,
then the mixing was stopped for 2 min and again the concrete was
further mixed for 30 sec before it was discharged from the mixer.

2.4. Concrete testing

In this investigation, the slump flow test was used to evaluate
the flow ability of self-compacting concrete in terms of mean
spread diameter. The minimum value of self-compacting
concrete to be 650 mm and a maximum of 800 mm for a fresh
self-compacting concrete [52]. During the slump flow test, the
time required to reach 50 cm diameter of slump flow is measured
(T50). The V-funnel test is used to determine the filling ability
of the concrete. The time taken for the concrete to flow down is
noted in seconds [53]. The maximum time that can be taken by
a self-compacting concrete mix in V-funnel is 10 seconds. The
passing ability was measured by L-Box test. The test was started
by removing the control gate at once to allow the flow of self-
compacting concrete through the horizontal obstruction in the
Fig. 10. X-ray diffraction of different types of sand: (a) RS; (b) CS; (c) DS box and then the ratio of H2/H1 were determined, if the concrete
10. ábra A felhasznált homokok röntgendiffraktogramjai flows freely as water, at rest it will be horizontal and therefore the
Mix. N° Mix. *(C+WMP) CS CS RS RS DS DS CA SP Water
code (kg/m3) (%) (kg/m3) (%) (kg/m3) (%) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
SCC1 100CS 475 100 886 0 0 0 0 830 2.9 190
SCC2 100RS 475 0 0 100 886 0 0 830 4.2 190
SCC3 100DS 475 0 0 0 0 100 886 830 7.1 190
SCC4 75CS+25RS 475 75 665 25 222 0 0 830 2.9 190
SCC5 50CS+50RS 475 50 443 50 443 0 0 830 2.9 190
SCC6 25CS+75RS 475 25 222 75 665 0 0 830 2.9 190
SCC7 75CS+25DS 475 75 665 0 0 25 222 830 2.9 190
SCC8 50CS+50DS 475 50 443 0 0 50 443 830 2.9 190
SCC9 25CS+75DS 475 25 222 0 0 75 665 830 2.9 190
SCC10 75RS+25DS 475 0 0 75 665 25 222 830 4.2 190
SCC11 50RS+50DS 475 0 0 50 443 50 443 830 4.2 190
SCC12 25RS+75DS 475 0 0 25 222 75 665 830 4.2 190
SCC13 50CS+25RS+25DS 475 50 443 25 222 25 222 830 2.9 190
SCC14 25CS+50RS+25DS 475 25 222 50 443 25 222 830 2.9 190
SCC15 25CS+25RS+50DS 475 25 222 25 222 50 443 830 2.9 190
*(C+WMP): 90%Cement (C)+10% waste marble powder (WMP) CS: crushed sand; RS: river sand; DS: dune sand; CA: coarse aggregate; SP: superplasticizer

Table 3. SCC mixture proportions with different types of sand

3. táblázat Öntömörödő betonok összetételei különböző homokok felhasználásával

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Fig. 11. Slump flow of SCC with different types of sand

11. ábra Öntömörödő beton roskadási terülése különböző homokok felhasználásával Fig. 14. L-Box filling high H2/H1 ratio of SCC with different types of sand
14. ábra Öntömörödő beton L-doboz H2/H1 feltöltési hányadosa különböző homokok

Fig. 12. J-Ring Slump flow of SCC with different types of sand
12. ábra Öntömörödő beton blokkológyűrűs roskadási terülése különböző homokok
Fig. 15. Passing mortar using sieve stability test (GTM) of SCC with different types of
15. ábra Öntömörödő beton szitastabilitási (GTM) vizsgálata különböző homokok

Fig. 13. V-Funnel flow time of SCC with different types of sand
13. ábra Öntömörödő beton kifolyási ideje különböző homokok felhasználásával

ration will be equal to unity. The minimum acceptable value is to Fig. 16. Compressive strength at 28 days of SCC with different types of sand
be 0.8 [52]. J-Ring slump test was also used to evaluate the passing 16. ábra Öntömörödő beton nyomószilárdsága különböző homokok felhasználásával
28 napos korban
ability. The resistance to segregation was assessed by GTM sieve
stability test. The minimum acceptable value is to be 15% [52].
3. Results and discussion
For compressive strength tests, from each concrete mixture
three prisms of 70×70×280 mm were cast. After removal from 3.1. Slump flow test
moulds, at 24 h of age, concrete specimens were immersed in The results of slump flow are presented in Fig. 11. It is noted,
water saturated with lime at 20 °C until the age of testing. The that the slump flow values of all SCC mixtures are in the range
compressive test was conducted at the age of 28 and 90 days for slump flow values defined by the AFGC recommendations
the different mix proportions according to NFP 15-451 on the [53]. It is remarked an increase in the slump flow of SCC with
half samples obtained after the flexural test. mixture sand of RS+CS, this increase becomes very important

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when the percentage of RS exceeds 50%. A decrease in slump the flow time meet the recommendations of SCC production.
flow was observed in SCC with binary mixture sand of CS+DS R'mili et al. [50] have noted that the substitution of crushed
and RS+DS, this decrease also becomes very important when sand by a sand dune in the composition of self-compacting
the DS percentage is very high. Therefore, the addition of dune concretes, allows to increasing the flow time to the V-funnel.
sand up to 25% improves the slump flow of SCC. Beyond this This is explained by the increasing the viscosity up to a rate
content of dune sand, the slump spread decreases and does not of 30%. Beyond this content, the SCC required an addition
meet the criteria for self-compacting concrete, and behaves of water and superplasticizer to have self-placing properties
like an ordinary concrete. R’mili et al. [50, 51] studied the [51]. One can say even with moderate dosages of DS that the
effect of the incorporation of crushed sand and desert sand measured flow time shows that incorporation of DS increases
on the properties of self-compacting concretes. The results the viscosity of SCC and this is due to the increase of the specific
show that the workability parameters are improved when the surface area of fine aggregate of binary or ternary mixture.
crushed sand is partially replaced by desert sand (dune sand). Gristsada and Natt [55] have studied the properties of SCC
A substitution rate of 15% gives good workability in terms with calcareous sand. They noticed that the flow time increases
of flow spreading and T50 flow time. Beyond this sand dune with the increase of the sand content. This is explained by the
content these parameters decrease and do not meet the criteria increase of the compactness of the mixture and consequently
of a self-compacting concrete. the increase of the viscosity.
From this, it can be concluded that the river sand has a
beneficial effect on the slump spread, unlike the dune sand, 3.4. L-box test
which reduces remarkably the slump spread of SCC. The SCC The results of variation of H2 / H1 using L-box test are
highly proportioned in DS required at the same time important shown in Fig. 14. It is seen that all results comply with the
proportioning in SP and in water. This is due to the large finesses requirements of AFGC recommendations (H2 / H1> 0.8) [53].
of these sands and to their need for water causing an increase in It is also noted a decrease in H2 / H1 in SCC with binary and
the viscosity. A demand for additional water is then necessary ternary mixtures sands when the sand dune percentage is
to improve the workability behavior of these SCC. Omar et al. above 50%. The partial incorporation of DS in the mixtures
[54] studied the influence of crushed sand substitution with increases the filling capacity of SCC, and therefore the mobility
different percentages of 25, 50 and 75% on the properties of of SCC in confined areas. R'mili et al. [50] studied the effect
concretes. They noticed that the use of crushed sand as fine of the incorporation of crushed sand and desert sand on the
aggregates improves the flow spreading of concrete due to the properties of self-compacting concretes. The results show that
existence of fines. Gristsada and Natt [55] used calcareous sand the L-box filling capacity is improved when the crushed sand is
to improve the properties of self-compacting concretes. They partially replaced by desert sand (dune sand). The H2/H1 ratio
noticed an increase in flow spreading with increasing dosage in increases to a substitution rate of 15%. Beyond this sand dune
calcareous sand. A substitution rate of 60% gave the best flow content, this ratio decreases. For high amounts of DS, SCC
spreading of the used concretes. behave like ordinary concrete. The use of binary and ternary
mixtures sands improves the rheological properties of SCC.
3.2. J-Ring slump flow R'mili et al [50] have studied the effect of the incorporation of
The J-Ring spread results are shown in Fig. 12. It is noticed crushed sand and desert sand on properties of self-compacting
an increase in the J-Ring spreading in SCC with binary system concrete. The results show that the ability to fill in L-box is
mixture sand of CS+RS. On the other hand, a decrease in the improved when the crushed sand is partially replaced by the
spreading with the increase of the percentage of DS in SCC desert sand. Kou and Poon [59] prepared a SCC with natural
with binary sand and ternary system mixture of CS+RS+DS. and recycled sand. The replacement rate of natural sand by
This means that the high dosage of DS remarkably decreases recycled sand is 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. They noticed an increase
the spread of SCC, hence the flowability of SCC. Nanthagopalan in H2 / H1 ratio with increases in percentage of recycled sand.
and Santhanam [57] studied the fresh properties of SCC
prepared with crushed sand. They noted that the spread of SCC 3.5. Sieve stability test
increases with the use of crushed sand compared to SCC made Sieve stability test (GTM) results are shown in Fig. 15. It is
with natural sand. This is due to the increase in paste volume noted that the percentages of mortar passing through the sieve
due to the existence of fines in the crushed sand [7]. are between 6 and 15% according to recommendations ENFRAC
[52], except for SCC with DS as partial replacement of RS or CS
3.3. V-funnel flow time in binary and ternary system mixtures, which are slightly over
The results of the flow time using the V-Funnel test are shown than the recommended values for SCC, but remain acceptable
in Fig. 13. This test indicates the filling capacity of mixture. The values. This is due to high percentage of DS used in blends, since
test of the flow through the funnel in V is a way to evaluate the latter has a fine particle size that passes through the sieve with
the viscosity and resistance to segregation of concrete. From the amount of milt. Generally, the results obtained show that all
Fig. 13, it can be noted that the values of the flow time through SCC have good resistance to segregation and bleeding. Further,
V- funnel are included in the interval (6-12 sec) proposed by visual examination of SCC reveals that they are homogeneous
Domone [48]. The addition of DS increases the flow time of and stable. The use of CS with RS or DS increases the volume of
SCC compared to that with RS, but the recorded values of the paste and therefore improves the stability of the SCC.

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építôanyag § Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials

3.6. Compressive strength

Fig. 16 shows the variation of the compressive strength of
different SCC at 28 days. It can be noted that, the best strengths
achieved after 28 days are obtained with SCC made with
mixture sand of river and crushed sand. It is shown that the
river sand has a beneficial effect on the compressive strength of
SCC due to its continuous particle size. However, the strength
gain for SCC containing crushed sand appears to be linked
to the existence of limestone fines in sand in one hand, and
in other hand the large size of the crushed sand. Abdulghani
[60] studied the effect of sand size on the properties of self-
compacting concretes. He noticed that, the resistance is not
significantly affected by the size of fine aggregates. The sharp
edges of the particles in crushed sand provide better bond
with cement than rounded particles of river sand. Shaik and
Diami [61] carried out a study on the mechanical properties of
concretes made with industrial sand (crushed sand) and natural
sand (river sand). They have demonstrated that industrial
sand used as fine aggregates can significantly improve the
mechanical properties of concrete. The crushed aggregates with
angular shape confer a good bond granulate-cement compared
to rolled aggregates. Kothai and Malthy [62] carried out a study
on the influence of replacing natural sand with crushed sand
on the mechanical strength of self-compacting concrete. They
found that a substitution rate of natural sand by industrial sand
or crushed of 30% gives good mechanical strength in terms of
compressive, tensile and flexural strength. A reduction in the
compressive strength was observed in SCC with binary and
ternary mixtures of crushed- dune sand, river - dune sand
and crushing- river -dune sand. This means that the dune
sand decreases compressive strength of SCC due to its very
fine particle size, high surface area and high porosity, which Fig. 17. SEM views of SCC with different types of sand: (a) 100% RS; (b) 100% CS; (c)
100% DS
gives less compactness of SCC than those made with river and 17. ábra Öntömörödő beton elektronmikroszkópos felvételei különböző homokok
crushed sand [63, 64]. R'mili et al. [50] found that the partial felhasználásával, (a) 100% RS; (b) 100% CS; (c) 100% DS
substitution (30%) of crushed sand by desert sand (dune sand)
Bellanger et al. [68] observed in this connection that the
in the composition of self-compacting concretes, contributed
character of the fracture, in mortar or concrete, differed
to the improvement of mechanical resistance. Beyond 30%
according to the type of a: it is always intergranular in a siliceous
substitution of dune sand resistances decrease, but they reach concrete, it is intergranular in the case of hard limestone
acceptable values compared to ordinary concrete. aggregates, and intragranular when the paste is less deformable
than the aggregate. Bachiorrini [69] has also observed changes
3.7. Microstructure in the mode of crack propagation in aluminous calcareous
Since the siliceous sand is inert, the increase in strength sand mortars. Different authors have studied the properties of
is obtained by densification of the matrix and the matrix- calcareous aggregates in a cement matrix. Husson [70] has shown
aggregate interface. In the case of sand limestone and silico- that limestone fines were active within a cement matrix and that
they participated in hydration reactions by forming between
limestone, adds to the densification an interaction between
others carboaluminates. To highlight this phenomenon, Husson
the matrix and the aggregates, which gives good adhesion
[70] worked on calcite (98.6% CaCO3) with a particle size slightly
sand-cement paste and increases the strength. This is verified
smaller than that of the binder. Other authors [70] have shown
by the SEM examination of the samples, which shows crack that the composition of the interfacial zone could be modified
propagation through the cement paste and aggregates. Fig. 17 when the aggregate is reactive (e.g. calcite) by the formation
represents SEM examinations of SCC with 100% RS, 100% CS of carboaluminates, calcium carbonate complexes, calcium
and 100% DS respectively. The crack propagation is observed hydroxide. Therefore, the surface of the aggregates was attacked
through the cement paste. by the formation of these compounds. Interface resistance tests

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Slag & AshTrade Europe 2019

March 28 - 29, 2019 | Madrid, Spain |
The 13th edition of the AshTrade global series will attract participants from over 25 countries in Europe and beyond. Working to
broaden the scope of the annual meeting, GMI Global added slag, GGBFS to the program topics so a broad range of cementitious
materials would be explored at the Slag & AshTrade event in 2019.

166 | építôanyag § JSBCM § 2018/5 § Vol. 70, No. 5

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