Doc043 53 30241
Doc043 53 30241
Doc043 53 30241
With its low viscosity and high specific heat, hydrogen is the best gas available and is therefore used in
large generators where the cooling requirements are severe. Even then the low density of hydrogen is a
disadvantage so it is always used at elevated pressure.
High specific heat, and highest thermal conductivity at 0.168 W/(m-K) of all gases.
Hydrogen has a very low viscosity, a favorable property for reducing drag loss
It is 7-10 times better as a coolant than air
Hydrogen is easily detected with hydrogen sensors
A hydrogen cooled generator can be significantly smaller, and therefore less expensive than
air-cooled generators
Easy to manage – not readily miscible with CO2 purge gas
Helium with thermal conductivity of 0.142 W/(m-K) was considered a coolant as well,
however its high cost hinders its adoption despite its non-flammability.
associated increase of viscosity and drag. A purity drop from 97% to 95% in a large generator can
increase windage loss by 32%, which is equal to 685 kW for a 907 MW generator. The windage losses
also increase heat losses of the generator and associated cooling problems.
The absence of oxygen in the atmosphere significantly reduces the potential damage of the windings
insulation by eventual corona discharges. These can be problematic as the generators typically operate
at a high voltage, often 20 kV.
Scavenging systems are used for this purpose. Gas (a mixture of entrained air and hydrogen released
from the oil) is collected in the holding tank for the sealing oil, and released into the atmosphere. The
hydrogen losses have to be replenished, either from gas cylinders or from on‐site hydrogen generators.
Degradation of bearings leads to higher oil leaks, which increase the amount of air transferred into the
generator. Increased oil consumption can be detected by a flow meter associated with each bearing.
1. Hydrogen is purged by an inert gas. Carbon dioxide (or nitrogen) is used for this purpose as it
does not form high explosive mixtures with hydrogen and is inexpensive.
2. The inert gas is replaced by air. Gas purity sensors are used to indicate the end of the purge
cycle, which shortens the startup and shutdown timers and reduces consumption of the purge
gas. At the end, fresh air replaces all other gases allowing operators to work inside the
generator. Carbon dioxide is favored as it is easily displaced by hydrogen due to a very high
density difference.
3. After maintenance operations, air is replaced by the inert gas
4. The inert gas is replaced by hydrogen and the generator is ready for operation.
In the following table the measurement goal is described as well as the best suited ORBISPHERE system.
As a global solution, H2 and CO2 measurements will fulfill the main analysis requirements.
Application Note: ORBISPHERE and Hydrogen Measurement for Stator Coolant
The flammability limits (4 ‐ 75% of hydrogen in air at normal temperature but greater at higher
temperatures), its autoignition temperature at 571°C, its very low minimum ignition energy, and its
tendency to form explosive mixtures with air require provisions to be made for maintaining the
hydrogen content within the generator above the upper or below the flammability limit at all times and
other hydrogen safety measures.
When filled with hydrogen, overpressure has to be maintained as the inlet of air into the generator
could cause a dangerous explosion in a confined space.
In summary, measuring hydrogen for stator coolant brings several benefits, including:
Allows stability of high hydrogen purity to keep the generator at its highest efficiency
Reduces risks of hydrogen leaks and unplanned outages
Minimizes downtime during generator maintenance
Improves operator and plant safety
Reliable hydrogen sensing technology reducing risks of false alarms.