Underground Fault Protection Report
Underground Fault Protection Report
Underground Fault Protection Report
Abstract: In urban areas, electrical cables run underground instead of running over, because it does not
affected by any adverse effect of weather such as heavy rainfall, snow, thunder storm. Whenever a fault
occurs within the underground cable, it is difficult to detect the exact location of the fault for the repair
process of particular cable. The proposed system found the point of the exact location of fault. The paper
uses the standard concept of Ohm’s law i.e. when a low dc voltage is applied at the end of feeder through
series resister (cable lines) then the current will vary depending on the location of the fault Short in the
This system uses an Arduino microcontroller and a rectified power supply. In this case, the current detection
circuit in combination with the resister is connected to the microcontroller with the aid of an ADC device to
represent the length of wire in Km. Error creation is performed by a set of switches. The relays are controlled
by a relay exciter IC, which is used to check cable line. A 16x2 LCD is used to display information. Also one
more feature is that using GSM the message of fault detection, location of fault and distance of fault from
base station in kilometres this all information is send to base station. As soon as a fault occurs in a cable the
buzzer produce the alarm to alert and to take an immediate action by field workers.[1]
Key Words — Arduino microcontroller, Ohm’s law, LCD, GSM, ADC, Cable Fault,GPS Module
Index Terms
In this project we proposed a fault localization model for the underground cable lines with Arduino.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the distance from the base station's underground cable fault in
kilometres. In this project we used a simple concept of ohm’s low. When a fault occurs in the system the
distance located on liquid crystal display (LCD). Until the last decade, cables were designed to be placed
above the head and, at present, there is no underground cable that is higher than the previous method. adverse
weather conditions such as storms, snow, torrential rains and pollution does not effect on underground lines
But when a fault occurs in underground lines it is difficult to locate the fault in underground cable. We will
find the exact location of the fault. Now the world has become digitized so, the project is to detect exact
location of the fault in digital form. Underground cabling system is a more common practice in many urban
areas. Although the fault occurs for some reason, at that time, the repair process for this particular cable is
difficult because of not knowing the exact location of the cable breakdown. Fault in cable can be classified in
two groups: Open circuit fault:-In open circuit fault there is no current because there no conducting complete
loop for current flowing that is I=0 in this fault supply voltage is equal to the output voltage. Open circuit
fault is better than short circuit fault. Short circuit fault:- In this fault output voltage is zero but current is same
Further short circuit fault can be categorized in two types: Symmetrical fault:- In this fault :equal lead current
and equal phase shift. Unsymmetrical fault: - In this fault magnitude of current is not equal & phase shifting
is not equal by 120 degree. Terminal method:- in this method used to detect the fault location in underground
IJCRT2107535 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org f55
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 7 July 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
lines without any effort This method used to locate the type of circuit occurs; the voltage drop varies with the
default length on the cable, as the current varies. A plurality of resistors is used to represent the cable and a
DC voltage is supplied at one end and the defect is detected by detecting the voltage variation the defect area
to accelerate the tracking of the buried cable. [2]
Advanced Methods like Fault Detection, Fault Diagnosis have Become Important for Many
Technical processes for the Improvement of Reliability, Safety and Efficiency. There are Two Types of
Fault location Methods namely Online and Offline methods. [3]
1) Online Method:-To determine the fault points this method utilizes & processes the sampled voltages &
current. Online method for underground cable is less than overhead lines.
2) Offline Method:-This method uses special instrument to test out Service of cable in the field. The offline
Methods are as follows,
Tracer Method:-In this Method Fault Point in the Cable lines is detected by walking on Ground. The Fault
point is indicated from Audible signal or Electromagnetic signal. It is used to Point out Fault location Very
Example:-A] Tracing Current Method
B] Sheath Coil Method
Terminal method:-This Technique is used to Detect Fault Location of Cable from one or both ends without
Tracing. The General Area of Fault is located by the use of this Method, to Expedite tracing on buried cable.
Example:-A] Murray Loop Method
B] Impulse Current Method
Literature Survey:
2.1 Presented Design & Implementation of Fault Identification in Underground Cables Using IOT.
This project is to determine the distance of underground cable fault from the base station in
kilometres and displayed over the internet. Underground cable system is a common followed in major areas
in Metro cities. While a fault occurs for some reason, at that time the fixing process related to that particular
cable is difficult due to exact unknown location of the fault in the cable. This Technology is used to find out
the exact location of the fault and to send data in graphical format to our website using a GSM module at
the same time it display on the LCD screen.
The project uses the standard theory of Ohms law, i.e., when a low DC voltage is applied at the feeder
end through a series resistor (Cable lines), then the current would vary depending upon the location of the
fault in the cable as the resistance is proportional to the distance. In case there is a short circuit (Line to
Ground), the voltage across series resistors changes according to the resistance that changes with distance
.This is then fed to an ADC to develop precise digital data which the programmed microcontroller of the 8051
family displays in kilometres.[4]
2.2 Presented Analysis of Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator.
Underground cables are prone to a wide variety of faults due to underground conditions, wear and
tear, rodents etc. Also detecting fault source is difficult and entire line is to be dug in order to check entire
line and fix faults. So here we propose cable fault detection over IOT that detects the exact fault position over
IOT that makes repairing work very easy. The repairmen know exactly which part has fault and only that area
is to be dug to detect the fault source. This saves a lot of time, money and efforts and also allows to service
underground cables faster. We use IOT technology that updates the monitored fault information to internet.
The system detects fault with the help of potential divider network laid across the cable. Whenever a
fault gets created at a point shorting two lines together, a specific voltage gets generated as per the resistors
network combination. This voltage is sensed by the microcontroller and is updated to the user. The information
conveyed to the user is the information regarding faults detection. The microcontroller retrieves the fault line
data and displays over LCD display, also it transfers this data over internet to display on Gmail server. [5]
Proposed System:
Underground cable fault detector deals with finding of exact fault location from the base station
itself. The proposed system finds the exact location of the fault. This paper uses the standard concept of Ohm’s
law i.e. As soon as a low DC voltage is applied at the feeder end through a series resister, the current would
vary depending upon the location of fault in the cable. Cables have some resistance. We are mainly focusing
on the resistance. Resistance can vary with respect to the length of the cable. If the length of the cable is
increase, the value of the resistance will also increase. If any deviation occurs in the value of resistance, we
will call that is fault point and finding that place through Arduino technology. The standard of distance
(kilometre) from the base station is represented by the fault point. This value displayed by display unit LCD.
Also one more feature is that using GSM the message of fault detection, location of fault and distance of fault
from base station in kilometres this all information is send to base station. Whenever a fault occurs in a cable
the buzzer produces the alarm to alert and to take an immediate action by field workers.
Block Diagram:
Hardware Requirements:
1. Arduino UNO:-It is a Microcontroller Board built using based on AT mega 328 IC. Its Operating
Voltage is 5V with Clock speed of 16MHz. Some of its Digital pins have Specialized Functions. For
example, Pin0 (RX) and Pin1 (TX) serve as Serial Port Communication for Receiving and
Transmitting Serial data. Pins 10 to 13 support SPI Communication. These Ports can be utilized for
interfacing GSM & GPS Module.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3 GSM Module
3. GPS Module:-GPSNEO-6MV2 is the Module Used in this Project. The Operating Voltage ranges
from 2.3V to 3.6V. Its RX and TX are connected to corresponding Serial Port pins in Arduino. NEMA
is the Protocol used to read Latitude and Longitude Data.
4. Relay:-An Array of Single Pole Double throw (SPDT) relays is Used in this Project. It has one
Common Terminal and Two Different Contact in Different Configurations. Here relays are used for
indicating the Faults at particular distances.
Fig. 5 Relay
5. LCD display:-A 16 x 2 LCD Display is used to display the Message about the Faults, their Distance
and Latitude and Longitude Coordinates. In addition to this, it can be used to know what Process is
going on in the Microcontroller from Initialization of the devices. Its working voltage is 5V. It is
interfaced with Arduino in 4-bit Operating Mode.
Software Requirements:
1. Proteus ISIS [System Design]:- The Proteus Design Suite is an Electronic Design
Automation (EDA) tool including schematic capture, simulation and PCB Layout modules. It is
developed in Yorkshire, England by Lab centre Electronics Ltd with offices in North America
and several overseas sales channels. The software runs on the Windows operating system.
The micro-controller simulation in Proteus works by applying either a hex file or a debug file to
the microcontroller part on the schematic. It is then co-simulated along with any analog and
digital electronics connected to it. This enables it's used in a broad spectrum of project
prototyping in areas such as motor control, temperature control and user interface design.
2. Proteus Ares [PCB Design]:- High performance net list based PCB design package perfectly
complements our powerful schematic capture software and features both automatic component
placement and a truly world class shape based auto-router.
-Fully integrated user friendly advance PCD design software.[2]
-Arduino Software using Embedded Language.
After getting the Fault location data it is sent to Mobile Number using GSM Module. The SMS
includes distance of location and its coordinates as link and using this link the Fault location can be clearly
monitored using Google Maps.
1. By Implementation in Real time may occur high cost.[8]
1. Fault Detection in Underground Power Cable.
2. It is also used in fault detection in Communication Cable.
3. Industrial Application.[8]
Finally, we have done this project for location of fault in underground cable in the rural areas
where underground transmission system is used. It is difficult to find the fault in the cable. So this project is
beneficial to use to detect the fault location. So the fault can easily locate and extinguish.
Future Scope:
In this Project we detect the exact location of short circuit fault in the underground cable from feeder end in
km by using Arduino. In future, this project can be implemented to calculate the impedance by using a
capacitor in an AC circuit and thus measure the Open Circuit Fault.[9]
[1]. Special Issue of International Journal of Electronics, Communication & Soft Computing Science and
Engineering IETE Zonal seminar “Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology”-2017 ISSN:2277-9477.
[2]. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 9 Issue 02,
February-2020 http://www.ijert.org
[3]. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technologies (IRJET) Volume 7, Issue 12, Dec (2020)
www.irjet.net ISSN: 2395-0056.
[4]. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 4, Issue 2 Feb 2017
www.irjet.net ISSN: 2395-0056
[5]. IOT based Underground Cable Fault Detection www.nevonprojects.com
[6]. Thomas, Summi & A.Vimenthani, & Kaleeswari,. (2017). Automatic underground cable fault locator
using GSM. International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET).
4. 260-265.
[7]. Manickam, Dinesh & Vairaperumal, Mr & Senthil kumar, Mr. (2018). Design and Detection of
Underground Cable Fault Using Raspberry Pi and IOT System. International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development. Volume-3. 668-672. 10.31142/ijtsrd19037
[8]. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and
Engineering (IJARMATE) Volume 5,Issue 3, March 2019 www.ijarmate.com ISSN:2454-9762
[9]. International Journals of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology [IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-
3696 Volume 2, ISSUE 4APR.-2015.