Grade 2 Week 1 Q4
Grade 2 Week 1 Q4
Grade 2 Week 1 Q4
Catch-Up Friday
A. Content The learner activates prior To set the overarching To prepare the learner's To reflect on learning Determine your
Standards knowledge to spark them goal and tone for Catch- physical state to prevent experiences in Peace newly-discovered
interest and motivate them to up Fridays, emphasizing injuries and improve blood Education knowledge and skills
read. the holistic development flow to perform
of individuals. better in school
B. Performance The learner develops various To engage learners in Give reflection on the To consolidate Show appreciation of
Standards reading skills to improve their reflective activities that learning experience information gained from your newly-
vocabulary, learn new words promote self-discovery the learning session in discovered
and expressions, and enhance and informed decision- Peace Education knowledge and skills
their creativity and making to perform better in
imagination. school
C. Learning Provide the learners the To foster a collective To consolidate To reflect on learning Perform a school task
Competencies/ chance to reflect. develop a environment for information gained from experiences in Peace using your newly-
Objectives deeper understanding of the reflection and open the given activity Education discovered
text, and promote the use of communication. knowledge and skills
language or newly learned
words creatively.
Reading Intervention Cooperation Drug Education National and Global Be Aware! Stay Safe.
(The Benefits of (Safe Use of Medicines) Awareness
CONTENT Cooperation)
( Subject Matter) (What is our
A. References
2.Learners Material Short Story: Problems on “Teamwork Makes the “Medicine is meant to “Nature is the Key to Homeroom
the Ark Dreams Work” heal, not harm” Life” Guidance
Quarter 4 – Module
I Know I Can
1. Was it easy for you
to describe the
pictures and identify
is helpful or not
2. Do you also
perform activities that
are helpful in your
3. What is the
importance of sharing
your learning in
school to community-
based activities?
What I Have
Directions: Create a
box using recycled
materials. For each
side of the box, write
down ways to
participate in school
and community
Make the best design
for your box.
Share Your
Thoughts and
Directions: Using the
box that you created
in “What I Have
Learned”, toss it in
the air four times. For
every toss, the
statement that will be
on the top of the box
will be your
commitment to your
Copy and complete
the “Commitment to
Community” on your
answer sheet.
Commitment to
I, ____(write your
name)______, will do
my best to share my
learnings at home and
in school to the
community because I
want to
___(roll the activity
box and copy the
activity here)_____.
The box says, today I
will ___(roll the
activity box and copy
activity here)_____.
The box says,
tomorrow I will ask
my parent/household
member to help me in
___(roll the activity
box and copy the
The box says, I will
always ___(roll the
activity box and copy
activity here)_____.
So help me, God.
G..What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other