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CUF-Grade 2 Week 1 Q4

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CATCH-UP FRIDAY Teaching Dates and Time: APRIL 5, 2024/FRIDAY Quarter: FOURTH

Catch-Up Friday

Reading Intervention Values Education Health Education Peace Education Homeroom Guidance Program


A. Content The learner activates prior To set the overarching To prepare the learner's To reflect on learning Determine your newly-discovered knowledge and
Standards knowledge to spark them goal and tone for Catch- physical state to prevent experiences in Peace skills to perform
interest and motivate them to up Fridays, emphasizing injuries and improve blood Education better in school
read. the holistic development flow
of individuals.
B. Performance The learner develops various To engage learners in Give reflection on the To consolidate Show appreciation of your newly-discovered
Standards reading skills to improve their reflective activities that learning experience information gained from knowledge and skills to perform better in school
vocabulary, learn new words promote self-discovery the learning session in
and expressions, and enhance and informed decision- Peace Education
their creativity and making
C. Learning Provide the learners the To foster a collective To consolidate To reflect on learning Perform a school task using your newly-discovered
Competencies/ chance to reflect. develop a environment for information gained from experiences in Peace knowledge and skills
Objectives deeper understanding of the reflection and open the given activity Education
text, and promote the use of communication.
language or newly learned
words creatively.

Reading Intervention Cooperation Drug Education National and Global Be Aware! Stay Safe.
(The Benefits of (Safe Use of Medicines) Awareness
CONTENT Cooperation)
( Subject Matter) (What is our

A. References

1.Teachers Guide pages

2.Learners Material Short Story: Problems on “Teamwork Makes the “Medicine is meant to “Nature is the Key to Homeroom Guidance
the Ark Dreams Work” heal, not harm” Life”
Quarter 4 – Module 11:
I Know I Can Follow

B. Other Learning https:// https:// https://

Resources freestoriesforkids.com/ https:// www.youtube.com/watch? www.youtube.com/
children/stories-and-tales/ www.youtube.com/ v=ynBxsjevwfw watch?v=P6jG2kJoW2c
problems-ark watch?v=VrVbjO6075Y
https://kidshealth.org/en/ https://
https:// parents/medication- hyundai.motorstudio.co.i
www.forsmallhands.com safety.html
benefits-of-cooperation responsibility-to-
Begin with classroom Begin with classroom Begin with classroom Begin with classroom Begin with classroom routine:
routine: routine: routine: routine:
a. Prayer
a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer b. Reminder on Health and Safety protocols
b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of c. Checking of Attendance
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance d. Quick Kamustahan
c. Quick Kamustahan c. Quick c. Quick c. Quick
STORY: PROBLEMS ON Kamustahan Kamustahan Kamustahan Lets Try This
THE ARK Directions: On a sheet of paper, write down all the
Introduction Friday Routine Exercise Preparation and
words that you can find in the box. Then, answer the
Settling In
processing questions.
Discussion: Facilitate a Beautiful Life by Sasha
discussion about the Lopez | Zumba® Fitness | Welcome: Greet
meaning of cooperation Live Love Party students warmly and
through a song. express your excitement
for the lesson.

Warm-up Activity: Processing Questions:

The teacher will show 1. What are the words that you found in the box?
1. Activating Prior different pictures of 2. What can you say about the words you found in the
Current Health News children that shows love
Knowledge: Discuss box?
Sharing for their environment.
experiences with feelings
like sadness, anger, and Brainstorming Lets Explore This
happiness. Ask students if The students will share the Directions: In this activity, talk to one of your parents
The students will share
they have ever felt their experiences related importance dancing or household
experienced to show to cooperation in the Zumba to their health. members to join you in playing the “5, 4, 3, 2, 1
context of the song. game”. Think of the people listed below within your
cooperation with one
Emphasize the Concept Exploration Engage the students to household, or someone you may know or close to
another. Briefly introduce The teacher will let the
importance of share their self your family. Write their names in a clean sheet of
the concept of cooperation students enumerate at least
cooperation in building experiences related to paper. Then, answer the processing questions.
without using the specific relationships and five (5) medicines that being environment
term. creating supportive they know. The students friendly in context of the 5 – five persons who are wearing mask
communities. will share their answers pictures. 4 – four persons who are Frontliners during
2. Building Background through brainstorming and
community quarantine
Knowledge: Show pictures of let them report as a group.
Concept Exploration 3 – three persons who are staying at home
children that shoes Concept Exploration 2 – two persons talking with distance
Reflection and Sharing The teacher will let the
cooperation and unity. Briefly tell the students 1 – person working from home
Explain the importance of that they are going to students watch a short
Medicines: Using Them
unity and cooperation in discuss cooperation Safely video clip that depicts
problem solving and how this through a bubble map. The teacher will discuss the importance of being Processing Questions:
trait can help them to become the safety procedures in environment friendly. 1. What can you say about the people you listed
taking medicines through who can follow
responsible individuals.
a Power point certain rules?
3. Introducing Key presentation. 2. Do they inspire you to participate in community-
Vocabulary: Define and based activities? Why or why not?
The teacher will let the
discuss words like “ark”, students engage the
“rowdy” “hole” , etc. Use students to participate by Reflect the topic being You Can Do It
pictures to illustrate the The learners will share sharing their personal discussed. Talk about Directions: In a clean sheet of paper, describe the
meaning. their insights from the experiences regarding the challenges and insights pictures below. Tell if it
accomplished bubble topic. gained. helps the community or not. Then, answer the
4. Setting Reading Goals: map and will write their processing questions.
Tell students that they will reflection in their 9 Examples of Our
listen to the story and think Wrap Up Environmental
Remind students that it is Responsibility to
about how the characters in
Reflective Thinking important to know the Preserve the Nature
the story had shown The teacher will discuss
Activities medicines they should be
cooperation and unity. the ways in order to Processing Questions:
taking in order to cure
The Benefits of their diseases and will help us in preserving 1. Was it easy for you to
A. DURING READING: our nature through a
Cooperation make their body to describe the pictures and
1. Modeling Fluent The teacher will discuss PowerPoint presentation.
become stronger. identify which
Reading: Read the story the benefits of The teacher will let the
is helpful or not helpful?
expressively. Pause at key cooperation through a students explore the
2. Do you also perform activities that are helpful in
points to ask questions PowerPoint presentation. importance of being
environment friendly in your
like: “What are you The teacher will ask this
order to preserve the community?How?
going to do if you are reflective question: “Is
cooperation important to beauty of nature. 3. What is the importance of sharing your learning in
one of the animals in the
you? Why or why not?” school to community-based activities?
ark?” Encourage
Progress Monitoring
students to share their
Structured Activities through Reflection and What I Have Learned
thoughts and feelings. Sharing Directions: Create a box using recycled materials. For
Cut out strips of each side of the box, write down ways to participate
B. POST READING: Personal Action
construction paper and in school and community
distribute them to Brainstorming: Ask activities.
1. Reviewing Key Points: students to brainstorm
students. Ask them to Make the best design for
Briefly summarize the story, write down one action individual actions they
your box.
emphasizing how that they can make to can take to apply to
cooperation was portrayed achieve cooperation and become more
in the story. Discuss the teamwork to other environment friendly. Share Your Thoughts and Feelings
importance of helping one people. Directions: Using the box that you created in “What I
Collective Action Have Learned”, toss it in the air four times. For every
another in order to achieve a
Group Sharing Brainstorming: Discuss toss, the statement that will be on the top of the box
common goal. Let the students share the importance of being will be your commitment to your community.
what they have written a environment friendly
2. Reflecting on Reading Copy and complete the “Commitment to
in the pieces of student through role
Experience: Encourage the Community” on your answer sheet.
construction paper given playing.
learners to share their to them and come up Wrap Up Commitment to Community
experiences in which they with a common idea as a Review and Sharing:
showed cooperation and group to be shared by Briefly review the key I, ____(write your name)______, will do my best to
how it helped them to group in front of the concepts related to being share my
class. an environment friendly learnings at home and in school to the community
become more responsible.
Feedback and student. Allow students because I want to
Reinforcement to share their reflections ___(roll the activity box and copy the activity
and ideas from the here)_____.
Provide positive worksheet or The box says, today I will ___(roll the activity box
feedback: Appreciate brainstorming sessions. and copy the
students' participation activity here)_____.
and effort throughout the The box says, tomorrow I will ask my
lesson. Highlight parent/household
specific examples of member to help me in ___(roll the activity box and
how they demonstrated copy the activity
cooperation and here)_____.
teamwork during the The box says, I will always ___(roll the activity box
activities. and copy the
activity here)_____.
So help me, God.



A..No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B..No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C…Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D..No. of learners who
continue to require
E..Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F..What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G..What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked By:

Darlene M. De Jesus Felipa M. Maligalig

Teacher I Master Teacher I

Noted By:

Aloha L. Arboleda
Head Teacher III

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