CUF-Grade 2 Week 1 Q4
CUF-Grade 2 Week 1 Q4
CUF-Grade 2 Week 1 Q4
Catch-Up Friday
Reading Intervention Values Education Health Education Peace Education Homeroom Guidance Program
A. Content The learner activates prior To set the overarching To prepare the learner's To reflect on learning Determine your newly-discovered knowledge and
Standards knowledge to spark them goal and tone for Catch- physical state to prevent experiences in Peace skills to perform
interest and motivate them to up Fridays, emphasizing injuries and improve blood Education better in school
read. the holistic development flow
of individuals.
B. Performance The learner develops various To engage learners in Give reflection on the To consolidate Show appreciation of your newly-discovered
Standards reading skills to improve their reflective activities that learning experience information gained from knowledge and skills to perform better in school
vocabulary, learn new words promote self-discovery the learning session in
and expressions, and enhance and informed decision- Peace Education
their creativity and making
C. Learning Provide the learners the To foster a collective To consolidate To reflect on learning Perform a school task using your newly-discovered
Competencies/ chance to reflect. develop a environment for information gained from experiences in Peace knowledge and skills
Objectives deeper understanding of the reflection and open the given activity Education
text, and promote the use of communication.
language or newly learned
words creatively.
Reading Intervention Cooperation Drug Education National and Global Be Aware! Stay Safe.
(The Benefits of (Safe Use of Medicines) Awareness
CONTENT Cooperation)
( Subject Matter) (What is our
A. References
2.Learners Material Short Story: Problems on “Teamwork Makes the “Medicine is meant to “Nature is the Key to Homeroom Guidance
the Ark Dreams Work” heal, not harm” Life”
Quarter 4 – Module 11:
I Know I Can Follow
G..What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Noted By:
Aloha L. Arboleda
Head Teacher III