Taihen Jutsu
Taihen Jutsu
Taihen Jutsu
Ukemi Gata: Break falls Zenpo Ukemi - Forward Break fall Yoko Ukemi - Side Break fall Koho Ukemi - Backwards Break fall Yoko Nagashi Zenpo Ukemi - Quiet Ground Drop Zenpo Kaiten Ukemi: Forward Roll Break fall Shizen Ukemi - Standing Zagata Ukemi - Kneeling Ryote Ukemi - Using Two Hands Katate Ukemi - Using One Hand Tuski Ukemi - Punching / kicking From Break falls Kaiten Waza: Ground Rolls Zenpo Kaiten - Forward Roll Naname Kaiten - Diagonal Rolls Sokuho Kaiten - Side Roll Koho Kaiten - Backwards Roll Hicho Kaiten - Dive Rolls Shizen Kaiten - Standing Zagata Kaiten - Kneeling Ryote Kaiten - Using Two Hands Katate Kaiten - Using One Hand Mute Kaiten - No Hands Tuski Kaiten - Punching and kicking From Break falls Kuruma Waza: Hand springs These skills are not normally taught any more in todays training curriculum, due to personal liabilty issues.. Oten - Cartwheels Royote Oten - Two Handed Cartwheels Katate Oten - One Handed Cartwheel Oten Gyaku - Cartwheel Reversal Kiten - Hand Springs Zenpo Kiten - Forward Hand Spring Koho Kiten - Backward Hand Spring Hicho Kiten - Front Diving Hand Spring Katate Hicho Kiten - One Handed Handspring Koho Kiten: Backwards Hand Spring Royote Koho Kiten Two Han Katate Koho Kiten One Hand Kuten Waza: Somersaults These skills are not normally taught any more in todays training curriculum, due to personal liability issues.. Zenpo Kuten - Front Somersault Yoko Kuten Sideward Somersault Koho Kuten - Backwards Somersault Shiho Tenchi Tobi: Leaping Skills Zenpo Tobi - Front Leap Sokuho Tobi - Side Leap Koho Tobi - Back Leap Fudoza Tobi - Vertical Leap Naname Tobi - Directional Leaping
Kamae: Body Postures Fighting: Hira-no Kamae - Natural Posture Shizen-no Kamae - Side Natural Defensive Posture Bobi-no Kamae - Defensive Posture Ichimonji-no Kamae - Back Defensive Posture Suin-no Kamae Hidden Knife Posture Doko-no Kamae - Angry Tiger Posture Hicho-no Kamae - Crane Posture Kosie-no Kamae - Weapon Defense Posture Nagata-Kosie no Kamae - Weapon Defensive Posture Kneeling Jumonji Kihon-no Kamae - Natural Crossed Wrist Posture Jumonji Kumite-no Kamae - Side Natural Crossed Wrist Posture Ihen-no Kamae - Forward Offensive Posture (Migi - Right / Hidari - Left) Hira Ichimonji-no Kamae - Open Defensive Posture Hoko-no Kamae - Angry Bear Posture Ceremonial: Kongo Gassho-no Kamae - Greeting Posture Suwari Gata-no Kamae - Sitting Crossed Leg, with One Heel Tucked into Crouch Fudoza-no Kamae - Sitting with Crossed Legs Seiza-no Kamae - Sitting on Knees Zarie - Bowing with Respect Tai-Sabaki: Angling and reversals techniques Irimi Waza- Entering Nagashi Waza- Avoiding Okuri Waza - Slidding Gyaku Waza - Reversals and Angling Kamae no Kata - Posture to Posture Shyoten-no Jutsu: Balance Skills Atama Tatsu - Head Stand Aruku-no Morte - Walking on Hands Heio - Walking on Beams Geta Wooden Sandals Sanshin no Kata: 5 Elemental Movements (Bujinkan Dojo) Chi-no Kata - Earth Sui-no Kata - Water Ka-no Kata - Fire Fu-no Kata - Water Ku-no Kata Void Kihon Happo-no Gata: Eight Basic Movement Forms (Bujinkan Dojo) Koshi Senpo Ichimonji-no Kamae Hicho-no Kamae Jumonji-no Kamae Torite Goho Omote Gyaku Oni Kudaki Ura Kote Gyaku Musha Dori Ganseki Nage