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Information Bulletin: January Semester-2024

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Information Bulletin
January Semester-2024

S. No Particulars
A Important Information and Dates at a Glance 2-4
B Introduction 5
1 About National Testing Agency (NTA) 5
2 About Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) 5
3 Mode of conducting the exam and Scheme of Examination 5
4 Marking Scheme 6
5 Eligibility Criteria for SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) 6
6 Provisions relating to Persons with Disability (PwD) 6
7 Choice of Cities for Exam Centre 9
8 General Instructions 9
9 Registration and Application Process 10
10 Admit Card for SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) 13
11 Procedure for appearing in Computer Based Test (CBT) 13
12 Conduct of the Examination 13
13 Caution Notice & Non-Disclosure Agreement (India) 15
14 Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) 15
15 Unfair Means Practices and Breach of Examination Rules 15
16 Declaration of Results 16
17 Weeding Out Rules 16
18 Legal Jurisdiction 16
19 RTI 17
Payment of Exam Fee - Procedure/ Mode / Service Provider(s) and Services Charges
(Annexure –I) 18
II Examination Schedule (Annexure –II) 19
III Swayam Examination (Cities) (Annexure –III) 35
IV Steps for Exam Registration (Annexure –IV) 44
V Certificate regarding physical limitation to write in an examination (Annexure –V) 60
VI Letter of Undertaking for using own Scribe (Annexure-VI) 62
Certificate for person with specified disability covered under the definition of Section 2 (s)
VII of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act,
i.e. persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing (Annexure-VII) 63
Letter of Undertaking by the person with specified disability covered under the definition
of Section 2 (s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r)
of the said Act, i.e. persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing
(Annexure-VIII) 64
IX Common Services Centres/Facilitation Centres (Annexure –IX) 65
X Procedure for appearing in Computer Based Test (CBT): (Annexure –X)

Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) January 2024 Semester
(Please refer to Information Bulletin for details)

1. Dates, fee details and Application Procedure:

Online registration and submission of Application Form through
19 March 2024 to 18 April 2024
NTA Website: https://exams.nta.ac.in/swayam
Last date for successful transaction of Examination Fee(through
19 April 2024 (upto 11:50 pm)
Credit / Debit Card/Net Banking/UPI)
₹ 750/- (per course )
General (UR) ₹ 600/- (per course ) for additional
₹ 500/- (per course )
Gen-EWS OBC-(NCL)/ SC/ST/PwD ₹ 400/- (per course ) for additional
Note: Applicable service/processing charges & GST over and above the Examination fee, are to be paid by the candidate
to the concerned Bank/ Payment Gateway Integrator (For details, Annexure -I may be referred to).

Correction in the Particulars of Application Form online only 20 April to 22 April 2024
Downloading of Admit Cards by the Candidate’s from NTA website
Will be announced later through NTA website
Dates of Examination 18, 19, 26 and 27 May 2024
Duration of Examination 180 minutes (03:00 hours)
Shift-I (09:00 AM-12:00 Noon)
Timing of Examination Shift-II (03:00 PM – 06:00 PM)
Exam Centre, Date and Shift of Examination As indicated on the Admit Card
Declaration of Result on NTA Website Will be announced later through NTA website
Website https://exams.nta.ac.in/

Final Scores & Certificates Will be given by the respective National

Coordinator after the result of final proctored

*OBC (Other Backward Classes)-NCL (Non-Creamy Layer) as per the central list of Other Backward Classes
available on the website of National Commission for Backward Classes. The candidates falling in this list may
mention OBC in the Category Column. State list OBC Candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must
choose General.

The fee can be submitted only online through Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card or UPI Services. Processing
charges and GST as applicable are chargeable to the candidate (in addition to the Examination fee)by the concerned
Bank/Payment Gateway Integrator. For details / procedure, please see Annexure-I]
1. Candidates must carefully read the Instructions (including how to fill up Application Form online) given
in the Information Bulletin available on the NTA Website. Candidates not complying with the
Instructions shall be summarily disqualified.
2. Candidates can apply for SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) through “Online” mode only. The
Application Form in any other mode will not be accepted.
3. Candidates can apply for a maximum 8 courses as per schedule and shifts available.
4. Instructions for filling Online Application Form:

 Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form. Read these carefully to ensure
your eligibility.

 Follow the steps given below to Apply Online:

Step- 1: Apply for Online Registration using own Email ID -Using the same email ID used for
Registration on SWAYAM portal.
Step- 2: Fill in the Online Application Form and upload photograph, signature, category/PwD
certificate if applicable
Step-3: Pay fee using the Payment Gateway(s) integrated to the Online Application through
Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card /UPI / Wallet and keep proof of fee paid.

2. After successful completion of Step-3, Confirmation Page of the Application Form, should be downloaded
and a printout of the same may be retained for future reference. The Confirmation Page of the online
Application Form could be generated only after successful payment by the Candidate.

3. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of prescribed Fee, then the candidate should
approach the concerned Bank/Payment Gateway integrator (in the helpline number and email given in
Annexure-I of the Information Bulletin), for ensuring the successful payment.

In spite of above, if successful transaction is not reflected on the Portal, the candidate may contact NTA
Helpline. If the payment issue is still not resolved, the candidate may pay second time.

However, any duplicate payment received from the candidate by NTA in the course of said transactions
will be refunded through the same payment mode through which the duplicate payment is received, after
fee reconciliation by NTA.

4. Information such as his/ her name, contact details / address, category, PwD status, educational
qualification details, date of birth, choice of exam cities, etc provided by the candidate in the online
Application Form will be treated as final. Any request for change in such particulars after the closure of
correction period will not be considered by NTA.

5. NTA does not edit/modify/alter any information entered by the candidate under any circumstances. Any
request for change in information will not be entertained. Therefore, candidates are advised to exercise
utmost caution while filling up correct details in the Application Form. Corrections sent by the candidate
through Post/ Fax/ WhatsApp/Email/by Hand will not be entertained by NTA.

6. NTA disclaims any liability that may cause due to incorrect information provided by the candidate in
his/her online Application Form.

7. Candidates must ensure that their email address and mobile number to be registered in their online
Application Form are their own, as relevant/important information/ communication will be sent by NTA
through e-mail on the registered e-mail address and / or through SMS on registered mobile number only.
NTA shall not be responsible for any non-communication / miscommunication with a candidate in the
email address or mobile number given by him/her other than his/her own.

8. Candidates are advised to visit the NTA Website and check their e-mails regularly for latest updates.

9. Candidates shall appear in the exam at their own cost at the Examination Centre on the Date/ Shift and
time indicated on their respective Admit Cards which would be issued by the NTA in due course through
its website.

i. The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-3 is not completed.
Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
ii. No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA under any

iii. The entire application process for SWAYAM January 2024 Semester is online, including uploading of
scanned images, payment of fees, and printing of confirmation page, admit card, etc. Therefore,
candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including confirmation page to NTA
through Post/ Fax/WhatsApp/Email/by Hand.
iv. Usage of Data and Information: NTA/Government of India can use the data provided by the End Users
(test taker in this case) for internal purpose(s) including training, research and development, analysis,
and other permissible purpose(s). However, this information is not for use by any third party or private
agency for any other use.

Candidates are advised to carry only the following with them into the Examination venue:

a) Admit Card along with Self Declaration (Undertaking) downloaded from the NTA Website (a clear
printout on A4 size paper) duly filled in.
b) A simple transparent Ball Point Pen.
c) Additional photograph, to be pasted on Attendance Sheet
d) Personal transparent water bottle.
e) Sugar tablets/fruits (like banana/apple/orange) in case the candidate is diabetic.


1. Candidate shall ensure that the information (like, his/her name. mother’s name, father’s name, gender,
date of birth, category, PwD status, mobile number, email address, photograph and signature, choice
of cities for exam Centre, etc.) provided by them in their online Application Form are correct and of
their own. Candidates are advised to exercise utmost care for filling up correct details in the
Application Form. Any request for change in the particulars after the closure of correction period will
not be considered by NTA under any circumstances. Corrections sent by the candidate through Post/
Fax/WhatsApp/Email/by Hand will not be entertained by NTA.

2. In case it is found at any time in future that the Candidate has used / uploaded the photograph and
signature of someone else in his/ her Application Form / Admit Card or he/she has tampered his/her
Admit Card / result, these acts of the candidate shall be treated as Unfair Means (UFM) Practices on
his/her part and he/she shall be proceeded with the actions as contemplated under the provisions of the
Information Bulletin relating to Unfair Means Practices.

3. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry Instruments, Geometry or Pencil box, Handbag, Purse, any kind
of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material (printed or written material), Eatables (loose or packed), Mobile
Phone/ Earphone/ Microphone/ Pager, Calculator, DocuPen, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Camera, Tape
Recorder, Electronic Watches with facilities of calculator, any metallic item or electronic gadgets/
devices in the Examination Hall/Room. Smoking, chewing gutka, spitting etc. in the Examination
Room/Hall is strictly prohibited

4. If any candidate is in possession of any of the above item, his/ her candidature will be treated as unfair
means and lead to cancellation of the current Examination & also debar the candidate for future
examination(s) & the material will be seized.

SWAYAM January 2024 Semester Examination
1. About National Testing Agency (NTA)
The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), which is now known as Ministry of
Education (MoE), Government of India (GoI) has established the National Testing Agency (NTA) as an
independent, autonomous, and self-sustained premier testing organization under the Societies
Registration Act (1860) for conducting efficient, transparent, and international standards tests to assess
the competency of candidates for admissions to premier higher education institutions.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting SWAYAM
January 2024 Semester Exams for Certification courses.

2. About Study Webs of Active–Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM)

SWAYAM is a programme initiated by Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal
principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity, and quality. The objective of this effort is to take the
best teaching learning resources to all, including the most disadvantaged. SWAYAM seeks to bridge the
digital divide for students who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and have not
been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy.
3. Mode of conducting the exam and Scheme of Examination for SWAYAM January 2024 Semester

Exam will be held for 456 papers.Some of the papers will be held in CBT mode while some others will
be held in hybrid mode, i. e, partly in CBT mode and partly in paper pen mode.

Details are given below:

No of No of questions Marks per Total Marks Duration

papers question
27 100 MCQs in CBT mode 1 100 3 hours

373 50 MCQs in CBT mode 2 100 3 hours

56 In hybrid mode: Section A-1 Section A-20 3 hours

Section A-20 MCQs in CBT Section B-3 Section B-30
Section B-10 MCQs in Section C-10 Section C-50
(Paper pen mode) Total -100
Section C-5 (out of 7) (Paper pen mode)


There will be no negative marking for any wrong answer in the MCQ sections.

*For PwD Candidates as per norms

Medium: The question paper will be in English only, except language papers which will be in the
respective languages only.

4. Marking Scheme:
i) Un-answered/un-attempted will be given no marks.
ii) To answer a MCQ, the candidate needs to choose one option as correct option/most
appropriate option.
iii) In case a Question is dropped due to some technical error, full marks shall be given to all
the candidates who have attempted it.
iv) In case of any ambiguity in translation/construction of a question in the exam, its English
version shall be treated as final and the decision of NTA shall be final in this regard.

5. Eligibility Criteria for SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester)

5.1 The student/learner who has enrolled in any of the 456 courses in the January, 2024 semester
is eligible for appearing in the examination of that course. Shift-wise and course-wise
examination schedule is given at Annexure-II.

5.2 The students, who obtained 40% marks in term end written test conducted by NTA and 40%
marks in internal assessment separately, will be eligible for certificate and credit transfer.

For Students Who Want to Appear in Multiple Exams:

Please note that student would be able to choose only one course in each shift i.e., student can appear
for a maximum of Eight papers spread across Eight shifts. Those students who are doing multiple
courses should ensure that the courses that they are choosing for examination are in different shifts.
Shift-wise and course-wise examination schedule is given at Annexure-II.

6. Provisions relating to Persons with Disability (PwD)

 As per Section 2(t) of the RPwD Act, “Persons with Disability (PwD)” means a person
with long term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairment which, in interaction
with barriers, hinders his full and effective participation in society equally with others.

 According to Section 2(r) of the RPwD Act, 2016, “persons with benchmark disabilities”
means a person with not less than forty percent (40%) of a specified disability where
specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with
disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the
certifying authority.

The “specified disabilities”, which are included in the Schedule of the RPwD Act, are as

S. Category Type of Disability Specified Disability

1 Physical Disability Locomotor Disabilitya. Leprosy cured person,
b. cerebral palsy,
c. dwarfism,
d. muscular dystrophy,
e. acid attack victims.
Visual Impairment a. blindness,
b. low vision
Hearing Impairment a. deaf,
b. hard of hearing
Speech & Language Permanent disability arising out of
Disability conditions such as laryngectomy or
aphasia affecting one or more
components of speech and language due
to organic or neurological causes.
2 Intellectual a. specific learning disabilities /
Disability perceptual disabilities: Dyslexia,
Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia
& Developmental Aphasia)
b. autism spectrum disorder
3 Mental Behaviour a. mental illness
4 Disability caused i. Chronic Neurological a. multiple sclerosis
due to Conditions b. Parkinson’s disease
ii. Blood disorder a. Haemophilia,
b. Thalassemia,
c. Sickle cell disease
5 Multiple More than one of the above specified
Disabilities disabilities including deaf blindness

6.1 Facilities for PwD Candidates to Appear in the Exam

As per the guidelines issued by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan) under Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment issued from time to time on
the subject: “Written Examination for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities”, A candidate with
one of the benchmark disabilities [as defined in Section 2(r) of RPwD Act, 2016], holding a
Disability Certificate in the format prescribed in Annexure-V, is entitled to the following
a. Scribe shall be given, if so desired by a person with benchmark disabilities in the category
of blindness, locomotor disability (Both Arms affected-BA) and cerebral palsy.
b. The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical limitation and a scribe is essential to
write the examination on his/her behalf, being so certified in the aforesaid format by a

CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution,
will be provided.
c. Compensatory time of not less than 20 minutes per hour of examination will be provided.
If the examination is of 03 hours duration, the compensatory time shall be 01 hour. In case
the duration of the examination is less or more than 03 hours, the compensatory time shall
be on pro rata basis.
d. The compensatory time will be given to a candidate with benchmark disabilities, whether
such candidate uses the facility of Scribe or not. Services of a Scribe. As per the office
memorandum of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Reference: F. No. 34-
02/2015-DD-III dated August 29, 2018), the PwD candidates who are visually impaired
OR dyslexic (severe) OR have a disability in the upper limbs OR have lost fingers/hands
thereby preventing them from properly operating the Computer Based Test platform may
avail the services of a scribe (amanuensis).
e. The scribe will help the Candidate in reading the questions and/or keying in the answers
as per the directions of the Candidate.
f. A scribe will NEITHER explain the questions NOR suggest any solutions. PwBD
candidates who desire to avail the services of a scribe need to opt for this during the online
g. The format for the PwBD certificate is given in Annexure-V.
h. It is to be noted that the Scribe will be provided by the National Testing Agency.
However, the candidate is also permitted to bring his/her own scribe (Annexure-VI),
if he so chooses.
i. If it is found at any stage that a candidate has availed the services of a scribe and/or availed
the compensatory time,but does not possess the extent of disability that warrants the use
of a scribe and/or grant of compensatory time, the candidate will be excluded from the
process of evaluation, ranking, counseling, and admission. In case such a candidate has
already been admitted to any Institution, the admission of the candidate will be cancelled.
Candidates are advised to go through the Public Notice No. NTA/Exam/PwD/Scribe/2022
dated 11.09.2022 on the NTA website https://exams.nta.ac.in/ in this regard.
j. The NTA does not guarantee any change in the category or sub-category (PwBD status)
after the submission of the Online Application Form, and in any case, no change will be
entertained by NTA after the declaration of NTA Score for the Exam.
k. Therefore, the candidates are advised to fill in the category/sub-category column very
6.2 Facilities for PwD candidates who have less than 40% disability and have a limitation in
writing and a scribe is essential to write the exam on his/her behalf:

A PwD candidate with less than 40% disability and has a limitation in writing and a scribe is
essential to write the exam on his/her behalf, being so certified in the prescribed format
(Annexure-VII) by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Govt. Health Care
Institution will be provided a scribe by NTA. He is required to state his requirements in his
application form. He/she is also permitted to bring his/her own Scribe along with an
undertaking in the format given at Annexure-VIII.
The Candidate cannot change the category or sub-category (PwD status) after the
submission of the Online Application Form, and in any case, no change will be entertained
by NTA after the declaration SWAYAM January 2024 Semester Scores. Therefore, the
candidates are advised to fill the category / sub-category column very carefully.

7. Choice of Cities for Exam Centre

7.1 The City of Examination Centres where the test shall be conducted are given at Annexure-III
It is mandatory for candidates to select four cities of their choice while filling Online
Application Form of SWAYAM January 2024 Semester . Effort will be made to allot Centre
of Examination to the candidates in order of the City Choice opted by them in their Application
Form. However, due to logistic & administrative reasons, a different city of nearby area may be

7.2 The City of Examination once chosen and allotted cannot be changed (after the closing of the
correction window) and any request in this regard will not be entertained.

7.3 NTA will allocate the Examination Centre in the chosen city, which will be mentioned in the
Admit Card.

8. General Instructions

Please read this bulletin carefully before registering for SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) exam.

Note: Please ensure that you do not select more than one paper per session.

8.1 Exam will be held in two sessions per day, as follows:

Exam Shift Exam Timing
Day 1 Shift- I 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Day 1 Shift -II 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Day 2 Shift- I 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Day 2 Shift- II 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Day 3 Shift-I 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Day 3 Shift-II 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Day 4 Shift-I 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Day 4 Shift-II 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
8.2 The 456 SWAYAM courses for which the exams are going to be held have been divided among
these Eight shifts.

8.3 The shift wise examination schedule (list of courses) is available in Annexure II.

In case candidate has enrolled for more than one course falling in the same shift, he/she must
make a choice carefully as to which course, he/she would like to appear for exam. Please note
that the candidate will be able to appear in exam for only one course in one shift. Once you
select the course for exam and pay the fees it cannot be changed.

8.4 The examination will be held in 248 cities across the country. The State wise list of test Cities is
available in Annexure III.

9. Registration and Application Process

9.1 Procedure for Exam Registration

Candidates must apply for SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) “Online” ONLY by accessing the
website https://exams.nta.ac.in/swayam . The Application Form other than online mode would not
be accepted in any case. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate. More than one
application i.e., multiple Application Forms submitted by a candidate will be rejected.

It is suggested that the candidate should keep the following ready before starting the filling of the
Application Form:
o A computer with proper internet connectivity.
o The Date of Birth (as mentioned in Class X Board Certificate).
o Educational/Qualification details.
o Scanned clear passport photograph in JPG/JPEG format (size between 10 kb–200 kb) either
in color or black & white with 80% face (without mask) visible including ears against white
o Scanned clear signature in JPG/JPEG format (size between 4 kb–30 kb).
o Category/PwD certificate (file size: 50kb to 300kb) in jpg/jpeg format, is applicable.
o List of City of your choice (Refer Annexure-III for Cities)
o Bank account details for payment of fee.
o A valid e-mail ID as important communications will be made on this e-mail Id.
o A valid mobile number as important information via SMS will be sent to this number.
o A valid debit/credit card or Net banking account for ONLINE payment.

To avoid correction in the particulars in later stage, the candidate should exercise utmost caution
before filling up correct details.

9.2 Following steps may be followed to Apply Online:

a. The student after login should fill the Basic Information, College Details, Address Details, and
Upload Photograph & Signature.

b. Select the course in which student wants to register for the examination.

c. You must select the Exam Date followed by course name, the exam centre by first selecting the
State and then the city within the State.

d. You must give four choices for your exam centres. Giving four choices is mandatory.

e. Please note that in case there are less students opting for an exam centre (city) no exam will be
held in that centre. So, you are advised to give all four choices in their order of preference.

f. After filling all choices click on “Add course to cart” button. You can preview the course you have
selected by clicking on “Preview Cart” button.

g. Check the details and click on “Preview & Checkout Button.

h. Check all details on preview page. If you wish to edit the exam city choices, then you must delete
the selected course(s) and again add the course(s) with desired exam city choices.

i. Now, you can proceed with the payment.

j. You can select ONLINE PAYMENT mode and then do the payment using Credit card / Debit card
/ Net Banking.

k. After making payment you can check the payment receipt under Course detail tab.

l. Step by step screenshots of procedure for exam registration are available in Annexure IV


(i) The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step–3 is not completed.
Such Application Forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be
(ii) No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained.
(iii) The entire application process of SWAYAM January 2024 Semester Exam is online, including
uploading of scanned images, Payment of Fees, and Printing of Confirmation page. Therefore,
candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation page to NTA
through Post/Fax/By Hand/E-mail.
(iv) Candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA’s website regularly for latest updates and to check
their e-mails.
(v) The NTA can make use of the data generated for the purpose of research and analysis.
(vi) All the candidates who have submitted the online application and paid the Examination fee till last
date will be allowed to appear in SWAYAM January 2024 Semester Exam and their Admit Cards
will be uploaded on the website as per schedule.
(vii) NTA does not verify the information filled by the candidates in the Application Form nor verifies
any certificate of category/educational qualification for deciding the eligibility of candidates.
(viii) The candidates are, therefore, advised to ensure their eligibility and that the category indicated by
them is correct. (If applicable)
(ix) The NTA will, in no way, be responsible for any wrong/incorrect information furnished by the
candidate(s) in his/her Online Application Form. The letter/e-mails/WhatsApp Message/Public
Grievance in this regard will not be entertained by the NTA.

9.3 Check List for filling the Online Application Form:

The candidates are advised to ensure the following points before filling the Online Application

(i) Whether they fulfill the eligibility conditions for the Test as prescribed under
the heading ‘Conditions of Eligibility’.
(ii) That they have filled their gender and category viz General/OBC (Non-Creamy
Layer)/SC/ ST/ Male/Female/Transgender, in the relevant column correctly.
(iii) That they have filled their Subject and City of Examination in the relevant column
(iv) That the Person with Disability (PwD) candidate has filled the relevant column in the
Online Application Form. Only PwD candidates must fill this column and the others
have to leave it blank.
(v) Whether they have kept a printout of Application Form (confirmation page) for their
own record.

9.4 Important Points to Note:
(i) The Candidates should fill their complete postal address with PIN Code for further
(ii) The Candidate must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the
Online Application Form are their own (as it cannot be changed later) as
communication may be sent by NTA through e-mail or SMS.
(iii) The Candidate should not give the postal address, Mobile Number, or e-mail ID of
Coaching Centre in the Online Application Form.
(iv) To appear in SWAYAM January 2024 Semester, the candidates are required to apply
‘online’. The Application Form other than online mode shall not be accepted. No
change will be accepted through offline mode i.e., through fax/application
including e-mail etc.
(v) Online submission of application may be done by accessing the NTA official website:
(vi) Online Application Form cannot be withdrawn once it is submitted successfully.
(vii) NTA does not scrutinize the eligibility criteria during the filling up of application Form.
In case any candidate is found ineligible the candidature would be cancelled at any later
stage wherever found.
(viii) A candidate is allowed to submit only one Application Form. If a candidate submits
more than one Application Form, the candidature is likely to be cancelled.
(ix) Request for change in any particular in the Application Form shall not be
entertained after closing of the correction window.

Note: However, a chance may be given to the candidates to correct/modify/edit some of

the particular(s) of the Application Form online only, during the correction period

(x) The City of Examination Centres where the test shall be conducted are given in the
Information Bulletin. The Cities indicated for the examination should be carefully
chosen by the candidate, as no change will be allowed once correction period is over.
(xi) Selection of a candidate in the test is provisional, subject to being found otherwise
eligible for admission.
(xii) In case a candidate is found providing incorrect information or the identity is proved to
be false at any time in the future, the candidate shall face penal action as per the law.
(xiii) The Candidates are not required to send/ submit the confirmation page of Online
Application Form to the NTA. However, he/she is advised to retain the following
documents with them as reference for future correspondence:

 At least four printouts of the Confirmation Page of Online Application Form.

 Proof of fee paid
 Photographs (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) –6 to 8 passport
size photographs need to be kept aside.
 The name on the photo identification must match with the name as shown on the
Admit Card. If the name has been changed due to events such as marriage,
candidate must show the relevant document at the time of exam i.e., Marriage
Certificate / Divorce / Decree / Legal Name Change Document.

10 Admit Card for SWAYAM January 2024 Semester

The Admit Card is issued provisionally to the candidates, subject to their satisfying the eligibility

The candidate must download the Admit Card from the NTA website and appear for the Examination
at the given Centre on date, timing and discipline as indicated in their Admit Card.

No candidate will be allowed to appear at the Examination Centre, on date and timing other than that
allotted to them in their Admit Card.

In case candidates are unable to download Admit Cards from the website, they may approach the Help
Line (011-40759000) between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm or write to NTA at swayam@nta.ac.in

The candidates are advised to read the instructions on the Admit Card carefully and follow them
during the conduct of the examination.

In case of any discrepancy in the particulars of the candidate or his/her photograph and signatures
shown in the Admit Card and Confirmation Page, the candidate may immediately approach the Help
Line (011-40759000) between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm or write to NTA at swayam@nta.ac.in. In such
cases, candidates may appear in the Examination with the already downloaded Admit Card.
However, NTA will take necessary action to make corrections in the record later.

a. Candidate may please note that Admit Cards will not be sent by post.
b. In no case, the duplicate Admit Card for SWAYAM January 2024 Semester would be issued at the
Examination Centres.
c. Candidate must not mutilate the Admit Card or change any entry made therein.
d. Candidates are advised to preserve their Admit Cards in good condition for future reference.
e. No Admit Card shall be issued to the candidates whose Applications are found to be incomplete for
any reasons (including indistinct/ doubtful photographs/unsigned Applications) or who do not fulfill
the eligibility criteria for the examination.
f. Issue of Admit Cards, however, shall not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which shall be
further scrutinized at subsequent stages of admission process.

11. Procedure for appearing in Computer Based Test (CBT)

The detailed procedure for appearing in a CBT exam is given in Annexure X

12. Conduct of the Examination

12.1 Important Instructions for Candidates

a. The candidates are advised to read the instructions on the Admit Card carefully and follow them

b. Candidates MUST bring the following documents on the day of Examination at the test Centre.
Candidates who will not bring these will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

i. Print copy of Admit Card downloaded from NTA website

ii. One passport size photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) for pasting
on the specific space in the attendance sheet at the Centre during the Examination.

iii. Any one of the authorized Govt. photo IDs (original, valid and non-expired), viz. PAN card/
Driving Licence/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhar Card (With photograph)/ Aadhar Enrolment No/
Ration Card

iv PwD certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if claiming the relaxation under PwD

If the name has been changed due to events such as marriage, candidate must show the
relevant document at the time of exam i.e Marriage Certificate/Divorce / Decree / Legal Name
Change Document.

c. The candidates shall report at the Examination Centre two hours before the
commencement of the Examination to complete the registration formalities well before
the time of exam.

d. Registration desk will close 30 minutes prior to the examination. Candidates shall not be
permitted to enter in the Examination Centre after that.

e. Candidates should take their seat immediately after opening of the Examination Hall on
their allotted seat. If not, they are likely to miss some of the general instructions to be
announced in the Examination Rooms/Halls. The NTA shall not be responsible for any

f. Any candidate found to have changed room/hall or the seat on his/her own other than
allotted would be considered as a case of unfair means and the candidature shall be
cancelled and no plea would be accepted.

g. The candidate must show, on demand, the Admit Card for entry in the Examination
room/hall. A candidate who does not possess the valid Admit Card shall not be allowed to
enter the Examination Centre.

h. The candidate should ensure that the question paper available on the computer is as per the
opted Subject Code/ Discipline indicated in the Admit Card. In case, the subject of question
paper is other than the opted paper, the same may be brought to the notice of the Invigilator

i. Candidates are not allowed to carry any baggage inside the Examination Centre. NTA will
not be responsible for any belongings stolen or lost at the premises.

j. Candidate shall appear at their own cost at the Centre on date and time as indicated in their
Admit Card issued by the NTA.

k. No candidate, without the special permission of the Centre Superintendent or the

Invigilator concerned, will leave his/her seat or Examination Room/Hall until the full
duration of the paper is over. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as instructed
by the Centre Superintendent/Invigilators.

l. Candidates should not be in possession of any material listed in the list of prohibited

m. All calculations/writing work are to be done only in the rough sheet provided at the
Centre in the Examination Room/Hall and on completion of the test candidates must
hand over the rough sheets to the invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall.

n. The candidate must sign and paste the photograph on the Attendance Sheet at the
appropriate place.

o. The candidates are governed by all Rules and Regulations of the NTA regarding their
conduct in the Examination Hall. All cases of unfair means will be dealt with as per

13. Caution Notice & Non-Disclosure Agreement (India)

13.1 Candidates are advised to refer to SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) website
https://exams.nta.ac.in/swayam for authentic information and periodic updates about SWAYAM
January 2024 Semester.

13.2 Candidates are advised not to be allured by various claims of any party or person or institute
for qualifying SWAYAM January 2024 Semester Examination.

13.3 Candidates are advised to bring any such information to the notice to NTA by e-mail
on swayam@nta.ac.in

14. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

a) SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) is a proprietary Examination and is conducted by NTA

on behalf of Ministry of Education. The contents of this exam are confidential, proprietary and
are owned by NTA and explicitly prohibits the candidate from publishing, reproducing, or
transmitting any or some contents of this test, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means,
verbal or written, electronic or mechanical or for any purpose. Hangouts, Blogs etc. using either
one’s own account or proxy account (s).

b) By registering for and /or appearing in SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) , the candidate
explicitly agrees to the above Non-Disclosure Agreement and general terms of use for
SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) as contained in this Information Bulletin & SWAYAM 2024
(January Semester) website https://exams.nta.ac.in/swayam

c) Violation of any act or breach of the same shall be liable for penal action and cancellation of the
candidature at the bare threshold.

15. Unfair Means Practices and Breach of Examination Rules

Definition: Unfair Means practice is an activity that allows a candidate to gain an unfair
advantage over other candidates. It includes, but is not limited to:

a. Being in possession of any item or article which has been prohibited or can be used for
unfair practices including any stationery item, communication device, accessories, eatable
items, ornaments or any other material or information relevant or not relevant to the
Examination in the paper concerned.

b. Using someone to write Examination on his / her behalf (impersonation) or preparing

material for copying.

c. Breaching Examination rules or any direction issued by NTA in connection with

SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) Exam.

d. Assisting other candidate to engage in malpractices, giving or receiving assistance

directly or indirectly of any kind or attempting to do so.

e. Writing questions or answers on any material other than the answer sheet given by the
Centre Superintendent for writing answers.

f. Contacting or communicating or trying to do so with any person, other than the
Examination Staff, during the Examination time in the Examination Centre.

g. Threatening any of the officials connected with the conduct of the Examination or
threatening any of the candidates.

h. Using or attempting to use any other undesirable method or means in connection with the

i. Manipulation and fabrication of online documents viz. Admit Card, Recorded Responses,
Rank Letter/Score Card, Self-Declaration, etc.;

j. Forceful entry in /exit from Examination Centre/Hall.

k. Use or attempted use of any electronic device after entering the Examination Centre.

l. Affixing/uploading of wrong/morphed photographs/signatures on the Application

Form/Admit Card/Proforma.

m. Creating obstacles in smooth and fair conduct of examination.

n. Any other malpractices declared as Unfair Means by the NTA.

Disclaimer- The decision of NTA shall be final and binding for declaration of any person / candidate
guilty of foregoing or such offence as shall be classified as Unfair Means Case (UMC).
16. Declaration of Results

The result hosted on https://exams.nta.ac.in/swayam No grievance about Answer Key(s) after

Declaration of Result of SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) will be entertained. The raw (actual) marks
obtained by a candidate will be considered further for computation of the Result of SWAYAM 2024
(January Semester).No Score Card will be dispatched to the candidates and the candidates are advised
to download their Score Cards from the website: https://exams.nta.ac.in/swayam/ only.

There is no provision for rechecking/re-evaluation/re-totaling of the result/score and no query in this

regard will be entertained.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) is an Examination conducting body and will provide
SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) Scores.
Final scores & certificates will be given by respective National Coordinators
17. Weeding Out Rules

(SWAYAM) January 2024 Semester Exam would be preserved up to 90 days from the date of
declaration of result.

18. Legal Jurisdiction

All disputes pertaining to the conduct of SWAYAM 2024 (January Semester) Examination including
Results shall fall within the jurisdiction of Delhi / New Delhi only. Further, any legal question arising
out of the Examination shall be entertained only when raised within 30 days from the declaration of

The Director (Administration) of the NTA shall be the official by whose designation the NTA may sue
or be sued.

19. RTI

RTI Information uploaded on the website shall not be provided to the candidate or any other
person under R.T.I. Act, 2005. The information uploaded on the website shall remain for a
specific period only. Therefore, the candidates are advised to download the uploaded
information and keep with them for future. In due course of examination or in midway of
process, neither any application under Right to Information Act, 2005 shall be entertained nor
will information be provided. Factual information under R.T.I., Act shall be provided only after
declaration of final result. Inferential questions or Speculative questions shall not be answered
in RTI

Payment of Exam Fee – Procedure/ Mode / Service Provider(s) and Services Charges

Prescribed Examination Fee (please see the Information at a Glance) can be paid through any
Bank/Payment Gateway in any Payment Mode mentioned below. The service / processing charges
per transaction & GST applicable @ 18 % are to be paid by the candidate, except for payment made
through debit card (Visa/Master):

Sr. No Mode of Payment CANARA BANK

Other Banks (Including Canara Bank) Rs.13 + GST

1 Net Banking
Transaction up to
0.40% + GST
2 Debit Cards Transaction above
0.85% + GST
Rupay NIL Charge

3 Credit Cards Domestic 1.10% + GST

Unified Payment Interface

4 NIL Charge

If paying through Canara Bank:

Level Name Email ID

1 HelpDesk pgsupport@billdesk.com;
2 Complaint pgsupport@billdesk.com
Management dssrosdel@canarabank.com;
Services tmcodel@canarabank.com;
3 Customer pgsupport@billdesk.com
Care dssrosdel@canarabank.com;
4 Through SMS ---

NTA Helpdesk Contact details (in case the payment related issues are not resolved through the above-
mentioned Helplines of the concerned Bank/Payment Gateway Integrator)
Email: swayam@nta.ac.in
Phone No.: 011-40759000, 011-69227700


Examination Schedule
Exam Date- 18.05.2024
Shift-I (9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon)
Sno Course Id Course Name National Mode (CBT
Coordinator or Hybrid
1 aic24_ge01 Yoga for Ego Management AICTE CBT
2 aic24_ge15 Yoga Volunteers for Palliative Care - Part 1 AICTE CBT
3 cec24-bt02 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management CEC CBT
4 cec24-bt05 Immunology (Basics) CEC CBT
5 cec24-bt11 Animal Biotechnology CEC CBT
6 cec24-cm03 Management Accounting CEC CBT
7 cec24-cm04 Business Communication CEC CBT
8 cec24-cs09 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor CEC CBT
9 cec24-ed03 Child development (B.ED) CEC CBT
10 cec24-ge12 Advertisement and Media CEC CBT
11 cec24-ge17 Academic Writing (With Research & CEC CBT
Publication Ethics Part A & Part B)
12 cec24-hs02 Applied Fields of Psychology CEC CBT
13 cec24-hs07 Statistical Methods for Psychological CEC CBT
Research - I
14 cec24-hs16 Agricultural Geography CEC CBT
15 cec24-hs29 Introduction to Sociology I CEC CBT
16 cec24-hs35 Aspects of European History (1780- 1939) CEC CBT
17 cec24-hs39 Administrative Theory CEC CBT
18 cec24-lg03 Proficiency Course in German CEC CBT
19 cec24-lg06 Bhasha Proudyogiki ka Parichay CEC CBT
20 cec24-ma02 Algebra CEC CBT
21 cec24-ma05 Operations Research CEC CBT
22 cec24-mg09 HRM For Non-HR Managers CEC CBT
23 imb24-mg01 Platform Business Models IIMB CBT
Banking and Financial Markets: A Risk CBT
24 imb24-mg04
Management Perspective IIMB
25 imb24-mg05 Customer Relationship Management IIMB CBT
26 imb24-mg32 Innovation and Start up policy IIMB CBT
27 imb24-mg40 Health Communication IIMB CBT
28 imb24-mg41 Prescriptive Analytics IIMB CBT
29 imb24-mg45 Advanced Product Quality Planning(APQP) IIMB CBT
Internet of Things: Design Concepts and NITTTR CBT
30 ntr24_ed01 Use Cases
31 ntr24_ed13 Institutional Management for NITTTR CBT
32 ntr24_ed15 English for Research Paper Writing NITTTR CBT
33 ntr24_ed14 Mentoring and Counselling Skills for NITTTR CBT
34 ntr24_ed22 ICT in teaching and Learning NITTTR CBT

35 ntr24_ed26 Communication Skills Modes & NITTTR CBT
36 ugc24_ge01 History of Indian Buddhism UGC CBT
37 nou24_ge01 TS-1: Foundation Course In Tourism IGNOU Hybrid
38 nou24_lg08 MHD-06 : ह िं दी भाषा और साह त्य का इहि ास IGNOU
39 nou24_lb04 BLII-014: ICT in Libraries IGNOU CBT
40 nou24_ag01 MNR-1: Indian Agricultural Development IGNOU Hybrid
41 nou24_cs04 Introduction to Cyber Security IGNOU CBT
42 nou24_ed02 BES 123: Teaching and Learning IGNOU CBT
MSD-012: Ecosystem and Natural CBT
43 nou24_ge10 Resources IGNOU
MCO-05-Accounting for Managerial CBT
44 nou24_cm03 Decisions IGNOU
45 nou24_mg03 BMS-002: Management Functions IGNOU Hybrid
46 nou24_ge21 Introduction to Climate Change IGNOU CBT
BFDI-072: Basics of Pattern Making and CBT
47 nou24_ge28 Sewing IGNOU
BSL-002 Basics of Spanish Language and CBT
48 nou24_lg20 Culture-II IGNOU
49 nou24_ed18 Reading and Reflecting on Text IGNOU CBT
50 nou24_ec04 Fundamental of Electronic Engineering IGNOU CBT

Examination Schedule
Exam Date- 18.05.2024
Shift-II (3:00 PM to 06:00 PM)

Sno Course Id Course Name National Mode (CBT

Coordinator or Hybrid
1 aic24_ge02 Yoga for IQ Development AICTE CBT
Yoga Volunteers for Hypertension / Heart CBT
2 aic24_ge14 Disease Part 2 AICTE
3 aic24_ge16 Yoga Volunteers for Palliative Care - Part 2 AICTE CBT
cec24-ag02 Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their CEC CBT
4 Management
5 cec24-as01 Performing Arts & Allied Subjects CEC CBT
6 cec24-bt09 Immunology CEC CBT
7 cec24-ce01 Earth System Science CEC CBT
8 cec24-cs04 Course in Information Technology CEC CBT
9 cec24-cy02 Chemistry Of Nanomaterials CEC CBT
cec24-cy05 Coordination Chemistry, states of matters & CEC CBT
10 chemical kinetics
11 cec24-ed04 Learning, Teaching and Assessment CEC CBT
12 cec24-ge02 Research Methodology CEC CBT
13 cec24-ge10 Management Information System CEC CBT
14 cec24-hs03 Basic Psychological Processes CEC CBT
15 cec24-hs27 Environmental Issues In India CEC CBT
cec24-hs31 Constitutional Government & Democracy in CEC CBT
16 India
17 cec24-hs34 Introduction To Sociology-II CEC CBT
cec24-hs36 Economic History of India From 1857 To CEC CBT
18 1947
cec24-lg02 Shakespeare to Milton: A Study of British CEC CBT
19 Literature
cec24-lw01 Intellectual Property Rights and Competition CEC CBT
20 Law
21 cec24-ma10 Calculus CEC CBT
22 cec24-te01 Apparel Designing CEC CBT
Arts and Culture: Towards a New CBT
23 Management Paradigm IIMB
24 imb24-mg06 Economic foundations of Pricing IIMB CBT
25 imb24-mg08 Financial Accounting and Analysis IIMB CBT
26 imb24-mg10 Introduction to Managerial Economics IIMB CBT
27 imb24-mg33 Business Environment IIMB CBT
28 imb24-mg55 Gamification as a Business Strategy IIMB CBT
29 imb24-mg56 HR Analytics Using Excel IIMB CBT
ntr24_ed02 PLC and Microcontroller (Instruction NITTTR CBT
30 Medium: Hindi)
31 ntr24_ed17 3D Printing and Design for Educators NITTTR CBT
32 ntr24_ed11 Research, Innovation and Social Relevance NITTTR CBT
ntr24_ed21 Gati Shakti multi-modal connectivity for NITTTR CBT
33 Educators
34 ntr24_ed23 Basic Instructional Methods NITTTR CBT
35 ntr24_ed27 Educational Video Production NITTTR CBT

TS-2: Tourism Development Products, Hybrid
36 nou24_ge02 Operations and Case Studies IGNOU
37 nou24_lg07 MHD-04: नाटक और अन्य गद्य हिधाएँ IGNOU Hybrid
BLII-013: Information Sources and Library CBT
38 nou24_lb03 Services IGNOU
39 nou24_lb05 BLI-221: Library Information and Society IGNOU CBT
BSW-44:Tribals in North and Northeast CBT
40 nou24_hs17 Region of India IGNOU
MNR 002:Agricultural Policy: Formulation, Hybrid
Components, Process, Implementation and
41 nou24_ag02 Comparative Analysis IGNOU
42 nou24_cm01 Introduction to GST IGNOU CBT
Design and Facilitation of E-Learning Hybrid
43 nou24_ed01 Courses IGNOU
44 nou24_ed03 BES 141: Pedagogy of Science IGNOU CBT
45 nou24_ge09 MSD-011: Sustainability Science IGNOU CBT
46 nou24_cm02 BCOC-131 Financial Accounting IGNOU CBT
MJM-024: Media, Information and CBT
47 nou24_ge14 Empowerment IGNOU
MJM-024: Media, Information and CBT
48 nou24_ge39 Empowerment (Tamil) IGNOU
MJM-024: Media, Information and CBT
49 nou24_ge40 Empowerment (Hindi) IGNOU
BCOC-132: Business Organisation and CBT
50 nou24_mg04 Management IGNOU
51 nou24_ge20 Ethics: Theories and Applications IGNOU CBT
Communication and Extension for CBT
52 nou24_ge22 Sustainable Development IGNOU
53 nou24_ge27 BGS-011: Understanding Gender and Law IGNOU CBT
54 nou24_lw01 CPI-101: Consumer Protection Legislation IGNOU CBT
55 nou24_lg16 OULE - 002 Contemporary Urdu Fiction IGNOU CBT
Satat Vikas ke Liye Sampreshan evam CBT
56 nou24_ed11 Vistar IGNOU
57 nou24_hs43 Essentials of Indian Philosophy IGNOU CBT
58 nou24_bt02 Biomedical Instrumentation & Sensors IGNOU CBT
59 nou24_ec03 Digital electronic and System design IGNOU CBT
Basic Principles of Energy Management & CBT
60 nou24_es05 Energy Audit IGNOU

Examination Schedule
Exam Date- 19.05.2024
Shift-I (9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon)

Sno Course Id Course Name National Mode (CBT

Coordinator or Hybrid
1 aic24_ge03 Yoga for Eye Sight Improvement AICTE CBT
Yoga Volunteers for Hypertension / Heart CBT
2 aic24_ge13 Disease Part 1 AICTE
3 aic24_ge17 Introduction to Intellectual Property AICTE CBT
4 cec24-as03 Talon ka Soundarya Shastra CEC CBT
5 cec24-cs08 Data Base Management Systems CEC CBT
cec24-cy03 Introduction to Nanoscience and CEC CBT
6 Nanotechnology
7 cec24-ed01 Child Development CEC CBT
8 cec24-ed02 Sports Administration and Management CEC CBT
9 cec24-ed06 Orientation and Mobility CEC CBT
10 cec24-ge03 Basics of Photography CEC CBT
11 cec24-ge07 Environmental Economics CEC CBT
12 cec24-ge13 Applied and Economic Zoology CEC CBT
13 cec24-hs06 Human, Rights Law and Criminal Justice CEC CBT
14 cec24-hs09 History of India-I( Ancient India ) CEC CBT
15 cec24-hs13 Microeconomics CEC CBT
16 cec24-hs17 Geography of India CEC CBT
17 cec24-hs25 Psychology for Health and Well-being CEC CBT
18 cec24-hs40 Rethinking Development CEC CBT
19 cec24-lg05 Hindi Sahitya ka Itihaas CEC CBT
cec24-lg12 ह न्दी भाषा एििं सिं प्रेषण (Ability Enhancement CEC CBT
20 Course)
21 cec24-lw06 Advanced Constitutional Law CEC CBT
22 cec24-mm01 Petrology CEC Hybrid
23 imb24-mg02 Advanced Corporate Strategy IIMB CBT
24 imb24-mg07 Effective Business Communication IIMB CBT
Introduction to Banking and Financial CBT
25 Markets IIMB
26 imb24-mg12 New Product Development IIMB CBT
27 imb24-mg34 Consumer Buyer Behaviour IIMB CBT
28 imb24-mg46 Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) IIMB CBT
29 imb24-mg57 New Age Business Models IIMB CBT
30 ntr24_ed03 Virtual Education NITTTR CBT
31 ntr24_ed09 NEP and Institutional Building NITTTR CBT
32 ntr24_ed16 Electric Vehicle Technology for Academia NITTTR CBT
33 ntr24_ed24 Advanced Instructional Methods NITTTR CBT
34 ntr24_ed28 Learning Management System_MOODLE NITTTR CBT
35 ntr24_ed38 Graphics and Animation Development NITTTR CBT
36 ugc24_ge02 Abhidhamma (Pali) UGC CBT
37 nou24_ge03 TS-3: Management in Tourism IGNOU Hybrid
38 nou24_lg06 MHD-03: उपन्यास एििं क ानी IGNOU Hybrid

BLII-012: Document Processing and CBT
39 nou24_lb02 Organisation IGNOU
40 nou24_lb06 BLI-222: Information Sources and Services IGNOU CBT
41 nou24_hs16 BSW-43:Tribals of South and Central India IGNOU CBT
MNRE 015: Cooperatives and Farmers’ Hybrid
42 nou24_ag03 Organizations IGNOU
43 nou24_bt01 Sustainable Management of Biodiversity IGNOU CBT
44 nou24_lb10 Library Automation and Digitisation IGNOU CBT
BES-122: Contemporary India and CBT
45 nou24_ed16 Education IGNOU
MSD-016: Strategies and Models for CBT
46 nou24_ge11 Sustainability IGNOU
47 nou24_me05 Material Science IGNOU CBT
48 nou24_ge15 MJM028: Digital Media IGNOU CBT
MCO-03: Research Methodology and CBT
49 nou24_cm06 Statistical Analysis IGNOU
BEDS-001: Overview and Perspectives of CBT
50 nou24_hs19 Values IGNOU
Selection and Integration of Technology in Hybrid
51 nou24_ed07 Educational Processes IGNOU
52 nou24_lg11 Mandarin (Chinese) for beginners IGNOU Hybrid
BCOC-134 Business Mathamatics and CBT
53 nou24_cm08 Statistics IGNOU
54 nou24_ed10 MDE-412: Instructional Design IGNOU Hybrid
55 nou24_lg15 OULE - 001 Contemporary Urdu Poetry IGNOU CBT
56 nou24_cm11 BCOC-133: Business Law IGNOU CBT
57 nou24_ge34 Research and Publication Ethics (RPE) IGNOU CBT
58 nou24_ge31 Enhancing Study Skills IGNOU Hybrid
59 nou24_hs42 Sociology of Health and Illness IGNOU CBT
60 nou24_lg33 MEG-07: Indian English Literature IGNOU Hybrid
Emerging Technologies in Renewable CBT
61 nou24_es03 Energy Sources IGNOU
Computational Protein Modeling and CBT
62 nou24_bt05 Analysis IGNOU
63 nou24_cs09 Web Technology IGNOU CBT
Introduction to Distance and Digital CBT
64 nou24_ge44 Education IGNOU

Examination Schedule
Exam Date- 19.05.2024
Shift-II (3:00 PM to 06:00 PM)
Sno Course Id Course Name National Mode (CBT
Coordinator or Hybrid
1 aic24_ge04 Yoga for Anger Management AICTE CBT
Yoga Volunteers for Diabetes Management CBT
2 aic24_ge12 Part 2 AICTE
3 cec24-ar01 City & Metropolitan Planning CEC CBT
4 cec24-bt03 General Microbiology CEC CBT
5 cec24-cs07 Data Structures CEC CBT
6 cec24-cy01 Nutritional & Clinical Biochemistry CEC CBT
cec24-ed08 School Organization: Administration& CEC CBT
7 Management
8 cec24-hs04 Introduction to Public Administration_PG CEC Hybrid
9 cec24-hs14 Understanding Political Theory CEC CBT
10 cec24-hs15 Sociology of India - 1 CEC CBT
11 cec24-hs18 Introductory Microeconomics CEC CBT
12 cec24-hs22 Psychology of Individual Differences CEC CBT
13 cec24-hs24 History of India-II CEC CBT
14 cec24-lg08 Communicative English CEC CBT
15 cec24-lg10 Hindi Gadya Sahitya Katha Sahitya CEC CBT
16 cec24-lg11 Indian Culture & History CEC CBT
17 cec24-lw02 Corporate Law_UG CEC CBT
18 cec24-lw07 Criminal Justice Administration CEC Hybrid
19 cec24-ma09 Differential Equations CEC CBT
20 cec24-mg04 Retail and Channel Management CEC CBT
21 cec24-mg07 Fundamentals of Financial Management CEC CBT
22 imb24-mg15 Quantitative Marketing Research IIMB CBT
23 imb24-mg18 Valuation and Creating Sustainable value IIMB CBT
24 imb24-mg28 Macroeconomics IIMB CBT
Continuous Quality Improvement: Tools and CBT
25 Techniques IIMB
Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research CBT
26 for Management IIMB
27 imb24-mg53 Business Negotiations IIMB CBT
28 ntr24_ed04 Resilient Pedagogy NITTTR CBT
29 ntr24_ed05 Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship NITTTR CBT
30 ntr24_ed25 Educational Media NITTTR CBT
31 ntr24_ed29 Guidance and Counselling NITTTR CBT
ntr24_ed37 Professional Ethics for Higher Education NITTTR CBT
32 Teachers
TS-4: Indian Culture: Perspective for Hybrid
33 nou24_ge18 Tourism IGNOU
34 nou24_lg05 MHD-02: आधु हनक ह न्दी काव्य IGNOU Hybrid
35 nou24_lb01 BLI-011: Libraries: An introduction IGNOU CBT

BLI-223: Organising and Managing CBT
36 nou24_lb07 Information IGNOU
37 nou24_hs15 BSW-42: Tribal Society IGNOU CBT
38 nou24_ag04 MNRE 016:Project Analysis IGNOU Hybrid
39 nou24_lb11 Database and Content Organisation IGNOU CBT
40 nou24_ed13 BES-143: Pedagogy of Mathematics IGNOU CBT
MSD-017: Challenges to Sustainable CBT
41 nou24_ge12 Development IGNOU
Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided
42 nou24_me04 Manufacturing IGNOU
43 nou24_ge16 MJM029: Advertising and Public Relations IGNOU CBT
BCOS-183: Computer Application in CBT
44 nou24_cm05 Business IGNOU
BGSE-001: Gender Sensitisation: Society, CBT
45 nou24_hs20 Culture and Change IGNOU
Cyber Security, Tools, Techniques and CBT
46 nou24_ge24 Counter Measures IGNOU
47 nou24_cs05 Digital Forensics IGNOU CBT
48 nou24_cm09 BCOC-136 Income Tax Law and Practice IGNOU CBT
OUL - 003 History of Urdu Language & CBT
49 nou24_lg14 Literature IGNOU
BSKC-102: Sanskrit Sahitya ka CBT
50 nou24_lg21 Allochanatmak Vishleshan IGNOU
51 nou24_ed15 Guidance and Counselling in Schools IGNOU CBT
52 nou24_lg29 DCE- 05: Writing Poetry IGNOU Hybrid
53 nou24_hs41 Statistics in Psychology IGNOU Hybrid
54 nou24_ge41 Domestic Equipment Maintenance IGNOU CBT
55 nou24_cs06 Data Structure using C Programming IGNOU CBT
Genetic Engineering and Its Recent CBT
56 nou24_bt04 Advancements IGNOU
57 nou24_hs44 Population and Society IGNOU CBT
58 nou24_lg34 MEG-03: British Novel IGNOU Hybrid
Commercial Fruit Production: Pomegranate CBT
59 nou24_ag09 & Guava IGNOU

Examination Schedule
Exam Date- 26.05.2024
Shift-I (9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon)
Sno Course Id Course Name National Mode (CBT
Coordinator or Hybrid
1 aic24_ge07 Yoga for Physical Stamina AICTE CBT
2 aic24_ge09 Yoga for Creativity AICTE CBT
3 cec24-ar02 Indian Vastushastra CEC CBT
4 cec24-bt04 Cell Biology CEC CBT
5 cec24-bt10 Embryology of Angiosperms CEC CBT
6 cec24-cm02 Business Law CEC CBT
7 cec24-cs02 Animations CEC Hybrid
8 cec24-cs05 Art of C Programming CEC CBT
9 cec24-ed09 Biopsychology CEC CBT
10 cec24-ge05 Environmental Studies CEC CBT
11 cec24-ge14 Society and Media CEC CBT
cec24-ge18 Water Resources and Watershed CEC CBT
12 Management
cec24-hs10 Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of CEC CBT
13 the Medieval World
15 cec24-hs32 Econometrics CEC CBT
16 cec24-lb01 Digital Library CEC CBT
17 cec24-lw04 Law and Justice in a Globalising World CEC CBT
18 cec24-ma01 Real Analysis CEC CBT
19 cec24-ma04 Probability and Probability Distributions CEC CBT
20 cec24-mg05 Financial Accounting CEC CBT
21 cec24-mg08 Entrepreneurship Development CEC CBT
22 imb24-mg17 Strategic Management IIMB CBT
23 imb24-mg22 Humanities and Social Sciences IIMB CBT
24 imb24-mg25 Organizational Design IIMB CBT
25 imb24-mg37 Foundations of Marketing Essentials IIMB CBT
26 imb24-mg43 Digital Marketing IIMB CBT
27 imb24-mg49 Behavioural Finance IIMB CBT
ntr24_ed20 Academic Leadership in Cross cultural NITTTR CBT
28 context of Higher Educational Institutions
29 ntr24_ed08 Research Methodology and IPR NITTTR CBT
30 ntr24_ed30 Technology Enabled learning NITTTR CBT
31 ntr24_ed36 Entrepreneurship Development NITTTR CBT
32 ugc24_ge04 Buddhist Tourism UGC CBT
33 nou24_ge26 TS-7: Human Resource Development IGNOU Hybrid
ORUL-002- Basics of CBT
34 nou24_lg02 Russian:Communication Skills-II IGNOU
MHD-14 Hindi Upanyas-1 (Premchand Hybrid
35 nou24_hs33 Vishesh) IGNOU

CIT-001: Fundamentals of Computer CBT
36 nou24_cs01 Systems IGNOU
BLIE-226 Management of Library and CBT
37 nou24_lb12 Information Centre IGNOU
BLIE-228 Information Products and CBT
38 nou24_lb14 Services IGNOU
39 nou24_ge07 BHC-013: Event Coordination and Control IGNOU CBT
40 nou24_ag06 Introduction to Poultry Farming IGNOU CBT
BES-125: Understanding Disciplines and CBT
41 nou24_ed04 Subjects IGNOU
Energy Resources and conversion CBT
42 nou24_me02 processes IGNOU
43 nou24_me03 Quality Engineering & Management IGNOU CBT
MEV-002: Environmental and Occupational CBT
44 nou24_es01 Hazards IGNOU
45 nou24_hs18 BMS001: Introduction to NGO Management IGNOU Hybrid
46 nou24_hs23 BEDS-002: Socio-Psychological Basis IGNOU CBT
BFLI 001: PARLER DE SOI / Talking About Hybrid
47 nou24_lg09 Oneself (French) IGNOU
48 nou24_cm07 BCOS-184 E-Commerce IGNOU CBT
BMYLA-135: Modern Indian Language: Hybrid
49 nou24_lg12 Malayalam IGNOU
50 nou24_ge29 Research Ethics and Plagiarism IGNOU CBT
51 nou24_hc01 CFN-1 You and Your Food IGNOU CBT
52 nou24_lg27 DCE- 03: Short Story IGNOU Hybrid
53 nou24_ge37 Introduction to Virtual Reality IGNOU CBT
Assamese Poetry: From Ancient to Modern CBT
54 nou24_lg32 Period IGNOU
55 nou24_ce05 Safety In Construction Industry IGNOU CBT
56 nou24_es04 Power Generation Technologies IGNOU CBT
57 nou24_mg06 Micro Economics for Business IGNOU CBT
58 nou24_lg37 MEG-06: American Literature IGNOU Hybrid
BESC-132: Structure and Management of CBT
59 nou24_ed08 Education IGNOU

Examination Schedule
Exam Date- 26.05.2024
Shift-II (3:00 PM to 06:00 PM)
Sno Course Id Course Name National Mode (CBT
Coordinator or Hybrid
1 aic24_ge08 Yoga for Voice Culture AICTE CBT
Basics of Remote Sensing GIS & GNSS CBT
2 aic24_ge18 and its Applications_Jan 2024 AICTE
3 cec24-ag01 Food Microbiology and Food Safety CEC CBT
4 cec24-bt08 Virology CEC CBT
cec24-bt13 Biomolecules : Structure, Function In Health CEC CBT
5 And Disease
cec24-cs03 Problem solving Aspects and Python CEC CBT
6 Programming
7 cec24-ed07 Communication Technologies in Education CEC CBT
8 cec24-ge04 Information Security and Cyber Forensics CEC CBT
9 cec24-ge06 Reporting and Editing for Print CEC CBT
10 cec24-ge08 Hospitality Industry in Tourism CEC CBT
11 cec24-ge09 Wild Life and its Conservation CEC CBT
12 cec24-hs01 Diet Management in Health and disease CEC CBT
13 cec24-hs08 Youth, Gender and Identity CEC CBT
14 cec24-hs11 United Nations and Global Conflicts CEC CBT
15 cec24-hs20 Introduction to Psychology CEC CBT
16 cec24-hs38 Public Policy and Governance CEC CBT
17 cec24-lw05 Access to Justice CEC CBT
18 cec24-lw09 Intellectual Property CEC CBT
19 cec24-ma07 Numerical Analysis CEC CBT
20 cec24-mg06 Fundamentals of Banking and Insurance CEC CBT
21 cec24-mg10 Statistics for Business Decisions CEC CBT
22 cec24-mg11 Corporate Accounting CEC CBT
23 imb24-mg13 Operation Management IIMB CBT
24 imb24-mg14 Predictive Analytics IIMB CBT
25 imb24-mg20 Concepts and Applications in Engineering IIMB CBT
26 imb24-mg27 Marketing Management IIMB CBT
27 imb24-mg42 Evolution of Business and Market IIMB CBT
28 imb24-mg50 Banking and Insurance IIMB CBT
29 imb24-mg54 Business Communication IIMB CBT
30 ntr24_ed06 Intellectual Property Rights NITTTR CBT
31 ntr24_ed31 Student Assessment NITTTR CBT
32 ntr24_ed35 Academic and Research Report Writing NITTTR CBT
ORU-001- Basics of Russian: CBT
33 nou24_lg01 Communication Skills-I IGNOU
34 nou24_hs34 MHD-15 Hindi Upanyas-2 IGNOU Hybrid
35 nou24_lb13 BLIE-227 Document Processing Practice IGNOU CBT
36 nou24_ag05 Food laws and standards IGNOU CBT
37 nou24_ed06 BES-127:Assessment for Learning IGNOU CBT

38 nou24_ec02 Principle of Electrical Sciences IGNOU CBT
39 nou24_mg01 MS 2: Management of Human Resources IGNOU Hybrid
ET-523 C: Repair and Maintenance of CBT
40 nou24_ce03 Buildings IGNOU
ET 581 B -Inventory and Store CBT
41 nou24_ce04 Management in Construction Industry IGNOU
Skill Development of the youths and their CBT
42 nou24_ge30 Livelihood IGNOU
DCE- 04: Writing for Media: Radio and Hybrid
43 nou24_lg28 Television IGNOU
44 nou24_ge38 Introduction to Functional English IGNOU CBT
Industrial Safety And Fire Safety CBT
45 nou24_ge42 Management IGNOU
46 nou24_lg38 MEG-13: Writings from the Margins IGNOU Hybrid

Examination Schedule
Exam Date- 27.05.2024
Shift-I (9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon)
Sno Course Id Course Name National Mode (CBT
Coordinator or Hybrid
1 aic24_ge05 Yoga for Concentration AICTE CBT
Yoga Volunteers for Diabetes Management CBT
2 aic24_ge11 Part 1 AICTE
3 cec24-as02 Creative Painting CEC CBT
4 cec24-bt12 Genetics and Genomics CEC CBT
5 cec24-cm01 Direct Tax Laws and Practice CEC CBT
6 cec24-cs01 Programming in Python CEC CBT
7 cec24-cs06 Information Security CEC CBT
8 cec24-cy04 Basic Organic Chemistry CEC Hybrid
9 cec24-ed05 Sensory Disabilities CEC CBT
10 cec24-ge11 Sociology of Media CEC CBT
11 cec24-ge16 Introduction to Film Studies CEC CBT
12 cec24-hs05 Mathematical Methods for Economics-I CEC CBT
13 cec24-hs30 Making of Contemporary India CEC CBT
14 cec24-hs41 Introduction to Public Administration CEC CBT
15 cec24-lg04 Indian Writing in English-1 CEC CBT
16 cec24-lg09 Hindi Bhasha ka Udbhav aur Vikas CEC CBT
17 cec24-ma03 Descriptive Statistics CEC CBT
18 cec24-mg01 Organisation Behaviour CEC CBT
19 cec24-mg03 Introduction to Marketing Management - 1 CEC CBT
20 cec24-mm02 Photo Geology and Remote Sensing CEC CBT
21 imb24-mg11 Managing Innovation IIMB CBT
Services Marketing: Concepts & CBT
22 Applications IIMB
23 imb24-mg23 People Management for Entrepreneurs IIMB CBT
24 imb24-mg24 Foreign Exchange market IIMB CBT
25 imb24-mg30 Foundations of Digital Business IIMB CBT
26 imb24-mg36 Total Productive Maintenance IIMB CBT
27 imb24-mg47 Understanding Organizational Behaviour IIMB CBT
ntr24_ed07 Teaching & Learning (TL) Practices for NITTTR CBT
29 Python Programming
30 ntr24_ed12 UAV in Engineeirng Applications NITTTR CBT
31 ntr24_ed32 Student Psychology NITTTR CBT
32 ntr24_ed34 E-content Development NITTTR CBT
33 ugc24_ge03 Buddhist Philosophy UGC CBT
34 nou24_ge19 TS-5: Ecology, Environment and Tourism IGNOU Hybrid
35 nou24_lg04 BAL-002: Communication Skills (Arabic) IGNOU CBT

MHD-01: आहदकालीन एििं मध्यकालीन ह न्दी Hybrid
36 nou24_hs24 काव्य IGNOU
CIT-003: Web Based Technologies and Hybrid
37 nou24_cs03 Multimedia Applications IGNOU
38 nou24_lb08 BLI-224: ICT Fundamentals IGNOU CBT
39 nou24_hs14 BSW-41: Understanding Tribals IGNOU CBT
40 nou24_ge05 BHC-011: Basics of Event Management IGNOU CBT
MSD 019: Global Strategies to Sustainable CBT
41 nou24_ge35 Development IGNOU
42 nou24_me01 Thermodynamics & its Application IGNOU CBT
43 nou24_ce02 Concrete Technology IGNOU CBT
44 nou24_cm04 BCOE-141: Principles of Marketing IGNOU CBT
MDE-518: Educational Communication Hybrid
45 nou24_ed05 Technologies IGNOU
BFLI-002: FRENCH Échanger / Interactions Hybrid
46 nou24_lg10 (French) IGNOU
47 nou24_ge25 Android Mobile Application Development IGNOU CBT
48 nou24_hs31 MSO-004: Sociology in India IGNOU Hybrid
49 nou24_cm10 BCOLA-138 Business Communication IGNOU CBT
50 nou24_hc03 CFN-3 Economics of Food IGNOU CBT
51 nou24_lg25 DCE- 01: General Principles of Writing IGNOU Hybrid
BCOE-144 Office Management and CBT
52 nou24_mg05 Secretarial Practices IGNOU
53 nou24_hs40 BPCE-145: Counselling Psychology IGNOU Hybrid
54 nou24_ed17 School Management and Leadership IGNOU CBT
Artificial Intelligence using Prolog CBT
55 nou24_cs07 Programming IGNOU
56 nou24_bt03 Fundaments of Computational Biology IGNOU CBT
57 nou24_ed19 BESE-141- ICT in Education IGNOU CBT
58 nou24_lg35 MEG-05: Literary Criticism & Theory IGNOU Hybrid
BESC-131: Education: Concept, Nature and CBT
59 nou24_ed12 Perspectives IGNOU

Examination Schedule
Exam Date- 27.05.2024
Shift-II (3:00 PM to 06:00 PM)

Sno Course Id Course Name National Mode (CBT

Coordinator or Hybrid
1 aic24_ge06 Yoga for Memory Development AICTE CBT
2 aic24_ge10 Yoga for Stress Management AICTE CBT
3 cec24-ag03 Silkworm rearing and reeling technology CEC CBT
4 cec24-bt01 Biostatistics and Mathematical Biology CEC Hybrid
5 cec24-bt06 Applied Entomology CEC CBT
6 cec24-bt07 Human Genetics CEC CBT
7 cec24-ge01 Counseling Psychology CEC CBT
cec24-ge15 Media Content Production on Multiple CEC CBT
8 Platforms
9 cec24-hs12 Macroeconomics CEC CBT
cec24-hs19 Physical Geography - Climatology and CEC CBT
10 Oceanography
11 cec24-hs21 Introductory Macroeconomics CEC CBT
cec24-hs23 Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of CEC CBT
12 the Ancient World
13 cec24-hs26 Complex Ecosystem Dynamics CEC CBT
14 cec24-hs33 Political Process in India CEC CBT
15 cec24-hs37 Introductory Sanskrit: Grammar CEC CBT
16 cec24-lg01 English Communication CEC CBT
17 cec24-lg07 Nature of language CEC CBT
18 cec24-lw03 Administrative Law CEC CBT
19 cec24-ma06 Partial Differential Equations CEC CBT
20 cec24-ma08 Functional Analysis CEC CBT
21 cec24-mg02 Digital Marketing CEC CBT
22 imb24-mg19 Brand Management IIMB CBT
23 imb24-mg21 Concepts and Applications in Science IIMB CBT
24 imb24-mg26 Equity Stock Market IIMB CBT
25 imb24-mg31 Foundation of Data Science IIMB CBT
26 imb24-mg44 Infrastructure IIMB CBT
Advanced Topics in Organizational CBT
27 Behaviour IIMB
28 imb24-mg51 Money, Banking & Financial Markets IIMB CBT
ntr24_ed19 Developing Academic Management & NITTTR CBT
29 Leadership
30 ntr24_ed10 Outcome Based Assessment NITTTR CBT
ntr24_ed33 Quality Assuracne through NAAC NITTTR CBT
31 Accerditation Process
32 ntr24_ed39 Fundamental of Outcome Based Curriculum NITTTR CBT
33 ntr24_ed40 OER for Empowering teacher NITTTR CBT
34 nou24_ge04 TS-6: Tourism Marketing IGNOU Hybrid

35 nou24_lg03 BAL-001: Basics Of Arabic IGNOU CBT
36 nou24_hs26 MHD-07: भाषा हिज्ञान और ह न्दी भाषा IGNOU Hybrid
CIT-002: Introduction to Information Hybrid
37 nou24_cs02 Technology IGNOU
BLI-225: Communication Skills (Library Hybrid
38 nou24_lb09 Information Science) IGNOU
39 nou24_lb15 BLIE-229 ICT in Libraries IGNOU CBT
40 nou24_ge06 BHC-012: Event Planning IGNOU CBT
41 nou24_ed09 BES-121: Childhood and Growing Up IGNOU CBT
42 nou24_ec01 Electricity & Safety Measures IGNOU CBT
43 nou24_ce01 Pollutants and Water Supply IGNOU CBT
MEVE-001: Environmental Impact CBT
44 nou24_es02 Assessment for Environmental Health IGNOU
BME-025: Condition Monitoring and CBT
45 nou24_me06 Maintenance Management IGNOU
MS-21: Social Processes and Behaviour Hybrid
46 nou24_mg02 Issues IGNOU
OEY-002: Renewable Energy Technology CBT
47 nou24_ge17 and Their Uses IGNOU
48 nou24_hs29 Indian Poetics IGNOU CBT
49 nou24_hs30 MSO-003: Sociology of Development IGNOU Hybrid
BSL-001: Basics of Spanish Language and CBT
50 nou24_lg13 Culture-I IGNOU
51 nou24_hc02 CFN-2 Your Food and Its Utilization IGNOU CBT
52 nou24_lg30 BSKLA-135: Sanskrit Bhasha aur Sahitya IGNOU CBT
53 nou24_lg26 DCE- 02: Feature Writing IGNOU Hybrid
Media and Information Literacy for CBT
54 nou24_ge36 Teachers IGNOU
55 nou24_cs08 Image Processing Using Python IGNOU CBT
Elements of Underground and Opencast CBT
56 nou24_mm01 Mining IGNOU
57 nou24_ge43 Digital Media Literacy IGNOU CBT
58 nou24_lg36 MEG-10: English Studies in India IGNOU Hybrid
Certificate course in Environmental CBT
59 nou24_ag07 Sustainability IGNOU



The following table gives list of the cities in which SWAYAM January 2024 Semester is planned to
be held.

Sno State City

1 Andaman And Nicobar Port Blair
2 Andhra Pradesh Anantapur
3 Andhra Pradesh Eluru
4 Andhra Pradesh Guntur
5 Andhra Pradesh Kadapa
6 Andhra Pradesh Kurnool
7 Andhra Pradesh Nellore
8 Andhra Pradesh Ongole
9 Andhra Pradesh Rajahmundry
10 Andhra Pradesh Srikakulam
11 Andhra Pradesh Tirupathi
12 Andhra Pradesh Vijayawada
13 Andhra Pradesh Visakhapatnam
14 Andhra Pradesh Vizianagaram
15 Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar/Naharlagun
16 Assam Bongaigaon
17 Assam Dhubri
18 Assam Dibrugarh
19 Assam Golaghat
20 Assam Guwahati
21 Assam Jorhat
22 Assam Karimganj
23 Assam Silchar
24 Assam Tezpur
25 Bihar Arrah
26 Bihar Aurangabad

27 Bihar Begusarai
28 Bihar Bhagalpur
29 Bihar Chhapra
30 Bihar Darbhanga
31 Bihar Dehri
32 Bihar Gaya
33 Bihar Motihari
34 Bihar Muzaffarpur
35 Bihar Patna
36 Bihar Purnea
37 Bihar Raniganj
38 Bihar Saharsa
39 Chandigarh Chandigarh/Mohali
40 Chhattisgarh Bijapur
41 Chhattisgarh Bilaspur
42 Chhattisgarh Jagdalpur
43 Chhattisgarh Korba
44 Chhattisgarh Raipur
45 Delhi New Delhi
46 Goa Mapusa
47 Goa Panji/Madgaon
48 Gujarat Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar
49 Gujarat Amreli
50 Gujarat Anand
51 Gujarat Ankleshwar
52 Gujarat Baroda
53 Gujarat Bhavnagar
54 Gujarat Gandhidham
55 Gujarat Gandhinagar
56 Gujarat Jamnagar
57 Gujarat Junagadh
58 Gujarat Palanpur
59 Gujarat Rajkot
60 Gujarat Surat
61 Gujarat Surendranagar
62 Gujarat Valsad
63 Haryana Gurugram
64 Haryana Hisar
65 Haryana Jind
66 Haryana Karnal
67 Haryana Kurukshetra
68 Haryana Rewari
69 Haryana Rohtak
70 Haryana Sirsa
71 Haryana Yamunanagar
72 Himachal Pradesh Dharamsala
73 Himachal Pradesh Kangra
74 Himachal Pradesh Mandi
75 Himachal Pradesh Shimla
76 Jammu And Kashmir Jammu
77 Jammu And Kashmir Srinagar
78 Jharkhand Bokaro Steel City
79 Jharkhand Chakradharpur
80 Jharkhand Daltonganj
81 Jharkhand Deoghar
82 Jharkhand Dhanbad
83 Jharkhand Hazaribaug
84 Jharkhand Jamshedpur
85 Jharkhand Ranchi
86 Karnataka Bagalkot
87 Karnataka Belgaum
88 Karnataka Bellary
89 Karnataka Bengaluru
90 Karnataka Chickaballapur
91 Karnataka Davangere
92 Karnataka Gulbarga
93 Karnataka Hassan
94 Karnataka Hubli
95 Karnataka Mangaluru
96 Karnataka Mysuru
97 Karnataka Raichur
98 Karnataka Sagar
99 Karnataka Shimoga
100 Karnataka Tumkur
101 Kerala Calicut
102 Kerala Cochin
103 Kerala Ernakulam
104 Kerala Kannur
105 Kerala Kattapana
106 Kerala Kollam
107 Kerala Kottayam
108 Kerala Kozhikode
109 Kerala Pathanamthitta
110 Kerala Thiruvananthapuram
111 Kerala Thrissur
112 Madhya Pradesh Barwani
113 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
114 Madhya Pradesh Chhattarpur
115 Madhya Pradesh Guna
116 Madhya Pradesh Gwalior
117 Madhya Pradesh Hoshangabad
118 Madhya Pradesh Indore
119 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur
120 Madhya Pradesh Jhabua
121 Madhya Pradesh Khandwa
122 Madhya Pradesh Khargone
123 Madhya Pradesh Mandsaur
124 Madhya Pradesh Rewa
125 Madhya Pradesh Satna
126 Madhya Pradesh Seoni
127 Madhya Pradesh Shahdol
128 Maharashtra Ahmednagar
129 Maharashtra Akola
130 Maharashtra Amravati
131 Maharashtra Beed
132 Maharashtra Chandrapur
133 Maharashtra Dahisar
134 Maharashtra Dhule
135 Maharashtra Jalgaon
136 Maharashtra Kolhapur
137 Maharashtra Latur
138 Maharashtra Mumbai/Navi Mumbai
139 Maharashtra Nagpur
140 Maharashtra Nanded
141 Maharashtra Nashik
142 Maharashtra Parbhani
143 Maharashtra Pune
144 Maharashtra Ratnagiri
145 Maharashtra Satara
146 Maharashtra Solapur
147 Manipur Imphal
148 Meghalaya Shillong
149 Meghalaya Tura
150 Mizoram Aizawl
151 Nagaland Dimapur
152 Nagaland Kohima
153 Odisha Balangir
154 Odisha Balasore
155 Odisha Berhampur-Ganjam
156 Odisha Bhadrak
157 Odisha Bhubaneshwar
158 Odisha Dhenkanal
159 Odisha Jeypore
160 Odisha Kendrapara
161 Odisha Keonjhar
162 Odisha Rourkela
163 Odisha Sambalpur
164 Punjab Amritsar
165 Punjab Bathinda
166 Punjab Ferozepur
167 Punjab Hoshiarpur
168 Punjab Jalandhar
169 Punjab Ludhiana
170 Punjab Pathankot
171 Punjab Patiala
172 Rajasthan Kota
173 Rajasthan Ajmer
174 Rajasthan Alwar
175 Rajasthan Banswara
176 Rajasthan Barmer
177 Rajasthan Bharatpur
178 Rajasthan Bikaner
179 Rajasthan Chittorgarh
180 Rajasthan Dungarpur
181 Rajasthan Jaipur
182 Rajasthan Jodhpur
183 Rajasthan Nagaur
184 Rajasthan Pratapgarh
185 Rajasthan Sikar
186 Rajasthan Sriganganagar
187 Rajasthan Udaipur
188 Sikkim Gangtok
189 Tamil Nadu Chennai
190 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore
191 Tamil Nadu Krishnagiri
192 Tamil Nadu Madurai
193 Tamil Nadu Salem
194 Tamil Nadu Thanjavur
195 Tamil Nadu Tiruchirappalli
196 Tamil Nadu Tirunelveli
197 Tamil Nadu Trichy
198 Tamil Nadu Vellore
199 Tamil Nadu Pondicherry
200 Tamil Nadu Nagercoil
201 Tamil Nadu Thiruvannamalai
202 Tamil Nadu Tambaram
203 Telangana Adilabad
204 Telangana Hyderabad
205 Telangana Karimnagar
206 Telangana Khammam
207 Telangana Mahabubnagar
208 Telangana Nalgonda
209 Telangana Nizamabad
210 Telangana Warangal
211 Tripura Agartala
212 Tripura Dharmanagar
213 Uttar Pradesh Agra
214 Uttar Pradesh Aligarh
215 Uttar Pradesh Ayodhya
216 Uttar Pradesh Bareilly
217 Uttar Pradesh Etawah
218 Uttar Pradesh Gorakhpur
219 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi
220 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur
221 Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
222 Uttar Pradesh Meerut
223 Uttar Pradesh Moradabad
224 Uttar Pradesh Orai
225 Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj
226 Uttar Pradesh Varanasi
227 Uttar Pradesh Greater Noida/Noida
228 Uttar Pradesh Lakhimpur
229 Uttar Pradesh Sitapur
230 Uttar Pradesh Basti
231 Uttarakhand Almora
232 Uttarakhand Dehradun
233 Uttarakhand Haldwani
234 West Bengal Bankura
235 West Bengal Barddhaman
236 West Bengal Berhampore
237 West Bengal Cooch Behar
238 West Bengal Durgapur
239 West Bengal Howrah
240 West Bengal Kharagpur
241 West Bengal Kolkata
242 West Bengal Malda
243 West Bengal Purulia
244 West Bengal Siliguri
245 West Bengal Asansol
246 West Bengal Kalyani
247 West Bengal Krishnanagar
248 West Bengal Siuri



Certificate regarding physical limitation to write in the examination

Affix Passport size
Certificate No. _____________________ Dated ___________________ Photograph of the
candidate (same as
uploaded on the
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ___________________________________________ Online Application
Form) duly attested by
Aged__________ Years, Son/Daughter of Mr./Mrs. _________________________ the issuing authority



with SWAYAM January 2024 Semester Exam Application No. ______________________ and SWAYAM
January 2024 Semester Exam Roll No. _______________________________________,has the following
Disability (name of the Specified Disability) ___________________ in (percentage) of
_____________________________________________ (in words) __________________________ (in

 Please tick on the “Specified Disability”

(Assessment may be done on the basis of Gazette of India. Extraordinary, Part-II, Section 3 Sub-section
(ii), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment)

S. Category Type of Disability Specified Disability

1. Physical Locomotor Disability* a. Leprosy cured person, b. cerebral palsy, c.
Disability dwarfism, d. muscular dystrophy, e. acid attack
Visual Impairment* a. blindness, b. low vision

Hearing Impairment* a. deaf, b. hard of hearing

Speech & Language Disability Permanent disability arising out of conditions

such as laryngectomy or aphasia affecting one or
more components of speech and language due to
organic or neurological causes.

2. Intellectual a. specific learning Disability (Perceptual

Disability Disabilities, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia,
Dyspraxia & Development Aphasia)
b. autism spectrum disorder

3. Mental a. mental illness


4. Disability i. Chronic Neurological a. multiple sclerosis
caused due Conditions
b. Parkinson
ii. Blood disorder a. Haemophilia, b. Thalassemia, c. Sickle cell

5. Multiple More than one of the above specified disabilities

Disabilities including deaf blindness

This is to further certify that he/she has physical limitation which hampers his/her writing capabilities to
write the Examination owing to his/her disability.


Name: ____________________
Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent
Government Health Care Institution with Seal


I ____________________________, a candidate with __________________ (name of the

disability) appearing for the _______________________ (name of the examination) bearing Roll

No. ____________________ at ________________ (name of the centre) in the District

_____________________________, _______________________ (name of the State). My

qualification is ________________________.

I do hereby state that __________________ (name of the scribe) will provide the service of

scribe/reader/lab assistant for the undersigned for taking the aforesaid examination.

I do hereby undertake that his qualification is _______________.

(Signature of the candidate with Disability)



Photograph of

(Self- Attested Photograph)

Name of Scribe ID of the Scribe ID Number

ANNEXURE-VII : Certificate for person with specified disability covered under the
definition of Section 2 (s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of
Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e. persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty
in writing

1. This is to certify that, we have examined Mr/Ms/Mrs ………………………………(name of the

candidate), S/o of /D/o ……………………… a resident of …………………….
(Vill/PO/PS/District/State), aged………………….yrs, a person with………………………………
(nature of disability/condition), and to state that he/she has limitation which hampers his/her writing
capability owing to his/her above condition. He/ she requires support of scribe for writing the

2. The above candidate uses aids and assistive device such as prosthetics & orthotics, hearing aid (name
to be specified) which is/are essential for the candidate to appear at the examination with the assistance
of scribe.

3. This certificate is issued only for the purpose of appearing in written examinations conducted by
recruitment agencies as well as academic institutions and is valid upto ………………. (it is valid for
maximum period of six months or less as may be certified by the medical authority)

Signature of Medical Authority

(Signature & (Signature & Name) (Signature & (Signature & (Signature &
Name) Name) Name) Name)

Orthopaedic/ Clinical Neurologist Occupational Other Expert as

Psychologist/Rehabilitation Therapist nominated By the
PMR specialist (if available)
Psychologist/Psychiatrist/ Chairperson (if
(if available)
Special Educator any)

Signature & Name

Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Chief District Medical Officer…………………..Chairperson

Name of Government Hospital/Health ________________________________________

Care Centre with Seal ________________________________________


ANNEXURE-VIII: Letter of Undertaking by the person with specified disability covered
under the definition of Section 2 (s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the
definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e. persons having less than 40% disability and
having difficulty in writing

1. I __________________, a candidate with _____________(nature of disability/condition)

appearing for the _____________(name of the examination) bearing Roll No.
____________________at ________________________________ (name of the centre) in the
District_________________, ______________ (name of the State). My educational qualification

2. I do hereby state that ______________________ (name of the scribe) will provide the service
of the scribe for the undersigned for taking the aforementioned examination.

3. I do hereby undertake that his qualification is __________________. In case, subsequently it

is found that his qualification is not as declared by the undersigned and is beyond my qualification. I
shall forfeit my right to the post or certificate/diploma/degree and claims relating thereto.

(Signature of the candidate)

(counter signature by the parent/guardian, if the candidate is minor)





Candidates, who are not well conversant to submit the online application due to various constraints, can use
the services of Common Services Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government
of India under the Digital India initiatives of Hon’ble Prime Minister. The Common Services Centre (CSC)
scheme is a part of the ambitious national e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of Government of India and is
managed at each village panchayat level by a Village level Entrepreneur (VLE)

There are more than 1.5 lakhs Common Services Centres (CSC) across the country which will provide the
desired support to candidates from urban as well as rural areas in online submission of Application Form
and payment of fee through e-wallet. The list of the Common Services Centre is available on website:

Note: To know nearest Common Services Centre, please open link http://gis.csc.gov.in/locator/csc.aspx

Annexure –X
Computer-Based Test (CBT) Guidelines
The major examinations being conducted by NTA are Computer-Based Tests (CBT). A CBT
requires candidates to sit in front of a computer terminal (node) allocated to them against
their Roll number and Admit card. After logging the candidate will get detailed instructions
for the examinations. At the designated time of the start of the examination, the candidates
will be able to proceed and see the questions on the computer screen using the computer
mouse. Candidates will have the option to change/modify/edit/answers already entered at
any time during the examination.

Procedure for appearing in Computer Based Test (CBT):

(Sample/mock test will be available on the NTA website: www.nta.ac.in for hands-on
(a) A computer terminal (node) indicating Roll Number will be allocated to each
candidate. Candidates should find and sit on their allocated computers only. Any
candidate found to have changed room/hall or the computer on their own other than
the one allotted would lead to cancellation of candidature and no plea in this regard
would be entertained.
(b) For login, the candidate will have to enter a login ID and password. The computer
terminal allotted to the candidate will display the WELCOME login screen,
Candidate’s photograph, and NET subject opted by the candidate.

Candidate Login Page

Candidate Welcome Screen

(a) After login, the candidate shall be able to see the detailed instructions for the
examination. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully regarding
the type of questions and marking scheme. At the designated time of the start of the
examination, the candidates will be able to proceed and see the questions on the
computer screen.

Please read the instructions carefully

General Instructions
1. The total duration of the examination is as indicated on the Admit Card issued by
2. The clock will be set on the server. The countdown timer on the top right corner of the
screen will display the remaining available time for you to complete the examination.
When the timer reaches zero, the examination will end by itself and you will not be
required to end or submit your examination.
3. The Question Palette displayed on the left side of the screen will show the status of each
question using one of the following symbols:
4. The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to
look at that question again. Questions that are answered and “Marked for Review” will
be automatically saved and evaluated even if the flag is not removed.

5. The questions and answer options will be displayed in English and the chosen
language. For any doubt or clarification, you are requested to refer to the English
version as the final.
Navigating to a Question:
6. To navigate between questions within a Paper, the candidate needs to do the

• Click on the question number in the Question Palette at the left of your
screento go to that question directly in the c o r r e s p o n d i n g s e c t i o n .
Note that using

this option does NOT save your answer to the current question.
You can click on the
• arrow on the top of the question window to go to the next
question. You can click on the which appears on the left side of the question
window for going back to the previous question.
• Your answer to a question is automatically saved when you click on the
button on the top right-hand corner of the question window. Please note that there
is no separate SAVE button.
Answering a Question:

7. Procedure for answering a Multiple-Choice Type question:

• To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options.
• To de-select your chosen answer, click on the button of the
chosen option again.
• To change your chosen answer, click on the button of another option.
• You can click on the top left-hand side of the question
window when you want to come back to that question later on, whether you have
answered it or not, and proceed to other questions.
• When you answer any question "Marked for review", the status of the
question changes automatically to "Answered".
• You can click on when you want to
change the status and freeze the answer already given or answer the question.
8. To change your answer to a question that has already been answered, first
select that question for answering and then follow the procedure for
answering that type of question.

Navigating through sections:
9. Sections in this question paper are displayed on the left-hand side of the screen.
Questions in a section can be viewed by clicking on the section name.
10. After clicking the button on the last question for a section, you will automatically
be taken to the first question of the next section.
11. You can shuffle between sections and questions anytime during the
examination as per your convenience only during the time stipulated.
12. You can view the section summary as part of the legend that appears in
every section below the question palette.

Instruction for Question:

13. For the correctness of the translation for a particular language, only the English
version will be considered as the final version for evaluation purposes.
The keyboard attached to the computer, if any, will be disabled during the entire duration of

the examination. Candidates will have the option to change/modify answers already entered
anytime during the entire duration of the examination.
In case the computer/mouse allotted to any candidate malfunctions anytime during the test, he/she
will be immediately allotted another computer system and the time lost due to this will be adjusted
in the server so as to give the candidate the full allotted time.
The on-screen computer clock counter of every candidate will be set at the server. The countdown
timer on the top right side of the computer screen will display the time remaining (in minutes)
available for the candidate to complete the examination. When the timer reaches zero, the
examination will end by itself. The candidates will not be required to end or submit the

The Question Status displayed on the bottom left screen will show the status of each question using
one of the following symbols:

The question(s) “Answered and Marked for Review” status for a question indicates that the
candidates would like to have a relook at that question again. A candidate has the option of
answering a question and simultaneously “Marked for Review”, these answers will be
considered for evaluation. However, if a candidate has simply put “Marked for Review” for
a question without answering it, the corresponding question marked for review without an
answer will not be considered for evaluation. It may be noted that a candidate can return to
any “Marked for Review” question any time during the examination by clicking on the
corresponding question number icon displayed on the Question Palette of the corresponding

(a) Blank Sheets for doing Rough Work/calculations shall be provided to the
candidates. The Blanks Sheets would have a Header page for the candidates to
write down his/her Name and Roll Number. All calculations/writing work is to be
done only in the Blank Sheets provided at the Centre in the Examination
Room/Hall and on completion of the test candidates must hand over the rough
sheets to the invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall.


All calculations/writing work is to be done only in the rough sheet provided at the Centre
in the Examination Room/Hall and on completion of the test candidates must hand over
the rough sheets to the invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall.

(a) The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question using
one of the following symbols:

The question(s) “Answered and Marked for Review” status for a question indicates that candidate would
like to have a relook at that question again. A candidate has the option of answering a question and
simultaneously “Marked for Review”, these answers will be considered for evaluation. However, if a
candidate has simply put “Marked for Review” for a question without answering it, the corresponding
question marked for review without an answer will not be considered for evaluation. It may be noted that
a candidate can return to any “Marked for Review” question any time during the Examination by clicking
on the corresponding question number icon displayed on the Question Palette of the corresponding section.
(b) Candidate can click on the “>” arrow which appears to the left of question palette to collapse the
question palette thereby maximizing the question viewing window. To view the question palette again,
candidate can click on “<” which appears on the right side of question window.
(c) Candidate can click on to navigate to the bottom and to navigate to the top of the question area, without
scrolling. Using the computer mouse the candidate can scroll up and down the question viewing area
for viewing the entire question.
(d) The full paper can be viewed by clicking the “Question Paper” icon on the top right corner of the screen.
(e) Blank Sheets for doing rough work/calculations shall be provided to the candidates. The Blanks Sheets
would have a Header page for the candidates to write down his/her Name and Roll Number. All
calculations/writing work are to be done only in the Blank Sheets provided at the centre in the
Examination Room/Hall and on completion of the test candidates must hand over the rough sheets to
the invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall.
(f) Navigating a Question To navigate between questions within a Paper, candidate needs to do the
(a) Click on the question number in the Question Palette at the right of the screen to go to that
numbered question directly. Note that using this option does NOT save the answer to the
currently displayed question.

(b) Click on “Save & Next” to save the answer of any question. Clicking on “Save & Next” will
save the answer for the current question and the next question will be displayed on the
candidate’s computer screen.
(c) Click on “Mark for Review & Next” to mark a question for review (without answering it) and
proceed to the next question.

(g) Answering a Question

To navigate between questions within a Paper, candidate needs to do the following:
(i) Procedure for answering a multiple-choice type question:
(a) To select the option(s), click on the corresponding button(s) of the option(s).
(b) To deselect the chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the
“Clear Response” button.
(c) To save the answer, the candidate MUST click on the “Save & Next” button.
(d) To mark the question for review (without answering it), click on the “Mark for Review &
Next” button.

(h) Navigating through sections:

(i) Sections in the question paper are displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in a
section can be viewed by clicking on the section name. The section in which candidate is
currently viewing will be highlighted.
(ii) After clicking the “Save & Next” button on the last question for a section, candidate will
automatically be taken to the first question of the next section.
(iii) Candidate can shuffle between sections and questions within sections anytime during the
Examination as per the convenience only during the time stipulated.
(iv) Candidate can view the corresponding section summary as part of the legend that appears
in every section above the question palette.



Navigation 71
Panel Question
(i) Procedure for answering questions that require inputs from on-screen virtual key board
(numeric or otherwise):
(a) Candidate will have to use the on-screen virtual keyboard (that would be displayed just below the
question statement of these types of questions) and the attached computer mouse to enter his/her
answer in the space provided for answer.
On Screen Virtual Keyboard

(b) The answer can be changed, if required, anytime during the test. To save the answer, the candidate
MUST click on the “Save & Next” button.
(c) To mark the question for review (without answering it), click on the “Mark for Review & Next”

Candidate will have the option to change previously saved answer of any question, anytime
during the entire duration of the test. To change the answer to a question that has already
been answered, first select the corresponding question from the Question Palette, then click
on “Clear Response” to clear the previously entered answer and subsequently follow the
procedure for answering that type of question.


All calculations/writing work are to be done only in the rough sheet provided at the Centre in the
Examination Room/Hall and on completion of the test candidates must hand over the rough sheets to the
invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall.


National Testing Agency

(An autonomous organization under the Department of
Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

Help Line: For Technical support, contact following

during working days between 10.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.

Website -: https://exams.nta.ac.in/ , https://exams.nta.ac.in/swayam

Email -: swayam@nta.ac.in


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