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Value Management in Construction Projects

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Article · June 2021


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2 authors:

Muthuckannal Annamalai Chitra Ganapathy

Thiagarajar College of Engineering Thiagarajar College of Engineering


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AN.Muthuckannal1, Dr.G. Chitra2
Student1, Professor2
Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail Id:-muthu1510pearl@gmail.com1,gcciv@tce.edu2

Value management in construction project VALUE PLANNING
plays an effective role in reducing cost and Value planning is to describe more strategic-
improving the functionality or quality of the type study undertaken at the early conceptual
project. The finding of key factors for value design stage. It refers to the activities in the
management success allows appropriate early phases of a project to define, clarify, and
allocation of the limited time and resources agree a clear understanding of Client objectives.
in order to attain better output. This paper Value planning extends from Inception
examines to distinguish these factors to scheme design completion.
according to their degrees of importance in
relation to success using correlation matrix. VALUE ENGINEERING
A questionnaire survey was conducted to The term ‘value engineering’ is a systematic
gather views from professionals working in and organized method to provide and enhance
the construction industry about value the value of goods or products by using an
management. The result of the analysis was evaluation of function. The Value Engineering
by applying value management in methodology can be concisely stated as a tool
construction project will improve the that helps construction industry improve cost
performance, design, constructability, effectiveness.
functionality, quality with reduction in cost. Value engineering extends from detailed
Keywords:-Value management, key factors, design to construction completion.
correlation matrix
Value = Function
INTRODUCTION ------------
Value management is a team-based activity.
The bundle of whole­life benefits, a customer is VALUE ANALYSIS
looking for from an undertaking at the suitable Value Analysis is one of the major techniques
expense. It is the important characteristics that and a creative approach to eliminate the
must be achieved at all levels, thus resolving unnecessary costs. It guarantees the
planning and design issues to achieve best value fundamental capacities for the base expense
for money. It can be applied during the planning without reducing quality, dependability,
and design stage to achieve the best value for execution and appearance.
money. Value analysis is about the process of
Value management has three subsets:- post-occupancy evaluation.
Value planning, Value engineering, Value
analysis. AIM OF THE WORK
The aim of the research is to assess whether the
process of the Value management being applied
in construction projects in the construction

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-8, ISSUE-3, 2021

industry without compromising the quality and sequential order. The flow process of
provide the benefits claimed, and whether methodology is shown in figure 1.
potential developments can be achieved.
The objective of the work are as follows REVIEW OF LITERATURE
1. To determine the success factors of
value management using quantitative
2. To find the possibility, importance and
benefits of applying value management DATA COLLECTION USING
techniques in construction projects using QUESTIONNARIE SURVEY

qualitative analysis


To address the objectives stated above, the RESULT &DISCUSSION
following data collection elements are employed:
1. The current Value management practices Fig.1:-Methodology for the project
prevailing in construction projects were TECHNIQUES USED IN VM PHASES
reviewed by using literature and There are four clearly identifiable and
questionnaires. commonly employed approaches to Value
2. Case studies were collected in order to management, Kelly, Male and Graham (2004)
verify, the benefits and implementation of ,Briefly the four approaches are:-
Value management practices in Each stage has various techniques to aid its
construction Industry. successful implementation. The most
commonly adopted techniques of each phases of
LITERATURE STUDY a job plan are discussed in table 1
Brijesh Ramani.et.al (2017), the principles of
Value Engineering is applied in building Table 1 Most commonly adopted techniques
construction projects is explained, in order to in each phase of job plan
reach out better quality with lower cost. Best Job Plan Phase Technique used
time to carryout value engineering study is Information Phase Functional Analysis
during the design and planning stage of project. Creative Phase Brainstorming
Value engineering is not just about cost Analytical Phase Evaluation
reduction, but increasing the design standards, Development Phase Report Writing
making it easier to build the project and saving Presentation Phase Oral Presentation
time and money. About 5% to 10% reduction in
construction cost can be achieved using value ANALYSIS OF THE DATA
engineering in building construction. The data information was collected through
Qiping Shen.et.al (2018), Value management questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was
studies often face pressure caused by limited distributed to a range of construction
time and resources. This research is to professionals working in the construction
distinguish the factors according to their industry. It was realized that not all would be
degrees of importance in relation to success. A familiar with Value Management, however, the
questionnaire survey was conducted to gather objective was to find out the performance,
views from experts in the construction industry. benefits, implementation and understanding of
The result shows that the success of VM studies Value management by other construction
requires an integrated effort from all parties professionals. A total number of 47 responses
involved. were received from a distribution of 63
questionnaires giving a response rate of 72%.
The analysis of data was performed using two
The methodology for the project was
statistical methods: Ranking of factors,
constructed in the form of flow diagram,
Correlation matrix. Two test (KMO and Barlett
consisting of all the steps to be performed in

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-8, ISSUE-3, 2021

test of sphericity) was performed to test whether Factor analysis is a statistical technique
the factors are useful for the analysis or not and identifies a relatively small number of factors
to test whether the resulted matrix is an identity that can be used to represent relationships
matrix or not. among sets of many interrelated variables.
Different tests are required for the
I. RANKING OF FACTORS appropriateness of the factor analysis for the
The first analysis ranked the factors based on factor extraction. A correlation matrix is a table
the mean values of the responses received shows the coefficients between the factors.
through questionnaire. The factors with means Every cell in the table shows the correlation
exceeding or equal to 3.7 were recognized as between the factors. Figure 2 shows the
success factors based on the consensus of the correlation matrix. The first stage of the factor
respondents. Fifteen factors were identified as analysis is to determine the strength of the
success factors having significant influence on relationship among the variables, i.e., the 15
the success of VM studies.Table 2 show the identified success factors, measured by the
ranking of the factors according to the value of correlation coefficients of each pairs of the
their means. variables. The matrix is automatically generated
as a part of results of factor analysis.

Table 2 Ranking of factors according to their mean value


Clear objective of VM study 4.787 1

Time to conduct VE workshop 4.340 2
Cost of the project 4.319 3
Quality of work 4.277 4
Opinion about VM 4.277 4
Importance of implementing VM 4.213 6
Reduction of project budget by VE 4.128 7
Effectiveness of VE in preliminary stage 4.128 7
Applying VE during design and construction stage 4.106 9
Methods and techniques of VM 4.064 10
Improved design and life cycling cost 4.000 11
Measurable benefits stage in project 3.979 12
Financial support 3.979 12
Time for completion of project 3.809 14
Decision making 3.787 15

III. KMO AND BARLETT TEST OF matrix or not. The significance level value less
SPHERICITY than 0.05 means the factors analysis may be
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) is a statistic that useful for the analysis and the correlation matrix
indicates the percentage of variance in the is not an identity matrix.
variables. The KMO value greater than 0.5
means the factor analysis may be useful for The significance level value greater than 0.05
analysis. The KMO value less than 0.5 means the means the factors analysis won’t be useful for
factor analysis won’t be useful. The summary of the analysis and the correlation matrix is an
the KMO test is the identified factors may be identity matrix.
useful for further analysis.
KMO=0.696>0.5 The summary of the Barlett test of sphericity is
the identified factors may be useful for further
Barlett test of sphericity is to test the hypothesis analysis and the correlation matrix is not an
that the resulted correlation matrix is an identity identity matrix.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-8, ISSUE-3, 2021

Significance level=0.0010<0.05 the value of coefficient, weaker the relationship
between the variables. The indication of the
Examine the linear relationship between coefficient shows the heading of the
variables using Pearson correlation coefficient. relationship. Table 3 shows the coefficient of
The larger value of coefficient, stronger the correlation.
relationship between the variables and smaller

FACTOR F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15

F1 1
F2 -0.023 1
F3 0.053 0.070 1
F4 -0.268 0.184 0.186 1
F5 -0.091 0.191 0.576 0.360 1
F6 -0.044 0.100 0.277 -0.064 0.495 1
F7 0.123 0.020 0.675 0.089 0.516 0.337 1
F8 0.068 -0.001 0.400 0.013 0.192 0.178 0.424 1
F9 -0.115 0.172 0.382 0.279 0.625 0.458 0.536 0.280 1
F10 -0.124 0.141 0.596 0.372 0.693 0.531 0.685 0.483 0.751 1
F11 0.049 0.294 0.667 0.384 0.416 0.138 0.408 0.182 0.282 0.427 1
F12 -0.165 0.014 0.153 0.121 0.349 0.327 0.276 0.007 0.375 0.346 0.304 1
F13 0.030 0.048 0.613 0.221 0.452 0.351 0.629 0.478 0.468 0.714 0.486 0.271 1
F14 0.003 0.128 0.532 0.059 0.291 0.443 0.781 0.324 0.437 0.555 0.316 0.371 0.517 1
F15 -0.006 -0.191 0.262 -0.073 0.542 0.427 0.343 0.352 0.382 0.322 0.094 0.276 0.260 0.172 1
Fig. 2:- Correlation matrix of the Success Factors
If both variables tends to increases or mentioned in the X-axis and the values are
decreases together, then the line that mentioned in the Y-axis.
represents the slope upward. If one variable
tend to increase and other decrease, then the
line that represents the slope downward.
Table 3 Coefficient of Correlation


Objective- 0.068
VE workshop- 0.141
Methods Fig 3:-Coefficient of correlation-graph
Cost-Quality 0.240
Implementation- 0.327 From the graph, figure 3 if both variables tend
Benefits to increase or decrease together, then the line
Quality-Time 0.384 that represents the slope upward. The graph
Applying- 0.458 value increase together, hence it defines the
Implementation positive correlation which means the factors
Time-Cost 0.532 have a strong relationship with each other in the
Reduction of cost- 0.636 VM study.
Methods-Reduction 0.685 This study identifies and ranks the success
of cost factors according to the importance in the view
of expert and to the mean value the analysis of
collected response from the questionnaire
A graph was plotted by using the value of
survey was carried out using the two statistical
coefficient of correlation. The factors are
analysis method. The two tests were performed

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-8, ISSUE-3, 2021

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ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-8, ISSUE-3, 2021

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