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Design and Construction of LNG Regasific

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Design and Construction of LNG Regasification Vessel

March 14 – 17, 2005
Bilbao, Spain

Hochung Kim, JungHan Lee

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. (DSME)

© Gastech 2005
Design and Construction of LNG Regasification Vessel
Hochung Kim, JungHan Lee, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd.


With the expansion of the LNG consumption around the world, many LNG receiving terminals are under various
planning and engineering stages. Though the concepts and ideas on the offshore floating LNG terminal have been
studied and widely spread for many years, actual projects could not be materialized mainly due to technical risks
involved in the offshore operation as well as the commercial justif ication. Considering land-based or offshore LNG
receiving terminal projects usually take 5-7 years from feasibility study, authority permission clearance, engineering,
and actual construction, the f irst physical appearance of the LNG Regasif ication Vessel (LNG RV) in the commercial
market would be an important achievement in the offshore LNG technology. The typical LNG storage and regasif ication
(regas) capacity of the LNG RV is 138,000 M3 and 500 mmscfd respectively. The LNG RV had successfully completed
the submerged buoy connection test and the regas operation test with actual LNG during the sea and regas trials
before the delivery of the vessel, and she will start the f irst commercial regas operation at the Gulf of Mexico later
March 2005. This paper covers introduction of the LNG RV process, design and construction of the regas system, regas
process simulator, and offshore buoy mating system. The experiences gained from the f irst LNG RV implementation
could be a step-stone for the future offshore LNG terminal technologies, and contribute to the safe and stable supply of
the clean energy.

1. LNG RV ( Regasification Vessel)


The LNG RV is based on the conventional LNG carrier design with onboard LNG regasif ication (regas) facilities and
internal turret for the sub-sea pipe connection. The LNG RV can take the role of the conventional LNG carrier during the
voyage, and at the same time it is used for an offshore regas terminal when connected to a submerged buoy. The
regas process is mainly composed of the LNG feeding pumps, HP (high pressure) pumps, vaporizers, and send-out
equipment, which is similar to that of a land-based LNG receiving terminal. The heating medium of the vaporization is
sea water. The LNG cargo tanks are based on the conventional membrane type (GTT No. 96) containment system. But
the strengthened insulation boxes have been used in sides, hoppers and top of the tanks. Therefore, there is no tank
level restriction in the regas operation.

I n LNG RV, 6 sets of HP pumps and vaporizers are installed in the forward part of the vessel (3 units in port, 3 units in
starboard) The normal regasif ication capacity is 500 mmscfd (each vaporizer : 100 mmscfd, million standard cubic feet
per day), and the maximum capacity can be 690 mmscfd. Therefore, the onboard 138,000 cubic meters LNG can be
converted to the HP NG (natural gas) within 5-6 days. LNG RV process is briefly shown in Figure 1. The HP NG also can
be delivered through either mid port or starboard HP manifold.

The LNG RV concept, which is also known as the “Energy Bridge”, had been introduced initially in Ref. 2, and more
details of project backgrounds, applications, and operations will be introduced in Ref. 3 and Ref. 4. Therefore,
duplicated parts of the contents will not be reiterated in detail in this paper. The builder, owner, and charterer of the
f irst LNG RV are Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME), Exmar, and Excelerate Energy. The 3 parties
have worked very closely for the LNG RV project from the early concept development to the detail engineering stages.

The LNG RV, the f irst offshore LNG facility, has completed the construction, sea, gas, and regas trials, and delivered to
Exmar on January this year. Excelerate will start the f irst LNG regasif ication business (based on Deepwater Port Act,
USA) in March 2005, at Gulf of Mexico (West Cameron Block 603).

© Gastech 2005 Kim & Lee 2

Figure 1 : LNG RV Process Overview

LNG RV is based on the collection of many proven technologies in the LNG industry including LNG carriers and land
base LNG receiving terminals. From the proven operation records and a series construction of the LNG carriers, the LNG
containment system and the cargo handling system technologies have become very mature. I n parallel, the
accumulated technologies from the land base LNG receiving terminal designs and operations especially in Japan and
Korea could bring suff icient references in the similar operation. Equipment vendors in LNG carriers and LNG receiving
terminals have enhanced their equipment reliabilities and performances these past years. I n Korea, the environment for
the LNG RV technology development were favorable as shipyards had many experiences in LNG carrier construction and
LNG receiving terminal industry had references for the basic design and operation. The maturity of offshore mooring
and off-loading technology in oil and gas FPSO’s and the crude shuttle tankers from West Africa, and North Sea could
bring conf idence in the safe operation of a vessel in a harsh offshore environment.

Figure 2 : LNG Regasif ication Vessel (LNG RV)

2. Regas and Turret Equipment

Some of the characteristics of the regasif ication (regas) and turret equipment are introduced here to have overview of
the LNG RV operation. HP (high pressure) pumps, vaporizers, metering, and turret system have been supplied by
Nikkiso, CPP, and APL respectively.

2.1 Suction Drum

The suction drum can be a buffer for the LNG supply to the regas system from the cargo tanks. At the same time it can
be a buffer for the regas system generated BOG (boil off gas) return to the cargo tank. Therefore, the control of the
suction drum level, pressure, and temperature is important for the stable operation of the whole regas system. Contrary
to the land base LNG receiving terminals, the suction drum does not have recondensing facility. The BOG generated
from the cargo tank is used for the fuel for the steam turbine driven generator, whereas the excessive BOG can be
treated by the steam dump facility in the boiler system. The suction drum is operated typically 3 bar higher than the
cargo tank pressure. Hence, the LNG in suction drum can be maintained at the sub-cooled state for better performance
of the HP pump.

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2.2 HP Pump
Many similar high pressure submerged pumps are used in the LNG receiving terminals. The operating pressure for the
LNG RV is approximately 100 bar, which is far higher than those of other terminals. 6 pumps of each 205 m 3/ hour (each
approx. 100 mmscfd equivalent) are installed and each can be independently operated up to the required regas load. I n
minimum flow (40 % of the rated load), the pump discharge flow is returned to the suction drum. The HP pump
generates some heat in the suction pot, so the generated vapor should be vented to the suction drum through the
venting system. The venting system should be carefully designed for each operation conditions of pump cool down,
initial start up, re-circulation, and normal operation.

Figure 3 : HP Pumps and Vaporizers – Only portside is shown

2.3 Vaporizer
Shell and tube type LNG vaporizers have been adopted considering equipment size, ship motion effects, and references.
The vaporizers have been designed to cope with the high thermal shrinkage due to the cold LNG and corrosion against
sea water. Due to the high pressure, it was not practical to adopt opening flanges for tube bundle maintenance. I nstead,
very careful quality control program from the component manufacturing to the f inal assembly in the factory has been
maintained. The piping systems connected to the inlet and outlet of the vaporizer have been designed to have
suff icient flexibilities so that excessive nozzle forces are not exerted to the vaporizers. The vaporizers have been
designed to operate in the supercritical pressure of the natural gas. Therefore the regas system has been designed to
operate above the LNG critical pressure regardless of the downstream network pressure. Any pressure down is required,
it can be done in the main send out control valve of the LNG RV.

2.4 Turret System

The LNG RV weathervanes to minimize the external environment load when it is moored to the submerged buoy. The
regasif ied NG (natural gas) is supplied to the sub-sea PLEM (pipe line end manifold) through the onboard flexible riser,
swivel, submerged buoy, and sub-sea riser. The similar turret operation references for crude oil are abundant. However,
the HP NG send out operation needs some considerations. I n emergency situation, the turret can be disconnected from
the submerged buoy quickly, and the LNG RV can evacuate to a safe location. Procedures for the mating, disconnection,
and emergency operations with the submerged buoy are well def ined and relevant programs are incorporated in
onboard control system.

3. Design Features

As stated previously, the LNG RV design adopts many proven technologies from LNG carrier, receiving terminals, and
offshore mooring and offloading. However, the system integration and the unique application in the offshore
environment required special attentions and technology developments. Some of the design features are introduced in
the followings.

3.1 Arrangement
The LNG RV design started from the concept that the vessel will not be much different from the conventional LNG
vessel to utilize the proven design and to reduce the overall project schedule. Most of the conventional LNG carrier
systems have not been changed. The regas system was assigned to the slanted part of the No. 1 cargo tank. 3 HP
pumps and 3 vaporizers have been arranged in each of the port and starboard sides. The turret has been located in the
forward part of the No. 1 cofferdam. The heating water pump room and the regas switchboard room have been
assigned to the beneath of the forecastle deck. The eff icient arrangement of the regas, turret, heating water, and
electric system in the compact areas was one of the diff icult tasks of the LNG RV engineering. The HP LNG liquid
© Gastech 2005 Kim & Lee 4
handling areas have been properly protected against liquid spillage.

3.2 Thrusters
LNG RV requires an accurate positioning and maneuvering capability for the mating of the submerged buoy. For the
purpose, LNG RV is equipped with 2 bow thrusters, and 1 stern thruster in addition to a rudder and a main turbine
driven propeller. Whereas most of the shuttle tankers adopt the CPP (controllable pitch propeller) system for better
positioning performance, LNG RV adopted the f ixed pitch propeller considering the normal voyage operation and the
characteristics of the steam turbine. Shipyard developed a dedicated system for the unique positioning requirements.
The system was named as “maneuvering aids and positioning system, MAPS”. The MAPS collects the status and
environment information, and allocates the thruster forces to each of the thrusters and main propeller.

3.3 Regas System Process Design

Regas system process design was quite different from that of the conventional LNG cargo handling system, and
required extensive process analysis and calculations. Piping system, equipment, control valves, and control schemes
have been derived from numerous static and dynamic simulations on the various operation scenarios and modes. I n the
initial engineering stage, shipyard had worked with Daewoo Engineering Company, who has many engineering
experiences in the LNG receiving terminals. Exmar and Excelerate Energy also have worked closely with shipyard for the
initial design development. After f ixing the initial design, extensive HAZOP meetings have been done by many groups
and peoples from shipyard, owner, charterer, classif ication society, and vendors. Though there were uncertainties and
inexperienced operations, shipyard found the extensive theoretical analysis and calculations coincide with the actual
operation results and consequently could reduce potential errors.

Figure 4 : Process Calculation Example - Part of model

3.4 Heating Water System

The LNG is vaporized by the heat supplied from the sea water. I n LNG RV, the sea water supply to the regas system
was named as “heating water system” to emphasize the vaporizing capability and to differentiate from the ballast and
utility sea water system. For the initial supply of the sea water to the deck level, ballast water pumps are used. The sea
water is again boosted by the booster pumps to have suff icient head for the vaporizers. Heating water system capacity
is 10,000 m 3/ hour, so approximately 2,000 m 3/ hour heating water is supplied to each of the 5 operating vaporizers. I n
most cases, the heating water is discharged to the open sea (open mode) through the hull bottom, however, in cold
weather, the heating water is heated by the steam heaters. The 61.5 bar steam pressure from the main boilers is
lowered by external de-superheaters before supplying to the steam heaters. I n the steam heating mode (closed mode),
the regas capacity is limited to 450 mmscfd due to the heat input capacity from the boilers. For the steam supply of the
steam heaters and turbo generators, onboard steam generating capacity was increased to approximately 140 ton/ hour.
The steam supply line is routed from the engine room, passage way, and forward heating water pump room. (located
below the port side of the forecastle deck.)

3.5 Turret System

Based on the model test, it is demonstrated that the LNG RV can withstand at the signif icant wave height of 12 meters
and the mating operation would be possible at high wave conditions. The tested wave height exceeds the 100-year
hurricane wave (approximately 10.9 meters) in the Gulf of Mexico region. Therefore the availability of vessel would be
comparable or exceed those of offshore platforms and land based LNG receiving terminals in the region. I n most of the
weather conditions, the regas capacity would not be practically affected. Each components of the regas equipment
including vaporizers have been purposely designed not to be affected at the floating environment.

Onboard turret system is composed of swivel, swivel handling, flexible riser, rope guide, rope guide handling, hydraulic,
traction winch, and control systems. As the functions, equipment, and utility system arrangements were quite different
and not familiar with shipyard, there were some diff iculties in the construction of the turret system. The mating cone
© Gastech 2005 Kim & Lee 5
was machined by the outdoor portable machining tool. The turret system has a PLC based standalone control system.
But all the turret related parameters are linked to the shipboard central control system by a serial communication.
I mportant parameters and those signals required for the LNG RV overall control and shutdown have been hardwired
and controlled by the central control system.

3.6 Piping System

Though the basic concept of the piping system design was not much different from that of the conventional LNG carrier
and the LNG receiving terminals, each of the piping system has gone

Figure 5 : LNG Pipe Loop Example

through the detail process analysis, heat dissipation, pressure drop, and stress calculations. Especially the pipe stress
analysis for the HP LNG and HP NG lines in regas area needed a lot of efforts. During the pressure and cold tests of the
piping system, actual stress measurement by stain gauges have been made and compared with the theoretical values.
As the HP cryogenic lines between HP pumps and vaporizers do not allow hydro test with fresh water due to the
possibility of water remains during actual operation, pneumatic test with HP nitrogen (201 bar) has been used for the
test. Suff icient loops for the regas piping system have been given to reduce the piping stress due to the cold
temperature shrinkage.

3.7 Provisions Against LNG Leakage

Uttermost attentions have been paid to the protection against the liquid LNG spillage to the vessel structure. Therefore
the whole portion of the HP LNG handling areas have been shielded by the protection wall, drip tray, and recess well, so
that any LNG spillage can be safely collected in the recess well. Appropriate deluge and water spray systems have been
provided in the regas area. Additional protections on the critical flanges have been provided.

3.8 Electric System

The required electric load during regas operation is more than that of the conventional LNG carrier during the cargo
unloading operation because of the high capacity HP pumps and heating water system pumps. With the reason, one
additional turbo generator (total 3 turbo generators and 1 diesel generator, each approximately 3700 KW) has been
installed. For the switchboard and MCC (motor control center) requirements of the regas equipment, 1 additional
switchboard room has been prepared in the forward part (below starboard side forecastle deck). I n the initial
engineering stage, various electric power system analysis have been made including motor starting and transient
analysis. For the verif ication of the analysis, actual measurements have been made during the regas trial.

3.9 Control System

Regas and turret system accompanied a lot of control parameters. The regas system adopts many closed loop and
cascade controls which are far different from those of the conventional LNG carriers. Many complicated machine
protections for the HP pumps and the vaporizers, and process interlocks have been implemented in the shipboard
central control system called I AS (integrated automation system). Complicated control logics and the safety functions
have been developed by shipyard, and every logics had been verif ied by the I AS system and the purposely developed
regas simulator system.

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Figure 6 : Concepts of LNG RV ESD System

Thanks to the thorough check in the previous stage, there have been few changes in the actual operation of the regas
trial. I ndependent ESD (emergency shut down) system has been provided in the LNG RV. The ESD system adopted the
same hardware as the conventional LNG carrier. However, the ESD system has a hardwire switch to distinguish between
the conventional LNG mode and the regas mode. The control and ESD system can monitor and control for the turret
and sub-sea part as well. Therefore consistent integrated control and safety functions for the LNG RV, submerged buoy,
and the sub-sea PLEM (Pipe Line End Manifold) can be achieved.

The regas send out pressure and flow should be controlled carefully to meet the downstream pressure and flow
demand, which are critical to the overall performance and daily throughput of the LNG RV. At the same time the
onboard regas system pressure should maintain predef ined minimum value to secure the stable performance of the
vaporizer. The effective BOG (boil off gas) handling during normal operation, cool down, and depressurization are made
by the suction drum inlet and outlet control valves, and control loop programs for the specif ic operations.

3.10 MAPS
An approaching and positing keeping system for the mating with the submerged buoy had to be developed as there
were no similar systems for the application. Though the steam turbine system also had some limitations in the
continuous operation in the low RPM, the control characteristics was better than that of slow speed diesel engine. For
the improvement of the existing steam turbine from the limitations, a series of discussion with turbine vendor had been

I n the submerged buoy, 6 acoustic transponders are prepared, so that the acoustic transceiver installed in the LNG RV
can detect the exact location of the buoy center. Onboard acoustic transceiver is installed in the bottom of No. 2
cofferdam and extruded approximately 2.8 meters from the hull bottom when the vessel is approaching to the mating
site. DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) usually gives quite accurate position information, typically 2-3 meters.
Hence the DGPS itself can provide reliable location information. However, to verify the actual location of the submerged
buoy with a self-dependent device, the APR (acoustic positioning reference) system should be used in parallel.

The MAPS development required advanced ship hydrodynamics and control backgrounds. But as the required
technologies and the model tests data were readily available, the hardware and software development have been
smooth. To f ind more detail characteristics of thrusters for the MAPS, additional model test have been carried out.

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Figure 7 : MAPS Conceptual Conf iguration

3.11 Regas and MAPS Simulators

As the LNG RV regas process was not familiar to shipyard and owner operators, a suitable training system to simulate
the actual onboard system was necessary. To solve the task, a very realistic dynamic simulator has been developed.
The simulator has mathematical models for LNG cargo tanks, suction drum, HP pumps vaporizers, send out, and piping
systems, so the start up, normal control, loop tuning, and interlock sequence functions could be demonstrated.
Through the simulator, most of the regas operations including the start up, pressurization, depressurization, and
heating water system operations could be familiarized. The regas simulator was very effective, so additional training
simulators had to be prepared upon the request from shipyard commissioning department and ship owner operating

For the training and familiarization of the MAPS, MAPS simulator has been developed. The simulator depicts LNG RV
motion characteristics. Hence, it could be used effectively before the deployment of the main system. Whereas some of
the operations cannot be learned from actual system such as operations in the extreme weather or in one of the
thrusters fail mode conditions, the simulator does not have any limitations in the dangerous operations.

Figure 8 : Standalone Regas Simulator Hardware

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Figure 9 : Typical MAPS Graphic

3.12 Regas Performance Estimator

The regas capacity of 500 mmscfd is based on 5 vaporizers running at the sea water temperature of 14.7 oC. However,
if the temperature is higher than the minimum temperature of 14.7 oC, higher throughput can be made in general. The
HP pumps also can have different performance depending on the different LNG density. On the other hand, there could
be limitations by the delivery network pressure, temperature, and flow velocity. The exact estimation of the throughput
in specif ic conditions of sea water temperature, LNG density, and delivery network pressure is important in the decision
of the operation mode and the maximum throughput. The throughput is closely related with various external conditions
and onboard equipment performance characteristics. For the purpose, the regas performance estimation program has
been developed and provided to ship owner.

4. Commissioning/ Sea/ Gas/ Regas Trials

4.1 Quayside Commissioning

The quayside commissioning work scopes of LNG RV have been maximized to reduce the works necessary during the
sea and gas trials as the cases of normal LNG carriers. Most of the tests except those can be done only with actual LNG
have been carried out previously in the shipyard quayside.

4.2 Cold Test

Cold test for the regas equipment has been done with liquid nitrogen. The cold test of LNG RV is more extensive than
those of the normal LNG carriers. The cooling down, pressurization, vaporization, blow down, depressurization, and
suction drum operation of the regas system have been done previously in the quayside. From the cold test of the regas
system, some system modif ications could be made before the actual regas system, and proved to be effective. I n this
stage, the operations of the HP pumps could not be made because of the liquid nitrogen inventory limitation.

4.3 Sea Trial

The purpose of the sea trial is to perform tests required for the conventional LNG carriers. Speed test, boiler fuel oil
mode operation, and all propulsion and utility system tests have been carried out, which was similar to the conventional
LNG cases. During the sea trial, heating water system for the regas system has been extensively tested and the
performances in various modes have been verif ied as the capacity test could be done independent of the regas

4.4 Submerged Buoy Mating Test

For the verif ication of the submerged buoy mating operation, a dummy buoy mating test was carried out. As the exact
submerged buoy moored to the sea bottom was not available, an exactly same dimensioned dummy buoy with suitable
structure and acoustic transponders has been prepared and used for the test. The dummy buoy was moved to an
offshore at approximately 55 meters water depth, and the submerged buoy was positioned to approximately 30 meters

© Gastech 2005 Kim & Lee 9

below the water surface

Figure 10 : Submerged Buoy Connection and MAPS Tests

by using a specially prepared floating fender. The same procedure of the turret mating, opening the mating cone cover,
dropping the messenger line, connecting the submerged buoy, rope guide handling, hoisting the submerged buoy with
an onboard traction winch, swivel connection, buoy disconnection, and buoy dropping, was carried out. During the
dummy buoy test, the performance of MAPS and the APR (acoustic positioning reference) system have also been

Figure 11 : Dummy Buoy Preparation Figure 12 : Connection of Submerged Buoy

4.5 Gas Trial

The gas trial procedure is exactly the same as that of the conventional LNG carrier. During the gas trial, the cargo pump
operations, the boiler fuel gas burning and gas management, and other systems have been verif ied.

4.6 Regas Trial

I n continuation of the gas trial, regas trial has been carried out. The regas trial repeats the same procedure as the
offshore LNG regas operation as far as practicable. The in tank feed pumps and suction drum operations have been
checked. After cool down of the regas system, the pressurization has been carried out by using onboard small HP pump
(capacity : 20 m 3/ hour). After pressurization, each of the 6 HP pumps have been operated one by one as there was
limitation in the absorbing the vaporized NG in the cargo tank. Moreover, in regas system test in shipyard stage, a large
volume of HP pump downstream LNG should be re-circulated to the suction drum due to the send out NG buffering
capacity, which limited the HP pump operation time to approximately 5 minutes by increasing the suction drum LNG
temperature. I n actual commercial operation, the HP pumps will be run in a very favorable condition as the re-
circulating would be limited to the very short time. However each pumps have been run at 100 bar in about half load
(including re-circulating amount), and the vaporizer had received the LNG at the peak load of 20 % during the regas
trial. Earlier, each of the HP pumps have been run at the maximum capacity during the factory acceptance test, and 1
HP pump and 1 vaporizer had been tested with full vaporizing capacity at Excelerate Energy test facility in USA. I t is
believed that the whole regas system performance has been verif ied during the regas trial considered the cold load and
the maximum pressure has been applied to the regas system. The only remaining thing to be observed would be the
vaporizer performance at high LNG vaporizing

© Gastech 2005 Kim & Lee 10

R e g a s S y s te m O p e ra tio n


Pressure (bar g)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Figure 13 : Regas System Pressurization and Depressurization During Regas Trial

load. Authors do not anticipate any problems as the system has some margin and the vaporizer performance has been
checked during the test facility previously. The depressurization and the NG gas return operation to the suction drum
have been demonstrated. Heating water system performance at maximum boiler capacity mode has been verif ied. After
the regas operation, the draining, drying, and inerting operation also have been demonstrated.

Not only for the capacity test, detail control functions have been carried out with the actual situation as far as
practicable. Therefore most of the loop and cascade controls have been demonstrated during the regas trial.

The regas operation in the shipyard stage may have a special meaning though the regas amount was not so much. The
operation would be the f irst offshore LNG regas record.

Figure 14 : Familiarization of the Regas Operation – Cargo control room

5. Conclusion

The LNG RV has been successfully constructed and delivered to her owner after proving the regas functionalities in the
regas trial. The LNG RV is the f irst offshore LNG facility, and its success would accelerate subsequent offshore LNG
projects and technology developments.

6. Acknow ledgements

Authors and our colleagues sincerely appreciate those who initiated the LNG RV concept from the scratches. And
equally, we appreciate those unknown persons in unknown places who have worked for the development of the
offshore LNG technology in various f ields regardless of their successes or fails of the concepts and technologies. We
heartily respect their challenging attitudes and dedications. We believe we have been fortunate that we could utilize
© Gastech 2005 Kim & Lee 11
and materialize the long accumulated outputs from those people and organizations around the world.


1. Hans Y.S. Han, JungHan Lee, and YongSoo Kim, “Design Development of FSRU from LNG Carrier and FPSO
Construction Experiences”, OTC 14098, Offshore Technology Conference, 2002
2. Jonathan Cook, “EP Energy Bridge – Offshore LNG Delivery Solution” Gastech 2002
3. Jonathan Cook, “Technical & Commercial Prove Up Of Energy Bridge” Gastech 2005
4. Patrick Janssens, “Energy Bridge TM - The World's First LNG Offshore Solution”, Gastech 2005

© Gastech 2005 Kim & Lee 12

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