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Role of Anthropogenic Forcing and Atmospheric Circulation

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Advances in Climate Change Research 14 (2023) 921e929

Role of anthropogenic forcing and atmospheric circulation in a low-

temperature event in February 2022 in eastern China
Zhi-Fan CHEN a, Ying SUN b,*, Xuebin ZHANG c, Tim LI d, Jin-Hua YU a,**
Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster, Ministry of Education (KLME)/Joint International Research Laboratory of Climate and Environment Change
(ILCEC)/Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters (CIC-FEMD), Nanjing University of Information Science and
Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
Climate Studies Key Laboratory, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China
Climate Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto M3H 5T4, Canada
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu HI 96822, USA
Received 1 May 2023; revised 15 September 2023; accepted 26 November 2023
Available online 30 November 2023


In February 2022, eastern China experienced prolonged low temperatures, with significant impacts on agriculture, transportation, and power
supply. The regional average temperature anomaly for February 2022 was 0.65  C, making it the third coldest February from 2000 to 2022.
Understanding the influence of anthropogenic forcing and atmospheric circulation on low-temperature events is important for climate change
adaptation and mitigation in the region. This study used observational and model data from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6
to conduct an extreme event attribution study. The results showed that anthropogenic forcing led to a 1.5-fold decrease in the probability of 2022-
like events, with anthropogenic greenhouse gases being the primary contributors to this reduction. Conversely, aerosols slightly increased the
likelihood of such events. To evaluate the role of atmospheric circulation in this event, we chose Siberian High as the key circulation system and
employed circulation similarity, intensity classification, and regression methods to estimate the impacts of circulation patterns, circulation in-
tensity, and human-induced circulation change. The results demonstrated that under the influence of the same anthropogenic forcing, the
presence of an anomalous Siberian High and anomalously enhanced intensity of the Siberian High both increased the likelihood of such a cold
event occurrence. However, anthropogenic forcing exerts a negligible effect on such cold events via anomalous circulation.

Keywords: Low-temperature event; Attribution; Intensity of the Siberian high; Anthropogenic forcing; Atmospheric circulation

1. Introduction China led to heavy snowfall, resulting in flight cancellations at

some urban airports and speed restrictions on highways
In February 2022, eastern China experienced frequent cold (CMA, 2022; Li et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022). This event had an
waves. During this period, the monthly mean temperature in extensive impact on agriculture, urban transportation, and
most areas was 2e4  C lower than that in normal years power supply and was thus selected as the top 1 of China's ten
(1991e2020) and an abundant moisture supply from southern major weather and climate events of the year (CMA, 2022;
http://www.ncc-cma.net/channel/news/newsid/100053). Un-
derstanding the reasons behind the cold events in 2022 and
* Corresponding author. responding to the needs of the public and government are of
** Corresponding author. great importance for local disaster prevention and climate
E-mail addresses: sunying@cma.gov.cn (SUN Y.), jhyu@nuist.edu.cn (YU change adaptation.
Peer review under responsibility of National Climate Center (China
Studies have shown that the intensity and frequency of
Meteorological Administration). extreme cold events at the global and regional scales decrease

1674-9278/© 2023 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
922 CHEN Z.-F. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 14 (2023) 921e929

with global warming (Christidis et al., 2010; Yin et al., 2018; 2.2. Model data
Hu et al., 2022). The IPCC AR6 concluded that human in-
fluence is likely to be the main driver of the observed decrease We employed the monthly mean temperature and sea level
in cold extremes (IPCC, 2021), impacting individual extreme pressure simulated by climate models that participated in the
cold events and leading to a decrease in their likelihood in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6,
China (Sun et al., 2018; Qian et al., 2018; Duan et al., 2021; Li Eyring et al., 2016). The historical simulations encompassed
et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2022), the eastern United States, and the all-forcing (ALL), natural forcing only (NAT), greenhouse gas
United Kingdom (Christidis and Stott, 2012; Trenary et al., forcing (GHG), and anthropogenic aerosol forcing (AA)
2016; King, 2017). Recently, a few studies have employed simulations for the period 1961e2020 as well as pre-industrial
the circulation intensity index to investigate the impact of control (CTL) simulations. Because the NAT simulations for
dynamic and thermodynamic factors on extreme cold events 2015e2020 were driven by the corresponding forcings defined
and have found that thermodynamic factors play a dominant under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) 2e4.5
role in the probability changes of extreme cold events (Zhou emission scenario (Gillett et al., 2016), the data from 2015 to
et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2022). Using the circulation similarity 2022 were extended using the projections under the SSP2‒4.5
method, Christidis et al. (2020) found that large-scale cyclonic scenario for ALL simulations. Moreover, we restricted the
circulation in the southwestern United Kingdom increased the number of model members by utilizing a maximum of ten runs
probability of extreme cold events in 2018 more than tenfold. from each model. More detailed information on the climate
Although these studies demonstrated a clear human influ- models is provided in Table A1. We obtained the Tave and ISH
ence on cold events, few have focused on the combined in- anomalies (TaveA and ISHA) by subtracting the 1961e1990
fluence of circulation patterns, intensity, and anthropogenic average from the ALL simulations for all runs of each model.
forcing. Thus, to address this gap, this study focused on the To maintain consistency between the model and observational
2022 cold event and determined the role of anomalous atmo- data, all model data were bilinearly interpolated onto
spheric circulation in such events. We established a link be- 2.0  2.0 grid boxes and masked by observations.
tween external forcing and circulation to investigate their
interaction. The study aimed to expand the event attribution 2.3. Evaluation of anthropogenic influence
study to circulation aspects related to the event and address the
possible interaction between external anthropogenic forcing To estimate the probability of a cold event, we utilized a
and circulation impacts. kernel-smoothing function to fit the observed and model-
simulated mean temperatures. We employed the ‘normal’
2. Data and methods function as the kernel smoother and determined the optimal
bandwidth of the kernel-smoothing window for estimating
2.1. Observational data normal densities (https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/stats/
We utilized quality-controlled and homogenized monthly To quantitatively estimate the effects of anthropogenic forcing
mean temperature (Tave) data from 2419 meteorological sta- and atmospheric circulation on the likelihood of an event, we
tions provided by the National Meteorological Information used the risk ratio (RR) to estimate probability changes under
Center for 1961e2022 (Cao et al., 2016). The designated different forcing experiments (NASEM, 2016). We estimated
research area was eastern China (104e120 E, 20e46 N), the impact of ALL forcing using the probability of event
which is the main region affected by the East Asian winter occurrence for model experiments with and without anthro-
monsoon and cold waves (Tao et al., 1959). To describe cold pogenic forcing, that is, the probability for the ALL and NAT
events, we used the anomaly of the monthly mean temperature experiments, expressed as RRALL ¼ PALL/PNAT. Similarly, the
(TaveA, relative to 1961e1990) in eastern China in February. impacts of GHG and AA forcing on the events were expressed
We averaged the monthly mean temperatures onto 2  2 as RRGHG ¼ PGHG/PCTL and RRAA ¼ PAA/PCTL, where PGHG
grid boxes and calculated the regional averages. For compar- and PAA denote the event probabilities under the influence of
ison, we used the monthly minimum temperature to investi- GHG and AA, respectively, and PCTL represents the proba-
gate the event and found similar attribution results (not bility under the CTL simulation. We utilized the 11-year
shown). To investigate the circulation effects, we used the window from 2010 to 2020 for ALL, GHG, NAT, and AA
monthly mean sea level pressure (SLP), 850- and 300-hPa simulations, as well as 457 11-year chunks for the CTL
wind and air temperatures, and 300-hPa geopotential height simulation, in which all available simulations were used to
from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Fore- represent the current climate background state. We then
casts (ECMWF) ERA5 reanalysis (Hersbach et al., 2020) to pooled the data from all the members of every model
calculate the intensity of the Siberian High (ISH; 81 ‒113 E, throughout the window period to form a comprehensive set of
39 ‒59 N). It is worth noting that the altitudes in the southern samples, which were employed to construct a probability
part of the key circulation area are high and the accuracy of distribution. We set the observed TaveA for the 2022 cold
SLP data from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset might be relatively event as the threshold for estimating the probability of events
diminished in high-altitude regions compared to lower-altitude that achieved or exceeded the intensity of the 2022 cold event.
areas; however, it is still applicable (Huang et al., 2023). In addition, the 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated
CHEN Z.-F. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 14 (2023) 921e929 923

using 1000 bootstraps. The procedure is as follows. Initially, and Tave anomalies in eastern China (Fig. A1b and d).
samples of the same length as the original sample are drawn Northwesterly winds originating from the eastern side of the
with replacements from the original dataset. Subsequently, the Siberian High predominantly influenced Tave in eastern China
probabilities and relative RR values were calculated. This during February (Fig. A1b). We then computed the regionally
sequence was repeated 1000 times and the values falling averaged SLP in February within the key circulation area to
within the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles established a 95% CI. serve as the ISH. As demonstrated in Fig. A1a, there was a
significant ( p < 0.05) negative correlation between TaveA and
2.4. Evaluation of circulation effect ISHA between 1961 and 2022 (r ¼ 0.74; rdetrend ¼ 0.8).
The model results also showed a significant negative correla-
2.4.1. Key circulation area tion (0.54 to 0.86, 0.56 to 0.85) after detrending,
To evaluate the influence of large-scale circulation on event indicating that the model reasonably simulated the influence of
probabilities, we chose the Siberian High region as a key the Siberian High on cold events in eastern China (Fig. A1c).
circulation area, that is, the region of 81 e113 E, and 39 ‒
59 N (as indicated by the black rectangular box in Fig. 1c, 2.4.2. Circulation similarity method
similar to Park et al. (2011a, b) and Ding et al. (2021)). Minor We assessed the impact of circulation on cold events using
adjustments made to its range (expanding or shrinking three methods. The first was the circulation similarity method
simultaneously within 5 in both the longitudinal and lat- (Christidis et al., 2015, 2022; Wang et al.et al., 2022). We
itudinal directions) did not remarkably affect the attribution partitioned the ALL and NAT model experiments into two
results. Previous studies have shown that the Siberian High is a subsamples: one with high correlation (abbreviated as High,
key circulation system that leads to the invasion of cold waves r > 0.6, with sample sizes of 81 and 96) between the observed
into China through a dominant cold northerly flow on its and model-simulated SLP for 2010e2020 in the key circula-
eastern side (Park et al., 2011a; Ding et al., 2021). In this key tion area and the other with low correlation (abbreviated as
area, both the observational and model results exhibited a Low, r < 0.6, with sample sizes of 447 and 366) between the
persistent high and showed a strong correlation between SLP observation and models. We defined the occurrence

Fig. 1. Observed low-temperature event in February 2022, (a, b) spatial distribution of TaveA relative to 1961e1990 and 1991e2020, respectively (The brown box
highlights the research area (20 ‒46 N, 104 ‒120 E)), (c) anomalies of mean sea level pressure (shading), 850-hPa wind (vector), and temperature (contour)
relative to 1961e1990 (The black box represents the key circulation area (81 ‒113 E, 39 ‒59 N)), and (d) anomalies of 300-hPa geopotential height (shading)
and wind (vector).
924 CHEN Z.-F. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 14 (2023) 921e929

probabilities of 2022-like events in the high-correlation sub- simulation is denoted as PALL_Weak. We calculated RRALL_-
samples obtained from the ALL and NAT experiments as Strong ¼ PALL_Strong/PNAT_Strong, which represents the influence
PALL_High and PNAT_High, and the probabilities in the low- of anthropogenic forcing under the 2022 circulation intensity
correlation subsamples obtained from the ALL experiment conditions. RRALL_Strong/Weak ¼ PALL_Strong/PALL_Weak indi-
as PALL_Low. Empirical tests demonstrated that the selection of cated the impact of circulation from the perspective of circu-
correlation coefficient threshold values within the range of lation intensity under the same anthropogenic forcing (Table
0.4e0.7 only had slight effects on the final results. We 1). Compared with the circulation similarity method, the in-
calculated RRALL_High ¼ PALL_High/PNAT_High, which repre- tensity classification method mainly reflects the impact of the
sented the impact of anthropogenic forcing on events under a circulation intensity but not the pattern itself. Thus, in strong
2022-like circulation pattern, and RRALL_High/Low ¼ PALL_High/ ISH subsamples, the spatial correlation between the observed
PALL_Low, indicating the impact of circulation on events from and model-simulated key circulation patterns may not neces-
the perspective of a 2022-like circulation pattern under the sarily be high and in high-correlation subsamples, the circu-
same anthropogenic forcing (Table 1). lation strength may not necessarily be strong. As shown in
Fig. A2, in the high-correlation and strong ISH subsamples,
2.4.3. Intensity classification method there was substantial positive SLPA in the key circulation
The second circulation method is based on the intensity of region, coupled with regional TaveA of 0.74  C (2.14 to
the SLP in the key circulation area. We partitioned the samples 0.88  C) and 2.16  C (3.11 to 0.54  C), respectively,
based on the presence or absence of a strong Siberian High in compared to TaveA of 1.26  C (0e2.55  C) and 1.29  C
the key area, similar to the method described by Zhou et al. (0.25e2.55  C) within the low-correlation and weak ISH
(2021). Using the February 2022 ISHA (3.12 hPa) as the subsamples over eastern China, respectively.
threshold, we divided the model results of the ALL and NAT
experiments into two subsamples: strong ISH (abbreviated as 2.4.4. Regression method
Strong, ISH >3.12 hPa, with sample sizes of 70 and 75) and To determine the impact of human-induced circulation on
weak ISH (abbreviated as Weak, ISH <3.12 hPa, with sample an event, we employed a regression method to estimate the
sizes of 458 and 387). The likelihood of events exceeding the probability of change. First, we calculated the multi-run av-
2022 TaveA threshold under strong ISH conditions in the erages of TaveA and ISHA for a model and obtained linear
subsamples was defined as PALL_Strong and PNAT_Strong for the trends from 1961 to 2020. Next, we removed linear trends
ALL and NAT simulations, respectively. Under weak ISH from each run. We then regressed the detrended TaveA onto
conditions, the probability of events obtained from the ALL the detrended ISHA to obtain the regression coefficient K and

Table 1
Methods for estimating the effects of anthropogenic forcing and circulation, samples, and risk ratios.
Method Sample Risk ratio Description
Unconditional attribution Total sample RRALL ¼ PALL/PNAT Impact of all anthropogenic forcing
RRGHG ¼ PGHG/PCTL Impact of anthropogenic greenhouse
gases forcing (GHG)
RRAA ¼ PAA/PCTL Impact of anthropogenic aerosol
forcing (AA)
Circulation similarity method Subsamples with high correlation RRALL_High ¼ PALL_High/PNAT_High Impact of all anthropogenic forcing
(High) and low correlation (Low) to conditioned on specific circulation
the February 2022 circulation pattern pattern
RRALL_High/Low ¼ PALL_High/PALL_Low Impact of circulation from the
perspective of circulation pattern
under the same anthropogenic
forcing (ALL)
Intensity classification method Subsamples with strong ISH (Strong) RRALL_Strong ¼ PALL_Strong/PNAT_Strong Impact of all anthropogenic forcing
and weak ISH (Weak) conditioned on specific intensity of
RRALL_Strong/Weak ¼ PALL_Strong/PALL_Weak Impact of circulation from the
perspective of circulation intensity
under the same anthropogenic
forcing (ALL)
Regression method Subsamples with circulation-related RRCR ¼ PCTL_CR/PCTL Impact of human-induced
(CR) part circulation, assuming that the trend
of circulation represents its response
to human activities, and the impacts
of both the circulation itself and
human-induced circulation on TaveA
are consistent
CHEN Z.-F. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 14 (2023) 921e929 925

computed the response of TaveA to the circulation change as probability distribution fitted to the observational data within
follows: the climatic period of 1961e2022. Fig. 1b shows the SLP and
850 hPa wind anomalies in February 2022. The positive
R ¼ ISHATrend  K ð1Þ anomaly of SLP in the key circulation area exceeded 7 hPa
and the regional ISHA was 3.12 hPa, which was the third-
Where R denotes the response. highest value from 2000 to 2022. The abnormally strong Si-
Finally, we added R for 2010e2020 to TaveA in the CTL berian High and its eastward abnormal northerly wind pro-
simulations, which represents the internal climate variability, vided stable cold air transport during the 2022 cold event.
yielding circulation-related (CR) TaveA. We calculated the Furthermore, the interaction between the upper tropospheric
probability of 2022-like events in the reconstructed simula- trough and cold advection on the eastern side of the Siberian
tions and CTL experiments and estimated the risk ratio as High contributes to the maintenance of abnormal northerly
RRCR ¼ PCTL_CR/PCTL, which represents the impact of winds (Fig. 1b and c) (Park et al., 2011b). Coupled with the
human-induced circulation, assuming that the trend of circu- influence of the easterly airflow from the Northwest Pacific at
lation represents its response to human activities and that the mid-low latitudes, some areas in eastern China have experi-
impacts of both the circulation itself and human-induced cir- enced frequent snowfall (CMA, 2022). Some studies have
culation on TaveA are consistent (see Table 1 for details). indicated that the La Ni~na-like SST anomaly distribution near
the equatorial Pacific is conducive to maintaining circulation
3. Results conditions for cold air invasion during the same period (Zheng
et al., 2021).
3.1. 2022 low-temperature event
3.2. Model performance evaluation
In February 2022, negative TaveA expression was observed
in over half of eastern China, with the center primarily The CMIP6 multi-model ensemble average, as presented in
concentrated in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and south- Fig. 2, generally demonstrates a warming trend consistent with
eastern China (Fig. 1a and b). The regional TaveA was the observations. The linear trends in TaveA for observations
0.65  C (relative to 1961e1990) and 2.49  C (relative to and the multi-model ensemble mean were 0.47 and 0.21  C
1991e2020, as the baseline period in China Climate Bulletin per decade (with a 95% uncertainty range of 0.06 to 0.51  C
(2022) (CMA, 2022)), marking the third coldest February per decade), respectively, while there was no significant trend
from 2000 to 2022. The return period of the February 2022 in ISHA. This showed an underestimation of the model-
event was estimated to be 4 years (CI: 3e7 years) based on the simulated trend of TaveA, although the range of simulated

Fig. 2. (aeb) Observed and simulated regional TaveA and ISHA in February for eastern China (Shadings indicate the ensemble spread by the 48 members), (ced)
histograms and probability density function of TaveA and ISHA, and (e) multi-model ensemble mean (MMM) standard deviation and trend of TaveA and standard
deviation of detrended TaveA (ALL_de) within the ALL experiment.
926 CHEN Z.-F. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 14 (2023) 921e929

trends could encompass the observations, which is consistent towards higher temperatures than the NAT simulations. The
with a study on the attribution of winter temperatures in China probabilities of achieving or exceeding the intensity of the
(Yin and Sun, 2023). We compared the attribution results of 2022 cold event in the ALL and NAT simulations were 23.4%
the dataset that underwent linear trend bias correction using (95%CI: 20.3%e26.4%) and 35.6% (95%CI: 31.8%e39.6%),
the single-signal analysis results from the optimal finger- respectively, resulting in an RRALL of 0.66 (95%CI:
printing technique for ALL forcing (Yin and Sun, 2023). 0.55e0.78) (Fig. 3b). This suggests that the likelihood of
These results were roughly consistent with those obtained 2022-like events was reduced by almost 1.5 times due to
from the original model dataset, although there was a slight anthropogenic forcing. The probability density functions of
improvement in estimating the impact of anthropogenic forc- the GHG and AA simulations exhibited opposite shifts
ing. The observed standard deviation of TaveA was 2.03  C compared to those of the CTL simulation, indicating opposite
(1.83  C after detrending) and the multi-model ensemble mean impacts on the likelihood of similar events (Fig. 3a). GHG
standard deviation we 2.04  C (95% uncertainty range: and AA reduced (increased) the probability of 2022-like
1.61e2.43  C) and 1.99  C after detrending (95% uncertainty events by approximately 3.6 times (1.7 times), respectively,
range: 1.37e2.42  C). This suggests that irrespective of with RRGHG of 0.28 (95%CI: 0.22e0.35) and RRAA ¼ 1.72
whether the linear trend was retained or removed, the models (95%CI: 1.61e1.82), respectively (Fig. 3b). Because the 2022
reproduced the standard deviation of the observed TaveA. The event threshold was located at the tail of the GHG simulation
skewness coefficients of observed and simulated TaveA were distribution, the probability of its occurrence was low (11.6%)
0.31 and 0.2, respectively, indicating consistent skewness. and had high uncertainty (9%e14.4%), resulting in large
The standard deviations of observed TaveA and ISHA were uncertainty in RRGHG.
2.04  C and 3.18 hPa, noticeably larger than that of the multi- To estimate the impact of circulation on the 2022 cold event,
model ensemble mean TaveA and ISHA, which were 0.54  C we first utilized a circulation similarity method. We compared
and 0.45 hPa, respectively, implying that the TaveA and ISHA the results obtained from the high- and low-correlation sub-
are influenced to a great extent by internal climate variability. samples of the ALL simulation. As shown in Fig. 4a, b, and d,
Statistical tests showed that the model-simulated distribution we obtained RRALL_High/Low ¼ PALL_High/PALL_Low of 2.94
of TaveA was slightly skewed towards colder values compared (95%CI: 2.28e3.73), suggesting that a 2022-like circulation
to the observations, whereas the simulated and observed dis- enhances event probability by a factor of approximately three.
tributions of TaveA and ISHA were statistically indistin- This further emphasizes the crucial role of the key circulation
guishable (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test p > 0.1) (Fig. 2c and d). pattern in contributing to the abnormal cold events in eastern
These results indicate that CMIP6 models can be used for China in February. We also assessed the impact of anthropo-
event attribution studies. genic forcing on event probability conditioned on particular
atmospheric circulation conditions and obtained
3.3. Event attribution RRALL_High ¼ PALL_High/PNAT_High of 0.82 (95%CI: 0.66e1),
indicating that the likelihood of a similar event was reduced by
To estimate the impact of human activity on the low- approximately 1.2 times, which was slightly lower than the
temperature event of February 2022, we compared the result derived from RRALL. We also noticed that a small sample
simulated results of TaveA in the ALL, NAT, GHG, AA, and size could have led to greater uncertainty in the results.
CTL simulations. The probability density function of TaveA, We then used the intensity classification method to evaluate
shown in Fig. 3a, suggests that the ALL simulations shifted the impact of circulation intensity on the events. As shown in

Fig. 3. (a) Probability density function of TaveA from ALL, NAT, GHG, AA, and CTL simulations (Vertical gray line and the adjacent number indicate the
observed February 2022 TaveA), and (b) risk ratios with 95% confidence intervals (shading) for TaveA.
CHEN Z.-F. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 14 (2023) 921e929 927

Fig. 4. (a) Probability density function of subsamples from ALL simulation with high and low correlation to the February 2022 circulation pattern and strong and weak
ISH obtained using a threshold of 3.12 hPa (ISHA in February 2022) (Vertical gray line and the adjacent number indicate the observed February 2022 TaveA), (b) as in
(a) but from ALL and NAT simulations with high correlation and strong ISH, (c) as in (a) but for CR subsamples from CTL simulation, and (d) RR with 95%
confidence interval (shading) for different samples (circulation similarity method (CSM), intensity classification method (ICM), regression method (RM)).

Fig. 4a and d, the distribution of TaveA leaned notably to- induced circulation effects on the probability of a similar
wards the colder side in the presence of strong ISH. The event and that human activities primarily influenced the
comparison between the ALL simulations with strong ISH and probability of the occurrence of 2022-like cold events by
weak ISH led to RRALL_Strong/Weak ¼ PALL_Strong/ altering external forcing. We also found that neither the
PALL_Weak ¼ 4.6 (95%CI: 3.77e5.77). This suggests that the observed or simulated ISH showed clear linear trends, indi-
presence of strong ISH notably increased the probability of cating no changes in the key circulation system related to this
cold events in eastern China, with the likelihood of a 2022-like cold event.
event being 4.6 times higher than that in the presence of only
weak ISH. This further underscores the importance of ISH in 4. Summary and discussion
contributing to abnormal cold events. Next, we compared the
effects of anthropogenic forcing on the probability of cold This study evaluated the impact of anthropogenic forcing
events conditioned by strong ISH. As shown in Fig. 4b and d, and atmospheric circulation on the likelihood of a 2022 cold
anthropogenic forcing reduced the probability of a similar event in eastern China using observational data and CMIP6
event by approximately 1.2 times, with RRALL_Strong ¼ models. The cold event in 2022 had a clear warming back-
PALL_Strong/PNAT_Strong of 0.85 (95%CI: 0.74e0.96). ground. The CMIP6 models reproduced the winter warming
Finally, we used a regression method to evaluate the trend in eastern China; however, the multi-model ensemble
anthropogenic influence of human-induced circulation mean slightly underestimated these observations. The models
changes on the 2022 cold event. We further obtained the CR reasonably simulated the observed standard deviations of
TaveA by detrending TaveA and the ISHA (as described TaveA and ISHA and generally encompassed the observed
above). According to Fig. 4c and d, the distribution of CR changes. We found that anthropogenic forcing led to a
TaveA and raw TaveA in CTL simulations showed negligible reduction in the probability of 2022-like events by 1.5 times.
separation, with RRCR ¼ PCTL_CR/PCTL of 0.95 (95%CI: Greenhouse gases reduced the probability by a factor of 3.6,
0.86e0.99). This indicates that there were almost no human- whereas the aerosols slightly elevated it, increasing the
928 CHEN Z.-F. et al. / Advances in Climate Change Research 14 (2023) 921e929

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