Midterm 98
Midterm 98
Midterm 98
2. The specific heat of iron is greater than that of copper. If the same
amount of heat is transferred to equal masses of these two metals, both
initially at 25°C. Therefore;
A. The final temperature of the iron sample will be greater than that of
B. The final temperature of the copper sample will be greater than that
of iron.
C. The final temperature will depend on the rate of heating.
D. Both iron and copper sample will be at the same temperature.
3. The DH°f for CO2(g) is -393.5 kJ/mol. This represents the heat
flow at 25°C and 1 atm for;
A. +1 B. +2 C. +4 D. +7
6- In the reaction ;
A. B B. Cl C. BCl3 D. H2
2- Given the bond energies ( in kJ / mol) for H-H, Br-Br, and H-Br as
436, 193, and 368 respectively, estimate the heat of formation of HBr
from gaseous H2 and Br2?
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Second term 1997- 1998