Rohde & Schwarz - Signal Generator - SME06
Rohde & Schwarz - Signal Generator - SME06
Rohde & Schwarz - Signal Generator - SME06
The boom in the communications sector is continuing. More and more mobile-
Synthesizer concept
radio networks and new radiocommunication applications are being devised.
As the frequency bands below 3 GHz are already densely occupied, increasing The market success of the Rohde &
use will have to be made of the region above 3 GHz. Rohde & Schwarz has Schwarz signal generators proves that
responded to this trend by extending its line of signal generators by two new the right concepts were chosen. This
models: SME06 and SMT06 for the frequency range up to 6 GHz. holds both for SMT, which is a budget-
Externally identical
models SME06
and SMT06 extend
family to cover
analog and digital
receiver measure-
ments up to 6 GHz.
Photo 42 455
Since 1993, Rohde & Schwarz Signal With SME06 and SMT06, the mea- priced solution with a single-loop
Generators SME and SMT for up to surement technology for these applica- synthesizer, and for SME, which fea-
3 GHz have been highly successful on tions is in place well ahead of time. tures direct digital multiloop frequency
the market. Now this signal-generator synthesis, short settling times and
family has grown by two new members: The two new models are based on their digital modulation. From the different
models SME06 (FIG 1) and SMT06 lower-frequency “brothers” and were synthesizer concepts, different fields of
for applications up into the 6-GHz developed using frequency doubling. application are obtained.
range. Good news for customers who In other words, SME06 and SMT06 are
have to meet requirements which identical to SME03 and SMT03 up to SMT covers the complete range of
stipulate immunity to interference tests 3 GHz except for overvoltage protec- conventional analog receiver and EMC
on electrical equipment up to 4 GHz. tion, which is not provided on the new measurements, while SME is capable
SMT06 is an ideal and at the same models since it would result in a consid- of both analog and digital modulation.
time cost-effective signal source for erable deterioration of the output reflec- Moreover, thanks to its fast frequency
this purpose. Further applications will tion coefficient at 6 GHz. Despite this, synthesis, SME is ideal for measure-
open up in the 5-GHz range, where reflected RF power up to 1 W is per- ments on frequency-hopping systems
intensive R&D is under way on new missible with SME06 and SMT06. To and for tasks where every millisecond
systems such as WLAN (wireless local eliminate any danger when working counts, eg tests on integrated circuits,
area network), WLL (wireless local on transceivers, which often have RF since test time for the IC manufacturer is
loop) and electronic road toll systems. output powers above 1 W, an external equivalent to test costs. A reduction of
test time from 20 to a few milliseconds, standard, an LF generator can be PRBS sequences can be selected as
for example, will substantially reduce fitted to SME/SMT to supply sinewave, fixed standard patterns of various
manufacturing costs. With 500 µs triangular, squarewave and noise lengths or user-programmed with the
settling time in the list mode, SME offers signals. The maximum frequency for aid of a list editor. Moreover, exter-
an excellent prerequisite for cutting sinewaves is 500 kHz. A multifunction nally generated data sequences up to
down on these costs. generator provides the same signals a length of 8 Mbits can be stored in
as the LF generator over an extended SME. Such sequences are needed, for
The difference between the two synthe- frequency range up to 1 MHz and, example, for propagation measure-
sizer concepts can clearly be seen, for in addition, stereo multiplex and ments in GSM networks. In SME, spu-
example, from the SSB phase noise VOR/ILS modulation signals. The mul- rious AM and FM can be added to
(FIG 2), where SME features excellent tifunction generator makes SME/SMT the digital modulation. This allows
values close to the carrier up to 10 kHz. suitable even for highly demanding receivers to be tested not only with
With –115 dBc at 1 kHz from a 1- GHz measurements on FM stereo and virtually ideal signals but also with
carrier, SME can compete with the very VOR /ILS navigation receivers. A pulse interference signals as encountered in
best of today’s low-noise generators. generator supplies single and double practice [2].
Its favourable SSB phase-noise values pulses up to 10 MHz. It can be inter-
make SME ideal for substituting a local nally or externally triggered. The pulse
Ease of operation
oscillator, especially when it comes to delay can be selected between 40 ns
critical applications in digital trans- and 1 s. The signals generated by Despite the wealth of functions provided,
mission and radar systems. SMT, on the SME/SMT are available at separate operation of SME is extremely easy
other hand, shows its strength at more outputs for external applications so that thanks to a well thought-out operating
than 100 kHz from the carrier. With in some cases there is no need for an concept featuring a large LCD display
SSB phase noise of –150 dBc at 1 MHz external AF or pulse generator. and menu guidance. All parameters
from a 1- GHz carrier, SMT is suitable and conditions selectable for a specific
for blocking measurements even on Besides the analog modulation modes function are logically arranged in a
high-end receivers. named above, SME06 provides virtually single display. The user can be sure of
all types of digital modulation used in not overlooking any hidden criteria or
today’s mobile-radio networks: GMSK, options associated with a particular
GFSK, FSK, FFSK, 4FSK, QPSK, function.
SME and SMT feature versatile mod- O-QPSK and π /4-DQPSK, the data of
ulation modes for tests on communi- the QPSK-based modulation modes Another feature that greatly facilitates
cations, navigation, telemetry and degrading in the range above 3 GHz. operation is the patented, magnetically
broadcast receivers. The generators The bit rate, filters and frequency de- locking tuning knob. Although smooth-
are capable of simultaneous AM, FM viation can be selected over a wide running, it provides fine stepping which
(ϕM) and pulse modulation. For two- range, and a variety of combinations the user can clearly distinguish. As a
tone modulation, internal and external is possible. With 4FSK and QPSK, the result, the display of SME/SMT need
sources can be combined. The AM bit rate can be set in the ranges 1 to not be watched all the time, eg in step-
frequency range is DC to 100 kHz, 24.3 kbit/s and 27 to 48.6 kbit/s [1]. wise tuning. Tiresome turning from one
the FM range DC to 8 MHz (SMT) or
2 MHz (SME) with maximum deviation
of 40 MHz (SMT) and 4 MHz (SME).
A special control circuit ensures high
carrier-frequency accuracy in the FM
DC mode. DC coupling is possible also
with phase modulation. The ϕM band-
width is 2 MHz for SMT and 100 kHz
for SME. Another valuable feature is
the high-quality pulse modulation, fea-
turing a rise/fall time shorter than 10 ns
and an on/off ratio better than 80 dB.
Future-proof investment
It is difficult to say at present what new
applications lie ahead in radiocom-
munications. There are however two
reasons pointing to a strong increase in
the demand for test equipment for the
3-to-6-GHz range: first, the range up to
2.7 GHz is already densely occupied
FIG 3 so that higher frequencies will have
Level frequency to be used to an increasing extent.
response of SMT06 Second, the trend towards higher fre-
at 0 dBm output level
quencies is being speeded up through
new technologies allowing the use of
small, favourably priced components.
With its Signal Generators SME06 and
SMT06, Rohde & Schwarz takes ac-
display to another, eg when operating the step time in a list, the automatic test count of this trend already now, making
SME/SMT and another instrument at run can be started. sure that the right instrumentation is
the same time, is a thing of the past. ready and in place.
Remote control of SME/SMT is normal- Johann Klier
Operator convenience is further en- ly via the IEC/IEEE-bus interface. If no
hanced by a variety of useful features. IEC/IEEE-bus interface is available on
Every RF specialist is aware of the prob- the external PC, the RS-232-C interface
lem: the higher the operating frequency can be used instead. This is expedient, REFERENCES
in a test system, the more difficult it is to for example, if a long data sequence [1] Klier, J.: Extensions to Signal Generator
apply the RF signal to the EUT without has to be reprogrammed in SME and SME for testing new digital networks. News
from Rohde & Schwarz (1994) No. 146,
any losses or appreciable frequency SME should remain in the test system. In
pp 40 – 41
response occurring on the connecting such cases SME can be reprogrammed
[2] Klier, J.: Simulating vector errors with
lines. Here the user correction function on site via the RS-232-C interface with Signal Generator SME. News from Rohde &
is helpful: level correction values for up the aid of a laptop. Schwarz (1995) No. 148, pp 32 – 33
to 160 frequency points can be stored
in SME/SMT, the values between these
points being determined automatically
by interpolation (FIG 3). This allows the
Condensed data of Signal Generator SME06/SMT06
frequency response of external cables
Frequency range 5 kHz to 6 GHz
to be corrected and the level at the EUT
Setting time SME06/SMT06 <10 ms (< 500 µs in list mode) / <15 ms
to be kept constant. The user correction
Spurious (f < 1.5/3/6 GHz) < –80/– 74/–68 dBc
function is equally valuable in EMC SSB phase noise
measurements, where the frequency (f = 1 GHz, at 20 kHz from carrier)
response of amplifiers, antennas or SME06/SMT06 < –126 dBc/< –116 dBc
TEM cells connected after the signal Level range –144 to +13 dBm (overrange 16 dBm)
generator are to be compensated. This AM/FM/ϕM SME06 DC to 100 kHz/2 MHz/100 kHz
AM/FM/ϕM SMT06 DC to 100 kHz/8 MHz/2 MHz
does away with complicated, external
Digital modulation (SME only) GMSK, GFSK, FSK, FFSK, 4FSK, QPSK,
level controls or test routines.
O-QPSK and π /4-DQPSK
Pulse modulation
For frequently repeated measurement On/off ratio > 80 dB
series or sequences of different types Rise/fall time <10 ns
of single measurements, the memory Pulse generator single pulse, double pulse, external trigger
Pulse repetition period 100 ns to 85 s
sequence function affords convenience Pulse width 20 ns to 1 s
otherwise obtained only through pro- Pulse delay 40 ns to 1 s
cessor control. Up to 50 instrument set- Multifunction generator sinewave, triangular, squarewave, noise,
tings can be stored in nonvolatile mem- VOR/ILS modulation signals, stereo MPX signals