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Report 3

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Name: Mohammad Nawawra

Doctor Name: Nasim Qadi

Report 3
Plot Stress/Strain:
Middle(S with E) :

Middle(S with PE):

Shoulder(S with E):

Shoulder(S with PE):

Middle(S with E):
Middle(S with PE):

Shoulder: (S with E):

Shoulder(S with PE):

2-Compare Results(C3D8 with C3D8R):

(S with E) Middle in both cases:They are different
(S with PE) Middle:They are the same

(S with E) Shoulder:They are different

(S with PE) Shoulder: They have the same stress and stain in this case

Part P:
1- Hex-dominated Use primarily hexahedral elements, but allow some
triangular prisms (wedges) in transition regions.
2- In Abaqus/CAE, you can assign a default top-down meshing technique to
each meshable region of your model based on the geometry of the region
and the current element shape selection for that region. Abaqus/CAE uses
the mesh technique assigned to a region to generate a mesh for the region.
You can use the Mesh Controls dialog box to select an alternate meshing
technique. The following are some of the meshing techniques available in
Free meshing: The most flexible meshing technique. It uses no pre-
established mesh.
Structured meshing: This technique is limited to models with specific
topologies and geometries.
Swept meshing: This technique extrudes an internally generated mesh along a
sweep path or revolves it around an axis of revolution.
3- Abaqus/CAE offers two meshing schemes: the medial axis algorithm and the
advancing front algorithm. The advancing front algorithm generates
quadrilateral elements at the boundary of a region and continues inward,
following the seeding closely. It is suitable for quadrilateral-dominated and
hexahedral-dominated meshes. On the other hand, the medial axis
algorithm decomposes the region into simpler parts and fills each part using
structured meshing techniques. It is faster for simple regions with a large
number of elements. Advantages of the advancing front algorithm include
closer adherence to seeding and reduced mesh shear, while disadvantages
include potential skew in narrow regions. The medial axis algorithm is faster
for simple regions but exhibits significant mesh shear between adjacent
4- In Abaqus, the increment size refers to the size of load increments used to
solve nonlinear problems efficiently. You can suggest the size of the first
increment, and Abaqus/Standard will automatically adjust the increments
thereafter. If no initial increment size is provided, Abaqus/Standard will
attempt to apply all loads in the first increment, leading to CPU time
wastage in highly nonlinear problems. It is generally recommended to
provide a reasonable initial increment size. The subsequent time
increments are adjusted based on solution convergence. By default,
Abaqus/Standard has no upper limit on the increment size except for the
total step time, while the default minimum allowable time increment is
10^-5 times the total step time.
5- In Abaqus, the user can set the maximum number of increments for a step.
Abaqus restricts the number of increments in a step to the value specified
by the user. If the step exceeds this limit, the analysis terminates, and
diagnostic information is provided in the Job module and written to the
message file. By default, Abaqus/CAE sets the maximum number of
increments to 100.
6- Iteration in the context of Abaqus refers to the process of solving the
nonlinear equations that arise in finite element analysis. It involves
repeatedly applying a sequence of operations or steps to find a converged
solution for each load increment. Abaqus uses an iterative procedure to
solve the nonlinear equations, and the number of iterations required for
convergence can vary depending on the level of nonlinearity present in the

7-The Nlgeom setting in Abaqus determines whether geometric

nonlinearity is taken into account for a particular step. By default, Nlgeom is
enabled for Abaqus/Explicit steps, meaning that geometric nonlinearity is
considered. However, for Abaqus/Standard steps, Nlgeom is disabled by
default, indicating that geometric nonlinearity is not considered unless
explicitly specified.
In Abaqus, linear analysis is a simplified approximation that is commonly
used for design purposes but may not capture the behavior of complex
structural simulations. Nonlinear structural problems arise when the
stiffness of a structure changes as it deforms, which is a characteristic
exhibited by all physical structures. In contrast to linear analysis, nonlinear
analysis requires a different approach, as the solution cannot be obtained
by solving a single system of linear equations. Instead, the loading is
defined as a function of time, and the solution is obtained by incrementing
time to capture the nonlinear response. Nonlinear analysis is necessary for
simulations involving manufacturing processes like forging or stamping,
crash analyses, and the analysis of rubber components such as tires or
engine mounts.

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